CodeMonkey On Another Power Trip

I realize it's not Holla Forums related, but I wanted to give y'all a heads up about what's happening on /n/ right now.

The current problem post >>>/n/465898

Taken from >>>/n/466510

Porchmonkey Tries To Tame The /n/ Beast!

>After a failed attempt to put hot pockets into the shitposting beast known as /n/ (See: Porchmonkey had told /n/ users that he was creating his own board after crying like a bitch that no one would listen to his reddit-tier faggotry

>After making a second sticky on the board and receiving massive backlash from the /n/ community, claiming he "wasn't replacing them," Porchmonkey proceeded to do just that not even 24 hours later by replacing /n/ headlines on the front page with his shitty board that doesn't allow links (See:


Other urls found in this thread:

I literally only care about video games.
There is nothing else is life that matters to me at all.

Then why are you posting on an imageboard?

This shit affects everyone when the site's administration is incompetent.


Sure, where da video games?
But what's the problem? He made a new board, shilled it on /n/ and the new board is shit.
It's not like he's going to be removing /n/ or anything.

And here I thought CodeMonkey might have brought a level head to the Holla Forums Administration.

However the majority have proven time and time again that they don't care until it affects them personally as says. Unless it directly affects his ability to shitpost about videogames then he doesn't care.

At least care a tiny bit about the site you shitpost on

Do you care about the toilet paper that wipes your ass, user?

Inb4 mark deletes this

He's been deleting a few good threads lately, and it's pissed me off

The problem is /n/ was featured on the front page. He said he wasn't replacing anything, then replaced /n/ headlines with /newsplus/ headlines which is hotpocket faggotry on the front page.

Yes motherfucker, I bet you're a single ply pleb

holy shit I'm tripping on nostalgia right now.

Holla Forums's been dead since early 2015, it's just been a process of watching the corpse decay while waiting for a viable alternative to rise up and replace it.

I don't understand, but I guess I don't have to.

Give codemonkey a snockers maybe that will calm him down.

If that's what you really think, why not leave?

I'm serious. This isn't some 'lol get out' post, I'm really curious why you're still here if you think the site is dead.

Well in fairness, it is breaking the rules.
Also he may not be directly deleting threads, somebody might be shitposting too much so he wipes their post history, meaning a thread they made goes with them.

Oh, so you're talking about that "Latest headlines" thing that nobody fucking reads?
/n/'s still there, it's a minor change that I don't think most people would have even noticed unless it was brought up. It's not liked he removed /n/ from the boards page or just deleted the board.


But I don't post on /n/.

I don't want to bitch too much, but I want to point out the irony.
Many anons bitch about the kinds of people who make videogames and either refuse to buy or play them for the sake of their integrity.
Yet they don't give a flying shit about the character of those running their site because

Not saying Holla Forums is one person but these contradictory behaviors seem to be the majority.

did you miss the

part of my post?

I followed copypaste here from wizardchan, if I leave here it's going back to that cesspool.

Fuck, forgot to mention in the OP that he banned links.

It's only a matter of time before it creeps onto the rest of the site.

Why are you

using reddit formatting?

It's really out of place

and very stupid.

Here's his /newsplus/ post he stickied to /n/ by the way.

Is there any particular reason as to why?

You might as well go back to halfchan then.

How long until archiving links is a bannable offense on 8ch as a whole?

He won't say, but a single user in the entire thread defended him here, we're pretty sure it was him: >>>/n/465983

So essentially, you're upset that he replaced where the frontpage news stories come from?
Nigger, just use /n/'s catalog instead.

I've been formatting my posts this way since before reddit ever existed, I find it easier to read you paranoid schizophrenic.

do we even have a alternative place to go? or we just drown on the cesspool until it finally ends?

I know the idea of reporters only board is shit, but I just don't really care. They don't post enough about robots.
I don't use the front page unless it's to find a new board that I'll probably never use. It's nice to see you are concerned, but I just don't really care much about that board.

Actually, what I really want to ask is why are you so familiar with what "reddit" formatting is? I've been accused of doing it multiple times in the past and I still have no fucking clue what people mean by this.

How often do you have to post on reddit to notice a general trend in user formating?

I've been JavaScript blocking the front page """"news"""" thing for a while now. When I want to be accosted by 30 fake stories over India poo memes I'll start caring, but for now fuck off this isn't vidya

He's talking about double spacing, I think.
Apparently that's how you have to post on leddit or else the formatting gets fucked up.

Half the fun on /n/ was that is was anons posting stories

I can see it happening. How soon before this place is rife with clickbait.


Well it looks like the only logical conclusion would be to shit up his new board perpetually until he bends over and accepts it.

I just wish he'd make an actual 4chan clone already with no cuck shit.

He also needs to unfuck the front page like using it to list the most popular threads across uncucked boards or something. As it is now currently the moment people see the door they turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away.

But /n/ is still fucking there and is far more popular that the new board.
Just don't fucking use CM's shitty circlejerk board.

Don't even do that, it would just boost the PPH and active users to make it look more successful that it actually is.

It just happened today a few hours ago.

Can't even begin to express how little I care.

The "Latest Headlines" area all leads to the /newsplus/. This is the main issue. If it wasn't there then no one would care.

/n/ has been nothing but a "news"-flavored Holla Forums for well over a year at least starting with the I/n/dia forced meme spam, replacing that cancer with hotpocket cancer is no net change in cancerousness, who gives a shit.

What a fucking failure.

That was the point. There were no rules other than the global rules.

The entire point was that the only non-global rule was to not duplicate spam.


And that worked up until the same few autists decided to force the DESIGNATED and crab maymays for a million years, sliding everything else off the catalog. The board used to have a lot more UIDs before that.

Also, you don't see any issue with the headlines only being from people that CodeMonkey has pre-vetted by having them suck his dick over IRC/Email?

If you get your news from the front page of 8ch then you are retarded.

I wonder if that'll include making an archive of a thread and posting it in the next one if it's a general.

What's the point of this? To make Holla Forums seem more respectable? It's the most hated website on the planet at this point(that's not hyperbole, normalfag think we're worse than websites dedicated to child gore videos, provided they even know about the site in first place.) That will never happen.

Also, I hate the habit he and Jim have about not keeping a clear channel of communication open with the users here. I guess that's the way they do it on 2ch, but Holla Forums is an entirely different beast. Say what you will about Mark, but at least he's pretty good about keeping us informed about changes to the board and taking feedback.


Seems we're being raided. Who gives a fuck about /n/? No one really gets all their fucking news from here, right?


It's literally impossible for any sort of chan administration to be retarded enough to think this is a good idea. Ergo, this chance to how the news on Holla Forums works MUST have been pushed by an outside individual/group.

Who would have this motive to make /newsdoubleplusgood/ a thing? Someone completely retarded who wants to control/manipulate Holla Forums.

The most likely candidate for paying off/threatening Holla Forums administration to do this I think would be some establishment republican party faggot like Rick Wilson, to try to make 8/pol/ more kosher?

That would definitely be some serious faggotry. I would definitely consider moving if that is the case. You should see the thread on /n/ the codemonkey is basically defending giving clickbait news sights views therefore money. We should definitely voice our opposition to this. When Holla Forums and Holla Forums agree you are doing something retarded it's time to take a step back

The worst part was when some faggot got a bot to post news articles all day with the exact same format and no archived links. The joke articles are fine, even when that front page news headlines thing is completely shat on by india's poo stories, but normalfag garbage just does not belong.


Consider yourself shortsighted. Like the people who think Steam is great, and then began to reconsider when the client got buggier. But hey, if that's the only thing you care about, you could also go to NeoGAF or Reddit's video game section.

Okay, can we stop freaking out now?

Anything that fucks with intl is fine with me

/n/ is full of intl shitters.

sage for homosexual negro spammers.

It's archive links in the OP that aren't kosher.

You didn't post as the OP. This site is being used to spread clickbait now.

What this user said, you have to post the original article in the OP. You can then post an archive later in the thread, it's bullshit and we all know it

This is what happens when you take a name.

Having joke articles is one thing, and it's not like getting raided by one particular FOTM meme from time to time was anything remotely new for the board, but the problem is is that autists such as the India spammer would literally never ever stop. When the periodic raids turned into permanent affairs like that, that's when the board quality took a nosedive and people started leaving.

That's one of the fucking reasons why we left 4chan, to avoid clickbait.

This has to be some kind of fucking joke. He even says no archived posts and only reporters, making it a safespace for media. He cant be fucking serious.

Cry more. It tastes delicious

I bumplocked it, and I won't delete it.

This is the dumbest thing you could possibly name a board on Holla Forums. Especially when we're mostly aware of how this shit goes.

/n/ was originally called /news+/. Your newfaggotry is showing.

Code should have removed /n/ from the Latest Headlines area. Hell, throw the whole thing out and leave it only for board announcements. I think everyone can agree with that and it was fair.

Yeah. I remember when Cracked went on a clickbait posting spree. That was the final showdown. I remember writing a fucking 3 page long sourced e-mail to moot. That was the first and last time I e-mailed him.

I don't fucking get this unless a bunch of journalists approached him behind the scenes.

/n/ was created specifically to spite Holla Forums. Holla Forums made it their own anyway, and over time /n/ became something hilarious because virtually every news story posted was one group trying to piss off another with different kinds of propaganda. Were it not for /n/ I'd never have come to associate India with public shitting. The whole board came across as what you'd get if MSNBC and Fox News for some reason had to share studios and broadcast their news at the same time. "BREAKING NEWS: You're a fag!" "THIS JUST IN: Lick my shit!"

Creating a splinter board to a splinter board is antithetical to anonymous imageboards and the sort of thing wizardchan would do.

I'm hoping there's a reason for this, either journalists approaching the site or some monetary reason.

from what I understand, Ron and Jim want to do something similar to 2channels board to create new traffic. I personally believe it won't do so well, but only time will tell.

No one cared that he made his own shitposting news board.

Some people care that he shilled it with a sticky on a board that's not supposed to have stickies, told everyone he wasn't replacing /n/, and then proceeded to try and replace /n/ on the front page.

Replace "journalists" with "irc dicksuckers" and that's exactly it

The thing though, is if journalists DID approach the site, that's something to be VERY concerned about. Sure, the board is fucking doomed, but having a compromised and infiltrated administration is VERY BAD news for an imageboard. Just look at what happened to 4chan.

also when I asked Jim about the archive rule, he claimed that normalfags hate and that it hurts the newspaper. I disagree with him, and I think the board will fail, but whatever.

I'll talk to Jim about it, but I'm pretty sure that it's just to mirror that 2ch board.

It's nice to know irc will always be cancer to imageboards, just like 4chan.

If this is what's really happening then I'm concerned too. Typically I don't pay much attention to /n/ since its flood of India and crab threads. Ever since Hotwheels has been demoted from admin, it's all gone to shit. It was fine when it was just Jim providing the domain name, w/e.

This user gets it, this is really bad news
see what I did there, but no seriously this is bad

Fuck man, I laugh at faggots who take their precious 8ch hugebox so seriously. Cant wait till this place gets shut down to pure mismanagement.

You are all drones with no original thought. Get fucked.

stop fucking panicking and try contacting Jim about it. Explain to him that you think that it's a bad idea, and have a conversation with him. Do you guys know his twitter? He's on it fairly often.

I give him feedback and shit all of the time. It's why we readded twitch and got the [pop] feature.

This. It is very bad since there has been no communication on the issue too since it affects the front page, it affects the whole website.

I don't give a fuck if it was before. It was changed to /n/ and this new board being renamed news+ and set up as a safe space for journalists is a dangerous precedent for the site. Especially after he switched /n/s headers to newsplus.

God forbid I know what the fuck I'm about to click.

A bigger question, what will we do when that happens?

Seeing as how you have a brief description with the link then yes, you know what you are going to post. You are running out of excuses.

The worst thing that happens is you go to and see dolphin porn which has never happened to me. In case you don't know how it works you type in a URL and the sight will go and grab it for archiving. It's perfect for what we need, and there are other choices as well faggot

Yeah fuck that place. I'd rather have /n/'s poo/crab spam. At least the place can be funny to read at times. /newsplus/ is what would happen if only mods can post on Holla Forums and have the mod team consist of Rugga, Kronie, and Manlettears.

An nntpchan that isn't shit is looking better and better every day. I don't like saying that.

I thought that was him. Either way is reason enough to avoid like plague.

Why does that name ring a bell?

Rach is also a mod buttbuddy in Holla Forums
He never gets banned but if you dissent from shitposters spamming dubs and explaining why the board has gone to shit, you get a 10-days ban

If it's a solution to end all future problems with administration, I don't see why you would.

'k, more power to you then.

on second thought, archives not being on the OP of the thread seems like an extremely shitty idea.

How much are you being payed?

Why dont you attack the issue instead of me huh? You dont think its an issue the administrator is making a safespace for journalists after the past two years have shown theyre largely corrupt as fuck and he even took the headers for /n/ for his new pet board.

Tell him to get Codemonkey to fuck off on my behalf. I don't use social media.

Oh wait, he's also banning, which prevents anons from posting links that have been deleted or censored as well as giving clickbait sites guaranteed revenue. why dont you address the issues? And not attack the one commenting on them?

mods being able to make threads seems like a shitty thing to do, fuck that. if he wants to do that then it would be better to not put the headlines on the Holla Forums frontpage

Apologies for starting an off-topic thread on your board by the way, Mark.

Seems I do that a lot these days.

He gets banned but uses proxies. The mods are notoriously lazy and never move to do anything to ban him right away.

Journalists still fucking hate this site, by the way. They think we're all a bunch of woman-hating racists and trolls. Forcing whoever it is that has enough good goy points to provide them traffic is really shady considering the hate we get from the media.

Fuck off shill

That won't stop them from using some nitwit like Rach as a paid middleman to post shit for pennies. Hell I'd do it and I hate this shit Codemonkey is pulling.

Eh, moot used to do it to shitpost. Im more worried about the fact that he is making a safespace board for the corrupt fucks that have been villifying the site forever now and banning

Not like it matters, the thread is bumplocked and about halfway down the catalog now. Guess mark supports this new safespace for the journalists.

Thats what worries me even more. Why try to pander to journalists when the vast majority hate us? Its a disturbing direction to take the site.

Of course the kike does, he probably thinks he can get a reporter position and take shekels from his Destructoid buddies to shill on /newsplus/.

Meta threads "should" be on /metav/, /operate/, /sudo/, or whatever board is being used this week, but when the boards barely get checked, there's no reason to bother posting there.

>I disagree with him, and I think the board will fail, but whatever.

Big shit that happens to the board and this is big, have been stickied on Holla Forums while not being Holla Forums oriented.

Judge people by their actions, not their words.

I still think it's a shitty idea to immediately bumplock the thread. What happened to the meta Mondays?

The kike is very sensitive. He can't handle people yelling at him Why do you think shit like 4am still gets to stay despite being absolute cancer with no connection to vidya?

Same thing that happened to the console-tan threads. And the hunger games threads.

He specifically set up a rule that no mod can touch the threads if they aren't dumping porn, so don't expect it to go away any time soon.

I'm thinking he's too afraid of being shit on to do it.

But the hungergames threads are back now, or are you talking originally?

If we are talking about Mark he is highly sensitive to criticism.


The kike got offended too much by shitposters. Just like Frederick and CM.

People stopped doing the console-tan threads because the ones that made the thread lost interest in doing it, and nobody picked up the slack. I heard the Hunger Game threads stopped being made because they were rigged for a while, but they picked back up recently. Mark is afraid of being wrong, so he'll shut down any criticism. Too bad he'll never be replaced because he's friends with Jim and HW.

He should get used to angry anons, its not like half the autists on the site are ever going to stop being autists.

Are they? I havent seen them or at least the originals we used to have.

I know. He set it up like that because the avatarfags performed a spergout of biblical proportions and Marku caved instantly. He can't handle anons hurting his feelings and upsetting his delicate nerves. The fact that a non vidya thread filled with /r9k/ tier avatarfags has carte blanche immunity from moderation solely due to yelling really loud at him is shameful.

Yah, they didn't happen last weekend but they have been on fridays through sundays. I guess this is why we have had so few people, the thread is usually deleted when we are done though so as not to clog the board

I thought him and HW had a falling out, and HW is dead? IIRC didnt they stop talking a bit after that party livestream shit they did before he went to the phillipines?

I always figured he was just one of the avatarfags.

I still don't understand why porn dumping is banned, but POST YOUR FACE WHEN is fine when it normally generates more off topic spam then porn dumps normally do. Not like it matters anyway, board gone to shit and he hasn't been helping.

Why delete it afterwords?

Because the mods used to get uppity about the HG threads so we do it to not offend there sensitivities when they are on their periods

HW is alive, but he's doing nothing but making Windows fonts and dicking around in Blender. Last I heard they were friends, but that was ages ago. I wouldn't be shocked if he was.

Why would he when he can just ban them?

Don't forget that the people defending the avatarfags were only the avatarfags and everyone else was saying they should be banned. Sorry.

It's just a smiled upon way to kill a thread.

Why did you have to inspire that cancer, shower shitter?

Yeah just like Osama Bin Laden he will die and for years no one will know then Obama will reveal that he killed him but has no pictures of the body.

I wasn't even the first to avatarfag.

He'll be fineā„¢

Hm, didnt know that. Not sure why they would, considering the majority of threads nowadays are template threads or e-celeb shit anyway.

>I wouldnt be shocked if he was
You and me both. I remember jims video was very reminiscent of that 80s movie with the dead dude in shades.
Then they just ban evade and it becomes a game of whackamole. Like that army guy he was banning constantly for around half a day a while back.

But you were the only funny and charismatic one. No one else in that thread could inspire a dog to lick it's own balls but you managed it with actually not being a completely depressing waste of human skin. If only you had used your shitposting powers for good and not cancer.

It's too late for that now.

Guys Fuck Mark

Let's go back to endchan.cuz, no reason to keep using this board. It's over

Impossible. Theres a reason why Kek is a dark god.

At least drive that K-On! faggot out then. He is the most unbelievably boring white noise shitter I ever had the displeasure of filtering. 4am would improve by at least 50% if that faggot finally fucked off.

I wonder how long it will take normal fags to pick this up.


Not really taking your suggestion, but are there any good choices out there or is it basically which is less shit?

The same could be said of Jurifag from the waifu thread

So I think we should either go to 4Chan or Endchan. Who's with me?

Worshiping a frog god via memes and repeating integers is too out there for normalfags to grasp. It's like baneposting, they lack the autism to make the jokes actually funny.

We love you KEK!

Too bad he only started doing it because I did.


No Mark the Cuckmann

That's reason enough, maybe we should go back to 4chan.

No matter how abstract it is it will always be taken from you.
You can't fight entropy.

I almost think all the board drama is specifically to drive people away and dwindle the member numbers before it can be fixed.


4chan has no (((Mark))), Cripplekike porchmonkey or Cumskin Jim. I think we should go back



Nothing to see here, what are you faggots revolting about when shit like this happens all the time? Lmao.

Kek will find his way to everyones heart eventually.

Go away drybones.

Only a matter of time before gondola and Kek reach them like pepe and wojack did.

Mark is a godsend to the mods on 4chan. Don't forget there's scripts that prevents you from uploading images to 4chan.

Going to 4chan is the worst idea, why did you think so many left?

Shut the fuck up you cumskin cuck. We need to go back to 4chan and become one Holla Forums again.





I'll miss you, user!

Mark may be a faggot, but we wont miss you.

Whatever you say, limp-dick, mentally weak cuckold. Your vain attempts at shitposting just fail tremendously when i see one of your posts.

Bye, Felicia

Yea I feel free to go to 4chaim

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, faggot.


Looks like Holla Forums came to shitpost ITT.

When you livestream your suicide lemme know ok?

Aren't Holla Forums white? I thought the whole point was they were goons, so uppermiddleclass whiteboys?

Self-hating whites

They're wiggers, they have the knowledge of an average IB visitor but have the attitude of niggers. Simple yet accurate description.

wiggers are whites that pretend to be black like malibu most wanted.
They don't want to be black they want to have black friends and be the one "okay" white guy who all their black friends like.

Which ends up them just being the niggers car bitch or something of that nature.

There are a lot of 3rd world hues and such in that crew too. Look up Oyyman, perfect example of the average warosu Holla Forumsfag. Explains a lot about their cancerous ways and shit tier "OC" as well.

Like said, seems theyd be more the idiot sjw types instead of a wigger. Ive got a few cousins that are wiggers and being on imageboards dont seem their thing.

Arent Holla Forums dead anyway?

Those guys when to another chan.

*Holla Forums guys

So long as theyre off our asshairs im happy.


well, rip

Holla Forums doesn't have Cripplekike either.

Let me rephrase your post (assuming your not just an underpaid shill)

Nigga, do what you want. You can go to 711chan, or 420chan for all we care. Who gives a shit? Look at your name. "Anonymous". We don't give a shit, and neither should you.

tl,dr: this ain't Reddit, faggot

What about porn?