BOYCOTT /newsplus/ JOIN ME Holla Forums COMRADES



THIS IS A FUCKING TRAP! this is exactly a mirror image or a shadow of mainstream media! they want real and normal people to have NO FUCKING SAY in what gets posted and anyone who "spams" gets banned for having dissenting views! BOYCOTT /newsplus/

THE ONLY NEWS WE WANT IS FREE NEWS. if the average user can not post whatever news they deem to be relevant we have LOST.

ask yourselves how in the world /newsplus/ took off so fast? how has /newsplus/ been flooded with new thread and grabbed such a high places on the board index already? they want complete control over our news source here on Holla Forums so that /n/ will be forgotten, and then we will have NO freedom.

Meanwhile on /n/ the "free" news board!

I think /n/ proves a bunch of mentally ill retards cannot be trusted to handle a news board

The new news board will be bias shit but you only have yourselves to blame

You dug your grave, now lie in it you shitposting pieces of shit


I keep seeing this "there are other boards on Holla Forums and people visit them" meme, but it's completely absurd.
Holla Forums is the only internet that needs to exist.

To help you shitpost no thanks

You are the reason Holla Forums is shit.

does anyone else notice how shills love saging threads?

They do it for free.

Whats wrong?

Are you angry they won't let you post more Crab and India war-on-defecation related news?

you should have seen this coming

Now theres poo all over your claws

Why would you have to call a boycott for such an absurd and obviously jewish board?

you shills are the ones spamming india and crabs constantly to discredit the fucking board

I don't care about politics or the news.

this was never supposed to happen. since the beginning users were supposed to create their own boards and make their own rules, as long as they didn't do anything illegal.

this is an Holla Forums coup

this is just like systemd to linux

be prepared to jump ship if this community manager cancer spreads to the rest of Holla Forums. this is why we have seem a massive uptick in shills, because they hate Holla Forums. these are the same people who destroyed 4chan. and so Holla Forums was made. now they want to destroy Holla Forums. they wont stop, so we must not stop. do not give up any ground


you don't need to be more than an idiot to know this is very bad

video games are my favorite video games

what a wonderful fucking post

The only shitty thing is that for some bizarre reason Codemonkey doesn't want archives to the articles on the OP.
Otherwise I don't think anything of value was lost.

What's in it for us?

try reading the OP again to allow it to sink in

Nigger Holla Forums is the only board I visit at all.

OP, let me think about this.

There's /n/. And then there's /newsplus/
One is "bad". The other is "good".

Why not let the free market handle it?
If /newsplus/ is just shill grounds, won't people just flock to /n/? Because they want the superior quality and expert post craftsmanship that /n/ is known for?

Why would anyone visit /newsplus/ at all?
Other than the fact that they might want a board that has less shitpost than normal, that is.

You're talking as if anyone in this site got their news from /n/. The board is nothing more than a shitposting playground. Take it easy.

There's already a thread on this. I don't like how codemonkey made the new board exclusive to the front page, but /n/ really is just shitposters of some flavor or other

Copypasting my post from the other thread:

Yeah fuck that place. I'd rather have /n/'s poo/crab spam. At least the place can be funny to read at times. /newsplus/ is what would happen if only mods can post on Holla Forums and have the mod team consist of Rugga, Kronie, and Manlettears.

tl;dr Don't need to tell me twice. Keep spreadin the word

Who the fuck are Rachposter and Learningcode?

What a shitty board.
does this mean that one day we might see a Holla Forums where only board volunteers can post?
God I hope not


we are the resistance.

never give up

nigga, you hillarious as fuck.
You're taking one shitposting cesspile too serious.

See it like this: /n/ and /newsplus/ serve two diferent purposes.
One's for shitposting. One's for actual news.
Are the news gonna be biased? Sure will. Reading /newsplus/ ain't gonna be diferent than reading any mainstream channel now.

But the only people who give much of a shit about it, are the shitposters on /n/ afraid of losing shitposting users on their shitposting board when they have an alternative.

Like others said before, /n/ brought this on themselves. Pick: either shitposting, or actual news. Don't force your shitposting on people who don't want it.

fuck off shill

new goal

can someone please make a new /n/ or news related board? lets stop using both /n/ and /newsplus/ and make our own board

Nigga, I'm trying to talk to you. I'm not even insulting you or anything. But you pahjeet posters kinda lose a lot of support from other posters because of shit like this.
I never used Holla Forums for the same reason I don't visit Holla Forums or Holla Forums while were at it: the main topic is non-existant, and the place is flooded with shit.
I've had more luck finding politics and actual news in the smaller boards than actual Holla Forums and /news/.
And people like you, who don't talk or can't communicate are to blame.
Everytime someone tries to engage in conversation with you, your response is "FUCK YOU, YOU SHILL".
Same shit goes for half of Holla Forums, but at least here it's only half. Both Holla Forums and /n/ already reached 90% shitposting a long time ago.

reposting image from other thread.

what is librechan like? it any good at all?

posting pic from other thread

showing chronological events.

Fuck off gook.
