Bad Rats: The Sequel

It's out, lads.
Thank you for funding quality video games.



xd such a funny meme game this is a must buy for the EPIC MEME factor alone!!!!!!


What was your favorite part about Bad Rats? Where could they improve?

I LOVE ironically playing bad games!

At least it isn't Borderlands.

The game costs less than a dollar. What are you so torn up about?

It's like shaq fu. So bad it's funny, but then a kickstarter got funded for it (in this case it was meme sales) and a sequel came out ruining the meme and rewarding shit devs for their incompetence.

What kind of fucking moron makes these games

This is what happens when you make a meme out of buying things

so dont buy it

No one is asking to ban it, trying to bully the CEOs into changing it, and having a media slander campaign like feminists. We're just voicing our opinions.

Where did I here about this before?


Did you follow the comment chain? The problem is that people are buying it for shitty meme reasons.

and thats always going to be funny

how about the squeakuel

I'd say there's a distinct difference between ruining a joke like this and ruining a joke like Shaq Fu, and that difference is crowdfunding. This sequel was funded entirely by the studio, and I prefer that.

a lot of people actually bought the game with steam wallet money because you can actually profit from the cards the game give you.

you can get almost two times the cost of the game from selling it's cards if you buy it for $0.16 when it goes on sale.
