Alt Right Rally : DC 6/25

Lincoln Memorial 6/25 12pm

-Richard Spencer
-Nathan Damigo
-Augustus Invictus
-Jason Kessler
-Irma Hinojosa
-Baked Alaska
-James Allsup
-Connor Groce
-Justin Smith

Other urls found in this thread:,-introduces-“stop-arming-terrorists-act”


If only we care

-Jason Kessler
Is this the gay guy?

The fact that they still prefer to call themselves the "alt right" rather than claim the mantle of "Right" says everything you need to know about these faggots.

Wee a alt light rally. If you were the natsoc's the only reason to be protesting in D.C is a death wish for yourselves or while safely excersing your second amendment with private armaments.
Suffice it to say gtfo and op is a faggot. Also inb4 false flag at event.

I want The Day of the Rope to come soon just so these faggots don't have an excuse to parade around anymore

Look at all the names up there that support kosher shit like CIAnigger Spencer. We're not going to be hijacked like the fucking tea party by neocons. They want to prove themselves? Go and kill some antifa.

OP can you post a link to their patreons? You guys need to donate, or you're antifa!


Absolutely this. For decades they've called the right the same shit they call the "alt-right" now it's a useless kosher label. You're Right or nothing.

They can have our shekels, right after they murder 600 antifa.

These fools are ALL controlled op like alex jones.

"Irma Hinjosa", odd name so I had to look it up.
Absolutely civic.


How come TRS and self-described alt-rightists say they care about optics and presenting themselves as a good alternative to "redgill XD" people yet they run borderline circus freak show gatherings with gays, Mexicans and Jews?

That's the problem. PRcucking never works, we saw that with GG. The problem is these idiots never read alinsky's rules for radicals the leftards used for decades. If any go there, give Spencer a copy of the book and punch him once while sieg heiling. Wake him the fuck up but doubt can knowing his kosher connections and mentor.

How the last 2 years of non-stop shilling for ZOG has looked to any genuinely red-pilled user looking on

That's a lot of faggots.

Because they're literal nobody posers who try to latch onto a movement that's bigger than the "Alt-Right" so that they can promote themselves.

So many fucking literally whos it's incredible. Like am I really supposed to know more than one of these people?


Brace for noisy and very ugly picketing by the most rabid attack dogs of the string-pulling Jew.

How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe that Lucian moron?

How retarded would an user have to be to maintain the illusion that the Aut-Kike is anything other than a method to control and curtail the ever growing resentment and resistance to ionternational jewry, now the resistance simply cheers on jews by allying with isreal in a movement entirely controlled by freemasons, queers and kikes.

I can't believe this

The speakers aren't that bad.

Like it or not, latinos will be considered white in 20 years, just like it happened with Italians and Irish.

these people do nothing but attention whore, doesn't matter where or why, they seem to be able to show up. money certainly isn't an issue. they will not stop until they are used up or thrown away like milo, or we stop them. and then more are always ready to step up.

I can't even laugh anymore.

Hey Kyle Chapman, what are huffing these days?

*you huffing.

All those civnat memes on one bus. I wonder if they were put together by some talent agency. Each one seems to appeal to some small niche, and collectively they can shape the collective message. Which to the right is: "multiracial America is the future, let's just get along with each other and embrace capitalism!".

*collective message -> general message.
For fucks sake, I've been huffing stickman's scotchgard today.

Why don't real men just co-opt their controlled op rallies?

Because real men are spending the day with their families, and don't even know that events like this even exist. Also, it's in Washington D.C., and there's not exactly a preponderance of "real white men" in the area.

Is based tittycow emily youcis there?

its a good social gathering for young men and women, I dont see why everyone has to counter signal so heavily

How should they distinguish themselves from the Kosher right?

Let's say we did despite
- Media spins it as support for dicky and everyone feels cheated and doesn't try again, or new 'leadership' is lined up to take over. We will always be outnumbered by normies who will try to put a damper on us, our only hope for public demonstrations if there is any, is to put on our own.

if you like cock
fuck off altkike

Don't you know? We're not altright in any way. We're leet haxor Nazis. The only ones left in the world. Everyone else are faggots, controlled opp, or Jews. obviously. But we're winning, because everyone's turning Nazi now

Good night alt-kike

Don’t care. We’re not the alt-right.

how do you expect people to be convinced when you are trying to alienate the ones closest to you?

i have yet to see anyone bring up anything constructive than..


He's at an "Alt-Right" rally, of course he is.

We have id's you newfag

is this how every fucking conversation goes, if Im not shitting on a previous comment im not actually saying anything useful,

"oh I couldnt possibly agree with anyone, better call them an alt-kike"

you cant use the term alt-right, my term for you is alt-kike and its objectively better

you wont ever do anything I approve of, ill stay here anonymously, that person has people listen to him in real life and has convinced people of some of the issues/concerns I care about, oh but he is alt-kike everything he says is bullshit now no matter what

Just do what I did. Ignore Holla Forums this one instance and join an organization near you. I did, and I don't regret it one damn bit and I've had the opportunity to meet most of these people.

Spencer hates Trump now though and worships his shitskin goddess Tusli Gabbard. If anything he needs his ass kicked for being a sellout

duly noted that was a stupid post he is legitimately an enthusing unfunny person

done and done

you can't tell with the alt-kike praise
no one believes you
reported btw

Spencer praised Rep. Gabbard for her criticism of Trump's bombing of the Syrian army. I thought we were on board with that?
Now that Ron Paul's gone, Gabbard has been the most consistently pro-peace representative in the House. Check out this bill she recently sponsored, along with Republican Thomas Massie:,-introduces-“stop-arming-terrorists-act”
Support for ISIS/al-Nusra being what it is though, it only got 13 votes.
The Donald deserves our backing on immigration, judges, law enforcement, etc. But that doesn't mean we should mute our opposition to Zionist wars.

Hopefully Spencer get's a shot in the head.

I'm pretty sure you're replying to that autist who always goes on and on about the "MAGA Movement", and thinks Dicky Spencer (who nobody listen to) is the only reason anybody was upset of Trump bombing Syria for the jews.

Trump's a kike puppet newfaggot

Bernie Sanders supports Gabbard's criticism, does that make him any less of a communist kike? No, Spencer is a fucking faggot and none of this is making up for it. He needs to get cut up in pieces and thrown into the nearest river.

Oh look this faggot is back, and is still refusing to lurk moar

she's here:

Please don't, the water supply did nothing to deserve that. Do you want to make the frogs even gayer?

Whoops this was meant for

You got me. I must be a newfag, how else could I have missed all those threads where everybody hung on Dicky Spencer's every word and arranged meetups so they could take implicit stands of White identity with one another.

this isn't trs

No it is because you use (_) in place of spoilers, and you are the only user who does this. You stick out and need to lurk


Not that new, been here since before Trump. "Kike puppet", sure to an extent I think he just doesn't realize how much he's being strung along but evidently that's not the consensus since there are weekly stickied threads celebrating his positive actions.
Overall probably a good thing this thread's anchored; nothing positive ever comes from a thread about the Alt You Know What. Will be fun to see how the (completely ignored in the thread) actual 6/25 DC rally goes.

I used to like spacing my paragraphs

like this,

but then I found out it was something called "Reddit spacing"

(I've never posted on Reddit),

so I stopped to avoid drawing criticism like those who did use double spacing.

Posting here can have all the peer pressure of middle school again. Sigh.

why do all you sound like cuckchan stop your bitching like little girls
and go and take over these protests outer then that stop bitching like some anonymoose faggot
that fap and dox asian porn.

that's all you faggots from cuckshan and 8cucks do all day is bitch bitch bitch bitch..

you all are no better then them faggot anonymous faggots the only difference is you don't have a faggot mask on.

bitching like little fucking girls im sick of seeing that shit.

fucking faggots

how is something control opposition when none of you are apart of the alt-right anything pro-white is
control opposition to you niggers.

when any of you join any group then talk to me
other then that shut the fuck up and stay home and fight the battle on the internet.

it looks like i hurt your feels