how can anyone see this as fun
Main character dies=game over
you're retarded aren't you?
That's Left 4 Dead 2 singleplayer for you.
Would you want to keep playing as the rest of the party?
KoTOR 1/2 did this, so did dragon age: origins. Hell even other RPG's, I do agree with OP though
The only time I found it really unacceptable was FFXIII, where it looked like the MC was attacked because they were too stupid to take two steps away from a towering behemoth and got caught in a swinging arc attack. That bullshit made me lose it, and there was no excuse for why this happened.
At least P4 had an excuse.
gitgud fagtard
What was the excuse?
Is that a thing that happens?
I don't know, because the main character is overpowered and I never let him die before everyone else because I don't suck.
You failed the test(by falling in combat), Adachi played every one like damned fiddles, mankind gets turned into shadows.
Not him, but gameplay wise, there's no bs hitboxing like in FFXIII. The enemies either attack the party at once, or just one. It makes it easier to ensure the MC can live. Unlike in XIII, where the positions of characters fuck things up.
Are the bars in that nigger's face some sort of loss edit?
You messed up my picture, faggot.
That was Holla Forums, cunt.
You broke this nigga's thumbnail, you monster
I said "letting", as in, you could do it flawlessly, but you allow yourself to take a beating, because you know you're good enough to win that way anyway.
Depends on the story OP if the story is about a bunch of unknown dudes on a quest who you only know by name and what they do, is it okay because everyone is replacable but the goal of the story doesn't change.
In a character driven RPG story especially with a main character is that not so easy because the writers don't want to experiment and just stick with the basic stuff just to grab some money because a story where people die and others take over the main characters role are too complex and hard to write for them.
But there is an easy solution for that by simply saying your main character can be replaced.
For example your PC died and the party needs someone to replace you and go to a tavern, guild etc. and hire a dude which you create via character creator and you are back in the party and maybe hear your npc buddys talk about all the stuff they went through with your old character.
tl;dr: the lazy fucks should handle it like a classic p&p RPG and make the main character replacable and makes you create and or reroll a new PC to replace the corpse.
No wonder Atlus is casualizing the series so goddamn much to keep retards like you playing.
Nope, this is the edit.
Every time.
DSP died like seven or eight times in P4's easy mode.
But that's DSP, so that doesn't count. He gets his ass kicked in COD regularly. Of course he'd suck at Waifu Simulator
You guys are morons.
OP is referring to the fact that in Persona any member of your party can 'die' and be resuscitated except for the MC. As soon as the MC is knocked out they are 100% dead, game over. It's fucking stupid and inconsistent game design and whoever made that decision should be whipped in the nuts with a pillow case full of quarters.
I want to see this more in games.
And to add insult to injury, you can revive your buddies, in fact it's almost a necessity.
Which begs the question.
Do your buddies want to revive you? Maybe they all hate you.
Well in regular SMT they're only with you under some sort of unspoken pact so when you die they just leave. While the heroine cries and commits sepukku or something.
This shit makes no sense tbh, when other party members faint you can resurrect them. andat the end of battle are automatically revived with 1hp. It would be neat if the battle continued but you are then unable to issue commands for the other party members and just have to hope they resurrect you
Some enemies still have instant death in P4, and homunculus are harder to find than in p3. At least bosses don't use it in p4.
the fuck?
Knowing this fucking board, I can't even tell if this post is pretending to be retarded or not.
VC fucked me up. It was my first game with perma death and my first loss was Cherry Stijnen, a sixteen year old girl who got drafted into the militia.
There were times where I'd just go to her glossary entry afterward and look at it. That one event is probably what makes VC one of my games I'm never giving up.
some of us went to school before common core
stick with bumper bowling, there's no failure state
Dumbest shit ever. Bet it's gonna happen in P5 too.
Dungeon Siege might be the game for you.
Holla Forums is more casual than even I thought, and the bar was already low
What should happen:
Main characters are all "chosen ones", remember, even if they're not actually called that. Without the MC, the story CANNOT continue, because the story is the MC.
Except in most games, especially the Personas and Final Fantasy (hurr durr phoenix down), the characters are only incapacitated, not killed. Revive items just restore them to fighting condition. That's why the game ends when everyone is KO'd, no one can revive so the enemies do actually defeat them.
get gud faggot
I'd let them follow protocol more if they had a fucking chance at winning against those Mando Heavies. I'm apparently the only one who knows how to spam flashbangs, get me up, Sev!
>mods fix this
Every time!
Prease exprain
This is why Fire Emblem games make me question if it's worth redoing the chapter to save a unit who died during the chapter.
Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
I'm not normally into rape or sluts, but getting the defeat = rape mod in Skyrim was the best series of faps I think I've ever had.
How can anyone have problems with it when literally every single party member can take a lethal hit for you.