Oh, Canada

Canada is removing cross examinations for sexual assault trials, which will make sexual assault unfair for the wrongfully accused. messages, pictures relevant to the trial won't be taken into the trial. The accused will have to give up their defense.

archive.is/eeFrI - An article by the globe and mail about the law

archive.is/ALPLJ - Canada's law notes

The woman in the video us a canadian youtuber who is going against the law as well as explain it.

In short either avoid women completely, find on that is not trying to screw you over, or kill them if you do anything with them.

I couldn't post the mp4 of the youtube video, the size is too big, but the articles will have enough information.

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A N D


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It's actually nuts how a country with so little whites gets fucked over so quickly. They seem to be five steps ahead of us on the road of cultural marxism.

Here is the video of the yt woman explain the law more, and explain the flawed feminist view going into making it. Shes actively going against the law.

A living nightmare.

and suddenly the amount of male rapists and female-initiated divorce in canada skyrockets

what the fuck is canada doing, might aswell get rid of the police

I've been aware of this for a lot longer, and tbh fam the only thing that surprises me is that there still are any men left in Canada. Who would willingly live there?

Soon it'll be a crime for a white man to so much as look at a white woman.
I wonder who's idea that could be?

This. Solution is obvious and already in use. Kill them when you are done raping them - much harder to get convicted of murder. Works for all crimes that have absurd over-punishment.

Sexual assault is in no way different from any other assault and to treat it otherwise is to actively condone the above solution.

Canada is a post-national marxist experiment, not a country.

Sounds like an easy way to remove all Political figures from power.

He waped me!!!


Why is Canada so bad? I know they have a complex about America and virtue signal like hell to set them apart, but that can't explain it all can it?

Jesus, thy're doing everything they can to scare white men from not only seeking relationships and children, but sex in general. All the while importing young muds to replace us.



Got to find a based traditional Christian woman. Anything else is literally asking for imprisonment without trial.

user I…


It's dangerous to go with dubs. Take this.

We should become like certain spider species and after we are done mating with females, we cannibalize them.

Laws dont apply to these people.

Please send help.

>"I wonder if those anons who shill for 2D are on to something…"

Man the kikes really have their claws in The Great White Shitskin North don't they? It seems like out of all the Western countries (Sweden excluded) Canada has been accelerating into oblivion the fastest. I remember back when I was 18 or so it was just a great place to visit for a weekend, eat some poutine, drink some watery beer and maybe grab a stripper's nipple or something. Now it's ground zero for kike tricks brutally pushing the goyim's shit in. What the fuck happened and why aren't any Canucks doing anything about it?

That bitch is a fucking Bi-Sexual Anti-Traditionalist Anarcho-Commie MRA. She deserves the rope as much as the kikes pushing the law. The earlier videos on her channel are pure fucking cancer.

I will try to explain it as best as I can. I haven't slept all night so I may mess up some and I assuredly will miss some lots (which others can happily add to) but I believe I can give you a basic gist of things. To fellow Canadians who may read this and get all autistic when I use "we" down below, stop it. Obviously I don't mean myself or what I would imagine to be virtually everyone here whose eyes are picking up my drivel.

Had to break this into two parts.

Firstly and mostly, the complex about America is the number one thing. We have about 10% of its population and most of the people here are salty that they don't know or seem to care about us that much. We have this very childlike attitude of thinking we know everything because we like to act "European"; and while we do this we crave attention from the cool kid down south and we're on a different continent from mommy to the east. Frankly, we think we're better than you and will be contrarian until we've eradicated ourselves. If the US says that the sky is blue, we'll claim that it's overcast and that Americans should acknowledge that your Stanley Cups are made with Canadian sweat. If Americans say that winning is fun, we'll say that winners oppress losers and thus everyone who is a loser is just a winner by another name. I could go on with more retarded and unfunny jokes, but you get my point. Seriously though, good luck winning a Cup without some brick shithouse Albertans and some faggoty Quebecois who speak French about as well as I speak French. I don't speak French.

We've been pretty safe for a long time. We haven't had to fight on our own soil. We've had America sitting to our south that could put its boot up anyone's ass (although we'll resent you for having guns and bombs because love is way more effective). We're very naive to what the US and Europe has had to deal with. We get shit like WW2 and whatnot, but we don't have to really deal with inner city gangbangers like in Chicago or Detroit, we haven't had our Bataclan (yet) and certainly not our 9/11. There's still a very strong sense of "It can't happen here" which as we know never bites anyone in the ass. But then when it does, we'll go into denial mode as you'll read a bit about below.

As mentioned above at the start of this post, we have about 10% of the US' population (about 36 million or so). Considering our land mass, that's minuscule. We're very spread out, and thus shit spreads slowly if you're not in the city. Take the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). There are approximately 9.2 million people there - just over 1/4 of the entire population of the country all in one province. To put that in perspective, imagine if New York City and San Francisco combined made up roughly 1/4 of the USA. Terrifying, right? So what do we know about big cities? 1: They're generally liberal. 2. They're generally barely clinging above being 50% white (Toronto is now under that 50% mark). Now, along with the US and every other white nation, we're at a demographic crisis: whites aren't having babies, there is virtually no white immigration (and frankly, where would it even be from? Other white countries that are dying out, too?) and a huge swath -as entitled as they may be- of whites set to die off soon (Boomers).

Here, as we've securely moved into the age of state mandated and apathy approved diversity (like every white non-shit country in the west has) we have no pride in the people - or rather, as a people. You can't be proud of those good old Angle and French guys on the Olympic hockey team because Pajeet and Chang aren't on it. We can praise and claim that diversity won the gold, however, because we have a black guy on it. The concept of a white Canada is obviously not shared by the nu-Canadian, and the white Canadian has been bred and taught to go along with its seemingly assured fate of replacement. A lot of this is pushed through our school systems but we also get a metric shit ton of the white guilt media trip imported to us by the US. The odd thing (and I honestly can't give an answer for it other than that people are stupid and/or like to sounds cultured by saying they're bad) is that the white guilt tripping works here despite not having slavery like in the US, or fighting with the Axis in WW2 or having the audacity to be a bit pissy about illegals rushing through the border like fire ants. Yeah, yeah residential schools, we get it - but it's not the Natives who we even give the brunt of our tears to now; now it's the Muslim (really just code for Arab or "not-brown-enough-to-use-Java-but-eyes-too-wide-to-be-from-Vancouver") Indian and Asian (you know, like the Chinese and not the Sky News kind that like to blow up when someone uses a black light on a hotel mattress and the result looks like an image of Mohammed).

This part is part of the paragraph above, but I'll separate this short part for emphasize it: Our culture does no longer celebrate the people, but rather the things. Why? Because we've been taught that there is no "Canadian". You're taught that a Somali who arrived three months ago is as Canadian as your great grandmother (except that he's actually more valued since he'll be ahead in line should the two of them need a surgery tomorrow). This whole thing is by no means unique to Canada, but I believe it's at a more advanced stage that most places. The UK is still thought of for its rich history of kings and queens, the US is known for its history of being rebellious and the global Chad, the Germans are known for being smart as fuck and being master trolls of the Chosen tribe, Australia is known for its banter and ability to survive spiders the size of Healthy at Any Size advocates on tumblr. Canada? We're sort of just known for being cold, playing hockey, exporting Bieber and Nickelback, and being too nice.

It obviously a far more complex case than what I've presented. I do not claim to be a smart man. Canada is, however, a case of: too safe for too long, and too cocky for its own good. We've essentially run out of problems so we've turned on ourselves. We're the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the European world as you're all doing it (committing cultural and ethnic suicide) too in different stages. We've (now I'm not just talking about Canada) decided that everything is subjective and that we need to be more like the world - the same world that clings to us and will threaten to get into a rage should we tell it that we want to be alone.

by rejecting them you're also raping them though. there's no way round it.

America should use this to be a Mecca/haven for right wing white men fleeing cultural marxism/feminism in Canada. Concentrate in USA, get citizenship and keep USA right wing, and establish a base to reconquer Canada from the subverters.

This is depressing. I have half French-Canadian blood in me despite being an American, and this shit is painful to hear although I really have no personal ties to Canada to speak of. I really wish you the best user, I don't want America's Hat to become America's Turban.


Good luck goy

The state of it all. Women in the Western world are the most privileged people in the entire world. We're getting to the point where a woman can claim rape and be right purely because she is a woman.

These kind of laws exist to continually worsen the relations between man and woman.

I feel conflicted about this because I know victims who's case didn't make it to court because their friends would need to be cross examined and they were all drunk at a party and they didn't think the case could be won. Needless to say it was a shitskin.


Considering all the other crazy shit going on in the current year + n I would not even be surprised if this whole unfair rape accusations thing was an elaborate gaslighting attempt to try and reduce shitskin incarceration

It was honestly one of the first thoughts that I had when I read the thread. In Toronto BLM has protested many times, groups in the GTA have been angry at the police because they've been randomly stopping people (the police chief is black, by the way but they're still accusing racism). Obviously this doesn't have much to do with rape stuff rather than just crime in general - my point is that yes, they'll do anything to make the statistics a little more 2017, so to speak.

Imagine if 50% of the US population was from San Fran and NYC. Canada has that issue with Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

It could also have the double-whammy effect of intimidating whitey, preventing us from forming relationships starting families, in addition to reducing shitskin incarcerations.


So what happens when someone accuses Trudeau of rape? Since I'm sure there is someone out there who wants to for one reason or the other.

I'll let you know in a few months after I have him charged. He's been raping my country for quite a while, now.

It'll be automatically dismissed by liberal judges.

Zero point, you can't reproduce like that. At that point it's just a more risky form of masturbation that gets random bystanders killed.

In that species the female kills and eats the male. Be careful what you wish for user, because that's what is actually happening already.

This is how you commit white genocide; just make it impossible for white men (the only people that will be charged) to even meet women in a private setting. All of a sudden, nobody's going to be procreating and with a dried up dating pool, women will finally turn to the subhumans you've been importing for decades. Then, they'll become single mothers to a mulatto brood, which means more welfare dependents and higher taxes, further driving down the white - and yellow - birthrate.

The funny thing is, that actually did happen to a known male feminist. The lawyer and judge got raked over the coals, the lawyer especially even though she was a woman.

I'd laugh at the cleverness of this comment but it is both true and depressing.
