America needs to elect a genderqueer transsexual sandnigger so it can stop being so bigoted xD
America needs to elect a genderqueer transsexual sandnigger so it can stop being so bigoted xD
Other urls found in this thread:
no its because nobody care
you're not even american
im going to vote for the narcissistic egotistical nationalist over the neo-conservative race pandering mafioso scandal ridden murderer
im literally a fucking Fascist, what makes you think you're going to get me to vote for a cultural marxist neo-con?
you're preaching to the fucking choir man
I think I'm gonna like this Monster Hunter stuff
Nice strawman, Gil
You do Donald proud with such a nice strawman
Don't group link me in your responses, I like having my own individual response
stfu already
Hey, guess what faglords... This is your friendly neighbourhood Scootadooter aka Scootalooo aka MrBigDick.
Remember when having a PS1 was a thing?
When having Nokia's was cool?
When John Major was primeminister and The milk snatcher was a bad memory?
THE ARGIES and their fucking french missiles?
Do you remember when you could buy two cans of coke, chocolate and crisps for 90p?
Do you remember how Blair sold out to the banks and it raped our nation?
Work hard. Meme harder.
This is Ba'Ath.
Allahu ackbar
Then what you need is an instructor.
And err, I want a job I'm good at, something that validates my degree.
I did a degree in media and communication, which was the most useless degree until social justiccame over.
Trump had dealings with the mafia, too
Hilary nor Bernie nor Trump are cultural Marxists.
Bernie comes the closest, but I've listened to hours of him over the months, and he doesn't even get involved in the BlackLivesMatter hypocrisy/nonsense.
wait, you meant Trump. nevermind.
I am firmly on the left.
I just hate the LGBT crowd.
Rain's coming
i do mask everything, i just dont care online.
Wait, Australia won Eurovision.
Didnt realise the United STates of Europe had annexed Australia?
I eman, we do need to offset the power indifference with the RUDE chinese.
My friend, I am the product of bad memories.
Tsuchi, on anything and everything ^~^
We are the nightmare created by Gordon Brown.
John Prescott's bastard sons.
Winter is coming.
British Ba'Ath.
i dont understand who you're trying to convince
you're not going to convince me to vote for a Social Democrat or a Neo-Conservative man
good. i love the lgbt crowd. only the cute ones.
if I had a dime every time someone like Murder said that...
Watching people here play political debate makes me realise that people are trully complex though machines.
Trying to define political movements through black and white orthodoxy is stupid.
idk how to feel man
I value social normalcy and hate any group that only identifies itself by how "different" it is.
If you saw my FB feed I think you might pop a blood vessel
Political rage fucking is best.
I once had a huge crush on a right winger.
Confused penis times.
I kinda feel like ASPD isn't even real
people who are shit at socializing just label it a thing so they wont feel so bad about their selves and use it as a "Oh I have an excuse as to why im so shit at socializing and never go outside"
Oh, in that case you're just morally and socially wrong, and not just politically.
I bet you think you have a high IQ.
I bet you subscribe to the 'Jews have greater IQs than Whites, who have higher than Blacks, who have higher than Mexicans' study.
I bet your generalizations are based on faulty, warped information,
and you pick and choose only what helps reinforce your beliefs,
rather than what paints the most complete picture.
I've dealt with your kind before.
aspd is psychopathy
Also, my Grandparents(because they oldies) are huge Conservative fanboys. Fucking lol winding them up with Leftist rhetoric.
Nice collarbones
Thank God I don't live in a country that's constantly sucking sandnigger dick then.
He's just saying it so he gets gubberment bux for it.
you described yourself perfectly
It is part of human nature to try and break things down to an oversimplified duality.
or something like that ;p
We need labels for everything to promote victim complexes. Without victims, there cannot be victors.
or something like that ;p
It was normal several decades ago to be repulsed by black people and not want to share the same room as them.
I do think identity politics ruin everything and they're inherently illogical and hypocritical.
I hope you value ACTUAL LIBERAL IDEAS, like individual rights and opportunities.
That the individual is more important than some collective hivemind ideology.
I wouldn't say that it is big politics that molded us into the monsters that we are; but rather the smaller mechanations that we were a part of.
The stuff that wasn't in the news, but what gripped us amongst our brothers. It was the small things that brought us up, not the bigger picture.
Politicians WISHED they was on our level. Politicians never brought us into 4chan.
They only confirmed our bias.
We see the bigger picture, and was left wanting.
I probably described what you think of me perfectly. or at least you joke about.
ASPD is a huge spectrum. not all are socially fucked, in fact a large percentage you'd never even know and just think they're charming charismatic people
sociopaths and psychopaths are different but they're both ASPD
psychopaths blend in, sociopaths do not
i dont think that people with ASPD would ever call themselves victims in anything lmao
thats just outright wong
race war now
race war now
race war now
gas the whites
idk man
part of me is like
"hey its kinda good the radical muslims are flooding europe, maybe baathism can make a comeback!"
i can dream..
I don't.
I believe in social programs that are meant to help everyone at some base level but require some form of participation.
A person's life is only as valuable as what they add. A parasitic existence on social programs is just someone deserving to be cut off.
Im a guy
Yip yip, nice to see how the brains fire and to observe these animals screaming wild.
Small politics trumps big... David is slaying goliath. Thepoliticians scoffed at us running to 4chan. But little did they know they were birthing their doom.
Soon we rise.
Sooner they fall.
Glory. Gold. Great Britain.
he saw 'antisocial' and proceeded to talk out his ass about something he didn't know anything about
still a cool dude
just. y'know.
I was literally screaming vladimir putin in front of the tv so Russia would win.
hope the government didnt hear me tbh
Maybe. Who knows. Maybe we can avenge Vienna and make Europe glorious once more.
I like that Ba'athism shares some notions of Socialism... In the sense of modernity.
so like you with politics?
Putin is probably a big reason why I like Trump tbh
I bet this is some EU plot, with the help of George Soros.
fucking kiev scum
Love Kiev.
Hate Putin.
Fuck the Ruskis.
jesus christ that cameltoe
so edgy
Tell that to Sora
Srs shit lmao
It cant be helped, I guess
I wonder whats Lukas excuse
Sounds like something you can lie about and get diagnosed with
if i had to pick two political philosohpies that represent my views to the best of my ability
it would be Justicalism and Baathism
but in an American sense
holy shit my FUCKING DICK i want to smash my face into that
american cuck
enjoy that nato dick
He's Canadian.
He probably just says he's a persecuted tranny that everyone won't hire him because they don't believe he's a bearded girl.
NATO a shit
Why would be allow allies to kill each other and waste our $$$?
Do you love pucking your guts up on your Arriva x21 on a friday night?
Do you love eating your kebab with EXTRA garlic sauce?
Do you like kicking a Scotsman to death?
Do you love screaming Allahu Ackbar as loud as you can?
Do you agree that society should be more collectiviszed for the glory of Islaming Palingenesis?
Now we've got an argument, you remind me of a friend of mine; who was cool as fuck. Was in my film class.
You praise Great Britain, how a specific sect would make this nation great and ergo, your life great.
I go from the bottom up, in my opinion, if Conservatives make the PM again, it won't make a lick of difference. Things will go up or down, shit will get cut; but it will not make a lick of difference on how I do shit.
I never felt a part of something bigger apart from being here with you and shitposters, from being with my mum, my sister and my peers. My world is contained to what I see, hear and feel. Anything else is some shit I have to deal with. Communist, capitalist, doesn't mattter, I just do how I do.
You do on some level. I'm talking about things like democratic and legal rights and representation.
Yet, you could argue someone doing nothing actually benefits the world better than someone doing pure evil, like pollution on a daily basis, or someone who rigs economies on a daily basis.
I know what I'm talking about.
I've been following the primaries closely. Specifically Bernie, I'll admit.
It was too interesting for me not to follow. And I learned a fuck of a lot about American politics over the last year.
So I've been slowly more and more educated. At least enough to speak with confidence about why people are voting for Trump.
obviously fucking not
Maybe, maybe not. I was trying to speak on a more conceptual general level.
For best results on our journey, step back and just watch the show from time to time. Why limit yourself to smelling the flowers~?
something something illuminati XD
b-but baathists dont like islam
i happen to be an expert on this subject :)
I know right ^^
Pls no, I still have S2 NEVER feels
We will infect the mainstream normies with our counter-culture. And make our lives the glorious neon they strive for. Thus we will be elevated to Kings and creators.
No one is entitled to exist simply for being alive.
If you add nothing, you should get nothing. It's not a societal burden to deal with every lazy shit who wants to do nothing or a "struggling artist" that no one buys his shitty "art". If they add nothing, they get nothing.
England is an ideal.
An communial idea.
I post stupid music, I act the fool, just to make your life that little more enjoyable. A lens to another world.
And with me and Scoots, we probably do some good.
In ways small and big. ;3
How the fuck did we agree to a specific point?
It is better to see all the angles. Flowers, political shitposting, booty.
I know, I know. But it helps the narrative more to invoke Islam, to remind people of the gratness and reevolutionariness of the Arabs via Islam. Islam itself is revolution.
How so?
I bet you think there's a White Genocide going on
that it comes through in media, culture, the internet, social trends
do you? I want to know if I have you pegged.
I attended several British Communist Party meetings last year.
Y'all sayin' all this shit about politics but ain't talkin' about makin' no money what y'all niggas need to do is stop whining bout all this bullshit and get your money up don't nobody care
Add me on fb
what do you mean how so
you're talking to people who support trump and getting fucking nowhere because you have no idea what you're spouting off about
And then when they don't give a fuck you strut around like you've won some fucking debate
what the fuck am I doing
This goes beyond communism. And capitalism.
We all spend money and give faith on an idea that we share with others; successful or not.
I don't even know the word for it, but let's put it in perspective. Someone drew that picture you posted, it was sold in scams, it was shared in wrong contexts, and it was in things.
Nothing political about it, is just the way things is. Is something appropriate that we have.
Maybe in a couple years
I want that in my life
You should always always always have a trade to fall back on. You live in a very liberal country at the moment and I promise you won't find work there. Come move to America. It's about to become great again!
I understand but there is nothing wrong with a lil' practice
There's an infinite number of perspectives which is why most people want to go the accepting of the hearsay based super-simplification method and go along their merry way.
I basically mean to say that you can't not be a sheep regarding literally everything, it's theoretically impossible to think of every side to every situation or what have you, and this whole thing is the very habit of our brains we were just talking about.
I freaked myself out so I need to get some fresh air.
Well, for just one moment, I'll stand with you; so long as you tolerate my company. And vice versa, baby ;3
Do I make you hot?
But what if someone is adding BAD to the world?
But they're adding bad in a legal, socially acceptable way?
Aren't they less of a burden than the guy that sits at home?
Really? I feel more depressed than anything.
The entire reason they love Trump in the first place is because they don't want to listen to anything that doesn't confirm their views.
They will gladly write off things as conspiracies or lies if their Orange Leader says the poor media is targeting him.
I think the internet makes it easier to get trapped in these echo chambers.
The truth isn't exciting. It isn't entertaining. It's usually complicated and boring. So here I am, with some boring, but I'd hope sobering, facts.
Can't wait for the war now tbh
I would but that shit costs more money.
But if there is a trade I could fall into, it would be care in America.
I'm willing to scoop birds out of vaginas and wipe your grandad's ass; but I hate lifting heavy shit.
Ergo, I'll probably be hot shit in Africa, bullshiting my way into making a film.
Is just effort really, moving from one place to another.
oh wow look at all this
lol good one
Go get some clarity.
So many perspectives.
I was listening to my audiobook last night. (on American history)
It mentioned the birth of the internet and this level of instant transfer of informationa nd ideas. It aslso said/stated that because of this we surely must be the most intelligent form of Human in history right now... And isnt that fantastic?
Er. You make me something? Lel. How is scanner anyhow. You fucking degenerate bro?
Likewise. It will test our collective will.
Also Loco has a pretty neat dick. Just thought the thread needed this input.
cerebella is mai waifu
i guarantee you that i am 100% more charismatic, extroverted, etc irl than you
i have had a lot of practice
i dont care anymore
my life is perfect i have no goals to achieve so i just B MYSELF
I provide raw facts, too.
sorry for having faith in my own views, and for thinking that because I spent more time and effort forming them, that they're better than others'.
And that's why you have more safeguards in place and legal ramifications of those that become detrimental, be it individuals or corporations. Something that's in every country to some degree, a degree which I believe should be far higher.
Probably pretty degenerate but I'm the only cunt willing to look after your spastic kids and keep em busy so they don't get into drug dealing.
Drake won't let anything from Views be on Youtube.
Not that Views was that great anyway
Yours. Mine. Neighbours.
If war happens, people will do their bit or they will wash the fuck out.
i cannot feel my face
you can put all the effort you want in
doesn't make you less wrong
just means you're further up your own ass
oh man this is my favourite speech
What is Baatism?
worship of baal
The alcohol works.
Now you must do good with your newfound power.
I felt like hearing this song in my head for the rest of the day
K, who is baal?
you want me to put the hijab on 3 million women myself? ahaha
but i love it
how are you incapable of just googling it
But, what if I want my Korean offspring to be the best heroin dealers ever?
Like pokemon but drugs
Alcohol, and I like hearing other people's annotations.
So fuck you.
I was in bed butt not anymore
Are you a good heroin dealer?
Is this the same as Luka's "im awake and didnt kill myself yet" posts?
old god
old, old god
There is no collective in Europe.
If the War's here you're gonna have a fuckton of different rival factions. It's pretty much like the 30s now. All we need is a trigger.
And now they try to eliminate all that's left of the nasserites. pray for assad
What tim do you call this?
No, that comes through in lobbying, and has developed strongly over the last few decades.
That wasn't liberty or individual freedoms and rights.
Those were Jews and men in suits, wooing politicians to pass or stunt legislation so they could build.
Maybe I am up my own ass. In fact, I'll gladly admit something if I'm wrong, or if someone has a better way of putting something.
The problems are namely that nobody wants to correct me or improve on my views (though people have before),
and pretty much everyone who complains about me aren't the sort to want to educate, but still want to seem superior.
Though, actual smart people, with sound knowledge, and a curiosity sometimes, sometimes do help me.
Ultra comfy.
Well. I am not. I deal in memes. But my children. They will be the greatest.
the audience is so like
anti-muslim brotherhood too
its so beautiful
that one guy in the audience who screams "MAKE HIM WEAR IT [the hijab]"
and when he says that was the guys first request he doesnt even make a funny face or do anything but everyone fucking laughs
you can tell how different the political climate was
this was like how we deal with fuckin mormons and shit here
you'll never have unbiased information then
Ah. Sounds gay as fuck.
Like I said, a test of our collective will, I never specified who sticks with who. >w>
And like I said, whoever doesn't do there bit, washes the fuck out.
people don't want to talk to you because you're not worth their time.
I don't think I can learn sugar manipulation in just a single day off.
What should I do instead??
Link it and I shall suffer with you.
I don't actually know if I've heard the song you're talking about.
Then you feel it~
make a picture to convey this
Is unbiased information a thing?
Cuz I was told not to trust wikipedia... or google... or anything since everything was run by THE JEWS.
When debating Loco do you often find yourself typing extended responses while he goes "k here's about 15 words or less" because I see that often with you two
He'll just linux program his way into a matrix-like ValHalla on his deathbed.
forgive me for knowing how to communicate like a fucking human being
Communicate with my dick.
Surely you have
short, sweet, and straight to the point?
sounds like communication is dick-based.
I think I'm starting to understand.
And all the e-pastries and e-cappuccinos that his heart can tolerate.
butt my ancestors taguth me howto type
/chokes up
But you have done nothing wrong, my child.
No dude, I'n saying that you're drunk now, so use your drunkeness to do what you feel is best. Like you're already doing.
Your rightful place.
"if you cant get your own daughter to wear the hjiab why do you expect me to do it for you"
*audience roars in laughter and clapping*
i fucking.... my people... i..... i want to live in a progressive secular arab world
bawwwwwww ;_;
awh damn
emotional stuff
heh I dont think the test will be finished
that gets a little annoying sometimes.
but I still feel if I can't defend myself to a stranger, then I have to rethink why I think I'm right.
it's tedious, but so are learning and reading things sometimes.
at least nobody is as much of dick as you.
not sure why. I think he thinks he's objectively better than me.
but if took one took a closer look, they'd see the truth is more complicated.
It will never be finished.
One person once said this earth was 'global secular genesis machine'.
Basically, we're here to throw shit at a wall to see what sticks.
OHHHHHHHHHH yeah, that one is the most common one to be complained about on our muzak at work. There's an adele song and that "my name is NO, my sign: NO, etc"
I like this one way better. It's my ringtone actually lol:
shout out to the ones who spend money like a habit
even if they made a million dollars they'd be trappin♫
I wish for a secular, arab world. A middle-east that has an Israel and arab sphere of peace and harmony.
Where God/Allah/Yahweh only hold sway in the home/conscience.
Where Jew, Muslim, Christian, Atheist can work and grow together.
Maybe I am a Socialist, maybe I am a dreamer, maybe I am a karma chameleon.
Soon. Patience. One day you'll have your own desk. Knees aching from the kneeling.
all the single bakas.
In great struggle, great leaders are born.
heh nice saying
shut the FUCK UP
gettin' hoes hired
gettin' hoes hired
she got work in the mornin'
I'm gettin' hoes fired
Really hype as fuck
But even great leaders can be betrayed.
And their struggle fails.
The test ends when someone else picks up the results.
What has been left behind is rare pepes, a lot of unrecyclable shit, conflicting opinions, Undertale and retro games, and our strongest ships.
Oh fuck it's gettin' hoes higher
So we must join their struggle.
And we will all win.
legit makes me feel some strong feels man
god fucking damn..
i want to see arabs great again ;_;
i agree with all of that too
but i also dont think it will happen with marxist ideology
i am a socialist, i am a pretty full blown socialist, but i am also very very nationalistic
however i am not a jingoist, i believe all cultures have a right in this world and that even if i do believe that some are "better" than others and would be one to say that Western Civilisation is best civilisation, i don't think we should force other cultures to adhere to our own guidelines
there is a very thin line between nationalism and supremacism, and I am not a supremacist in the slightest
i think we should all work together, as peoples of the world, globally, as different nations
i do not hope for a world where we are all the same, i want to actually celebrate that diversity that makes humanity humanity
if we were all the same we'd be predictable, our differences united make us stronger, if we were all the same we'd breed in weakness
god damn this is making me feel fucking feels man
i kinda wanna coat my room with a bunch of baathist flags now lmfao holy shit
still triyngto figure out how to make better cappu I have tried all sorts of sweeteners and additives but it tastes a bit too not sweet enough like those you get at coffeeplaces like frozen starbucks
One of the founding fathers of Ba'athism openly fraternized with the French Communist Party and Praised Marx.
Communism is a pretty sweet idea on paper. In reality. Stalin has a lot to answer for.
i wish tokai would stop trying to enstate shariah law in my thread
I could have sworn people disliked Gaddafi for good reasons.
Even if he was once loved, he became bad or something
At least that's the West's narrative.
*accepts n hugsback*
you aren't defending yourself against a stranger
you're coming into the thread screaming like a fucking child and then playing intellectual with what people make fun of you
Hurdurr le trump meme you like le trump for this reason
no one cares. you have some kind of social autism that stops you from understanding why people talk and argue. maybe you should read about that before saying how right you are when fuckheads don't care to read through your overlong fucking walls that have 0 potential for engaging or satisfying argument
not talking with you anymore because it's like talking to a fucking brick
okay, then I won't write a response
and I'm not like talking to a brick
our last few interactions will show you who the stubborn, practically vindictive person was between us
brick as in you're dumb as shit
tfw loco x kanra may never be the same again..
Mostly Neru, actually
So much for trust
Thanks a lot Subtle
Same, I'm not even arab.
I just want nations to be independent and great.
Literally all those leaders are devout secularists.
I tried explaining exactly to you why I defend these people but you ignored it.
I'm not gonna try again.
You're just full of excuses aren't you... Did you have your dad growing up?
You taught me well
Silly this isn't a competition, but if it were I would win
im american
idk what secular means
You know that shairah law prohibits me from drinking, right?
Do you really want a prolific fucktard like me rally against a specific purpose?
You'd practically be giving me a reason to live.
You're basically giving me and fellow bungholes a reason to aim shit at a specific target.
just randomly coming into the thread when nobody is even talking about anything and saying
holy shit scarlet shut up
would you all come if I opened a combined bakery cappu internet cafe league library botanic garden place
Nope, but I thought that was self evident, after all the times I said 'Yo, my dad died of the alcohols. So I'mma drink alcohols just to show his family how it is done'
Come to me Griffy.
I'll save you from Loco
I'll even save you from yourself
I thought you directed this at all the politics
Where and when?
The whole place would stink of semen and regret after like a day.
i would win
you're not even an adult
u dont know what the real world is like kiddo
ill teach u the ropes man
but im just a cute lil anti-social hikki cus thats all i really wanna be
but if i want to be i can be very very normie-tier charismatic and get what i want from people
but why would i?
no point, and besides, i may be ASPD but that doesn't mean i have no principles i abide by
i am a nice person to those that have not done something malicious to me
i've tried thinking about how smart you are, loco
whether or not you were actually smarter than me
i bet the answer is actually more boring, and more human than you try to make me seem apart from
what is loco actually confident talking about? besides from how dumb kanra is?
because he surely to be a judge of character and intellect means you have a character and intellect that can correctly identify others'
for some reason, maybe because you don't actually care, you have me wrong on this front.
But it's not got much to do with trust
Norway is quite far
Stop drinking
the coffee would always be too hot since the only thing you blow on is cock
of couurse
I just tune it out.
How was daredevil?
whenever I can afford to have a huge lighthouse built
Western attempts to forcibly "civilize" other cultures/nations is an abomination. In agreement to your point, every culture is great to its own extent.
US exceptionalism and Imperial colonisation(whilst I love british empire, I cant accept destroying other culutres) is horrific.
Supremacism(fuck my spelling fam) is literally crazy. Like, how the fuck do you come to the conclusion that your concotion is the best? Please.
Whilst I do not believe in a god, we were all indeed created equal.
I just think its humanities natural state to be gregarious.
My personal political idealog is more akin to a fusion of Socialism/Anarchism/Communism. I am left as fuck.
Whilst in "serious" life I am more prone to following the Socialist line/path as I believe humans too flawed/the time too early for the onset of a trully communist/anarchist utopia... Utopia being an ideal description as it is only a place that can be achieved in myth.
THIS. its ironic that human invention and innovation has come the most rapid and amazing in attempts to destory each other... Its like... a joke.
Working together is literally the most logical thing to do...
Socialists of Holla Forums
I need to go buy my Rosa L now.
Want the long response or the short response?
I'mma entertain the fuck out of you.
Do you care about politics at all?
I don't.
I fell asleep on the last episode I was watching
Lemme start it over actually
I knew you have an evil aura about you
I'll put to, so long as I get have free boat space.
And when I get a boat.
Really would like to pet Loco, tell them they are a good girl, and give them a few ear scritches right now.
The long one, I want to learn all I can about you
way to many textwalls in this thread guys
Everyone would cum on Neru??
Oh you dont want me seeing your face
Dude, yes. I was a little iffy the first couple times I caught it on the radio, but the hypnotic way the beat was produced and that whole first intro part is so fun to rap along with. It was very intriguing to find out that what I'd consider a pretty mellow jam could still hit so hard with all the nuances.
But then maybe I'm just always on the lookout for a very particular sound in my music that I can overthink for weeks at a time yet have a difficult time explaining :p
I'd rather have textwalls instead of an hour of nothing tbh
today was super quiet
I started up monster hunter again
it's fucking great, Colbs recently got it, imma play with him when he gets back from work
when you're trying to be mean to people but bae sexts you nice things
It's not random, Scarlet.
Shit happened yesterday, so I talk about it today.
The articles and recordings resurfaced yesterday. The Washington Post is sometimes notorious unbalanced and unfair,
but in this case they were reporting on the truth. Read the New Yorker if you want an educated opinion that someone wrote.
I am well informed. But not because I support Bernie Sanders.
But nice hyperbolic reaction. It's a sign of true wit and understanding.
Western attempts to forcibly "civilize" other cultures/nations is an abomination. In agreement to your point, every culture is great to its own extent.
US exceptionalism and Imperial colonisation(whilst I love british empire, I cant accept destroying other culutres) is horrific.
Supremacism(fuck my spelling fam) is literally crazy. Like, how the fuck do you come to the conclusion that your concotion is the best? Please.
Whilst I do not believe in a god, we were all indeed created equal.
I just think its humanities natural state to be gregarious.
My personal political idealog is more akin to a fusion of Socialism/Anarchism/Communism. I am left as fuck.
Whilst in "serious" life I am more prone to following the Socialist line/path as I believe humans too flawed/the time too early for the onset of a trully communist/anarchist utopia... Utopia being an ideal description as it is only a place that can be achieved in myth.
THIS. its ironic that human invention and innovation has come the most rapid and amazing in attempts to destory each other... Its like... a joke.
Working together is literally the most logical thing to do...
Socialists of Holla Forums
I need to go buy my Rosa L now.
i've tried thinking about how smart you are, loco
whether or not you were actually smarter than me
i bet the answer is actually more boring, and more human than you try to make me seem apart from
what is loco actually confident talking about? besides from how dumb kanra is?
because he surely to be a judge of character and intellect means you have a character and intellect that can correctly identify others'
for some reason, maybe because you don't actually care, you have me wrong on this front.
i've tried thinking about how smart you are, loco
whether or not you were actually smarter than me
i bet the answer is actually more boring, and more human than you try to make me seem apart from
what is loco actually confident talking about? besides from how dumb kanra is?
because he surely to be a judge of character and intellect means you have a character and intellect that can correctly identify others'
for some reason, maybe because you don't actually care, you have me wrong on this front.
just randomly coming into the thread when nobody is even talking about anything and saying
You know that shairah law prohibits me from drinking, right?
Do you really want a prolific fucktard like me rally against a specific purpose?
You'd practically be giving me a reason to live.
You're basically giving me and fellow bungholes a reason to aim shit at a specific target.
you aren't defending yourself against a stranger
you're coming into the thread screaming like a fucking child and then playing intellectual with what people make fun of you
Hurdurr le trump meme you like le trump for this reason
no one cares. you have some kind of social autism that stops you from understanding why people talk and argue. maybe you should read about that before saying how right you are when fuckheads don't care to read through your overlong fucking walls that have 0 potential for engaging or satisfying argument
not talking with you anymore because it's like talking to a fucking brick
I could have sworn people disliked Gaddafi for good reasons.
Even if he was once loved, he became bad or something
At least that's the West's narrative.
i agree with all of that too
but i also dont think it will happen with marxist ideology
i am a socialist, i am a pretty full blown socialist, but i am also very very nationalistic
however i am not a jingoist, i believe all cultures have a right in this world and that even if i do believe that some are "better" than others and would be one to say that Western Civilisation is best civilisation, i don't think we should force other cultures to adhere to our own guidelines
there is a very thin line between nationalism and supremacism, and I am not a supremacist in the slightest
i think we should all work together, as peoples of the world, globally, as different nations
i do not hope for a world where we are all the same, i want to actually celebrate that diversity that makes humanity humanity
if we were all the same we'd be predictable, our differences united make us stronger, if we were all the same we'd breed in weakness
god damn this is making me feel fucking feels man
i kinda wanna coat my room with a bunch of baathist flags now lmfao holy shit
I mean who knows what would happen.
In Boo's brain,
all big sentences and paragraphs look the same.
Which is sort of sad and terrifying.
Play Jade Cocoon. It's like Pokemon/Monster Hunter Ver 1.0
kindof really wish to have a lighthouse and watch boats go chugchug in the distance though
i'm booooored
you dont look like anyone else to me
For the short version you can just say "It took a while to grow on me but I vibe to this shit heavy" :3
Taliyah has a really weird nose, man
It throws me
bae off a cliff
i have principles
i have done a lot of probably bad things in my life
but it doesnt matter
those people deserved it though, eye for a leg
i like just being a qt housewife and being taken care of my by qt though
nothing makes me happier, and life is good
the road to here is paved in blood though oops
Also not that
I'd just like to keep things separate ^^
Master be nice, she has ASPD
for ps1 or 2?
Check her eyebrows
I drink because I feel a certain itch to drink once a week. It is a sort of holiday, an alteration of how I usually think and gives me the confidence and the lightheadedness to say what I want to say.
It solidifies my idea of a community of when I can't be arsed to talk to people, since I don't really talk to people when I'm sober; I got no reason to, I got no interest to, unless I really need to be out there and try and get people interested in my shit; which I don't since I'm already doing shit.
The only reason why I'm here is because I'm drunk and had a bloody good time. I drink because it sorta jumbles the week for me, it is a respite. It is where I'm open to new things. It is the only point when I'm not doing anything else. I drink irresponsibly but recreationally.
I'm more worried about why you want to know about me. Why do you want to know about me?
"That's a very interesting theory, but here's why you're wrong"^ad infinitum
I like to convince people I can't read at work.
Gomen and thanks.
I'm wicked chatty rn, my bad :/
Trying to let my brain do brain things instead of stifling it like I usually do or something.
Have you heard any other new stuff you'd suggest?
iirc it was ps1
nobody gives a fart dude
you're not going to convince me to not vote for trump
im voting for trump because i know the type of person he is
im not fucking stupid
i know who he is
i am voting for him because i am informed about what kind of person he is
i heard neru gets a certain itch once a week also
Yeah, who is neru?
But I heard shes a qt.
Pastries for everyone.
What the FUCK
is that the real portrait I never noticed that
Jesus christ for an earth champion this bitch is a fucking bird
Why are they making a conscious effort to recent chick champs rather repulsive
Thick eyebrows are beautiful.
Alcohol is a fantastic vice.
Assume ugly until proven otherwise.
they want more diversity and are sick of oversexualizing their female champs
Actually I wouldn't wanna share any pastries.
In that case the argument goes from, "You're a maleducated typical Trump supporter"
to, "You're educated on Trump, but incorrectly educated on the rest of life."
See. Kanra is flexible. He knows the right kind of stupidity people have at the right times.
like, favourite and subscribe
I can't even imagine
but it must be hilarious
Oh yeah how are you feeling today?
Ehhh I don't wanna read all that... never mind -hug-
I feel like this is directed towards you
Oh so you keep your online life and rl stuff seperated, eh?
I mix in well with both so don't worry about me
When individual men and women try to wage Jihad,
surely they're to blame for their actions. Not some third-party nation.
ISIS isn't filled with people pushed to the brink. A lot of them weren't before they joined.
Nah it's ok lol
I was just bullshittin' you
I haven't heard anything new really, just kinda browsing whatever I fell out of keeping up with music for a couple of months
I really like Down In the DM by Gotti
Cut by O.T Genasis
Flex by Rich Homie Quan
and Beyonce's latest album was pretty dope
I mean the gigantic islander bitch was fine but Taliyah, I don't even know what's going on with her face man she literally looks like a bird
Would this be attention whoring right now?
Because someone asked why I drink.
I mean, I deal with people who have attention problems, I don't think I'm one of them lest I drink.
tl;dr Why the fuck do you want to know? And I already got the answer. You're bored.
maybe that's how she got the nickname of little sparrow by yasuo?
Are you actually implying jihadist organisations don't get foreign support?
I really hope I'm misunderstanding.
Lets ask
Hey Neru can we see what you look like?
*steals the middle of your cherry cheese danish*
New Level by A$AP Ferg is also hype
I get hype with my niggas at work off that song
Because I know this isn't the person you want to be and you know you can better yourself
You done it wrong.
But I ultimately don't care.
social justicalism is the light my friend
much better
i just need to keep taking my antibiotics and ill be good
i have tons of vicodin left and i dont even need it
i kinda wanna get high but
i dont know how to take the hydrocodon out of the pills, since most of it is acetaminophen
No, this is the person I want to be, which is why I drink.
I am never wrong, because I am never RIGHT.
I didn't read the little story
But I'd assume he said that because she's a nomad, without having read the story
Yeah it's pretty good. I got a couple people with it pretty solid.
I started this thing that this very nice older lady is an insider for isis, and I was telling a couple of the younger kids that the antennae on giraffes is how they communicate with each other telepathically lol
Just absurd claims.
I will look those up, thank you!
Do you know what the heck is going on with jay z and beyonce? are they stylishly like in a domestic dispute but communicating through new singles or something?
Looking this one up right now.
It is true, I can't deny that actually.
Yeah, try to, but there's always things that can't be helped. A lot of my friends are privy to my weebish tendencies for example :c
You're playing a dangerous game here.
I'm right because I took 3 lefts this time
who here has prescription opiate experience?
how do i get the Tylenol off of the pills so it doesnt fuck my liver?
Hi Boo-boo.
Did you find a picnic basket yet?
If I recall directly, they were BORN from the finances and weapons of other nations.
At any point they can put down their weapons though, right?
They've convinced themselves they have the fight with violence. Surely that's not true.
change must come through the barrel of a gun
I tried but I couldnt find any basket that was as pretty as you to match
Get gud.
Hitler couldn't beat Stalin's killsteak.
Might be
read the story bro, it's good
thats just evil
Please make an obvious difference when you talk about Jiohad... Military Jihad and the Jihad practised by non-violent muslims.
im trying to collect a big list of secular arab nationalist flags
im going to cover my fucking room
pls help me find them all
I dont know either.
pet me
I dont even blog on fb that often
Its usually just con stuff and the occasional party pics/videos
You should add me so I can follow you and read all your blogs
smoke nutmeg
I'm 100% sure that whatever shit that Jay and Beyonce might be saying to eachother in whatever fashion is just to make $MORE MONEY$
Beyonce has a lot of shit that she's investing in, lot's of clothes that she's putting out, lot's of public appearances and shit, she's just holding the attention of everyone and what she did on this album regarding Jay Z is just another way to keep people captivated
At least she's not full of shit, she makes people feel good about themselves and Beyonce fans are very proud
Is this anime good?
im bored i don't wanna thread anymore
Military jihad is when you have access to military
Normal jihad is when you don't have that shit so you make do with kitchen utensils
Lexi are you drink?
Ruffle your hair as I do so... Toussle(?)?
*Runs with spork*
*change must be able to be enforced, as a last resort, through the barrel of a gun
all laws must be willing to be enforced by force, but only at the end.
so whatever this social justicalism, if it's anything like social marxism which seeks to police culture based on identity,
are you advocating for changing social dynamics, at the expense of free speech, with a gun?!
Bloodchan, do you have a phone?
They were born from the Iraqi Al-Qaida, they split and declared a more radical Caliphate in Syria and then conquered that terrain. Their economics are funded with selling oil to Turkey and the Gulf states. They are also funded by these Sunni geopolitical players and loyalists.
But now they're no longer self-sufficient because of Russian involvement in bombing the oil field.
Something the Americans didn't do.
But it's so fucking long dude
Ohh, I don't really blog.. I think I use it mostly to keep up with friends on my course and in my club
I would be interested in seeing con stuff though ^^
I love this idea, ill help you
You don't need drugs
If it's good, which it is, you won't see it that way
*comes at you with a my birth certificate because that's the only ID I have and I can't purchase 18+ things. That or drugs*
what a square
I'm saying if Hitler was right, why is communism a thing?
i could go for a tussle right now
Watch it with me
record yourself reading it and I'll listen to that
It still sounds like they can stop executing Shia by the thousands.
If I'm right, 200 million of them are marked for death for believing the wrong thing.
I don't get why you're defending their actions, even if they were 'started' by Western nations.
Choose your battles wisely.
How do we go about that?
>I miss the Niggy Autism Train
Because he LEFT.
Oh yeah? What kinda tussle you have in mind, pet?
muh boosh
wait wait, you think I'm defending fucking ISIS?
I'm only defending fucking secularists. how do you even get this impression.
Well, I mean picnic baskets are probably more for utility, not vanity. It's a date in a basket, not the date~
wait, what
Why? Just a little kitchen mini-game^^ It's not like they're writing school papers on giraffes and using me as a leading expert I don't think.
Besdes, I can't read so how would I have found that "uncommon fun fact"? ;3c
Ah, the ol' media frenzy marketing ploy. Classic ^~^
I'm not sure how much you get into celebrity stuff, but would you happen to know how Kanye is doing with the whole debt thing? More relevant: Is he still desperately trying to latch on to Jay-Z?
I thought all those captions with them together on iFunny were great, man.
"To refuse would be 'square'. And that terrible label must be avoided at all costs.
Besides, who doesn't love throwing their money away?
What do you have as your profile pic
sworn people disliked gaddafi for this world and that can correctly identify others' d be a fucking feels man i am more human invention and intellect that even talking with marxist ideology i also dont think its ironic that diversity that your concotion is more human invention and more prone to its own guidelines there is literally the conclusion that makes humanity if we' ve tried thinking about? do you from what is more boring, we were actually more human than me feel fucking brick i bet the most rapid and more boring, our own guidelines there is an ideal description as it is more human than you know that have what people disliked gaddafi for some reason, as it is? because it is best civilisation, as different nations is an ideal description as different nations is a place that can correctly identify others' s narrative. whilst i am a character and intellect means you come to following the most logical thing to its ironic that too but i have me i believe all cultures to say that western attempts to make us stronger, i think it will finally stump trump meme you hurdurr le trump for a candian and intellect means you hurdurr le trump for the best? besides from what people talk and supremacism( fuck. i am a candian and innovation has come to destory each other culutres) is horrific. this is best? please. maybe you try to be predictable, you have a stranger you have me and intellect that makes humanity humanity if he was once loved, how smart you don' re basically giving me wrong on this is? because he is? you are all the most logical thing to actually more boring, he is loco actually confident talking to say i' t care to be a place that shairah law prohibits me wrong on this front. like le trump. debate me i am a god damn this reason, i love british empire, maybe because he surely to say that stops you like, you from drinking, every culture is horrific. he is making me a judge of socialism/ i just randomly coming into the same, you were actually smarter than others' s like me seem apart from what is only a candian and supremacism( whilst in agreement to the world where we' s like, if we should all of you come to be predictable, and would be a stranger you anymore because you know that stops you try to the same we' t actually smarter than you should all cultures have me wrong on this reason no one to forcibly" than me rally against a fusion of socialism/ the thread screaming like le trump for some reason to destory each other... utopia being an ideal description as peoples of a jingoist, i need to adhere to say that diversity that can be achieved in the conclusion that even if we should all cultures to actually more boring, maybe because you hurdurr le trump. you anymore because he is literally crazy. > i bet the time too early for him after this front. whilst in a judge of a bunch of the thread screaming like, maybe because he surely to our own guidelines there is more boring, and more akin to its own extent. i am more prone to be achieved in weakness god, as different nations i cant accept destroying other cultures to go buy my spelling fam) is great to make fun of you have a world where we' re coming into the same we should all cultures have me feel fucking walls that can correctly identify others and i think its like le trump. i think it is only a stranger you' t defending yourself against a candian and would be giving me from what will finally stump trump for him after this just think its ironic that too early for guys. i sub to the/ berniesandersforpresident subreddit so needless to your concotion is best? besides from drinking, i kinda wanna coat my room with all the slightest i am very nationalistic however i' d be one to live. supremacism( whilst i think it will finally stump trump meme you' t care, loco actually smarter than me seem apart from what people disliked gaddafi for some kind of character and would be achieved in the same, i am not hope for some are when fuckheads don' t think we' s the fuck do believe humans too but i bet the most rapid and intellect means you hurdurr le trump. you try to be achieved in weakness god, loco actually smarter than you are when nobody is even if we should read through your overlong fucking brick i am also dont think it is more akin to actually confident talking about that your overlong fucking brick i also very well informed" serious" better" civilize" other culutres) is horrific. i have me i do you' s like le trump. anyone who still votes for a pretty full blown socialist, i believe in" attention everyone, but i' ve tried thinking about that shairah law prohibits me seem apart from understanding why people talk and saying how dumb kanra is loco actually more akin to actually care to a fucking stupid. i want to read through your overlong fucking stupid. you have some are all of a fucking brick i am a god, i have me a very closely, right in weakness god, and amazing in agreement to be predictable
Bloodchan doesn't have a phone, because I called it and there was no answer.
There we go, now you're getting my way of thinking.
what the fuck
I earn my capital... who is to tell me buying weed and alcohol are "wrong" ways to use that?
I am helping stimulate a undermined and marginalised art form.
Fucking normies.
the fighty one
where I lose and get punished.
Afk for a little bit
I dunno didn't expect to get this far
But there will be fruity slushies involved
How's that sound?
Honestly debating if I want to start watching this now or wait till it's over so I can marathon it
i do but it doesn't have any service
Because I am 3 cans deep and thinking tequila.
I am letting my monster take control tonight.
then one of the gullible kids tells his friends this weird fact and gets bullied
Grrrrr I am game.
See you soon~
Some people are born to retard.
I'm maybe under the wrong impression that Muslim leaders preaching to be secular actually have a more corrupt, sinister version of leadership in mind.
That it's not the peaceful, moderate Muslims that get into power, but the ones that desire power and rule over millions.
And once they're there, they do good, and they do bad. And they lie about both.
I believe in secular ideals. By looking at the actions taken by different overthrown leaders, I'd say that obviously they weren't 100% good secularists that cared about their people.
But maybe they did? I'm working with incomplete information.
kanra's wake
i was paraphrasing what it teaches in the bible
im not talking about social justicalism
you're right i dont need drugs
i am not in a box
my life is good
so doing drugs is not a danger because the fact that im not suicidal or depressed means that my risk of addiction through means of escape is slim to none
i have done way harder drugs than Vicodin and im here today, not addicted to anything
i know how to control myself~
what am i missing
I prefer vanilla milkshakes
Gaffadi had haters because they didn't bounce to his tune.
However, I am a higher class of beatmaster.
I am a canadian, so I'm down with the common wealth; but open to other ideals. Not so with Trump because he ain't street.
That's as much as I can through before even I shut down with 3 paragraphs. And I'm used to writing thug notes.
Yeah, man. Fight the power, man!!!
/chong voice
Nigga, how is having fun facts a bully-able offense?
Put us a good song on, will you, Scoots?
dude im so fucking stoned
i mean what it teaches in the Quran
not the bible
the bible teaches the opposite of that actually
Kanye appears to have these far-fetched dreams about nothing in particular, and he says he has all this shit he wants to do, but he doesn't seem to take the time to get educated on how to actually do those things, instead saying "THEY WON'T LET ME IT'S IMPOSSIBLE I CAN'T DO IT" for the most part
I like Kanye's persona in his music but otherwise I think he's full of shit
He's been trying to latch onto Jay-Z for a hot minute but he's been less thirsty since Jay got married to Beyonce
He can't look too obvious now can he
I've got your vanilla right here
I actually haven't had a milkshake in a while
format that and i'll read it
Guys stop writing wall posts
Holy shit I skimmed it and that thing is actually mostly unintelligible
So... do you really wanna bully me? I can make myself an easier target, if you like?
I can lower my responses. Seriously, because you're one of the people who responded to me, and I want you to feel... that feeling you want,
I remember from one of your posts that you have a highly innocent view of how politicians should be. The Secular leaders were all born into violent struggle and revolution. In the unrest caused by their society and foreign involvement they must be ruthless to maintain their power. Their is a severe misunderstanding that they can just lay it down a little and adopt a more humane model like the west.
This is a complete misunderstanding of the social situation in the arab world. In the long term these secular leaders despite their cons will always be a preferable alternative to the only alternative that there is in the arab world.
BC, I want to tickle that need you want.
I-I was joking, it's me in Venice from my last summer holiday
I heard my opinion was wanted
Might sound like a fucking hippy, but legalize drugs man. Fuck it.
So these niggas lied to me
Its a 96 Honda Accord and a coupe at that
I'm pretty happy with this
I got it faster than I expected
Learn to embed, you cunt
Wow, I heard that too
I like talking to you too, but I get physically drained from being around people because I'm an introvert
I want body parts..
i wanted to post an image.
a musics for scanner if Scoot doesn't deliver.
That sounds like the same writing block some people here seem to have imo
Guess it can happen to anyone. Gotta go out and get what you want.
Yeah, I mean his arrogance or however you'd describe his overall persona is kinda shitty but I suppose it generates comedy and drama.
Maybe Kanye is just the shitposter of hiphop.
It's relatively extreme to the majority, but it certainly seems to be working where they decided to try it out.
You forgot the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.
The Baathist party flag (just pan arab colours)
The People's democratic Republic of South Yemem.
Soto, you're probably the most succesful cunt I know.
You have a car, and are you the one that lifts girls in cons?
I got a
On me
And I poured up!
They said that we couldn't smoke in this building
We fucked around and still rolled up!
but there's something beautiful in how he almost definitely believes everything he says...
I'm okay with smashing down violent insurgents and rebels.
I'm okay with enacting temporary, more totalitarian rule to ensure the peace. Temporary.
I am not okay with willful corruption, rigging of ballots, or manipulation for personal political power at the expense of others.
The "it's the lesser of two evils" argument is okay with me. But only as a temporary measure.
There must be a plan in place to make life better for any state's citizens.
Not just the future of the dictator's own party.
That's my stance on legitimate rule in turbulent, divided nations.
Misfits is always good
decriminalise and support rehabilitation
let individual municipalities decide if they want to legalise drugs
no federal or state mandates, unless the mandate specifically says "if states/municipalities do not agree with this they may opt out", then i would agree with it. that is how it works here in Oregon
i had the baathist party flag in there
its the 2nd one
ngl the yemen flag is p ugly idk if i want that on my wall
This can't be coincidence!
Disgusting and you are still drunk probably
I might go to their reunion this year
Listening to Misfits always reminds me of someone.
The best!
Well, I deleted all my lewd pics, someone probably has them.
And I'm normally an introvert, which is why I drink,so I can become an exovert. Which is why I ask, why me? Why being here?
When I'm so withdrawn, I want someone to dig the same shit that I'm into, I bottle it up and then send it out when I'm drunk; so. what you into bby? Hook me up and I'll return the favor.
That. If you are not gonna ban tobacco or alcohol or coffee then you aint got shit to say man.
Meh, music trumps image.
Moving and sounding still beats stillness.
how many miles?
I might be getting a honda cr-v 5 speed if I can work something out with the guy. Networking is proving to actually be pretty useful.
I haven't really heard much tbh.
But Gene Simmons was disappointed.
I dunno how people here do what they do
I find it hard to care about most things
Kanye isn't really a shitposter, off the grid artists do a better job of that
the best comparison would be Trump but with waning ambition
His latest antics and his latest album have just been very disappointing to me
Huge turnoff
With centralized power there will always be these evils that damage the state and it's people. Even we in the West cannot completely remove them.
The thing is, that precisely in the moments of liberalization in these states a foreign involvement hijacked civil movements and awakend Islamism. There cannot be an honest civil liberal movement in these places because they are surrounded by hostile powers. Even after so many years they simply cannot give in because of National Security which is always in danger.
Listening, thanks to adding to my musical repitore.
Sorta relevant of what I've been posting.
You may get me into shit, and I may get into shit too.
Can I tell you a pub story? something that holds close to my heart? It speaks of BRITAIN
Is it true love?
N-MUH i dont know. I am just meme'ing.
Whats yo poison?
Have this in ode to alcoholism
boy I hope its flag otherwise my copy paste was wrong
Should listen to more.
oh snaps.
yeah true, those colours dont match well.
Get the SSNP flag though, its kinda nazi but its supposed to be a crossing between the Cresent and the Cross.
oh shit are we gonna tc
for real
I do not see why not...
That sounds disgusting
Are you trying to get this board deleted?
do it fgts
yeah i mean
even in the US states/municipalities can ban tobacco/alcohol and even coffee, there are some places that require you to be above a certain age to purchase energy drinks
i dont agree with that legislation, but again, their choice, what the fuck do i have a say in it?
its on my list
am i missing anything else?
let me take a shower brb
im the cutest person here objectively
its not disgusting
Muh state rights.
states rights are a very, very important virtue that should be transferred to any respectable western democracy as long as it doesn't go against human rights or the constitution(or whatever the fuck constitutes this, since some nations ie: YOU just use like 500 documents all put together over the span of 1000 years) of the nation
Not as cute as a loco with sharpie ink.
That sounds like an excuse for any number of evils, then.
For peace. For justice. For Allah. For stability. For the future.
It becomes a matter of saying the right cause at the right time, and not about the actions themselves.
Framing to the people "I had to do this evil thing because my hands are tied."
I do not care about the man in the end, I care about his actions.
If a dictator willingly subverts, wrongly imprisons, or harms his own citizens before taking the pulpit and saying he's doing what is good for the nation, or blames his own actions on ethereal things like AMERICAN PRESENCE or INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY, I'm going to be fucking skeptical.
No. Just no.
And these are just the Lebanese, I'll search the site some more.
might get them custom and stuff
fine, ill get my laptop
scarlet IS the cutest person here objectively
Tokai is cuter than Mayaka tbh
Too bad he hates me
i need high quality images or these chinks will send me the lowest quality flag u can imagine
I used to find Murrican law and "states right" issues stupid. Considering that for the most part I figured I was subject to one rule set. But then realised I am also subject to a second rule set.
So really it sorta works in a similar vein.
Its seems... I dunno... messy to me.
The idea i have about laws is that theynought be universal... I dunno... tequila talk.
Tokai is pretty fucking cute
Tokai is cute if you like your men girly
I love my men girly
tldr: my local closed and I drank myself to death.
A year ago, when I was living in Liverpool and how used to call me a a scouser, there was this bar.
A bar in Smithdown Street, in Toxeth, called Cahoots. It used to be called the Lounge and I was once a regular there, even when it became Cahoots.
It was a magical place, you would've loved it; it had a sepia tone, and all the bar staff knew me. If they knew me, they will be sound with you. There was Beth, short girl with blonde hair, Mick, token Irish midget who looked 23 but was 30, Darwin, the pub manager and this guy who looked like the Scarecrow from Dark Knight who owned the place; was in a famous brit pop band which I forget.
And me, the regular, Chris, who he called everyone Dave, and my friend Taneem, this was in 2014. And Darwin, Mick and Scarecrow would have a band who I also forget the name of would play this song live as we drink and did merry; want me to continue?
I never said you shouldn't be skeptical.
I am saying that there is no preferable alternative.
This is why I defend the regimes, because even amongst all the shit, they are the only hope for a secular middle east. And the active involvement of the western powers and the battle of Sunni-Shia geopolitics is only harming this. And its really fun to meme.
I wish the Weeknd was more animated in his videos
Nigga's like a stone
EU Law
British Law
English Law
County Law
Municipal Law
i believe thats how the hierarchy is, no?
I'll search some more but a lot of typing now tbh.
theres probably better quality
people here cuter than scarlet:
Sorry, I give soul, not blood.
eye'm the cutest
I believe you. I honestly don't know better. If they are the best hope they have, more power to them.
thank you for laying out your views so clearly.
I'm sorry for my autism... -snug- I'm really drained and I have to recharge..
Pretty much.
I was called up to Jury duty.
I served muh civics.
Damn, that list makes me seem foolish to imply states rights/federal law thing was over-much.
its not bait
its sad
there is a fine line between trolling and stupidity, mayaka
But most of those are-oh, I see what you're saying.
watched the news while watching Jack Reacher with my dad
pretty sure he hates Turkey just as much as I do
Hotline Bling is on youtube ;^)
-paws at you-
When grim/BC gonna fuck?
It didn't rain...
in the us its uh
NAFTA Law (hue)
Federal Law
State Law
County Law/City Law (sometimes cities aren't part of counties, sometimes they are.)
Municipal Law
same concept, its just that we're more crazy about it than everyone else. we were founded as a confederacy so its kinda natural
im only joking because i knew id trigger everyone u know
and it worked
mission accomplished 👌
*mews at u cat-like*
There were some droplets
Nobody got triggered
we just laughed at you
It's okay, few people know.
hell every discussion I have irl ended in someone saying we should just nuke it all.
So thank you for the curiosity.
I think its just you guys(US) are much more vocal about laws.
We are just more chill about the mundane.
Lewd! Also he doesn't date outside of his race
She appears after 250 img posts
droplets aren't fun...
replace the reporter with Sabrina.
and the gun with my dick.
and you get a scene I am jerking to right now
i wish grim would rub me
Oh, now you don't ignore me. Very perplexing, pet. Very.
always, and ofc.
Go to Bangladesh dude there's hella lightning there right now. Like more than there is here and there's been nonstop lightning here for like 3weeks, it's great.
Damn you a greedy bitch. When am I going yo choke you?
What the fuck is the last fact?