Japan's Porn Industry is Running Out of Male Actors


Honorary Aryan women are sex deprived like no other. Can't even pay Japanese men to fuck them! Why doesn't Holla Forums colonize Japan? Save The White Race!

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Farm the rice pay the price.

That's good for them, since less porn means more Japanese actually being born. If they can solve their demographic crisis, they'll be a great asset in the extermination of the Chinese and other mainland Asian races.

Good god, it isn't even officially summer yet, and you fags have already started.

Saged and reported for old news and race mixing

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

If you think they're going to shut down their porn industry, you're naive. They japjews will just import niggers from Africa to fuck them.

Top lel


Expect less bukkake, more reverse gangbangs.
Maybe they should recruit among the Japanese diaspora in the US/Canadian west coast, as we could send back some of our better-hung mongoloids.

It's actually dated today.

This is excellent news. Good luck, Japan.

You're replying to a shill, user.

*clenches fists in rage of jealousy*

I am okay with this.


Japanese have the most beautiful pale skin on Earth.

Weebs need to burn.


Try so much harder, kike.

In case you needed a reminder, Asians are not white. Get this autistic weebshit fantasy out of your head.
t. fucking nip mongrel


kys retard

From Kagoshima, you disrespect both of our ancestors. Porn industry is a blight on my nation. Killing it is a good thing. Combining races will destroy both cultures!

Breaking News: Guys don't want to fuck skanks, film at eleven.

Reminder: Jews control the Japanese porn and financial industry, just like in America

No such thing as "Honorary Aryan". All non-Whites are niggers, period.

Pornography is horrifically grotesque and degenerate; everybody involved in the promotion or production of it should be executed (and eventually, simple possession of it as well; fyi I'm talking about hardcore pornography- recorded sexual acts).



my honoraryan tomodachi.

This is the perfect opportunity for kikes and worst Korean cockroaches to jump in and "save the day" by enriching your women.

If I had by grasp of the Japanese language I'd try to help filling the niche just to save your women from the humiliation of bestiality but I'm afraid this isn't my duty. APPLY FOR A JOB IN THE INDUSTRY NOW!


I thought it was specifically the worst Korean sect of talmudists in this one.


Why so self loathing?

I'm not going to racemix and ruin the Japanese gene pool, but even if I were I would have to be gay or female to be interested.
Men refused, women are still signing up. This kills the pure Japanese female narrative.
Life would be easier if I were gay, why is it so hard for women to be virtuous? I'm not even mgtow, but they sleep around no problem, then think they are virtuous by inviting in people who hate the country.
Sad, Japanese will now fetishise racemixing just because they like celebrities from Australia. Japan is fucked, it's sad because I liked them, but cultural marxism is inevitable.

Uhm… Dawg…

stop thinking with your penis

Kill yourself.

Are you native Japanese? Why is your language so hard to learn? I just want to visit your countryside, play games and read manga, but fucking hell its horrible with the kanji and grammar.

Sounds like your own post is the sauce, user. Jewishness transcends race.

Not trying to encourage race mixing here but nips are already a mongrel ethnicity between sinodonts and the most basal sudadonts that looked surprisingly europoid, so at least morphotypically speaking you would only ruin them by giving them genes for fair hair and eyes.

You are right.

Eh, call me when they start running of actors for the 2d stuff.

Well I have to admit that it did sound appealing before reading the thread. Its very true. But as other anons said, I have enough respect for the culture (or whats left of it) and identity of the Japanese people to not pollute it. They deserve the purity that we enjoy just as much and have just as much reason to celebrate their identity without being turned into mongrels.

they need to work on transferring minds into the 2d realm before anything.

No I would ruin their genes, I'm white, they aren't, I want them to survive because I like them, I'm not thinking with my dick, even if I was I value monogamy and have a preference for whites.
Let's pretend I wouldn't damage their gene pool, it sets a precedent that dating/marrying outside Japan is ok, leading to them doing just that and no longer being Japanese. I'm not taking responsibility for that.

To be fair the very existence of Aryans lies to minor miscegenation with trans-Siberian nostratic speakers (that included the Japanese' ancestors) otherwise Whites today would speak languages related to
Basque and Georgian.

No fucking wonder why you didn't mention the original source.

Fuck off.

You seem pretty well educated in anthropology, I didnt even know about Sinodonty vs Sundadonty, know any good books for further reading on this? I find cultural heritage and linguistics fascinating.

Basque and Georgian.
Behar zenukete bezala.

Thanks but it's mostly local encyclopedias that sparked my interest in ethnography so that I would then geek out on kikepedia about it. Take what I say with a pinch of salt, since I cannot verify the linguistic claims myself, especially given that for a long time Academic kikes tried to discredit even the very existence of the Indoeuropean language family.

I have to add, you forgot about the Celts

Celts are I.E. Speakers.

So he potentially created a bunch of single mothers and definitely made a few virgins more likely to divorce in their future marriages in a country already hurting for families.

But I have to add that after Hellenic, Celtic languages had the most pre-I.E. Influences, if I recall correctly, especially in toponyms.


Porn is fiction, user.

Goddamn this thread is a fucking Weeb magnet. Fucking kill yourselves.

the funny thing is the drop coincides with the demise of the last of the yakuza's "old men" and the simultaneous police crackdown.
Basically jew-tier japs fucked up having worthless children same as ours.
Only the sasakawas didn't fuck off and get high and they turned mostly legit. (legal thievery aka mobileshit and vidya with DLC)

dubs o truth!

Thought Japs like hentai more than 3dpd porn.


Thankfully this doesn't affect the superior expression of sexual passion, meaning 2D.

I hope the Japanese porn industry dies out and they focus on creating families again. National socialism and racial unity are more important than selfish desires and muh dik. Now if only the same could happen in the West but the likes will fill the industry with niggers before they'd allow that

You're forgetting about the 2d stuff m8

God damn nips are ugly. They're like some weird mongrelized version of a Chinese person.

Huh, guess I should go to Japan for a couple of months, maybe make it a bi-yearly thing, bring some friends along, shit I bet that I could solve their population problem singlehandedly if I had enough time.

Gook girls love the big white cock.

You fuckin wot m8

W-where's her vagina?

If you think Japanese are going to import Niggers for anything except game-show victims, you don't know nothing about the japs.

How many hours of make-up application was required for those photo shoots? And of course models always represent the average population.

brb gotta to to Japan for… reasons.

Okay, I'll get the rope ready for when you get back.

Middle and right don't even look Japanese. Fucking slant-eyed makeup artists. They're all pro tier makeup artists. Pisses me off. The only one you posted who looks even remotely acceptable is 1. 5 is hideous, and 2 and 3 derived their styles from pedo tier anime culture. The way slant-eyes try to emulate children in their pictures annoys the fuck out of me. Children, or indirectly by trying to do "cutesy" kiddy shit.

I like the Japanese as a people/ race, I wish them the best. Their women are cute but I don't support race mixing with them besides white women are far better looking.

Kek lad, do you even Aryan bro?
That's how modern Europeans came to be, the Aryan men came from the steppes by the Volga and fucked all of the farmer women to the west.

Kek lad, stop being such christ cuck already, get with the fucking times and colonize some gook/dunecoon pussy.

Virgin beta detected. MTGOW cucks need to leave.


NO, that's how South America came to be what it is, muh dick retards like you, you're basically a white nigger.

I agree, we should fuck the black out of Africa, once every white person has children with non-whites then there won't be as many non-whites amirite? Black men love white women so send them to Africa and in a few generations there will be a bunch of quadroons there instead because the local populations will stop breeding too.

On slant-eye women, yes. They're naturally hideous. They wear masks of makeup.

No, South America came by men fucking and bringing in monkey animals, the Japanese are not the same as wild injuns, the Japanese are domesticated, and as such would be a good target for genetic enhancement.

Nah you stupid christcuck bitchnigger, even you don't fucking believe that.

get it through your fucking retarded head, asians are not niggers, niggers from africa are black as fucking coal. no asians are black as fucking coal.

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

Oh great. All the ricefarmers coming out of the wordwork defending fucking literal whores instead of their own white women who need a strong white husband in these pozzed times filled with dangerous shitskins. All race traitors get the rope, remember that.

And also, the Japs have stopped breeding by themselves, if we were to truly make a concentrated effort, we literally could permanently change the Japanese gene pool in to an intermediary between gooks and whites.

That's retarded. We already feed them; hence why there's so fucking many of them. All we need to do is taint their food with a substance that sterilizes them. It would be "humane," it would be nearly impossible to detect until it's too late, and we wouldn't have to fire a single bullet or lose a single casualty.

its time for the Pornobots to shine!
Go Dick-o-tron!

Most people of all races are ugly, that's why the attractive ones are so valued. You don't actually believe that white women don't cake on a metric fuckton of makeup do you?

…isn't that a really low number? I mean any number above 0 is too many, but relative to other places, and given Japan's overall population, that's a really low number. Is it because they've got hentai?

Projecting are we?
Ahh yes, foreign women referring exclusively to Nips.

get it through your fucking retarded head, asians are not Europeans, Gooks from asia are yellow as fucking dandelions. no Whites are yellow as fucking dandelions.

Clearly this is a b8 thread and I have fallen for the b8. No one can be this retarded


Rest In Piss user aa1116, killed by a unveiled example of Poe's law.

Of course some do, but the thing is many white women look good without make-up most Nips don't.

(two off)

This is your example of attractive Japanese women? How fucking boring. They all have the same skin tone. Same eye color. Same natural hair color. Same body builds. It's like they were made on an assembly line. How you can even begin to compare these ugly little slant-eyes to the diverse array of beauty found in any given European country is beyond me. Germany for example has more variety in one small town than the entirety of East Asia, where everyone has either dark brown or black hair, brown eyes, the same skin tone, the same slant-eyes, the same lack of musculature etc.

What the fuck is that mongrel?

Holyyyy fuuuuuck

oyy veyy

Apparently someone's never been to Europe. Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Russians all have slightly different skin tones, while all of east Asia is a big blob of similarity.


This isn't true at all.
Even in Japan itself, you'll find clear differences. Lets not talk about China that's almost a subcontinent.

Any attractive gook will do, but the nips are prime.

I'm just talking about impregnating their women.

Wew, you actually have nothing to come with, well my little gook man, I'm going to be impregnating your zipperhead women by this time next year, and you'll be paying for them.

Fucking loser.

Doesn't matter if they have similar traits as long as those traits are appealing. All blonde white girls look the same to me btw.

In Germany alone you have a wide array of hair colors and eye colors. Throughout Europe you have ranging heights, body types, skin tones, hair colors, eye colors etc.

But they all dress similar right?

>Any attractive gook will do, but the nips are prime
Well let me know when you find one.
I know. Mixing with nips is no better than mixing with nigs.
Sounds like projection, are you actually a nip cuck and is that why you're shilling your women to Europeans?

That's the thing, they have hideous features. Bad body types, ugly eye shapes, lacking natural musculature which is replaced by body fat reserves making their bodies look ugly like a baby etc. 1, 2,3, and 5 all look like the same person.

There is only one way how to get rid of yellow fever. Look at fat ass Asians. Blaaaaaaahhhhh

I opened the first one and thought it was a fat fucking tranny.

Fair enough. Although within that is a big range

Again fair enough, although the old Jomon and Emishi didn't have this trait as pronounced

False. Again even within Japan, there are clear differences from say an Okinawan/Ryukyuan to a Yamato, to a northern Honshu/Emishi.
Not even going into the differences between countries, and within China between the Manchu, and Han, and Cantonese, or the further southeast Asians like the Vietnamese.

Same range as a European, unless you consider mudslimes to be European, in which case sure "we" have more range.

That's an issue of the modern era. We have it too unfortunately.

So they're shorter on average. So?

Tall women are unattractive, fat women are disgusting, white women who tan look like potatoes, blonde and brunette hair is boring and redheads are usually ugly, blue eyes do look nice. You seem to be a huge fan of diversity user, why not invite people of other races together to mix and thus make things more diverse? Or could it be that diversity is actually overrated as fuck? Why settle for diversity when you could have perfect 10s across the board?

the less incentive to look at porn the better
maybe theyll go out and actually try to find a woman if they wont look at the 2d stuff

I'm not talking about people being fat sloths. I'm talking about their natural musculature. There's hardly any of it. They seem to store fat in place of muscle naturally, and end up with these weird, shapeless little baby fat bodies.

Get fucked, retard. Haha! Also why would I want to invite the brown hordes in? There's no diversity in the brown hordes. Only European peoples have diversity. Everyone else is just a shade of brown with eyes and hair that are also a shade of brown, or black.

Except that isn't true at all.

Yes it is you fucking retard.

You're the cuck who is afraid of some slant pussy, you fucking niggbrain.


Yes it is you fucking retard.

You're the cuck who is afraid of some slant pussy, you fucking niggbrain.

KYS you fucking virgin cuck beta
KYS KYS KYS you fucking shitskin niggerfaggot.

Here's some hot western women anons.

I like the Japanese people, but even their most attractive woman is only a 7/10, and I would not advise racemixing and having hapa children

It is. Are you really going to sit here and propagate the notion that "we're all the same"? No, slant-eyes certainly do have different natural builds due to thousands of years of consuming a nutritionally different diet from us, and it shows. They have fucking ugly little baby fat bodies with no muscle mass, and they're all short as fuck. No wonder pedos love nips.

Fuckin beta cuck.

Kill yourself, faggot.

What is a joke, you fucking autist?

There's more variety between pic. 1 and 3 than there is between every slant-eye posted.

This is a serious discussion faggot, no time for fun here.

Oops Lmfao

I love pretty girls, I can spend hours just looking at pictures of attractive females, and that's without the masturbation included.

Is that normal?




Japanese women are weird. The better-looking examples are always what I'd consider "cute", but not beautiful by any conventional metric.

No urr a faggot

No. Also delete your pics. of number 3. I'm sick of seeing that fucking face on here.

Second to last is exquisite.

Never did I say this. I'm just saying you're wrong about the fat distribution

Again, they're shorter on average sure. The fat distribution thing is asinine bullshit, but please feel free to pull up some historical photos proving otherwise

Resorting to ad homs doesn't help you.

This isn't the first time I see this expression being used.

Is this "brapp" thing a nigger meme or something?

Last one is perfect. I can't place her features though. Italian?

Fuck you faggot.

Dis nigga don't know bout brapp hogging dose hoes.


Hailey Williams from Paramores little sister or something?

I don't fucking know, faggot.


Nah, some Russian girl.

Just look up pictures and videos for direct comparisons. East Asians women have soft, frail bodies. European women tend to have firmer glutes (where East Asians tend have a small fat reserve and no muscle whatsoever most of the time) and a more developed overall musculature. It's plain as fucking day.

Don't call me a faggot, nigger.

In New Jersey all the blonde girls here have black sharpie eyebrows along with hard edge trimming mimicking the spic greaseballs.
Women untouched by degenerate makeup are gone here.

2nd blonde girl has trimmed brows, probably blacked

kike spotted

I'll call you whatever I want you fucking nigger, faggot!

Jesus, get out of there already, the city is no place for an honest white man, especially not (((New York))) with its (((2.5 megakikes))).

There's your problem.

Pitiful. In florida all we got is the real enchiladas, pure mehicano slutteritas

I honestly don't see it. Fat distribution on women seems the same, around the hips and breasts, perhaps with less fat overall I suppose.
Certainly not the case for men, although again, everyone in the 1st world is suffering from numale cuck infestations these days.

Never let anyone tell you Holla Forums isn't fucking subverted.

I'm white and I've fucked spics, Turkish whores, asians, and even one black chick just to try it out (it was gross). No shame. I wasn't trying to start a family with any of them, just life experience you weirdo.


Cuckchan is back that way. You kike loving faggot.

I hope she managed to avoid the Russians. Sad.

Use the correct term (NIGGER(YOUFUCKINGFAGGOT)) you fucking beatialty loving and commiting degenerate.

Gas yourself greaseball

S-stop degenerate.

Makes me want to visit Germany, the land my grandparents came from. Too bad that safe, white, beautiful Germany is gone.

This. Jews are also pro-racemixing and pro-porn, they're the ones that especially pushed those things so the amount of shilling in this thread is ridiculous

You better have meant to reply to someone else

Your whiteness has been revoked as of this post.




Delete four. That whore did interracial propaganda on that Marvel television show.


She's a bit thin and has small tits yet she's very pretty.

pol harbor already happened here. I come back just to shitpost and observe the subversion

Look a jew subverting with pornography



Get the fuck off my board retarded, broken record roastie.



Yeah… I don't reccomend it, she was not fully Nigger and still peformed like a 3/10. Weird smelling too, it's like my body rejected it.


gee goy. how you know it was me, Pornoberg?

You're doing the complete opposite nigger.

I find it super funny the mudslimes are subjected to that. Fuck em' and fuck jews too, but awfully funny warfare tactics.

I don't see how its the opposite Its fucking disgusting.

You can take off the mask kike

But you're wrong. Hitler absolutely despised those who mix the races. Japan is an ally in dire need of our moral support. I would fight for a Nationalist Japan, but I'd never breed with one of them.

If you can't find people to do a job chances are that you're not paying enough.

Not trying very hard today shlomo?

yeah similar feelings, I find their women cute but I would never race mix with them as that would damn my linage forever.

I think I'm going to message some chubby girl now, thanks for the motivation user.

But if I did that Goyyy… I mean. You would see my Aryan features. My fat nose and shit eating grin.

Are you the same cuck who was spamming IDF girls a few days ago?

Yeah she really is. Will gladly fight you for her.

I hope you pelvis breaks underneath all that weight. goy

Hope she grabs me in a leglock and crushes my head with ease like a nut busting in a nutcracker.
>malnourished boytoys

I don't care about 2D but actual people in pornography denigrates the race.

She's an actress, which I thought would lead me to some degeneracy, but from her instagram she looks like a very wholesome girl. instagram.com/gracevcox/ I didn't even one non-white over multiple pages.

No, the ancients of our people cherished the form of men and women alike.

Can't get enough of this girl. Gook girls just cannot even compare to top tier European genetics.

so the whole evidence for anti-porn/nofap people comes from the statements and misconceptions of Arab mothers while Kike soldiers are probably just goading in a way that can't be declared a war crime by any stretch.

I support it and everything, but that's some really shaky evidence and it's recited here almost constantly

This is probably the worst part. There is a concerted but meager effort to break Japan from the inside. The Miss Japan thing was a start. Japan is very formidable but the jews in the government and in media and their servants remain where they've been for decades.

Please explain the increase in interracial JAV porn and even blatantly interracial 2d porn. Weeaboos are kidding themselves when they excuse the darker skinned male characters paired with pale complexioned female characters in porn.

She looks like an average South Western Ukrainian with an average German and maybe some Southern Anglo thrown in, the most average looking girl ever.

Well mission accomplished. I'm glad I turn you into a goy, who is into fat bitches. You will buy lots and lots of food now. To feed her unquenchable hunger. While I will be rolling in muh shekels.

She's amazing. And better than any gook you can name.

If this is average to you then I want to live where you live, you lucky, dumb fucking faggot.

teen pornstar?

She looks average to you because it's your average. It's easy to be somewhat intrigued by exotic looks. Just don't "muh dick" based on temporary interest born out of novelty.

Not jewish, nice try though. I was a normie when I was younger and fucked my share of broads. Can't all be 1488'ers

I'd beat your ass for that

lurk more kike

true, good thing we'll have CSPIR genemodded babies soon and the east asians will convert themselves to whites by the boatloads.

that kind of average is like fucking anime you little shit
if that's the average girl in the world, humanity would've already ascended REEEEEE

Its all your making, Scholmo. I'll gas you for this!

Are you a burger? She looks like my sister, and a million other girls here (Slav), but then again I find a lot of (specifically) American-Irish girls to be absolutely stunning, which I take is "exotic" for me and average for you.

omega, more like. Betas have at least the chance of going into a leadership position if the opportunity is given. Omegas on the other hand are completely passive, underwhelming, spineless, cucked and whipped, will be willing to take a beating from the rest of the group if it means situations are soothed.

what is with grills and their obsession with boots.

You are doing Gods work user

1 & 4 are bottle blondes, 2 consumes the sugary Jew, 3 is a redhead, 5 is 10/10 qt



I'm not saying she looks exotic to me, not really. And yes that's what I'm saying. Novelty is going to draw the eye, just don't act on instinct like an animal.


Omegas are the scribes, they withdraw from society and sex to pursue passion and follow a strict moral code, more often than not they inspire alphas or act as a mentor to the ones who are more on the intellect than warrior side, you got it twisted.

Honestly lad I can't even look at those pictures without attributing those common features to a billion normalfag girls I've spoken to around here. I must carry some of her genes already and seek variation, I guess, we're not muds after all.

They tried that once. We used a top-secret weapon to neutralize the invaders. The vector's effectiveness was so great, it was written off as 'narcotics usage'.

We will continue to improve the design of this weapon for use against nigs, muds, kikes and other lebensunwertes leben - life unworthy of life.

Nigger its june 20 when the fuck else is summer

i;m afraid to ask but what the hell is a reverse gangbang?

Lots of girls fucking one guy.

go back to reddit

It's called Tenchi Muyo

It will be summer in 1 hour, 8 minutes.

Honestly, fine with me, I prefer watching Japanese girls masturbate to getting dicked by men anyway.

Why do you give a shit about the Japanese?

Fighting for another race's existence because of vague sentiments is dick-think tier.

So you're saying I can move to Japan and fuck tons of Japs for money?

no that's what a gangbang is

Underrated post tbh

Gangbang is lots of guys fucking one girl.

I suppose if you don't differentiate between them, there is no such thing as a reverse gangbang.

Found an old copypasta. Thought some of you memory hole guys might like this. Highly related since Japan's porn industry is now bringing in Australians and Australia's government has a loose definition for what Australians are. I call him Japan's number one enemy.

2015 - 8/pol/ archive: archive.fo/ZhqWM
Post in particular: archive.fo/ZhqWM#selection-2265.0-2271.0
Searching for the baphomet archive. Apparently lolcow.farm has a thread up.

This faggot is an American Jew named David Aldwinckle who moved to Japan and renamed himself Debito Arudou. He has been campaigning for years to make Japan outlaw "hate speech" and become multicultural. One of his articles is called "Japan's Future as an International, Multicultural Society: From Migrants to Immigrants".

When some people made fun of him on 2ch, he literally SUED the fucking website and almost got it shut down. I believe he lives in Canada now, but he STILL pushes his leftist Marxist multiculti shit on Japan. You know what to do, /baphomet/. This guy took 2ch to court over posts making fun of him. WE ARE 2CH. An attack on 2ch is an attack on us.

debito.org/ ← His website

So basically an average European woman is more beautiful than the best Asia can offer despite all the work done (surgeries, makeup, dyed hair, contacts) on them. I guess real and natural wins again.


They already have that problem in Japan. Just like how Holla Forums keeps a tally of which of their favorite actresses have joined the BLACKEDlist, 2ch has a list of porn actresses that have done something unforgivable such as that.

How big is the list compared to Holla Forums's?

This. Holla Forums is staunchly anti rice mixing.

So how directly Jewish controlled is the jap porn industry?
Are there like enclaves of of them living Tokyo that are shadow partners of the porn company's board of directors?
Or is it all like down through proxy?
Or even just produced on Jew provided funds?


whats the link to this dotr list?


Why do Jews love scat?

When you compare them to whites, that is actually true for gook women.

ehh I disagree.
I've visited china and japan.

China has a large amount of people so you see ugly people everywhere. They also have a huge amount of growth defects because of the lack of food regulations and knockoffs. I barely saw any good looking women in china.

Japan is a mixed bag. I've seen a good amount of uglies and about the same amount of qt's

this guy interviews random people on the street. its about 50/50 in terms of appearance. Same with my experience in Osaka.


You haven't lived until you gotten out the glass coffee table.

I don't care about you fucking them (well, except the disease potential), I care about you creating more nonwhites that are more able to resist us. If the nonwhite women are sterilized I don't give a fuck what you do with them.

Same. I had yellow fever something fierce in highschool. I still think they're adorable as fuck and have a pleasant skintone and love the way they're still more feminine in general and stop me now or this will be a paragraph. But I know too much about how badly mixing races fucks up kids to even want to inflict that on anyone, and that's not even getting into preserving my lineage and demographic.

Jap girls are my forbidden fruit.

Appreciating beauty is perfectly fine though, but as you say, you cannot act on it. I've actually encountered some really attractive Lebanese girls what, you don't want a light-shitskin colored wife to hunt jews with?, certainly most races are going to produce their share of attractive women (never niggers though), we shouldn't demand that we pretend to be blind, rather we should exercise control and future planning.

White beauty reigns supreme, as exemplified by and I want my children to look like me and possess a high IQ.

First I'd like to thank all the shills for posting porn in the effort of trying to get people to go and wank instead of being productive. GG
I'd also like to point out that there would be the same problems in the west cause 90% of male porn actors are kikes. Seriously. Add nigs there and white males are negligible in number when it comes to porn.


I just need to get this out there because I have no one to talk to. I was out in the city and was astonished the amount of mix raced couples, it deeply sickened me and everyone is good with it. The time for action is now, I don't want to wait anymore.

Time to blacken the Asians, isn't it? The signal is observed.

Sounds like they're just going to import Australian Chads and fuck up Japan by making a bunch of hapas.

Do any of you purposely bump into niggers walking along with white girls? I do whenever the opportunity presents itself, and most of the time, the nigger apologizes for being in my path. I'll usually offer a condescending, "ohhh are you ok?" as well. I like to imagine I'm planting a seed in their girl's mind that their nigger isn't as alpha as the media said, but I'll admit that's egregiously wishful thinking; vapid coalburners seldom contemplate anything.

Yeah your over thinking it. If you do the girl will just go "oh, just another racist white boi, I better suck Tyrone's cock extra good tonight to apologize."

Oh fuck! I wish that wasn't true but it sounds extremely likely now.

This. Plus hentai is more often than not wish-fulfillment of so ronery artists and frequently features romantic monogamous relationships and even family creation instead of sluts looking for quick cash by degrading themselves.

Nope, Remember that Japan is in some level, owned by USA, USA is dominated and owned by DNC, USA is anti-white male, with giant market with white men they prefer to force niggers to please fantasies of niggers in this too, they also want to protect the ego of western loser asian men of asianmasculinity, while east asian men would never care (Or I'm being naive, i think western asian men are losers and east asian men aren't so loser, or maybe I was manipulated too)

Daily reminder coalburners and ricefarmers will suffer the worst fate on the day of the rope.

You mean interspecial with tentacled aliens?


Does anyone outside of Asia really watch porn from Japan, though? Isn't their porn super weird with things like fat jap guys who slobber on and run their tongue over girls that then make sounds that make them sound repulsed? The girls also sound like they're being raped, like they're crying or something. How is there a market for this outside of that region of the world?

To me this article just makes it sound like the Japanese women or whatever media liars are signaling that they find "Australian men" (i.e white Anglos, Anglo-celts) attractive and they're going to try to bring them in and poz up Japan subtly with racemixing in that way by using the excuse that because Japanese men don't find dead-end shit jobs like filming porn for hours at a time and then having no job security and being unemployable afterwards alluring in any way, they have to bring in Crocodile Dundee to fuck your porn whores.

Not so sure east asian men don't care, though. Read some story a month or two back about some racemix couple (a white man and Korean woman, with two daughters) getting chased out of their neighborhood in Korea and leaving the country. They probably don't like it on the same visceral level as anyone else. It's an existential threat on a large scale and long enough timeline.

Fuck off jim
why are you shitposting on Holla Forums and not using that patreon money on hookers and bears

When youre out bleaching some else is geeting blacked tacoed pooed an bombed.
Gotta find a good white girl asap. Her clock is ticking and tyrobe may take it

Keep on doing it Chadwick, I'm a manlet kinda chad so its out of the question.

Hmmm why not some refugeez

They likely went back to whatever country the white guy is from, and the same threat now lives there.

I have to admit, I have very conflicting impulses on this. My testosterone is clearly going through the roof because I've never felt like this before. On the one hand I want to do like the image in the OP did, fuck everything that moves. If I did, I obviously wouldn't marry a nonwhite or spend any resources on mongrels I would never see. On the other I want to wait and marry only a white virgin.
Sage for degeneracy.




It's sideways, silly.

Europeans were farming oryza since times immemorial, gooks only brought us the abomination of flied lice.


please name the files in your folder

How the fuck did you even manage to find them in it?

I don't name any of my shit and I have thousands of unsorted images, somehow I just manage to find something appropriate. Give yourself to the hive mind user.


You are not really better than a racemixer.

Spare the race mixing propaganda, jewish shitstain.

Nobody but whites can save the white race, nobody but nips can save their own. Really if the nips were left alone they'd be fine.

God damnit.
Got with a friend who was half leaf 1/4 jap 1/4china a few times. 36dds, banging bod and model face. Fucking hot.

But not as hot as my current aryan qt true red head. Total wife material, innocent af but slowly redpilling via the 'never reveal your true power level' technique. Whitest smoothest skin I've ever seen. It's fucking heavenly and mega intelligent to top it off.
When you can get that, you don't care for niggers or gooks for a more serious relationship.

But lmao this thread not being deleted.
Bad pol mods! No kampy shekels for you.

For years and years since /new/ the JIDF shilled with shitty BLANDDA UP WITH GOOKS GOY after nobody fell for it when they used negresses. They stopped for a while after getting caught (I know one of you have the image collection) but they're doing it again, nothing changes fucking jewfags didn't lurk moar.

Think of it this way, naysayers, it's either us or the mudslimes who will be doing the deed.

Way to describe everything I want in a woman.
Is she also at least 5"6?

I'll be honest, I've gotten over my yellow fever, but i still wanna fuck happas.

this is priming.
they will start importing jews and niggers to do the job.
screencap this.

We really need to bring back polygamy.
Why not have 20 white kids with 10 different women?
Heck, throw in a jap in there too, I wouldn't mind a little race-mixing.

The white race isn't going extinct any time soon. For that you'd need most whites race-mixing and ONLY race mixing.

You're retarded.

Keep the chinks in their shitholes.

Yes! Not by much. Hip to waist is insane, dancer ass, DDs. makeupdindunuffin looks amazing with/without. Smells like roses.
Problem is though height difference is enough to always bend over/not nicest on the back long term, other than that, no complaints. Potato niggers are all good. Another ex was mostly potatonigger and awesome too.

I volunteer.


polygamy actually increases societal violence and crime in the long term, go google it. We've had threads on this before. The poly crowd are yet again morons.

Yeah, that's why I want them taller. I find the idea of being over 6 foot and having a 5 foot nothing woman dumb.


Why use birth control if you're fucking the gooks in their own country?

No one would marry a gook, or pay for the hapas.

Dominate, humiliate, impregnate.

A population can be reduced to something like 5% of its original size within 7 generations of a 1.3 birth rate, which is what a lot of our countries have now.

It doesn't take long at all to go extinct when you factor in the anti-white indoctrination and racemixing pressure/coercion that is increasing.

Birth-rate fluctuation is normal. It drops in insecure times with overpopulation, low food and stress (at least with smart peoples. r seems an exception). And the modern city living is stressful and has a negative impact on population (looks at villages and their birth rates).
So declining birthrates mean jack shit for the long-term survival of the white race. You only need 500 for a stable population anyway.

BUT, declining numbers can fuck up our power in the world. Quantity has a quality of it's own.
All of that is something that can be turned around if you just stop immigration and enforce tight border controls (and stop giving handouts to shit countries).

An occasional white race-mixing won't have any meaningful impact.

Good one.
It was good enough for our ancient ancestors.


That's right. It's ok for white girls to burn coal so long as they take their birth control! Dumbfuck BLANDDA pozzed subhuman. You get an extra long rope from the tallest tree.

God damn right! And this is why I don't mind taller ladies and curves either.
Beta cucks are scared of them too xD

Anyone? I want to make sure I'm not seeing any of their shit.

So what do you think?
Obviously you've had multiple gf's before so for you at this point you're just looking for an ideal and may have found her.

To be fair, I have some ancestors who had nearly 30 kids with two women. He basically left his first wife when she was too old to keep having kids.

It took me a while to figure out that not everyone has the same tastes in women, though. Usually the loudest about what features are the best have horrendous taste.
Yeah, I've noticed that, which suits me just fine with my chances with such girls.

We want less shitskins, not more, Chaim. Sterilize them all.

Don't be retarded. Europeans have been monogamous for as long as recorded history and probably longer. Polygamy has essentially no benefits; you aren't increasing births because births are a function of the number of women, and polygamy, if anything, is going to decrease births per woman because one man is going to be far less able to provide for nine kids than three men. It also vastly shrinks the gene pool.

There's also the matter of creating a violent, sexless, beta underclass that you can't really control. It's what Muslims deal with and the only way they solve it is being violent, raping savages who do their best to export their underclass by proclaiming jihad and promising the sexual losers many virgins in Heaven. Why the fuck do you think they need to cover their women up, confine them to the house, and have them guarded at all times?

It's far more productive to have as many of your countrymen happy and working as possible. Not to mention it means your women undergo more strenuous selection as the top-tier women go to the top-tier men (creating top-tier offspring) and the bottom-tier women go to the bottom-tier men (creating bottom-tier offspring), leading to a eugenic effect of really separating out the wheat from the chaff instead of mixing it all together and getting meh out the other end.

That said, since a very slight woman surplus usually exists in most countries I wouldn't be against the best and brightest marrying a second woman occasionally.

Honestly just stop posting. You know nothing about genetics. Do you know how much mixing it takes for populations to homogenize? On the order of one mongrel per generation. Just kill yourself. Racemixing is never okay. Fuck all the nonwhite women you want, just make sure they're sterilized.

How do you find wife material? I live in the uk, even if a girl is nice physically, as a person they are all kinds of fucked up.

To be fair out point of reference for that is Islam and niggers.

Does birthcontrol fully prevent microchimaerism?

That's how it should be.

These shills are acting like people here don't know anything about shilling
Gas yourselves you bunch of insufferable narcissistic faggots


Often the truly hot/smart ones won't have the flagrantly hot looks from first glance.
Look at the environments they take photos in. I find 24/7 boring cityfags always buildings/inside + insert europefag/generic tourist trap pic + some outdoor activity you probably pay for or beach picture.
Country orientated or at least outdoor going girls will be obvious. beware of FPH level tricks like the one fund-raising marathon bs etc
The truly hot/smart ones are smart enough to know they don't have to try, which acts as a natural filter from fuckboys. They're looking for the alphas. They want at least a good part of the list of; smart, good future prospects, planning, capability, multi handyman (whatever, you can be a gasfitter, or a accountant but if you can adapt or have skills relevant to improving/reducing cost (even barter etc) of house life you're +1 already), safety/protection, fun, good sex or highly enjoyed satisfaction at minimum (backup methods are handy - happy pussy is a happy girl), dominance+decision making done for them usually, like a natural leader. Many other things to it depending on the type you go for but I find in general those are the sort of things ladies are after.

Basically if you go for the vain as fuck ones, you get vain as fuck. Often they're least likely to be Holla Forums friendly nor able to be turned if not pre-pilled. Often stupid. Noob bait really, fodder, they have stacks of guys always craving after them, you think you have what it takes to break to the top of their list?
You better have money and some smarts or good looks and fame/social standing/reputation at minimum to try that shit. If you're a beta basement dweller you are wasting your time. Even if you do succeed, they will still always have some sort of fucking major fault be it personality, fucked up as you said etc.
There are girls just as hot or hotter, who don't have the vain profiles.

Another pro tip for TnA lovers, often they are self concious and try hide this. learn2spot it's like striking gold when you find it

Agreed there are some hellishly diverse tastes. Some just settle because it's best they can find and they're afraid of getting old solo.

Found a few potentials but always a pro con game long term, plus not a fan of the contract.
If I can't choose
Already had one common law marriage technically.. which is driven by the magna carta.
If I wasn't so adamant on them being pure white as I have been an NS/WP since teen it would be a much trickier choice because they're all different. I also believe strongly in genetic/racial segregation, preservation of genetics, culture and history as did Hitler.

TBH it's also not unheard of for wannabe solo mums of various races e.g. 60% white rest mix of lower iq race, to want intelligent white donors. The smarter ones often want that. In that situation, what do you do? 'Cus if they can't get that perfect donor they might resort to another race and make more noggy mongrels. Is it better to dilute them in that case? That approach has nearly successfully worked in a few countries to varying degrees where the host population was completely flooded with an invading population. E.g Burgers, Leafs, Shitpostinglands etc
Always curious what pol thinks. Cus' muh sterilise isn't an option yet

Raphiel plz go… she's not your waifu, she's your bully victim.

So I need to find enough money to move, or a job in a rural area.
I'm kinda fucked.

Also these days social media is widespread and school is ever more indoctrinating, I'm kinda defeatist, but whatever I can't change anything. I won't depend on finding a qt, but I'm not gonna go full retard/mgtow here and assume it's impossible.
But aren't attractive women usually more degenerate because they have so much male attention?

you mean mischling

There is hot/attention whore and stealthhot/smart. Both look just as good with make up, only one wears it constantly..
Some (more often tbh) of the latter are old school and have standards.
Some will test the waters a little and not be total sluts.
But yes more often than not the hot attention whore ones will be getting around a lot.
It costs less to live rurally.

Look I'm all for "muh honorary Aryanz 'n' sheeeeeeeeeit" and "we wuz anime imageboard 13 years ago" crap, but why the fuck do people still tolerate anti-White weebs whose weebdom was 100% derived off of anime? Some even believe the memes that East Asians are somehow more accomplished people because they have on average 4-5 IQ points more than Whites and get an undying yellow fever.

Fuck that shit man, I don't want that in my Holla Forums smh tbh.

Yeah, it's just that the math seems different when you still have purity is all. I think I'd be more for just seeing what happened in the short term if that wasn't a thing. I would still have the same goals for marriage either way.