Kebab removal

What are the best games for removing kebab? Warband is fun, but I crave more.

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CK2 Spain/France, Europa Universalis 4 (Byz/Balkan run is still the most fun).
In CK2 you can even get rid of judaism within your country, although it gives negative events unlike in real life.

>>>Holla Forums
Holla Forums is a multicultural board, your racism shall not be tolerated here.

Nazis tolerated other cultures Because they were Christian, Holla Forums got into the nigger territory with their unfounded racialism / reactionary butthurt.

Removing Kebab is the most multicultural thing you can do as well, since it decimated most cultures it got into contact with.

medieval total war 2 has some great kebab removal aspects

look no more OP,

I'm dogshit at GSGs, but that's mostly because the only one I've ever played is Civ V for a short period of time. What's a good entry point?

I'd say it's more because Europe wasn't dealing with the same influx of human refuse back then as it is today - the situations aren't entirely comparable, although similar in some aspects. Hitler may have been a great man, but he knew nothing about the evils of Islam.

Either way, please keep it game related. I'd rather not have people like 69f850 coming in and sperging out, thus derailing the entire thread.

Mate, did you read the OP?

Pls no bully


How is that IS defense game? I heard absolutely nothing about it since it's announcement so I assume it's garbage.

Medieval 2 Total War.

The kingdoms expansion has a crusades campaign as one of the four campaigns and it's actually damn good. Byzantines are great fun as units especially their greek fire ones.

Only problem is that I remember being able to fight byzantines as crusader countries so it's not really accurate.

It's your generic flash defense game except it has decent graphics. Otherwise it's not worth anything

The music isn't bad either

Is Warband the only real hands-on kebab removal game out there? Surely there exists something else.

Insurgency with the IS mod



Skyrim with mods

Indeed it is.

Removing knife-ears is pretty good, but it's no substitute for kebab removal.

When you tell Holla Forumsacks that the devs of warband are turks they have an existential crises

Considering the aim of the game isn't actually kebab removal, or removal of any one particular group, or even removal in general, that's not exactly anything to care about.

OP have you tried the Crusader - Deus Vult Module yet? It works almost exactly like the base game but it takes place during the crusades and with a map of the middle east. Only problem I've encountered and its not a huge one, is that some of the world map terrain isn't correctly pathed so AI parties get stuck/unstuck randomly in a couple specific spots.
It's great if you want to loot a ton of caravans at once

T-that exists? Where can I find it?

If you are using steam

and heres another based on the steam one that has more content but has several glitches still.

And also heres that original steam version that you can get without steam

Thanks, user. Rest assured that no kebab will go unremoved under my watchful eye.

EU4 and CK2
Both are very easy once you figure out the ui and how to actually do things

Glad to be of help.

It's like you don't want to have fun.

command and conquer generals

Fuck off, Mehmet.

age of empires 3
rise of legends



EU4 and CK2. They're babby's first GSG (Civ is actually 4X), but even the veterans return to them here and there for some mods and the like

mount and blade
i've been playing phantasy calradia as a necromancer and so far i've removed half of the sarranid lands

I'm trying to torrent this shit but it gives a lot of virus warnings, no matter what I download. Is it safe?

how would we know what shit link you download?


Deus vult

Still fucking shit to be honest mehmet.


Great taste
Don't forget the allahu akbar mod too for extra immersion.


The First Templar has it's fair share of kebab removal but unfortunately it's also mixed in with french removal and fighting the inquisition and backstabbing templars. It's a fun game albeit being obviously low budget Also some of the execution moves like how the main character just suplexes kebab is fucking awesome. Also the main character is such a manly badass he decides to save his partner and a woman they were escorting by challenging an arab commander sitting in the middle of his hundreds of troops to manly 1 on 1 combat and then kills him and gets away safely.

You don't even need to follow the religion when you're the Sultan, just call everyone who isn't your specific denomination a Kufir. Early game Shia is the best, late game you need to convert your subjects to Ahmadiyya though for relation bonuses with Europe.

eu4 is actually surprisingly shallow under the surface. im not a /gsg/ fag, but after i saw that i wished i had played victoria 2 for more economic management alone