Well hello there stranger! Did you happen to buy Fallout 4™ yet? Don't forget to buy the Fallout 4™ Season Pass™ too!

Well hello there stranger! Did you happen to buy Fallout 4™ yet? Don't forget to buy the Fallout 4™ Season Pass™ too!

I want to fuck Todd in the ass.

Just dump todds.
I really need a todd folder.




He once fucked me in my ass
It was sooo good

are you a girl?






Woah hold on there sport!

You can't just post the likelihood of a famous man know for his dashing looks and brilliant games! I'll need to see your ID, pal.

I also have a limited edition Construction Kit™ Todd OC on my other PC

I am sorry officer, I forgot it at home. Will my Fallout 4 season pass and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition preorder receipt suffice?

how much money do you have?

I want TESVI for more toddposting

Dear, Mr. Todd

I constantly have to chase arrows to reach my quest goal. Is there any DLC or mods (paid, of course) that is able to make me warp instantly to my quest goal?

Your game is shit, get fucked.

Thread theme


wow much toddposting
so creative
very meme

Hello Todd.

How much does he want?

Serious irony right here.


Todd "Godd" Howard is my idol. I wish that one day I could be as handsome and confident as he. I also heard he's real smooth with the ladies, I think Godd would really like to meet my wife.


Are you saying you don't want to climb mountains?

I'd climb your mountain, Todd ;)


What a strapping fellow, that Kojima man must be on top of a chair

Yes, goy, keep talking about FO4 and giving them free advertising. That's totally not what the Evolve shill did at all.

We need more todds.

There's nothing wrong with the best game to come out this year. Stop calling everyone who actually plays games a shill.

Anyone who was going to buy it already did. like me