Paris: Car loaded with explosives and weapons rams police convoy on Champs-Elysees avenue
Paris: Car loaded with explosives and weapons rams police convoy on Champs-Elysees avenue
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Do Terror attacks in France still qualify as happenings? It's kinda hard to care when even the Baguettes don't seem to give a shit about being attacked on a weekly base.
Aside from the obvious fact that Muslim are only willing to work with Jews when it's beneficial - as opposed to actually wanting them around - I fail to see where this kike comes to such a conclusion. Muslims and Christians both dislike usury, both dislike faggotry, and both speak against the Jew in their holy books (Zionist evangelicucks notwithstanding). Jews love usury and promote fags as loudly as possible.
Really, Jews have nothing in common with Christians or Muslims.
Thanks for the greentext TL;DR of your post
Kablamadan will soon be over for another year.
Islam is the enemy of all civilization. Hopefully next time they blow up the paris penis and burn down the louvre.
Maybe the plan really is to make terror attacks just part and parcel of living in a big city. . .
Spot the fucking kike
Surely, Macron will put a stop to this.
If Mayor Hassim Habubu al-Jihad al-Allahu-Ackbar of White-Western-City says so, then who are we to question?
Sunnis prefer to ally themselves with Jews since they see Christians as a more urgent threat. They usually specifically see Whites as a threat since they feel even Christian blacks are Muslims at heart. See all Whites as Christian, regardless of their religion.
Shiaas prefer to take a neutral stance on Christians and see Jews as their major enemy. Sees Christianity as separate from race and acknowledge is lessening importance with Whites.
The "based Muslim" bullshit comes from Westerners not understanding that fundamental difference. Shiaas while not friends with the European, is not necessarily at war. Sees Americans and Europeans as victims of Jewish control.
Watch this get less attention in the media than "white terrorist kills man who already had heart attack with van".
Wow, you sure proved me wrong.
Nothing to see here guys
Macron learned a lot from Khan
I believe it's not the point if either Le Pen or Macron rules France. The attacks happen either way, the reason they are happening is because they want to enforce a Police state.
Checked and kek'd at the irony
So what do they actually do? Just skip breakfast and lunch, then gorge like pigs once the sun goes down? How is that fasting?
Yeah it sounds like you've got it under motherfucking control, seeings as how this happens every hour.
hahahaha you actually expected shitskins to put effort and dedication on anything?
The Jew Fears The Viking - Not The Jihadist, Nor The Crusader
Why are all those mudslimes just so comically inept?
We may never know.
He'll have to ask his mother wife first.
Thank you for your input hasbarafag.
Legit French people have lost all hope in a political outcome.
People look at each other in a very disturbing way. It's almost like they're evaluating what life's worth, at last.
I really don't think that's him.
Also relevant.
Satan doesn't approve of inbreeding, I take it?
What is the point of a terror watch list? It only makes the government look more incompetent. It'd be better to just act like you totally didn't see it coming.
That's exactly what they do, user
A society that is continually blowing up is not a society. It's a war zone.
Did it at least blow up? Nobody is going to care unless there is a video of a huge explosion including snackbarring and dead white children, its the only sacrifice which redpills normalfags, sadly.
Aloha Snackbar Infidel!
Could you elaborate on this? I'm very interested in the French morale levels, perspectives on things.
That was the hope. To psychologically break the population. To make them willing to commit ethnic suicide.
Not the same poster, but the French are trying their hardest to be blind. Everyone is aware of what is going on. Some retreat by doubling down on blind acceptance. Others refuse to talk and hope if they ignore this long enough, it won't happen to them and they'll die off before it gets too bad.
I'm no better. Been planning to go to a gun's club for the last two years to get a license, but I keep putting this back. This new terrorist? He lived literally 2 miles away from my home. I see all these new black and arabs faces on the street every day. God damn it.
Jews have 2000 years of butthurt built up from when Jesus called them a bunch of homos. It's honestly hilarious at how pathetic their hate for Jesus is.
It's basically genetic, they're both just a bunch of Arabs.
In that both jews and muslims are filthy, lying shitskins? Well, at least he's right about that.
This. A day after it happened you have to go digging on news sites to find the story. "white terrorist kills man who already had heart attack with van" Still on the front page
So the mudslime killed himself before he really got started? The fact that they're such a plight on our lives despite their sheer amounts of incompetence is really quite amazing.
It's not. They waste food. It cause all kinds of health issues.
The Truth about Ramadan