Even SJWs cucks at vice shits on evergreen college protests
What's happening? Are Jews afraid that SJWs are starting to turn on them? Even vice doesn't support evergreen college. Seems off character of them.
Jews losing control of golems
>falling for the "oh yeah i totally disagree with this part of my party but i still am totally dead loyal to it."
I'm sick of this stupid fucking leftist jew professor claiming victimhood now that his golem has turned on him and others.
He needs to be fucking taken out.
I'm sick of seeing his fucking stupid anti-white commie face.
that little tuft of kike hair on his ugly fucking head.
I want him dead.
I'm god damn sick of him
If Tucker has this mother fucker on his show one more god damn time to cry his kike tears over how the niggers aren't attacking the right white people…I swear to fuck..
No normies are just getting tired of ridiculous SJW shit, everytime they post an article on goybook the majority of the comments are people shitting on Vice and calling them out on their shit.
Honestly The theory of Jewish civil war begging to sound likely.
So Vice might be trying to save face by going after evergreen college?
It's a staged shitshow and of course the apathetic aging hipster faggots at vice are going to take lukewarm fence sitting position on it. Sage.
We have entered a timewarp, Holla Forums.
what in hayl
that dumbfuckinglook
Someone else caught it.
They still have to maintain some pretense of rationality and, quite simply, appear as 'contrarian' because that's what VICE is for: eternal hipsterdom. If they lose this status, it's practically over for them.
It must be so horrible practically a holocaust. If this kike were smart he'd be screaming holocaust.
They're just trying to use this soft good goy to steal visibility from Jordan Peterson, who has put out damn good analysis of the great Social Justice Plague of the 21st century
THICC while shit is still better than Brown Girls
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
He is a useful idiot. Give him more rope; the Tribe and fellow travelers will hang themselves. Remember, the Left always eats itself. Kikes and the like are their own worst enemies. Fecal freaks always shit their own nests.
When did eyebrows became a thing?
The Schottenstein edition of the Talmud has a prayer in the front cover Jews are supposed to recite everytime before studying the Talmud. The prayer goes basically like this: May I gain advantage over my brothers, and may my brothers not gain advantage over me.
The Jew is loyal to no one except himself. A Jewish civil war is inevitable.
Modelling. High fashion has had a thing for eyebrows in last few years.
Are you fucking new here?
GamerGate showed us these motherfuckers will throw each other under the bus at the first sign of real trouble.
so they like hairy jew "women" and trannies
Sun Tzu said that first
Third one looks like somebody with severe autism. I like that.
Are you historically illiterate? Although I don't know how it happened in previous high cultures, but in this one you can see this process repeating itself since the French revolution. Which was just a bit more than 200 years ago, but it's enough to notice some patterns if you have the data and pay attention.
Sun Tzu was a great guy.
Everyone here should read his stuff.
They are just training them to learn what happens when you target a kike instead of an actual white. When you fuck with a kike he will go to hell and back smearing you in the media and claiming victimhood. They are being trained and directed towards only fucking with white people. If that man wasn't a kike the story would be forgotten about withing 48 hours.
Jews are not white
Therefore be cannot be a white Supremacist
Bret Weinstein is ZOG's response to Jordan Peterson.
For fucks sake, I was somehow able to stomach listening to this kike talk on the Joe Rogaine show. His only complaint about his nigger students was "oy vey, you're supposed to attack/hate white people, not G-d's Chosen!!!!". And he kept going on tangents and talking about bullshit like how terrible "systemic racism by whites" is or how Drumpf is evil and going to kill us all by not signing the Paris Agreement, and so on.
As soon as I saw that, I knew this Weinstein would be shilled more and more. He's literally controlled oppo.
Good. If the kikes fuck off back to Israel, the non-white problem will be solved in a generation. The only reason the current status quo can sustain itself is because of the jew actively feeding it, financially and ideologically. Get rid of the kikes and the problem resolves itself.
The problem is that they can still control financial institutions from Israel. Maybe sometimes they will have to fly to London or New York and spend a few days there, in a well-guarded and expensive place, but that's all. You'd only get rid of the low level jews in academia, but then these brainwashed idiots would still try to keep it running in their master's place. All in all, dismantling the global financial system is an important part of the fight.
Unfortunately that's not how it works. They only leave in total after the point where Whites can no longer fight back and save their country (think South Africa). But the overall point he makes is true, and it's why the people who say "muh nationalism for all peoples!! included israel" need to be gassed on the spot. Because Jews are free to completely ruin others' countries and then flee when the effects of their subversion become apparent.
Anyone else notice all the 'rational liberals' talking about how this kike is a victim? Do they not realize that it's his fault the students are chimping?
Trips reminding everyone to read The Art Of War
It's not just "rational sargoncuck liberals". It's uninformed normalfags too. In fact, it's quite easy to think this way. If you aren't aware of the JQ, and you only get a superficial read of the story and don't realize that this professor is a turbo-marxist himself, it's easy to think that he's Peterson 2.0. We're basically the only ones who realize what's really going on here.
No you faggot, he's just another marxist anti-white jew, he IS the opposition.
No stop. He is a commie jew. You have to be far left or a kike to even teach at Evergreen in the first place. The only reason they try to hide this is to make the students look more extreme, but where do you think they got these radical ideas in the first place?
But you are correct about it being a kosher Jordan Peterson.
Yes, that's what controlled opposition is. He's there to tell you "oh yes, I think these extreme SJWs are taking things too far!" while still shilling for his anti-white jewish marxist bullshit. He's put in place to steer people away from going too far.
The issue is jewish dualism. They want to be both a jewish minority and nominally white at the same time. So they pretend to be white while teaching students this anti-white bullshit, and then when the students start attacking him for being a (((white man))), he tries to screech "no, you were supposed to attack the white goyim! not me! I'm not white I'm jewish!"
The golem analogy couldn't be more apt.
I would sandblast those wombs with my anglo-Teutonic seed.
Since best girl.
No they have instructions in their "holy" books to go to other peoples towns and lands to do wrong. This is where the saying "never shit on your own doorstep" comes from.
The problem is they have run out of places. Jews have shit everywhere and now the entire planet stinks of jew shit.
They're still trying to break into insular chinese society. That's the reason for the uptick in kikes breeding with asians (think zuckerberg). And I'm absolutely aware that the soviet kikes are the ones who pushed the chinese to go commie, but my point remains. Chinese don't accept outsiders, so now they're trying to create jews that can pass off as chinks, just as they made jews that could pass off as white
Or just trying to stay relevant, they see themselves as the hip
LMFAO the audacity of this kike
Just like a scoobie doo villain finally taking off his mask at the end of an episode.
From the Daily Caller article:
I do not know how I feel about this yet. On one hand he isn't white and shouldn't ever be confused with a white man. On the other it's nice seeing a kike finally getting abused like a white man from the chaos he created. The golem have certainly turned on their master.
Boy, that kike sure doesn't like being treated like a white man.
Gives me warm feelings
It's easy to tell who is doing what to who.
The left wing jewish media/politicians is being opposed by the right wing jewish media/politicians
Any goys caught up in either of those two [left-marxist/right-zionist] paradigms is a braindead blue-pilled normie, easily controlled and coerced into doing the jews bidding.
The problem for the jews with that plan is that the Chinese do not have the geography necessary to fuel long-term economic growth. They have burned too many bridges in America to stay there for very much longer, which means they will have to give up a country that has easy access to both Atlantic and Pacific markets and that has easy internal transport due to the Mississippi River network.
Every future terrestrial superpower will be on the North American continent. The jews have painted themselves into a corner here.
This is so good it's almost as if some clever Holla Forumsack is egging on the niggers from backstage.
a lot of these useful idiots suck the hezbollah and hamas schlong so it's only natural that they'll want to destroy jewish privileged
fucking idiot teacher is responsible for the indoctrination, reap the whirlwind kikes
Spot the difference
But Holla Forums loves Zionism anonkun :^)
You're not helping.
I wish these shills would stop trying to bring Trump into every matter that takes place on American soil.
That's what happens when liberals are anti-masculinity
Because they know it is destroying their biggest asset, the university system. If sjws make college look like a joke and nobody wants to go there anymore, then how are they supposed to produce new shitlibs?
Jordan Peterson isn't Jewish.
This. I actually knew a few mentally deranged lgbtq-tier people that larped as commies, but would regurgitate everything from sargon or alt-kike e-celebs all the time. they're being opportunistic faggots by
You have to accept the logical outcome of this.
Embrace it.
It's inevitable.
Give Black People their own State. Their own special safe place in America where they can get degrees in ebonics and celebrate being a crackhead as just part of their culture.
Stop fighting it Holla Forums, accept what is inevitable.
Is it schadenfreude? I bet it's schadenfreude.
Thats not the logical outcome you fucking moron. Or rather, thats not the outcome that will come from this all if we stop fighting and "accept it."
With their hordes of apes demanding "safe spaces" and "black spaces" enabled by their sjw leftist drones, if they continue to have their way what will happen is that whites will continually be pushed out of EVERY field in OUR society. Academia, education positions, management positions (through AA), governmental positions, and so on. While their demographics won't support them being able to totally take over everything, they WILL push for (and get) more and more special treatment and be favored for those positions through legislation forcing "diversity" on all those fields and more.
Meanwhile every area they congregate in mass will begin seeing shittier and shittier working conditions and less and less productivity. In the private sector this means failing businesses and then the nogs fleeing the ship they've sunk and demanding positions at other colleges or businesses. In the public sector its already happened and just look at the insanely long wait lines at things like the dmv and va offices and the absolute third world tier service you get from those places and the fucking HORRIBLE attitudes you are greeted with the second you walk through the door.
Its not going to be "give them their own state or two, section it off from the rest of the country, and call it a day, they have their nation we have ours." Thats NOT what they want, thats NOT what they are aiming for, and that is NOT what the cuckservatives on our side will push for either. On both sides they'll just push for more and more "forced diversity" in businesses causing them to fail, education causing the national education level to plummet, unemployment will rise like a fucking saturnV rocket telling this planet to fuck off, and government red tape positions will be filled to the brim with lazy incompetent niggers spics and mudscums that will bog it down to the point it wont be able to function.
God help them if they ever get enough liberals in congress and back in the white house and push through some sort of quota system for nigger politicians to exist in each area of the country, they start getting the means to take over and control large political forces and thats it, we're done, the whole nation is fucked, you're going to see rhodesia levels of "kill the whites, take their land, give it to the moorish americans who don't even know how to plant a seed, surely this wont backfire" insanity being pushed and the leftists will accept it gleefully because "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH," and of course they wont be the ones directly facing the consequences of their actions while they hide away in their ivory towers.
"Their own state" user? No, thats not the logical outcome. Losing OUR state and handing it over to them is what they're going for, what they're pushing for, and ultimately what they will get if they aren't stopped. They will not accept their own nation within our nation to live in. And even if they did and were all rounded up and moved there, they'd simply border hop as often as possible and try to hide out in our nation. Or they'd simply raise an army eventually and try to take more of our lands from us by force.
There is no way in which this doesnt all end in blood.
I heard some people suggesting ((((((((Weinstein)))))))) could be another Peterson, but that's severely underselling Peterson's message and his ability to convey it. Peterson has been a success because he appeals to and awakens the deep dark part of the self that has been tranquillized into a coma by post modernism, and the everyone wins mentality. It's not just as simple as a persecuted college professor turning to youtube to talk about free speech.
This happened before, especially during the 90s. The kikes find it unacceptable that their pet niggers would turn on them like their kike professor who spewed that SJW cancer to them to begin with.
This is a perfect opportunity for us. We can force every leftist and pozzed little shit out of power by making them replace themselves with niggers and other useless shitskins because anyone white shouldn't have power because das racis but only go for the leftard companies, organisations, and government seats.
Greatest ally !
STOP D&Cing !
Seriously !
Fuck off, nigkike fagbastard
Niggers already have a Whole fucking continent on their own, they should just go back to fucking Ape-frica
As pointed out, they
where they are free to return to at any time.
Implying they won't use other nations to wage their war upon your country through financial bullshit.
that's on fleek
Why is an SJW professor so angry? The student has surpassed the master in levels of cuckholdry. He should be proud.
I hope all professors of cuck studies, commie pinko whatnots, and other assorted professors pandering their SJW bullshit will also get to feel just as proud when they all are forced to vacate and lose their jobs in the name of diversity and progress. The (((white))) women are next in the list of demands. PoC professors only!
it was only a matter of time for those idiots to realize the capitalist pig is (((chosen)))
No, they're walling the useful idiots who are no longer useful. I'm not clicking your video vicefag.
jews are losing control of their goys… oh shit
upgraded to blu-ray
This is just what happens when a controlled opposition paper tiger is taken out to defuse the real revolution. Press turns on these cartoonishly exaggerated leftists and the majority normies are pacified.
The only reason why that Jew there and the other Jews at (((VICE))) are opposed was because the college was being to blatant and it was waking up normies.
The Jew sees the error in his ways of forcing to much of his policy so fast and will now go a slower route of propagating miscegenation so that in a generation or two he can move faster again and wipe out whites.
Brown people don't care about the holohoax
Jordan Peterson is a bullshit artist
sounds like exactly what the government wants people to think. just accept life for what it is and enjoy the fun little happy moments. No. I don't think so.
this guy changes the subject and redirects his points and derails himself and then goes full silly mode for a moment and then brings himself back to his point.
he uses completely unrelated points (and makes some really good ones to be fair) to make himself sound more credible and make more sense when he makes his other really dumb points. I smell shillery afoot.
a summary of what he says in my opinion: "life is really crazy and bad and happiness is really hard for people to find, but basically all you have to do is find happiness and then you will be happy"
Yes, time flies when you're having fun but this is the equivalent of asking someone why they are sad that they don't have a million dollars, and then telling them that all they have to do is just make a million dollars so that they wont be sad about not having a million dollars, because this will help them cope throughout their whole life with the sadness of not having a million dollars, while they simultaneously have a million dollars to wipe their tears with. except that it's easier said than done.
if this guys advice was any good then everyone would always be happy even though there are hundreds of other problems wrong with their life. the truth is that people are never going to be truly happy in a society that has so many issues. sticking your head in the sand just because there's one nice thing in your life and pretending that hundreds of other problems don't make you constantly feel stressed out or bad, doesn't solve any of the issues that exist.
I honestly feel as if the only thing that will come from people taking this guys advice will be a bunch more people who pretend to walk around with fake happy attitudes and think "positive" who are just too hopeful but too lazy to ever do anything to change the way things are. on the other side, people who are already very angry and frustrated with how overcomplicated and stressful life is may listen to this advice and ride the false wave of euphoria they get from watching some guy talk in a video saying positive things with emotional music playing in the backround and then snap out of it the second that they are suddenly reminded again how awful their lives are when they realize they haven't automatically transcended reality by listening this enlightened genius of a man who couldn't save them from the IRS coming to repossess their car because they couldn't make the payment because their boss fired them because their co-worker framed them as the person who didn't clean up the ketchup machine that leaked everywhere because fast food places have leaky ketchup machines or something.
Are they trannies?
Actually his core message is
He has already changed thousands of peoples lives, myself included, by highlighting the need for responsibility in the individual.
Plus, he is one of the most articulated opponents of leftism we have.
Jordan Peterson is /ourguy/
The SJW's are just pawns that don't know any better. The standard leftist mentality is to shit on Israel, once peak SJWism is reached, society will need to reject them and embrace "the right". The right that says Israel is our only ally in th' dang Mideast all the time.
This will continue until the next "wait, why are we fighting for the Jews all the time?" moment (IE like the early Occupy), then the pendulum will swing to the SJW's once more.
Of course, the names are going to change. Instead of Neocons, we're going to be under "the new right", the charge led by (((Milo))), Blaire White et al. The future SJW's are going to call themselves something different again, or maybe they'll just be Socialists. The seeds are arguably already being sown in Bernie and Corbyn.
Dont forget hes an advocate of Nietzche and the philosophy of the Overman (Übermensch) which is behind the concept of Aryan.
Hes also an advocate of in-group preference, which is the entire point of nationalism.
The only thing he does which isnt 100% redpill is support of 1940s NatSoc. But then again doing that in Canada can land you in prison so…..
I'll allow it.
you clearly missed the message, every goal you don't set is a goal you don't meet. He only presents ideas for you to run with, you still have the choice of what idea.
He advocates living by your principals, and not to fight your nature. So for us its a message of don't just post on Kirghistani flint napping site about the principals you think the world should live by, but live everyday by them, be the example for them and use your strengths to advocate for your ideas. Don't be a hypocrite and lay out a plan and not follow it yourself.
He has said that holohoax exposure should fall under free speech, implying that it should be legal though which is a huge plus on that front. Very few people will stand up for holohoax deniers in public, even on a very small level like he did.
Vice is shopping around. Leftism is no longer the default and they are seeing how far they can push the envelope by shitting on what they would stereotypically be seen in support of. You will see more of this and you will even see a schizophrenic outlet go back and forth on who they support and what they promote.
In the end, the rats will flee the ship and the ones who invested the most in the left will be easy targets and running broke. But you will still have the rats left to deal with, the ones who fled the ship.
The jewish civil war will come in the form of those who invested the most in the left versus those who invested the most in the right and they will fight for allies in the middle, those who have invested sporadically along the fringe elements of politics.
Impressive. Very nice. But can you do Ultra Blu-ray?