She is the ultimate bae

queen made a new video
==enjoy==this display of what we are fighting for. fucking retard cucks cant even into fasting and meditation

First you fucking newfag.
Get the fuck out with your superstitions and shilling.

whoa there buddy maybe try meditating and try posting again later

I'm 35-40 years older than this dumb bitch. People that speak publicly and use the verbal crutch "um" in their speaking need to be executed publicly by fire.

congrats op. you're a cuck to a girl pretending to care about "White Nationalism".

go look up evalion. remember her? that's how this one will end up. you are just a stepping stone.

post a pic of your old arm then, faggot.

no one is impressed by you "grandpa". why would a 15 year old pretend to be a "literal" oldfag?

Wew laddie

I don't need to prove a thing to you

count how many times she uses the crutch "um" it will make your head spin….. it's nigger tier illiteracy

Holy shit you dumb nigger. It's "I don't need to prove anything to you. Prove.
Looks like her "health diet" hasn't increased her intelligence. Perhaps it has even worsened.
kill yourself 15 year old cunt. go brush your facking teeth

I think people say "um" to space what they are saying to try and gauge people better. it's an awful habit to develop.

I know how i'm going to sound but a lot of you are showing a genuine misogyny here, as you do with any women, I should imagine because you're our contingent of wizards and incels.

Ignoring that the speaker has bewbs and whether or whether not that means we can take her seriously. She's right about environmental issues. The simple truth is we should claim conservationism.
E.g. Around London there's what's known as a 'Green Belt' where you shouldn't be able to build over farm land. There's also a big debate about how London is going to be able to keep providing tens of thousands of new houses per year in order to house all our new diverse friends. Naturally a lot of our diverse friends and their handlers have suggested that we abolish the green belt and London be allowed to sprawl out into the English countryside until it's all just one big grey city inhabited by brown people.

We can claim the environmentalist stance "we must curtail immigration in order to save nature" can be our cry. Don't you see it? Europe is already hideously over-crowded, immigrants are only making less and less space for nature :'(

Where the hell do you think you are you fucker?!?

OY VEY goyim that's misogyny.

You must be new here. Enjoy your stay somewhere else.

pretty fucking gay OP

you seem to be lost…

Feel safe, do you? If not for the fact Infinitychan displays the exact date and time of your post. Information we can see in the node and use to find which Tor IP was used to visit Holla Forums and to make a post using your very unique date/timemark. Now we're just waiting to see which exitnode you use when logging off after shitting your pants realizing this is not a joke. We'll tie it all together and find which IP ranges used that specific node to post on Holla Forums at that very specific time. Lastly we'll reduce it to ISPs, to a single ISP and then to a single customer: You. I hope this was worth it.

You're fucked, kiddo.

We need dox now so we can find this cunt

lol check this out

Evalion is batshit crazy

her videos were redpills though

E-celeb bullshit does not belong on Holla Forums and must be purged.

She is a kike and now a Communist.

Holy shit who the fuck knocked this crazy bitch up, his life is over.


Fuck off, nigger

Lindsay is a well meaning girl although a bit confused. She's my responsibility and will soon see the light.

This isn't a good look for White Nationalism.

I didn't expect this.

OP, why?