New Holohoax Documentary: The Chemistry of Auschwitz

New Holohoax Documentary: The Chemistry of Auschwitz

their lack of knowledge in world history is astonishing.

Pure coincidence im sure

based codoh

Oh Gee, I wonder why they don't want people creeping around there doing actual science. Hmmmm, what could possibly be the reason?

I wouldn't be surprised if the German traitor cuck govt got a request from Israel to shut the park down for a few days (oy vey we need to perform some talmud right so that the souls can rest peacefully, goy! Do not question this!) while some Mossad agents go there and start smearing Zyklon B residue everywhere. Maybe even "age" it properly. etc.

wouldnt they need to fill the room with it in liquid form for it to be a viable execution method for humans and not lice?

It's located in Poland, not in Germany.

OP. Is that description meant to be normalfag friendly? I see the source is CODOH, and no one on there believes in the holoshoah.

your gullibility is astonishing, little hint: they know perfectly well

yes it does, cyanide makes really durable chemical compounds, that's why it's toxic, it cuts the enzyme oxidase chain in the cell by attaching to the electron transport protein

C-conspiracy theories! You anti-semite!

This shit always happens anywhere the jews say they were killed off. Entire mass graves have been opened up for investigation only to be shut down by rabbis once investigative teams found a conclusion or body count opposed to the narrative.

Yeah and Buchenwald was really bad, too.

For the poor goyim who have had to and are suffering the aftermath of the establishment of the holohoax narrative.

The west seems to be adopting more and more laws prohibiting such blasphemy.

Can't question the holohoax. Can't question muslims. Can't questions trannies. Can't question immigration statuses. Can't question racial IQs. Seems like the west is adopting a hell of a lot of sacred cows these days.

Good watch, have a bump.

Buchenwald was the worst. That's the one with the bear and the eagle in a cage, to whom a jew was fed every morning.


For the record: Video not available in Germany.

Now just who would have thought that?
As if any German user can't get any video there little heart desires

I’m just saying that some censorship merchant has already flagged this video as not suitable for natural born holocausters.

I understand user I was alluding to the futility of their efforts in the current year +2

This is what you'll run into usually.

You know, when I first came to Holla Forums and saw that screencap of the articles it really got to me. So I went and searched for every single one. And you know what? I found every single one. And that's how I took a redpill suppository.

Interesting logic, but not convincing to me.
I might post my arguments later, I'm going to sleep first because of work tomorrow.

I'll give you one already that is easy to digest:
At "Fact Check" number two:
A picture of Hannukah in transit-camp shows people distracted from the horrors of war.
Why distract them with a Jewish religious event?
Those evil nazis wanted to gass the jews right?
Why then not show a movie instead of organising such an event?

Now aside from that, what makes you say that it was a trick? May be Hannukkah was standard procedure in the labour-camps…

Also if the evil Nazis wanted to gas the jews, why would they cover it up?
If they hated them so much it would have seemed as a rightous act, no?

The National Socialists wanted to eradicate Jewish influence and identity from the German identity.
They became more aggressive when the Jews declared war on Germany for having a central bank and doing what they thought was the right thing for their own people.

Check out The Greatest Story Never Told for some background.

* breaking off the Jewish-owned central bank I'm not sure if they established their own central bank.

What I know that NatSoc germany based the worth of their currency on labour instead of gold or imaginary shekels.

I never understood this logic. If anything it makes the 6 million death toll even more suspicious. The abundant amount of articles crying about 4 million jews and 5-6 millions jews makes you even more suspicious of the official narrative.

Isn't the holocaust the keystone of White guilt?

Probably for the same reason they made up all the other phony execution methods that didn't stick.

smh tbh fam

I'm perpetually confused as to whether I should laugh heartily at these kikes, or scream with rage.

I think you think I believe in the kike story, when I don't.

I just don't understand how they pulled this ruse off.

Are the kikes even trying nowadays?

Actually the gas chambers were there. And they were using Zyklon-B. They were delousing chambers.

It is a simple exercise to counter this picture; there are only 6 sections, I label them from top left to bottom right as 1,2,3,4,5,6.

1) (I dislike the original image in this one, it is overly sensationalist and leading, but I digress.) (i) The failure to get the numbers right at those times would have made it seem that Israel is created on a lie, yes.
(ii) This underlies an assumption that Nazis deserve to go to jail for being Nazis.
(iii) Irrelevant; the key point here is that it was held by politicians.
(iv) This is fair, and an inaccuracy, but also irrelevant to the key argument.
(v) This demands the assumption that Historians are skilled at what they do - this is the problem, they seem to not be.

(i) That there were concentration camps and death camps and that they were separate makes questioning the holocaust reasonable.
(ii) And this situation is idiotic if you're trying to just kill all the Jews; letting the Typhus kill both the inmates and your staff is less efficient than just putting bullets in the people.
(iii) "There's no evidence for the Holocaust because they hid it!" is as poor an argument as "There's no evidence of God because he's hiding from us! :3"
(iv) see (iii)

All are non-arguments except (v). A link to the study actually would debunk this image, but you've not provided that, so I must dismiss this.

(I actually lack the knowledge of chemistry to answer this, and also to accept the original image as fact. Prussian Blue basically looks like magic to me, I don't into chemistry at all.)

If the Jews were talking about muh 6 million holocausted before the holocaust at all, that suggests that they wanted to make this lie up a long time ago.

"FACT CHECK" - No citations.

This is nothing compared to the old days of holohoax busting.

When Denierbud made his epic "One Third of the Holocaust" which outright destroyed the holohoax narrative the Jews freaked out and came up with the following master plan:

They wrote a 4+ hour script of pure nonsense and hired a 10 year old latino kid to read it out on Youtube.

Think im joking. Im not - see video:

I remember that being posted everywhere talking about the brave kid who showed those evil Nazis.

polite chuckle

Sure it wasn't made by said 10 year latino kid too?

You, you don't belong here. xD

Yes goy, the 10 year old latino kid made it himself.

2 shekels for you.