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Now, lets hope monster hunter 5 for the NX is good

Who cares kek. We should be harrassing wymyn out of their jobs amirite?? #gamergate

Yes i agree

Top kek as they say. Postin this in reddit atm xd(SAMEFAG WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Kill niggers xd

It happened because of a mobile game, so you know what this means, don't you? Japanese companies will only focus on mobile games now because it has the highest returns with the lowest initial investment.


Where have you been?

I don't know, m8.
The Wii made Ninty pretty much their entire fortune but yet they didn't stay entirely casual with the Wii U.


Nintendo had Iwata running the show back then.

how long until they squander it just like with the Wii?

what the hell? wrong thread then


This year has been like some weird hell where everything is only slightly more terrible

get ready for Metroid X-over and Metroid 5 - Fusion II: The Malkovich Brain

We can only hope

You are aware that's what they've been doing for the last decade, right?

I would say the question is how much harder are other companies going to push mobile now that Nintendo managed to catch a golden goose? What is the result/effect of pokemon go for the video game industry?

What the fuck are you doing, retard?

Pokemon GO doesn't sell. It's free.

yeah but it created nanomachines implemented into your body to constantly think of nintendo, except these aren't your normal nanomachines that were spread years ago, these are a new generation of nanomachines

I don't care if he was just pretending to be retarded. I hope the ban is permanent.

Come on, it was funny

How is this even possible.
What's next, MineCraft selling at half the price of the Star Wars franchise?

He did the same on Holla Forums too.
>>>Holla Forums407315
Not very creative.


it wasn't even advanced shitposting it was shit

There's a Holla Forums board!!!

Don't worry guys sony is doing just fine

dude they've been bleeding money for years.
the only part of that company that makes money is the playstation stuff.

I wonder how much the cisbusters is going to fuck them

Not only the Ghostbusters reboot but Spider Man 2 fucked them up too.

Their movie division is a disaster, who the fuck is running that shit?

mobile is the future and you cant stop it.
I hope you like all your favorites games having mobile games.

wait. was the new fantastic 4 sony too?
if it is what the fuck are they doing

Depends on whether they HAVE mobile games or if ALL THEY HAVE are mobile games.

One is cause for apathy the other is cause for murder suicide.

FF was from fox, but it had (((Paul Feig))), the Girlbusters 3 producer working on it, and he went to great lengths to ensure that this movie was almost NOTHING like the comics.

they helped with the music on fagtastic 4 aparently.
but when I was looking for that I found they they made fucking PIXELS

how can they be so terrible

my friend was right, nitendo needs a phoenix in its logo

Kadokawa beat them to it.

they need a new mascot for the nx

I don't understand why everyone is losing there mind over this.
It's not even a pokemon game where you battle other people and shit, it's an autism simulator where you only have the catching part of a pokemon game and even that is shit because there are no game rules for catching like, put them to sleep, or poison them and shit.

Sony's movie department has always been run by complete retards.

The 2004 SpiderMan 2 movie was great, I miss those days.

I believe Fox has most of the X-Men directly related stuff, including Wolverine & Deadpool. AND they also have the Fantastic Four.

Sony has Spider-Man (does it own the Punisher too? I think so)

Everything else belongs to Disney.

Most mobile cash cows are "free"


Freemium you mean?



Freemium, nigga. Never watched that South Park episode?


But user, Jews are supposed to be good with money

Sony only "owns" Spider-man now, the lost the punisher and Ghost rider rights years ago. But even that is a facade, since they realized they're shit at making movies and they made a partnership with Marvel practically giving them Spider-man too.

Don't forget about the patriotic masterpiece The Interview.

Not if they can finally kill off those damn japanese stealing their business

Wait, that bombed? I thought it went "okay" from North Korea saying they hacked Sony or some shit.



Stockholders see how fuckin popular it's gotten and they buy into Ninty's stocks which raises their value.
Hence their company worth doubling because of GO.

Yes, and? Doesn't change the fact that GO doesn't sell. They'll probably add more monetisation over time but that's still not selling the game.

Aint that the fucking truth.

Although at the same time I'm tempted to think it'd take more time to invent this whole new idiotic battle system than to just import the real one.

They've been doing this for years,



Its 20 billions in less than 2 weeks.

Why no fucking Yo-Oukai Watch game?

In fairness, PokƩmon Go being as big as it is was completely unpredictable.
Now, the real question is whether Nintendo will even be worth bothering with in a few years. They'll likely only focus on mobile games now.

I'll call you back in a couple months when the "balance" patch doubles exp needed per level, halves the pokecoin payoff from gyms and begins offering a "scope silph" item, or more accurately, "disposable charm of replace rattatas with rare pokemon".

But we will have gen2 pokemons, so pony up goy. Or not, you can still play rodent exterminator simulator for FREE.

So anons. Will you buy the new
Nintendo cellphone?

Well people who watched pokemon wanted to play something like this for many years. Nostalgia + promotions directed at children that worked many years ago.
But of course it was unpredictable that they will double its fucking price. Fucking money printing company

yeah of course
I'd love that shit

Do you think they are this stupid?

Well it's technically 20000 millions but disregard that I suck cocks just like sony

the nightmare may become real

They chose a button mashing minigame where every tap has to be registered on the server and confirmed to count. Cue overloaded servers and downtime.
They chose this in detriment of the classic Pokemon battle style which would have worked far better on a mobile platform from a networking standpoint, as they'd only need to process one move at a time. They would also get to distribute/sell elixirs, TMs, etc.
Price hiking might also reduce the playerbase while keeping the revenue high. They already have a sizable and growing userbase from viraling with fake headlines to hell and back.

>Price hiking might also reduce the playerbase,relieving the servers on the short term, while

While Pokemon go was a big hit, at least FEXSMT flopped here really hard to the point of damage control and articles blaming bigots for not liking censorship. It sold less then 50,000 copies.

Actually its pretty usual jrpg system.
They adding servers everywhere.

> infinitely scaling levels from the looks of it
Seems pretty simple to me.

Any arguments persuading me to play PokƩmon Go are invalid now that there's evidence of it being a datamining operation.
I don't think Nintendo will draw their full attention to mobile games and abandon all other markets, though. It made them a lot of money, but they have to know that would be a stupid move.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say PokƩmon Go was a fluke. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, though.

Pokemon core games have always been JRPGs, so okay?
Because the answer to bad design is to throw more hardware at it. Thank you for being part of the problem.This is the reason why we have 20Gb games with uncompressed textures.

is not the same as
personally I think the evidence is pretty flimsy, although it's a matter of opinion in the end.
I will be on the lookout for more proof though.

I read that's because a le masterhackers group is like ddosing the servers to make Niantic aware of "how the game is weak to hackers and how they're willing to help about that (especially if they're gonna pay them)".
Could be bullshit though.

Or just could be a theory.
In any case it's fuel for the headline machine.

They said they did it for free and for fun.
Also that Aug 1st they are gonna try to keep it down the whole day.

You need to memorize pokemon(you may say armor) and damage types to use heavy attack effectively.

They been working on franchise for years.

Exactly. Attack/heavy attack/defend is hardly a big change for pokemon/jrpg games.

Its pay to win, the only way to get the best shit is to buy, with real money, pokecoins to buy crap in their store.

They got the nostalgia advantage so of course their numbers are going to be better regardless of what they do. Corporations exist to make money, and they have this way to make more money. The plebs will eat it up.
So foregoing abilities, stats, status moves and trading are hardly big changes, got it. You're going with "it's okay if nintendo does it" at this point.

or you go out and interact with things and people and still stay competitive
Each pokemans you leave in a gym will give you up to 100 coins and 5000 stardust every 22 hours (1 pokemone = 500 sd and 10 coins) .
And if you do it regularly you can get shit like abg upgrades and incense regularly.
Not saying you can't be a total glutton and spam 50 incense and eggs a day to rake in big, but there is a positive to getting out into the world.

Its pay instead of walking opposing pay instead of waiting.
One player spends 10 hours walking around, the other just pays and taps his phone a couple of times each 8 minutes to get same/better result.

Valve dota 2. Why its the most popular assfaggots? Why dont they start selling heroes like everyone else? Because they are not fucking retarded and they know what are they doing.
DO they worked on it for many years or it was just accidental?
They promised it in next updates to keep players interested in new features they will be adding shit in small portions.

If it works as a proper cellphone then yes.
I'll need WhatsApp and a proper web browser, though (I couldn't even get the official Nintendo web site to run on the Wii & 3DS browser).

This is so bad that I can't even tell if it's real or not.

They could at least make green areas more advantageous. They can fucking do it with simple satelite images, just by scanning for green colored areas.



It's a shitpost. Go visit Holla Forums if you want to see what happens when this kind of shit goes unchecked.

I wasn't aware they had a level system in DOTA that forced you to perform a repetitive task to compete on an even level with others, or alternatively just pony up a few bucks. Then again I don't play such shit games, maybe you have more experience with those.

Yeah they worked hard on a franchise to outsource to Niantic who proceeded to butcher the core mechanics, dump the entire thing into the existing Ingress network and expected it to not blow up. Nintendo is shit when it comes to choose partners to manage their properties outside of Japan as the Treehouse and now this has shown. Keep believing that they will continue managing this nicely. Their fans are retarded enough to put up with it and defend it on the internet so you're technically correct on that front I guess.

The 4 parks in my town have around 3-6 Stops and 3 gyms, while the university campus has around 20 stops in a 400 square meter radius.

It is, though.
You get cash shop currency by having Pokemon controlling Gyms.
There's no reason to pay for anything in that game unless you're a retard.

oy vey, we've been doing this scam for over 15 years now and the goyim fall for it every time!

id's like anudah hanuka!

Pay not to walk in game designed to make you walk outside.

hope you don't like hatching strong pokemon and cheesing candy

You'd be lucky to hold a gym for more than 15 minutes without having farmed levels first. Pokemon CP is upper bound by your level. You can have shitloads of powder and candies, the game flat out tells you that your level is too low if you try to beef up your pokemon past a certain CP level. The quickest way to do this is by spending coins on lucky eggs.

Gotta have a strong pokemon to hold a gym, and got to hold a gym to earn coins, which you need to get stronger at a competitive pace. Who is strong already? Those who already bought lucky eggs with real money.

There is no reason to pay anything on this game as much as there is no reason to spend money in TF2 if your end goal is to trade for unusuals. You will get there. Decades later and frustrated at the rich cats constantly along the way, with a finger hovering the paypal button.

Wow! Maybe they'll finally have enough money to

But you don't have to hold a gym. You can get one, and then get the bonus as soon as you conquer it.

Even if they kick you out you got your bonus for the day

Depends on area.


So you wanted a full fledged PokƩmon game on smartphones?
Then what, whine because nintendo went full mobile?
This watered down "gameplay" they have is perfect imho, since the game is basically an interactive advertisement for the franchise, it targets people that grew up with red/blue at best (the anime at worst) and then left the franchise completely. A way to make more people buy the real games and, if all else fails, still keep pokƩmon relevant amongst casuals (that can still buy like merchandise or even amiibos).
I hope they do the same for the animal crossing and the fire emblem game they're planning for smartphones, like "yes here's how the game works, if you want more buy the real game on NX". Otherwise there wouldn't be no point in owning a nintendo console if you can just play their games on a smartphone.

What does this mean for the future of gaming?

Whole franchise is nothing but advertising for itself?
A real pokemon game with gps is possible.

So you got 100 coins. Big whoop.
That guy with the 1300CP Flareon got 3000 in gym rent by the time it took you to grind enough XP and beat him. He will use them to keep getting stronger at a far paster pace than you. He can swat you off the gym without breaking a sweat and you will run through your potions and revives after a few bouts. You won't win this battle without paying up.

But hey you can earn currency without spending any real money and thats all that matters to win this argument, right?


I never said that. I was making a point of how incompetent Niantic has been at managing the game that their butchering of its core mechanics actually made the game perform worse that if they kept them.

You can only get the bonuses once a day you dumb piece of shit

I meant Go, user. Go is the advertisement for the franchise, the reason being

Yes, but it shouldn't be on smartphones, otherwise people would just play that instead of buying Nintendo consoles. I mean from Nintendo's point of view that would be retarded, they should do the exact opposite instead, lure people into buying the real games using Go.

In neighbor thread some guy was talking that nintendo got all this money basically by stealing revenue from all the other mobile apps.

Some people enjoy walking around and catching pokemons. Like in that retarded cartoon. Also we really need to start posting porn.

You forgot

every game will request full access to your personal life at all times while you're playing it

every game will become freemium trash with no effort

casuals and normalfags will infest the hobby in massive hordes, you think e3 is bad now? just waitā€¦

the thing that needs a purge is not the hobby, its the world itself, too many damn monkeys on the surface, the stupids will always outnumber

how old are you people? its like you have learned NOTHING from the generic korean MMOs of the 00 decade

literally the only good thing about this is that it will keep the pokemon porn flowing for another 10 years at least

At least I still have Touhoumon.

i'm not even mad. i'm not even going to laugh and call you manchildren or normalfags.
i'm just sad. sad that this is what Holla Forums has become.

WW3 when


i'm going to go to wizardchan, it's suddenly seeming like a really nice place. i'll bet no one there even owns a phone.

fuck you faggots for ruining Holla Forums.


Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Talk about shills


Holla Forums has over 2572 users.
This thread has less than 60.
That's about 2% of the userbase.

Stop being autistic, most people ITT are talking about how well Nintendo is doing with this game, not the game itself. I'd be surprised if even half this thread played the game.

Whatever brings the most money.

At least you can feel superior over people who walk outside to play.

You implanting that nintendo audience in something besides that right now?
How old are you if you are angry over people preferences?
Game LITERALLY kills retards.

But that's the issue i'm talking about. Nintendo gained lots of stock values thanks to pokƩmon go, but as some anons already said in other threads, Nintendo by itself isn't really earning lots of money, since not only Niantic (and Google) has its share, but the pokƩmon franchise is co-owned by Nintendo, the PokƩmon company and GameFreak. The only way Nintendo can print money from smartphone games (or at least pokƩmon go) is to use them to make people buy NX or whatever.

Merchandise. And google probably takes its payment in user data. But the real game would be great.

are you for fucking real

What was so great about Spider-Man 2? I mean, the game was fucking amazing, but I don't know what people liked so much about the movie.

Fox doesn't only own the rights to X-Men, it owns rights to the word "mutant" in relation to the Marvel universe, which is why all the Mutants like Quake on Agents of Shield are called "Miracles" instead.

Licensing be shit crazy yo.

You may want to check wikipedia again mang, there are no mutants in agents of shield, only inhumans. The only "mutants" (that aren't really mutants even in the comics) of the Marvel movies are Scarlet witch and Quicksilver, and they're just called "gifted".
Yes, mutants and inhumans are not the same

Lawyers were a mistake.

Idea to protect something created purely by mind turned into "I WAS USING THIS WORD AND THEREFORE I OWN IT!".

It amazes me that South Park is currently both the most juvenile yet most intelligent show in the United States.

what the fuck is happening in that webm.

you dont know what it is? its been around since forever

not that hard to figure it out.

The problem with this is that Pokemon Go can only be monetized so much. Yes, it allows them to collect shit loads of user data, but so does every other popular game on the planet.

Point is, there is going to be a large correction in the following months once people realize this.

Confirmed for pulling shit out of ass

Impressive, seeing as they only sell vidya and sony does that and much more, and they also have much more experience/personnel/are industry leaders on every market they are in.


Yeah, RIP.

Take consolewars bullshit back to halfchan, you're almost as bad as mr. 4-time samefag

You're implying way too hard, if anything every other large gaming company will throw their biggest IPs at mobile to recreate Nintendos success. Nintendo had made far far more at the height of the Wii, on a far far less volatile market. Both Kikemishima and Iwata have both made statements about how they know that success on the mobile market is based almost entirely on luck.

People thinking Nintendo will go full mobile in spite of all the massive investments they have already made in more traditional gaming systems over the last few years are just fear mongers expecting the absolute worst case scenario for Pokemon go's success.

d-don't worry guys nintendoom a-any day now, they'll die soon enough if we believe hard enough

Literally a conversation earlier today

TWENTY EIGHT YEAR OLD MAN: "Whoa dude you got a Dragonite"
Me: "Yes"
"show it to me"
*show Dragonite*
"Wow that Dragonite sucks, it's only 700 CP"
"I don't care"
"Good luck holding down gyms with that"

normalfags need to get the fuck off my dick.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker are practically gods at this point.


With Nintendo's newfound success and companies tendency to copy each other, its only a matter of time now before we have Pokemon go styled games everywhere

Introducing "Monster Hunter: Savage Earth"

Fuck mobile gaming. It ruins creators.

I always expect the worst.
It makes it not as bad when something even worse happens.

Sony still owns 98% of the Japanese media, 30% of Kadokawa's book division stocks, a monoply in the anime industry, health insurance plan, and for any reason if they ever go under they'll take down the entire Japanese market because of the domino effect.

Except Sony has a movie division as well as manufacturing electronics and selling insurance.

Nintendo is JUST video games, nothing else. The fact they're the most powerful tech company in Japan is indicative of how weak the Japanese economy is now.

Mobile wins.

Anime division too, Aniplex is literally Sony animes but they changed the name because it was so long, A-1 Pictures is literally Sony's anime studio with Shaft being a backup studio.

They still make playing cards.
A lot of people forget that.

The japanese economy has being in the shitter and unstable since the 90s, user. All it needs is a slightly stronger change in the wind in the national economy to create a shift, would be funny if this current happening was enough.

The collapse started around 88 or 89. It's hilarious looking at media from the 80s about how Japan was going to rule the world.

It's exactly like people predicting Chinese take over while their economy begins to fall to pieces. Literally, in some cases.

China has cities fit for millions with just a few ten thousand people in them.
If that's not an unstable country, I don't know what is.

Why is Sweden and Germany not under the nigger category?

On the bright side, the amount of salt that the inevitable correction causes will be enough to sustain an entire country.

How long is this "game" going to keep people hooked when it doesn't have battles and trading?

And they could sell a COMP like the one they dit with fallout 4 where you could put your phone in it

Go is making more in IAP than every other game on the app store. It kicked the shit out of Clash Royale's launch. What Niantic were smart about was making a single purchase IAP, the $1 option is still be a fairly worthwhile option that gets you content even though you can play the game without it and pokestops are plentiful. So normalfags have no problem paying a dollar for some extra lures.

It's another thing the game does right that's making normalfags love it. You don't have to spend a dollar to enjoy it. But if you do want to spend money for things like lures. The microtransactions are ridiculously low cost compared to other games on the market. There were stats that showed most users picked the $1 transaction.

I hate mobile shit and my phone is a retroarch machine but half the success of Pokemon Go from what I tried of it is the fact that it's not trying to wring a stupid amount of money from customers like every other game on the market. The smart thing Nintendo could do with Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing is start making that Pokemon Go pricing standard and not go for whaling cash. They could become market leader and fuck over Supercell et all significantly if they called out "Whaling" microtransactions and said their titles were only ever going to have "Fair" microtransactions.

They released it on VOD on Youtube same day as it's original release date in "Protest". It stunk as a film and it was a catastrophic flop.

Don't get wrong ideas user, but people USE pipboy with pokemon go unironically.

It's like cancer within a cancer.

We need to go deeper.

The Simpsons leeches off of current trends yet again.

The problem, which every investor knows, is that the film division is absolute poison and has been for the past 20 years. Various people have tried to either get Sony to spin it off into it's own concern along with the music division (Which is in huge decline) and let it sink or swim (Including infamous Hedge Fund manager Dan Loeb after he held a big stake in the company. He cashed out on the height of PS4 success at the end of 2014 claiming Sony execs had no idea what they doing. Just before the Sony Pictures email hack proved it) as the film division still has far too much power over the rest of the company's decisions including the PS4 as hacked emails were showing that the film division wanted "in" more due to the "One Sony Strategy". Sony's film out put has been horrific even without Cis-Busters (They put out the worst film of 2015, Aloha that barely even scraped a million). Aniplex barely contributes either to Sony pictures so it's incredible it still hangs around other than maybe Sony trying to prove it still has investments in some Japanese jobs (While also using Korea outsourcing).

Kaz turned it around for now and renewed investor confidence. But Sony's not prepared one iota for the 4K TV push as Samsung and LG are offering cheaper and more fully featured sets at top and medium ends. Their phone division is a joke and seen on the same level as Windows Phone. And Apple has been vering away from using Sony sensors in the iPhone as it is eying but buying a different Japanese company and having Samsung fulfill the rest.

There's a whole raft of problems in Sony beyond "Playstation" and even then Investors have thought lately that PS4 might be a flash in the pan success that got lucky because of it's launch timing and the PS Division is having some weird restructuring going on (A lot of execs and producers have suddenly left main campus recently to go back to indie dev which is incredibly weird)

Most of Sony's problems aren't in gaming while Nintendo has been just a gaming company. That's why it's not so fair to compare both on a pure marketplace level.

Sure makes good clickbait though

And a webm, if anybody wants to know what the video is like.
I actually haven't seen it before posting.

That was actually really good, most new simpsons episodes i saw snippets of were pure LELSORANDUMBXD

although they completely lack attention to detail

Except it's the least autistic pokemon game because it gets you to talk with people and go explore. As a game, it's pretty trash with super simple mechanics (though there is a battling system for gyms that has some level of complexity still shit tho, boils down to tap and swipe), but as a social experience it's really damn cool. I've met a bunch of chill people, even got some numbers from people on the same team as me just in the past few days. So basically, as long as you aren't a gigantic autist, pokemon go is fun, but not neccassarilly good.

Jesus that is bland.

This isn't even the first time this has happened you stupid fucks, Sony has made some pretty bad fuckups in the past fucking decade in case you forgot

Fuck off we're full

Come on Sony crash

My sides I bet a sonyfag did this to derail

But I especially lost it at getting banned for the reddit post of all things.

Pokemon GO is just a fad.
There's no fucking way the game will keep the interest it currently has unless they add some serious shit to the game.

They've been saying it since 1985 and they'll still do the same shit even in the future
Not even mad about this, cant stand the hypocrisy those shitty nintendoom rejects. Pokemon GO is a wacky event that took place this summer. people walk down by the Common in Boston have been trying to catch Pokemon. One dude even asked me what types are weak to what types, so I helped him. Not very social but its nice people are actually getting exercise this summer.

Heck if Pokemon GO gets me laid It'll be a fucking Miracle

They won't crash. As I said, it will be a slow acting poison. The film and music division still have way too much power and sway despite flop after flop and Sony music only making profit on its back catalog (It's newer artists have slowed to a crawl especially as most don't want big money record deals any more when they can distribute online with smaller labels who have the same reach and their increased focus on touring which cuts out the label entirely). They are going to continue to produce flop after flop and harm the brand but Sony will never spin them off or sell them because they are too stubborn and think they can get back their 90's/00's hot streak at some point when at the moment they just blow hot (Their TV slate is really good and they did make Breaking Bad) and cold (Their films. Oh god their films)

Playstation isn't in any danger for now, but the problem is if Nintendo and MS stop making mistakes into next gen and the Neo and PSVR go below projections (And the PSVR has a problem because impressions are currently not good when it's running on base PS4 hardware), they have a huge problem.


Will they release the NX for free now then?

Sure they will socialist faggot

The chosen one!

monhun can only be bad if it come out on mobile

Snippets still count fag.

The Wii U was comercially retarded for a large number of other reasons. There's only three things that make me not regret buying one.

1.Lots of games can be played using the gamepad's screen and my eyesight sucks.
2.Using Netflix coupled with my first reason.

There's some Tropical Dong and shit still left for me to finish but I can't be made to give a damn looking at the thing. I don't care how promising Spla2n will end up looking, like hell I'll invest in whatever an NX ends up being.

How the fuck are they still on air?


fuck you

I'm waiting for the new Metroid and F-Zero games that will never come out because Nintendo is retarded and Pokemon Go was an actual success.


That makes me think of Mewtwo made to fit Splatoon's theme. I'll bet somebody's already drawn something dumb like that.

forever if they implement trading with 3ds users but not between go users.

at least it wasn't like the AVATAR reference where they thought references could replace jokes.

Back to halfchan

Guy plays the guitar in chilean subway to ask for money.
He roleplays as hardcore autist to make people laugh.
The song he plays is a popular football thing from a past world cup.

Reminds me of why in The Force Awakens all the ships were altered slightly (i.e. they couldn't just replace the Falcon's radar dish with another circular one, no, they had to replace it with a rectangular one). Even the sound effects are different (lightsabers, TIE fighters, etc).

Like I said elsewhere-
Maybe they invest in Keyhole because their geospatial tools are useful and it has nothing to do with data collection? Just a thought. Holla Forums pls go

Oh my god you fucki-

Every fucking time. Good riddance shitfuck.

"Man, I can't believe what those JAPANESE JEWCUCKS are up to this timeā€¦ First they didn't port some games that wouldn't've made any money, then they changed a game, then they changed another game, then they made a translation more appealing to a game's target audience and NOT TO ME, and now they're putting out what the market's been asking for? How fucking dare they?? Nintendo is DEAD TO ME. I'm going to go watch anime on my Intel/Nvidia gaming rig. Fucking normalfags ruin everything."

Literally none of that is true but insurance.




They need gamergate more than gamergate needs gamergate.

MHX is pretty bad, bud.

Straight out of reddit or severely autistic, either way you don't deserve those quads and GG really is irrelevant.

In a recent report they said Aniplex made Sony a lot of money with Fate Grand Order and they belong in music not pictures

Umm, you can't say #gam*rg*te here.



Sony already makes money off Fate/Grand Order along with tears from waifufags because Nasu loves to cuck people

how has no one checked these sweet digits?

Live-Action Detective Pikachu movie to be produced by Legendary Pictures


How does this make you feel?

Goddamnit Raita gets around.

If it was animated then I'd actually be pretty interested in it, but I just can't stop imaging how fucking dumb a cgi Pikachu would look standing next to a real person.

It's probably going to be shit. The voice actor for pikachu better have a danny devito like voice since devito is just not doing it


Get fucked, (((Sony))).

embarrassing tbh

Popularity in general tends to be embarrassing. Fucking casuls ruin everything.

It hasn't been good since 3U.
It needs to be on a real system that can handle more than five pixels.

Yes, but how many non-Nintendo sites will take advantage of that? Journalists only want to push SONY VS. MICROSOFT And often leave Nintendo out of the equation unless it's Nintendoom related.



Most Business and Broadsheet Newspapers picked it up and ran with it including the Financial times, the Wall St. Journal and the Telegraph. And as in the OP, Sky News reported it so Fox News and Fox Business also reported it. It was pretty mainstream and one of the reasons why there was a huge run on the stock and then a sell off when people saw it going as high as they thought. It's flattened out just below Sony now but Pokemon Go still hasn't launched in Japan yet and it's expected to have another good run.

Nintendo must be loving it because it basically proved Iwata's notion of "One game can turn everything around" true. Granted, he was talking about Wii U and it's not Nintendo's game as it was published through The Pokemon Company. But the company is now well out of "Doomed" position and has the market back looking at it. If they land the NX reveal and launch just right. They should have another good run on the market and go back into the mainstream media.

My mistake on the film division but They aren't really significant in the scope of Sony though, even as part of the music division. And Anime being part of the music division is bad news anyway because that division is currently a money sink, it's a poisonous division that interferes with other divisions (They are responsible for a lot of DRM crap they make sure gets forced in Sony products which helped kill the Walkman brand as a mainstream brand. And their lobbying against digital media in governments is obscene) and Sony's been on the edge of just straight up selling it to Amazon or Apple multiple times because only the back catalogue really makes any money and it's been declining year over year as more artists are ditching major labels or refusing to sign big contracts in favor of smaller short term contracts (Especially since Sony Music already had a bad rep of being horrible to work with and signing bloated twenty year contracts).

One anime and it's associated mobile game making a few million per in Asia isn't turning the tide for that division which is losing YOY. And that division used to make Billions per quarter for Sony at its height.


Pretty sure this is because Nintendo stopped giving a shit about journalists and does all their own PR, correctly assuming that 'news' will just regurgitate press releases and they can save time by doing it all themselves.

And given what games journalism enthusiastically degenerated into, dear god was that the right choice.

Sam Raimi, director of the Evil Dead series, directed spiderman 1-3. Similarities between the two trilogies are everywhere

I must be retarded but please explain.

now this is some advanced shitposting

at least Sony has something, here's microsofts entire line-up for 2016
developed by Perfect World, surprisingly

Pretty good honestly

Yes. Free.

It shows how out of touch the gaming media is if the mainstream is reporting Nintendo's success but they are ignoring it for more console war shit.

Dude Sony's line up is also dire and they had nothing with Street Fighter V being a catastrophic flop. Uncharted 4 being forgotten as quickly as Quantum Break (Even with the paid reviews on UC4. There was a huge sentiment that Doom was the better game released in May never mind Overwatch just destroying it in popularity). Most other exclusives being Weeb games that will be inevitably ported to PC and you have massive potential flops like No Man's Sky, The Last Guardian and GT Sport which have looked awful in previews and don't have much hope. Sony is just as awful as M$ but it has a defense force of deluded fanboys online damage controlling their awful line ups.

If anything, it's Nintendo's chance to start dropping bombs on both showing a stacked launch line up using a powerful console with a blue ocean addition. Take advantage of how poor MS and Sony have handled their consoles this year and how bad their software is. They are already dropping a guaranteed GOTY on launch with Zelda. Stack it with more worthy games and they will easily bring people in.

Fuck, imagine a console that launches with 5 GOTY contenders. That would be insane.

Images related.

Sony and Microsoft also releasing a new console did soften the blow of Nintendo abandoning the Wii U.

Didn't the last of us devs have a fit when one site gave it an average score?

Overall quality of exclusives have just been awful this generation. Bloodborne, Bayonetta 2, Forza Horizon 2, Splatoon, Smash 4, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D world. That's really it as far as the best exclusives go and even then Nintendo still holds the lions share.

Nintendo's just got a huge opportunity at the minute to make the most of it. Especially since Sony wants to take the Apple style reinforced walled garden route and turn PS into a "Lifestyle Brand". They could just hit with a reasonably powerful console that has a huge amount of great exclusives and supports the 3rd parties at a better setting than the Neo and they already have a huge advantage as since Sony opened up the power dialog to the Normalfags, they are more sensitive to it (And Neo being just as powerful as an R9 380 isn't going to go down super well)

It's bullshit that people think Nintendo wants to be "Secondary" to Neo Or Scorpio. They want to be number one. That's the goal in business. They want 3rd party support. They want COD, Destiny and FIFA. And they have a chance to put the screws on the other two on a successful NX launch.

Both the devs and neogaf had a fit when it got a 7.0 from Polygon of all places and demanded Polygon fire the reviewer, claim they were paid by MS because MS funded the documentary (While ignoring that one of the companies that invested venture capital to start up the site was Sony) and burning Polygon to the ground.

This was all Pre-GG by the way. So you can see how their priorities went soon after.

If the cartridge rumors are true, maybe they can fix the every game needs a bigg ass install problem.

wasted potential tbh fam

6 billion hours on ms paint