Thread Two
New Info
According to a Muslim eyewitness. There were three of them in the van. Two of them got away.
Thread Two
New Info
According to a Muslim eyewitness. There were three of them in the van. Two of them got away.
Other urls found in this thread:
Right Wing Battlevan Squads
Muslim Eyewitness.
How do we make redpill but not incendiary tweets?
I am worried that some good people are gonna to have careers destroyed over true tweets.
Best images of suspect so far.
Something crazy you shouldn't see during the last days of Bombathon. They're supposed to be running over white people.
Just call it what it is. Terrorism is an unsuitable term, when two distinct groups fight each other over a sustained period it is called war. If perp is an ethnic native then it was an act of war, just as the Saracen attacks are.
Normalfags hide behind “terrorism” because they have been taught that it probably wont affect them. Snap them out of it, they are in a war and it is heating up fast.
I've got people wound up on facekike by posting "this is part and parcel of living in a major city" and reminding people that Jews aren't white
We still don't know if he was a Jew yet.
Looks like the Daily Fail is going all in on the Whitey done it angle. They're laying on the poor innocent muslim shit pretty thick too.
Almost sounds like some sort of a forged attack? It'd be terrible if the Jewish guy who got caught said he was white.
New Crusade when?
>ploughs into Muslims as they helped an elderly man who collapsed at a bus stop outside well-known Finsbury Park Mosque
They're not even trying to hide it
Will not know for a longer time than normal. They are gonna try to find all the people this guy interacted with to try and nail them to the wall for nothing bad at all.
He is alive and this is going to be intense.
I really doubt he is part of a cell.
If a kike it may be related to the Al Quds march and kvetching about it.
are we supposed to condemn or support activity like this?
Don't have to travel so far this time?
>>a white man was pictured at the scene being pinned by worshipers
New Muslim tactic when an attack happens find the nearest white dude and pin him until police arrive and say it was his fault.
There it is again at 0:29-0:32.
Nothing to do with this at all, and I see the blatant tying of white to a negative event. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Yeah, this proto-human knuckled up to the first camera it saw and started ooking it wuz Whitey that done it. An impeachable witness to be sure.
here comes the escalation from (((them))) trying to push this Soros funded 'civil war race riot' angle
So do we have an actual mugshot or even a picture of the perp?
*er, I meant unimpeachable. kek
Summer/Fall 2017, here we come!
The powers that be will have been waiting for this one for a long time to finally haul in a few dozen guys they couldn't find an excuse to get v&.
Upcoming raids on anybody clean-shaven.
Meme it.
Who's dies third Holla Forums? I know traitors die first, then jews then mudslimes - but I have a hard time killing white women since they can be re-molded to follow strong white men.
No you meant impeccable.
the new go to power word describing terrorists…. fuck this world man, fuck it
I've been playing up the radical mosque angle and that they deserve it
It's actually a pretty funny way for them to CLEARLY say it wasn't a muzzie, because all of the muzzos have to wear those ridiculous beards.
All three. They attend a funeral for one of the muds killed today, but fail to realize the attack was a trap to draw a big crowd to the memorial service. The real attack happens there, Brevik-style.
All three
Do whatever man…Holla Forums isn't here to tell you how to think. Only make suggestions lol
think for yourself nigger
There are no moral principles to be had here. This is war.
Does anyone else just feel depressed about this whole fucked up situation.
Our elites betrayed us and just fucking threw away the greatest civilization ever to grace the Earth.
Be depressed later.
Prepare for war now.
The only detraction I have from the general consensus that White women race traitors needing to be killed is my idea that they (the attractive ones anyway) would be sentenced to serve as brood sows to white men. To have at least 6 babies carried to term before they are allowed to spend the rest of their lives as some menial household laborer/janitor/etc.
Whites past their breeding age guilty of lesser crimes would be sentenced to caring for the children until they are 18 years of age. Gotta get those white number up.
I knew it. This hurt their ego.
Sadiq Khan pulls himself away from his harem of catamites long enough to do some PR on behalf of his fellow jihadis.
>the Jew York Times — A van drove into a group of pedestrians early Monday near a mosque in London, killing one person and injuring 10 in what the mayor called a “horrific terrorist attack” that struck Muslims as they finished prayers.
I gotta hand it to that englishman,
He's fighting back. Lets see if others follow
If you feel depressed about this. Just spend some more time on 8/b/ tbh fam. Lol. Just kidding. Love you 8/b/!
Those are trips though.
Such a fucking stupid term.
Our "elites" are building space ships and developing cool cyberpunk tech
The degenerates who rule over us are not 'elite' they are an inbred jewish oligarchy
It wasn't the greatest for it allowed this progression. Instead the honor falls to us to actually create the greatest civilization to grace the Earth and beyond. One falls and another takes its place, the unbroken tradition.
What a time to be alive!
If you really care about it, do something about it.
Sacrifice your life to working hard and finding ways to push back the degeneracy and cure the illness of our civilization. Think of your forefathers, your ancestors who worked very hard, in hard times and didn't complain, most died meaninglessly, but here you are here after all these millions of years, feeling depressed while sitting on a computer with a treasure trove of information, in housing, with food.
Use this temporary life you have, don't just be a blip, be a blip of which causes a tsunami.
lol fucking nice
I feel like I was born in a society that died 100 years ago and the only hope for society not to go completely tits up is an anime imageboard.
user the jews are not yoru elites they are a hostile and alien peoples.
He keep getting away with it!
Sad, that old thread had some amazing digits
It's not like European royalty and Kikes are the best of friends or anything.
Easy. Just explain to leftists that this is part and parcel of living in a big city and the real threat is Anglophobic bigots trying to exploit a completely inexplicable tragedy. Also the victims were very diverse :^)
How soon do you think the muzzies will attack back? I'm thinking ~24hrs.
what does it say?
I guess there will be a chimpout before the sun goes down again. They are in Ramadan and pissed like hell because of the building fire anyways…
Could be good.
Yeah, maybe if there were even more women in government all these violent men would come to their senses.
checking those trips
I hope it gets real comfy real soon.
Where is your ambition?
I've noticed that jew media always has good coverage of events where mudslimes are killing whites, but when the tables are turned, nothing.
This motherfuck is a distant relative of mine and he's the only person in history to ever steal the crown jewels of england. if he would have gotten away with it i'd be ruling over you faggots with a fair but iron fist and i can assure you every single muslim would be expelled from your depressing little grey island
Nice try.
It's all coming down friendo - economy is fucked and there's no ammo left for governments to stimulate the economy. Next crash will make Great Depression look like nothing. Buy land, guns, tool, livestock and seeds. Better yet, move out there now and start living self-sufficient.
My imagination then.
Shame, should have been more. At least they get to taste the same medicine
user, if you really want to be depressed, just remind yourself that in about 70-80 years, everyone you know will be dead. As will you.
And if that isn't enough, look up 'Timeline of the Far Future' to see how things really don't matter.
Wait, is it a hate crime or terrorism?
What was this individual's motives?
The utter audacity these mudslime boyfucking filth had two major terrorist attacks in two weeks and like 7 small ones with like 70 casualties and claim they're experiencing the atrocities of islamophobia during their holy month, the same fucking month they commit all these attacks? Fucking disgusting, don't forget to spit at your local sandnigger any chance you get
Is there a body count yet?
Yeah, if anybody compares the two, remember the UK is less than 5% Muslim.
So multiply that number by twenty.
Say shit like "Call me back when somebody bombs four hundred Muslim kids at a concert"
Also look at that first line holy shot. Outright stating "ordinary British citizens" have regular "night worship". Fucking sandniggers.
Nothing official yet. At least one dead. 8 injured. Minimum. Likely to be revised upward.
Exactly. They blame everything but islam for mudslime terrorism, but immediately jump to islamaphobia when they are attacked. They are almost out-jewing the jews.
The media coverage of this has been predictable to say the least. Even my left-wing flatmate has commented on the disparity between the reporting of this and the dozens of terrorist attacks committed by muds. All of a sudden the media are interested in reporting the attackers appearance and ideological motivation, while hamming up how terrible it is for the victims to be specifically targeted thanks to their race/religion. A stark contrast to when mudslimes enrich us. I doubt there'll be any calls to protect whitey against hurtful twitter posts in the wake of this. Or a string of celebrities, journalists and politicians calling this a perversion of the right-wing, #NotAllNationalists.
I'm still waiting to hear that the van driver is actually a kike, either way whitey will still take the blame.
Let's say the situation intensifies. Are we going to see an influx of Brits (refugees) to the US and elsewhere? How would you feel about that? If you live among these mudslimes, you must fantasize about leaving constantly.
The Jew strikes himself with one hand and blames you while he strikes you with the other.
This is honestly the best thing that could happen to Muslims/non-whites. With the way all of the ADD and cucked natives are, they'll immediately forget all of the other attacks (Manchester, London, the entire Rotherham scandal [which they barely seemed to give a shit about to begin with], the other attacks in Europe like the Bataclan shooting, Brussels, German truck attack, Paris truck attack, etc.) and go into full "SEE!? WHITE PEOPLE DO IT TOO!" mode. The way your governments (and many of the brainwashed citizens) think, one Muslim (keep in mind that I mean Arab but we can assume that we're talking about something that is one and the same) life is worth about fifty white ones.
All Muslim/non-white on white native attacks are a chance to explain that it's not all Muslims and that we must stay vigilant and love diversity. All white on Muslim/non-white attacks are a chance to prove how racist and intolerant white people are and why "we" need diversity and tolerance. Regardless of how it plays out, one this is a constant: you're the enemy.
we're not supposed to talk about that user ;^)
Turn their own rhetoric against them #NotAllWhiteSupremacists
I just want to hear that not for even political reasons, or even "Holla Forums is always right". I want to hear that because of how smug I will feel and how much laughter it will cause me.
Push the angle of "Wait for a name."
And then say "It could be retribution. 22 kids were killed in Manchester, and 15 in London. If one of those was his kids, then what?"
Behead those who insult Bliss.
I think (((they))) would suppress that if true, user. The best we can hope for is independent verification through finding him on Facebook or something.
Doesn't matter anymore. Whites were made as enemies years ago. The only thing matters is to encourage whites to rise up and have the balls to fight back against those roaches. Execute every traitors, spill those roaches bodies, mosques and graves with pigs blood.
I'm of the opinion that the Muslims are to blame for getting in the way of that poor man's car. In a just world they would make the Mosque pay for damages.
Second angle is the nutter one.
Then just keep adding in crazy Muslims.
Like the Munich shooter (who wasn't a Jihadist, and was Iranian)
do you believe this shit? this fake outrage, or heavily biased against whites outrage needs to be meme fuel somehow.
I read an initial report and it sounded like an old man collapsed in the road, mob formed around him and along came the van and struck people in the road. Simple car accident. Nothing more.
This. A traffic accident is being spun as "white terrorism".
Someone needs to send her "literally shaking rn children can't even go see Ariana grande without getting blown up #london". I'd do the legwork but i can only mobile post right now and no fucking way are they getting my phone #
Damn, I really hate to admit it but I agree with that person. Those Muslims really aren't safe around their mosques, and that's wrong. I guess maybe if they were out at a pop concert they'd be safe, but FUCK, I just don't know what to do for these endangered people.
Huge if true. I've been watching continuous coverage on the BBC of Muzzie eye-witnesses reporting that the van drove along the pavement. Then again they were also lying about the police response time, claiming it took them over an hour to attend - while others said 5 minutes.
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest, nothing is beneath (((them))).
#NotAllWhitePeople is trending. Please help it out
nice shirt.
This is probably what happened. Afterwards they beat the shit out of him.
initial report was an old man collapsed in the road while crossing the road after attending the mosque. A group of idiots formed around him in the roadway, along came van driver none the wiser and struck pedestrians that shouldn't have been in the road. Common sense is if you fall down in the road you take the person to the safety of the sidewalk for aide…. except these backward browns think their on a dirt path somewhere.
Since when there were non-crazy muslims? They always wanted and will want to spread their pestilence and disease throughout the globe. And don't you fucking dare to apply that "lone wolf" bullshit. A roach is a roach. Even a fucking Iranian is a sandnigger roach.
these people have just been waiting for something like this to happen, so much that now it's allegedly happened, they are kind of fucking up their own narrative.
Iran is Shia and even Religionofpeace doesn't count it as Jihad.
left realizes this is a cross border white uprising
Look at these fucks, that's a sidewalk, what if some skateboarders or bicyclists come along and run these fucking morons over….. wtf are they doing? it's a sidewalk ffs
If it turns out they are white, I'm ok with it. A year ago, I'd be against this, but no longer. Any killing of leftists and Muslims is fine by me. Breivik was right. You all know how leftists are going to act in response to this: they'll make right wing terrorism – which at the moment is unorganized (unlike Muslims), not backed by anyone financially (unlike Muslims), and don't have anyone to play cover them ideologically in academia or the media (unlike Muslims) – out to be a larger threat than open borders mass immigration, demography, and crime. They have double standards when it comes to the attacks and crimes they defend. I'm sick of playing by their game. Right Wing Truck Squads are fine, if not entirely pragmatic in its targeting (should have went after politicians or journalists).
Nice triple dubs.
The internet isn't solely a Londonstan thing, user.
Anyone tracked the people that caused this? This smells big time.
They'll violently assault them as a group, then call the cops and tell them a white terrorist tried to crusade them with rollerblades.
Get to work goys #NotAllWhitePeople #FinsburyPark
Both are on one and the same coin. Both want dominance. Spouting such ridiculous nonsense makes you looks like some mudslime cock guzzling apologist. Are you?
Can we just purge already? They're fucking blind indoctrinated imbeciles.
These are beautiful
Apparently trump caused this attackers.
Apparently he has voters in london.
That's why they're terrified. The left are losing support more and more as people begin to see it as self destructive brainwashing.
That said, there's a growing group of "new lefties" that seem to want to purge libtards and commies… we can only hope.
jesus fucking Christ the irony is gonna tear them apart
good night left side
That suggests they were able to blend into the crowd rather easily.
Which suggests false flagging from that community.
I was suspicious the moment I heard the death toll was only 1 person, that street would have been tightly PACKED with hundreds, even thousands of Muslims when this took place. If I had a van and was intentionally mowing through hordes of shitskins huddling out of evening prayers, you can bet the body count would be in the double digits, not one.
I'm pretty sure that road will have CCTV coverage, especially outside of a mosque. Why do I get the feeling that we will never get to see the footage?
Starting advocating of "Based Muslims" on Holla Forums, huh? Or will it be some cancerous threat that Holla Forums should ally with sandniggers because they hate Jews also? Am I right, #notallmuslims. Kill yourself, roach apologist. At least leave them killing each other in the first place and then stab them in the backs.
I have yet to find a single based Muslims. These people never come out and condemn terrorism.
You Yids are so fucking obvious.
Wander off back to Discord or whatever it is you freaks do.
Im more worried about whose controlling these muslim communities. The imams have a master of puppets. I think when you bring the wahhabis(and their (((origins)))) into account it becomes clear who is pulling the strings.
Sounds more like an accident. The 'victims' were in the road helping some guy. They won't release the CCTV because the 'white terrorist' narrative has already been set.
Thats right, Jay!
You won't see the footage because that would make the false flag obvious.
It fills me with a sense of dread that the PM of the UK is already capitulating before the results of an investigation is even known, and capitulating to a very violent minority of non citizens.
Shitskins think they own the road, too. They act like traffic has to revolve around them. Wouldn't be surprised if the van ended up on the sidewalk because it swerved to dodge some clueless 80 IQ mudslime.
Because there isn't a single good muslim. Only a heretic according their belief will. And they can also lie in order to deceive others.
I agree with this. If they condemmed the jews then perhaps we could give them sympathy. But that would also blow their cover.
reminder that finsbury mosque is one of the most radical mosques in the uk:
any mudshit testimony coming out of that place should be taken with suspicion
Some news outlet are now suggesting that was false and it was only the one guy. We don't know yet.
Honestly at this point I think that it's a major possibility that when shit goes down the United States is going to get flooded with white refugees.
Weirdly enough America must end up the last bastion of the white man.
Yep, they're 100% in on it now. They're in a world of shit if that's not what happened.
That's how it's always been. If we fail it's due to our lack of will and conviction. Always take responsibility for your own situation and your own failure, that's the only way to rectify things.
The Jews fucked everything up but it's our fault because we let them, and it's responsibility to rectify those mistakes.
yeah na mate
What's the matter? Got triggered because your roach buddies were insulted? You deserve to share with them the same grave, sand flea.
Some of the most worthless shitbags in the U.K. and that takes effort. As soon as I heard where it happened I just assumed it was some of the bearded boyfuckers having an internecine dispute over something stupid.
Where else would they go with enough space to take them in? I highly doubt that Trump would turn away millions of white republican voters.
The govt won't release the video, but businesses in the area certainly have video of it. Londonfags should get on it.
If nothing changed the US would become a former white country more quickly than most European countries mate. Though Americans do have more gun rights…
Initial report was an old man collapsed in the road while crossing the road after attending the mosque. A group of muslim idiots formed around him to give aide in the roadway, along came the van driver none the wiser and struck pedestrians that shouldn't have been in the road unknowingly. Simply auto accident.
Yeah, seems like he didn't even lock the door.
America also has the largest absolute white population on Earth with around 200 million whites.
You stupid nigger the post that got you all riled up in the first place was in advocation of a psyop that you were too dense to figure out. Quit flailing around you assclown.
Which is a good thing because it will make the muds really mad. This has teh potential to start some middle eastern tier chain of events in Londonistan. The part and parcel global city might tur into some sort of Beirut showing the rest of the world the true face of islam.
Wrong. White is determined by a census that is self filled. Any nigger can check white. In fact, lots of hispanics check white. And they aren't white.
But if this is true, what is the chance that the media and all libtard cucks will allow this story to be reported? Very slim
I think we need that footage pronto. Plus the sources that said 3 people were involved.
It's very suspicious. How do you simply misreport that?
The ONLY chance of this getting reported is if we have people calling up radio talk shows.
The MSM will maintain the fiction or simply go quiet on the issue should the truth come out.
These two are bestest
#2 also gud for the goys.
If australia can find a way of producing water and turning desert into produce - it's the size of the USA which holds 380 million.
We need business camera footage.
Some Muslim eyewitnesses said it. That there were three people. And two got away. Could be bullshit. Could be true. Guess Ill find out in the morning. Sleepy time.
Maybe islamic chimp out is the goal here.
Those sly jew devils..
To be fair pure blooded Iberians are white the whole "hispanic" concept makes about as much sense as calling Indians Anglos because they speak English.
We should be archiving every news story that is currently pushing the narrative.
Another thing we should be doing is digging up old traffic incidents in the area, especially pedestrians hit or hit and runs.
Two things undermine the official narrative until we get some clarity from the cops: 1) the nature of the mosque itself (muslims there can't be trusted with their testimony given its association with extremism), and 2) the base rate of traffic accidents in the area. I don't know much about (2), but pic related is near the mosque, and looks ripe for pedestrians to be accidently struck.
the lulz when it turns out he was just texting while driving, and also has a muslim wife.
Enough room there for the entire world to have 1km² each
Fuck em. Muslims have been doing this shit almost every god damn day. Now they want to scream and cry when its done to them.
if sea levels continue to rise
water should rise in the great australian bite and form a massive lake in the centre of australia creating fuck ton of plant life in what is currently an abyss
here's the legitimate prediction
well this escalated quickly.
now all white people are ideologically equivalent to all muslim people. literal race vs religion war.
If the guy that did this actually is a white brit, the correct way to frame is that he's a British terrorist. A muslim terrorist attack in britain is muslim terrorism. A white terrorist attack on muslims is british terrorism.
What's even better is the guy is gay and "gender-queer". I want to throw this guy in some muslim shithole and see how long he keeps wailing about how they dindu nuffin as he gets locked up or executed.
All they'd really need to do is publish a Mohhamad cartoon in one of their many media outlets.
I'd love me some real estate on one of those lake islands. I'm a POM so I'm already down with most of the lingo, cunt.
yeah its one of the reason i don't give a single fuck about climate change
it can only be good for this country
radical phobics
Some Paki from Scotland Yard speaking now.
Cucks on twitter are funny considering any racial group can be muslim yet leftists only talk/defend when it's about muslim sandniggers.
So the PM is on the fence on whether it's real or not.
I've always wondered how many on Holla Forums have royal blood as members of Holla Forums will be the royalty of future white society.
I have an ancestor to whose children would have had the thrown but his life was pretty shit.
Reading tweets what I can't escape is how terribly happy a lot of the muslims seem to be under the surface, they've been waiting so long to have a really juicy story with which they can cry islamophobia for the next decade. As their death toll on us rises into the thousands, as they continue to rape thousands of vulnerable children and peddle drugs to the most vulnerable communities they'll always see us as 'even' because one of theirs was killed last night. The media will agree. That's why no matter how angry these scum make you, you must not give in to violent urges, all we have is the high ground. I know as well as any of you that without there having been three muslim terror attacks in the last few months
this wouldn't have happened, but we have to realise just how much the media is on their side.
Pretty proud as a bong right now tbh.
cuck. GTKRWN
But if you kill your enemies then they win?
kek. Someone, possibly a real Englishman barged into the broadcast saying something like come on ya' fucking cunt as the broadcaster was talking about tracking down a possible White terrorist cell. Cops drag him away on the left. Could've been a shitskin though but hard to tell.
fuck em if they want terror i say lets fuckin show em how we do
Jews are Traitors so they die first
Then the non Jewish Traitors
I fail to see the negatives here
Unless of course it's all bullshit (like most (((terrorist))) attacks) and just designed to stop people uniting and marching on (((parliament and buckingham palace))) like they were planning to on Wednesday.
How do you do?
Checking these trips
You can be less obvious in your shilling. What are you GCHQ, CIA, Mossad?
Yeh but "far right" for you mongs is telling muzzies not to rape your kids innit.
There are more non white and non british people in every public office not to mention the media. Went to the beach yesterday, there were more non white than white and I barely overheard anyone speaking english. Shit's fucked.
Looks like the BBC's Memeing of Asian Terrorists has finally paid off
Not looking good for the media/establishment narrative. Hundreds of 85 iq chimps roaming around the street in their nightgowns and the poor fucker was probably just attempting to get from point A to B in his rental van. Swerves to avoid tards, ends up hitting other tards.
The guy who died was the guy the muslims were trying to help in the street before the van hit. They guy was probably already dead of a heart attack and they're pinning the death on the driver.
Don't feel alone, it's the beaner invasion here. Same third-world shit.
Supposedly the Prophet Mohammad was at least part Jew himself. Islam makes a lot more sense if that's true. Islam would be the sword of Judaism.
Any relation to the Mayor of Londinistan?
Those fours tell a happy story.
Pakis are all called Khan.
So yeah, given the inbreeding that occurs.
IIRC Judiasm as a religion came after Islam
I really don't see how things aren't going to lead into a civil war at this point. Regardless of how many attacks by muslims occur the inevitable anger by whites (usually involving much more benign shit than this like those WN posters being put up around cities in the states, etc.) is always played up as so much worse than snackbars killing dozens of people. Not to mention no real solutions to this shit are ever pushed, like breaking up enclaves, deporting the cunts or putting hard limits on immigration.
Tensions are going to keep climbing and unless the media and political establishment magically changes over night to be more sympathetic towards whites things will reach a breaking point eventually.
That would be a pretty interesting twist tbh. Even if that is the case I imagine the lefty media will still push the story as a islamaphoic bad goy killing innocent muslims regardless and sweep the truth under the rug.
Uncle-cousin, presumably
At least New England is safe.
And whiter than actual England.
Maybe not the media but the political establishment is pretending like they give some shit about whites now while in actuallity shafting them harder than before
A lot of places like Australia and Britain are going with the Howard plan
You don't.
Reminded of (((Churchill))) when he said if Hitler doesn't want this war, we'll force it on him.
My town was 100% white 10 years ago. Then can change it no time, do not be complacent.
Boston, At least you guys have BRady and Hyde though
Well Judiasm was at least after Christianity
There were the people of Judea but they weren't Jews as we know them, they followed a proto-Judiasm/Christianity
Why do muslims always have "shutdown" eyes
This. There are plenty of reasonable non-violent responses to what is happening (like mass deportations and a stop to mass immigration), but the political parties don't want to do it. That leaves one option in the future: either we die or they die. Faggots on here can cry about MUH FBI/MI5 as much as they want, but violence is coming whether you plan for it or not. Anyone that says otherwise is a fucking newfag from reddit that can't read the writing on the wall, or an enemy that doesn't want us to be prepared for the coming great western civil war.
Indeed, one day you look around and your affordable, working class 88% White suburb is suddenly 75% beaner, negro, pajeet and muslim. Happened to my long abandoned hometown in about 15 years.
You're still wrong, kikes have been around far longer just because they didn't call their saturnic cult "judaism" doesn't mean that's not exactly what it was.
Probably because of all the pedophilia/molestation.
It sure does get old seeing all these White first responders holding these subhuman's hands and wiping their asses for them.
B-but we shouldn't use violence. Having a moral high-ground will fix the problem. Just wait for about 20 years, t-things will get better. Our muslim brothers will not kill us and not rape children and women for sure.
That was my first guess too. It's uncanny how many muslims look like they were eyeliner and have dead eyes.
That was when they were shitty ass arabs who were shady
Now they're shitty ass mongrels who have shadiness as a religion
when will we get the name of the suspect?
you are one dense motherfucker aren't you, kike rats are documented in like Solon era Rome Greece Babylon etc Ffs you think judiasm is a religion and not a racial trait
I'd wager 8-12 hours. Possibly sooner.
The longer it takes the browner the skin, if this was legitimate they would be all over it. I wouldn't be surprised if they never reveal, but continue to push this as "white islamophobic terror"
Well they already know he had mental issues so he obviously had his ID on him like all (((terrorists)))
Some eyewitness accounts. Make of it what you will. Just passing along what's being reported.
Evening Standard: Finsbury Park mosque attack: Suspect shouted 'kill me, kill me' and 'blew kisses from back of police van'
Does anyone else think that this isn't exactly an anti-muslim white terrorist?
I mean coulter's law is in effect and we still don't have a mugshot or a name.
Yes at midnight.
And this one had a number 2 badge so she could be picked out, and two police could move her (like you do with injured people) whilst 2 ambulance men look the other way.
If anyone believes this is anything other than staged like nearly every incident you have had your mind manipulated.
Anyone want to help me find the exact location on google maps/street view where the cops are with the body?
Because the location in the news story sure as shit isn't close to the mosque. No writing on the road. No place I can find that matches the buildings. I haven't searched streets nearby, but if it is nearby, it means it wasn't done at the mosque.
Seen a few cucks passing this around on twitter, they're really hung up that the police won't call this terror.
Honestly he doesn't look like a native Brit to me.
Maybe a Gypsy or a half breed.
So this witness coming from muzzies from the site. Typical
But we have a constant stream of peaceful Muslims on SkyNews telling us how idignant it is that they had to wait an hour for police to arrive versus the London Bridge attack. Oh, and don't forget how scared their community, you know and not the actual white Britons that have been the target of constant attacks since Ramadan began.
I'm not saying it was MK ULTRA… but it was.
Yeah sounds like mind control.
I'm doing well, you?
I wonder who put him up to this.
Do you think it was… God?
Just a small aside here from Burgerland. This U.K. usage of the English language always triggers my autism:
A floor is something inside a terrestrial structure like a house or office building. If you are on the dirt, grass or concrete outside it's called the ground.
O.K., my racist, regional lexicographer bitching is concluded.
If true I am now a believer of mk ultra.
How do we avoid the mindbreak or are you abducted and conditioned instead of subtlety groomed?
I wonder how much the governments research mind control?
It supposedly happened at a bus stop so check google maps for nearby bus stops
I found a soft spot.
Compare this (as a targeted hate crime) and start calling Rotherham and cases like it terrorism.
breddy gud user
Then it still is wrong to kill innocent blahblahyaddayadda.
You know the dril.
World wide uprising of the working class. Must be frustrating as hell for leftards that it's a right wing thing.
not only new ones. anarchists over 30 who aren't braindead for example will never forgive the left for co-opting and perverting their ideology
Just an update on this, I think I found the location. It's no where near the mosque.
Let me state that again: the media are lying. It's way over from the railway tracks.
Incoming updated image I will provide for people to spread on twitter.
Wonder if the witness is a man or 2 women.
Hardly surprising. But still great to have proof. keep up the good work user.
That would be nice, but that shitty food market (that you can see it in the phone cam footage) is 0.3 miles away
Here it is.
Yeah, and take a look into Abu "Hook hand" Hamza.
Currently imprisoned, of course.
It's his mosque. This mosque was deliberately targeted.
thx. will spread.
I'll pass. Looking up pics of that subhuman already did enough damage to my sides
our elites betrayed us way back when they let jews into the country and gave them special privileges in return for shekels
There's one on that corner, you can get a bus to Grenfell Tower from there
So have the mods completely given up over the past few weeks? 10-12 hours with nobody there for days on end. A shit filled catalogue? Not looking good.
A group of muslims were standing in the middle of the street at midnight and a van accidently hit them.
double trips ftw
wait a minute, didn't that guy who ran the car into those pedestrians say the same thing? The one where people made edits of one of the photos of him to make him look less mexican. Or is that the same guy?
Modern Jews aren't just arab but mixed some unknowing europeans into the mix
It is racial but the exact type of Jew we have now wasn't formed until the 1500s
More likely, the muslim "eyewitness" made the story up and used the phrase to make it sound more plausible.
Sounds like a drunk or someone with genuine mental health issues. Possibly both. Remember a few years ago a naked man attacked people in church using a samurai sword. Well he was proven to be mentally ill and was cured then allowed back out on the street within 2 years. This van driver may have thought he was doing god's will (voices in head) or was attacking demons (some muslims do some pretty demonic stuff).
Or he may have been on a mixture or drugs/drink like the man who punched a muslim to death in a children's playground a couple of years ago. I think that one got a much longer sentence even though enough alcohol and barbiturates would remove rational thought and sanity in short order.
It was a muslim convert
they are the most violent ones
wtf i love communists and niggers now
Rule #6000000 : Never reply to hasbarafag.
You dropped this post earlier today, Moishe
Was the driver a muslim who was denied gibs?
I heard that heroic doses of LSD will break conditioning. Or send you completely over the edge.
Meanwhile in the United States beaners are raping and killing muslim teenagers breaking their moon worshipping fast. There's a disturbance in the Force and it's pretty fucking funny. Don't mean to derail but it's relevant. Hard to tell if it's been posted from the shitted up catalog. This is from yesterday June 18, 2017.
WashPost: 17-year-old Muslim girl assaulted and killed after leaving Virginia mosque
Uncle Ted probably knows a thing or two about that
Here we go, another White Hispanic
Alright this made me confused.
Does someone know what happened there? Is it actually a terrorist attack or is it just the media shilling again?
Was it possibly just an accident blown completely out of proportion?
Actual terrorist attack with a fun precedent.
Now, hate crimes qualify as terrorism.
Therefor, any attacks based on race or ethnicity must be treated as terrorism.
Cue the Muslim rape gangs.
Elliott Gould finally snapped.
Don't care; Breivik was right. The children of our enemies must be killed.
How do we get at jewish kids though?
I'm sure that's not what you meant, but it's reality.
The jews are OUR enemy
Anything else is jewish misdirection
(from thread one)
It was an isolated incident, you can't blame them all for it.
get on your uniforms folks, this if election era memetic warfare and we're on the winning side
It was a traffic accident. Some guy collapsed in the middle of a road and a crowd of shit-skins gathered around him then a car coming down the road failed to stop in time and hit them. The press heard that a white man in a van had hit some moslems and lept to conclusion that it was terrorism. Shit-skins at the scene went along with this because it gives them an excuse to shit on white people.
And tomorrow the mayor of London will get on his high horse and lecture whites on how they are evil and muslims are the real victims and deserve more gibs. Also, he will say, any white who doesn't like moslems letting off nail bombs at concerts for little girls is a bigot.
The end.
We all know who the real victims are here, anons.
The fact that that is a picture from London, England. FUCKING ENGLAND. Is absolutely disgusting. The main city in England is full of niggers, embarrassing.
It's less than 50% white now. Fucking putrid. Imagine the capital city in an Arab country being less than 50% Arab?
Can't Floor the Torres!
point out the fact that the usual "not all x" had been completely skipped.
that the media had been calling the guy a terrorist right away. despite being no organization claiming the thing.
when rapefugees had been knifing germans every other day, it was always "mental illness".
Kekd. Nah, kikes lived there historically too.
It was less than 50% white in the 1980s
Any white Londoner would have told you this
personally it doesn't make me laugh.
i remember those things said unironically in the reverse and rage.
Why do people like this exist?
This made be abnormally angry. Why was the last generation so fucking pathetic? Our recent ancestors are such pathetic kike tools, it's insane.
It's fair to say that ISIS hasn;t anything to do with islam
Mainly because it's a jewish proxy mercenary group charged with attacking all of isreal's enemies.
may see islamic groups bombing synagogues and zionist jew elites
Then we can point out that has everything to do with islam, until then it's everything to do with Talmudic judaism
*One day we may see islamic groups bombing synagogues and targeting zionist elite jews
What does that have to do with my post? The Rotterham rape gangs weren't ISIS, just typical muslims. Muslims are filth. Middle Aged British men calling Islam peaceful and brave is cuckery of the highest order.
Reminds me of David Frum responding to a frog twitter saying "If you are superior why are you losing?" to a tweet about the inherent superiority of the white race and how others envy us
Yep and all the black rape gangs terrorising white women from the 1950s were typical negros, except the jewish media had no interest or agenda to aid and continued covering up those crimes and still do to this day.
Blacks and indians who have been mass raping white English girls needed no religion to do what they did.
All you are doing is ascerting a counter-jihad narrative.
Going along with any jewish narrative will only backfire on every goy that assists the jew.
Talked to some IRL normies this morning, the old media isn't working, they are looking at this as yet another muslim-related terrorist attack that wouldn't have happened without muslim bullshit in the first place.
So awake…
He'll be spamming smug anime and calling every antisemitic pol/ack exposing kikery "kike shills" in a minute or two
I thought the chick was employed as a zoo keeper as the midget gorilla's handler?
You misspelled "based sandniggers" you mudshit goatfucker.
Hould have spoiled, sorry.
Hahahahaa shut up you fucking retarded kike, the head honchos of ISIS all have PhDs in Quran studies, obvious ISIS exists to fuck up the middle east for the kikes but to claim it has nothing to do with islam is retardation beyond retardation.
Why do I see le happy merchant in that pic?
Indeed, get the fuck out of here with this disgusting mudshark whore, you fucking quadnigger
Look you anti semites and racists, here's what a real british white woman looks like. The (((daily mail))) says so, so it must be true!
The best whites died in the world wars, and the only ones left were the ones who were most cowardly and self-interested. We're still in the process of recovering from the damage those wars caused.
wanting to fuck a coal burner
After growing up and living for England 40+ years, I can only come to the same conclusion
The Anglo and American have beeb genetically selected to serve jewry until the last of their people have died fighting isreali wars
*The Anglo and American have been…
Remember the Germans tried to throw off the jews.. until the US and England decided to ally with soviet jews. The result is extermination of all European people hence all the weak men, fags, trannies, other mentally ill, retarded women, etc.
White men are completely fucked over because white men in positions of power don't give a single fuck about other white men. All they care about is their next mortgage payment.
The only thing stopping us are white cops and soldiers.
because nationalism is dead thanks to jewish subversion.
It's a product of social and environmental conditions. It takes generations to build what can be wiped out in a single season of war. We're recovering, but it's a painful and slow process. The fact that the kikes are screaming bloody murder over it shows how close we are to truly winning. My guess is that September of this year will be truly interesting. Don't forget all the wins we've been accruing. There is hope, there is future, and there will be winning for the white man once again and forever.
Doesn't explain Sweden. They were basically neutral and they're the biggest cucks of all.
Stupid question why do happenings tend to happen or be predicted for September?
Shemitah, or maybe the position of the stars.
The jews set about dismantling every European society utilising their Frankfurt School theory.
Every Western nation had it's own unique angle of attack by jewry
America - Genociding the native indians and slavery
Britons - British Empire was used against them
How they got at Ireland was to attack them for not doing enough for the jews in WWII to assist the Allies, that is the actual program they got the Irish with
As for Sweden the poor Swedes were attacked by world jewry for being neutral in WWII
See embed video
Sweden were mostly unaffected by the great events of the early to mid 20th century, hence their naive outlook on life. Not realizing that the essence of their society was a reflection of the people was their downfall. Removed from reality their softness spawned a mushy socialism all their own. They banned corporal punishment in 1979. They have frequently been 'leading the world' in adopting progressive lunacies into the mainstream.
The jews that own and run Sweden did this to the Swedes, in the same way the jews that own and run American did that to Americans
I have no doubt. It was made relatively easy for them though, it must be said.
Piece of piss, when you own every politician, every media group from newspapers, radio and TV, control the school curriculum and own each and every industry and institute of worth.
We all have WWII to thank for that
Absolutely. It brought Europe to its knees and paved the way for America to follow. What else but pure evil could convince brothers to fight and destroy their own assets in the process.
People keep misinterpreting this meme.
It is less than 50% white BRITISH. It is still over 50% white thought (over 60% iirc). Not that that's much better tbh.
Yep, London is majority non-British. Gypsies, Poles, Blacks and Muslims shit the place up. They all have to go back.
There is no misinterpretation
The jews are liars
London was demographically lost back in the 1980s, the only difference was the jewish media lied and pretended it wasn't as bad as it is.
However the jews will now talk about islamic immigration, which is a subtle betrayal of the fact that London was colonised beyond repair back in the 80's before the muslims were brought here.
The muslim immigration was only ramped up after 9/11.
The entire thing was done by collusion between the marxist left and the zionist right.
London as a whole wasn't mostly non-white in the 1980s, even if certain sections were.
Do you have any evidence to support what you're saying?
I just mean they're not creating sympathy with the "white terrorist, peaceful muslim" lines, outside of twitter and reddit.
Not everyone's furniture points towards a tv. There are some suprisingly well read, informed people left in the UK. It's not quite doomed yet.
What's this winking and blowing kisses pish? Anyone got a video?
The majority of London was Balkanised under Thatcher who accelerated the African and Indian immigration tenfold during her reign.
Before she got elected she famously aluded in a speech she would try and fight the 3rd world tide, this was to destroy the growing National Front support, it worked, the country went Tory and NF broke up shortly after (like Americas neocohen Republican party…see the parallel here?)
Entire swathes of its boroughs were cleaned out of the native English by
Irish immigrants in places like Cricklewood, Kilburn etc
African and West Indian commonwealth nigs in Brixton, Hackney etc
Indians (Sikh and Hindu) in places like Hounslow, Alperton, Southall, East London
North London was mostly coons
NW London was the most "diverse" with Irish, African, Indian and all 3rd world invaders.
We have had 4 or 5 generations of Non-English immigrant brought in since 1945s, all born with British passports, all of them classed as native Britons on every Census form.
I have no idea what you are trying to argue here, but I can only say you never stepped foot in London from the 1970's-1990s if you believe half of London is native English.
The only whites I bump into are Eastern European, I don't mind pretty Polish girls quite as much as the counter-jihad Tommy Robinson "English".
For the Record, and to give some basic point of reference, in the 1980s there were more Irish in London than in the entirety of Eire
PS Tommy Robinson, not his real name, isn't natively English but militant pro-IRA anti-English, his crew in the EDL and Britian first are jewish
If the driver was white, we'd have his name by now.
Not surprising. Right after the Second World War, Atlee said that the only way to avoid future wars is a race mixed world. This goes way back.
One of these things is not like the others.
Absolute nonsense. Look up classical conditioning, particularly BF Skinner's stuff.
What's nonsense?
At the start of the war, the first casualities from Britain were Mosleley#s British Union of Fascists, who Mosley famously advised to be the first to sign up to fight against the Germans.
They were sent to certain death as cannonfodder in all the first battles.
After the war all that was left were the goodest of good goys, and the subsequent 70 years of jewish brainwashing ensured they would forever be enslaved and thankful to the jews for deciding their every thought, emotion and action since then.
Point out how quickly they moved in to protect their beloved mudshits
Maybe better to demonstrate how every 3rd world invader was brought here by the jews with the sole aim and intention to displace and replace the native whites.
Otherwise they'll just continue being confused about everything and how it all happened and continue flailing at the air for every phantom the jews invent.
I don't disagree with almost anything of what you're saying.
But it's not true that the census categorizes them as native Britons; it still makes a distinction between white Britons and 'non-white Britons'.
There's no evidence for saying that London was majority non-white in the 80s though so it annoys me that you keep saying it.
Most of outer London is very white (especially since people moved there when they were driven out by immigrants) which is why the almost all non-white parts of central London on their own give a misleading impression.
I know that Bowden cites that quote from Attlee a lot, but I haven't been able to find any other reference for it (I've also checked in Hansard, since Bowden says that Attlee said it in Parliament).
I'd be interested if anyone could actually show me a source for it.
Indeed, I would take six gorillion Polaks over one single gyppo, kike or nigger.
The idea pushed by idiots and/or shills that
1. the best whites died in the World Wars
2. that because of this the West is cucked
3. that because of this the West is lost
All of which is factually wrong AND verging on enemy demoralization propaganda.
Now kindly stop wasting my time and instead look up conditioning and Skinner.
The most bravest and heroic whites were wiped out in WWI & WWII
You have to be a special kind of retard to not understand this self-evident fact
Point out that they're demanding all "moderate whites" decry this attack when white isn't a religion.
It's Jeremy Clarkson.
She needs to go.
That's a lie you mongoloid!
Look how many NatSocs and Fascists survived WW2! Look how many of the most highly decorated German (for example) soldiers survived WW2! Look how many of them had kids, you fucking retard!
Reported for peddling enemy propaganda.
How many hours has it been? Still no name and other info? Is this faggot a prince or something? Or an escaped mental patient? Who else would get this level of protection? A rabbi?
Don't they have people to check this for them?
Don't care, at this point I just want things to burn. It's the only way.
Beaners are very Christian, I was expecting this shit long ago.
Do you want to continue the safe-space the trump election brought in?
In what way did the kosher slaughter of 100million white Europeans in WWI & WWII not do harm to the white genome?
Why are you so insistent that fighting endless jewish wars was no biggie for the goy, and we could easily affrd to suffer these losses turning the 30% white population of the world pre-1900 to whites being only 7% of the total world population post 1960?
Your reaction to my clear self-evident truth highlights you as either the most retarded child or an annoying kike, of which we've seem countless of here lately.
MI5 or Tavistock don't release their info immediately
have we found a new "__'s law" ? the longer they take to release the name the higher the chance that this was an accident caused by a mudslime having a heart attack in the street and a innocent man hitting him and getting beaten by subhumans?
very nice!
For stating empirical facts? Seriously? You haven't states a single empirical fact you lying kike.
The ONLY thing you have done is repeat a well known enemy shill line.
Here educate yourself you cunt:
Could we possibly meme the shitskins into starting the Race War by fighting each other? Most whites are too beaten down by kike propaganda to actually stand up for themselves, which is a shame. So perhaps we can get the niggers to fight the muzzies and the muzzies to fight the beaners, etc. And then maybe if that spirals out of control, our own people will start asserting themselves
This doesn't add up there would be almost 5,000 media kikes trying every trick in the book to get the background on this shit. They almost certainly either got a memo from the government to drop it or they found out something on their own that they are desperate to suppress.
Good shit right here.
you get jew kids by visiting the jewish community center in your area and killing em
Now I know your another hasbara kike.
Whites made up 30% of the total world population in the early 1900s
After two world wars with the European genome thinned out, today we are at 7% of the world's population.
The fact you call me a "kike" for pointing this out tells me everything I need to know about you.
I'm not sure if there are enough muslims in the US to kick off the race war.
Wait so what the fuck am I reading? The one person who died was already dead when he arrived?
What he posted was hyperbolic but both wars certainly had a colossal negative effect on the European species, they took huge amounts of strong, brave man out of the gene pool - which is what war mongering globalist kikes want.
It's not just about mudslimes. Think about all the beaners and niggers, etc. They all hate each other. And they're all low-IQ and savage people who are more inclined to commit unprovoked attacks against one another. And small attacks would lead to larger attacks.
jews Murdered 600,000,000 White Men in the Twentieth Century!!!
jews murdered every last single one of the best 600,000,000 White Men of the 20th Century. As instructed by their Talmud and as a product of their inborn instinctual racial behaviors, jews murdered them all.
See here actual world population figures sorted by gene pool by the UN (and interpolated by this writer) for the years 1800, 1900, 2000 and as projected for the year 2050:
TOTAL POPULATION OF THE WORLD (Year, Total Biped Population of the Planet):
1800, 1,000 million
1900, 1,600 million
2000, 6,100 million
2050, 9,000 million projected
WHITE GENE POOL WORLD POPULATION (Year, % of World Population, Total White Population):
1800, 22% of world population, 220 million (Europe, 21%; North America, 1%)
1900, 30% of world population, 480 million (Europe, 25%; North America, 5%)
2000, 10% of world population, 610 million (Europe, 7%; North America, 3% [less alien invaders])
2050 projected, 6% of world population, 540 million (Europe, 4%; North America, 2% [less alien invaders])
ASIAN GENE POOL WORLD POPULATION (Year, % of World Population, Total Asian Population):
1800, 65% of world population, 650 million
1900, 57% of world population, 920 million
2000, 61% of world population, 3,700 million
2050 projected, 60% of world population, 5,300 million
NIGGER/MUD GENE POOL WORLD POPULATION (Year, % of World Population, Total Nigger/Mud Population):
1800, 13% of world population, 130 million
1900, 13% of world population, 210 million
2000, 29% of world population, 1,800 million
2050, 34% of world population, 3,100 million
read the entire article here
More lies.
No, I'm not calling you a lying kike for pointing this out:
I'm calling you a lying kike for
1. claiming that
which is a demonstrably false statement. Which makes you a liar.
2. claiming to have stated empirical facts when you have cited not a single statistic, not a single source
3. switching goal posts
4. shamelessly repeating enemy demoralization propaganda
and now
5. lying about why I call you a lying kike
You lying kike.
I know all this already, not the claim you made above.
I note you are repeatedly calling me a kike, despite every word I wrote being true and proven.
You however seem intent to tell us that the white race suffered no setbacks or obstacles despite losing the position of being one third of the total world population and now being only 7% of the world's total population.
Every cunty reply you've made to me, seems to only suggest we can afford a few more world wars fighting isreal's enemies before we eventually, you know, maybe, turn our attention to the kikes fomenting these wars.
Otherwise I have no idea what your motivation is for posting this screechy shit.
Not at all, you repeat easily disproven enemy propaganda. You lying kike.
You however seem intent to tell us that the white race suffered no setbacks or obstacles despite losing the position of being one third of the total world population and now being only 7% of the world's total population.
A lie. Never did I claim that the white race suffered no setbacks.
Another lie. Never did I claim that anyone should fight more world wars let alone for Israel.
because you're clearly retarded I will repeat what I wrote so there is no misunderstanding
The most bravest and heroic whites were wiped out in WWI & WWII and fighting various wars for jews for the centuries prior also
No. They. Weren't.
Stop lying and repeating enemy propaganda.
I think I'm in the twilight zone
Nothing you have posted disproves a single word I wrote.
You are posting evidence that there were at one time great men in Europe most of which were slaughtered fighting in jewish instigated wars, once they are dead they cannot continue their genetic lineage.
They were sacrificed in a jewish sacrificial offering to their God Satan in jewish instigated wars.
Your links show there were at one time great men.
The facts 100s of millions were slaughtered during those wars isn;t referenced in any single word you;ve sperged in response.
Just had a look at some sky news report on jewtube. The comments, even from normalfags and everyday Brits, are overwhelmingly unrepentant, saying the muzzies deserve it and it's time we started fighting back. Whatever the real story here yet to emerge is, it's clear that momentum is growing on our side. Don't let it go to waste.
Not at all.
You claimed:
The reality is: Many of the highest decorated men SURVIVED THE WAR AND HAD KIDS.
Which means two things:
1. Your enemy propaganda claim that "the most bravest and heroic whites were wiped out" is complete bullshit.
2. Their legacy lives on in their kids and grandkids etc
This will trigger the FUCK out of them and they won't even be able to tell you why.
(cognitive fucking dissonance, that's why - )
Momentum won't be going anywhere near our side until we start hearing about attacks on synagogues and elite ZOG politicians
Until then it's still jew choreographed distraction
So, would you call this whole situation an
Anti-terrorist attack
Turnabout is fairplay. They did it so will we. So since this guy is at the very least white, and probably /ourguy/, should we unholster our autism in his protection? Anons are good at making chaos after all.
I'd call it another kosher misdirection
Looks like the average british chav to me
Why do anything before we have some actual info?
WEW. Look what J.K. Rowling has to say about this
This. The distance between the mosque and the incident is too much. Also weren't there people in the road helping some old af muzzie?
It's a result of kosher propaganda but least he did something against the non-white invaders for a change, it would have been nice for the victims to have been more diverse by including a few rapist coons and jews, but I won't get greedy for now.
He's a far better legit-white man to hold as a hero than the crypto-kike Breivik ever was, but until we start aiming our ire towards the jew, the jew will still be winning and in complete control.
fuck you. Numerous from my family fought in WW1 and WW2, but some survived, and others had children before they went. They fought to protect their nation and the genes live on.
Lurk more
Breivik was a clusterfuck of ideology, the guy legitimately did not have himself sorted out at any level.
I swear, there are bots programmed to lay in wait for anyone to post the name Breivik, and upon seeing that name, they proceed to spam these Breivik-Zionist memes. It happens every time, without fail.
Why so scared?
This same thing is happening to America right now. The immigration and demographic situation in America is far worse than is publicly acknowledged. As bad as you may think things are, in regards to White populations and diversity/integration, it's actually worse. Much worse. And grows worse with every passing day.
Honestly, I think we've already passed the point of no return.
Scared of a biological jew, who killed white kids protesting against isreal, from his own manifesto where he claimed to be a freemason and called for an alliance with jews against the enemy of jews?
Methinks you better go ask your boss for a better angle.
here's an archive of the jewish defence leagues open support for Breivik prior to the post 2012 kosher co-opting of the movement.
Hey kafir,
My name is Hezbollah Harry and I hate every last one of you. All of you are weak, milky-skinned no-lifes who spend every second of every day looking at stupid ass jihad pictures. You are everything haram in the world. Honestly have any of you ever gotten any goat pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than posting red pills on facebook.
Don't be a cuckold. Just hit me with your best truck. I'm pretty much halal. I was captain of the mortar team, and spotter on my RPG team. What weapons do you deploy, other than "post the frog on twitter". I also slay gays, and have a modest beekeeper girlfriend (she just blew up, shit was SO cash). You are all pigs who should martyr yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Right on que.
Read Breiviks book and judge for yourself.
He did what needed to be done and created a manual for others to learn from. We are in a war for our very survival, Breivik understood this, most people have yet to come to terms with this reality. But it makes no difference, because we are in a war, and unless something changes, we are going to lose.
SHE KEEPS GOING. Where was JK rowling when the recent attacks on white londoners by muslims happened?
Hezbollah are the only legit resistance to world jewry at this given point in time, tyhey are the one's fighting against (((ISIS))) and protecting Christians in the middle east
It would have made more logical sense to joke the name was Sclomo Mohammed Godlstein
Fuck off, shlomo.
They literally used the same photographic propaganda to normatively persuade politicians that they should bomb Syria and send more of them here (most of which according to UNHCR stats aren't even from Syria).
Good god I can't wait till things are so bad we can going out at night and start slaughtering the fucking left wing.
Perhaps you should read it yourself, and also read all the comments by the jewish Defence League members in the post I made who he was in contact with before he carried out the mossad attack
Breivik was a Cultural Conservative Zionist who hates the Far Right, nazis and he openly supports Israel, queers and assimilated non-muslim immigrants.
He also had plastic surgery to "make himself look more aryan"
I'm well aware of his feelings towards Nazi's and National Socialism. That does not change my point of view.
You really want to invite even more pain for ourselves by trusting any shitskin muzzie group on any level? After everything you still haven't gotten the memo? Just because they don't like jews? Almost no one liked jews except for jews and all the cucked whites. I seriously doubt you legitimately care about what a middle eastern christian actually amounts to anymore than you care about the christians in subsaharan africa.
Quoting for visibility
No. Hezbollah aren't the ones flooding into Europe and snackbaring everywhere.
I don't need to like them. I just need them to do their business in their own sandbox. Which is precisely what they do.
That first pic coincides with what I've been thinking. There were two white men who happened to be around. Someone shouted "get whitey" and they ran for it like cats with Hitler moustaches. This became "there were three white men in the van".
It was a false flag. The JDL bought it.
Does he look like a 'biological jew' to you? If it was a Jewish-planned operation, why would they have made him open about his support for Israel, which makes them look bad?
More likely would be Britain First counter-jihad jews waiting to watch their agent do it.
The attack will be blamed on nationalist goys like everything that jewish trojan horse Trump will do will be blamed on nationalist whites, when only a zionist neocon would target a crowd of low class muds instead of high profile ZOG politicians.
This attack only aids the marxist/zionist agitation propaganda agenda
Before anyone kills another Arab, kill that whore Rowling. She is far more dangerous than a mosque full of isis.
Speaking of which, anyone have a screencap of the user who wrote posts about how she may have never actually wrote Harry Potter and instead it was ghost-written, and the entire story is anti-family propoganda made to promote the idea of giving your children away to be raised by the (((state)))? That and the multiculturalism propaganda. I also recall something about her having secret connections to an elite class of globalists in Britain and being in charge of some sort of adoption agency that some anons speculated was a pedo organization. This woman is extremely shady, point being.
Rowling like most celebrated media 'personalities' in the jew-K is Tavistock Institute trained and approved
The place is a rat's den of hives. Might be numerous mosques or those other places they have (moskajids?) user.
I doubt there is 1 mosque in that area.
(Used to pass through the area regularly 20 years ago, even then it was a muz hive)
Katie said nothing wrong
Britain has a long tradition of having actors be the front face of a project, while the literature itself is written by a committee of trained authors/propagandists. That's how those big "author of a generation" types over there are able to write so extremely prolifically and how the writing style always seems to change a lot throughout those long "epic saga" type serials.
Rowling herself (probably not her real name) is just some figurehead for the promotional work.
Reports suggest there were more than one person involved in the attack, one has been described as a tall man answering to the name Sam.
That is at least worth dubs if not trips.
Stellar spot user.
The Breivik attack was a Jewish hoax, like this attack against Muslims.
Works for British intellgence.
Jesus Christ boys, wake the fuck up. If you can't see the purpose of this "attack" then no amount of explaining will help.
Here's a shorter excerpt because I know you faggots don't have the attention span to watch a 2 hour dissection.
This is the only video you need to deduce that Oslo was a staged event.
Approximate translation:
There is a line of ambulances, but they are taking crisis actors away by bus.
Laughable. Look into it.
Prove this.
Explain this.
that honestly wouldn't surprise me. The stories seem a lot more than just something that came to some public assistance whore on the fly. They seem a lot like carefully researched and methodically planned narratives. Race-mixing, familial alienation, the poor as morally superior, Aryans as slimy, racism as idiotic, though the government in the stories is pretty incompetent or even hostile which kind of confuses things. Also that thing about her saying the Hermione character could be black, despite fans pointing out excerpts that would make that impossible. That just seems like something the actual author, who has to vividly imagine and create the scenes, wouldn't forget
Yeah I heard it was the muzzie welfare house
BF,EDL, PEGIDA are all kosher twats.
Support. Europe is being invaded by the Middle East, hopefully this will encourage more Europeans to fight back.
How does one fight back, when all you do is chase around after the phantoms the jews place in front of you to distract you from chasing them?
What's going on? I can't parse it from the thread.
Not at all, it's about how the young revolutionaries have to band together and fix the world for glorious gommunism in spite of the well meaning (but ultimately bumbling) older generation of gommunists. The theme is a staple of marxist literature for hundreds of years. Look at young SJW/antifa types of today, who got this indoctrination instilled in them down to a pat. "The marxist government is good at heart but way inefficient and not radical enough, it's up to us to fix multiculti utopia!"
Darren Osborne
Hard to play him off as a jew.
hashtag jesuisdarren
We really are living in a judeo masonic filmset directed by satan. Getting bored with feeding it time and money tbh.
How long till us Britanons get imprisoned?
This attack by a mentally ill person on completely innocent bystanders tells a great story of London's diversity, and those who would claim otherwise must realize that this is part and parcel of living in a big city. #notallwhites
Seriously the difference between how this attack is being handled by the authorities, politicians, media and usual suspects on social media vs. the other recent incidents is night and day. From the get-go they were screaming WHITE NATIONALIST TERRORISM and questioning how such an attack could possibly occur in a city like London of all places
While racist non-whites complained on twitter, white doctors and policemen worked through the night to ensure everyone's well being.
Seriously though, the real, real victim is going to be free speech on the internet. May came out today and gave another stupid speech about online safe spaces for extremism, and has made previous remarks about mandating government backdoors into all encryption; very stupid woman.
To make white people look bad?
But what if white people see the hypocracy and double standards and stop giving a fuck? This attack may inspire genuine copy cats and normalize violence against Islam. Wouldn't that be a good thing? How else would we fight back?
That's less whites being thinned out and more non-white populations ballooning to extremely unsustainable levels.
By targeting synagogues and dual passport wielding isreal politicians.
Otherwise all you're doing is serving the jewish agenda like the rest of the rebel Media neocon kosher clowns
Yeah I've noticed that as well - quite a few normalfags are saying that this is more retribution than terrorism.
yeah well its interesting
in europe a war is needed to purge the invaders
not sure what soros and co would hope to achieve from a civil war in europe aside from shekels
usa can hold off still with trump in charge, he buys time. americans just need to be prepared for the inevitable
guns ammo fuel fortification homesteads food self-reliance
I think the idea is to have the civil war in Europe spill over into a real war between Europe and the middle east. Not just that bombing from planes shit, but drafts and fighting and all that shit. During the fighting they'll use the chaos and extended powers governments take in wartime to purge dissidents internally in the west. End result is the last pocket resistance in Europe gulaged and the middle east finally consolidated under "greater" Israel.
He's been identified as Darren Osborne.
Dead whites and lower property values, just like every other European war.
Have you seen the population predictions for white countries? Most will barely be 50%white within five decades. A phantom doesn't ethnically displace your peoples.
Wew lad, obvious shilling is obvious. All non whites in white lands are the enemy.
Yeah I've been writing about it in this thread.
We reached below 50% in London back in the 1980s
I'll gladly call you a kike, but that means little when every neocon cheerleader spamming endless praise for isreal on Holla Forums call anyone critical of Trump's jewish Administration "kikes"
Making the Isis salute, apparently from Cardiff.
Does he look Welsh?
He does.
Countries, not Londonistan. No one gives a fuck about London now, it's niggered and kebabed to Hades.
Has anybody seen any reasonable explanations for him being in London besides ati-muslim terrorism?
That's where MI5 and The Tavistock Institute's headquarters are based
Looks like young Clarkson.
From Youtube:
Save and disseminate.
MI5, KIKES and "RWDS" agitators BTFO.
Not yet.
Great find user
just what's needed, children birthed by whores and raised by criminals instead of in a loving traditional home because you want to fuck sluts!
Is there any video evidence there?
Thanks for post again, but could you please post the youtube link for this
Yes. Video shows two casualties, one is transferred from ambulance to a stretcher while authorities stand around holding clipboards and laughing with one another. No urgency whatsoever. Man on stretcher is moved to second ambulance which then waits for a considerable time before slowly driving away without any blues and twos.
Definitely worth downloading.
It isn't on Youtube yet. I can link the video where the user posted 17 hours ago.
All that is missing is the video of them walking unaided to the ambulance before being hooked up and moved to the stretcher. It's unclear if the guy has that or if that's when he started recording.
I don't want to fuck sluts, I want the white race to survive. If it means capturing and impregnating white prostitutes against their will then so be it. They will not be allowed to raise the offspring, that would be the father's burden. Right now that looks like the only way we will be allowed to reproduce since our women have been turned against us. No white women I know would consent to having a child, so drastic measures must be taken.
To play double's advocate, they could have been relaxed because the issues weren't serious. The shitskins are semites, after all, so they could have been hamming it up.
You can see in video 2 that they've installed BVM resuscitator on his face. That doesn't jive with pampering a malingerer.
Standard procedure. EMT's are there to stabilize you until you get to the hospital. So, if you say, your head hurts, well, duh, they are going to put a fucking next brace and whatever else on ya until the doc can figure it out.
So now instead of criminals, it's the father who will take care of the children, sounds better certainly but, taking care of 6 or so kids by himself with a job would be difficult, or would the prostitutes have kids with many different men creating a lot of broken half families? I know plenty of women who would/have risked their lives to have kids, stick to r/incels, you're going about saving the white race in the wrong way, who/what your parents are matters, well little tim your moms a sex slave, didnt want you, doesn't love you, but im sure youll become a well adjusted adult
You just failed their shit test then.
No it isn't standard procedure to attach a BVM to a person with superficial injuries, which was the point being answered.
Maybe the dude is Turkish?
The van which was supposedly used in the "attack" has not a mark on it, not so much as a smear on the glass. MSM newspapers are deliberately hiding the front portion to conceal that fact.
You can see that even the plastic grill is pristine in this video:
By pristine I mean there isn't a smudge anywhere. When you run a person over their skin leaves greasy smears on glass.
There's a name now:
Finsbury Park attack suspect named as Darren Osborne
It looks like they're going to pin this one on nationalists. The National Front has been named several times already.
What's up with that gesture?
I'd have no problems if they only went after the kosher Britain First counter-jihad neo-cons like Tommy Robinson, sadly this entire counter-jihad is to pin all blame on white nationalists like Trumps election, all the liberal media see is far right nationalists, when they're entirely jewish zionists.
There could be a clue on the Facebook page of the villain. I don't have an account so can't see what is there, but it does seem fairly public with hundreds of photos.
Some user do the honours? Not 100% sure it's him but 4 kids is unusual and the middle guy on the one pic I can see has the same Kikeish looks as our man.
t. Jew
Middle finger and thumb aren't touching there, this is more likely just a casual wave than an islamic gesture.
The reason we haven't passed that point is that these people have home countries. We don't.
Once it gets bad enough there is no reason to stay anymore.
You tell me.
It would help a lot if someone could confirm that the Facebook is his and start dumping info.
Pics related, what led to the Facebook page.
It appears to be the FB of a younger guy. Maybe it's a Darren Jr.
not much info
It won't affect the children if they are raised to believe that women are irrelevant. Family names are passed on by men after all. Teach them to be proud of their race as if it were extended family.
What is your solution to raising white birthrates? The punishment for prostitution should be lobotomy and donated to a single white male for breeding Stock. Genes are all that matters, I would gladly accept this as a way to start my large family since women will fight me tooth and nail to not reproduce and take my money. Just give me a brain dead meat bag with which to create my 12 children, better than trying to convince a modern woman to help me save the white race. Right now this looks like the only way I will get my 12 kids.
How peculiar.
Yes, it's very well-known. If you don't know, can you guess why?
Imagine if that had been a church. Do you think it would still be open? Also, if your local church had that sort of reputation would you ever go anywhere near it, let alone attend it at any time for any reason?
Nobody who goes to Finsbury Park mosque is innocent, they're either literally terrorists or terrorist supporters, so the 1 person killed and 8 injured were innocent. The van driver might have done Britain or possibly even the world a favour and eliminated a terrorist.
*so the 1 person killed and 8 injured WEREN'T innocent.
I'd also like know if all the "victims" are adult men. Usually they say "this many women, this many children," etc. Seems like a gentlemanly terrorist this time. Even rented his own van instead of stealing it.
Modern women aren't interested in having white children in general. They are interested in pissing off their dads and taking the money of white men while leading them on. I could date to 100 white women and ask them if they wanted to have a dozen children with me and they would all say no. They must be taken by force because they don't know what is best for them.
You need two parents to raise children who aren't fucked in the head. Two compos mentis parents.
If you just want a sperm repository there's a plenty big market of realdolls for your browsing pleasure. Would probably be better your degenerate concepts of success didn't ruin future generations. This lack of two parent households has done enough damage.
They hurried out this today.
And he drove all the way from Wales!
Bullshit. All women are interested in having white children. You're right they crave some domination, but not in your bitter, twisted, meatbag sense. You seem a bit unhealthy in the mindspace dude and that might be why you have trouble attracting a partner.
And to think the media deflected to the IRA when Manchester happened.
Nobody suspects the Welsh.
Being raised by single mothers is what is fucking kids up. They don't have a masculine influence to reign them in and teach them life lessons and skills. I don't even want to have sex, I just want to reproduce and save the white race. You are letting your morals cloud your judgement, you aren't dedicated enough to do what must be done. Basically, women's rights must be rolled back because they are fucking men over and stealing away children in divorce court. The freedom afforded to women has destroyed white birth rates and must be undone. Hitler understood this, men and women each have their own roles to play but women have become dysfunctional in our society.
Lol literally shaking and crying what a piece of shit. Remember when lefty/pol/ cucks were shilling and trying to convince us that Corbyn is "based" and /ourguy/?
It's all part and parcel. Nothing to see here
smells like a false flag tbh
White birthrates are fine, the problem is non-white immigration. I suspect you know full well why no woman will touch you and frankly the genepool is better off without someone who would make such assinine suggestions as lobotomizing prostitutes in order to let mgtow faggots reproduce.
So much more plausible than the guy being drunk/not paying attention and getting into a traffic accident.
Unlike those who stand strong and united in the face of this new attack on Britain.
I never shilled for May you lefty/pol/ nigger lovers on the other hand…
Need mo money fo dem programs
fuckin' honkies appropriating the proud muslim culture of running ppl over with vans smdh
Gas 'em
seems legit
that's from June 4 before the election, just to put in the right context
also, muh leftypol bogeyman
Crusade after the sandniggers bomb somewhere in london.
Fuck you there's nothing at the link using Either reupload without being on cuckbox or shill.
When the programmed on each side hear the correct combination of trigger words.
It's always those in the jew dominated enterainment industry that virtue signale and spout leftist dogma.
Really makes you think…
False. Children raised by single fathers are only moderately less fucked than children raised by single mothers. Both parents need to be present, it takes both influences to generate a socially healthy individual.
I don't think a father and a zombie womb life support system would generate children with good or even slightly normal values. The values children adopt are the ones they're raised around.
There are nationalistic half breeds in the UK, more than you think. Often they have no place to fit in and they tend to sway to supporting the country they were born in and strongly. I'm living proof.
Islam is the enemy for now and all races can attest to that. Also, Africans.
Hello Schlomo, getting a bit sweaty are we?
but at least the white kids would exist
the future belongs to those who show up
killing all the whores would leave no breeders left
all white women have to start making at least 3 white kids each to stand a chance of displacing all the racial threats to the white race
I just read the "official" CNN overview of the van attack. It looks 100% like the opposite of a terror attack. How long until video comes out proving this mans innocence? Or, are they going to shaft him?
No it's a terrorist attack alright. It's perpetrated by the (((government))) against the taxpaying public.
This would be a last ditch effort. You would need trained technicians and a decent amount of cash.
I guess you could also just clone people, because of their genetics you’ll know if how they’ll turn out.
Your just autistic plenty of women want children, some even obsessively. Try dealing back the edge and try to think with a straight mind.
Has anyone tested her to see how she responds to the fake muslim/leftist accounts with scoldings like "It is not your place as a non-muslim and a woman to speak on behalf of my religion and community. You insult Islam! If you were my wife, I would be ashamed." or "Uurrgggghhhhh!!! Another billionaire white person taking the spotlight off the back of suffering minorities. Can you even check a privilege that big!?!?
If this turns out to not have been a deliberate attack, she can never be allowed to forget this.
I'm going to have to sprout wings to keep above the bullshit that's being spewed out at this point. The audacity of media kikes to print this kind of ridiculous shit never ceases to amaze me.
WP: Terror in London seems to confirm Muslims’ growing dread
When HSBC shuts down your bank account you know you're pretty fucking bad
Unfortunately they were forced to restore it and apologise for calling terrorists terrorists. Yet it's perfectly fine for them or any other banks to shutdown bank accounts of anyone who isn't politically correct enough.
1 dead muslim and the MSM act like the world is ending.
If you don't like the play that they are acting you may have to leave the theater, I don't think they are canceling the performance until there's no audience.
I'm impressed with how quickly they released both the driver's nationality, name, and picture. Most of these other attacks you'd think they were committed by invisible men for all the acknowledgement and reporting done on who the attacker was.
i hate people that think like this
Nigger, things matter if you expect to have progeny.
Wow, you are gayer than the OP
Or, it will show how desperate the anti-white regime in the UK is for a white terror attack
Am I blind or is there practically no damage to this vehicle. Did he back over them because it was a rental and he declined the damage waiver?
Here is a picture of the Bastille day truck.
Someone said in the last thread they heard wheels squealing. Any evidence of skid pattern?
So does anyone have more information about this guy? Was he driving drunk? I find it hard to believe it was deliberate.
Would you find it hard to believe it was another jewmason hoax?
Not really, but it seems like the event osn't being talked about much in the media now as I anticipated and no one is bringing any new information here. Is there any actual thing they can point to to call this an attack besides some muslims saying "dude said he wanted to kill all muslims".
Just another fool driving in a shitskin neighbourhood at night. He slammed the brakes when he should have punched it.
But they've hoaxed finsbury van man and brussells sprout allah ackbar bomb since then. And Andy Murray got knocked out of tennis and Wimbledons next week so there's other things to talk about than the fake tower fire.
You're supposed to formulate your own opinion, dickhead.