Terraria Thread
I am reasonably hyped.
New stuff isn't bad, but I'd be much more excited about some Otherworld news for a change. Unlike Terraria it's capable of delivering the upgrade/addition I particularly want at this point.
I agree.
I don't expect it to be as good as Terraria, but I am pretty convinced it will be a decent game that changes up enough to feel fresh while still keeping some of the magic from Terraria.
Ah c'mon! i just uninstalled the game!
I bought the game recently, any tips for beginning?
Anything I should know to make getting achievements easier because I am autistic?
I thought they'd give a release date a week earlier or something like usually
The only hard achievement is the 200 fishing quests one, so you better start doing them as soon as possible.
Start doing fishing quests as soon as you can. You do not want to leave that for last, because it'll probably be the thing you have to finish last anyway.
You get helpful items that way anyway.
Someone host a server please. I would but my internet connection is pretty unstable so youd get random crashes.
They've been saying soon for over a month now and a couple of weeks ago they posted that the update was less than a month away.
Let me be a dick and say that Holla Forums is kill.
check em
Angler pls
Best €5 I ever spend
Terraria is what minecraft wishes it was. You can almost completely ignore autistic construction, just do a few commie blocks for the npc and you're done, and you still have tons of shit left to do. At some point, you even start ignoring having to mine for metals and just go ham doing boss fight after boss fight.
The bait is real
Despite all of its features and free updates I think Terraria is pretty much reached the point where they need to remake it trim the fat and figure out what the game should be about again and it'll just kind of streamline everything
Here's your reply
But Terraria is even better for autism construction than Minecraft, since you can actually make things that look good.
Is there any game that's update more post-release than Terraria?
Minecraft gets babby's first item addition-tier updates so it doesn't even come close.
Team Fortress 2
I guess you could say he's a little bit testis right now.
I realize that I have Angler and Guide in the same house. I'll be separating them now.
They'll just have to meet some where else then.
the fuck is that? some kind of Clown Dimension? oh god fuck that
I'm pretty sure that they've taken the Terraria engine as far as it can go, and quite frankly, I feel like I've gotten my money's worth out of it and then some. I would be okay with buying a new Terraria with a newer engine and a different vision. Ideally with VASTLY IMPROVED INVENTORY AND STORAGE MANAGEMENT, I am so incredibly sick of dealing with that in Terraria. You need a million storage chests, your own inventory fills up with common junk instantly, the old hotbar system was already old and clunky when Terraria was new, etc.
Not to mention I want higher resolution sprites and tiles, and Otherworld definitely delivers that at least. The old Terraria engine will never be able to deliver that much-needed visual improvement.
[Faint honking in the distance]
I hope the underground desert doesn't break anything.
Or is something I need to make a new world for.
I've nearly gotten myself ready to do the moon lord in my normal world, and my hard world is coming together and is super comfy (lots of tunnels, giant trees, a big-ass jungle. Snow biome is going to get eaten by Crimson though).
Probably pink and regular slime blocks + walls repainted. Then you've got the disco balls, but the balloons and solid hanging lights might be new.
Minecraft has shit combat and Terraria isn't much better, so the focus on combat isn't really a plus
Also, every single boss is just lolsorandumb bullshit
The combat is more "failing" sure, but you get more interesting stuff to compensate for it.
Status effects, homing ranged weapons, melee is a choice between distance, arcing, knockback, and/or DPS. Early magic is shit though.
The bosses (aside from Duke Fishron which was born of an april fools gag)- are supposed to fall into eldritch monters. Eyeballs, brains, giant worms, skeleton ghosts, cult worshipers.
The only thing thats out of left field is the mechanized versions of the earlier bosses- but that could be the Martians or some shit.
I started early, and still ended up cheating for the last 75% of the achievement.
200 fishing quests is a completely unreasonable amount of fishing quests to be expected to do legitimately.
Do you think the Guide, out of pure habit, told the Angler that semen can be used to make a new person by using a bed as a crafting station?
Oh right, I didn't even think about this.
Can I change the counter with Cheat Engine?
You can use multiple worlds to making fishing go faster. Even better the Angler can be found with out having to do anything but travel to the nearest ocean and wake him up.
Also, monster spawn prevention is much more sensible in Terraria. Put up walls, and monsters won't spawn inside. In Minecraft you need areas to stay above an arbitrary light level to keep them out. Monsters will just pop into existence in closed areas if you don't cover every single wall with torches.
Does it have to be 200 in the same world?
I almost always play with a modpack for minecraft, so you can get real beautiful blocks for maximum autism.
But in that case, Terraria ends up being a lot more coherent than Minecraft.
Make sure you also put a wall behind it. Otherwise, they might spawn into it when off screen.
Also, some monsters can phase through blocks or teleport.
Most bosses can.
I love how distance and depth from start translates to enemy difficulty. would work great in a minecraft (if the monsters weren't boring as shit)
You can pretty much control boss spawning though. The only one that will keep showing up repeatedly is the King Slime.
Of course eclipses and HM Goblin and Prate sieges are something else entirely.
I'm not even sure to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if you could, it doesn't seem to use any sort of sophisticated method to track it.
Yeah I know, but that's still slower than the method I used.
Minecraft worlds are infinite instead of tiny sandboxes, and minecraft has a larger focus on big multiplayer servers
That would be fucking retarded
Depth, maybe, but sure as fuck not distance
Issat a bounce haus?
That is the watermark of when it went to shit. Nice marketing ploy but it's run like huge faggot garbage ever since.
It's called a Hüpf castle.
Do people usually ever travel over 5000 or so in blocks from spawn Minecraft? Not counting nether travel.
Actually having dangerous or evil lands start generating more an more as you go out would give everyone a good reason to go exploring.
Hüpf Haus, big knockers and flaps of schnitzel.
Spoken like someone who has never played modded minecraft
I don't think I've ever even deleted a minecraft world before going at least a thousand blocks looking for a good place to settle down
Does Galactacraft count?
It's shaped like a castle, so it has to be a bouncy castle.
The thing about monster spawns is that there need to be background walls ALL THE WAY UP to the ceiling blocks. If you don't want a ceiling, for example because you want an open air space in your castle/base complex, then you gotta build walls as high as what the game currently counts as existing, and that kinda sucks. Also it's counter-intuitive since everything just makes it sound like monsters can't spawn in front of player-made walls end of story, so why are zombies appearing on ground with walls a little way up? This really threw me off until I realized that ANY empty space above a block within a certain range of the player (because monsters only spawn a little outside the screen space) means it's valid spawn location. And unfortunately it means you can't possibly have a secure open-air space in your base, short of adding some sort of invisible wall.
Basically, if rain/snow can fall somewhere, monsters can spawn there, is the simplest way to know if it's safe or not. Rain isn't generated outside of monster spawn distance.
In Terraria's 2D context I find that there's no particularly cool or pretty terrain anyway, so starting near spawn isn't an issue. But with Minecraft being 3D and all, geography matters to me a lot more. As such I always have to travel a lot before I find my ideal very tall cliff base near a large body of water. In that case, things would start pretty hard if monsters got harder the further you got from spawn.
Though I do totally agree with Minecraft needing some significance to exploring. As far as stuff that actually matters to gameplay, it's a million square miles of nothing you couldn't get within view of, or digging straight down from, where you started. Maybe you could freely explore until you find your ideal base location, and then it locks in that as the center that monsters get tougher as you travel from?
Even in vanilla I gotta walk in-game days to find my perfect cozy forest cliff spot.
Monsters only spawn on ground.
The only time Monsters "fall from the sky" are during a slime rain or when they've fallen from a Sky Island.
Not sure about Flying monsters though, but they are easy to bat away.
The absolute madmen don't even want money anymore do they ?
Considering we're talking about exploring the overworld, not really, no
Also, I should mention multiplayer servers, where it would be really fucking weird if someone hasn't gone at least that far if the server has existed for at least a week and is public
its hard to imagine a steam account that doesn't have terraria on it.
I-I never bought terraria, I would but I don't want to give Valve any shekels. Any way to buy it in a way that doesn't involve steam?
the npcs create space where the monsters can't spawn short of any of the invasion events
if you're making a base, you should just add some npcs to it and they will create a non-spwan bubble big enough to encompass it.
I can't bring myself to give a fuck about the game. I'll play it for like 2 hours then get bored.
I'll admit that I have a tendency to play single biome worlds, but that habit came about as a result of not wanting to have to travel much from world spawn.
The immovable world spawn issue really impacts how I play the game. So does the piss poor mobility options.
Well it seems that I know what I'll use that money on
w-what does it do?
GOG link when!?
What's new, tho?
when >>>/fs/ posts it some user always uploads there
My curiosity got the better of me. I couldn't find the link though. It's probably meant to be a screamer or something.
Well, shit. I'll wait, then. Mandatory commie block.
I hate when details disappear from very big pics.
Said nobody in this thread.
Same here, carpenter's blocks are probably the single best minecraft mod ever made, and all that does is let you make blocks like in Terraria and slap whatever you want on them.
The problem with Minecraft is that once you find that perfect spot… there's not much to do there. In Terraria, I was always making new buildings for NPCs, as defensive structures, fishing huts, mining stations, ships, all that good stuff. Sure, I can just make a box with a bed and a chest, but unlike vanilla Minecraft, I can really customize the shit out of my home with all sorts of little things. I build things because I need them, and I decorate them for fun.
Well obviously. But the wont help you if you have a creeper related accident or something like that. I just wish there was a vanilla, survival way to reset world spawn, and don't mean /setworldspawn either.
Snow bricks dawg.
Will there ever be a Terrafirmacraft-like mod for Terraria?
Waste of double trips.
Try hardcore speed running maybe.
Well look man, if you want to ignore the options available to you, there's really no use complaining
Another advantage of 2D is that it doesn't take for motherfucking ever to collect and place blocks for builds. You can even build moderately large buildings in a reasonable amount of time, while it may take a whole day just to collect and transport the blocks in minecraft.
That's not any more comfy to walk on.
Maybe when Terraria 2 happens and/or if it has proper mod support.
Back when I played a lot, building shit would take forever because I would make something and post it here and keep adjusting it as I got feedback.
I made some really cool stuff that way, it's a shame I don't have any pics.
They're doing Otherworld (closer to what Terraria was originally going to be) and Terraria 2.
Fuck you. I'm only gonna play through this one more time. Stop taking months for these small features and releasing them in as small packages as possible. Fuck, Red and this continued support of Terraria is awesome and all, but it's also bothersome as fuck.
There's another one coming in another month or two.
I wouldn't be surprised if 1.3.2 is pre hardmode content.
You know you don't have to play every update. You could wait a year or even several and then play after many updates have happened.
They're down to like 2 people now IIRC, everyone else is working on other games.
But yeah, they could have hired some schmuks to help out with what they earned.
That's what I thought, but don't believe me, check for yourself. Ground with any non-walled background above it within current spawn range counts as spawnable ground. The walls could be slightly higher than your current screen space even, but if there's an empty gap up there in spawn range, you'll get monsters. I kept on getting monsters in my open-air portions of my base until I researched and personally tested further and found out why.
Anyway, just make a big flat open space, build walls to the top of the screen but not higher, and wait. You'll get monsters wandering in from the "walled off" edges because there's open space above those blocks, therefore they are valid spawn range. And the monsters don't fall in, they spawn on top of the blocks like normal, because they are spawning normally. Empty space directly above a block within spawn range is all that matters.
Yeah, I know that, I've been playing off and on for years now. The thing is, that anti-spawn space only extends so far from NPC housing. If you have an open-air garden, really high roof tops without walls behind them, etc, then you can get monsters spawning on those places. Then they wander and fly/fall down and mess things up. The solution is walls on top of your roofs extending high enough that current spawn range is always fully walled off, but then that makes the roof tops look dumb because who builds huge walls on top of buildings?
If all you ever make is compact commie blocks it isn't an issue, the roofs will always be in the NPC no-spawn range and you're safe. But if you like building BIG bases with fancy layouts, roof and open space spawning becomes a problem. Believe me, I've experienced it over and over. That's why I eventually dug in enough to realize how walls and spawns REALLY work.
I agree totally. Terraria kicks Minecraft's ass up and down in terms of having more content and things to do. Minecraft is HORRIBLY lacking in actual content and progression and such. The absolutely only thing Minecraft has in its favor is being 3D, I find building in 3D more rewarding than 2D.
I just have the classic Minecraft update problem
The solution would be just copy-pasting the stuff you care about into the new map but they never support that, no matter how much I wish they would.
I remember these threads when HERO had his stream meltdown. Good times.
Hope to see more people making comfy bases whilst my own still looks shit.
From the wiki:
When the game decides to spawn a monster, it will first choose a random tile within a rectangle around the player. The maximum distance from the player it can choose from is 84 tiles to the left or right, and 47 tiles up or down. If the picked tile is a solid block, it will try another one. If the picked tile has a wall that blocks monsters from spawning, it will also try another tile.
Once an empty tile is found, it moves down until it finds the ground. (Note that this tile CAN be more than 47 tiles vertically from the player. If it finally is outside the "Active Rectangle" it will be instantly despawned, anyway.) If there is enough space for a monster to be spawned at this location, this will be the tile it chooses. The exception to this is when the player is in an area where Harpies and many other flying enemies can be spawned. In this case, the game does not attempt to find a ground tile.
The chosen tile is then checked to make sure it is not within the "safe" area around the player. Monsters cannot spawn closer than 62 tiles to the sides and 35 tiles up and down. They also cannot spawn farther than 84 tiles to the sides and 47 tiles up and down.
Also which monster is spawned is usually based of the block and not the biome you're currently in. Usually.
Comfy tips:
>rip other people's buildings off
comfy tips 1.2
try turning on wordwrap?
Right. And I'm waiting on a bunch of patches. But they keep adding more.
And I, at least, assumed a wall blocks a tile by being right on top of that tile. (And a few people I've discussed this assumed that too.) Thus, building a little bit of wall on my roofs and such would be fine to stop monsters there too if it worked that way. (And if so, short sections of lead fence on castle style rooftops looks great, for example.)
But, what even that quote you copied doesn't make entirely clear is: If there is ANY non-walled space above a tile, but in the green space as depicted in your pic, that tile is valid for spawning. The tile doesn't need open space directly on top of it, just open space anywhere above it in spawn range. Therefore it's impossible to make secure rooftops or rooftop gardens and the like, without incredibly high walls on your roofs too. Which really throw off the aethetics of the top of a building no matter what, and screws up my designs.
So ultimately, I'd just like to see the spawn system changed so that only maybe 4 blocks of wall need to be above a tile to make it non-spawnable, instead of having to have walls extending above potential spawn range to keep it clear. Also, no spawn explanations ever even explain that particular nuance to the system, which doesn't help.
Also, TEdit can do that? Neat. I didn't realize it could copy-paste data across maps. Is it very difficult?
As far a securing an empty area against enemy spawning look into peace candles and sunflowers and the afore mentioned NPC spawn suppression. You could also use captive spawn statues to "tie up" the avaliable spawn chances. There can be only so many new monsters spawn at a time (which varies on the biome). I think even blood moons, eclipses, and invasions follow that rule. The only thing that might ignore it are special events like frost and pumpkin moon and the lunar pillars.
I wish at least fences did this.
No but make sure TEdit is up to date with the version of Terraria you currently have and make backups of both the old world and the new world before you mess around with it. Just in case. Also turn autosave off in TEdit too. You might need to play around with it a bit in order to familiarize yourself with how every thing works.
I just remembered that I never beat the space cthulhu pussy hand boss. Maybe I will now if I play the new version.
The single most important tip I can give you is to build a solid wall above you. That will make pussy hand significantly easier.
I bought the game on Steam, but later cracked it and uninstalled Steam.
How do I update it now?
Have a picture of Moonman getting a handy
Also make an enclosed house for the Nurse and Dryad in the center of your Moonman arena.
This is a good strategy for the ayylium mothership too.
Will there be finally helicopters in the game?
But will there be Apaches in the new patch?
Well they've not removed them since they were first added, so I don't think they will now either
You mean Gabe Newell's Terraria?
Do you mind if I save this?
There's no official support, but a third party tool, TEdit, can do that. Of course after a new version of Terraria comes out you'll have to wait for TEdit be updated to load the new maps.
Did they release the changelog yet or it's one of those "You'll see it when we're done with it"?
update? big deal.
THE REAL QUESTION IS who will make the server
I found an enchanted sword!
I got 4 living trees in my hardmode world! Two of them in the same place! I was going to make a treehouse.
The world had brilliant terrain.
Might just keep it. Depends on what the update brings.
**Fuck it, I'll bring the Living Loom and ot
I'm roughly 75% certain that this update will be a seasonal one like the Halloween and Christmas events so you'll probably be able to use your current world just fine.
Shitters don't use link shorteners/J9cZLo
The solution is to have crafted blocks in MC generate more space than what was harvested. For example, a 2x2=4 craft square of stone should become 2x2x2=8 blocks
Mate why the fuck are you talking about MC this is a Terraria thread
I miss Starbound, back when it had actual potential to be Terraria but in space.
Now, it's shit, but I am burned out of Terraria.
I just wanted to be the qt space exporting bird lady.
This really sucks. The controls on the 3DS port are clunky as balls, Terraria does not translate gracefully to consoles at all.
So, I'm farming ectoplasm and according to the wiki I could cut my Ectoplasm needs in half by making spectre bars. Is this right or did someone fuck up the Wiki?
It's correct that one Ectoplasm makes two Spectre Bars, if that's what you're asking. This is a (vaguely recent) change from how it used to work. Console and mobile still use the old system.
holy shit. today is tomorrow
I actually got the game a long time ago by a random key. Why should I care? I never saw it as being appealing.
If you don't care for it, why are you asking?
Reading comprehension.
If you don't care for it, why are you asking?
Stop being such a reddit fucktard.
So it takes about half the ectoplasm to make a full set of spectre shit from spectre bars than it does with ectoplasm and Chlorophyte.
That's a little retarded.
There's no 2 different recipes for it. There's nothing you can "save" by making spectre bars, because nothing gives you an option between bars and ectoplasm.
This is the second time Redigit has released a major Terraria update just a touch before a major Starbound milestone. I knew he didn't like Starbound because he's good people but he must really fucking hate them to cuck them at every turn.
Cracks me up.
There is according to the wiki.
Yes, you'll be able to select Attack Helicopter is gender option, and there's an apache "hairstyle" listed in the changelog.
I found the issue, you're mentally retarded.
Surely, God can't hate me with such burning passion. Right?R-Right…?
How about the linux version?
So what's this new update going to add?
and when are we going to get world gen options?
So they add a new "wave" mode and some birthday events?
What about all the talk of the underground Desert?
It's literally in the first reply on the thread
This update will be some theme shit, next will be underground desert.
Oh the desert is AFTER. My bad.
They were originally going to be in the same update but they separated them to get the update out quicker, trying to avoid feature creep and all that.
What about it?
you guys have fun while I am gone I guess
build the base
Holla Forums usually makes fucking awful bases without a buildfag
and then they makes holes in them with dynamite, which is probably where his hesitation comes from
No, usually when I play I'll start making a big house for everyone to take shelter in, and by the time I'm done everyone's already rushed, like, three bosses.
It's ok user, I'm a scavenger. I like finding useless shit to put in chests, so I'd be able to get you all your materials to make a nice comfy house.
I need the most recent building material / furniture list. Anybody got it? Wanna make an ice base when the server goes up.
It's like none of you faggots know how much of a pain setting up a terraria server is.
parody or autism?
You know to this day I'm still not certain if this was meant a Broteam style "review" or not.
TBG are generally somewhere in the middle with their reviews.
Half the time,they make legitimate points on the game,an other times,it's complete bullshit.
I dunno, you tell me. I tend to think the former.
Update when?
I can see where they were trying to make a point. The 1.0 release of terraria was pretty scarce about giving any direction on where how to proceed. It's much better now, unless you happen to be TLGamer level stupid you should be able to figure out how to proceed with out the wiki even if you're new.
4MB update
That's a jump castle, jackass.
okay boys the patch is out someone host a server please
I started a serber…do i just give out my ip address?
you also need to port forward first.
do it
nah you dont, just run terrariaserver.exe it does it all for you
It looks like the party center just makes balloons rise in the background and gives everyone (except you and the taxman) a party hat.
I dont trust you faggots
Idk how to port forward
You got your wish Jesus
Good for us
Does this fix Nimbus Rod and Frost Core being unobtainable?
we just want to fucking play with Holla Forums
and you dont have to port forward just download the server thing and run it from the website
also I dont think the IP it gives out is even yours
m8 theres a TerrariaServer.exe in your terraria folder, its their official server program. It literally does it all for you, you can kick people set up a password etc with it too.
All you need to do is run it, host a map and give us the ip
Port: 52000
No password
I started it, but wheres my ip?
Can I just hop on with you guys without getting skullfucked or being a useless pile of shit?
fugg is the server full? I can't connect
You can now pick between The Corruption and The Crimson
Upload whereArr
Is your server down or full? Either way fix it please ;_;
it's up
My game gets stuck to "Connecting to"
Is the server working for you?
I've got the same problem, the host probably set a low player limit since default is 8. Host if youre reading this please rehost with a higher limit
This is one of those games you shouldn't pirate, faggot. The devs have constantly given out MASSIVE FREE updates. And it is constantly on sale for less than three bucks.
Stop being a poorfag.
Anyone in here whos in this guys game please tell him to rehost with a higher player limit
I'm sorry ;_;
he just did it
Now it's a Holla Forums server.
Mine is better, fucker.
And it'll all work with my current worlds!!
Fuck yes!
Goddamnit, why was I banned? I wasn't the faggot unleashing hidden bombs and boulders!
I'm gonna start a new world since I haven't played since 1.3 dropped, should I be a prick and take some stuff with me to make hobomode go faster or just tough it out?
My fucking sides
>Shitters don't use link shorteners/J9cZLo
it's the HIVE bees, as in the ones that pop up when you break the hives
OHHH. Yeah that's fine then. Never made sense why they were so tough.
Update to make player laid blocks unbreakable, and PVP lava only when?
Wait, it's still not hit 1.0? I could've sworn that already happened. Then again it's completely meaningless, because the whole development process has been totally aimless and incompetent.
Reset the world
see??!! some faggot (read: not me) put hidden bombs all over. Unban me plz :(
just make it so you have a server centered inventory and not a client based one
Yeah, tShock is totally updated for 1.3.2 already :^)
Oh shit i think the server crashed.
Or is it just me?
I did it by accident not thinking it would actually work. I swapped to a new character but ban is IP I assume. Could have just told me to swap characters that's what I've been told to do in the past. What a great fucking server full of shit heads
Go back to your tribe
I've got half a dozen new characters with at most iron armor. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about mate. Someone else was fucking the server long before I did that. So you and your attitude can fuck a pig
Welcome to the club. Looks like you actually caused some trouble, though.
It lasted merely a moment and some idiot was freaking out throwing shit at me. Are you the moonman guy by chance?
And you don't join with those instead?
You saw something, though it was a pile of shit, punched the shit, then cried you got feces stains on your knuckles.
Go back to your tribe or I'll cut off your welfare
I'm IP banned motherfucker. Can you not read?
No, I was banned hours ago because they blamed me for the bombs hiding in the dirt around the base, and a bunch of boulders falling on the base and killing everyone, including me.
Linux and Mac builds posted
In the current state, I wouldn't even call it 0.6, let alone 1.0.
I can imagine a single thing that can save starbound from what it currently is to 1.0.
Hence the "feces stains on your knuckles" quip
And what the fuck are you trying to imply? That because you are IP banned you could not have joined with a low progress character in the first place?
If not, then please fucking tell me what I am not reading?
And if you really want me to go back and read, fine, I'll go one up even.
If anything, the one not reading is you, as the Gamepedia already makes note of this:
And you didn't even bother to look this up, instead doing a first-hand approach to something you have little control over and thinking we would apologise for your desregardation of testing conditions?
You have to go back.
I haven't played since last summer in fact I had no idea there was an update. There was a server and the moment I joined with a new character it was flooded with lava. Whatever I'll just play something else
So you're just a dipshit, then?
Everytime, I dont even know why you guys bother
Just be patient then, make sure you're on the right page that has the latest release, too.
Just play the game normally and when the editor comes go to your favorite maps and insert your favorite buildings wherever you want on the new map spawn.
Pritty ez,
Well, that was almost fun. Back to singleplayer.
See, I told you faggots. The server admin is a ban happy faggot.
Is the serb full?
I don't think so
Had a blast with you guys.
I left my stuff in a granite chest in the boreal storehouse, so if you need any of the gear I earned, you can have it (Magic Mirror, loadsa dosh, Obsidian dye, etc).
Will try to come back soon.
Will try to revisit soon.
8ch ate my image
I thought I might be able to kill skelecuck by bouncing on him. I was wrong.
The first time was an accident,tho
Looks like Dante or msnlssls or however you spell that guy's name made the world hard gay mode.
which terraria would you fug
what happened?
The creator of that picture misspelled the word "enemies".
thats a shame, im more concerned about the deleted enemies though.
they're removing loli enemies because steamcucks complained
it's -2 on test points dumbfuck
Fuck you.
well i hardly think its fair that there would be loli enemies if i couldnt play as a loli myself. id have complained if i knew about it
Expunge thyself.
just where are you people coming from? what did you do with anonymous?
My problem isn't your liking of lolis, you fucking imbecile, it's the stance "if I can't play one, I don't even want them as enemies."
It is a pretty fucking huge shame that they removed them. How's the mod scene? Could we mod them back in?
thats quite the implication. i only said i would have complained. you dont see me complaining about not being able to play as lava do you?
This is the first time I've heard of it, can you provide proof?
I haven't seen any mods since 1.3, back when they broke gameloader. Allegedly it works nowadays, but I would like to see a version of the modding tools that allows us to play Red Cloud and other mods with the latest version of the game, and not with an old version of the game.
Someone did a smart and put an automatic teleporter into lava on the server
good luck logging in
What changed in the patch?
W-who ffcuking cares LOL! Starbound 1.0 is tomorrow, so your pathetic 2-d minecraft is already dead!
The fuck is wrong with you?
Well I sure hope that Starbound 1.0 completely revamps the game, because the way it is right now is complete dogshit.
Combat Update!
Never would have thought
Don't bite.
Might as well dump some builds I saved from various Terraria threads. Is this update actually worth starting a new world for though? I imagine 1.3.3 will require you to generate a new world for the new underground desert stuff so I don't really see the point in this update.
Are you the OP of this thread ? Because you have some sort of brain disorder too.
You got some nice screenshots man.
This one's so big I have to upload it by itself to not go over the filesize limit.
Considering how much shit you're posting, what's your fucking play time at?
My designs (or lack thereof) always spiral out of control.
I'm also a terrible hoarder, so storing stuff becomes a huge pain in the autism.
638 hours, but none of these are mine. Like I said, I saved them from Terraria threads here on Holla Forums.
Yeah it'd be nice if they implemented an ME system like in that one Minecraft mod so that you could more easily store shit in a central computing unit and just expand the size of your data clusters.
That's all I got.
Yeah, people make the most efficient use of the space available to them, it's like they don't want to use up 3 times the resources to make a shitty room for their NPCs. If you want to make "unique" designs for your NPCs' rooms, go ahead and do that, but it's not really worth the extra effort, it gives no bonus or benefit other than you get to smugly look down on others for not doing the same thing.
Fuck off.
commie block kiddie detected
what the fuck does commieblocks even mean?
You should be able to solve this.
Terraria only requires your rooms to be X*Y in size with a table and a chair. So to most efficiently create a space for many NPCs, some people make just those sizes for rooms to maximize NPCs in a small space. And then they build up great sized villages and kingdoms around those rooms.
The idea is that "you're making them live like communists in coffin rooms" even though the NPCs provide you with no wealth to begin with, so it's not like they're giving you incentive to build grand sized rooms.
stay mad commie kiddy
Oy vey now you've got no excuse.
You have to go back.
Unless he collects tax based on the size of their dwelling, then you're objectively wrong.
ok commie block kid
is the server up?
You know it's a real shame that Cenx never tried to create moving platforms or moving structures in the game. Being able to create actual moving airships and the such would be pretty badass.
Like building a giant subway that spans the length of your world and is actually a moving subway structure, and not just a set of tracks that individual players tack onto. Maybe Terraria 2 will have something like that, who knows.
Allegedly someone put a teleporter in spawn that transports you into lava, so it might not be in your best interest.
Dont worry, I removed it with and end game char
Oh, okay.
Port: 52000
No password
nope it is still 100% still there.
teleporte is down but chat is spammed with "OP is a Faggot" server message
Does the thread still need a host? I've finally gotten shit sorted out on my end and I've got 1GB up and down so the server should run very smoothly even with lots of players.
I can also set up some custom map parameters for worldgen.
**it's the custom-map-param user again*
there is some other faggot hosting but he modded the game to have a gigantic slime king and keeps kicking people.
So yeah another host would be useful, I could hop on in half an hour or so
Sounds like a fucking cuck. as long as you're not being a fucking troll it's cool.
New characters preferred but i'm not gonna be a nigger about it just don't ruin other people's fun
Both sets of HM ores will spawn and i think you guys will be in for a tiny treat when you find the Corrupt.
Port: 7777
Would any user in this thread be so kind as to give me a mega link for the game?
that is the most autistic shit i've ever fucking heard of.
though it doesn't surprise me.
i'm probably the biggest commieblock fag here though, i gave the party girl and druid the best rooms in my base while everyone else gets commie
rip the thread
comfy as fuck
Feels bad, man. The server and my tree are still there, I just can't get to them.