A friend and I are starting a new political party in Canada.
What should our slogan be?
We called it the rhino party. We are centrists
A friend and I are starting a new political party in Canada
Noah Price
Eli Parker
"We're stupid LARPing faggots please fuck our faces and oven us for shitting up Holla Forums"
Mason Price
>not "right to bare arms"
>Canucks in charge of spelling
Jose Clark
Well it's canada so "Were sorry." should be good enough. I even got you a spokesperson.
Dylan Collins
Top fucking kek.
Luke Rodriguez
How about: Excuse us. Can we please bother you for a little bit of freedom? If it's not too much trouble. Just whenever you get the time.
Noah Carter
OP's spelling was correct. Doesn't redeem his idea though.
Henry Baker
Are you retarded?
Gavin Ward
jewgle it faggot
Thomas Mitchell
Nice try.