Youtube Pedos investigation thread #1

I replied to another thread instrad of creating a new one. I niggered.
Here's the thread.
This is Holla Forums related, this has been discussed in disclosed documents by CIA and other agencies.

So please don't ban me and allow us to have a thread on this subject.

Its connected to current events since this is happening now on YT and has been disclosed in Docs. in the past.


Recap clues from cryptomessages:


Main Videos


ww =qpy8LGVWQ-k&




h ttps://

Previous threads


https:/ /

https: //

https ://

http ://

Other urls found in this thread:

ww Behavior Health Solutions_Sarasota_Florida_243412 hot sauce

Videos are still going, by the way.

what the hell

What the fuck is this

Some demons transmit themselves through thought forms. Exposure to images or sounds can tune you into the thought form and trigger an invasion. Only really works on druggies or npc-tier mouth breathers but with millions of views it's enough to tag a couple hundred with a permanent psychic parasite.

I think this is more about exposing something while making it look like nothing


Just read the fucking thread and watch the fucking videos.

I know of what you speak but is it not the duty of the strong to protect the weak? Of course the weak should fear the strong and thus agree with their protection.

Search "webcam videos" and there is kids who record themselves whilst sick pedos comment. YouTube is fucked.

how many of those views arent bots though?
surely theyd use bots to get their views up and realistically they only have a couple thousand real views at the most?

are there any discords that i could join for this shit, seems interesting

The real question is why youtube/the copyright holders allow this to exist. They otherwise pounce on any violation of copyright/terms of service, so why would they be willing to slide?
They must be aware of it since it has millions of views and will have been flagged many times.

There might be a mundane explanation for the existence of the videos themselves (just pajeets trying to make money through clickbait) but I don't see one for hte actions of Youtube (Google) and the companies who own the charcters (Disney etc.)

Track the fucking actors!

First of all, those digits.
Secondly: Sure it could be a honeypot type system but going of what we know about who owns and runs these sites it's probably something more sinister.

Speak for your own digits sir


Message scrolls across the screen:


Bump. I want these fuckers taken down, this shit mustn't continue. They're corrupting innocent kids for their bullshit, kids don't understand they're watching very bad shit.

Could be pic related type activities


At around two seconds you can read 'Verbal Memory Verbal Expression' (I think)
pic related

everyone who posted in these threads on 4chan are banned now

Don't you have a based black people thread to go post in?


At around twenty-two seconds, looks to say:
7 cats/cars
3 Guys in Monkey Suits (Inside 1700 cafe)
We love to see you
Nun SP Berty?
She's a good muse
You hooked us up now were going to hook you up

relax, was noteworthy is all

check out >>>loli

I have enough cuckchan-origin redpill images here to justify the existence of that board



God fucking damn these pedo fucks.

Hunt them down.

It would be great if we could get a thread going about this topic. Demons/curses/mind control in media is absolutely real. I have a theory about music brainwashing kids into being gay/lesbian with a combonation of certain catchy scales, syth sounds and lyrics or at least being completely comfortable with fags but I don't want to derail this thread.

Katy perry suffers mk ultra break down while singing her trademark and ultra catchy tune "I kissed a girl":

I was just banned for replying in one of those threads. Wtf.

Hunt them down.
they're on the next board over on 8ch
get started hunting them down

Hello reddit


Weird shot outside 0:51

Just want to chime in, anyone even just posting in these threads on 4chan are getting banned.

They're already trying to clamp it down before it spreads further.

don worry gyus trs is on the case


Another puzzle:


Honestly how I figured out this whole thing was /fringe/ tier

That's just cartoon porn. It's honest about its intentions and made by and for people who like such things. The videos this thread is about are much worse. They are made by people who obfuscate their intentions, and marketed at children who have no idea what they are watching and how it is going to affect them.

kek? What the FUCK is going on!?

puzzle-shill plz go, we're not going to get derailed with this stupid wild goose chase Behavior Health Solutions_Sarasota_Florida_243412

Verified by Psychology Today
Private therapy practice specializing in Trauma, PTSD, Crisis Intervention, Addictions, Depression, Military Life/ Military Family Reintegration,Work/School Life Issues, Duel Diagnosis, Suicide Surviving Family Members and Friends Grief and Loss,and Domestic Violence. The office is located in the center of Palmer Ranch in Sarasota County. I work with individuals, couples and families in a quiet comfortable atmosphere using my training and experiences to assist my clients in finding solutions.
I am one of the few Certified Employee Assistant Professionals, (CEAP) in Sarasota and Manatee Counties. This is a specialized additional two year field of study and exam process with a concentration in Employee Assistance issues,situations, and expertise.

1700 Cafe Sarasota, Florida

Why is there always someone who has to "chime in" about how people are being banned on 4chan for "this exact thing". Being banned from 4chan does not add any credence or legitimacy to anything.


just drop it

linked a collection of info


Please don't post DS here, archive and post that if you must.
Link related

People actually still give a shit about links after sunshine?

daily stormer is CIA-tier propaganda peddled straight from Langley, VA.

Holy shit, what was the context of this - what is the purpose?

No idea, the head in the video is mostly made of words, and the camera pans by really fast. That's what I was able to catch in a frame-by-frame.


Enhanced image, easier to read. You have interpreted it correctly as far as I can tell.

Keeping in mind cuckchan bans for anything and everything, I don't really understand the point of clamping down on this one. Those videos are public on YouTube with millions of views, right? The only thing I can fathom here would be if this is a major and very important engineering project, that they're willing to risk a Streisand over it.

links have spaces in them. here they are so that you can open them directly

It's not as bad as it used to be. At least people can't directly click links anymore.

Don't look up ARG videos, look up for the spiderman/elsa/masha ones

I gotta be honest here. So much of it just looks like a video extension of the old /x/ creepypasta stuff. Get GoPro footage of a bunch of random junk, splice it all together and use whatever crazy filters you can find, throw in some Metal Machine or Brian Eno music (also filtered through Audacity) and you've got yourself a "omg look at this strange shit I found" youtube video. Autists will analyse it frame by frame and believe they stumbled upon some super secret government whatever.

Search for "spiderman frozen" on youtube, kids under 10 watch this all day

Derailers. Mods please delete those posts are they are not inheeent to the thees.
I'm looking for actual analysis of kids videos, not this shit

Every time. What is their problem?

Entirely possible. But in any event this shit is absolutely unsuitable for children.

It's not only russians


hahaha, no.
This is stupid shit.

DAK didnt work, that other one in November didnt work, the one about that daycare didnt work, the one about those transmissions didnt work, the one about that shed didnt work, the one about those vids from someone's ARG didnt work, the one about number station bullshit didnt work, the one about bible quotes didnt work, the one about that stupid fucking face didnt work.

it always fails. it never works. the only people interested in the cuckchan ARG faggot fest are reddit fags

Yep. You're from /fringe/. Go home, smiley.

That's Zenner cards and /x/ shit.
I swear there's an infographic with that exact wording somewhere on the GATE threads.
Probably still

Asses and eggoes? That you my nigga?

If anything I want argposters and /fringe/ faggots go away from this thread
I already highlited them

This is not arg you dumb fuck, look at the videos online


mind control and /fringe/y /x/ shit aside (not that theres anything wrong with that) the spooky stuff is the spiderman/elsa videos. theyre tagged and titled like porn videos (random keywords in title) and are all about scat, injections, and bondage. it appears to be either some sort of way to normalize pedophilia and/or softcore stuff for pedos to crank it to. folks have been saying the millions of views are just bots so that they show up more in related videos and on autoplay, but there aint a doubt in my mind that some freaks get off on this shit. its like a hardcore version of the disney channel.

Look at related channel. The one I posted was a commenter in a Masha injection video

Communism really did a number on them.


This isn't cthulu or azagthoth, you fucking cucks. This is an organized pedophile ring funded by psychopathic kikes for the singular purpose of destroying society and looting everything. They think they are literal gods or angelic beings that cannot commit sin and therefore have the right, no they believe IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO to slaughter masses of 'goyim'. There are plumbing systems in bath houses from ancient rome filled with infant skeletons, there are ancient sewers everywhere around the Mediterranean full of human sacrifice chambers. This world is run by sick disgusting monsters that hide within the human form, but they are not magical creatures they are just fucking twisted pieces of shit that get away with what they do because normal people cannot even conceive of such abominable atrocity.

opt out of life crypto-pedo

*derailed by jim and co.

Fucking this
I want mods to purge every slider from this thread
this is important, I'm about to puke from the disgust
If you guys don't believe me.just take a random video from the ones I suggested (elsa, masha, spiderman, hulk) and look at the channel, related channels etc
Purge sliders and get to work

This guy is one of the guys making "bad baby" vids.
You can see his face here:

The fucjer
He's a spic? Or a cryptokike?


Now, I just looked up infos on this crap and I found that plebbit thread. Imagine what people answered?
I never used plebshit so I didn't know it was THIS bad

you know (((why)))


Taking a guess here.

I think they're made in the Philipines (hot spot for pedos) with the intention of corrupting Western and Russian youth to turn them into anti-fascists.

Is.this.article talking about the same stuff?

This god damn creepy shit is allowed to go on and nationalist videos keep getting deleted.

I think it's the other way round user.
Thoughts manifest as demons.
As like with gods, demons are always personifications of something beyond our control or full understanding.
Storms, plague, luck ect ect

Certain discordant sounds will be "demonic" because we've associated the unknown with them (the fear of the unknown is just the fear of being eaten by a wolf in the woods)

now this I agree with.
A verbal or none verbal communication of ideas that stick with you?
That's got another name.
A meme.

It's probably why autists love memes.
Autistic people get obsessed over things.
Imagine now that it's something that's designed to be obsessed over by the normalfags applied to a sperger.

The only way to fight back is to meme harder with better OC.
I've stated this in threads before.
God's are personified ideas
Ideas are memes.
We made ourselves a meme that proclaims itself to the god of memes.
We ourselves made a symbol of sentient memery.
We painted a picture of a painter painting a picture

Pepe/kek is a god of memes.
Through the power of symbols and it's viral power and NOT through religion or occultism we shall win this.

What power does any "demon" or idea have compared to the idea of ideas.

Basically spam Pepe's until they submit
Someone is already on their track, but I feel like Holla Forums can do better

Some kind of asian/poo-in-loo type.
I doubt the people making the kiddie videos are involved. They seem to be just making shit vids for click income. I don't think they'd put their face on it otherwise.

Not, those are probably done by different people with similar ideas.

holy shit that sounds gay.

Look up
80% of those fuckers overlap

Keep digging. You guys are on to something. Look at all of the shills you triggered..

Yeah, I'm the shill, the one who made this thread.
Don't worry Shlomo-kun, when people will know about your pedo empire and we'll torture you to death, there will be nothing to slide

Just out of curiosity, why are you against people trying to decipher the puzzles from the videos you posted? Wasn't the point of this thread to discuss strange YT videos that may or may not be related to Monach/MK-Ultra?

Because they weren't analyzing my videos you retard genius? But some arg shit from 2014?

Fucking retard lurk moar. Oh wait you know exactly what you're doing, you're just looking for reasons to sage…

Day of the rope soon though, all men shall be kings

A&E doesn't type like that.

Fug, there goes another white girl.

We need these spread

It's fucking frightening that so many parents hand toddlers their old smartphone on wifi and just hit play on some youtube for kids app and let it go.

I think of this new generation we're going to see disorder of a magnitude currently unimaginable. I actually think that the fact that the devices can be manipulated by touch makes it different than TV, but even outside that the programming is different than TV and the parents aren't really seeing what the kids are seeing most of the time.

Just call on Jesus bro

"nurse", not "nun sp" or "muse"

I hate seeing a thread like this. It's disgusting.
I'm glad you guys are willing to get your hands dirty and hold people accountable for it, though.

Shit like this is why people don't take us seriously.

PR only has value to identity.

Theres a weird youtube channel with pictures stereogrammed into the music, visible with a SSTV viewer or something. Anyone think this shit is related?

What do you think fidgetspinners are designed to do?

So i found this link in a pastebin (h ttps:// and there was this link (see above) and the "triggers" were all related to kids things and so on

this only raises more of my suspision that these videos are instructions for kiddie video makers.

needles to say, i teared up a little bit but i felt nothing by watching the video mainly becuase of the wierd nature of the video.

We're anons, we're internet nazis on an anime imageboard, and not just any but h8chan, the most terrible place on the internet. Our reputation couldn't be any worse. It's irrelevant, if we find something usable, some sort of lead, we can push it out through our various sanitized fronts with nobody being the wiser.

Praise Ammit

Why the fuck would they post instructions to video producers so brazenly/openly? Doesn't it make more sense for pedos to reach out directly with encrypted communications? The psychological programming/abuse angle makes more sense IMO.

Does this have any relevance to the current videos we're talking about? Why is it unlisted? I suspect that those colors are actually important, but I'm not seeing anything linking this video to the rest. If you can link them then that would be a pretty great break through.

Can someone feed the audio through a spectrograph? I have a hunch there's an image hidden inside the weird sounds of these videos.
example embedded.

Please forward whatever concrete evidence you find to the authorities, ASAP. These fuckers need to be shut down.



Name: latif Bawaney
Mailing Address: 13924 Bettencourt St., Cerritos California 90703 US
Phone: +1.7143137275

I'm autistically obsessing over that ID fag

Nothing of interest.

Another website with same address

This chick is followed on twitter by tons of these 'kids' channels


I think this is the guy making the videos (or is really interested in them, seems odd if not involved in the creation):

'Robin Pan'
'Văn Quyết'



Fucking kill yourselves pedokikes.

Where'd you find the link, it's an unlisted video.
Most of these are just autistic nonsense to distract spergs is this relevant in any way?

This goes back to the user showing evidence to color codes, such as Red, Blu, Green, Yellow, and Pink and the effects each color (should) have in the kid cartoons on Youtube. What the hell is going on?

Just realized this was there too, fuck.
Can anyone see what it says? Or means?


I'm thinking this is just a ploy to derail the thread into the ground. This is some big shit, to the point they feel the need to misdirect us to this degree. Note that not once has any of the faggots who are posting this irrelevant unlisted crap actually responded to any requests for clarification. My kike-sense is tingling off the fucking scale, some very bad shit is going on here.

Behind that

110% mein bruder.

Was anyone on cuckchan for the pedowood threads around 2010, perhaps a few years beforehand? Exact same shit happened.

Holla Forums here


Russian immigrant here and I honestly have no idea how these videos came to be. Most proper Russians ("proper" being in the gentile sense) wouldn't even consider pedophilia let alone let a pedophile mess with their children.

All of these videos (besides the girl in the bath, THAT is some fucked up shit) concern some form of medical roleplay involving kids and Disney characters. Two red flags stand out for me:
1. All of the videos' titles are very poorly written or translated. Notice how some titles even have English interspersed throughout. The title of the vid of the girl in the bath, assuming we keep the same syntax and meaning, directly translates to "Surprise taking bath playing with toys."
2. Disney is not very popular in Russia. I'm actually quite surprised that the only Russian cartoon depicted here is Masha and the Bear, which is perhaps just as internationally recognized as some Disney cartoons. If these were sick Russians making these videos, they would at least know better than to have all their cartoons be the American cartoons that most children don't watch anyway.

My verdict is that the same sick fucks making similar English-language videos (God knows where, probably not even here) are also trying to push the videos to a much broader audience in Russia. Problem is, their translations suck and they've got no sense of what Russian children really like.

There's no guarantee it started off in English either, the titles for their English videos are also broken word soup. Trying to tie this to a country seems like more misdirection to me.

I stick by my original impulse that these videos and their surrounding scaffolding are in part or in whole machine generated, I think we are watching a deranged Markov bot of some description at work.

The intelligence community employs Russian and other language patterns as intelligence linguistic throw-offs. Just look at the way the Shadow Brokers do their thing: it's broken English, but very contextual and comprehensible. Any good analyst would do well to keep this in mind.

My 0.02 is George Soros is probably dicking around in Ukraine helping to fund these.

It's almost guaranteed any youth exposed to these videos at a young age for a prolonged period of time will have their natural mind destroyed rendering them politically impotent.

If Russian kids get hooked on these videos, they will cause massive degenerate riots and havoc 10 years from now.

Reposting some pastebins from another thread, some useful info from the last time Holla Forums looked into this. It's about flash games but there is definite overlap.

Look into Booster Media, they're a big distributor of this shit.

Putin will need to kiss his strong, right-wing Christian country goodbye.

This is disgusting, it needs to stop

Back to reddit

>Communism Jews really did a number on them

I cant do any of this; no laptop and shit.

Aside from visual analysis in some of these videos also do some audio analysis, with a frequency spectrum. Seeing how creepy this shit already is might as well kick up the autism and see if there are any underlying sounds or tones. Maybe someone can analyse videos using a frequency spectrum tool (just look them up in Google) after running a vid for a filter. binaural beats are used in a bunch of meditation and lucid dreaming stuff as an aid.they work when a tone say of 100hz is played in one ear and 102hz in the other ear, the resulting beat is the difference of those two so 2hz.
The most common base frequency is about 211hz. So if one put 2 very narrow band pass filters on the track and scanned around and around it is possible then you may find something like that. Wikipedia makes more sense than me obviously so here

Tldr binaural monoaural and isochronic tones are a great tool for putting someone in a trance or really relaxed state

The view he likes is full frontal vagina. That channel is full of sexual comments.


I think photography or videos of your kids, even if they're naked, when they're young isn't a bad thing, but making it public for people is absurd. The whole point is you're not supposed to be sexually attracted to them so it doesn't matter.
But this crap is a whole other level of degeneracy.



finally a peace…. today (?) for a better tomorrow

I remember the weird "finger song" videos and the girl games sites involving insanely gory flash games like pregnancy themed MLP characters.

Maybe it has something to do with this Vladymyer Manko in ukraine DR user found digging in the pizzagate threads. A nationalist dealing in children and working with the co-opted neo-nazi party of Germany. I think this is to groom children to make molesting them easier, and more accepted.
Russanon, can you translate the Russian/ukrainian in the documents HERE: Theres a possible connection.

i really wish we can just kill this ARG thread. it's full of cuckchan refugees and sub-iq reddit fags.

Oy Vey! Look away Goyim! Nothing to see here!

Keep up the good work anons.
We found these videos on youtube some time ago and they keep getting "re"discovered by new anons when new info on them comes about.

It stopped getting talked about, and as you can see, because the shills go into overdrive when its talked abou and ruin any discussion. Dont exspect any help feom the mods eather.


Yes goys - the intent of these videos is totally not to pervert the youth and their sexuality with the ultimate goal of making them self-hating anti-facists when they grow up.

Seriously what the fuck is this shit, do we have names of who is in the video? Is that a Jew raising a niglet, I'm fairly confused and enraged.


(((Someone))) doesn't want you to do this

No u

Fuck off juden

When unto thee comes a feeling,
drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,
examine thine heart and find if the feeling
thou hast has come from within.
If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts,
banish them forth from the place in thy mind.

Send through thy body a wave of vibration,
irregular first and regular second,
repeating time after time until free.
Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foot.

But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened,
be sure that a force is directed to thee.
Only by knowing can thou overcome it.
Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free.
Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power.
Attain and ye shall have power o'er all.

Seek ye first a place bound by darkness.
Place ye a circle around about thee.
Stand erect in the midst of the circle.
Use thou this formula, and you shalt be free.
Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee
Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT.

Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time,
using these words and thou shalt be free:
"Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT OF Life,
fill thou my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT.
Come from the FLOWER
that shines through the darkness.
Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule.

Name them by name, I, the Seven:

By their names I call them to aid me,
free me and save me from the darkness of night:
By their names I implore thee,
free me from darkness
and fill me with LIGHT

Know ye, O man, that when ye have done this,
ye shall be free from the fetters that bind ye,
cast off the bondage of the brothers of night.

See ye not that the names have the power
to free by vibration the fetters that bind?
Use them at need to free thou thine brother
so that he, too, may come forth from the night.

Thou, O man, art thy brother's helper.
Let him not lie in the bondage of night.

Apprentice Mental Alchemist, the colours and messages seem to be a code that connects to what some people call "Archons".
Devils attempt deception to use You for their purposes (probably as a battery of sorts), the more powerful ones disguise themselves as God through Divine Light (Lucifer), others disguise themselves as Truth while also offering you power (Satan), but they are still devils and they want to use you.
Lesser devils attach themselves to your heart and they make you feel very salty or angry. You can feel this when you hear a very angry person lashing out at someone else and even though you may not know these two people you still feel very disturbed, almost as if you were involved. A demon attached itself to your heart, sensitive people feel a pressure on their chest or a saltiness of some kind in the area.

Archons are different, they are entities which literally feast on Consciousness. When you approach one you will feel horror that goes beyond just your physical body, the first time you might even act alerted as an animal, looking around in fear, but then you realize that these things prey on your very Conscience, so there is no real place you hide or escape to in the physical. There are ways to avoid them, as Thoth teaches. Thoth calls them the Hounds of the Barrier.
Do you know why distorted faces with giant staring eyes and very large mouths with bared teeth are scary, even though if you think about it they really shouldn't be as scary as when you see them suddenly upon scrolling down a webpage? That is because Archons are very similar to that, as far as this person has perceived: two giant eyes and a large scary mouth staring at your very essence. The colours that this person has perceived were also Blue, Yellow, Green, Red and Pink.

can you be more detailed on what Archons are?
they are like negative principles of 7 spheres and some people serve them to get benefits?

Got it and thanks for this:

Can you answer this one here:


Sorry, user only knows what he saw. To just attempt an approach is horror beyond expression and to hear that some people might even worship them is very surprising to say the least. Just why.

user will link the Emerald Tablets of Thoth so that by studying them you might find more insight than him, if you wish. user just doesn't know.

Not really sure what's there to decipher in but it is true that during what user likes to call the Climb (spiritual rising, which you also come to understand that it is not a rising but more like an expansion of your Consciousness) you get to a point where you realize that the Universe is both inside and outside of You. Also sorry but not really sure what "first in will, then it thought, then in reality" really means other than just what it is.
About children, you know when a child really expresses its affection towards you, and it's as if you really feel a strong warmth in your heart (just talking about this particular case, not expressions of love etc.)? It's probably because children "vibrate" at a much, much higher frequency than us adults, so high is its vibration that it starts emitting heat in a way, like a physical object would (As below, so above. As above, so below). It probably has to do with the fact that they just recently reincarnated, in a way, and so are still "spiritually" fresh, uncorrupted. Frequency can be linked to energy as well, in a way, since we're also talking about heat anyway. So if you "corrupt" a child, other than of course the usual psychological consequences we are all aware of, spiritually speaking it's probable that the poor kid if also generating a ridiculous amount of "energy" (whatever you wanna call it, emotions and eating food can generate it) that some people probably know how to harvest in some way, or it just pleases their spiritual masters very much.
Because the psychological effects are also very intricate there must be more to the spiritual than just this, probably.

I hadn't realized they were using real children for this shit as well.

all this /fringe/ shit always comes up and leads NOWHERE every time

at best, we may see coded imagery, but very rarely does it have to do with publicly available LARP shit you see on /fringe/

I was wondering why this thread isn't exploding, and its because all this LARP garbage is tiring and always leads fucking nowhere

The millions of views are kids

After poking about for a bit I'm of this opinion too. Everywhere I look and find scraps of research here and there the comments are always full of parents chiming in and saying they did in fact find their 2 year old watching these videos for hours on end. The situation is likely far worse than we could possibly imagine. Those views are probably all legit (or almost entirely).

I will create a new thread soon, reporting every /fringe/ faggotry

I wouldn't be surprised if it was around 80% kids and 20% jews/pedos.

Guys help me out here: you know when you're a kid your immediate surroundings are like the entire world/universe for you? Like your home and maybe school and parents and first friends are all that exist for you, because you are still learning about the world.
So if a kid is exposed to these kinds of video containing these messages… wouldn't it be so that suddenly it's as if the world is "made" of these messages in that moment, and it doesn't matter how subtle or unsubtle it is because as a kid you are just a blank slate matching up every single detail to your empty conception of the world.
So if the world suddenly starts "becoming" these messages and images, wouldn't it be that the kid starts spontaneously seeing the world "through" these messages, because that is what the world is to him?
So even when he grows up to be an adult, he'll still be CHASING these messages and images, because that is just what he has first learned about the world.

Now the fact that an adult starts "chasing" these kinds of messages… if they were to enter the sphere of his perception again, so in his field of view or hearing and such, wouldn't he be lead towards the source of these messages again?

And what if the road to the source leads him to kill people…?

Nice dubs, checked.
That seems like a valid goal for this shit. Manipulate the kids to make that shit seen as normal and as something to pursue, under the guise of "nostalgia" or the fact that the jewishness of these videos has planted itself into the subconscious.

one of the channels seems to lead to a vietnamese page.


I'm not convinced by the idea it's designed to be creating sleeper agents to carry out targeted operations, I see it as more likely to be a more generic goal of 'increased openness to pedophilia, both in perpetration and victimization'. It's like kids who get abused as children, and grow up to abuse more children because the deep levels of their psyche had already been corrupted from a very early age. Once the damage is done, it is often irreversible. On the DOTR, we may be forced to purge many of the otherwise healthy white people who watched these videos as children and were permanently corrupted into latent (or active) pedophiles through no fault of their own. DAMN the kikes.

vengeance will come to them in time

These two got it right.

Just imagine if for a person "nostalgia" is this fucked up shit. That's the end goal.

Nice dubs in your seconds field.
Gotta check those. And yeah, the kikes want the kids to feel affection to these sick fetishistic things, since they (kikes) feel the same.

I do believe you're a bit too old to be using this website, sir.

I call that Mental image resolvement It's basically why TV advertising works, you brain sees something in just the right way and wants to replicate it. But It cannot, and eventually it begins to hurt. It's why I never watch cable anymore, or any network tv, and the images have become relieved of the pain. It's basically the same mechanism of some trauma based sexual fetishes as well, images acted out again in RL, but this time with the actor in control.
These videos are about implanting this sort of imagery so as to cause it to sprout up later in adulthood, like the Teletubbies did.

What I do find weird is how these videos with the exact same joker, spidermand, elsa, butt, creep shit and same graphics same million user bot net views are made by groups all over the world. Russians, Americans, Mexicans, Vietnamese, Koreans.
Do they just steal each others material or is there some collaboration behind the background is my question. You can often see them upvoting,commenting and subscribing to each others channels proving they recognize each other at least

Is it an advertising scam on youtube? Like jewing the jews out of shekels per view?

4/biz/ has a thread on it

/fringe/ is an ally of Holla Forums. shut the fuck up nigger

I started doing some more research into this and there's actually some really quite mainstream news/review sites pushing this stuff, saying it's just bootleg Disney for kids and that it's fine for your kids to watch, it's pretty fucked, this is all totally insane.


Looks like threads on half /biz/ get deleted too. Whoever is behind this is protected by the halfchan mod clique.

/fringe/ is useful insofar as "this is what the elites actually believe" knowledge.

Can talk about /fringe/ all you want but if you watch the videos there's clearly something sinister going on, these videos are totally inappropriate for children but are clearly targeted at them and designed to get under the parents radar and onto YouTube Kids. This is incredibly sickening, what the fuck is going on here?

This. This is what many haters don't get. It's not about ours, it's about THEIR beliefs.

demons. more like daemons. these images, sounds, videos and songs are well made, like pop songs, designed to work like an earworm and run in your brain like a background service.

it's the base of mind control.
it's a lot of principles in young kids psychology by Francoise Dolto. She worked on autism, and a lot of cases and found a lot of means to know how the brain develops during childhood.

these videos reminds me of this. If you can, do it. Google for books or articles about Dolto and comportmentalism.

this is big, this can't be just some simple creepypasta, these dumb, ugly cartoons on youtube have ben directed by people without any good intentions.

This, exactly this.
it's not complicated, it's not even even conspiracy, their crypto is shit, they use botnets to gain pageviews, but they are dangerous. Very dangerous.

Pulled this image out of from the OP at about 00:12. Only three frames of it in the video.


Keep in mind, if you look at this shit (even for purposes of "trying to take it down"), good luck explaining that to a fucking FED. You'd probably be better off just keeping away from this kind of fucking shit lest you find yourself behind fucking bars with the label of "pedo" on you. You'd be better off eating a goddam bullet.

Yeah, no, fuck off. The last thing they'd want to do in order to make us look insane is by throwing breadcrumbs to a legit real life group of child abductors that may still be active to this day. I want all these filthy kikes to leave Holla Forums forever.

Anyone even remotely suggesting (((ARG))) at this point in time can eat shit and fucking die for all I care. I'm sticking with the idea that the videos are obviously fake recreations designed to mimic real life activators that the people responsible for the videos saw firsthand, created by a witness or whistleblower figure akin to Ronald Bernard, meaning that the videos can still be physically dangerous although on a much smaller scale than a genuine article. If anyone on here suspects themselves of being MK Ultra victims, especially ex-GATErs, do not watch the videos under any circumstances. It's like playing with a muzzled/declawed lion in the sense that it can still fuck you up if you allow it to.
also apparently their go-to ploy de jour at the moment is some "goth rap" album from a band that literally not even the most /mu/tilated of us tortured souls have even heard of. It got pushed in a cuckchan thread a week back and if you can find the exact one I'm talking about it's painfully obvious those discussing the album is the same guy spoofing his IP to look different
Pizzagate is real
Podesta kidnapped Madeleine McCann
Soros is a satanist kike
And always follow the white rabbit, even if his hole leads you straight to the innermost circle of Hell

I've mass reported these vids on multiple accounts, then I remembered what we are up against. Most people don't have a strong enough stomach to fight it. Stay strong, brothers. Killing is human nature, I hope for everyone's sake, you may find this release one day. When you see the black sun rise, remember, the end is actually the beginning.

Every Last One

You are a RUSSIAN and you don't know what's been going on since the fall of communism? Let Dr. William Pierce enlighten you. This is Dr. Pierce explaining how the self-chosen exploit and abuse underage Russian girls. No embed or else the Jews will take it down ASAP:

I skimmed this thread and am way too freaked out to click on anymore of the videos (literally shaking right now, seriously). Thank you to all the people digging this stuff up, we can't let this die. I think that those of us who grew up watching children's programming have probably been inculcated into this sort of thing in advanced ways. Hopefully all this shit will be exposed for future generations. People need to learn to NEVER let their kids in front of any controlled media.

I hope that shaking is due to rage. If not, try this book. pic related

Nice try, Shlomo. These videos are publicly broadcast on YouTube.

Not only that this stuff is "PG-13" at the most, maybe I just spent to much time on sadpanda but I don't understand where the level of shock is coming from

someone give me a hint on accessing that site, just a hint! I'm not asking to be spoonfed, just pointed in the right direction


Other thread very related:

Currently being swarmed by (((Pedo shills)))

They are trying to normalize on all fronts

Archive everything, also interesting to not that the victim in almost all the vids is Eilsa, an Aryan. And don't forget Jewtube is owned by Joogle aka mossad

Reposting since imkamphy deleted the other thread on this subject and anchored another. Here is what happens whenever a writeup is done on the subject, parents crawl out of the woodwork to spill their guts about how they'd all found their children watching these videos, possibly for hours on end before being discovered. Those views are likely all real, children are watching these videos.

After just 7 hours since the last post

Thread is basically confirmed to be slid at this point, bumping up to maintain its place on the catalog.

You'd have to be blind not to see this obvious sliding. Bump.

A few threads including an elsagate general on halfchan surfaced and people were temp banned just for replying to "/x/tier ARG shit". Each thread had spooks crawling out of the woodwork to defend pedos and throw shit at op for even bringing it up. The agenda being pushed is obvious with all the dissent being controlled.

The toy review shit is run by Vietnamese Australians. They have incorporated a shitload of sister-accounts and are marketing junk food and throwaway toys to very young children. The creepy baby colors vids are aimed at teaching Asians the language (likely Viets).
High end equipment and staff is def behind this crowd. Noticed within 2 clicks that they advertised the new Hi5 team.

Fuck knows what those creepy ROT-n cipher videos have to do with the marketing ones. What makes you think they have a common denominator?

If you're watching these, try watching with polarised sunglasses on. It will show you other layers sometimes added for psychological effects.

Those videos involve a child needing medical care for a variety of reasons: cold, shark attack, bug bites, scratches; and nearly every one involves a butt injection. Often the procedure is for the patient to lower (or have lowered by the doctor) their underwear to expose the top of the butt.

I did some looking around for this. The guy on the left is a US veteran named Terry L. Boyer.

The scrambled looking image on the right is something drawn by 'The golden state killer' (Original Night Stalker) who was a serial murder that never got caught.

I'm not entirely sure if these are related, I think Terry Boyer was a suspect at some time though. I'm pretty sure its just meant as a distraction of some kind but still interesting nonetheless.

The bay of rabbits is where McCann was taken from after all.

Like the models whose parents are lured in with money to allow the shoots to become more intimate?

Dear god, this is why I fucking hate you people. YOU POISON EVERYTHING.

Two or three decades ago no one would have given a shit about a girl that young being naked in public. I literally remember my teacher in high school coming back after maternity leave and showing us a couple of pics of her kids, one of which was three of them in the bath together. Outside the "first" world, most people still don't give a shit about little kids being naked, and even older kids up to puberty sometimes. But of course because they aren't so consumed by neurotic, overblown (media-fed) fears about pedophilia it proves how 'uncivilised' they are.

As for the medical shit - haven't any of you weird paranoid shut-ins ever been around kids? Don't you even remember your own childhoods? Children play weird fucking games, and that's /natural/ you fucking psychopaths. That's how children explore the world around them, that's what play is for. Jesus, you are exactly the sort of sick fuckers who'll sent their kids to therapists and psychiatrists to be given labels and pumped full of drugs, just because they act a tiny bit out of the ordinary. Maybe that's even what happened to you, and that's how you ended up like this.

As for the scat stuff, I have some earth shattering news for you: CHILDREN FIND POOP JOKES FUNNY. People don't produce this stuff because they want to normalise scat fetishes, they do it because children find it entertaining and it gets views. Given the quality on these videos it's quite possible that a lot of them were actually produced by children.

Some poor Russian mother thought it would be fun to share cute videos of her kids playing, and you've written her into your bizarre, sick pedophilia fanfiction. And you call her a twisted freak.

I don't see anything wrong with the green text examples you provide or children being naked in general; as it gives them a far more balanced understanding of the body, their body and allows them to experience some kind of childhood free from the conformity of older ages. That is where Europeans generally have a healthier attitude compared to Americans. The biggest hypocrisy is the feminist fueled pedophilephobia, which conveniently bundles everyone in together instead of targeting abusers; yet at the same time promotes girls acting irresponsibly and promiscuously, fed by the media.

Oh boy here come the "if you don't like pedos you're a feminist" shills.

Modelling is intrinsically degenerate trough

That isn't what I'm saying. Read again.

True, though what happens in Eastern Europe is unlikely to occur here.

Let me help, Bridge to Terabithia is a book about a girl who drowns in a river. Read it for school a long time ago, look it up.

Mostly an America issue, I think? You can find YT videos with topless young girls at the beach in Ukraine, but maybe they are an exception.

Is it not quite a bit different? On one hand you have photo book, hung in the family home's hallway type photos, on the other hand you have people uploading this shit to youtube.


I don't think it was particularly good, which is why that's the only detail I can remember.

No harm being done, in most cases.


Maddakenz Vlogs

100k Euro a month. wtfm8

bump. This needs a thorough investigation.

America, the UK, Australia, Canada - I would say its an Anglo problem, except that I think it's started to creep over into Europe a bit now. America is definitely ground zero for this fucking shit though. America was founded by puritans, and there's nothing puritans love better than a moral panic, and an excuse to ruin some innocent lives for a righteous cause (see also: SJWs)

ill throw my theories out here:
the purpose of these videos is clear, as stated by a commenter on an investigation video "These videos are for pedophiles to develop their own children or other children into emty shells for them to abuse that'll never betray them. This is children's TV for future victims."
The coded messages that link to other often more disturbing videos are likely for the creators and users to further brainwash the children as they mentally mature. I'm pretty surprised something as blatantly sinister and widespread as this hasn't received very much attention.

here's a vid

Those YT videos are viewer botted, just like this thread.
This threads are cancer and most posts bots or jews.

fucking wat?

I'm not going to do it - it's late for me and I feel sleepy - but y'all can if you want

Reviving this thread because halfchan just half-bungled an investigation. There was a Brazilian account with child pornography on it (a girl aged about 6 giving a middle aged man a handjob); he was also commenting on Elsagate-related videos and subbed to several little girl-related accounts.

The bungling: they just reported the video and (((YouTube))) took it down with no consequences, obviously. But at least there was some (potentially fake) info extracted at the last second from the guy's account. This fuck also lives on the same street as a school.


Personal contact info:
CEP: 58.087-110
Logradouro: AV ANA NERY
Número: 149
Município: JOAO PESSOA
Telefone: (83) 8755-7841
E-mail: [email protected]/* */
Quadro de Sócios

What fucking retard thought he was being clever taking this info to cuckchan to begin with?

Me because I'm a fucking retard trying to salvage this

Still a hundred pedos to go, doesn't matter if Patient Zero gets away.

Self-replying just to state the importance of this date. Something about May 31st is fucking enormous here.

There are literally hundreds of videos to be found by searching that date in Portuguese.

This video is the danger zone. Scoop up the names commenting.

ALL of these dumbfuck accounts left their contact info.

Forgot image.

These people need to die.

You fucked up taking this to cuckchan, but there might still be something to salvage. If you have any sense, you will be tracking down everyone commenting on the videos and noting down any sort of personal info you see, then compiling all this into a big file and sending it to the FBI.

It's been salvaged. That one monkey was only the tip of the iceberg. this isnt CP but it's got the same date code as the others. No idea what the codes are; could be harmless and just unrelated. As much as I loathe to post a 4cuck link it has a fuckload of information in it.

Terry Boyer is honestly a shit tier suspect for being ONS/golden state killer. Way too old at the time that shit started. Dude was near 40 when the EAR stuff started and the guy was described as beeing a late teen early 20's guy. Also the suspect outran the fastest officer on the police force at one time. The officer was supposedly a hell of an athlete and ons blew him away over several blocks. Not something you would expect of a near 40 y/o air force officer.



these videos are landing pages for pedos. the videos themselves aren't illegal, but a gathering point to more nefarious stuff.

and the comments of these videos are VERY interesting.

many comments are complete GIBBERISH. or are they?

could the gibberish also be key to illegal stuff?


"While it looks like random spam, in this case it was a more sinister means to communicate with compromised computers. Hidden in that comment was a trackable hash that contained a string of characters – in this case 2kdhuHX – that correlated with a bitly link."

Reminder to report any of these videos you see. The more blatantly sketchy ones should maybe be reported to the FBI, even.

How would kids see these though? They wouldn't follow the ARG.

These show up in the suggestions sidebar a few autoplay videos in from normie spiderman/elsa content

*Happening* anons at 4/pol/ just found literal CP on YT during Frozen Elsa investigation. Minutes ago Elsa threads get 404'd. Even previously archived one(s) apparently. A new one popped up and was KO'd within minutes. Get in here. Get in somewhere!
This was the Elsagate thread in which the YT CP was found.

Daed, all links are shoahed



I see.


What we need is some guy who can keep 8ch pol and 4ch pol open and have a bot refresh, crawl and archive (no overwriting) both pages or at least specific threads the may get oy vey'd

Every so many minutes

who really cares?! nothing will happen

4chan has really gone to shit since the election, and even more so summer started

dat rapist facial hair

low effort post, worth less than a shekel

Hey guys. So I am pretty fucking disturbed.
Was watching one of those "freak family" videos. I was scrolling through the comments and someone had posted a comment, to which all the replies said "Billy Ringer" or variations of that. I tried googling what that meant. Couldnt find anything.
Anyway I clicked into the person who had written the initial comment, they have a youtube channel. All their videos look strange, like really shit quality cartoons, or videos of toys they have filmed themselves up close.
Went in to one video, called "Look at my cake" or something like that.
The video was just images, of inside what looked to be an empty hotel room. Words appeared over the top of the pictures, saying "isn't it beautiful? Its nearly my birthday!"
Then there was a picture of a white cake, and it said "here's my CAKE!"
I clicked into another video of theirs. No shit. It's a fucking cartoon fox, spinning around with pizza on its head.
What the FUCK.

This is on youtube. Here, go check out the channel if you want. Fucking what have we stumbled into. This shit is real

I'm wondering this too. The bots alone rule some videos…
Remember in shitholeistan, the 100 dollars from 10 gorillion views goes much longer than in western countries.

user, it's literally just a little white girl made autistic with furry faggotry

I just remembered that last year we had a thread (or multiple threads) about a similar phenomenon - the channels that uploaded "finger family songs". Some anons proposed that only an AI could be capable of spewing so much shit in just a few hours. Possibly related?

Yes these were 404'd before I posted here. Here's an archived thread from an enemy board which describes the illegal content and the happenings
Do NOT tell yourself that this is normal!
Pedo shills are everywhere!

This is one of the key words which always tend to appear in these, along with; Elsa, Spider-Man, Baby, Joker, Arrest, police, pee, syringe, baby, pregnant. All things which appeal to/interest and will be searched by young children.

Oh and I forgot about "butt painting" "prank". Yes butt-painting. Like face painting but on your butt. If your child asks you about the butt-painting game, they probably learned it from these videos.

especially "bad baby"

So looking again through the users who comment on the freak family videos.
I have found a lot of youtube accounts where there are videos up of really shoddy quality, referencing a game.
The game is called "Animal Jam"
I'm wondering if the pedos meet inside this game to discuss stuff.

I love how the threads they use to slide are literally Ctrl+C'ed from 4cuck

This is a video of a dude mocking parents who worry that 'Animal Jam' may be a place where pedo's groom children (since the game is marketed for children)
Something fucked about him, his room is creepy af too, looks so fake and garish and cartoonish, like the house that "freak family" film in.

In cake video

Autisic me spotted 'noise' and stopped at 15 seconds. We leanred that some visual noise isn't always noise, so I edited the frame (very poorly I have no computer) and got this, I doubt it's anything though. But who knows, all this shit is so weird. Anyone with a computer wanna try and make out what this is just in case. Imo I feel that any noise looking stuff in these kinds of videos should be anyalyzed and all that here is original too

o yeah, jews are very interested

Very very fucking weird. Thanks for looking into that cake video for me.

I have found this youtuber called "Chadtronic".
I think this guy is a straight up pedo and a psychopath. You look in his eyes and he looks fucking cold and dead inside.
He's only in his early 30s I'd say, is a self proclaimed "man child" OBVIOUSLY marketing his channel towards kids. He sits in rooms which are all bright and fake looking, like a teenage kids room. He does shit like review toys…. the latest batman and Elsa toys, surprise surprise. I watched one where he unboxed these new toys, then smashed them all with a hammer at the end to happy music.
Very very weird.
He also has LOTS of videos called "parents angry at (x)", in which he mocks parents for being concerned about their childrens safety, in regards to a number of issues.
I'm currently watching a video of his mocking a "Stranger dancer" video. Sure, its an old video and its pretty daggy, but it's aimed at warning children to be wary of stranger. This fucking revolting pedophile is there laughing at the video.
He's out here trying to convinve little kids their parents are idiots, their parents over worry about things. Pretty sure he plays Animal Jam too.
He's dangerous.

*stranger danger. video. I apologize for the typos.

Mein negroes

Go to the channel making those date vids, the one from today June 23's title is in Portuguese says something about adding the date, so I did, searched 2046 in YouTube sorted by upload date, found this weird ass channel and site found a vid that had a tag of 'mondo_rosa_(1) and decided to search it, got this site and I'll post more if I find anything else probably a spam site but idk

anti-slide bump

Checked out a video from that site
(Search 2046 on the site)
It's some rapey Spanish (or Italian) soap opera thingy, checkout the guys channel who uploaded it found video named chicas asi (asì) and yeah


We can really burn jewtube with this stuff - bet we are just scratching the surface here.

Whats with this recurring theme of people being frozen and unable to move

makes me think of being paralyzed due to drug injection.
This shit is dank. Its huge really.

You don't say. I bet that's why the kikes released the chink shit troll to slide this.

jesus fucking christ

These channels are syndicated, have massive following, and the few I looked into are making more than water-filter Jones.
see links above for example:

This is far from 100's of dollars. We're talking millions a month when you realise the storylines are exactly the same across multiple channels. The only thing changing is the actors - who are likely working on a percentage. The quality of filming, editing, sound is totally professional.

This is Disney-tier money.

Youtube is cancer, make sure you let your family/friends with kids know this.

I think we are uncovering a MASSIVE BOT NETWORK in action.

This video got half a billion views. WTF? This is on par with some popular uploads by Justin Bieber

What the fuck is up with the comments?

2017-06-19 both had big view losses… weird.

Didn't realise they were all so similar but the titles and content seems that way.
Bot farm + legit child views via YT kids funnelling them there.

Good point.

One way we can benefit from this is memeing the weird/sick YT stuff and danger to normalfag parents on twatberg etc. This causes YT perception to fall and hopefully competition can be more welcome.

Checked. It seems this way a majority is a bot network. but it could also be part of a way to use an index list of bot names to hide CP in plain sight… e.g. subscriber pays $ and get list - goes to certain YT channels to watch CP.

Hidden in plain sight under a vast swathe of videos and accounts which create fake views and interactions in order to hide things with 'real looking' data/usage.

Not far from the truth if the kids are watching his videos.


holy shit

This pedo commie needs his channel shut down. Millions of children are being indoctrinated to hate their parents

This is some major shit, is this being discussed anywhere else? We all know cuckchan doesn't allow talking about it and all I've been able to find besides 8/pol/ is some plebbit thread.
Are there any other boards that got interested? Some youtubers perhaps?

He is right you know, silly mundane.

The surface of the Earth must be cleansed from this immanent evil, even at the cost of taking great part of the flora and fauna with it in the process.

Ah. That's why they're rolling with Elsa. 'Frozen', get it?

It'll be the same thing with Spiderman; he ties you up so you can't move.

I'm convinced that at to at least a large degree these really are children watching these and racking up the view count. This shit is perfectly engineered to lure children in and keep them watching these videos one after the other, for hours on end.

Nobody is a blank slate.

Investigating YouTube playlist

I believe you're right. YouTube seem to dismiss the "bot" views from analytics (for revenue purposes) - so they are 100% aware that bots are being used to spam circular commentary but allow whoever is behind this to run the botnet regardless.

Is IP spoofing an actual thing? I know phone spoofing is but when it comes to IPs you can connect through a proxy but that's not the same as spoofing.

Thanks user.
Even the more benign videos in this rabbit hole are disturbing.

read comments

then this comment among the gibberish

What does it mean?

Might be nothing, may be something


i find it hard to believe all these bots are commenting random strings…. these videos are the perfect landing spots for distributing coded messages.

check out one of these gibberish commenters.

could be nothing, but kinda suspicious.

mfw I played DOOM and Unreal Tournament and Diablo when I was 5 and became a Holla Forumsack

Who else here has done the same?

analyzed that coded malware tweet. we should try something similar to gibberish tweets.

Reported the bath video, but I doubt those kikes'll do anything about it. It's probably "legal" under the definition of "non-sexual nudism" which is apparently A-OK in the US. Shit like purenudism, etc.

hol up hold up stop right there, no fucking way am I ever letting my children new some jew shrinks

I go along with pedo hysteria though because it can be useful while secretly posting on /jb/ regularly.

Me faps to your daughter heh (450 subscribers but no videos apparent? what?)

Does Misophonia help, or am I fucked?

Hey look, it's the Rational Skeptic™ coming along to teach us what's what with their thought terminating cliches and ridicule.
I don't know where the fuck you came from, but please, go the fuck back, because it's obvious you didn't come here for rational discourse or anything related to it. Be it snopes, reddit, tumblr, I don't give a shit. Take your autistic screeching to somewhere that actually gives a shit.

1. Youtube and Senate pedo investigation infograph

2. Democratic all wear pizza pedo triangle socks to pizza party


Nice LARPing

Seriously guys, check out all the pedo channels by following the comments on the pedo vids, lots of them have tremendous amounts of subscribers despite having 0 content on their channels. It reminds me of when I infiltrated the Westboro Baptist Church and they accepted me as one of their own, heh. The WBC is in actual fact based though in their own way.

I never posted in one of those threads i posted in a youtube pedo thread where there was an actual pedofile.

I thought the guy was larping but i went to the youtube adress and the guy was getting a handjob from an 8 year old. i tried to warn people about it and now im banned.

maybe they are banning people because of the actual pedo thread 4chan had.

That sounds like bots or brainwashing to me

You deserve it.
Btw I'm the /hebe/fag from a different thread ask me anything.

So…anyone else justed get banned from 4chan for talking about this?

Pic related

"Stranger danger" is a Democrat Party invention. They are wolves warning the sheeps to be scared for their sheeplets. For that reason alone, one should be a little skeptical of taking the meme to heart.

whatcha projecting rabbi?
i've seen hundreds of people naked and i havent shared them on jewtube or even thought anything other than 'oh theyre naked thats cool'
its the people who think 'oh theyre naked thats cool lets take a picture / video / etc and upload it on youtube'
you then say 'yeah its family differentlol'
these are not family videos - if you are to keep the same line as your foreshills did, these are innocent indian bollywood videos propped up with the mother of all botnet viewbots that happen to post hashes of common link shorteners.
but hey, me taking a picture of my nephew in a bubble bath and sending it to my sister is totally the same thing as a ton of bollywood pedos posting weird shit on the internet - whatever the true purpose is that false equivocation and attempt to argue from emotion is bullshit more suited to >>>/reddit/

analyzed the words used in 1,387 comments of one of those videos. pretty gross.

see attached picture.

been data mining the comments in some of these videos.

here's word clouds of the comments in 4 separate videos.

some videos have WAYYYY more gibberish, bot-like comments whereas other videos have more genuine, human-like comments.

Good. When an enemy isn't taken seriously it only makes them more dangerous. Us being their enemies.

Have you tried to make sens of the URLs present among those words?

not yet. been looking at profile pages of gibberish posters. SAME PATTERN EVERY TIME….

How are these comments bigger than human speak?

Well the URLs appear to be tumblr addresses obviously.
However it's pretty clear that just copying won't work.
I tried searching the names on Tumblr but I didn't find any real accounts.
So these might be just 100% fake but who knows.

That seems off.

we're obviously uncovering a MASSIVE bot network at play here. but why?

maybe the people making these videos are making undisclosed income elsewhere and need a front for taxes / plausible deniability

I think this is either because
1. bot repeats the same meaningless phrases under different videos or
2. it's a way of leading people to the video they're directed to when typing this in Google or other searching device

I actually don't think it's that weird if you take into account that most people watching this shit are probably children and sane adults would just stop watching after first 5 seconds.

We could maybe draw parallels to the catholic church that systematically abused kids almost in the open.

I wonder how many of these kind of videos have "trade" somewhere in their comments

Some alternate world would have this as people who are drugged and given one last chance to get a message out. lol

I went to log on after work and noticed I've had a 2 day ban. Girlfriend said all those threads kept getting wiped all day and night too.

All right, I dunno about you guys, but to my mind this is a massive amount of information pointing in a bunch of different directions, and it seems like there's a lot of going in circles. If we're gonna do much, we need to have a battle plan, even if it's nothing as organized as /CFG/ was.

What do we know so far, altogether, and how can we express or demonstrate that as concisely as possible? Where do we go from here? Who do we contact, and what's the elevator pitch? What are we up against, and what's the furthest depth of what we've uncovered so far? What questions are we trying to aswer right now, and what do we need to know in order to answer them? Is somebody pastebinning all this?

You can bet your ass that if this is real, somebody's working to cover their tracks as we speak. I'd like to do something substantial, but my head's going in circles, so maybe a moment to stop and just look at what we've got isn't a bad idea.

This seems like MONARCH to me. You know the whole Alice-In-Wonderland theme they've got going, or how they use themes like The Wizard of Oz? Bridge to Terbithia wouldn't be too much of a stretch from that, considering that it's got sort of a through-the-looking-glass/otherworld thing going on with Terabithia itself, and especially considering that Leslie fucking drowns trying to pass into Terabithia, it seems like it might have even darker undertones.

If this isn't a wild goose chase like some people are saying, it could be significant. If anybody finds any other references to Bridge to Terabithia, like names or themes, it might be worth checking out.

As long as I'm at my most paranoid, I might as well throw this into the aether, too: It ocurred to me that the whole fidget spinner thing might be pretty involved in this. It seems like a lot of these videos are related to fidget spinners, too, and as long as I'm entertaining the whole brainwashing thing, a spinning object you stare at being featured both in these videos and as an IRL trend among kids is too good to pass up.

Don't try to reason with the autists, user. Just enjoy the show.

It was a sobering moment when I'd taken the redpill and realized fags needed to be purged, and then had a moment of clarity and realized WBC weren't even the bad guys after all.

The elevator pitch is that this is a pedophile network grooming children. It starts off as kids watching what they think is children's cartoons, but the videos are disturbing and full of BDSM themes. After watching a few of these in succession, the child finds themself watching live action Spiderman/Elsa simulated rape videos. A while later they are watching real children in abusive situations (e.g. ). The purpose is to normalize such situations in the child's mind, to make them more susceptible to pedophile's advances. It's not about targeting anyone specific, but rather the pedophile cartel is working together to increase the probability of them collectively being able to easily acquire children.

found this channel while researching all the toy channel stuff etc. all the videos have the structure of a ytpmv created by a bot or something. Also every one follows the same melody in some way and a lot of them are rhythmically off beat. Exampuru

Also the channel uploads a few videos every hour for a certain span of time then stops. Also almost everything has to do with a scan or scene scan in the titles. Also at the end of each video is just a grey screen that stays for a few seconds. That's all I got so far. This was also found while looking at the Portuguese date code video; the one I said had a title of 'add the date June 23 2017'

Alright, but why do you think youtube is on with it? they got money invloved, ceos in bed with them, or is it really jewtube?

The spinners might just be them signalling their affiliation. It's a reference to the dizzying effect of the unbearable trauma they inflict when breaking in fresh children, to that nauseous feeling. They use 'spinning people/things' a lot in their symbology for this reason.

Also remember the fidget spinners were invented by a kike, which is another strike against them.

1. Despite thousands of reports, they sit there and dismiss them all, so YT definitely knows about these videos but deliberately refuses to act. They continue allowing these videos to crop in their YT Kids app.
2. It's Jewtube, owned and operated by kikes. Occam's razor says the kikes are up to their typical tricks.

The fidget spinners came out just as we really started getting powerful GETs and investigating Pizzagate further. Could they be an attempt to disarm us via distractions?

well, they are marketed to kids so if ya'll are getting distracted by just that, then they've already won.

They came out all at coordinated once like the early GG articles, and they're fucking everywhere. Supermarkets, Decorations shops music stores even fucking Home Depot has them, all on the same day.

What if they're just a normie meme?


So hashes used to share pedo stuff from certain areas and lead to other sites and portals.

Another theory is number stations could be hidden in this.

The pre-subscribing to channels with no content is weird as hell though. Mostly bots trying to look real perhaps?

KEK yeah when I looked in to WBC and found they were following it 100% it was a red pill indeed. I respect them but fuck getting involved.

Also holy fuck, one of the ELSA gate summary posts about 10-20 posts up was just shoahd and the pictures mid-loading vanished. WTF, usually when threads/posts are deleted they stay there until refresh.

Can whoever posted them re-post please. Check to make sure your post is there.
It had the image from OP on top and heaps of info/caps collected below.


One of the comments

"me encantaría llenarla de mis jugos y provocarnos miles de orgasmos"


Never forget Israel does this shit


Lurk for a few years then try that again.

I had to have a break from this all today, did my head in thoroughly yesterday. I wonder how many people know about this and are researching it? Did everyone get banned from pol who posted about it?
This is huge and we need to get the numbers up of people who know about this. I hope everyone is doing ok - this is vile information, very heavy and hard to stomach, but it's important we do keep on it. It's a pretty big red flag if this got effectively removed from pol…. I've never heard of that happening before. Not completely; even pizzagate has been more prevalent.

Guy these toy channels are chinese/foreign company's botnet shit to sell toys.

If you realy look for pedohilia on YT try searching webcam video of or Видео c веб-камеры от

Most pedohpilia on YT is accidental auto-uploaded videos from cams or children being dumb fucks uploading themselfs making a shopping haul and then undressing on camera completly naked or making "stretching" videos of their gymnastics. Just read the comment section.

Pour examplement:

And there are literally MILLIONS of those. What do you need dedicated pedo/toy channels for if you have a society full of jews convincing young girls to twerk on camera and upload it on their own? It doesn't even help to report because they almost never get taken down. I tried it. And for every video taken down there are 400 new uploads.

The real problem are not some random pedophiles out there organizing. It's our jewed up culture turning our daughters and sisters into whores and pedobait. 90% of pedo fap material is self produced!

just to clarify so people dont start bashing russians:
This goes on in every westernized country it's just harder to find in Japanese or Portuguese if you don't know their language. Brazil is probably one of the worst countries when it comes to this shit because they literally have teachers twerking or dancing in sexual ways in-front of the entire school audience and parents cheer them on.

Well, it's a fucked up situation. I guess if yt ignores it, it'll save a lot of money.

The endgame is even more sinister: By offering porn MindGeek is planning to make money

Man that russian string has tons of results.

Because youtube moderators and who ever checks reports are mostly english speaking.

Portugese and japanese have even more sick shit
Video related: your average brazilian school.
This is how europe and the US will look like once we get mixed down and degrade to a lesser race and culture. Pure barbarism

Reminder that Latin American culture is garbage and peasant tier. Brazil is especially debauched due to its muddy racial composition.

Girls crave attention. Hyper individualism and hyper sexualization, combined with feminist dominated pop culture, have created the perfect environment for naive young girls and boys to be exploited; and exploit each other.

This and that are separate matters. We are specifically talking about the clique that keeps pushing the BDSM lure, replete with the usual elsa/drugs/pregnancy/ass injections/scat/blood/spiders/dismemberment/etc., there is something organized going on with this.


jewtube is—actually a pedotube


Fidget spinners are sinister as fuck, I see them absolutely everywhere, and can't fathom why people buy it. My guess: maybe fidget spinners are nothing more than a mass mind control test. I bet you every fidget spinner user is a someone who watches television. I bet the jews put some subliminal shit or use some other really powerful brainwashing technique to suddenly reach and program huge numbers of lemmings, and get them to buy these things. If my theory is correct; then the real purpose of a fidget spinner is to reveal which parts of the population are susceptible to this kind of mind control and thus can be enslaved for the sexual fetishes and other crap of the jews.


Jews love triangle shit, probably somethin like that.



Is this pedo? Uploaded 12 minutes ago

best overt pedo comments here heh

This pedo vid has 4.5 million views.

Most likely because people on here still haven't heard of this yet, but allow me to remind you all that the reason why fidget spinners were literally invented was because a kikess wanted Pallysites to stop chucking rocks at their usurpers, a story which was handily (((bowldlerized))) for Western audiences into "a mother who wanted a unique toy for her child" completely forgetting that the internet has become a commodity and just about anyone can find out the truth for themselves using said commodity.

How would that work though?


What does that file name say?

Someone tweet to him and ask him.

At this rate given the sporadic spread of the damned things I honestly wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it was hypnotism. Can't fight back while you're in a trance.

Someone say Little Girls on their youtube?!

These people need to burn.

i cant even watch these kike-brainwashed nigger-culture whores anymore. i love teens and this bitch aint no teen btw.

bruh that bitch is like 20 yrs old.

Maybe around the worst corners of the North/Northeast, but not everywhere. I know painting Brazil as the worst possible hellhole makes a useful message against mixing, but the most civilized regions still keep remnants of European values and dignity. Pedophilia is seem as utterly disgusting, Brazil is not in the Middle East.

So one thing I've noticed in so many of these videos is that they load the titles with popular phrases, mostly as non sequitors. hot sauce

Yeah, I was looking up the Dustforce soundtrack, but the other shit is creepy.

that bitch is 30 years old wtf are you doing nigger



Ok but hypnotism requires certain commands to be programmed into them. Is there some writing on the fidget spinners they give them or something else included like, IDK, some noise they emit only when they spin that has subliminals in it, or how are they receiving the command to not throw shit at the IDF soldiers?

It's just a stupid kike toy that's meant to distract them because they all have adhd or some shit, I bet it doesn't work at all honestly and kike soldiers still get pelted with rocks

Those are both boys and even if they were girls, it does not equal suggestive.

All this shilling.

Using porn to demoralize the population is their number one tactic.

follow the playlists

Jesus fucking christ.

Found dox on what I'm 95% sure is the "Wayne Faulkenberry" mentioned on the playlist. Original links and archives provided below:

Main Youtube:
It should be noted that Twitter gave me a warning for a potentially harmful site, click at your own risk as I closed the tab immediately after submitting the page for archival

He originates from NC, which is just one state north of the alleged hotspot in SC, is absolutely infatuated with a Fillipino woman named Vilma Nieva, and his posting style is psychotic, beyond stalkerish in nature. And besides, just LOOK at this fucker. He's giving me all sorts of unsettling vibes just seeing his face.

they casually trade CP over YouTube comments because their shitskin governments and police don't give a fuck because it's too widespread and probably in their ranks too.

Scrape the Pedo activities to the subs on channels with an excessive number of sub-ratio between the base video or the YT channels W/ high 50 - 500 subscriber, and no channel icon.

From the pedo video, which will be aggregated with the playlists, and the upload will happen with the one-time accounts, to manage from 1 to 15 videos before burning.

I have also noticed that the channels with high sub counts with the profile pictures without the playlists, an activity or a video, which can be a symptom of a privileged video. Use tools open source for profiles search by keyword, Channel Name and channel URL.

Finally, two channels put their kik handle in description channel for trading pictures, videos and so on. Who are the primary targets for social engineering to find out Pedo tactics yt or harmful content for completely compromise.

Use YT Pedo playlists to create a massive list of accounts for mining. Key tasks interesting encryption direct channels of communication. (kik/telegram/whatsapp/ect)

When the list is collected, the mass compromise that can be achieved by using client-side attacks and effective social engineering excuses. Entanglement links (csrf attack?) You can view a list of previously unlisted video on full disclosure: already authed YT pedos.

As an example, if you have suddenly been unlist by hundreds of thousands of private videos of children, rape, YT would be difficult to find and delete all the video before irreparable damage to the brand and will continue to contribute to the recruitment for our business.

Of course the difference between rich and poor is huge, thats exactly how a globalist world looks like in the end. The large mass of unwashed peasants live a degenerate life. Brazil is literally the last place on earth i'd want white girls to grow up in.

vid related to
fuck that place. Just bomb it! Colonization was a mistake

Please, bomb us!

That politician who was recently arrested for doing it with a 4yo used the excuse that "she wanted it" or "she initiated it" or some such.

The mistake was to build a society on slavery and then release them, so stupid! They shoukd have been sent back to africa in the very least

That's what I thought as well, CP or human trafficing directly. Any sources on this?

the post i quoted has a picture of people "trading" in the comments of a video in which young girls dance



Flips are even worse than Brazilians. Crossbred Hispanic and Asian peasantry; often at the center of regional child abuse.

Whats next, children can't go to the beach either? I knew you moralfag were freaks.

Reminder that Kellogg, yes that one, was pro-circumcision because he was obsessed with the 'moral danger' of masturbation.

What did you expect? Anyone that still uses that pozzed shithole should kill themselves.


A pretty good proof that the west is having a bad hysteria over sexuality. A little girls flatchest is enough to spark a insane witchhunt Evil or not, im worried about the future.

Much of this hysteria spawns from America and is as much to do with demonizing masculinity and the nature of attraction and affection, as it is to do with (((protection))) of children.

*me fapping to flat-chested girls*

What now?

you think they filmed that themselves?
and all the comments encouraging it are normal?

Parents filming, as they have done since the first camcorders. The comments sexualizing the children are indicative of the commenters own position; and shouldn't be used to attack an innocent video.

This shit reminds me of when at random jewtube directed me to baby massage shit. That scared the hell out of me because it looked illegal as fuck.

I wouldn't recommend searching it.

fucking kill yourself pedo

I have a cool story to share.

I thought your story was going to be one warning about the dangers of run-away hypersexuality and hedonism but by the time I got to the very end of your post I'm confused and lost as to what you're saying.

the horror

the horrror

Colby Person and the Bradberry brothers are making content like this. Might be worth trying to get more info from them as to who owns their network and what kind of system they're working under.

not anymore, some big youtuber got them down

discord dot gg/FFhk7

can someone for the love of god post an invite to the discord that hasn't already expired by the time i've finished taking a shit? it's not that hard, just check "set link to never expire", if you're paranoid about raids you can later expire the invite manually

wow some fapping to pictures going on there …. for helping law enforcement of course. you sicko hypocrites! Don't join that place


I'm assuming there's a post on a board somewhere or a message was sent to a private network saying to comment something specific and then they'll contact them for more extreme content.

His tweets are weird imo. Can't quite put my finger on it.

In the USA one of the most watched videos on youtube for today, is this bullshit.




Alright, I'm mostly sold. I used to think the YT Kids stuff was just to put eyes in front of ads, but now I'm not so sure. There's definitely something more to this. And what's with all the injection stuff?

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