Create game


Just start a new one

but i want to finish this.
I keep getting problems with isometric view so im putting it off since its difficult to solve.

If I wanted to develop 3D game with decent netcode would UE4 work fine?

I started making a game with RPG Maker but i realized that the engine was too limited to acomplish what i wanted, but neither did i want to start from scratch and learn something new so i scrapped the project altogether

use Game maker.


What, do you make the entire game then erase half the code so you can say it's unfinished?

its better than saying start game, it sounds like im playing a game rather than creating it.

That BOGGLEs my mind!

I temporary stole someones character from another game. you see this shit, at first i had the entire tree as 1 sprite, but i would walk under the tree and be behind it, then i split it in 2, now i walk under the tree like this.

Don't engage namefags.

Make the midsection one sprite and the left and right separate sprites.

it works fine when my character model is above this point.

That's what you get for being a lazy zero effort unmotivated nodev.

im using this script, for the player and tree.


thats not fair, im an idea man trying to make my idea into reality. im stuck on this damn thing.

welp, at least you started it, i am just an idea guy who will never even make it

thats not true, game maker is real easy to start.
go on youtube and learn off examples and eventually you'll figure out the code.

if your not a woman or a person of color you should not be making games in the first place, the market is too saturated with your privileged bullsh*t

I guess I have to give you effort for trying. What exactly are you stuck on? It doesn't look like your game is too complex. What tools are you using?

You have to go back.

Im using Game Maker, im stuck on isometric depth.

its going to be an h-game/rpg

You know, you could have just posted this to /agdg/

Into the bin.

I miss him.

Game maker can be pretty cool.


start on your project again user.

And if you do get a playable demo then what?

I will become a fucking masterpiece and you better believe it


KEK confirms your deal, user. You better not fuck this shit up, not having a soul sucks.

your going to be fucked if you dont finish.

so can anyone help me solve this depth issue?


There will never be a serial killer roguelike.

what language were you using.

also look at the code step by step to understand what it means.

there are millions of clones of games, you just have to add your own thing that makes it unique.
