Daily reminder


that the alt-right hates freedom, they are literally begging for their freedom to be taken away,
aren't they thhe cucks now?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, they're massive betas who want a alphadaddy to take care of them.



#freedom failed


Everybody hates freedom

i don't

unless you want to be a slave you shouldn't


what the fuck

if hitler was incharge this wouldn't happen

Counter revolutionaries fuck your shit up what do you do? Nothing?

I bet you were emotionally invested in Gamergate too.

you fight them, thats different than having zero liberties

How is it different to what the OP is crying about? Zero liberties was never mentioned.

my point is just cause people do bad things doesn;t mean freedom is bad


The bad things are contrary to freedom.You have to shoot a motherfucker in the end, you have to surpress opposing forces to maintain your own.

That is what freedom means, a lack of any of that, and humans NEVER wanted this sort of freedom.

so we should ban magzines?

That's one aspect of freedom, and it's de facto banned in Europe, so why think that is radical, you don;t have to ban a magazine, you make vague hate speech laws.

So yes, they are doing what they need to do to stop people speaking about ugly truths. It's going to backfire and lead to right wing populism, but they have the power to do it so they did.

well atleast we know as soon as the right wing takes power they'll ban shit too

God, the alt-right used to be much better to be quite honest.


Fuck them, mate. Also hate how people are now associating democracy with cosmopolitan globalism and liberalism, when they've been nothing but near-opposites.

The Alt-Right is dead. They've become just as bad as SJWs.

(The worst part is ironically that direct democracy has a great record of triggering minorities and SJWs. Minaret banning and Brexit comes into mind.)



Fuck off american lolberts

Holy fuck pseudo-fascists can't even get basic shit right.

The Alt-Right was always shit and as bad as SJWs.

This shit legit baffles me. Trump is many things, but one thing he definitely isn't is that ancap white nationalist fascist revolutionary that the alt-right has imagined for themselves. In fact, aside from the whole za waru thing, he might be one of the more moderate republican candidates in quite some time: not a warhawk, moderate on economics, quiet/moderate on sensitive issues like LGBT or religion.

It's like reality has become a South Park episode:

Why? It's bullshit, but this is the first time I've seen a city order someone to take down a bullshit sign.

How do you get mad about a magazine for diabetics?

Probably some bullshit about diabetics having shitty genes but not killing them thus having a magazine allowed for them.

Or something about obesity and decline of blah blah blah, it's Holla Forumsyp logic fam.

As someone who doesn't speak meme,can someone translate the OP's pic for me?

thats why i posted it

i just uploaded it cause i needed to, pic unrelated

You know that Egyptian thing they've been worshiping for a few months?
oh, what irony it has been. they thought they were the cuckers, but in reality they were merely the cuckees. when Hillary becomes president, it will all be made clear, and Holla Forums will be trapped forever in the veil of the eternal cuck cult.