Losing control?
What game is your guilty pleasure?
Losing control?
What game is your guilty pleasure?
Other urls found in this thread:
Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
I don't know what we will be watching today, but I have a Canadian live-action adaptation of an anime in reserve.
Morning everyone!
God I'm tired. Feels like I never sleep anymore. Plus no cigs only cigars and I'm coughing up my lungs.
Watched the first Lethal Weapon. Pretty good.
Also, Japan hates Mila. :^)
Then stop nigga.
o-okay, you guys don't like me. :^(
Shit was real crazy last night, I hope it cooled down today. Goddamn, this is the shit that makes me paranoid.
In other news my Totam Templar made it to Act 3 so I got that going for me
Pic related is what happens when you statsfag PoE.
Well we could watch World Famous Flea Market. Basically MST3K of shitty wrestling.
0-5 Don't talk about autism awareness
6-8 Talk about autism awareness
9 Talk about special needs kids
Dubs Make a two hour long talk
Trips Nuke the thread.
Mornin 4 am. What would you guys consider old? Would 30 be considered middle age for you guys?
Enjoy your disgusting gaijin waifu while mine is Nippon pure.
Might have got my dad to buy me something to help quit smoking so we'll see
Good morning everybody,
How was your day/is your morning so far?
Looking forward to anything coming up?
>no nose so she doesn't know your scent
Pretty good, finally seeing RLM get back on their feet.
Hard to say. I'm 26 and feel old as shit. I know guys in their 30s and they say its no different though so.
Ay yoza whats shakin
I want to die after experiencing the new ghost busters theme
aren't you supposed to swirl it in your mouth and not directly inhale that shit?
Yeah but these are cigarillos and weak as shit so I just inhale them anyway. Not enough nicotine the other way.
the SAO games
Not much, just playing the shit outta Monster Hunter Generations, you?
I already feel old, and I'm kinda 'young".
Chugging energy drinks and playing heartgold. Been wanting to play pokemon for a month or two now but the whole go thing finally made me do it. Pretty comfy.
How old are you again?
ho yeah. Didn't even have a proper meal today, just coffee, snacks, and video games. Umaru would be proud.
Don't have one. I don't feel guilty about my pleasures and don't like shit games.
it's alright, they didn't like me either.
You'll be alright. You wouldn't want to miss what I have planned after Gundam.
The thing you had yesterday was something we watched already.
you're as old as you feel you are I guess.
I've only lived 1/4th of my life expectency so what do I know
Greetings people
Shit, they should.
I know I'm being asked about now.
I dreamed about a family last night and seeing one of the endings for ZTE isnt helping with that.
She hurt me, but I feel like this could be my last chanceā¦..
Hello friends.
I really like undertale. The ending kinda made me tear up a bit too. Faggots
Eh, I guess 35 would be right about middle-aged imo.
Heartgold ain't a bad pick I didn't much care for it though. Platinum is the best Pokemon game.
Heya Konata, how's it hanging?
You alright shizune?
Ay konata, what'd you do today?
I'm getting so close to getting this xbox softmodded.
Um whats up user?
I'm old and only care about pokemon out of nostalgia so. I was 8 when the whole pokemon craze started, prime nostalgia years. Only care about gen 1/2 for the most part
It better not be the new ghost busters
i didn't do anything!
hey there, i'm holding up fine
got myself some shitty rts vidya and I've been playing that
Oh boy, Konata is here early this morning.
Spoiler that shit user, you know the rules.
You guys did? It was a different PPV then the last NXT one I did. Ahh well, the World Famous Flea Market tapes are way different.
I feel like time is moving too fast for me to keep track of. Minecraft released five years ago for Christ sake.
I did that today as well.
Mass Effect and DAO even though Holla Forums hates it now for some reason.
Basically an old flame is asking about me to mutual friends.
Looks like things didnt work out between her and my replacement (he looks a lot like me).
I half dont wanna say yes, half do.
Yeah. Just a slow day is all.
I did!
What's wrong with Origins? The series went to hell with the sequels but Origins was a fine game
really? i thought i would be late, i just got out of bed i'm actually still in bed
of course i told my Wifu i love her,
i'm not a faggot.
I've been thinking about making money off this pokemon go fad since Iremember some nig selling shirts of the factions at the local park in my hometown.
now If only I could do something similar but cheaper. maybe draw portraits or something.
How long were you with her? Why'd you break up? And how much do you care about her?
Whatever you say satan.
Morning, niggers. Who do you think would show up to your funeral if you killed yourself?
Democracy 3.
3ds-chan is best
Don't worry.
You should have started weeks ago
Nobody because they wouldn't find my body.
Lazyass. All the more time for bullying
Tons of money to be had with the Pokemon Go fad, Got to be quick though, since the fad will only last for a month or two.
We never "dated" according to her, even though everyone thought we were.
I cut her off after the rejection.
Okay, sure. Satan
It's just Holla Forums being undecisive on where the shit began with Bioware, some are starting to say they were always shit.
of course!
My family obviously. Some old friends and acquaintances. My waifu in spirit hopefully.
Why not? :^)
I guess as we live empty lives we feel like time has gone too fast
are you sure this whole thing didn't start last week?
I'll try digging around for spare pencils, pens and pencil sharpeners.
Granted I have no idea how that game works. Did see some faggot screech his car to a stop, hang out the window with his phone and say out loud "yes, that's my third squirtle!"
Run for the hills lad
Feels like months ago it started honestly
How would you do it if they wouldn't find the body? Or is Ritsu all you have?
That's what I'm worried about. I don't want my family to go, it'll be a hugfest of my life and fake achievements. They'll sugarcoat my life and misremember how it happened.
I don't have a house
Hey, what ever happened to the other avatar fags, like laughing octopus and smokes? Who were the original guys in this thread anyway?
Pic related.
Only three of them are below 29, (19, 26 and 28), while the rest are in their 30's with one being 37. With all the OW waifufaggotry going on, I just find it weird to have people sexualizing older women, but then again, my views on age might be off.
Forgot pic
Probably a bunch of protestors because before I die [spoiler}I plan on going on the biggest salt mine ever, the likes of which have never been seen before. Stuff like trademarking Pachinkomon under NoA, maybe even attempting to trademark feminism. It'll cost a few thousand but it'll be worth it.[/spoiler]
it's comfy though
no one
i have no value in life and i piss off everyone around me, my funeral would be a waste of time
For fucks sake
What a bitch. Totally up to you though user. If you think she's loyal and a good person, then cheers. Just don't get caught up trying to be with her and end up cheated on like keionfag over there.
I don't care, since it's my fucking family.
'Least they'll give her costumesā¦
Secret and I have family.
Octo got busy with work and slowly stopped coming. But he'll show eventually I'm sure.
Smokes makes it to a couple of threads a week.
So just shitposters shitposting.
NS ultimate ninja storm 4
it's breddy fun to me. I like to try to chain my regular combos with ults and specials. I'm also eternally amazed on how autistic the community is but that's a good thing though because the modders are that more dedicated. They've got custom character movesets and shit now. I don't know when they'll add more character slots instead of replacements.
Mei is best.
Do you have a laptop? I could never go on trying to type more than I have to on a phone screen.
double asterisks on both sides. It's harder to fuck up.
Also if you use both you can make a spoiler inside another spoiler but only one layer.
Nah, they're being serious. It's the reverse of a nostalgia filter.
I accidentally hit the wrong key
You fucked up spoilers, nigger.
I have no value either, but people still see something in me for some reason.
I guess, it just seems disrespectful to have a crying festival so those around me can feel better about themselves than analyze what might've driven me to it.
Tell me your secrets.
I'll never kill myself. If I die it's either because of someone else, an accident, or dying old. Killing myself would be a waste in general when I could at least do something beneficial before my final hours instead of spending it hanging a noose. Never kill yourselves anons, at least try to make it a blaze of glory that would last a week on the news from how awesome it was.
yes, i have a craptop
There are a lot of ways to die and make the body never found. Or well make it so it's a very low chance someone would find you. Easy one would be cement shoes off a bridge.
Makes posting easier.
oh THAT kind of death. Not gonna happen to me.
Mei is ridiculously cute.
Then they'll find me, no thanks
Goddamnit I'm telling you, Blizzard will find a way to fuck it up.
Good point, considered.
How do you know?
They're all shit.
Because I'm not like that.
True due to the broken hitboxes. Basically if it isn't already fucked, Blizzard will find a way to do so.
Well some "hardcore" peeps are saying it's good it's only a matter of time until they scare them off.
i've been back home for a few days now
i've got till the end of august to study to redo my geometry, algebra, discreet structures and calculus 2 exams
so far i think i'm handling geometry and algebra just fine, i should be able to get things right this time
been playing a bit of mount and blade recently, mostly because of the might and magic mod. playing as a skeleton has never been so rewarding
i think i've started to get a bit of belly fat, so i'm trying to do work out on that. right now i'm doing push ups, and i have no idea what these two are called, but one is when i'm lying on the ground and my legs are raised up, the other is when i'm lying on the ground trying to get up, while my shoulders are still touching the ground. no clue if any of this will actually help me
and i'm still reading the autistic harry potter fanfic, i still have around 500 pages to go
Her english is pretty cute too, when she's not trying to be haughty. Love it when the characters use their native language in-game though. I wish there were something to have them say everything in their native language.
Blizzard doesn't need to do anything, the formula of the game itself is fucked up. It was a casual shooter that is unbalanced as hell and got eaten up by the hardcore crowd.
I hate Blizzard too, it's ok to admit the girls are cute and/or sexy.
I guess.
Sounds like they were just trying to fit in then. Probably younger people who don't remember when EA and Ubisoft put out great games.
I thought they reworked the hitboxes. I tried showing the ridiculous arrow hitboxes to my brother and the magical extra width was barely there.
Whats wrong with it? I know literally nothing about the gameplay
Nice I love that mod! I always tried to marry a skele bride but they were super racist. Shame really
Are there any Russians here? Or anyone knowing Russian? I have a question
They're "babies first" waifu material.
Probably, but some people who played DAO or Mass Effect are saying it's where the shit started. I'm sure they're just saying it just to shit on Bioware.
I'm sure.
i just wish they hadn't made the skeletons female by default
now i can't marry qt human waifus
i studied russian in 5th-12th grade, and all i've learned is how to say that i can't speak russian and how to swear
I've only watched it a tiny bit in japanese streams so I have no clue what their voices sound like besides in nip.
Just date a qt skele and give her one of those neat gold masks.
Sorry for my delay, my sister came into my room and just started chillin like it was the family lounge or something, talking on her phone for a good 30 minutes. Sheesh.
Understandable Platinum really is good though
What game(s)?
Eh, If i had a milf-y girlfriend, I wouldn't go over 30 personally. MAYBE up to 35. Certainly not over 40.
shit runs on 20 tick
so if i get anywhere above 90 ping i start position snapping everywhere
i hate these people
i commonly see overshills going into tf2 threads and bitching about how tf2 is dead and a "inferior game"
take no skill just use ult to win
it has the problem of limited gameplay
there is no special gameplay mechanics or tactics you can use that isn't in the tutorial
it's also 40 fucking dollars and has microtranscations
It's better to die with the world seeing than die alone with no one to care. I'm saying that at least make it something to be remembered for. Get creative with how you are going to die, not just shoot yourself. If I was to kill myself, it would be blasting initial d music near a protest from my car than crashing it in a way to make sure I don't live after doing a sweet drift in the crowd. Though I'm most likely not going to kill myself, so I won't be doing that.
yeah, the ones that are hardcore, but go to easy on shit games.
Is Skeleton/Human race mixing I mean Skeletons are just re animated dead humans
I think it is the same VAs, but literally given English lines to say. Each character has a single special voice active line that'll be in their native language, as well as a line if the character is on the enemy team. Makes knowing which team's XXX character is Ulting.
hermione getting friendzoned
That sounds adorable. She just wanted to chill with her oniichan!
And yeah I played it once years ago, it was alright.
What kinda microtransactions? I honestly just want to play a goofy fps with qt girls
Its 100% race mixing. You'll end up with half skele babies and nobody wants that
Loot boxes of RNG cosmetics. Basically TF2 but there's a stupid entry fee.
Meant for
They're purely cosmetic. Absolutely nothing that effects the gameplay
No, they're meant to be s low tier waifus for casuals.
that dumbass
It's just better to die than to live. We go through so much pain and failure for no meaning, why do any of us continue? What makes life better than death to each one of us?
some shitty AoE clone a friend gifted me
they do f2p crate system where you pay money to gamble on getting a good skin
game really should just be a f2p game at this point
Oh well who cares.
There are like unlocks and level up shit in the game though right? Are you able to customize load outs or anything?
to be fair I don't think hermione was as cute in the books as she was in the movies.
and harry potter is a dimwit anyway.
It's still cosmetics in a sixty dollary doodle game.
Well I don't think Skeleton's can breed
Even if they can their babies probably would be human
You can unlock loot boxes but the unlocks are still total RNG
Have you given her the D yet?
Buy skins, sprays, and above mentioned voice actives. Nothing really too big on gameplay, just cosmetics.
No, they're for shitty SFM productions with rubber dicks and MMD with actual good dancing shit as well as VR porn
I want to tie up an user, dress him like Vivian, cuddle with him and pound his sweet boypussy every day.
no you are limited to what the devs want
there is no level up system in game and there is no way to change the limited gameplay style of the character
there is a level up system but it only gives you 1 loot box per level and is worthless
No, it's literally cosmetics. Choose what skin to use. There aren't any different weapons or anything.
$40 if you have a brain.
Just cosmetics
Forty dollar game
Still stupid. I shouldn't have to pay for shit that was free ten years ago.
Yeah, but she can be better.
no shit.
True. It's casuals first rule 34 too.
Konata is ready for that, got split roasted a few threads ago. :^)
Its magic of course they can breed.
Thats what I was afraid of. Seemed like when watching it everyone just had a couple of attacks too. Shame really, the only reason I play crappy fps games is to grind out unlocks and stuff.
I want mon hun gen to get here sooner
break the legs of the mailmens for me yakuza
Get glasses grandpa
Yeah. It's one of my favorite Yozakuras, if not my favorite.
Nah, she's sick and had been on the couch for a while, and just anted a change a scenery, she says she does come to my room to just blab about shit about her work and stuff sometimes though. Normally I don't mind at all, but 4AM is a special time. Well, 3AM for me
Ah okay. Sounds pretty lame then.
Absolutely disgusting
I wouldn't bone her if mine or her life depended on it.
You do realize that the living are initially race mixed to begin with, right? I don't think I've met a single living person who hasn't had at least a bit of skeleton in them.
and bring back pizza for me
pepperoni deep pan stuffed crust 12 inch
fuck off weebs, this isnt your blog
y'all are a bunch of niggers
your atoms were probably forged in some pussy white dwarf star you fags.
mine was forged in a superior stronk red giant
Sorry not everyone wants gaijin kike noses on their waifus. Japan was right!
Did you take care of you sick imouto like you should?
Nope. Its not until you get cut open that you can see bones, how do you know they don't magically appear once you are dying?
gif related
I'm sure you favs are the thick ones.
*first gif related
You're right, it's my blog now.
Holy shit
for a moment i thought i posted that
If you had trips, I would've helped you.
no you wouldn't have
Anime likes to have noses blend into the face. Makes it more cute.
Maybe you did.
I don't think you really should be saying that. Unless you fought in war and saw your comrades die, living still is pretty good.
thanks for posting favorite pici'm just going to stare at it now
no, you've forsaken me
I can't tell whos konataing who anymore
za warudo
road roller da!
toki yo tomare
bed yet anons?
No trips, so yeah.
Here I'll share one of my favorites.
I will never have a pizza from yakuza
well, yeah. I'd wet her a washcloth for her fever, or get her a drink refill or take her some tylenol, stuff like that.
I can't lie, they are. That boxer one is my favorite non-thick though. There aren't that many thick yoza fanarts either.
I'm half way into my second energy drink this morning, no bed for me.
you still watching farscape?
Knew it.
>There aren't that many thick yoza fanarts either.
Yeah, it's nice. Got to second season. Just watched Lethal Weapon is all.
I fixed it for you all
I've put 34 hours into Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force in the last 3 or so days. Finally found and completed that new content. Final playtime is around 45 hours, though I'd imagine that for most people it might take something closer to 60-70 since I play RPGs faster than most people I know.
Now to write the reviewā¦
When you do go to sleep, do you usually just crash from exhaustion?
fix colour and positioning please
the original?
My typical bullying tactics aren't working. Where's clapsfag when you need him?
Shit I still need to watch all of those
and the Beverly Hills Cop sequels
I'll fall asleep for a couple hours after the thread usually. And nap for an hour or two before the thread. I haven't gotten much sleep the last few weeks and I've never had insomnia problems until this year, its driving me crazy
you're not trying hard enough
Usually Kagamin works, but I don't have anything to post on my external
Well I'm sorry that your waifu will never be beautifully plump like mine
ugly hairy ass
I bought a GTX1080 for my Vive, Ive got more money than sense.
Still wont make me happy.
is that the best you got?
why did i reply
What? Jealous that Bloatfly-chan's ass alone could squash your waifu?
All right guys, I can't believe it's already this late, I'm heading off to bed.
Sleep well everybody, catch you guys on the flipside~
I guess.
Eh, it can't really be helped. She's not exactly a popular Senran.
I like her the way she is, even with my varying tastes.
That's just what her expression reminded me of.
I know the feeling.
Jesus christ, trying to go a day without fapping and this is posted
fucking hillarious
Is your waifu a skeleton or something? She could slip through the sewer drain at that weight!
A moment of silence for those of us with unpopular waifus
This is my personal favorite.
if I had a waifu she would be small and light enough that I could pick her up
lol what a jew
Night yoza!
I just went 4 weeks without fapping and finally let loose the other day. It was good but not that good. I'm already an alcoholic so maybe i should get some dopamine pills.
You gonna post more or leave us hanging?
Here's one more suited to your tastes.
oh yeah
all of them I should be doing more productive shit
no u
CIAngel is awesome.
How do you avoid being shot? I'm going to watch the DNC riots.
user we have rules here.
Fair point
would be cool if you did it user
Did you say CIA
I started seeing this like 2 days ago and it's starting to get tired already
did it just come out
has /bane/ been having a good time?
It has been out for months. Newfriend.
Right now it's Shaolin Vs Wu-Tang and Mugen
I wouldn't say I have any guilty pleasures though
Gonna buy Kings of Kung Fu for a dollar and some change
the webms are pretty new tho
I'm certain of it don't call me newfriend faggot
Webm's of this have also been out for months.
I'm sorry, I've been very hostile lately.
What a hothead
oh well I must have missed them, I've been seeing them freshly posted every day for the past few days all good bruh
was sucking dick part of your plan?
Turns out the hotpockets are here tonight. No more porn. I had a really good one for the finale too.
it's like the entire thread came to a full stop
it's just /bane/ now
k gonna go dream of sweaty Mila cuddling with me. Night everyone!
Totem Templar died. I swear only tanky shit works in this fucking game
what's the next step in your master plan?
Slow night from the beginning, didn't take much to kill it.
Night yakuza
Crashing this thread>>10108321
Of course, Ritsu refused my offer in favour of your own so we had to do something before he said something
did you get a warning or something?
G'night Yakuza
good night man
slow night
monday night
some of the regulars aren't even here
I usually don't even show on monday
7 minute bannu and they spoilered the image. I assume they're not actually in the thread and someone got butthurt and reported that post. :^)
well done
if I ran a board I would hand out 10 minute bands like candy
that's what the red text would say too "user was force fed delicious candy"
I'm going to abstain from fapping for 5 days and go to a brothel. Never been able to cum while fucking.
The best part is they left the picture of a dickgirl pissing on her teacher unspoilered.
what kind of partners have you had?
holy shit you got banned?
What's up you fucking shitposters?
Only ever been with whores.
one of my favorite artists
that's why
Oh yeah, they won't ban you for dumping, but they will ban you for unspoilered in this thread. Kind of odd, but I don't mind.
does she have nipples or is that just her milkbags tapering off
Eh, not always true. Some people get performance anxiety after all. Much of the libido is in the head, even for men.
Stress makes it hard to get off with someone else.
He might also have some deathgrip problem too, in which case nofap might help, and easing off on the viciousness of his fapping too.
Yeah, i know but there is nothing i can do about it for the next 6 months. The area i live in is about 70% male and there is nothing in a 200km radius. The only women here are here because their husbands work here. I'll be moving for work at the end of the year, maybe then i can find a single woman.
Those are nips
What are you Chinese
Then again The only people in my area around my age are male, all 3 of them
Really user you should at least spoiler it. Other anons want the 4AM threads banned to begin with so it would best to follow the RURUs.
Sounds lewd.
Thread has gotten slow
I work in a mining town.
Does Shizune actually have eye problems or does she fake it to be a muh special glasses type
Please join us for tonight's double feature.
I guess I'm half right
See you fag.
She's deaf so there isn't much point to pretending to have another physical disability
But then why isn't she in Class Room 3 with the other people with Eye problems
That's like saying I'm not allowed to be happy since someone has it better than me.
Even then, I think that none of our lives are worth going through. I'm probably going to end it all soon, when I transfer to a different state with gun laws that let me blow my brains out with a shotgun.
Enjoy being paraded out as a reason to ban guns
I'll be dead, nigger. I won't give a shit.
Because it's not severe. And before you say it Kenji has an extreme prescription and is probably legally blind without them
He did tons of gay porn, couldn't handle a dick in his ass, despite his being ludicrously huge.
Oh boy, I spent the night grinding Rouge Legacy. Got almost 40 hours in it and I still suck shit. Still, better than another night of nothing and no sleep
Fair enough
Tell me about Gays, why do they like the ass
My housemate found a woman who is reasonably good looking and is not completely insane and they are now engaged after 7 months. That's how desperate we are in this place.
It's fact that you can't really care when you're dead. I'll use the system to my own ends (being able to buy a gun to kill myself), then leave you faggots here to deal with trivial bullshit.
Sup guys. Anyone still here?
So you're a Western Australian
Do you see a lot of Abos out there or is it mainly chinks there who buy everything
I doubt it user
christ user
I'm here, playing PoE trying to figure out what build to roll now that my Totem Templar is dead.
I would love to watch both of those but I have this (((woman))) who fucked up her reservation and she's making it my problem
night man
Morning Plank. Everyone is kinda gone already. Just us no-names.
git gud
At least, I dunno vote for Trump in the general before ending your self
Your problems are temporary, suicide is forever
I dont see a lot of people in general. Mostly it's just bogan mine workers and random abos. The chinese dont seem to have much of a grasp of this area. I dont work the actual mine, i work in IT.
I don't know man I still have some ways to go, It's in deep transition. Still gotta lotta chars and what nots to add. I am planning on playing with some friends since I learned how to use Ikemen to play online with people and my friends are somewhat into mugen. One has gone about making his own roster.
I use to play a lot with my cousin as well as he made his own mugen as well.
I'm voting Gary Johnson.
Suicide also prevents problems from arising down the road. You'll never face another problem again.
What's PoE?
Yeah usually what happens around this time. Closing hour
So you're voting for Bernie Sanders 2 Electric Gun Throw away bugaloo
who homu here
Yeah, I guess. I don't really care, though.
I would fug a twink who likes video games. I guess.
At least it'll be fun seeing him be both a shield and a punching bag and make Trump seem extremely strong if he manages to meet the 15%
Path of Exile, one of the few good modern ARPGs
Ah I see.
I'm Kyouko
I guess, I really don't give a shit about which politicians win since democracy is a flawed premise because people are inherently stupid.
technically we're a republic
it's a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC you hilarious asshole
If any country had an actual DEMOCRACY you would actually have to MAKE DECISIONS other than which part of your own dick you're going to stroke tonight while you imagine your mom in nothing but pantyhose
fucking DIPSHIT
actually its a democratically elected oligarchy
Its not that the people are stupid but that they don't care , they get force fed mis info and that non whites are flooding in
We need to bring back an early Athenian style republic where it is tied directly to landholding, to be honest fam. Maybe make a clause for national service and require marriage and several heatlhy children for (white) women before they attain suffrage, but that may be too crazy.
No, the oligarchy is separate from the institution of the republic. They overlap, but aren't synonymous.
Dumbasses still vote for those in charge.
They're dumb and apathetic.
presently the people do not wield the power and it is in fact run by a fearful oligarchy
that is the definition of republic user
People just want to live a comfortable life but when people get it they don't know realise how to maintain it or that it's pointless but now life is getting back to being un comfy, I just want a job and some where to live other than my parent's house
Set your sights high. Otherwise you'll have a menial job and live in a shared house forever.
I do, but defiantly not in the short term
At least I know where I can find cheap reasonable sized housing to buy that's not too much out of the way
try night audit
Literally what I'm working on right now. I want to get my own place and a few nice things and just relax my life away. I don't mind working 40 hours a week. If I can get a good deal with vacation days a year and retirement funds I'll just endure the grind and wait for my weekends.
Doubt I can do that with only $18/hr at the moment
I've got plans but I'm quite crappy for 10-15 years as long as I'm working and can save up
Might run for office when I'm ready
user, you're subjecting yourself to the will of those who want to control you. Having a life where you simply have a job to live is just ruining your individuality by having you become the same career-driven stooge everybody else is. There's nothing fulfilling about this life, but death really is a nice solution.
You can either sit around and be fucked by those with more willpower and money than you or kill yourself and set yourself free.
Good luck, and good soldiering.
what metropolitan shithole do you live in where rent and expenses are so high you can't live off 18/hr?
alright user
Look user if I kill my self its all over
I'll never know how far I can take my self, I might be a multi millionaire business mogul, I might be a MP/Senator, or I might be low level Trash, but I'll never know until I try and because I'm Autistic I'll tell you this, once I have my eye set on something I don't give up that easy
He might be a Melbournite
wouldn't that be pounds and quid then?
No amount of money or power is going to make you feel fulfilled.
it can however aid him in the pursuit of his dreams
No we have Dollarydoos in Australia
We havn't had the pound since the 50s
No, I want have an impact, I want my legacy passed on, I don't want my life to be gone for ever but to be remembered even if its a footnote of History I want to be there
Power is it's own reward user. To be one that is great enough to accumulate power and keep it is an admirable goal. Money is also flexibility.
You can't have many choices in life if you are living in squalor. You just survive day to day, no room for dreams or future planning.
You what.
Nigger I'm just chilling for my life. I don't want to be president or stop global ownership of the 5, I just wanna live and play video games in my comfy house. They don't give a shit about me since I buy their good goy products.
No, I can live off $18/hr, but it's not going to be enough to fuck around with. Plus I want to be able to get enough money to make large purchases in full- fuck paying interest to banks and shit.
Please stop.
We all wish we could be Trump or Notch and have strings free FUCK YOU mone
Dreams are just something the naive have to keep them pacified.
And what about when humanity eventually dies? What will your legacy be then?
If you have enough power you are forced to use your resources to keep that power. You're also bound to the people who put you in that power in the first place. Living in squalor and surviving from day to day is what most of society does anyways.
There's nothing to fill the void people fill inside, I thought another Holla Forumsirgin would understand this.
Explain better, this statement does not make sense. English is a stupid language, but come on.
I do not understand user.
I'm the boss of this gym
People often need something to continue with their lives and work them away. The absence of that thing leaves a void. This void leaves someone with the truth that they have nothing to live for.
It is depressing thinking about all the people who are bottom-feeders, living in the dirt, I'll give you that much.
That why I added being great enough to hold onto that power user.
A good king always has loyal advisors- and if you are trying to become the cream of the crop in any society, that involves connections.
I think he means community user-just like how notch is super lonely and his wife was with him for the minimum time to collect alimony.
If you don't hide your monetary power level, people will pursue you for your wealth.
Just in general, life can be depressing. But that's why we are all here, no?
I would like to be part the shift that stops the decay and starts our legacy among the stars, if I influence that then my influence lasts Millions of that time wise then my lifeline
Sure Earth is going to die in 6 million years and that the Universe is going to crash in 100 Trillion but don't dwell over time that is Billions longer than our species has existed
Meh, the bottom-feeders are too much of cowards to realize there is a way out of their poverty.
But knowing that what you'd have worked for will eventually be gone and still going for it is irrational. What's the point if it's going to be gone anyways?
thought mel was england sorry
user I can live off $10.50
first result for melbourne is bong
goals to aspire to
The point is that because it can be done
That might sound idiotic but that's been the basis of Humanity, until very recently where its about "Oh we can't do that it might hurt something"
No Mel Gibson is 'Strayan though he was born in the US so he's eligible for President
No, they're so people will grow up then settle for boring, dead-end careers and prevent the cattle from killing themselves.
There's no point if it can be done unless it can be permanently sustained.
I figured as much. The only problem is that the things I want kinda are off putting.
>want to live in a condo and drive a skyblue mustang wrapped with icicles on the sides and a huge white 9ball decal on the hood along with owning a Honda motorbike with an Akarin wrap that's pink, red, and white.
Comfortably? In a good sized house eating pretty good food, with your own wash/dryer driving a decent fully paid-off car, able to go out on weekends, own a small pet if you'd like?
That's the sort of thinking that wouldn't of started the first fire, built the first wheel, built towns, cities, civilisations and empires, we wouldn't of discovered the land, sea, air and stars, there wouldn't be culture
So what if there wouldn't be culture, fire, or the wheel? Whether we live in squalor or the perfect society where everybody is a trillionaire, there isn't a reason. You'll die and it goes away.
lel some more
not all of that no, apartment with car and amenities by myself so I can shitpost all day when I'm not at work and do tech things and go hiking and pick up chicks
There will always be bottom-feeders user, not everyone can be a winner- and there is no just universe that guarantees rewards for hard work. Cowardice has nothing to do with it.
So you think everything is pointless because its going to end in 100 Trillion Years
If you think that why don't you go to ISIS and become they're Boy toy
Am I wrong?
People don't realize that death is a way out of their problems, though.
I know everything is pointless because it'll end.
That's why I plan on killing myself.
How so?
The Destination isn't the point but the journey to see how far you can go before the end
Because you're an edgy nihilist who can't see value in anything
Why have the journey if the destination is pointless? Makes no sense.
And everything does go away, you're just too fucking naive to see that.
Yeah that's what I meant. My goal is to get to that comfy status and where I'm at isn't there yet.
But it's about 8, so I'll be heading off.
Until next time Holla Forums.
what if the journey itself is the point?
Existence is still often better than not existing, depending on your circumstances.
I do not begrudge those who kill themselves though.
But killing yourself because life will eventually end is stupid- it's like skipping to the end of a novel just because there is one.
Then the destination would be taking the journey.
I wouldn't say that. I'd say that suicide would be more like reading up to a certain chapter, deciding the book isn't for you, then quitting.
So just because things are going to go away in a 100 Billion of my life times I'm to do nothing and just kill my self
I don't know if you're serious
I understand that. I understand people who kill themselves before they slip fully into old age and decrepitude even. But if you are able-bodied, I don't see the point.
I am serious, because it WILL go away. There's no denying that.
The fact it'll go away will mean your labor is rendered void by the terms of the universe.
To end your meaningless existence.
Does there have to be meaning? Why do we strive to ascribe meaning to everything? Do you fear that you will fall into apathy without it?
Life simply can be- and that is beautiful, ugly and everything in between.
Hell, the fact we can talk across oceans and time is marvelous alone.
Without meaning, we just waste resources and time by working to what will amount to nothing.
"Beauty" is a ridiculous standard to work towards, it's subjective at best and holds no practical purpose.
because (((THEY))) don't make the dreams
we make the dreams
I am the dreams
Are you saying that the "dream" of working at a job to profit another is something that originated in your mind?
but there would be no meaning to not wasting user
you're a fag is what you are
nobody dreams of that user
sexual attraction and procreation
I never once not no how nor when and where whats whats
People would waste their time only to find out it didn't mean anything.
Ever dreamt of having a job? If you said yes, you dream of that.
And what is the purpose of procreation if humans will eventually die off?
It only amounts to nothing if you perceive it to be so.
Is life at it's most basic- a cycle of recreation- to extend the endless chain that started with the most basic cell. One day it will end, but until that day, something will continue to exist. If you think about it, we are the universe experiencing itself.
It only amounts to nothing if it will end in nothing, actually.
Steam Friends General
Post your lips
if existence is meaningless then waste is meaningless
we won't
You're talking about events that will take place so far beyond our comprehension of time that it matters less than what you claim life matters
yonks ago
you are a great big hairy assed gay
I'm not gay, you're gay
People will eventually look back and realize that all of their efforts will have been in vain.
We will eventually die off, when the universe dies.
The fact it will happen at all proves that any efforts will have been spent in vain. Doesn't matter whether it's 1 year after your death or 100 trillion.
Even so, you don't want your experience to last as long as possible
I mean people will buy food that tastes the best or food that sustains them the longest, it doesn't matter that the food is gone over time, its done what its needed to do, but you're acting as if that's pointless
The thing is food has a specific point: to feed us.
We don't have a similar point to the role of the universe.
no user you are the gay
you are a boring tiresome person
take your own advice
We bring life to the universe, we don't make it empty and baron, the way you want things to be
I dunno, you called me great, I think you've a liking for me you homo
What advice?
There's a difference between how I want them to be and how I know they will be.
No you're both wrong
is the gay
The advice you gave is that nothing matters so we may as well kill ourselves
And I laugh because you still havn't found intrinsic value, we all have our nihlist phases, don't act special
You can't find what isn't there, you fucking faggot.
I do plan on killing myself, I've mentioned it practically every thread the past week.
ur the gays
Well you're not allowed
Its against the rules of 4am
And you say it isn't there but it is all around us
What's the intrinsic value you see, then?
What isn't fleeting or will be (rightfully) forced away from you one day?
The intrisnic value is the culture built up in front of you of thousands of years
You will that our culture is being removed but there is a growing push to protect it
Good night edgy nihilist hedonist meaningless faggot
Know that Kek Smiles upon you for being retarded
It'll fade when humans die out. Who's to say our culture is even right?
I hope those you love most will kill themselves after being raped.
you raise a fine point user
kill yourself
night homofriend
I know you are but what am I?
king of gays
sorry, queen
tee hee
sorry user, I really gotta focus on work now
you have a good night ya big gay