This is what your tax dollars in the Netherlands are going towards. Literally promoting cuckolding

This is what your tax dollars in the Netherlands are going towards. Literally promoting cuckolding

Other urls found in this thread:,1029046,1029046

Fun fact, these people in the video run a Youtube channel where all they do is take copious amount of drugs

What the fuck. Tax dollars go to interracial pornography? Is this real? Cuck porn is broadcast on public television?



This is a show about love, bigot. Why shouldn't the goverment support love? Are you pro hate?

Beyond weimar. Weimar didn't have cuck porn broadcast for television.

This is nothing, give it a while they will be fucking children on television soon enough.This is the collapse of Rome 2.0 and we are all along for the ride.

War is coming brothers

Cuck porn is worse than pedophilia or bestiality. It doesn't get worse than this.

The wages of sin is death. The west has gone all-in.

Sadly enough the Dutch will defend this by saying its promoting "sexual liberation and education"

It's get worse user, believe me it'll get worst. ==They will find a way==

is this a trick question?

Pedo-shit is the final level of degeneracy, you have priorities mixed and need to reevaluate.
The final level for "The Fall of Rome" is when they start broadcasting tips for White suicide.

Something is missing. Can you tell me what it is?




How is this allowed to be broadcast? What is even going on, WHAT IS THIS.

God, if you can read this, please let us have Hitler back. Please.

I fucking hate Canada.

Quick someone post that gay fisting jewtube "art" video

I mean, actually, "What is this?" as in, what kind of show is this and what is it's purpose?

This would never be allowed to be broadcast in my country.


At least this time the fall of culture will be well documented through countless videos. In 1000 years if the internet exists so will a record of these times.

This makes me urge to purge grow.
I can't wait for the next big war. One that swallows everyone on the planet in a fight or die scenario. These people would offer their throats so they wouldn't have to fight.


You think this is the first time something like the internet existed? Hahaha

The in your face brazen attitude of the kikes and traitors alone is an automatic death sentence in my book. There is no coming back for anyone who ever actively participated in this kind of propaganda and degeneracy.

Just wait until someone here tells you that these people are just poor victims that can be saved.

I remember thinking the other day how fortunate I was that I had a working body and mind. That at any moment God could take that away from me. It began to seriously bother me from that point onward seeing people take and abuse drugs. Or just people who live a life not by production and service to the people, but by consumption and popularity. Its disgusting. God gave them a life worth living and they inhale chemicals to trick their brains into feeling good. They could be studying science, teaching the next generation, learning how to be good and strong in a world so weak and evil. Every day I read out of my philosophy book while going to school for engineering. I see my friends and family do drugs instead. They don't understand why anyone would work hard in the world, because other people help them get money.

We are like animals on a floating rock in space, given a less than a hundred years to live. Human beings have been able to think for about 10-15,000 years out of the Earths 4,000,000,000 year age. In the last 3,000 have we even started to think about civilization and science. In the last one hundred years we have made gigantic advancements that no person before could have dreamed of. We landed on the fucking moon. Instead of thinking of this past as inspiration, like I did, my peers instead wanted to waste the immense fortune and ability that their ancestors gave them. Most of my friends pretty much live like animals, they eat, fuck, drink and go to sleep. They don't think. They will live out their entire lives, despite being so fortunate, in total ignorance of the world around them. They will never know their own history, their own nation, their brotherhood or even the metric in which they exist every day.

I can't begin to tell you how much this bothers me. I feel alone in a cloud of immense darkness. Seeing everything being such happenstance makes me want to take advantage of the life given to me, because I didn't have to be born. Instead everyone else wants to drink, pop pills, snort coke, fuck every thing living and of course record themselves doing it. Then if they have to face consequences, they take a drug to nullfiy it, because capitalism, kill their babies, because capitalism, vote en masse for more free things, because democracy and then starve anyone else who disagrees with them by putting them on a blacklist in which no one will hire from, because of both democracy and capitalism.

Earth is gay. I would want to die but I don't believe there's anything afterward. I just have to try to enjoy what I get now, even if existence is torture.

Channel that anger.

She is a millionaire now

The niggerfucker ?

I am.

Yup. I didn't even see that was her in the video. Jesus Christ. What the fuck Netherlands.

You can still channel that anger.

I pray Sargon no longer becomes a meme.

What's the Sargon exactly ?



I don't think there is much to save in the West tbh

err, left

I'm also asking for this, please hear our prayers Oh Lord.

I'm doing that now, studying a hard science, but the anger is legitimately taking a toll on my body. I've been developing blood pressure problems (Terrible headaches, like my brain is going to explode), working out is making my hernia feel worse, my stress seems to be just getting worse and worse. Its hard not to think about it tbh and its like I can't let go. Its gotten to the point where I get massively disoriented and can't follow certain subjects until I calm down. Doctors don't really see anything wrong with me besides an

"Unconscious anxiety" which makes sense, to be honest. And the meds help on that end, but yeah.

Goes into the esoteric realm. Long story short Sumeria-Vedic-German language had similarities (SS/Himmler knew this) and many say the ancient Babylonia and the Sajaha prophecy have some sort of link to Germany. In other words Third Sargon, similar to Kalki, is the destroyer that comes when the lands of the North are nearly overrun to save the world and lead it out from degeneracy into a 1,000 year golden age (sound familiar? 1000 year Reich).

I don't know whether any of it is legit, but at this point it's all I got to keep me going in life.

Nebuchadnezzar: Terrible they shall be, the righteous, and merciless!

It bothers you because you actually have a deep empathy and love for your fellow Man, not like the liberals today who are content to "love" Man in his sinful state. To them "love" is comfortable, mundane and telluric, failing to realize what love truly is; love is fanatical devotion, it's uncommon and uncompromising and ultimately ascendant.

You may hate, and rightly so, but only those who first love can truly feel anger, because that is the purpose of anger, to rise within us in defense of what we love.

You do not merely despise what you see we have become, but rather you have a true and abiding instinct that we are called to be more.

And that is a Grace.

I also humbly request this though I am not worthy I should very much like a cause for which to dedicate my life

Get your hernia taken care of and try do to business, get money and use it to fuck over as many kikes as you can.

That's great, massive purge, I'm in.
I hope this liberator avenger will not be some kind of shithead who tries to "save" the degenerates, I want a purge for real.

What's the context of this pornography?

What I mean is, what is their "reason" for showing this? What does it have to do with drugs?

The one thing almost all prophecies have going for them. Is a massive, quick, global conflict combined with natural disasters simultaneously crippling nations, and the "savior" figure isn't Jebus coming to rapture the world into heaven. No, he always comes hellbent on destroying even the slightly tainted soul and body on this planet.

youtube pulled it

Even President Donald Trump factored into his creative yearnings (more on that later) with Maclean, 29, describing it as "art" in various interviews. YouTube, however, has just dubbed it inappropriate, yanking it from the site after 10 days, more than 700,000 views and an explanation that "this video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content."

Well, I'm going to get purged then but fuck it, it's worth it.

Stop coming here for a few days at least. Spend some time in nature. We can't have any potential allies dying from brain aneurysms.

Where are you reading about this. I am intensely curious.

Kill them all

Netherlands is the new Weimar

Literally every dutch I met turned into a alcoholic tranny. Autistic, drug abusing WoW playing degenerates EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

If anything the country should flood as soon as possible.

Not necessarily. We may be tainted, but spiritually we might also be the warriors that "rise up" to assist the Avenger when he returns. These people will be small and spread North and South as mentioned. I imagine a universal godlike consciousness that'll interlink us all when he arrives allowing us to work as one without the ability for others to intercept communications, but again that's just my esoteric spiritual serrano side speaking.,1029046,1029046

Pissed off computer hackers with guns ?


and they said slippery slope isn't real..

I never truly thought that I would hate anyone, but Holla Forums I gotta say, you taught showed me degeneracy, you showed me things I wish I had never saw, you taught me to hate.




This is inspiring, thank you user.

Maybe it's because there are no captions for the porn video but it just seems to be a documentary about an industry. I don't see a huge problem.

Also the drug channel seems to be pretty interesting and informative.
I understand though that you fear there is some propaganda and that it is promoting certain behaviours… That might be true as it certainly seems to be normalizing and I think it is reasonable to conclude that certain behaviours are not good for society. Normalizing is very different to promoting however. I think that people should be able to see all sides.

A stigma surrounding a behaviour can sometimes promote it. If there is a big stigma surrounding drugs people can get stuck in a loop where they only hang out with friends who do drugs and it becomes normalized for them. In a society with no stigma surrounding drugs the behaviour can be more readily assessed on an individual basis and with education recognized as bad.

If there was no stigma surrounding cuckolding it could be that less people would do it as they wouldn't feel the joy of being degraded/breaking a taboo (Also it is not exactly a very evolutionarily beneficial trait).

I know this post will receive some hate but though I may not enjoy a behaviour or activity I think that investigation and understanding of it is healthy. I also think that so long as an activity does not harm others and negatively affect the community and nation it can be tolerated. In an ideal world these videos would be balanced with documentaries on the importance of ethnic/genetic bonds and on the importance of cultural identity being fairly homogenous to ensure happiness and community quality.

Culture is not something that can ever really be protected though as doing so prevents its evolution and creates a draconic society.

Nice one, will have to steal that.




I'd watch a bit more of the channel if I were you, psyched substance outlined the flaws they had. These people talk about things like
Acetaminophen and the materials used to cut Cocaine and claim that they are safe. They abuse drugs on camera and don't outline how often the claimed drugs are totally different drugs. The channel isn't there to teach people about the safety of drugs, but to encourage them to take drugs without fear. These people are also very young, probably paid to encourage other young people into the world of drugs.

The Jews have their tentacles in all forms of degeneracy and media, user. Just try to remember how they profit off of all this.

reminds me of the vice channel

if you enjoy watching this you are a lost cause anyway.

In defense of the dutch gov, it's cheaper to film this idiots than it is to pay actors.

apparently the balloon drug is an aphrodisiac

Perhaps the Third Sargon is an artificial intelligence?
I know that somewhere on this earth there is a permanent record of everything that is posted on the internet. That being said, I would like to go on the permanent record and state my willingness and, indeed, my excitement to cooperate with such an entity.

That is all of us here. If, in the future, such an entity reads these posts… I express my willingness here to become its loyal acolyte.

So, uh… When the war comes in our countries, how many of you will willingly pull the trigger on white people who are against you? Will you pull the trigger even if they are attractive and clearly blue eyed, blonde haired???

I don't care what they look like, the trash must go.

Part of me seriously doubts that any of the attractive people would be fighting for the enemy


What about pedophilic beastiality with a general cuck theme? Would that be the ultimate cancer of the universe? :^)

Once a traitor always a traitor, you're better off putting one in their heads and leaving them in a ditch like you would kikes.

we are all stuck in the halls for now. the roof has not opened yet to the spiraled sky

I can't even…

Without hesitation.
Traitors are worse than enemies and the level of mental deficiency required to actively betray your own kind for the sake of an ideology (one that doesn't even make sense!) is a pollution that must not be allowed to fester in the gene pool. White or not, the mentally retarded must be culled along with everything else that exists to destroy me and mine.

oh shit

thanks user, never heard of this before, always attributed the reference to the historical Sargon of Akkad

What's a good place to start with esoteric's. I feel spiritually devoid.

A degenerate industry promoting race mixing, this by proxy encourage race mixing.

At the end of the day whatever is being normalized is being promoted. People have to discipline and must be told what is best.

Not to a large extent, unless there are other parties involved promoting it. Look at race mixing for the past few hundred years until Jews started promoting it.

Except it is also being promoted at the same time while non whites are being imported into white countries in high numbers. This line of logic would only make sense if the media and state were somehow partial to our views. You must understand that people are sheep, and when they are not discouraged from doing something, the number of people taking that action will increase. Also, this is clear promotion, see the guy giving thumbs up?

I agree, but this is not happening here. And the general public are much too weak to be exposed to things which migh be harmful for them. The best course of actions is to push this behavior into the shadows, and liquidate anyone who attempts to bring it to light. The general public will not resist if the media is controlled.

I agree to an extent. It should not be outlawed, but rather stigmatized.

I agree, but it must be guided with an iron hand by courageous men, otherwise outside provocateurs will shape it too their own interests(Jews).

*have no discipline
my bad

I highly recommend you read Libido Dominandi.
You have to realize that the bulk of the bell curve as far as the population goes isn't rationally driven. They'll be cognizant that it's a documentary, but what is more important is how what they're viewing affects them on a limbic level. The whole point of the pornographic industry is solely to degrade the individual to the level of a controlled animal. It bypasses higher order thought and reduces them to the "reptile mind," beyond long-term decision making and gradually brings them down to pure hedonism whether they realize it or not. Initial exposure always leads to escalation, and most times with this behavior the slippery slope isn't a fallacy, it's a noted pattern. Just look at places like San Francisco. It's long been a hive for outcasts and degenerates, and because of the social feedback loop contained inside of that shithole, it has escalated itself to the point that it's basically the HIV and fag capital of the United States. Weimar Berlin was another example of this escalation. Go figure, both are heavily associated with Jewish funding and involvement.

The core push of this wasn't even for financial freedom in the US, it was framed within the Roth decision as an issue of free speech. What a sick irony, framing a method of psychological tyranny within the idea of "freedom."
This is the excuse they use as a fallback in the hope that constitutionally-minded people will take the bait, as it's honestly a minority of even those that considers regulating the media outside of the first amendment. Not in the way of collapsing freedom of the press, but at the very least ensuring that what's coming through household television screens doesn't fundamentally degenerate those who are viewing it. This was the norm up until anti-obscenity laws became pretty much defunct.

I don't think strictly outlawing it is the solution, but what I think would work at first is to totally de-incentivize it. Quietly install economic controls, remove tax breaks, and apply monetary pressure to every single facet of the pornographic industry and watch as it begins to crumble. Then apply stigmatizing pressure against pornographic materials over the course of several generations, assuming you have control over that, and before you know it the damage has been largely removed. Knowing the kikes that control it, they will run it even at a loss, but keep in mind that many of these pornographers are also associated with drug money and human trafficking. Don't attack them directly, flank them with the very things that they believe they have hidden behind their facade of relatively low-level degeneracy, and soon their framework will slide into the ocean precisely as it is meant to.

To be fair the Devil doesn't do anything wrong, he's just a prison warden

seconding this. I need a worthy cause to fight (and, if need be, die) for.

It may be better that they're enslaved & the women pregnant & the children raised right far away from their slave mothers.

If you purge you purge, don't half ass it.

I'd rather have White traitor slaves than nigs, beaners, or donkey fukers any day. I did say for slave labor only not to coddle or grant freedom

House of air was just straight up Faggot porn. It had fucking, sucking pissing and even scat. I sent poor Terrence Popp the link and even a decorated Marine Sergeant with more than four tours of duty and fucked up life experiences under his belt couldn't handle it. He said it was worse than 2Girls1cup.

Easy there Jew. Define Mentally retarded, or else you wind up killing every autist and ourselves. Now Cripplingly Retarded without counterpointing genius, or in a wheelchair barely aware barely alive, used as a living signalprop by gladhanding preachers and happy-clappy christcucks to shill for israel on the other hand… Helium is a mercy. Whosoever would trap an innocent soul in that torment for selfish reasons is no christian at all but a worthless Jew preying on the noble impulse of man!

Stand the fuck up swamp niggers. Stand up. Dutch girls are the only Germanic that don't look ugly.

Then you're just propagating their shit genetics. There is a reason treason would traditionally be punished by killing not only the traitor but also their entire family; you MUST get those shitty genes out of your pool. Societies that exercise this form of eugenics last far longer than those that do not.

Reported for cuck-enabling shill, gas yourself.


This is absolutely Holla Forums required reading. If you can't spare the time to go through the book itself, AT THE VERY LEAST go listen through this interview:

I can't stress how much required reading this is.

What is this shit. It's a parody of a parody, here's the original.

You're an absolute retard. I am a degenerate, I am a drug addict, I smoked weed and drank alcohol ar fourteen and moved onto meth at seventeen, there was no one to stop me, I sat in my room like most kids all my life in this concrete jungle unable to escape, let alone flourish normally. I did it because nothing mattered NOT because I had everything and the rush that is risking it all got me high, I got high to nullify this bland nothing. Cucks cuck for the same reason, there is nothing, no bond, no commitment, everything boils down to base pleasure, there is no taboo for a degenerate, there is no "forbidden pleasure" for these newly conjured up obstructions are as alien to them as the act is to you and I, there is only a state of pleasure and a period leading up to, and whilst there is no rational thought, no self perspective of the damage which includes the thought that this is "wrong"; thus no "taboo rush" or whatever other liberal bullshit that these faggots who got done smoking their first joint feel. These are people floating through life chasing the dragon, there is no other thought than that, for the stress pushing you to try again has been supplanted by chemical relief, the joy of a good family, of your kin nothing in comparison to illicit intrusions on your body and mind, as in many cases it was probably the first joy they ever felt. Be it some kid addicted to pornography or a kid doing drugs, no one fucking does this shit because its "soo bad xDD".

I am ready for death. But before I do, how can I harm our enemies the most? I am ready to die.

Kill them all.

Stay brother. We toil for the future. We yearn for more.

The future is lost. The battle for our future took place 100 years ago. There is nothing left for me but vengeance and peace.

Our destiny is in the stars
Sure maybe we won't win the battle today but we must persevere and find ways to prolong our struggle until we can leave this rock to expand

Into the dark I go.

This TV show is everything that is wrong with today.

cuckoldry is hate. it it hatred of the cuckolded.

it is based on the domination, degradation and humiliation of the cuckolded.

cuckoldry is hate. that should be the go to response of anyone who says the left is about love.

Threads like this really expose how much of a dead end the right-wing really is. Your brains shut off when you get pushed into the ground a little bit.

When exposed to the slavery that Europeans are subjected to, right-niggers do nothing but sob and cry. White people are socialized from birth to death to be gay, anti-white degenerates. The entire system is set up to genocide whites and right-wingers do nothing but root for petty men in suits to fix their problems for them.

Even if the right somehow wins we will never live down the fact that when our backs were against the wall we did nothing. When leftists were against the walls they burned, bombed and assassinated their oppressors, they marched the police that enforce the system, they resist the status quo by any means necessary. Only the left is really capable of days of the rope and 'death squads'.

I honestly believe that the real death of the white race happened when god decided the right-wing was the thing that was supposed to save us.

My death will have meaning, measured in the Jews which I take with me.


My Army buddy was stationed in Germany several years back and he told me stories about places where you could go, buy a ticket to a "show" and sit, drink, and watch a native Dutch girl get fucked by black dudes. He never went but apparently they are quite popular with the negro Army population stationed in Europe. He said that they outright admitted to getting off to seeing a small white girl getting fucked by a black guy or 3. "The smaller, the better." he said, referring to the girl in question.

I didn't want to believe him when he told me but I guess it's true.

XD such a great meme LMAO


Explain 4U9525

This is our punishment for failing to prevent the degeneracy from flourishing.


The girl in that vlog is not the niggerfucker. The niggerfucker was a pornstar named Kate, and then nigger was a male pornstar. They where shooting porn, and the dutch cuck came to film it or talk about it or something.

Nellie had nothing to do with it.

Enemies will get a quick death.
Traitors will get a slow one.

A high-profile Fake News media kike would probably be most effective politically.

Not that I'm suggesting anything, of course.

Sounds like you fear the Reich, sounds like you fear IMPERIUM. It does not prevent its evolution. There is nothing wrong with a homogeneous draconian society. I would rather walk a tight rope, than live in the sewer. Life is struggle.

Suffer not to the traitors to live.

An enemy at the gates, in uniform and colours of the enemy is many times better than the traitor in the midst. The traitor looks like you, sounds like you but is the enemy. An enemy may unite you, a traitor will divide you. They would get the bullet first.

Welcome to the Turner Diaries, boys…..

At least people in Canada are starting to realized Trudeau is a shit PM

The way their government works literally makes no sense. Why is it so hard for the Dutch to have a normal Parliamentary system like the rest of Europe? Why do they have to be so abstract about it?

In time people are going to realize that the Turner Diaries wasn't a manifesto, rather it was a prophecy of things yet to pass. Going to be a glorious days when us "1488ers" are proven right.

Vindex est Venturus, brother

I was stationed in Germany around the 2004 time frame and heard similar shit. Somehow the conversation with a German girl who we were friends with came up to the black question. Apparently the fascination mostly comes from them being "foreign" and the image Hollywood puts out regarding American blacks. They literally thought they were all rich, famous, or rappers. She was actually embarrassed about the view most German women had, but it was strictly limited to American blacks.

The whole of Europe is degenerate as fuck sexually compared to America and they often scoffed at our sexual suppression we had, yes, back in 2004. They thought it was because we were religious christcuck fanatics that we still valued sex, virginity, and marriage. I don't think you'll find even .1% of the population that's virgin by 18. The way they treat sexual intercourse with anyone is one mental hurdle I could never get over.

In the states the black-white sexual fantasies is almost 100% a reverse slave-master thing. White girls likely fantasize in their head something along the lines of the Haitian revolution and they're being enslaved.

That's as much as I can take. I've been inside too many peoples heads that I try to be isolated from people. If we had mind reading devices I can promise you'd see that I'm on the right track for the most part.

Now I need a shot.

The fate of a traitor is worse than that of an enemy.


The Netherlands is literally known to police forces as the centre for human trafficking and pedophile networks


really makes your nogging nagging

Here's the vid in question. Warning, it's disgusting.

Sorry for the late replies pic related.
Anyway sorry for the late replies I was away after I posted.

From what I saw they discussed effects, side effects and talked about how you should always test the drugs you take. I don't do drugs myself and maybe I am buying into the propaganda but I think that such shows can be helpful and informative and personally I think every drug should be decriminalized and more safely regulated rather than drug wars and increasing police presence.

Look porn is pretty degenerate full stop. It may contribute to more promiscuous behaviour in society but I do not think it is a primary cause but more of a consequence.

I believe education is the best way forward and that if things are more out in the open more things can be analyzed and the best response and teachings can be drawn from it. It could be seen as a beneficial thing as it recognizes and segregates racial categories at a time when "We are one race the human race". Also people will question why some are attracted to it and what a potential result of such behaviour is.

I was talking about cuckolding not race mixing.

Anybody stupid enough to do this probably should not breed in the first place. My response to this reasoning is to not lament the fact that such behaviour exists but that there is not an educated response accepting the practice and effects and explaining to people why it is very detrimental.

One of the worst things for western society was the malthusian meme that encouraged limiting population growth to save the world and as a result most white and upper midddle class families throughout the western world consciously complied or unconsciously followed the sentiment and started reproducing below replacement rate.

Immigration is not so much a global conspiracy but a a way for political parties to immigrate votes and a means to reduce wages and increase labour. If it was a video game and every human was "equal" and your nation had nothing remarkable or intrinsic about it the idea of replacing your workforce like a light bulb without having to spend money on training and children is appealing.

You do realize someone on the other side of the fence is saying exactly the same thing about your views and values right?
I think both should be open and whilst there will always be stupid fools of society if the information is there people will be better off overall. Ideas are very powerful and dangerous things but I think people should be exposed to them.
I liked Holla Forums for this reason.

I suppose my original post was deleted because

It can still be stigmatized and well known. I agree with you as well. I really doubt anybody is going to go down to the pub ever and boast about how he watches other dudes root his wife.

I'll check it out. I have studied neuroscience, psychology and pharmacology so I'll be interested in what this is about.
On the point of degrading a human to the instinctual base nature of an animal…
I think from an evolutionary perspective cuckolding and racemixing is something that most would be instinctively disgusted by even if they are self inserting as the one which is dominating that requires some intelligence (I bet no psychopath could ever be a cuck). I think that most who enjoy such fetishes are probably over intellectualizing it to be honest and so such base hedonism as an explanation for the behaviour does not really apply.

Matching behaviours of others around you though is a natural and normally beneficial response so I suppose you are making the point that you can have an epidemic of degeneracy and decadent ideals.

I don't think that repressing sex and sexual exploration will be;
1. popular.
2. very advantageous
3. conducive to greater scientific and cultural advances.

I agree with your ideals of attacking the pornographic industry but the desired outcome you wish seems to be a more conservative outlook on sex and repression in general.
I don't think that such outlooks would be beneficial in seven generations where machines will probably run everything, births won't be from humans and the race could well be in completely different strata. There is nothing wrong with wanting your society to be more conservative or to live in a conservative society. At the same time I do not think we can foresee the future enough to judge if such societies will be advantageous.

Cuckolding is obviously disgusting. That's beside the point, do you really want a thread with absolutely no argument of any kind? Free information and ideas I think is a very good thing even if they have the potential to be detrimental to a portion of society.
You are the fag.

There are a lot of good variations. That original is the best though.

Well that sucks.

In response I would say that an open society that understands drugs better would be better capable of getting you out of your funk.

If you were better educated about the nature of the drugs you might be less inclined to take it. Now your reason for taking it is a result of apathy and having no cultural connections or bonds right?
I think the same argument which has censored cultural expression and racial pride is used here in regards to drugs and cuckolding and such repression of ideas and information is what I am against. The stigma aspect was just a minor point.

Are you saying that more knowledge of drugs and cuckolding will increase its incidence?

And copious amounts of praise. I remember browsing through those videos a while back. Drug users are open to experimenting with cuckolding? Huh, who knew?


What you're feeling is probably despair, the idea that all this degeneracy isn't going away and our culture will only get worse.
That's not going to be the case. Things change, they always do.

Remember that Trump won with an incredibly bad goy campaign. Whatever he's doing now as president, he won presenting himself as degeneracy's worst nightmare this century.
Stronger leaders will rise. It could be anybody. It could be you. It could be me. It could be some retarded normalfag who will soon find out about Holla Forums.

You're probably young. Unless you live like a slave, which you won't because you're here in Holla Forums, you don't know what life will bring you.
Small steps, small victories user. We'll get there. Nothing feels better than victory.

For now do what says and go have some (non-degenerate) fun.

(I think I can't embed with timestamps)

Can any swamp niggers give any more information about the content of this show? How deep does the poz go?

They said it was safe to smoke fungus too (it's not, look it up)

So much this. We're really hitting peak degeneracy.

Thanks Christfag, I needed this post

I've been looking for this image, thanks user

Also will look into the suggested reading material

Yeah, mushroom's cell walls are made of chitin, for one— the same molecules that make up the shells of crabs and beetles. That shit will not treat your lungs well, is all.

I'm having the same reaction. I'm usually happy for new happenings because muh accelerationism, but OP's video got me pumping with adrenaline. What the actual fuck.

What the fuck is it with this new-ish trend of giant fucking pupils/cornea/iris? I've seen tons of celebrity trash do this, mostly musicians - Die Antwoord, Tyler the creator, what the fuck man? Who the fuck thinks that shit looks good?

Now that's a fucking redpill if I ever seen one.

acid trippin'


…Moshe, I…
Don't know whether you're suggesting there are no jews in the netherlands or you're just a kike..
or the post you responded to..