Antifa Member Stabs Police Horse in Neck at Pennsylvania Demonstration
A Philadelphia member of Antifa, the “anti-fascist” protest group that’s caused a number of incidents across the country in its effort to “resist” President Donald Trump, is in jail after she allegedly attacked and stabbed a Pennsylvania police horse.
The horse, Sampson, and his human partner were part of a small group of Pennsylvania State Trooper mounted police, performing crowd control at a “March Against Sharia” on Saturday.
Lisa Simon, an Antifa “counter-protester” of the March, reportedly attacked the horse with a flag pole that had a nail driven into one end in an effort to get the horse to run, causing chaos in the crowd, according to law enforcement.
Simon stabbed the horse in the neck with the weapon, but the horse was able to keep composure and continued to work despite his injury. Simon, realizing she had not made headway in her effort, then attempted to obstruct police from moving the crowd along the block where they were working.
She is now is facing a host of charges, including “aggravated assault, illegally taunting a police animal, prohibited offensive weapons, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstruction of administrative law.” She was arraigned Tuesday, and is currently being held on $100,000 bail.
Antifa, of course, disputes that Simon did anything and is urging their comrades-in-arms to rally to her defense on their Facebook page.
“A comrade was arrested while trying to demonstrate against an anti-Muslim rally in Harrisburg, PA. The charges are entirely fabricated and do not reflect what actually happened during the incident,” their statement says, going on to describe Simon as a “political prisoner,” and the charges as “fabricated.”
They also say they will continue to abide by the “values” of their movement, which include ‘anti-corporatism”—which apparently doesn’t include not posting on a heavily corporate social media network.
Sampson, the horse, is said to be recovering and is still able to work.
Antifa Member Stabs Police Horse in Neck at Pennsylvania Demonstration
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lol now what would PETA say. Would they turn on each other?
That should be a pleasant, overnight stay in lockup.
Communist trash stabs a horse, yet another reason to purge these fuckheads from the face of the Earth.
They're so tough and scary, I'm trembling. Please Holla Forums I beg you, spare me! Your power awakens fear in me!
Thanks user.
Stabbing a horse, what an idiotic thing to do.
No mention of the fact that xer(?) was a member of Antifa. Typical deceitful media.
Who the fuck stabs a horse?
I try so hard to understand the logic in these people sometimes and it makes my head hurt.
Jesus Christ, what untermenschen.
Commies/leftists love to punch or stab horses for some reason. Another stronk independent womyn punched or stabbed a horse at a Trump rally a couple of months ago, maybe a year ago now. Just weird shit man.
Pick one. They're emotional thinkers. "Logic" isn't a term that's present in their vocabulary.
These people think that taking the tools away from their enemies is more efficient than taking away the enemy.
looks like it's on hormone injections, gross.
Just call them 'meat'.
stabbed a Pennsylvania police horse
if dub she's a jew.
actually, if dubs she's not jewish.
Horses are important and valuable animals.
If you don't have compassion for animals you can never truly be natsoc.
White people.
National socialists do.
Fuck off nigger
Horses are good animals. Like if she/he/it/subhuman squashed a mouse or some shit, nobody except for weirdos who like mice would care.
You might as well have posted
I hope you are a vegetarian
Glad you were triggered though…
Not an argument.
sad hitler.gif
Dumbass. I've worked with horses for years, and it's generally understood that you never stab or strike a horse, because their natural survival instincts will kick in and they'll kick you, trample you, or clobber you with their front hooves. And being that they weigh upwards of half a metric ton, they'll have little trouple doing so.
More and more I'm convinced that these people lack any kind of survival skills. They literally don't have that caveman part of their brains that's supposed to provide them with common sense, gut instincts, and a general idea of when they're in danger and what in particular the most dangerous threat is.
They're broken people.
Yup that's a shitskin, filtered
These "people" got serious anger issues. Who the thinks to himself
For what reason? I guess it's an act of impotent rage, because they know they wouldn't stand a chance against any right winger so they have to attack an animal who can't defend itself.
“A comrade was arrested"
These faggots… I have no problem beating women who go to these things. I think they imagine no one will touch them but you can be really old or young or have tits and swinging on you the same as if you were a nigger because you've decide to behave like one.
Dipshits who've never ridden one, or retrieved one from a barb wire fence thanks to their monumental stupidity. Overrated and we moved on for a reason, their time may come again. Soon.
A lot of people actually. People get triggered by acts of violence done on animals, sometimes more so than when done on other people. This would be useful to fuck over antifa since many people will truly be pissed by this.
They wasted money and spent months/ years bitching about some dumb ass dog "officer" rocco some meth head killed to the point where they spent money on a statue ( in PA)
Yeah that'll show that fascist horse! These people are fucking retarded.
They'd ask for the Horse to be euthanized, like they do for every other domesticated animal
Probably has something to do with the nobility trampling yids with them way back when.
We domesticated animals successfully and for a reason, it is our duty to care for them as they care for us.
I find a severe lack of altruism at the top of the food chain, sorry. When SHTF, they're food.
whatever you say pajeet
That's pretty autistic, but still those dogs cost money to train so it's natural that killing a police dog is a pretty serious offense.
This is what an ass flustered shitskin from Holla Forums posting looks like. Take note.
Even if DOTR doesn't come, I'll still feel good knowing that at some point antifa will be getting anally raped in prison.
How in the flopping fuck are you posting from a god damn Xbox?!
That's because the leftists are defective. They have no healthy instincts of self preservation of themselves or their kin. They want to end up like the white cucks on Haiti did all those centuries ago.
They refereed to it as "officer rocco" I initially thought they killed an actual police officer. What do you expect from the leftist mayor.
To add to that caring about animals is one thing ( you shouldn't be an asshole to animals) and that an-tee-fag should get the book thrown at it but building statues/idols or elevating animals above humans is a jewish ploy to devalue humans.
Sorry I get triggered more by oh you know events like 9/11 or other cover ups than I do horses
XBMC can into browsing.
Why shouldn't he get a statue? Even that faggot Ape Lincoln got one even though he was kike who killed thousands of Americans just to fill his own pockets while ruining the South.
aaaaaand filtered, go prep the bull cuckity cuck fuck.
Misread that as Lisa Simpson.
So she's a kike? No wonder she doesn't respect animals.
I gotchu fam.
oh, neat.
Why send them to prison user, gas chambers can exist…
You so sure about that? Ugly people, every single time.
I don't want mice in my house, but they have a purpose, even if that purpose is food for nobler creatures.
Go kill a German boy or an Irishman while your on that high horse..
It is an animal not a human.
This. The little nigger knows how hard this can b used against them.
But a horse is worth more than the life of a peasant.
Your cats will start eating on your corpse near immediately when you perish, your dog will at least wait a day or two fro desperation to set in; so there's that. Keep petting that ego.
you must be into voyeurism
Kill the sources that made them that way, focus
That doesn't matter. HE was male.
horses won't eat you after you die though.
Fucking antifa faggots have degenerated to animal abuse now, huh?
Cowboy user here. Broke my leg some years ago breaking a horse with my dad and I still have the horse. It wasn't her fault. Horses are noble steeds and a high minded form of transportation. antifa deserves to be stabbed in the neck repeatedly.
i unplugged the KINECT don't need PEOPLE WATCHING ME
A wild one will kick you in the head though.
user, they've been putting nails in pet treats since at least over a year ago.
They have no real reason to exist currently aside from rich faggots bullshitting themselves and society. Set off a nuke, and it's a diff convo; but they are dumber than most dogs.
White people that's who you fucking nigger.
Sampson did nothing wrong.
This is correct. Were it not for mice and other small rodents I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the hooting of the owl outside as I shitpost at night.
What?! That's disgusting!
Any chance I could get a sauce on that?
spoken like a true commie
She's fucked, seriously. Under the Federal Law Enforcement Animal Protection Act of 2000 it states any four legged animal serving the police is a police officer.
Not only did she hit the horse, she used a deadly weapon (knife) and caused serious bodily harm to the Police Animal.
Taking a knife to a protest regarding political opinion proves intent and thus the harm was caused knowingly.
Attacking a Police Animal (horse) with a deadly weapon and causing serious bodily harm. Federal law.
1 to 10 years in prison.
- Aggravated assault - [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §2702 Subsection 1,2,3,4,6]
Deadly weapons, knowingly intentionally caused, serious bodily harm, attacked a public employee, while menacing.
20 years in prison
- illegally taunting a police animal - [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §5511.2 Subsection (A), (B)]
(a) Illegal to taunt police animals.–It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully or maliciously taunt, torment, tease, beat, kick or strike a police animal. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this subsection commits a felony of the third degree.
Felony third degree in PA - maximum 2 years prison
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully or maliciously torture, mutilate, injure, disable, poison or kill a police animal. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this subsection commits a felony of the second degree.
Felony second degree in PA - maximum 10 years in prison
They left out cruelty to animals charge under : [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §5511] which would be a misdemeanor second degree which is a maximum of 2 years prison.
- Prohibited offensive weapons [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §908]
Misdemeanor first degree - maximum 5 years in prison
- Obstruction to law enforcement function [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §5102]
Misdemeanor 2nd degree - maximum 2 years in prison
- Resisting arrest or other law enforcement - [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §5104]
Misdemeanor 2nd degree - maximum 2 years in prison
- Disorderly Conduct - [18 Pa. Con. Stat. §5503]
Misdemeanor 3rd degree - maximum 1 years in prison
Just throw the fucking key away lads.
This. Dogs have been a part of the white man's culture for thousands of years. Doggos are white and redpilled.
Never trust a man who doesn't like dogs.
I think the cops say she didn't break the skin. Regardless people don't take too kindly to edgy skinheads who attack animals with weapons.
I was actually surprised they didn't hit her with something harder if it was possible, like attempted murder or something; I mean I know it's just an animal, but it was badged up and uniformed. One of them, so to speak.
Dogs are awesome. They can sniff out terminators too as a bonus
I've got this.
She looks like a teenage boy, passed her on the street and I wouldn't be able to tell it was a "woman". Just look at that freak
The appropriate punishment would have been to curb stomp her … with the horse …
I enjoy seeing you being so triggered. You have sensitivity, almost like the anti-fa do….
Top kek
Kek bless you
fucking kek
Checked. Fucking abominable.
Yeah I am so triggered lad I'm going to lose sleep over a fucking horse. You must be the biggest retard on here right now.
You're right minimal injuries but that only means the federal law gets bumped down to max 1 year prison. The aggravated assault still stands which is a maximum of 20 years. and the max 10 year in prison for 5511.2 B for willfully injuring a police animal.
I got at least one outside here, it's likely a couple. It's to dense up the tree to see. Quiet now night/morning here(again). The smaller birds are getting active. Also had a chicken hawk that settled here, for some really odd reason. The owl(s) has been here for years.
ha good, it'll definitely be awhile then
what a subhuman
The horse is still alive thankfully.
If you're not going to eat it, you leave it.
And with the head you can make a niðstöng, an acceptable fuckyou to do for male heathens.
Perhaps in the future dogs will be used to tell if someone is Jewish or White?
That's fucking heinous.
Not that user, but when the government build a refugee camp in our park over night two years ago my neighbour, a mid 50 woman, came to my house saying I shouldn't let my dog off the leash at before mentioned park because someones dog ate a frikadella with nails inside. Cops showed up and found many more hidden in the grass/bushes This happened a week after we demonstrated against the camp while, suprise suprise antifa showed up who aren't even from my neighbourhood. Anyways, I've been living here for over 20 years and such thing NEVER happened before.
Sadly I can't prove it, but we all know who did it.
wtf, leave the animals out of it
Horses work with us, go to war with us, and die with us. What has your scrawny tabby that you feed a vegan diet ever done for you?
Doubt it, probably going to be like 3 months in the slammer, out on good behavior, then on probation for like 2 years. UNLESS antifa gets considered as terrorists that is.
Best answer.
Yeah both when they live, and when it's time for the slaughter house they make great sausage to have on your bread.
Yeah fuck you pope, you never had a chance stopping us eating horse
I'm surprised the horse didn't beat the ever loving shit out of "her". I grew up on a farm and horses are extremely good at protecting themselves.
Such low quality bait. I love my horse made frinkandellen though.
It was illegal to eat horse in the US until 2014.
Lock 'em in padded rooms away from sharp objects. It's where they belong.
Cop horses I would imagine are either highly and rigorously trained or beat into their place. Seriously can't have horses freaking out and stomping civies, fun as it would be.
a horse has more of a right to life then any marxist waste of oxygen & flesh.
A rope is too gentle for these faggots.
Seriously, what's wrong with those humans?
To us they are holy animals
The horse lived his whole life in the service of his city. When he retired he was asked what stomping people was like. He replied, "I don't know. I only ever trampled Communists."
I thought antifa were a bunch of vegan dykes. Why stab a horse? Oh I bet it was a white horse and it needed its privilege checked.
Honorary metal plate. Great story to tell.
Well personally I wouldn't eat an old war horse. I'm not against the idea of eating some horse that was raised for that purpose though.
Anyone who abuses animals is subhuman. You all know how niggers treat cats and dogs. Fucking literal bastards.
Agreed. A thousand dead commies isn't worth a single hair off of one horse's mane.
The…anglo.. the shit she sticks it's needle in looks susp, but you do not set hormones there.
That's where diabetics set their shots, what you get for eating shit
leave a severed pig's head on a stick like a nithing pole on the refugee camp grounds in response with the local imam's name carved on it. Put a headrag on it as well.
mouth/teeth stab wounds, or swallowing sharp metal objects that kill the animals after a horrendous agony with infection and internal hemorraging
this deserves signal boosting
few things can piss off ordinary people against antifa tards as injuring or killing their pets because of some hipster's "virtue signaling"
Dogs can be trained to sniff for currency (they work at Airports).
Can't waste up here. Also this flick
What is the name of this movie again? I only watched half of it, it was really good
German Shepards for all RWDS
Fucking pope each time! He tried this crap on us too since they brought white christ here, but we refused. As far as I know except other nords, belgians are the only ones to eat horse in Europistan?
good choice
They really think everyone is like them do they?
Today PETA members steal their neighbours pets and kill them, they want to kill all domestic animals in general to "free" them.
So they'd congratulate the antifa then go poison someone's dog.
(For it to work you need a horse head though, but that would be damn awesome).
Here it's a sport to toss a pigs head on the (((mosque))) down in Oslo. That and bacon.
My violin bow is made of horsehair and I'm very grateful to have it.
Seig Heil user
They are great dogs. We need to do something to reverse the damage that scheming breeders are doing to them however. They are having their posture destroyed to sate perverted aesthetic tastes. We must fix the German Shepard.
I'd prefer a Rott honestly.
The short rear legs and fucked up hips? Goddam shekel chasing shit breeders have done crimes against the breed for sure.
They are fucking awesome too
I have a cane corso. She does pretty good too
Only sick fucks go after animals. Fucking bitch deserves to rot in jail.
People who hurt animals are the scum of the earth. One of the biggest red flags for psychopathy.
Yes. It makes me SICK when I see such deformities being awarded favorably at dog shows. It isn’t to late to save them but action needs to be taken swiftly lest they end up like the British bulldog, a ruined breed.
Don't get me wrong, but I see those mudshits as nothing less than a tool for them to use against "us". Also the laws are ehm let's just not in my favor here. I'd rather hit them personally. Big time. Not sure how, but there has to be a way.
I like Shephards, but personally I prefer Rottweilers and Dobermänner.
You should do this moar and also with a real muzz head stuffed with bacon. Fuck that shitskin filth and good luck user
Nice loyal strong dogs but not terribly intelligent.
It's called svartpølse and you have it on bread, maybe it's importable
what will happen if radical peta groups go after antifa.
all i have to do is make a fakebaook peta profile peta against antifa.
hmm so this is international, I thought only we had that problem up here. I had a schæfer with the disease growing up. I got one now too, but she's healthy
See and
Could be interesting though.
Peta is fucking useless. Every time user takes interest in any animal abuse type situation, peta is contacted.
Peta doesn't do shit mate. I mean you can try but I dont' think normalfags support them.
They are angry and violent and wish to hurt people, but they're also aware that they will get their shit kicked in if they attack any real humans. Consequently they take it out on anyone or anything they perceive as weak.
Rotts are a dog breed that only the white man can raise properly.
look up animal liberation front ALF
Yea I know what you mean. But they've got other characteristics which make up for their deficiencies. Like you've said being extremely loyal, strong and also very fast/ athletic.
As far as I am aware it is a problem everywhere, yes. Irresponsible dog owners look for specific traits in puppies and they get exaggerated generation on generation until such traits mutate into being counterproductive to the dogs health. Such as the pugs snout that has become so short that it can no longer breathe properly. The British Bulldog is the best example of a ruined breed, they have been mutated beyond repair, not Bulldog bitch is able to give birth naturally, every Bulldog pub is delivered by C section.
You hurt a horse in my state, you get lynched.
I wouldn't jump the gun until we know the sentance. Remember, these are the global elite pawns. I wouldn't be surprised if they give her the most minor fucking punishment they can, in fact I expect it.
This guy gets it.
Checked. Fuck yeah user I know about these crazy fuckers. They did some mink farm hits some miles from my house growing up
I still can't get over that fucking shit
Absolutely, I wouldn’t try to dissuade anyone from keeping them. I had a friend who had a pair of them. Brilliant dogs but they would routinely get confused if left without instruction for to long.
where i live they set 10 thousand chickens free.
absolutely patrician taste, anons
How many of these Holla Forums members do you think would stab a horse?
Would? All of them
Could? Well, that's a whole different question.
I got a shitton of these guys all over the woods I live by. I do love their "WHO COOKS FOR YOU!"
They are stated maximum sentences so she could get 1 or all the way up to 20 years for aggravated assault. From the circumstances and the direct attack of a police animal and willfully doing so is ads to the crime. When i looked at similar circumstances most get 12 years jail time with early release at 8 for good behavior.
But she's looking at a minimum of 5 to 20 years at least if she gets consecutive sentences.
If it's non-consecutive it's going to be 10 to 40 years. If she doesn't make a deal and lets it go to trail and she gets a right leaning Jury, which in PA is more then likely she'll get the book thrown at her and be found guilty on all counts which is going to be a sentence of 25 years or so with good behavior out at 20.
My dog hates niggers, and she's black.
I just think it's funny because it's basically stupid premise of Half-baked involving killing a police horse and the horse treated as killing an actual policeman, and therefor it counts as a full-on felony. Only difference of course is that this was intended murder.
Here's hoping if they give her bail her fellow cucks are too poor to scrounge up money to pay for it.
Is Holla Forums like some weird ironic trolling board our do we actually share a site with commies?
Dude, you know she's going to mouth off to a guard for not calling her by the right pronoun.
is it a tranny? really?
The current years skin head
>>>Holla Forums
unfortunately not a joke
Wouldn't matter. These faggots view a sex change as being real if they so much think they could be male, female, faggot, asexual, etc.
No you simply break our reasons for obeying the law (giving a fuck). AND THE LAW IS THE ONLY THING PROTECTING YOUR ASSES FROM US
See for yourself.
>>>Holla Forums
It's full of anarchists and tankies.
BUT SEX AND GENDER ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT. SEX IS SEX AND GENDER IS >Some shti that contradicts everything else we say gender is<
Seriously has anybody else noticed that even with their own logic, their definition of gender has literally no consistancy what so ever. It's just what's convenient at that specific point.
Stop linking directly to the cuckshed, stop bumping their boards unique users.
been here since first exodus and never bothered to go to the board. It must have like no traffic right?
More like what's the likelihood of them not being made an inmate's bitch when they go to prison.
nah man they are some bad hombres
That's why they shat out the term 'genderfluid'. Today i'm going to be a furry, tomorrow a otherkin and next week a transexual crossdressing faggot. NExt month i'll go male mode again.
We need more napalm.
They have a couple trannies who blew in from cuckchan's gayer boards.
…but what about Doberman Pinschers?
They are the true master race
This is why i'm doubling down on BRICS and primarily Russia / China becoming the global power while US descends into civil war as the kikes prepare to throw that sucked dry can behind their shoulders that is the US economy.
wow, an army full of twinks how scary
This is why ‘gender’ should never be argued, it a trap they lay. Technically gender is debatable but sex isn’t, gender roles are malleable but chromosomes are not. It is that simple.
dobies are pretty awesome
so are these little shits
Do they go for the skin head look so when they get arrested normies will think it was a neo nazi?
Gender is none debatable, ever! To deny basic science is to deny reality.
Jack Russell’s are tough little bastards, never met one who didn’t have a distinct personality.
How many in that group could do just a full pull up or a full pushup to save their lives?
Horses are white you disgusting kike. Day of the hoof soon.
If this OC well done, underrated as fuck.
For thousands of years horses have served in wars, charging against swords, shields and pikes. This cunt thought she could route a police horse with a nail on a stick
lurk more summerfag
I tried horse when I was in Japan. It was just a tiny little piece in a little saucer/bowl thing. Being that it was raw, I couldn't really say how it tasted other than raw and meaty, since I don't eat much raw meat.
t. ralphie cifaretto
Sex is non debatable as your image explains concisely. Gender isn’t sex; gendered pursuits for example are transmutable overtime. Men may become househusbands or women may become mechanics but this has no bearing on sex.
Uncle at kings peak circa 1910
There was a time when Holla Forums was full of lolbergs and faggots in addition to natsocs, monarchists, etc. Most of the non faggot lolbergs eventually became fascists, the rest got so assblasted they ran to the most jewish ideology possible like a rebellious teenager with daddy issues
Forgot to insert pic related. Hanging myself now
What state do you live in?
I had to look that one up since I haven't watched the electric Jew in 9 years
Relax subhuman, spread this weak sauce to the normies, especially young impressionable girls. You need a leader or something? Get on it Mr. two tone
Those are roles within a relationship or functions within society as a whole. Men used to haul water, then it became a woman chore when it merely had to be retrieved from the well in the backyard, then it became a uniform role as water became available to everyone by simple turning a knob.
In a society that values men they would not become househusbands. Their greater potential would be utilized. But this is also a direct problem related to Marxism destroying the family unit itself which causes people to become more self capable.
Wow that's low even for antifa scum.
thats why old 4/pol/ and /new/ loved Ron Paul right? I wonder what year the switch from lolberg to NS happened
fuck the fash
how could it have ended like this
Tens of thousands, actually. It's thought humans started domesticating them around 35,000 BC.
Kek, pretty sure this sort of logic is going to be coming from them, never mind the vice president's role.
Yes I agree but you are just debating gender roles in the same way they do just from the opposite position. None of that has anything to do with sex. Sex is based upon chromosomes. Until science finds a way of transmuting chromosomes then a man is a man and woman is a woman, nothing changes that.
It's a complicated thing. I think for the most part Holla Forums is more libertarian personally, at least in regards to many forms of freedoms and the internet most of all but ever since those years we've seen the degeneracy in society get worse and worse and libertarianism just didn't have an answer to it. The National Socialists did and have always had an answer to it.To be fair the natsocs have always existed since the beginning before Holla Forums itself existed like on /new/ and even /n/. Anyone remember the /n/ meme NOT NEWS, NEEDS PRUNING? That was created by a natsoc tripfag on /n/.
Uh huh. How did you do at Berkeley again? Go get trampled by a horse.
all of them are self hating mutants that have no self discipline. its typical.
Right on, comrade. Show that horse you won't tolerate its white supremacist views.
checked and kekd
They all look so indifferent. I guess being revolutionary means being apathetic to the millionth degree.
Remember April 1st 2017? /mlpol/ was fun.
Those god damned cowards target mindless animals, rather than the people they actually fight against.
This war better start soon. I'm too fucking ready.
It's textbook stuff for the violent impotent. Attack animals, mace women, drive trucks into children.
Remember your cucked roots user. I came here second migration and still look back to 4chan when we're getting bombarded with shills.
now they've gone too far
niggers couldn't be happier and the dance crazes couldn't be hotter.
I bet our cuck mayor Kenney probably secretly supports Antifa.
I stopped using 4chan after /new/ was deleted, fucking six years ago. I came here before any "migrations", I was here in 2013 when HW left Wizardchan.
I didn't even know this site was over 4 years old?
do these people have no self awareness???
The Nazis advocated for the dignified treatment of animals so I suppose this was to be expected.
do you remember 4chon?
Don't worry hasbara, you'll get nuked soon enough.
There is one thing I can not stand.
Unwarranted violence aganist animals.
Reminds me I recently saw a antifa pic about how to make doggo treats that are filled with nails. In order to attack the fascist's pets.
Holla Forums, why are antifa attacking pets and work animals?
Its amazing how its pretty much exclusively white people that care about animals, and the health of our earth. One of the best arguments for white superiority, its as if the other races lack empathy completely.
look at you weak fascists fighting among yourselves
are you big on fisting commie?
They are literal subhumans, that's why.
Murder. Absolute fucking murder. If someone did that to my dog I'd kill every leftist and shitskin I could find before the cops put me down.
another example of your typical alt right poster
As if it's not bad enough that the white race has to deal with shitskins, it also has to deal with the huge number of assholes like this on the left.
More importantly, what does /mlp/ say?
Of course he is. The modern communist is a deviant homosexual that only molests women and girls to keep from appearing to be so blatantly homosexual. He will even go so far as to allow the negro to rut on his "beard", a term used to describe women who are married (by the state) to homosexual men to disguise their perverse proclivities.
If someone came onto my property, and hurt my dog, I'd attempt to injure and capture them for torture, rather than just shoot them. Pic is of my Odin doggeh.
Thats a nice doggo right there. Never short of exercise with a Border Collie about.
zero effort at all. This is why you guys will never make it.
Because they hate life and need edge. Nice doggo, I have a husky, she's a good girl too.
But what's up with the hating on cats in this thread? Dogs, cats and horses are the triumvirate of higher social animals that have been with us since time immemorial. I have all three, and they all have their merits, even in this day.
Dogs and horses are loyal as fuck, they do whatever work you put them to and will defend you in combat. Yes, horses fight like you wouldn't believe.
Cats on the other hand, people seem to think they have no function anymore. But they are still cleaning up our communities. You just don't see it because your mother screamed at it when it brought in it's first mouse. But they are out there handling their end of the bargain. Dense communities without cats turn to filthy ghettos very fast. And they are smart, fun and caring in their own way.
Don't shit on cats you degenerates.
Another nice doggo. Holla Forums has some good dogs.
National socialism and fascism are different things friendo
Germany was a NatSoc AKA Nazi country, Italy was fascist.
What you call fascism is in fact usually something else altogether. The word you're looking for is probably authoritarian, but most extreme ideologies are authoritarian in one way or another, including most tried forms of communism such as the types Cuba and North Korea employ.
I hope this clears up the confusion.
looks like a train conductor pulling the whistle. all aboard the fedora express! toot toot!
I know that feel bro
Whats the average age here? 12?
Orwell, himself a leftist, said the word "fascist" could as well be replaced with "bully" in leftist lingo. Basically anyone who is mean to commies is a "fascist" to them, from Hitler through Pinochet to Trump.
Fucking nigger
refer to these pics and ask yourself the same question
catfag here, can confirm
Have two boys, brothers. Mom and sister got flattened by a truck when they were weeks old, got rescued together and haven't spent a day apart ever since.
There is no such thing as a rodent on our land, and we live in a thirty acre ranch in west texas. And they're smart enough to come inside at night to avoid being eaten by the nasties that come out and play at night.
Cats are a shitload smarter than people give them credit for if you let them. If you cut their claws off and keep them indoors constantly (please do keep them indoors at night though, that's usually when the things that are bigger than them come out in the wildlands. Lost a good one like that ten years ago) no shit they won't do much.
We've probably been linked somewhere in Holla Forums lel
A horse is a grass eating herd animal. When cooked it's virtually indistinguishable from beef unless you've got some sort of super palate.
they can't help it, when we post the commie meetup pics it makes them rage because it's what they see in the mirror. short, self hating, fedora wearing kids
War Horse
Don't ever de-claw a cat it's the equivalent to clipping your finger tips off, just take car of your animals and keep them clipped - t. Vetfag
Don’t cats keep their own claws trimmed, isn’t that what scratching posts are for?
Free chopper ride for you.
Had a quick glance and didn't see anything, but I did catch this gem.
They're trying to hurt and kill doggos. Maybe it's because they're man's best friend and the left hates men.
I wonder why it's so common that dogs hate niggers. Can they sense evil or something?
It only becomes a problem when you have cats you keep inprisoned indoors all the time. Which is a form of animal abuse in itself in my opinion.
All this "my breed best breed" and "ur dog sux0rz" crap. What's wrong with a good loyal mongrel?
i actually kind of feel bad about how shitty their lives must have been to eventually end up like the complete and total fucking faggots they are today
god damn white empathy
Agreed, dogs, cats, horses, are all beautiful creatures. Really we should respect all animals, our pets, livestock, and those in nature. If an animal must be killed it should be done so as quickly and as humanly as possible. Of all the gore i've seen nothing makes me rage harder than seeing subhumans torture animals.
Thanks man :) he's a good boy. This is my other buddy, puppet, she is a good girl.
Purebreds are objectively the best. This is true of both horsies and doggos.
Does she have a twitter?
I'd like to point her to some videos she might like.
They are so alien to me that I still have trouble reconciling the fact that they aren’t ironicposting all the time.
Oh right, I don’t know why anyone would keep a cat indoors. Poor things.
I don’t have anything against them, I’ve met some very nice mongrels over the years.
My buddy has two little coyote looking mutts, they are pretty good dogs. They definitely protect his house.
Gotta imagine not having a father who teaches you the importance of chores, shares with you his hobby of woodworking in father-son bonding sessions, pushes you at home to do better in school and checks if you do your homework. Who teaches you determination to weight lift, supports you in self entrepreneurial development and overall life itself whenever you're facing some difficult times.
Yet these fucks still don't see the disconnect with Marxism being the actual reason why they were born in a broken home and overall shit life. Gotta drag everyone else down to their level it seems.
Friendly reminder that mongoloids are subhuman filth that behave like insects and should be treated and disposed of like insects.
How does this make you look like the good guys? How is doing this shit seen as a righteous action?
"hey i'm some chucklefuck antifa and i'm going to feed your pets roofing nails because you're the bad guy!"
It's a fucking animal, it doesn't have a god damn side.
Yeah this kinda stuff is what i'll picture if i ever felt any tinges of empathy for subhumans during the day of the rope. I won't feel any empathy though, subhumans are a disgusting abomination.
Agreed, this stuff makes me instantly genocidal. Do the japs, and Alaskan natives at least respect dogs? Since they have a few breeds of dogs of their own? Or are whites the only people with souls? Because anyone that could do this to a dog, doesn't have a soul.
I have an amazing father, and a mother who is a traditional woman, who has been loyal to him for like 35 years now, and is an excellent cook. I always feel sorry for people that don't have that. Especially for boys, the lack of a good father can be one of the worst things.
Japs don't breed dogs for eating, and while natives do eat dogs, it's not something they specifically breed them for to my knowledge. It's more a "last resort" kind of deal.
Instead, they just brutally murder sea life, just like pappy woulda done.
That's… Holy fuck, some anons from /sfg/ must've joined antifa.
I'll refer you to the shitrag articles of some study which suggest that Conservative Thinkers can be turned into Progressivists through applied electromagnetic radiation to the part of their brain that senses and perceives threats in the environment. Meaning, by weakening the brain's own threat response, you get liberals.
Why the fuck larp as a bunch of retards promoting Marxism and the Frankfurt school then. You'd think these young boys would go full 1488 and tell their whores of a mother to blanda the fuck up.
They are of weak stock, and will not survive the winter to come.
I'd get a dog, but I'm dead inside, and don't have a decent yard for it to play in. It's a sin to be miserable and poor with a dog. Never drag down a creature made of happy just because you feel like it would fix you. Stupidass women do that shit with children, and turn them into fucking monsters.
you guys are fags, just say'n
I'll admit, the first thing to come to my mind upon seeing this picture was the TV movie "Helter Skelter" about the Manson killings.
Go beat up a racist cow.
not for nothing but PETA is actually known for being more badass with their autism. So the question is gentleman, how can we meme this to our benefit?
kill yourself
She's not a guy, she's just ugly.
we're gonna need tit pics to confirm this and send to xer/fi/fo/fum's parents
Abe Lincoln wanted to get rid of blacks from the US. After the slaves were all freed he wanted to send them all back to Africa. Then he was killed before he could enact on it. In reality slavery is not good for an economy. He never even implied that blacks should be equal to whites or should stay in the USA.
even better
You don't need a yard, you take it for long walks in the forest. Good for doggo and good for you. You'll not drag the dog down, because dogs don't give a shit about your existential angst. As long as you're going to feed it properly, take it on walks and be kind to it, you sound to me like exactly the person who needs a dog.
Mike Brown riots really did a number on the lolbergs, they realized that as long as the nigger, poo, gook and chink dwells in this land, their idea of society was utterly impossible, so they became NS.
You have ten seconds to name a more redpilled animal than horses.
Protip: You can't
I'm glad Holla Forums knows about this.
I wrote a few reports last year on some interesting studies where temporary lesions caused via TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) in parietal temporal lobes caused a decrease in parochialism and discrimination.
For the layman;
If participants can be accurately brain damaged in certain areas racially related bias, identification and discrimination can be eliminated.
College lefty hipster bitches hiding them in their dorms. Fuckers debark/demeow them, remove their claws, imprison them in the dorms, never play with them and when they're not cute enough for instagram anymore, they throw them away like last years clothes. Theres a reason Veterinarians are a suicide/alcoholism tendancy risk, that reason is niggers and commies.
horses are the dumbest animals alive, but they're useful so there's that
Nigger who can't communicate with horses detected
fucking ayy
1. Doggos are for protection
2. Doggos are for fun and wrestle
3. Doggos are for scaring pests, like niggers
rottweiler covers all these.
My roommate had one that really connected with me for some reason. She was big, guessing weighed over 80 lbs, and whenever I would walk her she would sense a nigger halfway down the block and growl.
One time I was walking her and some nigger came from behind and stared her down and spat in our direction, when she made eye contact, she lunged so hard I almost lost my grip and fell, the nigger threw himself against a store grate making a ton of noise then ran off mumbling shit sandwhiched with "motherfucker" in-between. Her barks probably walk up the whole street that night.
If you have a cute short white waifu in the house, a Rott is a must.
Not "fisting", wiping their retardation off the planet.
How the fuck am I baiting?
I added all the maximum years together for each of the crimes she committed.
And I truly hope she gets all 52 years slapped on her to set an example for Antifa fags.
You 2 faggots should ask more from ShareBlue.
I find that white men tend to be selfless and give a shit about animal/people that depend on them. Without that we're depressed.
woke up
What is Holla Forums's opinion on mixed breed doggos? Is it the same as with humans? I ask because my dog is a Rottweiler Labrador mix.
fuck off
I was only there when Holla Forums was downed
If Holla Forums hadn't been dead for so many days i wouldn't have looked back
/mlpol/ though was glorious if only because Holla Forums was extremely upset over it
I still wonder if it really wasn't a nApril fools joke that Holla Forums went down
She could have been at home baking Hitler cupcakes for the kids. But no. The jew had other plans for this impressionable young mind. A shame.
No. Dogs are actual races and as such much closer genetically. In spite of bogus science, humans are actually genetically more different than what races are in other animals. We are more like species of a genus, which is why interbreeding is so unstable.
A comparison would be lions and tigers, which are species of a genus. They have a lot of similarities, but also a lot of differences in physiology and psyche (just like human variations.) They can interbreed, but the offspring is unstable.
So to put it in context, a mongrel dog would be more like if a germanic and and an anglosaxon had a child than a nordic and an african. Which is why mongrel dogs often have actual and real hybrid vigor, instead of becoming supreme gentlepups.
yes, we made Holla Forums to pretend to be retarded. It was a major success, its a shitposting board for Holla Forums and thats basically all its good for.
First thing first would be to report this site for promoting animal cruelty and torture.
Next step is spreading the info far and wide. Everyone hates people who harm animals. ASPCA has a membership over 1 million people.
The more people know of what scum those antifa are the more hatred towards them will grow, including the desire for actions.
they can breed the deformities out of GSDs by crossing them with wolves again, but I wouldn't trust a half-wolf unless you knew what you were doing.
If they were smart, they would distance themselves from this scum to not hurt their brand. But they're not so they don't. Good. I hope they keep fucking themselves over.
Can confirm, cats are based, they are a more subtle animal, and it comes with the territory of being smaller and faster, cats will still fuck up any vermin (any form of rodent, insects, etc)
Cats have a highly complex social order going on outside of human perception. We just don't notice much of it beyond hearing two toms screaming at each-other at night now and then.
But did you know that cats will live as individualists when that's most effective, and band together in packs when that's the ticket. They'll all know each other spanning several territories and help each other out when in trouble. If a female cat is unable to hunt because she's got newborn kittens to tend, males will let other males pass through several territories (which would have resulted in huge fights otherwise) to bring her food. This is all documented in scientific studies.
But to go a bit mystical on your asses, I'll tell you about something peculiar I've suspected for a while. Everyone knows how cats just appear on your doorstep and move in. But what you may not have noticed is that a couple of days before a cat appears to claim you as an owner, you'll often see a couple of sturdy toms come by to check you out. I'm pretty certain that cats got some sort of system of measuring people and giving heads up about where strays can go to find a home.
Our ancestors believed cats has great spirits, just like dogs, and I agree with them.
What a cuck
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals.
Yeah, over here we have cats as companions, not as food. But to each his own.
Only subhumans don't care about animals such as horses and dogs
doesn't toxoplasmosa live in cat guts? yeah, nah, I don't want to catch homo disease or dye my hair blue, thanks. you do you though, Dances With Pussy, just stock up on antibiotics.
You're a nigger at heart, my subhuman friend. Have a complimentary watermelon.
So there's a legal way to taunt a police animal?
Than again Clinton's can get away with Treason and Murder so who knows
sounds like you read a lot of kikeshit
Remember that this was in the middle of a massive crowd of people. If that horse panicked and started stampeding there could have been casualties
Compare it to throwing bricks through a window and claiming that there's no problem because it didn't actually hit anyone
This. Most white men in the south lived in complete fucking destitution because of the masonic/kike-run slave trade.
Cat spray, male urine with hormones, is capable of causing some issues just like any form of animal/human shit. Stop over reacting.
Nah, it really does. But what that faggot doesn't understand is that you're not supposed to have your cat's feces sitting in a box under your desk, or sniff it's asshole, or let animals lick you in the mouth. You're supposed to coexist with them in a way that is as natural as possible to them and as beneficial as possible to your community. In effect with cats, you mostly leave them the fuck alone to do their own thing. You're not going to get toxoplasmosis from that (even so the gay-toxoplasmosis connection is preddy tenuous.)
But this guy, he just sees how degenerates keep cats though, and think "oh boy cats are gay."
Dogs are based though. Except when you inbreed them until they are insane, look like tiny ayy lmaos and carry them around in your purse all day. So perhaps it's more of a user problem than a problem with dogs and cats themselves.
Selective bias it's called. Very common in the subhuman mind.
At any moment in my life I've had at least five cats, if t. gondii made you gay I'd be OP.
T. gondii is a parasite.
Even the fucking Nubian dynasty raged to see horses mistreated. If you hate horses you are sub-nigger.
no, I live in a country where the wildlife hasn't adapted to murder-machines like cats. I don't care if townies own cats, but if I see one near the forest, it's feral, regardless of provenance and is shot. same goes for foxes and other ferals.
nah, keep pregnant women away from cats.
I shoot cats. Used to be able to sell the skins, now it's just a public service I perform for free. Enjoy your brain parasite, fag. I suggest you read up on the toxoplasmosa primate studies.
the implication is that you have AIDS, because your cat turned you gay
That's because you're a nigger. No one here expects you to understand the connection white man has to his work animals.
Speaking of doggos, remember Obama ate dog. I guess they're just following their leader.
Back to topic:
I wonder if this group has any other ties to other radical extreme leftists?
There is a LOT of antifa activity in PA and most of it is all connected between groups started in Texas and abroad. There's so much shit here - I mean there was an arson in Philly, an attempted attack on a prison in Pittsburgh, and now this shit in Philly?
It's a wider network. There is connections between this branch and others - many go pretty deep into subversion but get away with it due to journalistic privileges and other tricks.
A pet is not a work animal. I have 3 dogs. 2 Kelpie cross sheepdogs and my brothers GSD. When she came home with half a cat for the third time, my brother asked me to look after her until he got back in the country. They're work animals, better rodent hunters than your fluffy ball of GRIDS, too.
I can understand cats, as they're invasive, but going after the native wildlife in the name of protecting the wildlife is foolish, unless the cats have done a bigger number in the boonies than I thought.
I have both and all i know is that dogs are smarter
Also I wouldn't mind if a deadly cat virus was released to kill all the cats, just wipe them from the face of the continent
But then again I'm Australia which means I'm partially biased
Dude, if you think your cat gore stories are shocking in any sense, you're on the wrong board. We've seen niggers and chinks at work here in graphic detail for years.
As I said earlier in this thread, cats are used for regional cultivation by whites. The sum of the cats of the collective households make a difference on a larger social scale. Which is why every white civilization or tribe, from sumerians to vikings have kept cats on a near 1 to every farm ratio. This is a concept that will be hard for you to understand, because it's one of "dem whitey civ-uhli-zachun thangs."
Strange how vikings didn't blaze into blue haired gayness though, with all that toxoplasmosis going on. Perhaps cultural subversion causes gayness, not cats.
One guy there has some corn kernels around his nose bridge. Don't they even hose these people off before taking the pictures? I'd think they'd clean someone up for the mug shot if they were covered in soot. Also, 3 missing, including the Moorish Nationalist.
It's normal to kill lynxes if you're running a ranch. Or foxes if you're running something like a chicken ranch. Otherwise, it's just senseless killing.
not true user
Sometimes dogs have been used instead, particularly the smaller breeds
Cats do have an advantage though when it comes to the nests
Also, every hotel should have a cat.
Small dogs can be almost as effective as cats for pest control. But they are much higher maintenance because they can't sustain themselves on the process.
That doesn't change the fact that dogs, horses and cats have been tied to every white civilization and tribe. Every stable, mentally sound white person instinctively like these three animals because our history is so positively intertwined.
Not PETA but ALF. They take it seriousy enough to have let bona fide National Socialists into the movement in the UK.
foxes, feral pigs, feral cats, feral goats. in some places they planned to cull feral horses and camels, though that's a controversial issue. better to capture them and breed them with domestic partners, especially the horses. Brumbies are tough animals, far more resistant to disease with stronger bones than many heritage breeds of horse.
Rotties, German Shephards, and Dobermans are best RWDS dogs and certified good boys.
Huskies are also good if you live in a colder clime
Rednecks are total niggers, I really can't tell the difference. They always have these weird theories about cats too. It's disturbing and goes back to the anti-witchcraft scares of Old England that literally caused a fucking plague because cats kill rodents/birds more than dogs and it spread disease until people wised up.
Literally the first I'm hearing about three additional charged, let alone a dindu. Do tell brother.
I assuming you're not confusing this (took place several months ago) with recent antifa attempts to finally have horse steak.
Nah, I have a husky. They can't be trained to attack. They are pure friendly and neurotic around violence, too close to wolves. Perhaps you could get them to attack if they were a large pack, but it's not a dog you want to use for any sort of confrontations. They are awesome for pulling heavy shit though.
Stick to the Rottweilers, German Shepards and Dobermans if you want a RWDS dog. Those new bull-terrier blends also seem to work.
No, you GRIDS infested faggot, I care about the environment in which I live, not any potential emotional attachment to a parasite ridden bundle of fur. I like having birds on the forest edge that hide from higher flying predators. They have no defense against cats because they evolved on a continent without them.
As for your Viking thesis, look at the Scandinavians now. See what toxoplasmosis has wrought upon a once proud people. You gonna cry more, fag?
What the fuck is wrong with this user?He's a real mental case. Do you cut down feral trees in the woods for no reason too? Do you dynamite feral rocks so they don't roll into your backwoods shack and kill you?
Do you fear the feral herbs and burn them whenever you see one?
Why do you kikes hate nature so fucking much? Must you imprison everything?
Ah, so this is just a different event. I didn't see any names with those mug shots.
I have no idea how things work in your subsaharan utopia and your plight to save the jungle or whatever you're blathering about. I'm talking about whites and our civilizations.
That's nice. Good to hear you're not 100% emotionally stunted.
Perhaps you're drunk or something. Your strange theories about gayness becomes more convoluted by each post.
Wild cat feeds himself.
This weirdo with a mind damaged by anti-nature-Cuckservatism call it a parasite.
Fucking retarded weirdo, go get some mental help.
You toxoplasmosis has turned you into an emotional, irrational fag. The environment I live in is not adapted to any of those species. They damage the biodiversity of my land irreparably. I do what I can to limit their effect in my area. Cats belong in my nation about as much as niggers belong in Europe.
What are you, a fucking nigger or something? Animals are great.
Wild cat gets shot. It used to be skinned as well. It's a public service.
I don't live in a city. I live in an area where feral cats used to be a problem. Used to be. Then I shot them. Any little urban tabby that wanders into my line of sight shares the same fate.
oh wow I really fucked that one up. There is a strong link to all Antifa activity in PA, these fuckers aren't that organized to obtain horse steak (it's in the back not the leg), burn a house down, and throw explosives [spoiler]I know m80s aren't that dangerous but still, these are children, children don't get to play with explosives - at least in my house[/spoiler at a prison
in order of appearance: Tyler James Kobel, 25, of Altoona; James Patrick Griffin, 25, of Allison Park; Blanca Chaves-Alvarez, 29, of Lawrenceville; Nicholas Baynes Hodgson, 36, homeless; Anthony Michael Ambroso, 26, of Upper St. Clair; Liam Scott Swanson, 25, of Squirrel Hill; Thomas B. Stiller, Jr., 26, of South Side; Joshua Shande Szymanski, 22, Point Breeze; Ian Matthew Greynolds, 22, of Bloomfield; Raina Christine Legrand, 23, of Garfield; and Morgan Lindsey Prescott, 22, of York, PA.
They don't need to be smart to be useful, they just need to be strong and directible.
That's how you sound to rational people. Just admit you have a nigger-tier IQ and miss-use firearms for dumb fucking purposes like killing anything that moves because you belong on a cotton ranch as a slave and should lose your right to vote and own property.
She looks almost like a nog that's been spraypainted white.
Holy shit nu/pol/ is total human trash that found their way over because of 'le edgy memes'
Yeah yeah, we get you're an Aussie. 2 parts exiled ciminal potatonigger, 1 part polynesian and 1 part abbo.
Listen, I don't care how you get your jollies out in your billybong or whatever the fuck you guys call it. Pull wings of flies, skin cats, eat eachother, whatever. Just understand that the rest of the white race likes and appreciates cats for both their value as work animals and companions.
It's your typical cuckservative Jew worshipper. Probably browses /r/the_donald. They're not even white at this point, just worthless kike slaves.
At least he should try to make a sensible argument, like pretending to be a lobster farmer concerned about invasive lobsters. Those foreign lobsters are just too big, and can reproduce with the native lobsters and who even knows whether the offspring are viable!
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Just got triggered because your pet is a waste of space.
No I shoot them as a public service. I used to sell the skins because there was a market for them.
There you go with this bullshit again. They're not work animals. Dogs are work animals. Horses are work animals. Cats just kill small animals indiscriminately. That has no value here and is in fact, detrimental.
All you GRIDS infected faggots, living in your little bubble.
There's literally 3 things of another man you don't fuck with.
But most importantly
Holy shit it's like they're asking for loaded shotguns at point blank. This is the kind of shit you do if you want people to viciously attack you back. You won't 'break' shit but their fuckin patience.
I live in an area next to some wetlands, we have raccoons, possums and rats sneaking into our neighborhoods on a regular basis. Me and my neighbors also have a patrol of cats that keep our streets clean from these guys.
Just last night I heard the screams of a dying rat in our backyard as my cat killed it. Freaked my dog out, who started barking at 2 in the morning, but I'm still happy that my cat is doing what it's paid to do.
Weasels/ferrets/pine martens will raid nests much more voraciously than tame felines. Replacing them with domestic cats that might take more adult birds is a net win for your feathered friends.
Just like you.
I thought you were going to say don't fuck with another man's horse.
Dude the hivemind is agin ya. Just cull yourself and have your sister "sell the skin". There's a market for dead faggot skin kites I hear. Get it through your head , we like and respect animals here you subhuman varmint.
No weasels here. Ferrets and martens, sure, but they're usually pets or more often work animals, used for rabbit hunting. They don't last long in the wild here, not sure why. Might have something to do with the 40 million feral cats here.
The fact you're this triggered I pointed out your pet has parasite that make you gay, is hilarious. Give fluffy another cuddle, you infected ignoramus.
I like and respect animals, which is why I shoot cats.
Posted by 'Antifa for Islam' a religion which considers dogs haram, Muslims have a long history of cruelty to dogs.
>Might have something to do with the 40 million feral cats here
Exactly my point, bird faggot
Cats are inherently aristocratic and have been companions to man for eons. If you don't like cats fine but you seem obsessed and deranged.
Can we assume you… don't like pussies?
yet they just walk right into my line of sight. foxes are at least a challenge.
sure is summer where you are, huh?
Their policy is to enslave and assimilate anyone they can by any means. They want your body for their machine.
Sure is, bro.
How is building a statue elevating an animal above humans?
You are a retard, please remove yourself from the gene pool.
get a job
No shit, she's an octaroon.
Dogs are the only ones who get this special privilege. They are born without sin and do nothing but want to help man. They are there for you, will serve you faithfully and loyally and you have done nothing to earn that kind of love in your entire life. The only thing that you have done for it was give it food and water.
Other animals may be shit but dogs are on par.
get help
Peta would say it's ebil for the police to have a horse
Border Collies are great too
I know a German Shepard like that too
This image is glorious!
A poodle and a great dane should not breed though
What about Dobermans?
If I saw you do that. I'd smear you on the gravel. Anti cat is anti white.
Can we stop being a Kindergarten already?
I think i might have found footage of this thing getting arrested.
Or is that some other mentally ill person?
I also want to share with you all this hilarious video in which the somoan biker cuck proves that in fact he is a giant faggot who can't fight and the guy fed who has popped up recently, leading prayer events got knocked out by a xer and a fat spic with mayo tits. Start at 1:00.
A lot of it depends on upbringing, too. I got my two cats when they were 12 weeks old, and they were showered with affection and high quality canned food. They definitely love my family back, we can clearly tell by the way they behave around us.
This thread is exceedingly pleasant to read.
Go fuck a 'roo.
What are you, Black?
Because they are NEETs envious of their fellow animals being employed and productive members of society.
It's a White people thing, you wouldn't understand…
They already can.
This makes no sense
If you can't respect the dog and the horse then you are not truly White.
I must show this to my antifa-friend that has gone full-toxoplasma worship of their cats and kvetched to me for beating my dog after he run away.
They'll say it's not cats, so they don't care. Dogs are fascist or whatever.
You think beating your dog will make him want to take less walks? Corporal punishment on animals is utterly retarded, most of them don't have the mental capacity to understand why your punishing them.
He's not the usual commie sociopath. He's just the bored thrill-seeking White suburban middle-high class faggot with no grasp of the real world that thinks that the far left is fighting for social justice against the establishment because he did not have to work for a day of his life.
A chihuahua and a wolf share more dna than a human and a nigger.
It's ok to cross breed dogs as long as they're bred for healthy traits not stupid "for show" traits.
God bless antifa. Doing what right-niggers won't.
Give me one good reason why a cop should even breath let alone have a horse.
Most of them also don't have the mental capacity to open a door by using the freaking key I also once caught him trying to epic haxx0r the password of the door by randomly hitting the keys with his paw.
Cause pigs are a staple source of protein for Aryan people.
We get it, this thread triggers your commie-senses. I've got good news for you though crybaby, Holla Forums is right up your alley. You can thank me later after you've left, preferably sooner rather than later.
"man law enforcement sucks imagine if they all went away that would be so good"
It's alright, user. We all get shitposting urges sometimes.
Still, even when they're intelligent enough for conditioned behavior, I don't think negative conditioning does any good to the relationship between you and your animal. If your dog darts out of the door, he needs more time outside. If you can't keep him outside or can't take him on walks long enough to satisfy his needs, perhaps you should get another animal. A dog is a high maintenance animal, always was.
This boomer tier psychoanalysis that rightists try on anyone that rebels against the system is clue #1 why the right is nothing more than politics for soccer moms who worship cops, the state and money.
Let me explain this to you in terms that you can understand.
Leftists believe in Black Genocide. They (rightfully) believe that anything and everything should be done to stop it. They put their lives and futures on the line to fight it. They burn down houses at the first sight of a white person moving into a black neighborhood to fight gentrification (literally black genocide in a single block). Does that sound familiar? Does that sound like something the right wishes it could do too? Leftists are the real passionate political and racial holy warriors, you are nothing but a soccer mom who kinda hates blacks.
Friendly reminder that veganism triggers the leftists harder than anything else I've ever seen. Veganism is a nationalist virtue, even hitler was a vegan.
There is no greater joy in this world than watching a leftist fat fuck who's too lazy to not eat meat and spike his estrogen try to defend paying kikes to slaughter billions of animals in the most inhumane ways possible.
Even if you can't be bothered to lower dairy and meat consumption yourself, it is still hilarious to fuck with the libshits heads and co-opt veganism as a nazi value. Marxists hate animals a lot for some reason.
lmao if there were no cops you could kill every nigger in the country without consequences. But your posts really shows you impotence and faggotry that you honestly believe white people can't exist without cops and shit.
Yup, thread's done for. We had a good run, but now it's time to check dubs.
I win
I don't see any dubs, antfag.
Check mine.
Are memes the last stand of explicit white identity?
Still none.
Niggers include degenerates of any race, like you. Good thing you latched onto my response though, keep going you little spastic.
lmao good thing you won't do shit, Margaret. Keep licking that big black cop boot.
That's nice but now check them.
Off by four.
off by three. Perhaps this time. Come on, snake eyes!
There it is, checked.
Agreed and you are right that it was mostly my fault for being neglectful of his walking needs but among the reasons dogs are man's best friend is that, unlike cats or niggers, they can be conditioned to restrain themselves from certain urges. Believe me I am among the last people interested to be a control freak by training my dog to do fancy tricks or demonstrate discipline and self-restrain but capital punishment is unfortunately sometimes necessary when yelling or scolding is proven repeatedly ineffective.
Good goy.
Classical leftard projection funniest part about your comment is that this certain friend of mine I was describing is trying to analyze and "deconstruct" everyone in his proximity with bro-science tier chairman freudism.
Under police tolerance and protection that is. ;^)
You'd have to not be a nigger jew to understand why we oppose such barbarity. Now fuck off back Jizzrael nigger jew.
Antifa could literally blow up a pet sanctuary and the Fake News Media wouldn't report it.
Once we fix the Lugenpresse, then we can show people the true extent of their animal abusing BS. This is how they did it in the Rich, and people were astounded at how much sick kike crime was intentionally hidden by the (((media)))
Oy vey, it was just anti-Semitic scapegoating you fascist jerk!
Drummond Moray here, during The Battle of Stirling Bridge if one cares to remember which was a battle of the First War of Scottish Independence my relatives repressed a charge of heavy horse being used against Scottish patriots. We used a combination of Scot spearmen and archers and were able to successfully kill many dozens of horses and cavalrymen and infantry thereby turning the battle in our favor.
Teach them user, teach them all.
Well you are men that wear skirts so I can see why you sympathize with the antifa baphomet. Probably keep your tranny meds in the sporren
Niggers went from 60 million in 1940 in Africa, to 1.6 billion with a prognosis by the Un to 4.2 Billion by the end of the year 2100.
Black Genocide where? Section 8 in the US and gentrification policies in west europe ensure that poor people get forced niggers onto them since they barely have a legal recourse. While middle class america and up live in segregated closed off communities where it's a rarity a nigger might even be spotted let alone live.
Potatoniggers aren't exactly White though.
right in the neck huh
he's gonna be hoarse for a while
A sociopath.
Sociopath love getting themselves off on innocent animals.
When horses are used as cavalry and pitted against humans it's only right and just that humans fight back against the horse
I happen to live about 15 minutes from that waste of a place called Harrisburg. I youtubed some of the antifa harrisburg. they're a funny bunch as long as they stay out of range of striking.
it looks like a jew
It's a paraphrase from embed related. You should watch if you haven't already.
Haha the new skinheads of diversity and tolerance
I love how they indirectly name the Jew in that video.
(Sage for off topic)
Antifa really are dirty little savages with no redeeming features, aren't they?
Excellent taste btw. Border collies are princes among dogs.
It's an attempt to turn the horse into a chaos engine. She thought poking it with a nail would make it freak out and trample people.
Oh, great. So if you're riding your horse into battle against the opposing knights, be extra careful not to hurt their horses.
BTW cops will shoot a dog if it's a threat.
/re/questing any pictures of Samson.
/r/questing any pictures of Samson.
Nope. That's New York.
Lol at the revenge fantasy. What if the person that hurt your dog was a dog?
Holla Forums still doesn't realize that the whole "free speech vs antifa" thing is a stage managed psyop.
This user has a point. I'm starting to get pissed that there's no other pictures of this.
There's a kind of awesome Russian Roulette quality to our criminal justice system. Wrong action, wrong place, wrong time, and you're fucked. I think she should have got less charges if she just stabbed a Trump supporter.
That guy is strong enough to do several pullups if he wasn't a fat fucko.
But yeah. I've faced antifa in street demonstrations. They're all weak DYELs. Even the thin ones couldn't do a pullup.
They antagonize the cops, without realizing the cops are there to protect them from US. They're led by Jews who call us weak cowards, and they buy that propaganda because the Jews are loud. Without the cops to protect them they would get torn apart.
Most cops hate them, and the few who don't, things like this are going to wake them up.
Feral cats do need to be removed, and you ARE doing a public service. They're an invasive species and a threat to wildlife.
I live where there are a lot of coyotes. They are an antidote to feral cats.
Another reason to oppose kosher/halal meat. Both practices require the animal to be ritually sacrificed; as in cutting a throat without allowing the animal to be stunned first. It basically forces the animals death to be agonizing and inhumane.
Police dogs are given the status of actual officers by the officers they work with. If you kill a police dog, you will be treated as a cop killer.
Horses are large, strong, and indifferent to their political whining. Thus they hate horses.
It's the only reason. You have to remove the blood from the body by severing the major arteries while the heart still beats, I think, and everyone who isn't a disgusting kike, heeb, nigger or chink will first bludgeon the head to knock the animal out.
I remember that nithing pole thread on Holla Forums. It was a good idea.
My buddy if someone hurt him I would commit atrocities upon their entire family
Having an outdoor cat is worse than littering. They kill songbirds, not rats.
The person you hate today, may be yourself tomorrow.
My buddy. She is so good
Have fun with pest and cholera from the rats infestation.
That other aussie degenerate was going on about muh birds as well inbetween all the gay fetish talk. We all know niggers hate dogs and cats, but you sure seem to like birds a lot. Must be something genetic.
Do you even slot floppies, m8?
There is nothing wrong with dogs you slanderous shit. Cats do not kill rats, they're too small to hunt rats. At best they hunt mice, but far more frequently they kill harmless birds.
Anti nature is anti-white. Jews and niggers hate nature, only white people care about preserving it.
right here
these faggots are disgusting
If they can get to them.
I live near a crazy cat lady - she must own near 30 cats or maybe even more. And a few of them took a liking to my area and stay around my house. Ever since they started hanging around I hardly notice any snakes around here, and there used to be many. I also have seen a few dead rats/mice from time to time, and I know it's the work of those cats.
The only thing I haven't seen change is the mass amount of birds. Some very nice trees around my house and they are always full of birds making noises. Sometimes I see the cats look at them but I've never seen them successfully hunt them before, and never seen a dead one around. Probably more easy for around for them than to risk going up a tree.
So all in all I would say your statement is an overblown fear.
That's strange because my cat hunts rats all the fucking time. Perhaps you haven't observed many cats in action? You should visit a white country someday for some field studies.
Well, if that time comes I guarantee I'll go out with more class that that piece of shit.
Behaviour like this is why I became a fucking fascist in the first place. Purge Soon.
you're an idiot
That's not the sole matter that determines intelligence, size and total brain mass also play an important role and I'd venture a guess that horses are measurably more intelligent than dogs or cats.
Also I'd love to see how those numbers differ by human races. Obviously blacks would be lowest, followed by Whites than Asians but I'd love to see the numbers.
Wrong. Mine kill big-ass rats and lizards if left to their own devices (aka not being fed all day long).
If the rat looks jewish, the cat will kill it. Based cats.
The Aryan Brotherhood will have fun with this one.
How do you know all this shit, user?
Also, is she more or less fucked than Clayton
niggers don't like dogs. could be because their kind never domesticated animals. so i guess dogs can feel their unease and maybe they think "this guy has something to hide, maybe he wants to hurt my people".
who knows?
Holla Forums is everywhere
People have a tendency to think of cats and dogs like dumb animals but they do have personalities obviously and they can tell when people are uneasy with them. Especially when they're outsiders to the pack.
A dog pack can be anything, other dogs but also the family that takes care of it for example a dog might consider part of his pack. Notice how if a child of the family is scared of dogs for example they'll behave differently than when it's a stranger.
When dogs notices that a stranger to the pack is uneasy with them this typically results in one of a few responses:
"Comrade" indeed, hopefully the realization that her "allies" draw the line at a certain cost to them will shake her out of the empowering group-think mentality they normally bring to the table. That said, if arrest 200 of them in a single day and slamming them all with ten year sentences didn't do it, who knows?
Have you ever seen a motherfucking grown up cat, you retard? My cats BTFO rats fucking constantly. I've seen them do it. They like bringing my wife and I the corpses.
He's mostly right. Most cats really only hunt mice, rats like those in shithole leftist cities get big but there are cats who can still hunt them just not the same as they do mice. With mice, cats generally go for spinal snap hence that crunch you hear when you cat jumps mice. With large rats, cat generally eviscerate them.
I understand the feelings about horses. I refuse to eat horses just as I refuse to eat cats and dogs. But why bring cats down? If anything, cats being tortured by vegans should be rescued. All of our companions have been along side us for countless years. When hunting game and slaughtering livestock, it should be our responsibility to be mercifully swift and take no joy in prolonged suffering, indeed even taking all the necessary steps to expedite their passing.
Honor our companions. These subhumans don't, and if they gain control they will undo all that which our race has earned through thousands of years. Severing the many ties to the nature and the home we struggled alongside with.
Heiled. Nice Id too
That's why our dads taught us how to shoot game properly and butchering. Do it fucking right so the poor thing doesn't suffer.
Do you guys have any more info on this? I grew up with German Shepherds, and I wanted to get one now that I live on my own. What are ideal body types? Most of the breeders I have come across have dogs with the stubby, fucked up legs.
Wtf? No were are Antifags! Antifa are Profags
Makes sense, daily reminder cats are for sandniggers.
I've heard that it's mostly the American breed that has the leg and hip problems, while the German breed doesn't. Maybe you'll have better luck examining a German breeders stock.
I'm none US, but i looked it up. Always interested in the (((jud-e-icial))) side of things. She's more fucked then Clayton. She attacked a police animal what the law regards as a police officer. This increases her aggravated assault due to her using a wooden flagpole with a nail driven through it at the top (deadly weapon) against a police officer (horse) and bumps up that agg. assault to whole new level. This fact alone of attacking a cop with what is legally a deadly weapon is going to be the most damaging fact, maximum of 20 years. The secondary is the attack of a police animal where she knowingly injured that animal which is a maximum of 10 years.
Cops take this shit extremely serious because they consider those police animals in their service to also be police and that the animal basically received pain that would have otherwise been against a fellow human officer. They move mountains when you do this shit. She attacked their family.
While she did not cause serious bodily harm with her makeshift weapon. The intent to do harm is proven. The flagpole does not come with a nail hammered through it from the store. She did this herself. Then willfully took it with her to a political rally, which are suppose to be peaceful. So it wasn't like she hit someone in a emotional outrage or in confusion. Knowingly doing something increases sentencing.
More info:
I grew up in a city and even I know you're not supposed to provoke the horse in any way lest you want a kick to the face since I was young.
I swear to god lefties are all braindead retards.
Do we know how communist this place is? There are places where I'm certain she would get community service. (Plead down to a charge where the judge could get away with that.)
Cats do decimate songbird populations. Why do you think they hardly have any left in yurop? It's happening in North America too, very sad. Cats can fuck and breed anywhere. But birds are not only losing habitat thanks to humans they are being killed by all these fucking cats. Sorry but you need to keep your fucking cats inside for everyone's sake. Did you know an outside cat has an average estimated lifespan on only 5 to 6 years? For indoor cats it's 12 years.
For Harrisburg PA, Dauphin county, they most favor right wing justice system, though some are close.
Oh and don't give me that weak fear the strong shit either because this is not a level playing field. Humans have meddled not only by destroying bird habitats but by feeding all these ferals when if nature were to take its course they would starve or die of disease and things would be a bit more balanced. Don't you believe we should stop aid to Africa? Don't be a hypocrite: end cat aid today
If any identifiable members have dogs or cats, it might be advantageous to send a message…
I just watched a bunch of videos and read up on the various animal rights organizations. There is a lot of potential to turn them against kikes here. Just look at this shit. Im pretty sure that skin tone etc and his mouth make him a Jew, and then as Im researching him, I find mr Moishe here.
The guy who said he would treat humans that way, had a lab where niggers were smashing baboons brains with a machine that simulates car accidents and head injuries.. its hard to watch, as someone who loves his burgers and will continue eating them. I see why some people go 'apeshit' about that kind of thing. Its like a machine where they are strapped into a helmet, and it jerks their head causing brain damage. The problem was they do all sorts of things to monkeys who arent actually sedated, who feel the pain, are struggling around in pain etc..
Anyways, pic related, we could easily tie kikes into animal abuse and get the left to go against kikes.
the nigger was laughing about it etc, left that part out.
a Mongolian warlord.
Also, Pierce expressed that he was extremely resentful towards Chinese for how they treat animals in his broadcast "Shocking Differences". We could even make the point that whites are more empathetic and that animal abuse is mostly done by non-whites. Like I said, a lot of potential.
German Shephards are for peasants.
Aristocrats of the 100% Bavarian phenotype will opt for the Weimaraner, of course.
Here in America, Weims are too prone to unstable temperaments particularly obsessive behaviors, phobias, and severe separation anxiety. It's really a shame. It's like how the GSD has a fucked up body because of breeders, so the Weim has a fucked up brain. Besides, the Weimeraner, if bred to type is a highly driven working gundog that often cannot smoothly shift gears to "house pet" like a GSD does.
When I move out of the city I'm getting a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Talk about aristocracy. The dutch developed that breed to fend off feral african niggers and they also used them to hunt lions (which is fucked up but whatever). I also feel an RR would be a safer bet than a Rottweiler or GSD, health-wise.
godammit i keep forgetting to sage myself sorry lads
It is true that the Weimaraner is not appropriate for a neet or wagecuck.
You must have an appropriately aristocratic lifestyle to have a good experience with one.
This means ideally working from home, having 10 or more acres of land, and being able to spend the time to get in about five miles of exercise per day with your weim.
There are tumblr handles like "snuffable white male" and plenty worse, pretty fucking sure that self preservation is not an issue.
Suicide, white genocide, destruction of western culture…
Thanks Mayor Kenney.
Dark Researcher user found a huge number of furries to be sexually aroused by executions and would pay money to have their character killed gruesomely in art. Here's a few samples.
oh man, that brings back memories. I had a Rhodesian ridgeback. That fucker, at 14 years old, with lots of arthritis and all, could still catch a mouse or a possum in a single night, if he felt like hunting. In his prime I remember he'd catch 5 a night. He wouldn't even eat them, he'd just bring them to our back doorstep at night to find. Happened at least once every two weeks or so from ages like 3-8.
I can draw better than that
I could be making money drawing furries die in gruesome horrible ways.
You should do a RWDS theme,
A real natsoc owns a wolf.
Seriously, these guys will pay hundreds for a preposed slot in a larger work, A ''Your character here" Make a large scene with all manner of deaths and add gross little sexual details like cum shooting out of severed cocks as the hung corpse dies, and being fapped while drowning and other shit like that and you'll rake in like a few hundred bucks for little work.
Forgot pic
Dogs are fine, But now days people are using technology
ht tp://ww
archive link
Calm down she/it will probably get pleaded down. That's how this shit works, they stack on every charge they can and work a deal with you so you settle for some bullshit 6 months probabation with a bunch of fines. You are so glad you "dodged the bullet" that you happily do your time and pay the courts money. The courts know this, the cops know this and the lawyers all know this. The only person who doesn't know this is the person in hot water.
But I do hope this faggot rots in prison.
Dawww…. he's a GOOD BOY!
Really looks like the type of young lady you want to bring home to mom…
She better be put on the no-fly, no-guns list, among other lists
Great. This one video made me watch about two hours worth of "ratting", which I never heard of until now.
I know these fucking braindead libtards hate cops, but what did a fucking innocent defenseless horse ever do them? did they fire them from their shitty job at starbucks
good thing even sneezing near a police animal is considered assualt on peace officer most places that motherless fuck is going to rot in prison for attempted murder of a police officer plus assualt with deadly weapon
Someone draw it.
Just fucking why. Why must you make me hate you more than I already do?
No you wouldn't. Because I'd be armed and I'd have my dogs with me and you're just a triggered cat lady. I'm going to make some guitar strings from the next one I shoot.
That's different. If I'm fighting a war and I'm facing a cavalry charge, I'll do the deed. But I sure as hell wont feel any less shit about it. I'd sure as hell feel worse than if I had to kill a nigger, a traitor, or a Jew.
But she or he or whatever attacked the horse out of an attempt to cause panic and casualties in the crowd, and did so without any respect for the animal, without a hint of remorse.
Lovely b8
Toxoplasmosis makes you mentally ill. You prefer cats to nature because there is a parasite in your brain that will make you gay. It's a primordial Jew that lives in cats and you're spreading it around like a good little goy. Cue claims of the implicit whiteness of felines.
Completely subhuman.
You kikes have been trying to get rid of cats for a long time. Understandable, as your spirit animal is the rat.
Meanwhile all white civilizations have respected and venerated cats. You'll never open a history book and read something like "… and the great Roman empire disproved of cats because they thought they were demons and made you gay lol."
Your strange obsession with gayness and fetish for killing cats makes you a degenerate in white society, any time any place.
Anti-cat is anti-white.
Mix equal parts plaster and flour. Mix it into a dough. Roll it into little balls and put them in places rats frequent. Rat eats it, dies. Add borox if you want it to die faster. Substitute plaster for baking soda, if the only store you visit is a grocery, or you know, buy pre-packaged poison like a pleb.
Or just get a real working animal, like a dog. Clueless lowlanders.
then you just have dead fucking rats inside your walls sticking up the place
No, they go back to their nest and die when the plaster sets or the poison takes effect. They only stay where they eat if you're using traps.
Crazy cat ladies have been a meme for centuries. Good to see you perpetuating the stereotype.
But what you fail to account for is that whites, cats and nature have had a perfectly fine coexistence all over the world. There's both cats and songbirds up the wazoo over here, as it is most places. What we don't have are pests. That the fauna of your shitskin prison colony is all out of whack is one thing, but it doesn't really apply to 99% of whites and their beneficial relationship to cats up throughout times.
Beyond that, the reason why everyone here tells you you are a subhuman isn't because Australia is fucked up by abbos and low grade colonial whites and needs some unsavory programs to repair. It's because you could have acted like a mentally stable white and said something like "Well, it's an unpleasant business but we have to kill off some cats to preserve the ecological balance, but we try to do it respectfully and painlessly." Then everyone would have sympathized with your difficult position of having to do some culling.
But that's not you… you're going like this:
So yeah, whatever the ecological situation of your rare and unique location you're acting like a complete subhuman and to be honest, a pretty unstable one at that. Even most niggers and chinks actually don't go out of their way to harm animals like cats and dogs.
Fuck off back to reddit until you learn to stop talking like a faggot. Allowing faggot babytalk niggery from jewed normalfag society will accomplish nothing but opening the floodgates for subversion.
An acceptable verbal response. These subhuman mongrels deserve everything they get. Trying to kill pets because their owners aren't communists.
Fuck off nu/pol/, no one requested your maximum edge.
Learn the read the fucking things you post nigger top kek. All it shows is that horses have smaller brains than expected for an animal of their size; it's comparative, not a general statement about the animal's intelligence.
stop this shit.
wew never saw that but i made a post yesterday saying that the region of the brain responsible for a fear response, the medial hypothalamus, has been abolished in the modern woman as a joke
guess i was half right, jfc
I wasn't there but a horse should not have been used against humans in the first place. The onus of responsibility lies with authorities not protestors. It was an erroneous use of force. It would have occurred had the horse not been there. It wasn't a hose protest was it?
no user, u r teh j3w
The German breed has the same problems with posture, hip dysplasia and a shitload of inbreeding. There's also the fact that dogs with congential defects are being studded out under false papers (apparently you can get fixed genealogies and health certificates for 2000 - 3000€ from the right vets).
If you want a healthy Shepard either try a Belgian or a Old German (long coated, much healthier population and they aren't really recognized by the dog breeds associations) one.
Way to miss the point retard. What matter is they believe it and act the only way anyone could act in the face of it.
boooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo muh poor horse boooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
All pigs must die
But then who will enforce your commie laws?
Does it god damn matter how old it is?
I wasn't aware Antifa was doing shit like this.
They must be crushed.
Holy shit, a talking horse!
Every goddamn night and morning. So many of these guys. Beautiful birds too, I see them all the time.
sage for off-topic
Pic related, German Sheppard belongs to me. Girl is old gf and her dog.
I need to buy a farm and get out of the city.
Can confirm, had two GS.
First one was north american, looked like a frog her hips were so low. Ended up not being able to walk, not a good ending.
Second one was from Yoorup, he was fine in the hip area however he had bad legs.
Great doggo s though.
You have to be severely degenerate to attack an innocent horse like that.
Cats are vermin. Just because vermin eat other vermin doesn't make them good or useful. Rats eat each other too, they are still vermin. No amount of cats will control a rodent infestation, they breed too fast. Rodent populations are limited by food, not predation. All cats do is destroy the local ecosystem because they are an invasive species from fucking Africa. Just like blacks.
You know I was all for deporting them back to where they came from.
That's not enough.
Have a look.
Cats truly are scum. I am quite a libertarian but my values almost fall down when it comes to the subject of cat ownership. I kind of think they should be banned. This view might be different if you live in Europe or the Americas but cats in New Zealand and Australia (and many many other places in the world) are ecological disasters.
One of the most encouraged things to shoot.
Additionally toxoplasmosis is a parasite that they carry which lives in the brain of mammals that come into contact with cat shit and affects the dopamine pathway. It is a fascinatingly complex parasite which makes the host attracted to the smell of cat piss, cats and there is indication that even in a human host the human will react slower to fatal threats…
Toxoplasmosis is a fascinating brain parasite as it is believed that the altered brain chemistry it causes can actually affect local cultures. Roughly 70% of people in France for example are infected with this brain parasite. Many neurological disorders and crazy cat ladies could probably be explained by this brain parasite which is symbioitic in its life cycle with the cat species.
Cat allergies are also caused by dried cat saliva in the air from the cat licking themselves and it drying. They are quite disgusting creatures.
Additionally a cat has very little loyalty it seems. It does not really give a shit about who looks after it so long as it gets fed. Maybe it is different if you live in a shithole covered with rats where you are pleased with a cat that drags these things back into your house semi alive to play with as they squirm and die at your feet. Maybe in this vermin infested place a cat would be valuable despite giving you brain parasites, shedding hair, having you inhale its saliva and taking food off you.
If you don't however and live in a place where they negatively affect the wildlife owning a cat makes you a massive wanker. Cat owners either; women, gay, psychologically unsound, weak individuals or a combination. Cats should be shot.
It's a unique situation where a cat's pros outweigh its cons. Dogs can catch
rats too and are better in almost every way. Go snort your cat piss some more you pussy.
Actually they tend to leave to find water as the poison takes effect and die away from a property.
Technically, it basically is.
The only parasite we should be legitimately worried about is you.
And where do you think they nest you tard? Might be you don't even notice the smell of rat corpse in your house.
Rats leave an area completely when a cat scentmarks it.
its the toxoplasmosis fag again
This might be the single most retarded thing I have ever read in my life.
Shooting feral cats is probably the best thing anybody who cares about the environment can do.
So you live in a rat infested area and the cat protects your food stores huh?
You need to understand that your perspective may not be too well understood by people who have a clean and sealed household and do not tip. I'm sorry for not fully understanding your circumstances where the pro of not going hungry because the rats ate all your grain outweighs all the cons of having a cat.
Looking up on it it is less retarded than you would think.
Studies from Sweden, Estonia and Iceland show that in Sweden there was the highest prevalence of toxoplasmosis in blood taken from people living in Sweden's 4th largest city. ~54% of people in Sweden seem to carry this brain parasite more than double the other Scandinavian countries studied.
Read this
scroll to the research done on it if you are capable.
Toxplasmosis makes you more prone to death, more docile, less capable of assessing threats, fucks with your dopamine pathway associated with schizophrenia… Maybe it does make you a cuck too.
The only good thing it does is kills people with Aids.
Defending cats which carry such a parasite so bad for your health is one of the most retarded things I have ever read in my life. Every poster here that defends cats has no argument except that emotionally they are attached or that they are dirt poor and overrun with rats and too fucking stupid to figure out another solution.
Shooting cats is not too enjoyable, nobody really wants to do it but it is something that must be done.
The user you are replying to is a hero and I hope he skins many more cats.
I seriously hope this was just bait
Best way I know of is little dishes of cola left near ratholes and grain. They like the tast, but find themselves unable to belch, and will just keep drinking it, and eventually, their stomachs pop. Killed by their own voracious greed, scattered around the bowls like a scene outta Jonestown.
Look at this fucking aussie retard proxy rotating to keep going with his retarded crusade against cats. Fine, fine. Songbirds. Cats made you gay. Now kys.
Anti-cat is anti-white.
I don't have a proxy and I am not the user who was posting way before but the second one you replied to. Furthermore you clearly have no argument as you just resort to ad hominen attacks.
I find it humorous that you can not logically make an argument for cats that don't revolve around these two points; 1. they are cute 2. they reduce the number of rats running around your mum's basement where you live.
You also continually attack someone making the world a better place by shooting the horrible things.
You must have actually have a brain parasite if you are trying to link the plight of cats with that of the white race. Frankly nothing can be further from the truth. The white race is not disgusting vermin that smells, spreads filth, carries brain parasites and plays cruelly with its prey before it kills it and enjoys killing everything around itself. Also I am mostly talking about feral cats being a massive problem but you are making a great example that cat owners should probably be neutered too for good measure.
Also do you know who loves cats? ISIS
Pics related
Let's see who loved cats. Poe, Lovecraft, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, Alexander Dumas, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Nikola Tesla. Now granted there are a lot of cat lovers like that fagget Stalin and Lenin, and I admit a lot of leftist like cats. But come on don't be a cunt and hate on them just because you don't like them. Or say that they are a threat to nature. Besides it's humans fault that there are so many feral cats in the first place, because of people who take them as pets and then don't look after them. Stop hating on animals in general. If you kill animals for pleasure or any other reason besides food, then I believe that person is subhuman. I mean ffs even Robert E. Lee had a cat and loved them.
Topkek, he really lays it down. I like and have both, but cats definitely have some superior quality and ARE able to bond, in their own way.
I don't "hate on them"because I don't like them, if I come over to somebodies house and they have a cat they tend to like me and I am happy to pet it. That does not change the facts however.
Maybe they should be banned or require a license then?
I don't personally kill cats but I think they should be killed. If they could be sold to Chinese restaurants for it to be ethically better that's great. I have this stance not because I am unsound in anyway but because I love animals and the environment. Nobody really wants to kill cats but it has to be done.
Every single night in Australia feral cats are estimated to kill 75 million native animals from penguins, bilbies, frogs, quolls, birds etc. The parasites they carry in their shit also kills koalas, wallabies and wombats. Entire penguin colonies can be wiped out by cats. If not culled they will drive many species to extinction. Feral dogs, feral pigs and feral foxes are also a problem but nothing is really as bad as a cat.
In a more domestic setting they are bad. Logically it is very foolish to own one. What are the advantages of having a cat? Something incredibly low maintenance which lacks loyalty so that you don't even have to leave the house to look after it? In addition to being pointless it comes with a range of health hazards mentioned in the other posts. In a suburb without cats there will be many beautiful blue tongue lizards which predate on garden snails and such, after someone comes with a cat that will cease within the month. If you live around Egypt and cats are native in your land then I fully encourage you to have one, if you live in a place in which all the native animals are absent then I suppose it doesn't matter. If neither of the above and you decide to get a cat then you are either an idiot or a cunt who hates animals.
So out of millions of cat lovers throughout the years (where recluses and intellectuals would also be more prevalent due to cats being indoors more than dogs and less maintenance) you give the names;
Let's see…
Poe >Suicide,syphilis, rabies
Sir Isaac Newton >Kissless virgin
Charles Dickens >death by stroke perhaps affected by toxoplasmosis?
Victor Hugo >Children ended up in insane asylums
Alexander Dumas >not more of a dog lover? not a big deal though ;)
Mark Twain >Depression and cuck?
Ernest Hemingway >Suicide
Nikola Tesla >Complete genius but maybe cats got to him too, suicide?
I wonder if mentally unsound people gravitate to cats or if cats make them mentally unsound and unhealthy?
agreed, no horse people would give a shit but hysterical women. and I say this as someone who still generally likes horses. Getting worked up over this is as silly as gettin worked up over a police dog or man getting hurt.
always preferred shorthairs myself
dead board. maybe a grand total of three active posters using proxies to make their numbers look oh so slightly inflated. same OP every thread. prove me wrong.
Doesn't stabbing fall more closely to animal cruelty rather than taunting?
And aren't police animals effectively considered LEOs so stabbing a horse is no different to stabbing any other officer?
Bitch is going to rot in jail. It's not going to be as sassy as orange is the new black
I knew a guy 15 years ago who had a house cat and he specifically had it because he liked watching it kill birds and squirrels. He had platform bird feeder that he kept regularly supplied with feed so it attracted birds daily. It's been so long ago now I don't remember specifically but with certain bird types the cat only ate certain body parts. For example, a bluejay it would eat the body but with a cardinal it would only eat the head. It repeated this type of behavior and time and time again it only ate certain body parts for certain types of birds that a pattern developed. Once it was finished with a bird it would leave it carcass as if it was displaying a trophy. Squirrels were more difficult for the cat to capture and kill, baby squirrels it could kill, mature squirrels were to fast, but it would injury them, and then hope to get them at a future date. I had never gave it much thought up until that point how many songbirds cats kill weekly. This guys cat had to kill 10 different birds every week.
absolutely insane. but at least partly true.
There is fundamentally something fucked about a society that call animals officers and has people get weepy on tv for them and have full public funerals with all ceremony and counts them as fallen heroes. Sure, its jewry and propaganda, but people are too scared to point out the ridiculousness of it.
Hurting an innocent animal? What a piece of shit!
Sounds like a psycho. It must suck to own one if you aren't because keeping the cat locked up or declawed once you have it to stop it killing everything around that is pretty kind of cruel as well. In a similar vein of conversation though…
I had a friend who had a Great Dane and moved into a terrace suburb where the backyard was surrounded by walls about 6-7ft high. About a month after she moved there she started seeing signs on telegraph poles reporting missing cats. 3 months in after about 15 missing cats were gone there was a bit of speculation. Anyway as she is having breakfast late one morning she sees her Dane leap over the 7ft wall back into the yard of her house with a cat limp in its mouth. She realised by chance of being there that the dog was the cause of all the speculation in the neighborhood and the disappearances. It was simply eating them and she had never seen any evidence of it.
By the point of discovering this though she didn't really have to do too much about it though because by that point it was the last cat in the neighborhood.
I can make the story a bit longer and funnier when I tell it to others and it is interesting because the way cat lovers view the Great Dane and the owner is generally how bird lovers and nature lovers in general view cats and their owners.
What do they think is going to happen when they antagonizing and threaten the people that they say, want to kill every single non-white on this planet?
but srsly hurt me dog and I'll break your fucking neck you commy faggot
Anyone who has ever spent much time around horses knows that they're basically big dogs. So anyone who stabs a horse, I'd happily see hanged.
Because pets and work animals are everything they aren't. Loyal, noble, intelligent, hard working, brave, all of these words describe a beloved dog, horse, or hawk. None of them describe some braindead leftist filth with an entitlement complex.
All of their lives combined is not worth a hair off of my doggos head. Pic related, it's my doggo protecting my cat when he was a kitten, I would happily bludgeon anyone to death who harmed either of them.
Gas yourself.
fug, is there any way to use this to our advantage?
Fuck you. Stupid fucking desert nigger.
Stupid nigger. This is why you were chained to the fields while the sheepdogs ran free.
It's the smell.
That statue is AESTETIC as fuck.
White cop, wearing shit and tie.
8/8 would chill around.
Maybe when we assume power we should use the horsefuckers in fursuits as terror squads against dissenters.
Horse is eaten in many countries m8. In the same way, some people keep pigs as pets.
There are certain doggos that must be put to sleep though before they put you to sleep.
t. commie
More like the complete opposite. It would cement my resolve. I'd dedicate my life to annihilating every degenerate commie faggot I could.
Yfw you claim to stand up for workers so you stab a hard-working horse and the horse keeps working and is already back at work while you're in jail.
Funny – That reminds me of a tale out of the Talmud:
Weird how those same thoughts just keep turning up in synagogues and universities alike, innit?
Too many people in this thread need to go for a ride behind a pickup truck, or under a train. Faggots who claim to like dogs, but vehemently hate cats, remind me of the faggots who got into console war fights, or think that (((Coke))) isn't the same as (((Pepsi))).
Couldn't have put it better myself.
A bit of both, clearly communists want our meme potential but since it's right next door we all shit all over it. It weakens pol a bit but it's frankly more negative to their cause, it ensures we'll always know what they're up to and can fuck with them constantly.
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If you care so much about the local native fauna then why don't you shoot abbos?
Hail Hek?
hope this cunt get raped in jail
What is this faggotry? A cats, dogs, and birds thread? Which is better? You fucking idiot. Each animal has its place in nature. Just like each race or group of people or individual has its own place in nature. This sliding has to stop. Reported for being autistic.
The next john wick movie plot is looking great.
I thought shaving your head was something skinheads did. Why does antifa copy an openly racist group?
The same reason you fucking ingrates keep forum sliding.
Kill yourself.
fucking scumbag needs to be stabbed in the neck by a horse
fug :-DDD
Seriously though, horsemen are cool.
Look, I feel bad that animals are being needlessly tortured, but for the most part I don't give a shit, because they are animals.
I'd have a problem hunting cats or dogs (unless they were fucking with my property or something) but I don't really give a shit if other Holla Forumsacks do it. What I do give a shit about is when other Holla Forumsacks treat dogs and cats like saints, or when they treat cats like disease ("muh gondii", which they forget only comes about when rats and mice are in the area; indoor cats are very unlikely to run into them). Plus, child rape seems to be more of a creator of homosexuals than anything I've seen before, and it makes much more sense when you think about it.
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