Unheroic Conduct: The Rise of Heterosexuality and the Invention of the Jewish Man

This is an interesting book. The author, an acclaimed homo shlomo, discusses the popular stereotypical images of effeminate Jewish men and butch feminist Jewish women. But rather than dismissing these stereotypes as antisemitic slander, he proudly affirms their historic roots in Judaic tradition. He does talk at length about how Jewish law (Halakhah) contains some of the most absurdly oppressive and legalistic attitudes toward women in the world, and he hopes these aspects can be carefully negotiated in future - but he also acknowledges an "upside" which is that these oppressive features have collectively functioned as an engine for feminist progress in Jewish communities and their gentile host nations at large. Overall, the author happily affirms his subversive ideal of what he calls "unheroic conduct" in Jewish life which he sees as a cultural protest against Western ideas of gender, namely the heroic/virile ideals of European manhood and the romanticized feminine ideals of European womanhood. From the author's perspective, effeminacy and feminism are integral parts of the broader Jewish tradition in modernity. And so he understands Jewishness as being essential to the process of eroding Eurocentic gender roles to create more open and tolerant Western societies. Hmmmm

Here is the conduct

What other examples have you found of effeminacy, feminism, and Judaism being intrinsically tied or giving rise to one or the other?

Other urls found in this thread: the superman

Actually that reminds me. I always did find it peculiar how Jews, on average, seem uninterested and hostile towards doing physical work.

That's the goyim's jobs. Ours is to slave away for them while the Jews live it up.

I don't know where it started, but Jewishness is passed through the mother.

I'm going to do everything in my power to spread this.

I don't see why people jerk themselves off over doing it either.

Fuck that degenerate kike, who's literally named Schlomo by the way.

Makes sense enough, leave the manual labor to the goy.

Probably because there's both a bodily and outward benefit in that our bodies are made to move, and you can see with your own eyes the progress of your work.

Good honest work, sure. Not today, because good and honest work is dead. Every penny you pay in taxes goes towards the Jews, every penny spent goes towards them.

'Spending' has nothing to do with 'working,' son, what are you, some kind of nigger hipster?

200 years talks about how they never work willingly with labor jobs.

They don't jerk themselves off (how incredibly jewish to go there)
There's satisfaction to be had by visualizing something, motivating yourself to begin and seeing it through to the end, standing back with aching muscles that will repair stronger and saying "I did that, all of it". Being satiated prevents the degenerate and reprobate behavior inherent in the lazy jew. To put it in biblical terms, the devil makes work for idle hands. You reprobate.

A lot of Jews seem to be hostile to the value of bodily strength, hard work, and physical exertion in general. It goes way back.

Let me share with you an important part of Jewish history which led to the events celebrated on Hanukkah.

Jews historically expressed a fair amount of disgust at the ancient Greeks who would hone their bodies in the gymnasium. For Jews, the health and strength and beauty of the human body was largely a wicked distraction from the importance of studying Torah, performing rituals, maintaining religious purity, and going about business. That's one of the reasons that Jewish male culture has sometimes been stereotyped as stale and effeminate by hostile gentiles who clashed with them. You might say Jews are the quintessential merchant nerds of history. The famous Jewish historian Yuri Slezkine described Jewish culture as predominantly "Mercurian" (mercantile, urbanite, cosmopolitan, mobile "service nomads") in contrast to the mostly rooted "Apollonian" spirit of Western gentile cultures.

When the first gymnasium was built in Jerusalem by the Greeks, most Jews absolutely abhorred its construction. But there were some Jews who became more attracted to Hellenistic culture than their own temple traditions, so they started assimilating into gentile society and some Jews supposedly even tried to surgically remove the marks of their circumcisions in order to join up with gentiles in the gymnasium (1 Maccabees 14-15). This upset the traditional Jewish community who insisted on keeping up ethnic solidarity against the Greek gentiles and maintained that the gymnasium was unlawful or perhaps even unholy; consequently, many of the Hellenized Jews were recognized as traitors and apostates. In fact, the Maccabeean Wars begin with an enraged Jew killing a Hellenized Jewish apostate. Then these Jewish fanatics went about killing other Jews who had assimilated into Hellenism. The Hellenized Jews who survived the kosher death squads fled to the Gentiles for safety, but all the other boys found uncircumcised within the borders of Israel were forcibly circumcised.

More about Hanukkah in this article:

Kevin MacDonald also spells it out more precisely in his discussion of Rhonda Garelick's attack on "fascist" and "Aryan" physical standards of beauty (which Jews apparently see as threatening to the project of creating an open, tolerant, fat-accepting, egalitarian, cosmopolitan, multicultural, multi-ethnic society):

Rhonda Garelick, an English professor at the University of Nebraska, has a comment on John Galliano’s outburst in a Paris bar (“High Fascism“; NYtimes, 3-7-2011). Garelick can’t resist finding Galliano’s behavior symptomatic of fascist/Aryan tendencies deeply rooted in French culture—despite the fact that Galliano was fired and now faces persecution for uttering a racial insult. (Of course, one might argue that these recent events simply indicate the triumph of the culture of critique in post-WWII Europe.) The French are evil because during the German occupation, French women continued to dress fashionably:

That’s not the worst of it:

Ah, the horrors of National Socialism, encouraging women to eat well and be physically fit.

This is a fairly routine exercise emanating from the highest reaches of the mainstream media expressing Jewish hatred and revenge seeking against Whites and especially Nordic-looking Whites. One is tempted not to make too much of it except that the issue of physical beauty and health goes to the heart of the long conflict between Jews and non-Jews over the construction of culture. There is a long history of Jewish hostility to Western concepts of physical beauty, going back to the war of the Macabees against the Greeks commemorated at Hanukkah. The standard Jewish interpretation is that it was a rebellion against the Greek concept of physical beauty as a value in itself, as opposed to Jewish “holiness” as the ultimate virtue (which, being a bit cynical, I would parse as group commitment). Especially abhorrent to the Jews was the Greek practice of honing their bodies in gymnasia.

Garelick’s little article is in the tradition of Jewish antipathy toward the physical beauty of Europeans and for the value that Europeans place on physical beauty. I suspect that these traits of Europeans are an aspect of European individualism. Peter Frost has argued convincingly that there was sexual selection for traits like blond hair and blue eyes (Peter Frost, “European hair and eye color: A case of frequency-dependent sexual selection?” Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103). This means that traits like blond hair and blue eyes were seen as sexually attractive—like the peacock’s tail, so the became more common in the population because they were sought after in mates. Frost associates sexual selection among Europeans with monogamy as a marriage system, selected for in the northern areas where Whites evolved because of the need for fathers to provision children. Rather than marry on the basis of known kinship relations and family dictates, marriage is based on individual choice. And one criterion of importance (among others) is physical beauty.

Such selection pressures would also lead Europeans to value love as the basis of marriage–analysed as a trait that makes close relationships between spouses mutually rewarding. John Murray Cuddihy remarked on how love was seen as foreign by Jews emerging from the ghetto, resulting in theories like Sigmund Freud’s where love was analyzed as repressed sexuality—little more than a neurosis.* Nor was physical beauty in marriage partners valued among Jews. A passage in the Talmud says that physical appearance was not to be a critical resource for a woman: “For ‘false is grace and beauty is vain.’ Pay regard to good breeding, for the object of marriage is to have children.” Instead of personal attraction, arranged marriages were common into the modern era.

Hence the culture clash exemplified by Garelick, abetted by Jewish historical grudges against the West.

Obsession with study of literature is an effeminate behavior. You see it in stereotypical dweebs. Women are better at school because they like absorbing information from patriarchal figures. There's a sexual aspect to reading for every woman.

The male Jew is a female on sexual steroids. Where testosterone in a female makes a female get sexually turned on and demanding, there's a lot more testosterone in the male Jew who obsesses over covering himself in shame of his body because he has a female mind and dislikes how (s)he looks. The male Jew obsesses over scripture and money to a more autistic degree because of this.

The Jewish race and religion is one promoting a diminishing distinction between genders.

Severely underrated comment.

Extremely relevant.

Good posts in here so far. Jews are also far more likely to be homos:
I had a few other articles saved about how jews were more likely to be fags/dykes but lost them. Basically the jews have low sexual dimorphism and tend to create sexual inversion, i.e. masculine women and feminine men.

It often can be, but I wouldn't go that far. Aryan gentiles actually have much richer literary traditions than Jews. In fact, I doubt Jews would even have a coherent literary tradition at all if weren't for the fact that these Bedouin desert people managed to become Westernized to an extent through centuries of Hellenization after contact with Greco-Roman civilization and then later medieval European cultures. We often forget that Jews share the same desolate Arabian origins with Muslims, and even Muslims probably wouldn't have some impressive literary traditions without the tremendous Aryan influence of the Persians, the spread of classical Persianate culture, and Andalusia.

But there are marked differences between Gentile literary traditions and Jewish ones. The Jew is often looking for clever abstract interpretations of a text to make his worldview and actions seem morally sanctified under the laws of the G-D of Israel (which is what reading Torah and splitting hairs over Talmudic scholarship is all about), whereas the Aryan literary imagination is more often looking for metaphorical expressions of honor, heroism, virtue, self-realization, glory, and triumph.

The Greek idea of arete (excellence; virtue) has guided all major facets of expression in traditional Western arts and culture. It is the idea of achieving excellence in all things - not excluding virtues of the mind or body. Interestingly, one of the Roman equivalents of arete was the Latin term virtus which referred to Roman manliness and virility, and that's where we get our term "virtue."

Read literature such as the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Eddas, the Norse sagas, the Celtic myths and legends, the Arthurian romances, the works of Shakespeare, the Shahnameh (Persian Book of Kings), the Vedic literature, and so on.

Also read the classic essay on The Roots of the White Man by Sam Francis:

Posts like this are what make this place worth visiting. Thank you. It is appreciated.

That was a great thread… anyone have an archive? At this point, I understand the Jew pretty well, so it's rare when I learn something new about their 'nature.' That thread made a couple things click for me.

I accidentally left out this part of Kevin MacDonald's essay wherein he directly references Garelick's fear of "fascist" and "Aryan" beauty standards, which is where the real resentful Jewish female kvetching starts:

But even more horrifying than physical fitness, these Aryan standards of beauty are still with us. After all, who won the war anyway?

Tom Sunic has written extensively about this topic for TOO: “The Artful Race“ and his 5-part series, “Beauty and the Beast.” The ideal of Aryan physical beauty was an aspect of 20th-century racial science, and during the National Socialist period there was a revival of classical art:

In “The Artful Race” Sunic mentions the Frankfurt School as dedicated to subverting Western images of physical beauty–a theme also of Elizabeth Whitcombe. (My chapter on the Frankfurt School discusses a different kind of subversion of the healthy: family life. Children with strong ties to their parents and a sense of pride in their families are said to be forerunners of fascism and anti-Semitism.) Lasha Darkmoon illustrates the subversion of the beautiful by Jewish critics and art collectors in her “The plot against art“). And Michael Colhaze juxtaposes images of women by Lucian Freud and Sandro Botticelli.


Kenites(descendants of Cain) in the Old Testament. Cain was a son of the serpent(nachash) NOT Adam. Around ~740AD the Khazars under their king Bulan converted to Babylonian Talmudism. True Israeiltes all 12 tribes are ADAMIC not Kenite(nachash). The Talmud and the Kenite DNA and Khazar conversion to Talmud and the deception that they are Adamic Israelites is a major misunderstanding.

Huh? All 12 tribes are Adamic? If that's the case then from where exactly are the fake jews coming from, if not the 12 tribes? Are you saying that some group of people (Khazars) just randomly started claiming to be Adamic, Israelite Jews?

Also, am I to infer that the Khazars are Kenites?

Also, daily reminder that Jewish resentment toward the West is deeply rooted, and they will probably always look for ways to undermine us for the protection or promotion of their own ethnic Jewish interests. Maurice Samuel wrote, "Wherever the Jew is found he is a problem, a source of unhappiness to himself and to those around him. Ever since he has been scattered in your midst he has had to maintain a continuous struggle for the conservation of his identity.” (You Gentiles p. 10). Jews have been somewhat resentful toward Europeans and Western Civilization ever since the Jewish Revolt in 66 CE followed up by their catastrophic defeat at the hands of the Romans and the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE which scattered them into gentile lands. That's why they fancy themselves as underdogs and ally with minorities in revolt against the white European gentile majority. It's ancient resentment. Nietzsche observed them to be the propagators of slave morality. In a sense, Jews are the primordial SJW's who see themselves as the most special snowflakes ("chosen people").

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his essay on Experience: "Nature, as we know her, is no saint. The lights of the church, the ascetics, Gentoos and Grahamites, she does not distinguish by any favor. She comes eating and drinking and sinning. Her darlings, the great, the strong, the beautiful, are not children of our law, do not come out of the Sunday School, nor weigh their food, nor punctually keep the commandments. If we will be strong with her strength, we must not harbor such disconsolate consciences, borrowed too from the consciences of other nations."

The Jewish scholar Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld wrote in an article for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: "Halakhah [Jewish Law] is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings. The strong eat the weak…There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. Nature should be feared." (Oy gevalt!)

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in On the Genealogy of Morals: "With the Jews, there begins the slave revolt in morality….The symbol of this struggle, inscribed in letters legible across all human history is 'Rome against Judea, Judea against Rome.' There has hitherto been no greater event than this struggle, this question, this deadly contradiction. Rome felt the Jews to be something like anti-nature itself, its antipodal monstrosity, as it were. In Rome, the Jews stood convicted of hatred for the whole human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, Roman values."

Jews used to have the same attitude of anti-assimilation as Muslims and other immigrant groups until fairly recent history. The entire Judaic faith is based on the rejection of gentile ways. People look back on history now and think it's absurd that respectable intellectuals across the political spectrum were ever discussing the "Jewish Question" (not excluding Marx), but they don't realize how different and irreconcilable Jews were in relation to Western culture throughout most of their history in diaspora.

This is one of the reasons that Jewish organizations are so sensitive about the reception of Muslim immigration. Despite the noticeable degree of theological antisemitism in Islam, many Jews see a part of themselves in these Semitic migrants. Jews understand they too were once Middle Eastern immigrants who penetrated into Europe and faced ethnic and religious conflict with the white majority as a result. Counter-signaling Muslim immigration (or minority groups in general) as a Jew is like counter-signaling part of themselves. They have a complicated relationship with the politics of migration and minority rights because Jews have been wandering, stateless, rootless cosmopolitans who have depended on the tolerance and multiculturalism of gentile host nations since the fall of the Second Temple and their defeat by the Romans which launched them into diaspora.


What I don't understand is, why were they forced to migrate after their home was destroyed. This part has never quite made sense to me.

Have there not been countless cases of a people being defeated within their homeland and simply… staying in their homeland? Staying and rebuilding? Why were the Jews forced to abandon their homeland just because they were defeated in war? Even if the Second Temple fell, could they not rebuild it? And if it can't be rebuilt, does the loss of a monument really justify entering other countries? Countries where you know you're not wanted?

Spoonfeed me because I don't get it.

Thread was pretty good until the usual suspects started their [autistic screeching].

They are parasites that abhor physical labour.

From what I understand, it was mainly the elite Jews and leaders of the revolts who were killed, enslaved, or exiled from the land after they were defeated in war.

The Romans also really disliked Judaism and wanted to clean it out. That's supposedly why Hadrian made Jerusalem into a Roman pagan city (Aelia Capitolina) in which religious Jews were forbidden to live and renamed Judea and Samaria to Syria Palaestina, after the Assyrians and Philistines respectively, both as an insult to the Jews and as a means of erasing the land's Jewish identity. Seen in that light, you can understand the possible historic origins of the religious and ethnic resentment Zionist Jews feel toward Syria and Palestine.

However, I think the majority of Jews in the world at that time were already living in diaspora outside of "Israel" in the first place, even before the Siege of Jerusalem. They have a long and tedious history of exile and expulsion. The post-Roman diaspora is seen as the final breaking point for old temple Judaism because religious authority then shortly shifted to the rabbis in diaspora, but Jews had long been scattered before that. I think their dispersal into Europe is thought to have happened mostly after their defeat by the Romans - but again, they had probably already been migrating into certain settlements in the West because of the lure of trade and commerce. There's a reason why they're stereotyped as foreign merchants.


I would also like to add some context here:

As stories go, this one is pretty cracker jack. But if you look a little closer at its history, you’ll see that it’s quite a bit more complex, with no clear heroes and villains, and a surprising twist on what the conflict was actually about.

For one thing, Israel had not been an independent nation for quite a long time. It had been successively passed around by a few empires after the Babylonian takeover, and just before this story takes place, it had been made part of the Ptolemaic Empire. The Ptolemies ruled Egypt and the Nile Delta. Like the Seleucids, they were Greek in origin and were a part of a Hellenistic culture that touted gymnasia, Olympic-style games, mystery rites and philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Some Jews chafed under this rule by an alien culture, but many of them may have enjoyed it.

In her book, “Doubt: A History,” Jennifer Michael Hecht posits that Jews and Greeks originally had quite a friendly relationship and that many Jews were enthusiastic to adopt certain aspects of Greek culture. “The secularist Jewish community began to see the empire and the Greek philosophical tradition as a significant part of their identity… the Jews who enjoyed Hellenistic culture may not have felt any less Jewish, seeing nothing ill in the Greek invitation to civic celebrations, universalist moral philosophy, exercise and education in the Gymnasium, a sense of progress, and a prosperous future for the kids.”

The first Book of Maccabees seems to back this story up, though its author doesn’t seem very pleased about it:

Certainly, there were a number of pious Jews who were upset that their people were spending time at the Greek gymnasium instead of the temple, not to mention surgically reversing their circumcisions (those were some committed secularists). The rift between the pious and the apostate Jews became even greater when the Seleucids defeated the Ptolomies and seized Israel for their own.

As you can imagine, this new development did not sit too well with the traditionalist Jews.

And so the Maccabean Wars began, not with a Jew killing a Greek, but with a pious Jew killing an apostate Jew. It would not be the last time: “They organized an army, and struck down sinners in their anger and lawless men in their wrath; the survivors fled to the Gentiles for safety. And Mattathias and his friends went about and tore down the altars; they forcibly circumcised all the uncircumcised boys that they found within the borders of Israel.”

So, to recap: a foreign power, steeped in the founding culture of Western civilization, invades and occupies a small Middle Eastern country. The secular inhabitants welcome them, while the more religious faction grows angry at their presence. Eventually this faction rises up, attacking the invaders with guerrilla tactics and killing and terrorizing any of their people they see collaborating with enemies. Sound familiar?

Beyond its ironic parallels with our current conflicts in the Middle East, the situation that the Jews of Israel found themselves in, once they had ejected the Greeks, was similarly paradoxical. The Maccabees gave rise to the Hasmonean Dynasty, a line of kings and queens who were like Jewish versions of the Borgias. They have the dubious honor of being the only Jewish rulers on historical record to demand the conversion of non-Jews by the sword. They were also less than cordial toward their relatives, with one king jailing his mother and brothers and letting them starve so he could gain the throne (apparently not all Jewish men love their mothers). When two Hasmonean brothers sparked a civil war while vying for the throne, they asked the Romans to settle the dispute by backing one of them. This led to the Roman occupation of Judea and, eventually, to the Jews’ long-lasting expulsion from their homeland and the diaspora.

Finally, to end things in a holiday spirit, it should be mentioned that, in seeking the Roman’s assistance, the Hasmoneans inadvertently sounded the death knell of their line.

Checking those digits.

user, you have made some great contributions. I just have one favor to ask: a personal reading list dump for this time period.

Ive had a tought about this in the terms of
Communism VS Natsoc.
Natsoc said Vaterland
Commies said Motherland

What is some deeper meaning to those two words,in pertaining to masculinity and femininity?Certainly this can be found in the priorities of the two ideologies and their overall stance.Any toughts anons?Who made this destinction at all?

That question deserves a long and interesting answer but I'm pretty tired and incoherent at the moment so the tl;dr of my >opinion was that it was largely due to cultural differences that were amplified as the two flavors of nationalism came head-to-head ; Germans are an atavistic and frequently externally bellicose people by nature and thus they tend to employ the masculine, while the Russians are agrarian and insular and thus tend to employ the feminine. Rhetoric also plays into this as well, even though the terms both have centuries of consistency; the concept of the Fatherland is about the nation (in the sense of a union of state and volk, and not lines on a map) as an entity while the Russian equivalent sets the idea of the nation apart from its constituent citizens. The individual German is essentially a faceless avatar of the German people in their righteous bloodshed, part of a sort of spiritual-political godhead, while the individual Russian is an individual fighting side-by-side with millions of others to protect a sacred and unconditional universal good, the unconditional love and ministrations of a mother towards her children.

After writing this long and rambling garbage fire of a post, I'm almost delirious and so will go to bed. If you reply, I'll try to get back to you when I wake up.

Commies said родина, coming from род, meaning birth. It's more like "land that gave birth to us". Like said, we distinguish the idea of the nation from its people, its народ.

This is the reading list I usually recommend:

All anons should be familiar with psychoanalysis, it is the Jew's mindset disrobed and laid naked for all to see.

Wow jews even manage to ruin things for other jews.

Heil Titus! Forever may his name be praised!

The leaders of the kikes at the time were the molech worshipping Cohen Gadol. Note that the cult that led Carthage during the punic wars, the most bloody and bitter war ever fought by rome, was led by priests of Molech who sacrificdc children openly. When the Romans found out their the legacy of their old nemesis remaind in kike-land, they did what we should do now, make it fucking uninhabitable and kill EVERYTHING!

There's a reason the Allies destroyed over 90% of Arno Breker's statues and sculptures after WW2, and it's not because they had overt displays of Nazism, because they didn't. The Nazis had made a cult of physical fitness and beauty, just like the Romans, just like the Greeks, and made a deliberate effort to emulate them. And as you are now learning, the Jews are hostile to this, as well as holding an eternal grudge against all three civilizations for fighting them.

The Nazis very much desired to emulate the Greek and Roman attitudes toward a healthy body image and physical fitness. Don't you find it interesting that the Allies went to a great deal of effort to destroy any and every German book or military manual on physical fitness training after the war? Official documents refer to a number of different military manuals on physical fitness, but nobody can find a surviving copy because the Allies burned them. And only physical fitness and exercise manuals. Why is that, do you think?

Part of why the Nazis enjoyed successes early in the war against Poland, Czechoslavakia, and France, wasn't because of superior equipment; when the war first started, the Germans had inferior equipment to everyone else, especially in terms of tanks and aircraft. The Nazis won those battles because of superior tactics, and because the average German soldier had superior strength, speed, and endurance, giving them much greater combat performance than the average soldier they faced in France or Poland. In fact, they continued to enjoy this advantage throughout most of the war, continuing their physical training programs, while the Soviets threw scrawny, half-starved, untrained cannon fodder at them and the British continued to suffer the effects of bombing campaigns. German soldiers were on par with American soldiers, who had a much less stringent exercise program but were healthy and well-fed, even in the late war when the Germans were starving en masse and exercise was replaced with scrambling to hastily train and arm cannon fodder much like the Soviets were doing.

And then for some reason, deciding they didn't want to face an army of Aryan supermen again, the Allies burned all the Nazi physical fitness manuals they could get their hands on rather than using them for themselves. And the Allies at the time were either directly controlled by, or under the influence of, Jews, who have 2,000 years of historical animosity toward the Greeks, Romans, and now the Germans, and their cult of physical fitness and body image. So of course they burned them rather than use them for themselves and adopt the same attitude: the Jews considered it a threat if the goyim were all fit and part of the same mentality as their most hated enemies. This is the same reason for the Jews' hatred of art and beauty, and their hostility toward masculinity and their promotion of feminism and nu-maleness: they seem to emasculate us and make us as weak and ugly as they are.


is not tongue in cheek, this is the Aryan ideal of freedom. Jewish "freedom" is being a slave to one's passions and desires. Schiller understood this, the Greeks understood this.

Is this all a rough estimate or is there hard evidence to show this happened? Tragic if true.

I read an article by Tomislav Sunic a while ago on how the Allies destroyed entired libraries of German literature in the process of "de-Nazification" and reconstruction after the fall of the Third Reich:

Not tons, but megatons of book titles were seized, burned down or simply shoved down the Orwellian memory hole by the victorious Allies in defeated Germany. And among those were works by prominent European geneticists, anthropologists, artists and biologists, whose work long predated the National Socialist seizure of power. The entire Allied inquisition against European scholarship and science was euphemistically called the “The List of the literature to be singled out (Die Liste der auszusondernden Literatur); see here and here. The Lamarckian-Marxian idea of racial equality and human interchangeability has become so powerful that the most modest academic skepticism regarding contemporary “self-evident truths” is severely punished.

Come to think of it, out of all the Nazi pamphlets and books I've seen, I don't think I've ever came across an NS physical training manual. Unless I've missed something.

Is there seriously no trace of them?

This is a beautiful redpill. Wish I could get my hands on those workout books.

Funny how the Jews pushed bodybuilding so hard which relied on drugs and huge amounts of carbohydrates. They twisted our entire concept of diet and nutrition in favour of high carbohydrates.
People eat tonnes of grains and sugar developing diabetes, heart problems, cancer etc. Even vegetarian and vegan dies which are extremely bad for you are pushed by the jews.

Society has gone from eating a diet with protein and fats as staple alongside ocassional carbohydrates in their natural forms. To one predominately carbohydrate based which is most typically used to fatten up livestock.

They have use the knowledge of the true way to twist and subvert "health" into a product which every principle and method are in detriment to ones health through excessive drug use and a un-natural diet.

A culture of fast results and extreme vanity surely is good for business.

In connection to this thread, everybody should read Otto Weininger's Sex and Character. The most Holla Forums book ever written. If I remember this thread I will post some excerpts tomorrow

I have a copy in my library, just haven't got a chance to read it, is it worth it? Cost me a fair amount too, they don't print it anymore. I mean it is written by a self-hating homosexual jew.

I think Evola cites and critiques it in his book on Eros

Mfw I made that thread

I have archives of several threads like this:




Nigger, you are not a dietitian >inb4 cherrypicked pics of kike/fat dietitians–that is too much meat. put dairy where fruit/veggies is, put fruit where dairy is, and split meat into 3/4 meat with the last 1/4 of that space being veggies.


Actual Nazi physical fitness training manuals are next to impossible to find. Literally the only one I have is a Hitler Youth manual in PDF format, which has a brief section on introductory physical fitness training to prepare them for more rigorous military fitness training. I don't have a translation available, only the original German.

Do a search for Nazi physical fitness manuals; for an entire nation and ideology devoted to physical fitness, body image, and beauty, don't you find it just a little odd that NO literature exists from the period? The Allies went to great lengths to destroy it all after the war.

Dude that's so fucking frustrating

Forgive the linking to another chan, for some reason I can't upload any PDF's to Holla Forums.



We seriously need to have this translated into English ASAP. We did it with 200 Years Together; any anons fluent in German and want to volunteer?


About the only thing that survives from Nazi physical fitness and body image culture are books on the Nazi nudist movement. Apparently the kikes and Allies were ok with looking at photos of nude League of German Girls (BDM) members. You can even find those books on ebay on a regular basis.

Yes, the Nazis invented the "white women in wheat fields" meme.

If we can recreate the Nazi physical fitness program, that would be absolutely fantastic. We can easily find out about their nutritional programs with German cookbooks from the 20's and 30's, all we need is the actual exercise program. The first step: translating that Hitler Youth manual.

if you want to be perfectly honest, the fundamentals of successful physical training have been known since antiquity. while the physiological and physiomechanic aspects of training have advanced significantly in the past few decades (especially in areas like swimming), you'll still get the same exercise fundamentals from reading "Secrets of Strength" by Earle Liederman (1925) as you would something modern like "Starting Strength" . what i'm saying is theres no need to revert to a 1930s-40s understanding of exercise.

While I largely agree, modern physical fitness books aren't necessarily better. Notice how modern fitness focuses on drugs or 'supplements' that either fuck you up when you're on them, or fuck you up when you stop using them, focus on bulk ('get swole') rather than actual strength and endurance, etc.

I'd rather have genuine strength, endurance, and health than be some bulked up, roided-out loser who gets all kinds of health problems later in life or as soon as they stop taking 'supplements'.

Surely there must have been SOMETHING to the Nazi exercise program that made it threatening to the Jews and their good goyim Allies, since they went to such lengths to destroy it.

But these people look like their abdomens have been hollowed out, there's no fucking muscle how is that supposed to be aesthethic?

I found this interesting book on the interwebs:

Shaping the Superman: Fascist Body as Political Icon – Aryan Fascism the superman

I may go ahead and read this book because it seems to cover some interesting topics and cites plenty of primary sources. Of course, there's the usual pearl-clutching about racism and antisemitism which is required of every orthodox academic historian, but it still seems to contain some valuable information and insights. And I can read between the lines.

Hopefully, none of the authors of the essays contained in the book will go the typical route of trying to force the argument that the Nazis and Fascists were all secretly gay sexist bigots who hated women and therefore only promoted health and strength to glorify homoeroticism and to oppress the poor feminist womynz. This pop pseudo-history been debunked innumerable times by serious scholars, but anti-fascist writers love to dabble in this seemingly homophobic gossip whenever they're trying desperately to smear the cultural ideals of National Socialists and Fascists.

ya maybe (((professional))) sports, but theres more information available for those who know where to look than ever before. starting strength really is a great primer for physical fitness in general
for free resources on youtube you also have extensive info from alan thrall, jonnie candito, and tyler yasuda who are all top tier resources. hell, even some /fit/ boards are pretty good, like 76 chan /fit/ has an entire exercise science thread with pretty high quality posts

That's the natural form of a well-trained individual with a strong waist. Don't take those modern bodybuilding blobs with their roid guts as a reference.

I've seen this in Nazi posters as well.


This is a top tier thread.

It certainly looks interesting.

We need to be looking for contemporary material though, actual Nazi fitness manuals.

That's what a healthy, fit human being looks like, not a bulky, roided-out beefcake. You'll notice they look strong, but their muscles aren't massive? Unlike a body builder/power lifter, they have just as much strength, but use less energy (less mass to move around), promoting greater endurance, and don't have such bulky muscles that it makes flexibility difficult. Shit, last time I was at the gym they had a guy there whose muscles were so huge, he couldn't put his arms down. Literally, he couldn't place his arms flat against his sides, they stuck out because of the muscles. That is in no way, shape, or form healthy.

There's a reason the Nazis took home more medals than any other country in the 1936 Olympics. 33 gold, 26 silver, 30 bronze; second place was the US with 24 gold, 20 silver, and 12 bronze. The only other country to reach double digits was Hungary (10 gold, 1 silver, 5 bronze) and everyone else got single digit medals.

Also, aesthetic is only one component of physical fitness; yes, we want to look strong, but we also want to BE strong. We want to healthy, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and combat fit. Again, contrary to the end of the war when the Nazis were the most technologically advanced military (but rapidly running out of raw resources, manpower, and fuel), at the beginning of the war the Nazis had utter shit for weaponry; the Polish invasion was spearheaded by Panzer I's (armed with a single 8mm machine gun and paper-thin armor that MIGHT stop a pistol round) and Panzer II's (20mm gun, armor that a rifle could penetrate in the rear and some areas of the side), their fighters and bombers weren't much better, and their infantry had bolt-action rifles and a bare handful of MP38 SMG's. In fact, the Poles, Czechs, and French had vastly better tanks, superior aircraft, and (except for the MG-34) better machine guns and anti-tank weapons. Yet the Nazis managed to steamroll all three; Poland fell in 35 days, Czechoslavakia fell almost without firing a shot, and France fell in 46 days. Why?

Partly because the Nazis used superior tactics, and partly because German soldiers were vastly superior to their enemies in terms of physical fitness and training. When the average enemy soldier can march 12 miles, carry 30lb of equipment, and needs to take regular breaks, and your average soldier can march 20 miles, carry 70lb of equipment, and do it in one go and still fight a battle afterward, guess who wins?

This isn't solely about looking appealing and projecting an image of strength: this is also about actually BEING strong.

Hungary was also Fascist, or at least close to it at the time.

Ya done good. That was a hell of a thread and largely responsible for my current spiritual outlook.

That list is misteriously lacking Dr. William Luther Pierce and his National Alliance, one of the most prescient, radical and genuine figures ever lived, probably one of the most important figures in the second half of the XX century.
And you have Amren, Vdare, and other places that will not dare name the jew and are full of jews missdirecting our efforts.

i would state this all differently:

the ugliest haggis jewtit and sodomboy will still see a sculpted man and react instinctively, with intrinsic deference, fluid adoration submission, and ecstatic dick-halo effect. this is similar to beta's and pussy halo. this means that if kikes and nigs meme 'roid boosted muh dicks into the culture, and one walks into a room full of jews, the jews in that room will adore it. positively poz'ed gay, just like that. instantaneous. same from any mudshit pseudo-violence as spic la raza: all hollow, all scripteds following script, aspiring to enslavement by passion, etc.

so on the specific angle of why cannibalistic societies oppose men being fit and wielding nature (as oppose to slovenly and submitting to nature), is as simple as a kike walking past a line of marble statues and feeling intrinsic submission.

spend decades and fortunes making a company filled with jewtits. the most aggressive, state sponsored, vitriolic feminists you can find. take one – just one – terminator-esque arnold or conan, walk them into the room, and all instantly adore. years, decades, gorrillions worth of planning… gone in an instant to the natural.

this is also why jews actually like blm, la raza, designateds, and snackbars – when their males get 'in tune' and fit, they are still quite effete, hollow, and easy to dispel of any halo effect they're exploiting.

the day to day mechanics of jew society is what you're starring at. it is simple to map, though it be fucked up. it has nothing to do with grand designs and other such long attention span thoughts, but rather far more so to do with the random effortless disruptive reminders they get day in and day out that entirely cancel – and revert – all of them.

Pic related.

We need to start projecting an aesthetic of power and beauty. The Nazis became immensely popular, even in other countries, because they had style, they had physique, and they simply oozed with masculine power.

We need to develop an exercise program so instead of scrawny nerds and fatasses, we have fit, strong men who look like they could take on a professional fighter and win (and possibly could) and project an air of confidence and power. Men would flock to us because they want to be like us, women would flock to us because we get their panties wet. We also need a style, something that instantly makes us stand out from the crowd but actually looks good, not autistic. Something that immediately visually identifies who we are and what we stand for. We need a unified platform; the NatSoc, Libertarians, and others on Holla Forums need to unite and find everything we have in common, set aside the shit we disagree about for later, and start campaigning with that platform. We need to convince ourselves that we are going to rise to power in the nation and become the majority, to project that air of confidence in the inevitability of our cause, and the masses of normies will pick up on that and flock to it.

We can also begin indoctrinating:

That teacher turned first a classroom, then an entire school, into miniature fascists in less than a month, with minimal effort. We can do the same thing to capture the youth and bring them to our cause; we need to be teaching in schools, volunteering with Boy Scouts groups, building a website to advertise our platform to normies, and building a MOVEMENT. Now is the best time to do this, while we can capture the wave of growing resentment against the left's insanity and Jewish perversion.

And it all starts with a workout. So what do you say, anons? Do you have the discipline to join me and start disciplining your mind and your body?

Second half is the most important. You can start with the chapter on Judaism since it relates to this thread. But the whole book is recommendable.

Basic cliffs from that chapter (but without context):
- Woman of highest standard beneath man of lowest
- Judaism a tendency of the mind, possible for all mankind, has become actual in most conspicuous fashion among Jews
- Purest Aryans often Philosemites. Greatest Geniuses often Antisemites; they have something of everything in their nature and can thus understand Judaism
- There are Aryans more Jewish than Jews, and Jews more Aryan than certain Aryans
- Judaism warns the Aryan against himself, of the possibility of it within him
- Judaism is saturated with femininity
- The Jew, via Jehovah, like the woman, requires an exterior authority
- God in man is the human soul, the absolute Jew devoid of soul. No belief in immortality in the Old Testament, only those have no soul can have no craving for immortality
- Difference between Jew and Woman: Neither believe in themselves, the woman believes in others

content with daubs and seeks its inspiration in the sports of animals; the time of a
superficial anarchy, with no feeling for Justice and the State; a time of communistic
ethics, of the most foolish of historical views, the materialistic interpretation of
history; a time of capitalism and of Marxism; a time when history, life, and science
are no more than political economy and technical instruction: a time when genius is
supposed to be a form of madness; a time with no great artists and no great
philosophers; a time without originality and yet with the most foolish craving for
originality; a time when the cult of the Virgin has been replaced by that of the Demivierge.
It is the time when pairing has not only been approved but has been enjoined
as a duty.

"Judaism was to him [Wagner] the greatest help in reaching a clearer understanding and assertion of the extremes within him in his struggle to reach “Siegfried” and“Parsifal,” and in giving to German nature the highest means of expression which has probably ever been found in the pages of history (…)it is the immense merit of Judaism that it and nothing else, leads the Aryan to a knowledge of himself and warns him against himself. For this the Aryan has to thank the Jew that, through him, he knows to guard against Judaism as a possibility within himself. This example will sufficiently illustrate what, in my estimation, is to be understood by Judaism"

Here you go. Again, forgive linking to another chan, I still can't get PDF's to upload to Holla Forums.

Sex and Character


I listed plenty of sources that explicitly name the Jew (i.e. The Occidental Observer, Ostara, Arktos, Counter-Currents, RADIX Journal, etc.)

There's nothing wrong with looking at multiple sources, even if not all of them focus on the JQ.

As far as I know, this is also a good place to find good National Socialist primary sources:

Describing the contours of ancient history, the great American Egyptologist James Henry Breasted saw the ancient world in terms of an epochal struggle between “our ancestors,” the Indo-Europeans of Europe, Persia, and India, on the one hand, and the Semitic peoples of Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Canaan, Assyria, and Carthage, on the other:

"The history of the ancient world, as we are now to follow it, was largely made up of the struggle between this southern Semitic line, which issued from the southern grasslands, and the northern Indo-European line, which came forth from the northern grasslands to confront the older civilizations represented in the southern line. Thus . . . we see the two great races facing each other across the Mediterranean like two vast armies stretching from Western Asia westward to the Atlantic. The later wars between Rome and Carthage represent some of the operations on the Semitic left wing, while the triumph of Persia over Chaldea is a similar outcome on the Semitic right wing.

"The result of the long conflict was the complete triumph of our ancestors (the Indo-European line), who conquered along the center and both wings and finally, as represented by the Greeks and Romans, gained unchallenged supremacy throughout the Mediterranean world. This triumph was accompanied by a long struggle for mastery between the members of the northern line themselves. Among them the victory moved from the east end to the west end of the northern line, as first the Persians, then the Greeks, and finally the Romans gained control of the Mediterranean and oriental world."

~ James Henry Breasted, The Conquest of Civilizations


"With the Jews, there begins the slave revolt in morality….The symbol of this struggle, inscribed in letters legible across all human history is 'Rome against Judea, Judea against Rome.' There has hitherto been no greater event than this struggle, this question, this deadly contradiction. Rome felt the Jews to be something like anti-nature itself, its antipodal monstrosity, as it were. In Rome, the Jews stood convicted of hatred for the whole human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, Roman values."

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals


"The great victory won by Charles Martel over the Saracens, A.D. 732, which gave a decisive check to the career of Arab conquest in Western Europe, rescued Christendom from Islam, preserved the relics of ancient and the germs of modern civilization, and re-established the old superiority of the Indo-European over the Semitic family of mankind."

~ Sir Edward Creasy, The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World

This may explain some of the awkward attitudes toward men and women in Judaic culture.

Joseph Campbell's collected writings and lectures on the mythological significance of femininity in ancient cultures is profound and interesting. He argues there are two main patriarchal cultures in the West (each of which either absorbed or eliminated the culture of the goddess): Indo-European ("Aryan") cultures venturing down from the North, and the Semitic ("Bedouin") cultures rising from the south of the Mediterranean.

Historically, these two groups have been grand rivals (as we've seen in this thread). The main difference between the two patriarchal cultures in regards to gender is that the Indo-Europeans retained their female divinities and embellished their appreciation for the female principle in their mythologies - whereas the Semitic cultures from the desert (especially Judaism and Islam later on) attempted to almost entirely wipe out all reverence for the female principle in their religious dogmas. Such a contrast in worldviews had a noticeable impact on their different ways of organizing society and perceiving women. This likely explains why certain Greek and Roman women (depending on the particular city-sate and time period) and Northern European women enjoyed an exceptional amount of freedom, individuality, and respect from men (i.e. chivalry) in comparison to most other ancient cultures at the time. And this likely also explains the dry, cruel, and legalistic attitudes toward women that remain eternally embedded in the Halakhah and Shari'ah of Orthodox Jewish & Islamic doctrines which cannot be authoritatively altered or changed without undermining the legitimacy of their traditions. Semitic religions are intensely static.

And given that Rabbinic Judaism later squashed the ideal of virile/heroic masculinity within their cultures while already having wiped out appreciation for the female principle since ancient times, it kinda makes sense to me that their men would become more prone to effeminacy while their women became more butch. Indo-European cultures more often emphasized sexual dimorphism and harmony in the ideals and imagery of their cultures.

Even as European cultures were thoroughly patriarchal and emphasized complementary masculine/feminine gender roles, they developed chivalrous and dynamic understandings of human relationships, driven by honor and virtue ethics. Semitic cultures were more often static and legalistic, shaped by the immutable dogmas of divine command theory. However, Christianity is a complicated exception because it was Hellenized and Germanized in some subtle ways after it penetrated into Europe, but it still bears the mark of some typical Semitic features.

The title of this book is misleading, though. It's not some New Age attempt to bring back goddess worship or whatever, and it doesn't focus entirely on female deities. Overall, it's a general examination of the significance of women in ancient and medieval cultures and the development of mythological images of femininity throughout time. There may be some theories you won't totally agree with, but I think it's a fairly balanced and thought-provoking compilation.

There are some people who argue that the Aryan and Semitic tribes eroded the "matriarchal" and/or egalitarian relations of the prehistoric indigenous cultures they came to dominate.

Might be sorta true. Judaism regarded the goddess as an "abomination." But again, one of the things that sets Indo-European patriarchies apart from Semitic patriarchies was that Indo-Europeans retained their female divinities and reintegrated indigenous aspects of the cultures they conquered. For example, one commonly accepted theory is that a select few female goddesses of Old Europe were symbolically wedded to heroic male gods of the Indo-European mythology (although this was not true in every case because the Indo-European speakers already had female deities in their own pantheon). This likely reflected the social attitudes of some of the Indo-European conquerors as well. So some feminine aspects of Old Europe and pre-Aryan societies probably survived, but they were reconfigured under Indo-European dominion and readjusted according to preexisting Indo-European understandings about the roles of certain goddesses.

Whether or not pre-Aryan and pre-Semitic societies were entirely "matriarchal" or exactly egalitarian is disputable, and it's difficult to know for sure because the scholarship on the subject is highly politicized and tainted with the fantasies of feminist speculation. Overall, there doesn't seem to be much evidence for flourishing "matriarchal" societies in the ways we tend to imagine them. The ones which likely existed were definitely not the most "progressive" as liberals like to think. In fact, despite their impressive development and unique mythological significance, societies centered primarily around goddess worship tended to be very stagnant and vulnerable. The dynamism of the Indo-European conquests made societies move, transform, and evolve.

"In Aryan society, women have always enjoyed more respect, more freedom, and more individuality than in non-Aryan society, and this probably derives from the structure of their society. The relative independence and freedom that characterized the structured Aryan society would have meant that women could not simply be captured and enslaved but had to be bargained for or won, if not as individuals then as the daughters of other competing warriors. Disrespect for or cruelty to a woman, like discourtesy or injury to a free man, could result in endless blood feuds. Women and goddesses in Greek and Norse myths and legends have far more personality and a far more important social role than in most non-Aryan mythologies.

"But the natural Aryan respect for women does not mean that modern feminism is consistent with ancient Aryan views of womanhood, and despite the honor that Aryans have always paid women, they never confused honor with equality or sameness. The assumption of the Aryan honoring of women is that women are different from men and require or deserve different treatment. It is for that very reason that modern feminists, wedded to the illusion of sexual egalitarianism, despise, ridicule, and try to abolish the expressions of male chivalry, even though, like most egalitarians, they also like to have it both ways—to abolish inequality when it offers an impediment but to insist on it when it serves their interests."

~ Samuel T. Francis, "The Roots of the White Man"

What they're missing is large pectorals. Humans historically did not have large pectorals, as the muscles are not used very much naturally. For example, in how many movements throughout your life do you mimic a benchpress or even a dip? Large pecs are a relatively modern phenomenon. If you look at Greek/Roman statues, they do not have large pecs. Eugen Sandow, the first modern bodybuilder, also did not have highly developed pectorals, as he did not benchpress and tried to copy their look.

Their abdomens are actually fairly well developed, including their obliques.

1st pic
Jesus christ.

They are sucking in their guts for some reason, it must have been a fad of the time. Try this: while viewing the picture, cover up their abdomen with your thumb, it will change the way they look completely and you will see how fit they actually are. I'd do it with photoshop if I were on my rig.

Ostara Publications has some excellent selections on race, history, religion, philosophy, and white culture and mythology

The Heretical Press has excellent resources; they're all excerpts from books or essays, but now you have book titles and authors to look up

‘The whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to make themselves loved and honoured by them, to educate them when young, to care for them when grown, to counsel them, to console them, and to make life sweet and agreeable to them – these are the duties of women at all times and what should be taught them from their infancy.’ Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Excellent essay, by the way.

Giving women a voice and allowing them to comment on contemporary social problems is rather like asking the Devil for advice on how to cure sin.

I agree with this, but don't believe it means we should be forbidding women from reading, writing, doing math, driving, etc. as the White Sharia meme would dictate. These are still useful skills that are helpful in the organization and operation of a proper household and can be passed down to children. If anything, education of women should be more vocational and practical than that of men.

This would be so awesome, a non-cucked fitness program and diet for the ideal aryan form

Well, no shit. We're Aryans, not sand niggers. A woman needs to know how to drive, read, write, do math, etc. if she's going to buy groceries, raise small children, and not burn the house down while her husband is working to pay the bills.

We can solve 99% of our cultural problems by doing as the Founding Fathers did: restricting the vote solely to white men, age 21, who own land, and doing the same for public office. No women, no Jews, no niggers, none of them can vote or hold a position of authority.

You can look at the American economy, politics, birth rate, immigration policy, etc. and see the exact point where it all went to shit: the day women got to vote.

Wouldn't it be awesome? No fad diets, no artificial 'supplements', hormones, or drugs, no processed food poisoned by the Jews ("hope you like GMO's, estrogen, antibiotics, pesticides, and high-fructose corn syrup, goy! Heh heh heh!"), no bullshit exercises that make you bulk up but don't make you healthy.

Just wholesome, healthy, delicious food, cooked in the traditional way, and an exercise program meant to turn you into an Aryan demigod.



Tomorrow I'll upload the physical fitness manuals I've got; they're all military, so they're relatively free of bullshit.

But we really need to translate that Hitler Youth book into English and make it available as a PDF.

It doesn't make sense because that didn't really happen. It's ancient we wuzzery from the kikes where they identify themselves with the Israelites who at least had the balls to fight and die for their beliefs instead of with their actual ancestors who had long since migrated out of Palestine and at most were staging local uprisings in the diaspora.

loving your posts user, very informative. you have a strong understanding of history, especially from an angle of eternal european/jewish struggle. im wondering what your thoughts are on the present state of affairs and what the future holds?

backwards, and far too static.

what happened then? the same that's happening now.

waz niggas kangs? did they work and toil and build pyramids? did they studiously farm cotton and hold up the economies of empires? or did they nig out, barely moving, barely working, incurring net wealth loss and consumption, crying and carrying on the whole damn time, unable to imitate fully, going all BLM, afrocentrist, niggawhatmuhdick? the fact is the latter: the now pattern was the then pattern.

when the pattern changes, is when you know the people (ie the sum wealth, genetic, and rule/culture inheritance machine) also changed. period. it is that simple.

once upon a time the jews then were actual jews then, not the kazakh kikes they are now. once upon a time, damn long ago, they (who are not the 'they' of now, nor have been for quite some time), did work, did succeed, and did reserve the ashes of fathers for the temples of their sons. they lost however, to the hoards to the east, who dead-leaf-bag-falling-over migrant'ed them out of existence. diversity is strangth, multiculturalism is goodmmmkay, etc. the jihad, of entropy exploitation and consumptive consumption to lesser and lesser energy potential: islam; submission to fate; the nature way.

original nature was a failure that had no memory, and stayed stuck in the same repeating degenerative cannibalistic loops. this always re-occurs. how many times can you extract energy to live out of a cannibalistic cycle in inheritance systems? turns out, not many. barely even 3 generations. sometimes not even 1. thus the jews, now kazakhs in actual, fell, in time. they joined the desert. this happened, and has never had enough energy and work placed into it to reverse its course, some time around 13-12bc.

there was a time when jew actually didn't mean jew like it does today. they weren't anti-female, but they didn't pander and pussyworship and nig. as they came up to their final fall, they hated the feminism overtaking them, and then feminist (ie nature, natural) that devoured them did so instill a deep pavlovian memory against all things men. and died soon after. it has been stuck in the same parasitic growth and collapse loop, entirely dependent on 'white' civilizations' expansion and fight, ever since. so ever since then, they became the female pussy goddess gia nutcases, complete with matching dick-tip eating effete male perpetual child abominations imitating the new 'father' power (ie female harpies who ate their men).

in every civilization, the same story repeats. entropic escapement,

as an aside, evolution of hydra/unicellular systems is not the same as evolution of sexual/binary-set-resortment systems. when you're just starting out, you barely have anything, so you keep it, just to find something that works. when you're billions of years later, you already have metrics of working adaptive adaptation systems – you're concern now is in removing corruption, bad memory, and parasitic strands/processes.

the history of man's evolution as able to be recorded is mostly the later story: resortment to a different subset, letting it take the rope out to hang itself, and proceeding on. this is not the evolution of neocon darwin, nor the evolution taught in schools of feminist dogma.

evolution of bacteria might – might – be able to be described as the survival of the fittest. this is a whole nutcase of crazy statement, however. evolution is the self-deselection of the least fit. the majority of genetic inheritance systems is semi-randomly resorted into different sets, like taking a class of children, splitting the whites off and the shitskins off separately, telling them to play a game, and watching the inevitable celebration-infatuation-expansion-desolation of the shitskin.

indo-euro my ass. indo was resorted out, and left behind. that it didn't die yet is just a yet ticking away. bacteria are still here afterall and will be for quite some time. any speculation that the indo-euro was indo-first or anything indo that indo might imply, is bat shit crazy talk of designated professor migrant scabs, their cuck enabler lovers, and the jew. it itself a cannibalism left over from the kiketit containment plan by shunting them into universities and positions where production and delivery were not required.

the founder method was restricting power to those willing to own, fight, and win. this was an accident largely due to the fact that they owned, fought, and won, and so made systems in their image. the founder model is, despite endless narratives to a slew of 'otherwises', actually concerned with owners, willing to own, itself predicated on those able to own.

vote systems, of those who are not this, will not be that, because they are not that, and by the nature of their redefinition and misappropriation of 'vote' and 'system', will never be that.

if you want to rollback, to back to a stage of the collapse sequence, and attempt to restart there – in that place, where you are already falling – do so in full knowledge that it's not the paradise it claims.

These comments put a lot of modern things, such as art, porn etc. into great context and make you see them in a whole new light. That is, considering we know who's behind most of it.

“We corrupt in order to rule.”
— Italian Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini

The Jew is anathema to all that is good and beautiful. They seek to destroy us, and to do that they oppose us on every level.

The white is beautiful, so the Jew promotes ugly brown people and calls them 'beautiful', while attacking "eurocentric standards of beauty'.

The white enjoys nature and considers the remote forests, meadows, mountains, and streams a paradise; Jews willingly live in a hostile desert and you never see them outside of urban centers in white nations. They hate nature, hate being a part of it, and prefer the grimy, polluted, vice-filled city to frolicking amongst nature.

The white creates beautiful art that speaks to the soul; the Jew creates ugly, meaningless art and dark, disturbing imagery that makes you feel sick.

The white creates beautiful, haunting music; have you ever heard a brown composer invent something half as beautiful as, say, Pachelbel's Canon? The Jew promotes screeching cacaphony and rapping as 'music', often with anti-white lyrics.

White dances are elegant and serene, such as the waltz. The Jew, again promoting ugliness and base animal desires, promotes things like twerking and grinding your crotch against people.

The white writes beautiful literature exploring infinite ideas, struggling to learn what it means to be a man, to come to terms with the universe. The Jew writes ugly filth and gives it a five star rating on Amazon.

The white man upholds honor, righteousness, truth, fidelity, loyalty, and love as his highest virtues. The Jew upholds vice, cheating, lies, treachery, schadenfreude, and hate as his highest virtues, and openly sneers on moral, honorable whites as being 'naive' and 'stupid'.

Everywhere the white man goes, he creates something beautiful; he IS something beautiful. Everywhere the Jew goes he spreads ugliness, betrayal, and murder, and loathes the white man for being his antithesis. Our mere existence oppresses them, but they also have 2,000+ years of grudges and hatred for the Greeks, the Romans, the Germans, and everyone else who ever wronged them, real or imagined, and they will not stop until they have completely and totally destroyed us, humiliating and debasing us along the way.

I put together this essential reading list for a pro-Western perspective. Most of these books are quite reputable:

I also include a "Health and Fitness" section toward the bottom that lists several books authored by Eugen Sandow whom you mentioned.

Here's the entire "Health, Fitness, Beauty, and Aesthetics" section I have so far:

- A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education: From Ancient Civilizations to the Modern World - Robert Mechikoff
- Ancient Greek Athletics - Stephen G. Miller
- Arete: Greek Sports from Ancient Sources - Stephen G. Miller
- The Olympics and Philosophy - Heather L. Reid, Michael W. Austin, Milan Hosta
- Aretism: An Ancient Sports Philosophy for the Modern Sports World - Heather Reid
- In Praise of Athletic Beauty - Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
- Meditations on the Peaks: Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest - Julius Evola
- The Destiny of the Warrior - Georges Dumézil
- The Stakes of the Warrior - Georges Dumézil
- Shaping the Superman: Fascist Body as Political Icon - J A Mangan
- Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty - Nancy Etcoff
- Sandow's System: Sandow on Physical Training - Eugen Sandow
- Strength and How to Obtain It - Eugen Sandow
- Life is Movement: The Physical Reconstruction and Regeneration of the People - Eugen Sandow
- The Natural Method: Georges Hébert's Practical Guide to Physical Education (vol. 1-5) - Georges Hébert
- Women's Physical Education: Shaping Muscle & Beauty - Georges Hébert
- The Harvard Medical School Guide to Men's Health - Harvey B. Simon
- The New Harvard Guide to Women's Health - Karen J. Carlson
- The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep
- The Paleo Manifesto: Ancient Wisdom for Lifelong Health - John Durant
- The Big Book of Health and Fitness: A Practical Guide to Diet, Exercise, Healthy Aging, Illness Prevention, and Sexual Well-Being - Philip Maffetone
- Beauty - Roger Scruton
- Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Plato to Heidegger - Albert Hofstadter, Richard Kuhns
- The Aesthetics of Architecture - Roger Scruton
- Philosophy of Beauty - Francis J. Kovach

Are there any books you guys would add or subtract? Any better suggestions? I'm always looking for the best books.

Excellent contribution.

I'll try uploading my fitness books soon. In the meantime:






"Then out spoke brave Horatious, the captain of the gate, 'To every man upon this earth, death comes soon or late. And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods?'"

I definitely had to add Lays of Ancient Rome to the mix.

The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany

Some interesting highlights:

D-does that mean? … Equality is a social construct?
Thanks for those threads, user. They're terrific.

Do you even know how pozzed the owner is, lad?

Don't know, or care. I can actually upload PDF's there. Every time I try to upload a PDF to Holla Forums I get an error message.

Still don't care, so long as shit gets done.

I was looking through some stuff last night relating to the philosophy of art, and I found things that I thought would be appropriate to post here.

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis is a work that addresses the need for objectivity in value when analyzing art. It argues that "By denying that values are real or that sentiments can be reasonable, subjectivism saps moral motivation and robs people of the ability to respond emotionally to experiences of real goodness and real beauty in literature and in the world." Instead, he recognizes that many traits that allow humans to appreciate beauty and art are actually influenced by culture and learning, and it is the responsibility of the educational system to ensure that these values are celebrated: "Lewis cites ancient thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle and Augustine, who believed that the purpose of education was to train children in "ordinate affections," that is, to train them to like and dislike what they ought; to love the good and hate the bad."

A particularly chilling passage towards the end of the book was what immediately made me think that you all had to know about this:
"The final chapter describes the ultimate consequences of this debunking: a distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a (((small group))) who rule by a "perfect" understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to "see through" any system of morality that might induce them to act in a certain way, are ruled only by their own unreflected whims. In surrendering rational reflection on their own motivations, the (((controllers))) will no longer be recognizably human, the controlled will be robot-like, and the Abolition of Man will have been completed."

I haven't read the book, this is all from the Wikipedia article, but it's definitely on my list now.

He's mainly known for the Narnia children's books today, but C.S. Lewis is a big name in both philosophy and theology.

Holla Forums Holla Forums might be not have the humor of 4chan, or the sense of community it once had immediately following fist exodus, but it still has threads like this.

We should archive this one too.

Essential Rightist Reading List:





Sigmund freud and the like are shorsighted, while they try to deduct everything down to a common "core", they forget that this always swims in the muddled waters of the zeitgeist.
Deducting everything down to a single entity is much easier than to look at that in the puddle of mud that is the current zeitgeist in which that crap swims.

Furthermore they want us to revert that shit that they fucked up, because the boomers and all the disgrace that their whole generation is want us to take responsiblities and consquence for that shit they have fucked up.
And as a consequence we take what they have, you little fucking disgracefull maggots.

IF i could i would invent mechanisms to take everything away from them, just for the audacity to now shift the responsibility to us.

Just like that pathetic little grandma that would love for more refugees to come to spain and presents herself as a hero, but in essence she is a fucking disgrace, presented as a hero, just as your whole fucking disgusting generation, you can suck my duck, i will suck you dry.


Just like your invention of higher "consiousness", and we will find about who did that and then it is blood or money nigger.

You will see what we do to your think tanks and other shills, and i will drill everyone i meet to exactly that, just like what you said, reap what you sow. You fucking nigger.

And we will you refguee dick sucking nigger, we will find out about that.

jews have their own olympics:
maccabiah games

stop shitting all over a good thread, your spamming is adding nothing

You will see that unfold. There is a sentence in the bavarian constitution saying "eigentum verpflichted" means "ownership makes responsible".

He's either trying to kill the thread, or slide another thread.



This is a great thread, but also a well beaten path. Most of us already know this stuff. We're jerking each other off about our potential and past greatness, when we all know what we should be doing at this very moment. Adhere to the clean bathroom theory and get your own house/self in order. Influence other whites around you and compel them to do the same.

For any anons new to these topics, welcome. But understand that all of this knowledge is useless if it lies inert within an individual that doesn't act on it.

r-selection at its most faggotish

The idea that someone could be so fundamentally hostile to the very thing nature that surrounds them, that supplies them with everything they need, that they quite literally couldn't exist without…it's absurdist levels of insanity. Oh wait, kikes. They say the same thing about whites that they do about nature, and for the same reasons. Disgusting fucking degenerates, they shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Hence the push to get everyone in peak physical condition and start influencing others to think like we do.

I've gotten back to my physical training, and since I'm already a skilled fighter with actual street fighting experience, not much worries me IRL. Stack being Holla Forumsack-tier smart on top of that, and now I can into propagandizing people. So I just tell people I'm a National Socialist, and that women shouldn't be allowed to vote. I don't argue it, I just state the facts. Being the one who says things others won't earns you respect. Not that I'd bother with them, but I've had white-knights' gfs just leave them and come sit with me after a sound verbal thrashing. The thing is, nothing much matters to me anymore but my volk, and that singular focus is something that people can't help but admire, even if they outwardly protest.
I am absolutely confident in our victory. There is not one fragment of doubt in me that we will succeed. We WILL prevail, this time. Believe in it user, because it's the truth.

So many good posts in this thread

My problem with this is that there is a fundamental lack of consent represented in modern society in regards to the feminine.

Women don't want to go to war and shouldn't be expected to work. They weren't 'oppressed', we just held the societal confidence that all of us could fulfill expectations and obligations. When we got lazy, they wormed their way into power and things collapsed because we over complicated our civilization (Rome, now). Jews terraform (judaiaform?) other places and like a parasite influences the host. Perverting the values to make the host more similar to their own bizarre mindset is what we see now. Consider that Europeans held a fair (though not egalitarian) view of the sexes until recently, when they fully realized their influence. Now we have an 'egalitarian' view that is not fair based on ability.

"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

As I said, we need to project power and inevitability.

My only concern with this is its purely materialist outlook. Yes, that is what occurs in nature, but is it what ought to be?

But there are people here who don't spend every waking moment on Holla Forums, they drift in and out and new user come by now and again, and we should rather them see a quality thread instead of endless metaposting which dominates the board. A lot of this art is inspiring and a welcome sight to browse again and a lot of the macros I haven't seen before despite being a regular since zimzam.

I think nature should probably be sublimated and refined for the creation of an excellent civilization. You can't just run from nature in the way so many soulless urbanites have in mind.

Having a worldview that directly contradicts and neglects nature can't be healthy.

The Jewish writer said it himself: "Halakhah [Jewish Law] is the antithesis of the laws of nature."

Idealism should work organically with nature, not directly contradict or totally suppress it. National Socialists were probably heading somewhat in this direction with their blood & soil idealism along with eugenics.

What women want, and what men offer

Women are the designed unholy human sentinels of reproduction.

Nature armed them only with the imperative of scanning for evidences of masculine figures of dominance, victory and unapologetic strength.

Weakness disgusts them, and strength fascinates them. They don't feel love, they feel sexually attachment to the strong and to the victors of the trials of life.

Having money suggests you won loot.
Being strong means you are up for a fight.
Being smart means you are of a superior kind.
Having lots of women means you already passed other sexual sentinels test, and thus, an socially accepted winner.

Women don't love. But they feel an irresistible sexual urge towards being dominated and filled by a strong aggressive warrior .

Nature was always about ruthless survival, the battle against organisms and the supremacy of the strong against the weak. The strong survive. The strong wins. The strong mates.

Women are here only to check if you, male, are a winner, thus, worthy of spreading your natural blueprint forwards to the next evolutionary step.

Prove yourself worthy, reject false ideas like romantic love, and throw yourself on the battles of life with truth in your mind about what are you fighting for.

All women are here for this, nature armed them for that purpose alone. They are all the same creature, with little real variance, and no real variance for their real natural purpose and instinctual programming.

The cultural establishment must have decided that masculinity (toxic) is a power for fascism and conflicts. If men forgot that their worth is measured on the aftermath of the conflicts they took, and that women provide warmth only to victors, they wouldn't be so urged towards creating society based on those vital energies.

Thus, the men figure becomes weak, other confused repressed urges arise, and degeneracy ensues. Women are the ultimate loot. They give themselves to the victors, and abandon the losers. Nature is ruthless. What happens when men forget the value of struggle? Women reject them, explore them and destroy them on purpose.

But they still seek for that masculine energy, because it's their natural imperative. So they go seek in other places, in other races, in alien religions and in foreign people.

The destruction of culture that aim for arming men with the knowledge on how to behave accordingly with nature constant struggle is the downfall of western civilization.

That where it all began: Stripping you with the basic knowledge of how to exist and what is what.

Thus, romantic love is an almost impossible ideal. To expect that frugal feelings towards the opposite sex to perdure an entire life is mostly a walk towards disaster, in the age of ratings of 50% of divorce. A superior value, because love ends, and marriage carries on. At least it did, when we had social pressure to keep it alive.

Now we don't have it anymore, so the institution of marriage is pretty much dead.

We are left with the untold truth, and very real consequences on blindly following the myth of the media. Women reject the weak, and they don't understand why. Women mobs the strong, and all share the same men, and those, those understand why. Most men are on the first field. And when women are tired of fighting for the same men, they settle down with a weaker one, because they want to be taken care by, so they falsify a romantic story, like giving an ideological background for having to put their arms down for their true desires. And the inferior men believes it.

Of course the false story won't hold up on the long run. Women know why they divorced, and men almost never see it coming. They know you are inferior, but they won't tell you. When you are superior, they will pretty much just keep telling you and remembering you of that, with their warmth and their bodies.

Such is the justice of love.

Men are now left in a state of confusion.
Don't understand what are they to do, because they don't know what women really want.
They don't understand the value of pursuing a job, struggling with other men for dominance in some field, culture is not teaching them what is what.

Instead, culture is telling them to embrace their feelings, tolerance for the anti-male crusade, total liberation of women sexual life, abortions and single moms.

No one is teaching them how idiotic this really is, and how destructive it is.

You don't understand why men are turning into women, why men are dedicating themselves into gaming and drugs?

Because culture is now serving revolutionary anti-fascist content, and the cell of the fascist state is dedicated energetic men, willing to fight and willing to die. Sexual revolution was engineered during the war, it purpose was to understand the relation between sex and the fascist state.

It really comes down to masturbation, the relation with the family and concepts of honor and obedience.

Wilhelm Reich said:

“Thus we arrive at the problem of the relation of religion to the negation of sexual desire. Sexual debility results in a lowering of self-confidence. In one case it is compensated by the brutalization of sexuality, to maintain sexual repression, in the other by rigid character traits. The compulsion to control one's sexuality, to maintain sexual repression, leads to the development of pathologic, emotionally tinged notions of honor and duty, bravery and self-control. But the pathology and emotionality of these psychic attitudes are strongly at variance with the reality of one's personal behavior. The man who attains genital satisfaction, is honorable, responsible, brave, and controlled, without making much of a fuss about it. These attitudes are an organic part of his personality. The man whose genitals are weakened, whose sexual structure is full of contradictions, must continually remind himself to control his sexuality, to preserve his sexual dignity, to be brave in the face of temptation, etc. The struggle to resist the temptation to masturbate is a struggle that is experienced by every adolescent and every child, without exception. All the elements of the reactionary man's structure are developed in this struggle. It is in the lower middle classes that this structure is reinforced most strongly and embedded most deeply. Every form of mysticism derives it's most active energy and, in part, also it's content from this compulsory suppression of sexuality.”

Thus, pornography is another attempt to liberate masculine sexual energy, and thus, they stimulate pornography, not only do destroy tradition, but to destroy you directly, your iron will.

Nothing of this age is an accident. It was all engineered towards taking your biological power out of you. It was all engineered towards alienating you from your own people. It was all engineered towards your own women and own men to stay on a constant state of struggle, not of union.

Absolutely wonderful thread. I love you guys.

Still waiting for some user fluent in German to volunteer to translate the Hitler Youth manual into English.

Appreciate the uploads

You know, for some reason this is EXACTLY the path that I have chosen. I am doing exactly this, focusing on testosterone, but also on cardio and running performance, but also proper food and other foodstuffs. And giving my body a spin…holy fuck, I am much better at working now. I dont feel tired doing even hard work, even compare myself to others. I got lots of material too that I constantly share on both the chans to help people to get to their physical peak. Like pic related.

Where's the Deutsch thread when you need it.

I wanna revive the thread a bit from my perspective:

I started out going from the paleo lore a long time ago. But it proved to be faulty, as carbs contributed to normal testosterone levels, so after trying the keto diet, and many of the meat paths. I decided to settle for something better still.

Complex carbs were the savior, and simple carbs were the devil. With complex carbs you could sleep better, retain your good amount of testosterone (no cortisol response thanks to the lack of carbs), and with meat I was then one step healthier and actually closer to the paleo ideology than most.

Apparently, there are plenty of nutritionists, and even university studied people on /fit/ who are willing to drag you through the mud if you are ignorant. Plenty of evidence for this type of thing too.

So then I learned of things like this:

and for a while I was thinking "if the people of the past were conquerors, or just very good at trade, war, diplomacy and other things, why arent the people of today that now, surely there must be good reasons for it" and obviously, that major reason was testosterone. So I did some stupid shit and just googled how to increase it naturally, which send me to this book (which I ripped)

surprisingly enough, its methods were quite solid and they also did have an impact for me.

The way of men, that book also had a nice impact on me. But beyond that, the r/K evolution cycle and its lore also was very important for me.

It also cycled back into testosterone

So op, while you may have provided many sources and books, few were from the most modern standpoint and view, the purely scientific ones, except for your harvard guides…I think.

and right now I am somewhat stuck at a very unique problem. A piece of the puzzle that for some reason has a more than supposed to be, influence on me.

It may even be an attack vector of the jews against the white race, I am not sure. But the sugar replacements are chlorite, which kill your gut biome.

and some other things that I consider with this is the glycemic index. The vegetarians were wrong in this one. Its just that the LDL increases from meats, when done under sports, and in moderation, are nearly statistically insignificant, and the benefits that they give you are well worth the price.

I also dove into dietary cholesterol, into a crash course 101 thanks to the medfag students. Read much research. Saved most of it but didnt make a pastebin on dietary cholesterol, its a shame, should have made one. Would made BTFO the veganist assault force on halfchan, /fit/ a lot easier.

Anyone wanna help me a bit with that?

you have a package transport system in your blood. to send packages to the right address, and so that address holders can inspect the package (without actually inspecting the package), all packages have packing slips markers. these markers also serve multiple other purposeful reuse functions to increase efficiency, one of which is a total system storage control. additionally, there are several molecular classes that storage management classes manage: glucose (glu, *CH2), glyceric (short fatty acid soap, gly, *CH2O), ketonic (key, *CO), aldehyde (ald, *CHO), and of course fat (longer "glycerics", fa/ffa, *CH). all package (glyceric, cholesterolic [chol], et al) packages must work with these (and others) total system storage classes.

when you are fasting, or eating, or any stage thereof between, before, or after, all system total storage classes are changing their messages for each storage class. subsequently, their storage –control– messages are also changing. this produces marker changes. specifically when looking at gly/fa/ffa/chol, the lipid markers (aka packing slips) of {vhdl,vdl,ldl,ldl-a,ldl-b,hdl} and others are changing according to total system storage state on fats and cholesterol. no system is independent nor exists in a vacuum, so there is cross talk, and the package markers themselves are byproducts and foreproducts of lipids and cholesterol (the markers are production are storage are food are waste, all at various stages).

so eat some cheese (long fats). wait 4 hours for intestinal transport to late small intestine. your hdl will plummet, your vhdl and ldl* will rise. are you diabetic?

now wait 8hrs without eating (you –can– do it, you fat fuck). your hdl will be 'healthy' (male) and/or through the roof (nu-male, female-any-class). additionally, your vhdl and ldl* will be low to trace (also 'healthy'). are you a star athelete who needs no treatment?

modern medicine, academics, pharmacos, and 99p of the laypeople at large should not be permitted to offer judgement on any of this. they cannot remember, they cannot stay focused, they cannot see the total clock ticking (ticks based on time in some places [tick driven], ticks based on gear mechanic events in others [event driven], all to produce sequence cascades). subsequently, when they weigh in on anything, their judgements will be crazy. not right, not wrong, but bat banana balls bonkers. and they will feel like the know, feel prideful, feel pious and smart, and insist that you do things their incomplete, inconsistent, and perpetually partially correct (ie schizo) way.

similarly, eat some eggs. total chol stays the same, but chol gut absorption transporter markers fall (gut message to pilot systems: reads: stop eating chol), and internal chol messages fall (gut and liver message to self: reads: stop making chol). are you going to have a heart attack?

contrast to being a vegetarian fucking nut job. your gut transporters that sequester and mark cholesterol for absorption will be stupidly high (message from pilot systems to gut: get me what i need or else), and blood cholesterol markers for 'hdl'-like shit will also be high (message from pilots and liver to all total storage systems: reads: time give it back, needed elsewhere now, damn freeloaders, you all knew it was a loaner anyway). this also ramps up endogenous fa/ffa/gly to chol production, keeping chol levels tightly constant. are you fit as a conan the barbarian? or as fit as all those sugar free vietcong chinks the 7-nation study based itself on (you know, the ones without any heart failures, because –all– of them were infested by snail blood liver worms, and –all– of them were lethargic, slow, nig-like, and died before 50/60)?

fat people suck. yes. stop eating. this has nothing to do with the immensely lucrative pharmaco industry. taking drugs that fuck up cholesterol production and shunts is not advised: your pan-total-body immune system system cells, immune system cell messages, and more are all based on it. also, the signals to reverse transport of fats and the like are also based on it. so sure, take some lipitor, get fat, wonder why you can't stop getting fat, get sick, wonder why you can't stop getting sick, get stupid and slow and nigger like, and keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering and….

fuck you.

(don't take it personally).

I feel like you added insults almost just to keep me reading, jesus. There is scientific autism and adaptation to our board culture…but you may have gone to a new level. Barely understand half of it. Probably would need 2 or 3 classes just to understand the whole picture.

I also I dont think I can put it into a neat pastebin to use for the vegan assault from that reddit, veganism thing, with their new video. A bit too high end this is.

imagine that you could see into the control signals of one of amazon's warehouses. oh wait, you can! it's called currency and packing slips. luck you.

now if you don't look all the time and have other things to do (best do what the jewtube tells you), and everyone else does the same, you could end up with alot of 'testaments' and 'data' that are all actually highly synchronized, whereby everyone sees the warehouse control messages collected after a shipment is received (dear god no more space, system overloaded, fat slips everywhere, plaeshalpcats) [go see the doctor/studymen after lunch]. similarly, you could also see the warehouse after all schedule shipments have left (oh holy hell no more wares to buy, get me more snacks!) [go see the study designates at 8am so you can get to work later]. this will produce a 'knowledge' of 'trend data' that is wholly disconnected from any actual associated cause-effect-event—-sequence—. and you can conclude the strangest of strange as 'fact'. fact: an artifice of incomplete frequency sampling, inconsistent population controls (muh diversity, whites work morning data, nigs sloth day data), and etc. literally, an art-of-fact.

and all you are left with? well, that's just what we call a fucking ad. ads, adding to nonsense, to sell more ads, adding to nonsense, to sell more ads, etc. and on and on it goes.

what gives you the right to look into amazon's warehouse anyway? and if you're going to, be all non-all-in / non-committal / non-sense (literal not sensing / incomplete observer)?

control signals (hdl is one of them) and the total storage systems they control (fats and cholesterol are one of them), have wide effects. this , this , this , and etc are crazy. they are the result of failure to internalize to total memory, and the resultant serial summary cliff's cliff note notes, the ads and refutations on such thereof, and many different narrative story arcs.

leafs in the wind, from trees that grew (now dead) behind the diesel exhaust generator of some spic built 1990s rusted hulk.

Also, I think I get a bit of what you are saying. Though just barely lol. The effects of fasting, and what classifications the scientists put up to these things, to the numbers which in other scenario's can vary wildy. Pretty kek worthy. I have once seen the chemical map of the human body, and all of its routes, jesus what a mess. I think what you know, what you show here is a large part of it. Probably a medfag professor at this stage you are lol? I have been mostly trying to advise, and recommend cholesterol, animal fats, but not at a high amount. I have heard of the "hyper responders" those who may just one day have their systems be broken for unexplained reasoning, which then makes them very unable to deal with it. Then I also heard stories of sedentary people still having a rich animal diet and still not having much ldl.

Through this mess I mostly have been advising some form of meat, but telling people to stay off simple carbs. As you may imagine, even if I am slightly a bit above average (compared to your very high), there are still many more, the majority of humanity below me who understand even less. So now I have to interpret your tale and try to water it down to applicable in most instances, advise. The layman who by his own genetics is incapable of grasping at many variables. Who mostly only can stomach the advise which is maybe a couple of lines long.

Look man, I know you probably are inside of somekind of reality cognition crisis that is tied to our biological functioning. Feeding back and forth, bits of our soul being controllable. Causing you near insanity. But I did not ask for this. I just want to find the optimal diet, for most people. And this ties back to some form of paleo lore. To our genetics, and to some form of philosophy (much testosterone and the archetype of man that is spawned)

Do you even think that you got the complete picture by now?

Suggests that you do not. But unlike you, I do not get mad from all of this. I am quite fine just going ahead, knowing that bits and pieces of our soul, of our being are tied not to metaphysical faraway unreachable places, but to our very world, which has created us. So spill the beans already. Add to my pastebin of delicious animal meats to remove the veganism scum from the internets.

just go ask them in their thread they're pretty alright as long as you put some effort in your post

fuck medicine, fuck the last of the medics, and fuck all the (((lying liars))) who are money raping it all, pinning their hopes to it all, and accelerating the non-stop train to utter degenerate decay with their heads held as ever piously higher as their similarly manufactured test scores and grades.

i am the one that came after the inflection point, all bright eyed and golden wonder boy, wondering why all the lights were browned out, dusting off the machines and books, teasing the knowledge long since lost out of the 1000x multiplier of bullshit loaded into every republished republish rewashed politically correct banked book. i never understood just why my professors, who were the last of their kind and generation, always looked so damn joyful to see me, nor why their heads slunk back down when i left.

and i did leave. as should any medfag, lawfag, techfag, etc who is not 10,000p banked and untouchable to the sprawling madness of diversity racism, justice-ism, feminism, kike-ism world bank madness focal point that is medicine today.

blow back from the great society containment plans coming due, long over due. in all sectors, not just medicine.

don't. keep your mouth shut. tell them nothing, or if you must, tell them to eat once a day, at the end of the day, with milk and turkey or such, and eat at no other of no other. most will not be able, most will not like that advise, and most are actually using food and social as inappropriate substitutions for the "father's love" biochem messages that normally dull life's living pains.

Cholesterol should never be an issue if you are exercising and not eating sugar. Just like eating fat does not make you fat, eating cholesterol doesn't give you high cholesterol. High glycemic index carbs give you cholesterol through de novo lipogenesis. The cholesterol and saturated fat boogeymen have done so much to scare people off of meat that's very good for them and their endocrine systems. In fact, your testicles use saturated fat and cholesterol as the building blocks of testosterone. Thankfully you don't hear people/doctors talk so much about them any more, but there are plenty of bread jews who still try to market their foods as low in fat/saturated fat/cholesterol.

funny enough, I think we are alike, at least in the higher discourse levels, and that of nearly setting status quo's, though I suspect you are a bit higher still than me.

I too think, and look down upon society, even though my jobs may not have been grande, and I see systems, manners of thought being used and put into place when they no longer are applicable. When the nature of these people has changed.

I wanted to escape these people, and their lifestyles. But you have to imagine that civilization collapse happens on a wide scale, probably because of mirror neurons, so that even the voice of the people that you hear on the radio will probably program you into a more dulled state.

But even in low tech societies, simply living close enough to one another will mean that the fading rate of individual differences, which is probably tied to distance, will make it so that that wont even happen. Instead of nature making sure that your genetics make you self actualized, other peoples influences do it so.

That is why I also believe that cities like sodom and gomorrah are not fiction. They may have been real places. Complete change of a human is possible in these circumstances. Of the whole population. Though crude and attributed to gods, it is actually just part of our reality, and genetics.

But there were still some small amounts of people who still managed to resist somehow. Maybe with hatred, maybe something biological. Maybe its those priming at a young age in a nation that is poor. Who knows.

But srsly, do you have any time so spare, I must refine some pastebin against the reddit veggie faggots. Discord maybe?

resources are limited. the best i can do is to help you so that you help you. for your production, foods and eats are like anything else, schedule them approximately and build accordingly. 'longer' works that do not fit into the misc high-interruption space randomly available will suffer from queue backlogs and cache misses, so divide into smallers, plan the local window's path forward, and shift your overton window along from there, iteratively.

if targeting vegan fags, know that they are actually (1) starbucks world fair-trade diversity idiots (increase corporate profits, hurt their neighbors, ardent pro-govt; the spics work for the govt), (2) animal rights activist idiots (increase corporate profits by driving out locale sales, don't impact corporate, are free advertising distributors), and (3) health medical bern fags (support hyper pharmaco in actual). the vegan is the proxy cause they shill for on the shill's behalf so they can take a nickle of profit too; they don't often care about the vegetables.

if trying to do comms, understand that that's a direct trace that's not advised. this may be the edge of the map, but this edge is itself fed into cia nigger sponsored 'projects' from greece/crete, to southern italy, to barcelona, and on. see telefonica (rodriguez, un sponsored hatespeech identifier research)(cherubini, alphabet co and google for the same), holaforums, etc.

if you continue, we'll met again, not worried.

well okay I can live with that, but yea, I have been loosely thinking of who to target with the pastebin. But you know, if you demolish someone, you also need to build them right back up, and while they may be few, there are a few retarded "carnivores" who just eat meat. You dont want these little kiddo's to become retarded in another way.

Besides, well I am a white supremacist, so I WANT to build them back up again, in the right form. Wouldnt life be nicer if there were fewer of these dull, end the civilization cycle faggots. Let them have their starbucks, let them have their 401 trust funds from their parents. As long as they want to take appropriate steps to remove negro, kike and muslim. But for that they need a proper brain. And sadly we do not have a soul. And it feels like I am the only one who is willing to sit down, piece the pieces together and to make something akin to a sticky. Though by my count, there may be like literally 3 others who at least compile something, some new oc even.

Yea il go with the targeting method then, add some philosophy.

first iteration, unless I find some new sources, majority of this is taken from that user in the vegan cuck thread

this is so annoying, every time a new vector comes along some work has to be done to counter it, but its so massive, il be reposting this for a long time to come

a bit more fair now.

and since I am on a roll, I may as well just pastebin all of this stuff into all of it, since I am reposting it a few thousand times already

also I decided to add in this post

though I am not sure if it is good for cuckchan (hey dont blame me, they have the numbers, someone has to do the dirty job of tending to them)

Excellent contributions, anons. Keep it up.

We need to formulate a new diet, exercise, and reading program for our people. Something effective, but easy enough to get into. Maybe have a regular thread on it where we can all update each other on our progress, see what's working and what isn't.

We need to encourage and educate one another, but more importantly: we need to organize. This can be the first step to creating a new, coherent movement. Let's do it.

I remember loosely that there was a discord of /fit/fags going exactly on this route, with that I mean EXACTLY, but did not save it.

But yea, if you are an atheist and believe in evolutionary lore, then the bio evolutionary path seems logical as a means to fix our problems. The best thing about it is that there is also plenty of proof from the scientific world from it.

I have been churning my gospel for a while now and apart from that cryptic user in this thread, nobody has opposed me. Some people say that there is no evidence for the testosterone decline, but the secondary and tertiary sources say otherwise. The things like no hair on the arms of the younglings, the increase of transexuals, the obesity, no chest hair, larger depression rates. There are many of these things that point to the fact that our lord and savior is a return to the natty test levels of our forefathers.

Maybe the jew will find other ways to mess with us. Personally I fear that they also do the sugar replacements on purpose, to destroy a potential new vector of our being of importance

but the gmo's also are part of that most likely.

also, dont take great confidence in these things, I know I dont but, it may be sponsored, or something worse still, so its not very reliable but

GMO's are directly responsible for the the gluten allergy pandemic we see today. Celiacs used to be extremely rare; now they're very common, because normal people are reacting to GMO wheat that is causing a gluten sensitivity that otherwise wouldn't exist.

But yes, we need to come up with a coherent program. Reading material for everyone to read and discuss, a dietary program for everyone to follow and discuss how it's affecting them, an exercise program for everyone to follow and discuss how it's affecting them, and regular threads to encourage and indoctrinate one another.

If we can demonstrate that it works and motivate people through will-to-power, others will follow our lead. Get enough people on the internet to follow our lead and it becomes a movement. Start a movement, and the media catches wind of it and starts autistically screaming about how Nazis are transforming themselves from fat nerds to fit demi-gods. Media starts screeching about it, it reaches normies. Normies see that we're the strong horse, they want to follow us and get some of that for themselves.

We take over the nation. We take over Europe. We take over the world. And then the galaxy is ours.


Nigger, celliac disease is as common today as it was 100 years ago. (((They))) just did an autism-spectre move and said to the goyim "oh no user, you might be gluten-sensitive, ditch the gluten and buy my snake oil so you can digest things, also buy my celliacs journal and all material you need". And the special snowflakes buy it because it makes them feel special. Gluten is not bad nor good, there is no evidence that corroborates its a bad chemical, compared to sweetners or soy, for example.

Its hard to do it without proper tools, but the perils we face now are more complicated than in the past. It may not even be manmade. I speculate that because of the closeness of the human race, and the general population being so fucking huge.

We are now breaching the mythical dyoff of most diseases rate. Meaning that diseases spread too fast, too far and are changing us in strange ways that we have not discovered yet.

It is no surprise that we got drug resistant bacteria spread all over the world. Almost at the same time too.

But, the testing bit is a bit more difficult it costs money. I think I am fairly successful because the hairs on my arms started growing darker and longer, but my chest hairs are still lacking

What we need is actually a scientific institute designed just for that, plenty of good researches, good enough sample sizes, many good tools, things like that.

That would make tackling these problems easier, much easier. As the jew may show malice, the removal of the zeal of white scientists and the areas that they once had control over is potentially more dangerous. Many bad things could dwell in the now dark and the new unknown.

We can combine different approaches. We NEED a spiritualist approach, as well as a rationalist. I've already posted a couple books on the subject in this thread, including Positive Christianity in the Third Reich.

Appeal to a higher power and it makes us seem even more inevitable to the masses.

Gott mitt Uns.

What all "Gluten-allergic" have in common is that besides switching from normal bread to gluten-bread, they eat like shit and drinks lots of alcohol during weekends.

Which is why their stomaches are messed up. But don't tell them that, better make believe that eating gluten-free bread on a fucking McDonalds-meal is healthy for you.

a given nutrient of a given food source does not exist in isolation. essentially, food must be eaten. a bit strange to say, but many forget this.

a cow eats a field of grass. it takes a long time, requires 4x stomach things, a shitload of bacteria of varying specialties each hosted at the right stage and location. the cow's liver has to deal with what the bacteria cannot, which include exotic carbon compounds and minerals from all over the fucking place. it's teeth and jaws, along with its entire bone structure, reflect the task, and all the resources dedicated to making that task as efficient as possible. can't have a stomach without space to hold it, etc. yet even still, the process is damn inefficient, and cows do not have enough reserves left over to direct into constant over clocked high burnout neural cell extensions. they can eat grass, but require a lot, to do little. it is a shitty space, that they have notched out.

a bean exists. it is selected because the management is cheap (plant, harvest, crop, maintain, clean, store, shelf, transport, inspect, have it deal with its own bio-evolution-warfare problems, make enough useful material yield, make multiple types of materials to yield, is better controlled, the knowledge exists to work the ore into product, the machines exist to do the same, etc). it is selected because the plant is good enough, to make nutrient enough, of enough classes. you –can– live off of it. but it itself will have by definition: different relative proportions of 'rights' vs 'donts' and 'wrongs', with different ingestion, digestion, and absorption needs. often those additional requirements are not met, and the you have to deal with the 'stuff in the way'. as it so happens, that's actually the point of making that stuff in the way: it's why the plant makes them; it's why that shit works for that bean.
by definition: obstructions, poisons, saboteurs, and the like: prevent you from being eaten more.

this is the problem with soy. the problem is not that it can be eaten. the problem is that it sucks. it's proportions are all wrong. it has exotic trace carbon poisons that must be dealt with. it itself has gums, fibers, sands, etc that all fuck up your ingestion and digestion mechanics, even before the nutrients and their also-others are absorbed.

soy is cheap. total system cheap. so is rice. so is mudshit food, etc. but you can't do much with it. we have other animals do that work for us, to purify with their own bodies that which takes too damn long otherwise. time is about efficiency. so is not efficient, it's cheap. it's gums and fiber strands, being gums and fiber strands, are perfect for the emulsification / soapification / liquidation / solidification-prevention / filler of other materials. you aren't meant to eat it so much as you are meant to put it managing your other production processes.

as time has ticked away, and bacteria+fungus+insects have ticked away, soy and other plants have also ticked away. adapted to preventing eats on their own, modified to increase eats by us, and the two often are at odds with each other. plus, the modifications are often short sighted, and profoundly so. wheat, for instance, uses various insecticides and animal poisons, gliadin being one of them. increasing it's protein and sugar-group variants, adding more of it, and adding trace other aromatic compounds to it's delivery, have all decreased the total system management costs of wheat. but it also has made wheat no longer suited for being food for brain demands: no humans are good at eating it now; the left overs in the gut encourage discouraging bacteria proliferation, various associated immune responses to both those and the gliadin alternates and frequency themselves, and so on. most people have enough genetic inheritance to not over-react bio-mechanically – but they do not live well. wheat has become more soy-like, in effect.

so now look at that weight change graph. when was it? before or after what specific food-strain variant's controlled or uncontrolled adaptation? before or after what specific manufacturing process or machine tool or transport adaptation? wheat has changed. processing has changed drastically for both soy and wheat. we now 'flash' them instead of cook and ferment them (took too long, now most production factory plants use more soda to rise and level breads, not letting bacteria do their traditional job of taking care of the trace poisons). also, what kind of women were they? managed women, or free-range cannibalist cabalists? the whole graph is nice to make, but is a series of cherry picked batty distortions and make believe. it's used to sell ads to others.

a mirror maze.

the principal change has been in the (1) gliadin sequence variants, (2) in increasing gliadin frequency within the food stuff itself, both of which fortify/harden the plan, and (3) the processing of the plant afterwards. lye use, and actual baking, have declined, as they were not fast nor cheap enough to deal with the shitskin-(non)-profitability problem.

for instance, i can take just about any exotic insecticide or fungicide, and add strains of it to any glucose starch producing product target. if i –also– change my process, to add different bacterias, times durations, and compensatory cooking methods, all of the poisons can be eaten back down to ignore-levels.

this for-instance is not done, however.

also, kike-strains, nig-strains, spic-strains, greek-strains, and absolutely all asian-strains, of h. sapiens are mal-adapted to what has been done to the food stuffs produced and delivered. this isn't helpful, however, as the food stuffs themselves are of lower utility (create more inhuman humans, create more inhuman food for them, but really just alter all food to better suit them, which is now no longer suitable for any, inhuman or human, etc).

there is increased gliadin problem visibility. these are locale limited not so much to areas of discordant frakensteins so much as they are to areas of captive specific food-industry-loop manufacturers and trade networks known to use incomplete and/or incorrect cooking preparations in the ingredient spec chains. who knew that if i source my grain from china, or mexican picked management, strange shit will happen? fuck no one, that's who! oh wait… it's ok though, they're all getting paid more, and the food requires less price – win-win amirite?

don't get lost, user. try to keep up.

just so that we're all clear on clarity.

Keeping in mind the nudist aspect of the Nazi fitness cult…

Keeping your testicles cool does, as was mentioned, increase testosterone production. What did our ancestors wear?

Stone age Europeans wore loincloths, then kilt-like skirts, then tunics, togas, etc. Your average Roman soldier wore thin linen shorts or went commando with a linen tunic hiding his junk, and their armor, with the leather and mail skirt/tunic to protect the lower torso without restricting movement, supported that. All the way into the medieval era, men kept their balls cool by wearing thin, sheer tights and tunics, only wearing modern pants when they needed the protection for their crotch and legs. Now our balls are hot and sweaty all the time because we wear underwear and pants that don't let them breathe, even when we get home and can be more comfortable without the need for a uniform or socially acceptable amount of clothing. So testosterone production is decreased and we get ball cheese because they're constantly closed up in a hot, sweaty, dark environment. Likewise, tight clothing (such as modern briefs and spandex underwear) reduces circulation in your balls, which also reduces testosterone production.

Thus, we should be wearing looser pants and thin, breathable boxers, preferably made of cotton or linen rather than nylon and other shit that lets bacteria grow on it and doesn't properly wick sweat away. When we get home from work/school, either strip naked or wear loose shorts and nothing else. Sleeping naked also helps.

Studies also show that children raised in a nudist home are mentally healthier and more mature in their teenage years. While most teenagers are incredibly insecure about their looks, nudist teens have none of those issues: their self-esteem is fine, and they have few, if any, issues with body image. And, contrary to common belief, nudists are less sexually promiscuous than the rest of the population. Teens raised in nudist homes are less inclined to have pre-marital sex because they're used to seeing others nude, so nudity isn't some forbidden fruit, nor is it as titilating. In fact, many people raised as nudists say they have little to no interest in sex, outside an attraction to their spouse, who they love for reasons beyond simple lust. This is, needless to say, healthier than the average person in modern western society, who is constantly bombarded with thoughts of sex thanks to Jewish control over media and pornography. Nudists also masturbate less often and view porn at a much lower rate than the rest of the population, because looking at naked people all the time makes looking at more naked people… less exciting. Oh, boobs; you see those all the time, so what?

So start dressing and changing your habits accordingly. Raise your son to keep his balls cool and loose to keep his testosterone production up, and to wear proper clothing that is both healthy AND stylish. Raise your daughter to take her clothes off when she gets home from school/work to maintain a healthy body image, and to wear traditional dresses and skirts (females also benefit from loose clothing that airs out the crotch; far fewer yeast infections, for example) in public.

Fitness is a requirement as well; enroll your son in a martial arts class, and your daughter in gymnastics. They'll have fun, they'll be in peak physical condition, and they'll learn useful skills and abilities.

Embrace the healthy image of the human body and turn yourself into a work of art. See the beauty and strength that your body is capable of. You'll be promoting physical and mental health, while opposing degeneracy.

t h i s, o v e r a n d a g a i n
It will certainly help to eliminate the newfags confusion, as well.
Heil victory, Bruder.

If are an internally repressive, tribal society the need to punish defectors is pretty high. Both against other tribes and more universalist groups like the Greeks and Romans.

This is true even today, where many Jewish groups actively promote deassimilation of "integrated" Jews towards a more ethnic-based or orthodox state (Barbara Lerner Spectre wrote several position papers to that end).

Posting in a quality thread.

Like this?

In Macedonia we say Tatkovina, tatko = father.

Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe

I shit you not, that book is 600 pages worth of anatomy and biology lessons applied to weight lifting (The most efficient muscle building method to date), it has 5-6 exercises and goes into detail on how to properly execute each and everyone of them, that's ~100 pages per exercise. No broscience, must read even if that's not what you're after.

Interesting read, man this kind of thing, if one could make it simpler perhaps, it could work additionally against the vegan diet. Though I am not sure you really, truly want to anally devastate them like that.

I am not sure who helped us at half /fit/ but the anti vegan lore is much bigger now. I also learned a thing or two from it all.

The thing I am grappling with right now is the dietary cholesterol = more testosterone

Plus I probably also need a 101 on insulin resistance and what the glycemic index means. Is there a search engine for scientific research? The thing with scientific research is also that if you are outside of the loop, you do not know which ones are most valid, which ones are properly funded and part of the status quo that the scientists discuss. At least such a feeling I have. Could use a hub like that maybe.

oh, iteration #5 by the way

Capped, this is the way, no blackpill, no nothing. Believe.

Also, I wish to share with you a nice website that is mostly bias free (in my opinion)

It allows you to see a lot of research and the current status quo on supplements. It BTFO's most commercial crap that these companies put out. It basically also tells that creatine is about 90% of all the effective things out there, and there rest only are mediocre to negligible. It tells the great truths of how most things are completely useless, unprofound and have almost no effects, if they are not verified, too few sample sizes, sponsored research.

But the few things that are given a positive thing with them, actually do seem to work.

Like htp-5 I am on right now for hunger surpession. Also the category of blood flow is HEAVILY modifiable with diets. Cacao especially. The things that are not very modifiable are things like testosterone, cortisol. Muscle output, that many of the brands advertise to increase are also all patently false.

Caffeine, which pills or drink is cheap is also probably 50% of weight loss. Green tea extract, also cheap, something like 40%. One can do a lot with diet. One can even decrease the

One can decrease the duration of disease, and the chance you catch it with simple stuff like garlic

blood pressure, is also a thing

and my most favorite category of them all is this

Like how in the hell do you quantify "subjective well being" in science, it makes me chuckle every single time.

Just thought I'd add some Wagner to this thread to go along with the fine posts and art.

Allright gentlemen, I hereby dub this The Will to Power Thread I. When this thread reaches its limit, we will start The Will to Power Thread II, preferably with caps of all the best posts in this thread to get people caught up.

From this point forward, our goal is to organize a coherent plan of action, starting with a traditional and healthy diet, an exercise plan, a history and philosophy reading list, and to post encouragement to our brothers so they don't give up or fall back into apathy as the Jew whispers in their ear that it's all pointless and they should just give up and do nothing.

Where shall we start?

Here are most of the things that trouble the people, which I have streamlined for better use. Tho there are some good books out there surely, like the way of men, which makes people more accepting of the K selected way of being. Beyond that, there is actually very little in the way of philosophy, that is accurate. Yo could go the religious route but that route is barren. It is even a surprise that a person like me is nearly so alone in his pursuit, that an amateur managed to put together these things that were actually used (I googled my sendspace link, apparently people did use it before on /fit/, kek)

I made a thread about this a while back, a lot of people were on board, but nothing conclusive came out of it. I think the best way is to make a very simple, readable website and just post all the info there. Wiki style pages are good, but lack readability. Basically one page with short info on all the categories.

-Physical Fitness
-Mental Fitness

And basically a read more link at the end of each, going into a more detailed post, posts which would end with recommended reading etc.,

seeing my OC saved gives me nothing short of pride and fire in my heart
I was just going to comment at all the beauty in this thread. Thank you all Anons. Thank you for seeing a brightness beyond the filth.

Those that would build machines to replace life only want to control life. They know not the source of beauty.

You know, I hate to be the edgy fedora slinging atheist in all of this. But look upon pic related. And then read the last section of

" In the final segment on this subject, I want to address how consistently stimulating Liberal amygdalae is a viable long term political strategy, how it can condition within the Liberal a more group centric psychology (or at least condition an aversion to supporting out-group favoring psychologies), how this may have all been a part of a more primitive programming scheme, designed to produce maturity in individuals when it was needed, and how this strategy could develop the populace’s brains so as to motivate them towards the pursuit of greatness and the love of America, and away from the treasonous disloyalty of Liberalism.
I am now of the opinion that amygdala development, and the associated development of Conservatism, function to adapt an organism to it’s environment as completely as possible. As Mangan has pointed out, this probably has to do with dopamine function as well, but no matter. Both mechanisms work the same, in pursuit of the same purpose.
If times are easy, resources are free, and there is little threat to stimulate the amygdala, there is little to develop it. As a result, one’s psychology will trend towards the r side of the spectrum, and from a practical perspective, individuals will make hay converting environmental substrate into offspring as quickly as possible, with little regard for offspring fitness.
If however, resources grow scarce, death will enter the arena, and begin to instill fear, through amygdala stimulation. As Jost has shown, such stimuli will trigger wide ranging conversions in individuals towards Conservatism. What is occurring, is amygdalae are developing, and individuals will, without conscious awareness, begin to shift their psychology and their behavior towards a K-strategy, designed to produce offspring which will survive this period.
Obviously, this plays out upon genetic predisposition, and there will always be some who will not develop properly, and are culled as a result. But the overall effect will stand as an example of a perfect molding of psychology (and reproductive strategy) to environment, designed to maximize the probability of passing one’s gene’s forward.
Today, were government to fail, resources to grow scarce, and the specter of violent competition to enter our national environment, Americans would rise to meet the challenges, and as a result, Conservatism would rapidly rise. Soon Liberal foolishness, especially relating to giving what little we have to the government so it might be redistributed to the welfarites, would not be tolerated. Have no doubt, an accurate description of the modern Liberal would rapidly become a raucously funny story we would tell our disbelieving grandchildren. Indeed, absent an aggressive change of economic course, I suspect this is the direction we are heading today.
Of course, it would be nice to avert such an unpleasant outcome. If only we knew of a way to stimulate Liberal amygdalae, without requiring the horrors of a societal collapse, and a radical reduction in resource availability.
That is, of course the utility of this work, and the debate techniques which arise from it. r-strategists are programmed with extraordinarily sensitive amygdalae, easily overwhelmed by the most basic of stimuli. This both, produces a conflict averse (and aversive-stimuli-averse) reproductive strategy, and it maintains the adaptable r-strategist’s brain in a state of extreme readiness to respond to the amygdala stimulating environmental cues of a K-selective environment. Not all r-strategists will be adaptable, but many will, and those which are, will rapidly turn K when environmental stimuli indicate the time is right. Those which are not adaptable will remain sensitive to the cues discussed here, and will probably find themselves conditioned to withdraw from the public debate.
So if we present these cues to the populace regularly, it will be possible to mimic the K-selective environment, and similarly condition the populace to avoid all of the Liberal foolishness we presently are confronted with. As with the Mike Wallace roundtable, the hardened Liberals would become conditioned to avoid open pronouncements of their Liberalism, while the Lemmings would be conditioned to support Conservative values.
If we do not make an effort to present these clues, our populace’s amygdalae will remain undeveloped, our nation’s greatness will steadily decline, and eventually, nature will apply these cues herself, in a much less pleasant and controllable fashion."

I don't see how spirituality and philosophy are exclusive with what you're saying. I mentioned my thread in the reply because it was focused on amassing a single point of reference for Holla Forumsacks who WILL enter their respective public arenas and attempt to steer their countries/communities away from the imminent shipwreck that is globalism/liberalism.

Spirituality and philosophy are mentioned because they are necessary to the complete development of the person, in line with physical fitness etc., My gripe is that today we do not have MEN who will LEAD, we have enough people that are "developed" enough to be tyrants, despots and politicians. What we do NOT have however, are actual leaders who will lead their communities by example, think the founding fathers, Adolf Hitler, Alexander The Great etc.,. Right Wing politics is inherently masculine, and as such needs to presented to the public. The one sure fire way to do this is to mold young men into the next Renaissance Men, Ubermen, Overmen, however you are willing to put it. The article you listed is merely a strategy for dealing with the left, and completely unrelated to what I was saying.

What? Its not just for "Dealing" with the left, it also offers clues as to how to make right the biological base. What do you think happened right here in the chans? There was a merciless onslaught of insults, hate, anger, and with lots of bullying happening all the time.

Which directly contributed to this unique culture that we have today, which resisted the jew and the lefty degenerates so well that it managed to help to elect a president, and potentially avoid the decline and destruction of our current civilization.

Based on these evolutionary principles. It turns out that you can just troll people into become wholesome. You can just bully them into becoming better people. Whatever spirituality or philosophy comes afterwards…do you think it really matters? You can basically completely forget about them. I know I did because I am a nihilist.

You more or less can create an entire generation of people based on scientific truth. And religion, which kinda was a less valid placeholder of the past, did so too, in a much more crude way. But there is no need for divine authority. Except for maybe pseudo authority in lab coats that tell you that certain research is okay or not. Even the racial lore of today can be seen as a more natural extension of the aryan way of being.

which is very well encompassed in this video.

Well, it is easier to bully people online on an anonymous imageboard, but what happens when you go outside to "bully" someone who is relatively successful in life, and all you've accomplished is circlejerking on said imageboards? Image counts, especially when dealing with women, now don't get me wrong, I don't want to be misunderstood, you aren't putting up an "image" for this or that, you are literally improving every single aspect of your life, which, in my opinion, includes spirituality. I'll get more on that later.

Now, the RIGHT (NatSoc, Fascism) has an implicit Biological Base, it is I think the one and only movement that can claim this, as it is the only one in line with nature, nature does not care for weakness, feelings or empty platitudes. It cares for the strongest, the best strains of the crop. It is this that we must become and embody. We have, with Nationalism and Fascism a movement that IMPRINTS, Strength, Will, Masculinity etc., into peoples sub- conscience with the heel of its boot. But a week man cannot, and will not project this image. It falls apart at the most minor examination. The way spirituality ties into this is that through the ages, the native European population wove stories, myths and legends to explain the natural order of the world, Judeo-Christian values nothwithstanding. All these are aimed at the truth, the fundamental truth, which is why Hitlers Reich was so focused on the Esoteric, Hermetics and the accompanied beliefs, there is an underlying current in the lives of European Societies based on the spiritual plane throughout history which cannot be denied. You can't go full science even today, mostly because:

1) It is not part of the human conscience and psyche as of yet.

2) I personally don't believe it ever will be simply because it focuses on a too narrow spectrum of reality.

Furthermore, being "nihilist" to me is anathema to being "right wing" at least to the point discussed on Holla Forums, to be clear I mean Nationalism, National Socialism, Fascism etc., All these things are predicated on the belief of a higher end in life, the life, blood, and spirit of the nation. A Nationalist without spiritual grounding is like a woman without progeny, she can be at the absolute pinnacle in every sphere of life, but not having fulfilled her natural purpose, she is incomplete.

I agree, simple is best. It'll attract more attention and we can lead them down the path to more detailed information from there. We can have a regular thread to keep people aware and motivated by having people share their experiences with the traditional diet, exercise, etc.

Well we could use some form of spiritually then, but people like me kinda dont need it, we are not many, very few actually can live without spirituality and based on purely science.

The reason why religion and spirituality worked was that it was a meme that could scoop up most different IQ ranges. And it kinda glorified the middle class (if you avoid sin and build yourself up to good family life). Now obviously I dont want to lie, I hate lying and give some meaningless crap to the masses, but isnt that what they like? If they see the emptiness of the universe, they freak out, will is destroyed and it destroys them so deeply that they dont care about the basic things anymore. Not a good thing.

It is obvious that the scientific programming that one tried to achieve, perhaps through things like star trek, trying to explore the unknown, being okay with not knowing things, didnt work. The tried to weave a story about how there is hidden potential in other races and that they are mystical, when in fact they are just stupid and useless. It tried to say that women are mystical and really cool, which they are not. It tried to frame transexuals and other failures in lives as "evolution", when its actually just another genetic dead end.

What kind of flag will we try to pass to the normies to prevent them from splerging out? If we give them the jew killing flag, and they actually kill all the jews, then what?

I wish I was more normal so I could understand these plebs better, because if we do ever win, this emptiness in their hearts will also become our problem.

shit I meant

Spirituality is key to the success of our movement; the left has tried to replace religion with belief in the system, which fills the same void in the left's souls that religion does in others. Notice how strongly the Nazis sought to tie their movement to Christianity, explicitly calling out atheists for being unreliable due to moral relativism (Hitler also complained that neo-pagans were a bunch of useless LARPers who accomplished nothing other than antagonizing the Christians… much like the neo-pagans on Holla Forums today.).

And nihilism is very much diametrically opposed to the right-wing movement, especially fascism/NatSoc. Nihilism is the philosophy that leads to apathy and left-wing movements, the idea that everything is meaningless, morals are subjective rather than concrete, there are no higher ideals beyond individual happiness (which inevitably leads to hedonism and degeneracy), no belief in something higher than yourself (volk, God, ideals, etc.), and leads to depression and apathy. They pass out pamphlets on "nihilism for children" at commie fairs in San Francisco. Nihilism is no way, shape, or form compatible with our movement or the survival of western civilization.

This is a good OP and a good thread. Bump

Nihilism is almost literally the worship of zero, of nothingness. You may think that it leads to the decay of morals, but thats because you only see it as it is being applied to most people.

But depending on your nature, it can have drastically different effects. Nietzsche tried to explain that even without spirituality one could have meaning, that if you chose that path you could become an ubermensch. And he was right. If you want to, nihilism can become a huge force for mental good. Because it will destroy EVERYTHING. And then if you are a good person with a good nature, you will only rebuild yourself with things that are good.

That is how I became a fascist. Without ANY form of spirituality. Because it was in my nature to be a fascist. Just how the homos have stories of being repressed in their lives, and then coming out. So too I long struggled in my life with being a fascist. I am not even kidding about it. Only because of nihilism I managed to zero down to my core, and then build myself up around that core, discarding everything society has given to me, tried to mold me, and tried to teach me into.

The problem with this approach is that it is not for many. Most people who go through nihilism, turn to the vile savages that they are. To hedonists, to degenerates and all sorts of assortments of scum.

more on nihilism, but with fascism.


is basically me

I can also play that game user

You mean not at all?

nihilist, /fit/ user here with my ID in this thread, I am home. Will delete soon because its kinda faggy, but look at it. LOOK AT.

shit I dont know actually how to, never mind then.

you look young
keep lifting and keep your cutting cycles low and shallow for longer and your bulking short and massive
your mind will benefit for life

I found practical programming to be better for explaining the way the body responds to stimuli such as lifting.

Spirituality doesn't have to mean divine authority or Jesus worship or even the Kek stuff. It's more of a form of confidence; something to believe in to help quash doubt in the mind. When you fully believe that you and your people are destined for greatness because you are the descendants of great, ancient peoples, you become unstoppable. This is why men followed great leaders and why prophets like Jesus and even mohammed were so charismatic. They really did believe they were servants of the divine and it gave them the supreme confidence and discipline to do what they did.

I truly believe after reading through the fascist/Aryan philosophy in this thread and how it is almost diametrically opposed by the Semitic, that ours is the true path. Everything that has gone to shit in our civilization has been because of the increase in these Semitic values. Feminism, egalitarianism, gender identity, racial equalism etc are all forms of Judaism and must be eradicated. The removal of the jew and the return to the core values our ancestors held will allow us to persevere and survive. But what's required is that belief in the solution. We must trust in the process to deliver us what it promises so that we can fully actualize it.

In order to facilitate adoption, European Christianity was changed into a mixture of both the original words of Jesus Christ and the pagan traditions. It became a unifying force for White Europeans against the Muslim Saracens. This was because the people wanted it to be, not because there was anything special about Christ. Now, cucks like the pope say that Europe must allow entry and give charity to the Saracens, "as Jesus would have". And again, people do it because they want to. The religion has no effect on what people do, because people always alter religion to fit their values, not the other way around.

It doesn't matter whether you're on team Jesus or team Odin, as long as you have the right values. Hitler understood this, which is why he advocated for both Christianity as well as Pagan/Aryan ideas and incorporated symbolism from both. All of this Christ vs Pagan vs Atheist shit only distracts from our goals.

Hitler's Table Talk was proven to be a fraud years ago, user. Every single anti-Christian quote attributed to Hitler comes from that book, and none can be backed up by witnesses or documentation.

Oh look, another fedora fag pushing Jewish anti-Christian D&C. What a surprise.

We're not discussing this any further; we're not allowing this thread to be sidetracked with D&C bullshit. Go shill a different thread.

Nice flag; where'd you get it?

You only think it's faggy because the Jews have convinced you that healthy displays of fitness are 'faggy'. Just like how everyone today interprets strong male relationships (Sam and Frodo in Lord of the Rings, for example) as having 'homosexual undertones' when there was absolutely nothing of the sort. They're trying to shame you into avoiding displaying your physique with pride and avoid healthy, close-knit friendships with other men. Don't let them poison your mind.

Exactly why we need to capture some form of spirituality, in order to project confidence in our inevitable rise, to fulfill a deep psychological need in our followers to have something greater than themselves (God's will, destiny, etc.).

Jews have been forever resentful towards whites and the west. Even in their jew books that christians and jews alike share, they kvetch over the wonders of civilization such as Babylon. They equate all great white settlements as the new babylon. You'll see this echoed in a lot of jew kvetching. When they do it harkens back to their pages and pages of kvetching and so it can stigmatize what would otherwise be wonders of white achievement and civility. Before, it's another shoah! became a thing, they were saying, "It's another Babylon." They are truly the enemies of white achievement.

The Reich's attempts to figure out what to do with Christianity is revealing enough about why it's not essential to the white identity. Compared to how much time the Reich spent reviving pagan roots and not having to justify it like they did with Christianity, it's easy to see that Christianity is a pointless compromise. Whereas the pagan revival in the Reich was effortless, it's easily seen that Christianity was left as a battle to deal with later that would have organically withered along with the rest of jewish influence. I'm sorry you and others still think Christianity is somehow needed and you can't see how a book and movement like Positive Christianity was created to justify its role in the Reich, to once again (like all denominations) re-purpose a jew religion.

Like most religious movements, Positive Christianity was created to reign in the christian populace under their ideals, not because those aspects were found in Christianity to begin with. I must emphasize, Positive Christianity was a tactical movement, because as bad yet revealing as it sounds, Christians follow the Christian brand wherever it goes. Using the Christian metaphor of sheep and shepherds, Christians follow the brand like a flock of sheep. I'm really sorry you can't see this and yes that does mean the Reich used Christians, tricking them into doing the right thing. The Reich ultimately planned to discard Christianity. Positive Christianity served its purpose. The myths that came out of it linger on to this day such as instructing the congregation to see Jesus as an Aryan hero. Yes, that's where it came from. You should research the things you yourself cite. Keep this in mind, if the Reich saw Christians as useful idiots and chose to use to them as such, how do you imagine Christianity will be dealt with once the jews are eliminated? Or before?

You mean except once you had your take on it.

Kek, thanks. And I got the flag from alieexpress. Also want to get a german steel helmet replica for 50 bucks from there.

This is one of the most informative threads I've seen on 8/pol/ since the exodus. So much quality effortposting.

Especially this user

A special thanks to you. Sincerely.

So many things have clicked for me. Jews really are the great destroyers. Anything beautiful they smear. Anything constructive they deconstruct. Between their culture of critique. Modernism in art and architecture. Perversion of sexuality. All of it destroyed into an ugly unrecognizable form.

Christianity as a whole however, because it was driven by whites. Like a rusty junker, it still performed well because of it. Its part of history, and there are some aryan "saints" that were pasted upon it, so while the core of Christianity, with its authoritative appeal still is flawed and egalitarianism is flawed. The pursuit of a great many things through it should still be noted as a good thing somewhat.

It also kept records, and track of history, and even tried to teach people how to resist some bad influences, and even absurd things like pic related (try living in this society today, it would be very much like sodom and gomorrah if you are a fascist in a western nation)

it's called a stomach vaccuum, fatty

Used to be one of the mandatory bodybuilding poses when bodybuilders had actual aesthetic physiques. Modern bodybuilders are now incapable of bringing their abdomens in past their ribs due to the internal organ growth caused by all the IGF-1 and GH that they take. As a result, the pose was removed.

I don't mean to be soft on women, but this goes a little too far, dontcha think, user?

I don't mean to deny the points you make, but I just don't see how love is fake. Or is it only something that 2 men can experience? I have men in my life I love (no homo).

Don't get what you mean by this. There are natural and spiritual hierarchies, and it is only good and proper that the higher should lead the lower.

Yes, but a bit of a strawman. The Gospel is indeed open to all men, but in no way, shape or form does this imply an overturning of racial hierarchies. Quite the contrary, actually; if the racial hierarchies are created by God, then pushing racemixing is inherently heretical.

This. Growth hormones changed everything, synthetical testosterone was/is outright harmless in comparison.

I'm confused. Does this ean that masturbation is good, but porn is bad?

Please help me out.

Of course it does, user. What you talk about here is basically forcing people to change based on external societal pressure.

Religion does the same, but someone who has faith, someone who practices a religion, comes to INTERNALIZE the values that it holds. That is why religion is important, because it allows people to stick to their values without rationalization and "science".

To be fair, any chance for compromise was destroyed by D&C shills.
I was part of a discord neo-pagan group that organized raids at cuckchan in order to attack christians. I left rather quickly.

Both the smart christians and the smart pagans need to come together. And the pagans have a point in that lots of christians will NEVER put blood before faith. Even in Poland, a christian nigger is valued over the common white man.

Yes, hierarchies are natural and normal.

And the Bible is explicitly against miscegenation, and in favor of genociding your enemies so they no longer pose a threat. Some examples:

Deuteronomy 7:2-4

Genesis 24:3

Joshua 23:12-13

1 Kings 11:2

Ezra 9:2

Ezra 9:12

Nehemiah 13:26-27

Ezra 10:2

1 Samuel 15:3

then I guess I'm fucked. maternal great-grandfather was one. but my grandpa hated him and even changed his name because of how much of an abusive drunken asshole he was.

See pic.

Go back and read it again, more carefully this time. Also don't take generalizations to be 100% applicable.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Masturbation is healthy if done occasionally; it calms the nerves, reduces aggression/frustration, relieves a build-up and promotes prostate health, etc.

Excessive masturbation is bad. Jerking off every day messes with your hormones and mental state. And yes, porn is bad. It desensitizes you to degeneracy (just look at how anal suddenly became popular in the last decade, when it was considered abhorrent at all times prior), it instills a desire for more novel things (hence why you keep looking for new photos/videos even though your porn folder is 6 gigs) that makes it hard to stay satisfied with a single partner (and leads to further degeneracy in pursuit of new stimulation), stunts your ability to form new relationships (why expend effort to pursue a real woman, with flaws, when you can jerk off to porn of the perfect woman any time you want?), and messes with your emotional state.

Considering how in times past, Christendom was synonimous with Europe and savagery with brown people, I would say this is a recent development perpetrated by Jewish infiltrators.

Literally all the bullshit you see in Christian churches today, with lesbian bishops (when the Bible specifically forbids women from having authority in the church), a Jewish Anglican priest who rants about how he hates Jesus, Vatican II and the heretic-in-chief currently calling himself the pope, etc. can be traced back to Jewish infiltration. Every single one. You don't even have to dig very deep.

And the pagan LARPers and fedora fag atheists who constantly do nothing but attack Christianity (and only Christianity) are just another tool of the kikes, to attack the religion they hate the most and the white people who worship Jesus (just like the Romans, Nazis, etc.).

Nice, well done.

Thanks for the answer, user, I appreciate it.

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Bumping awesome thread.

Look up Vince Gironda, the last great all-natural bodybuilder. He has a lot of books, and they are still for sale by Ron Kosloff. He covers diet very carefully in his books. He wrote in the 1970s, iirc, about the importance of raw milk and pastured chicken eggs. The actual date may actually be earlier than the 1970s.

Oy vey! Destroy the amalekites! Good goy!