Exposed as a faggot who cheats on his Communist wife.
If there was ever a time to bully a man on Twitter, its now.
Next, we prove Spencer is a MOSSAD Zionist plant backed by the CIA.
Sieg Heil!
Exposed as a faggot who cheats on his Communist wife.
If there was ever a time to bully a man on Twitter, its now.
Next, we prove Spencer is a MOSSAD Zionist plant backed by the CIA.
Sieg Heil!
Other urls found in this thread:
lol trs no…
We have bigger fish right now. Spencer and Milo and Enoch can go dildo themselves just like every eceleb.
David Duke just denounced Richard Spencer!
Sounds like he's defending him, if I'm reading it right.
Takes me back to a time when I was being banned on here for saying the Alt-Right was a manufactured trick by the Jews and Spencer is an agent.
Hate to say I toldUshow but I told you so
pic related is the context, so i dont think so.
feels good man, feels real good
I've been bashing the Dickster since the TRSodomites first started shilling for him here in 2015, and I've never been banned for it.
So where's the proof I want to have proof to spread?
The third image while damning has nothing implicating in it, anyone with two cells could make that. 2nd image even less so along with the 1st image. What's even the point of the 5th image?
bruh the lawyer's info is right there for you to see. an it's backed up by the latest Jimpact.'re done. You fucked up by not taking us seriously. More proof and more scandels will be released when the timing in appropriate. Or…you can submit to our demand.
Is he a BASED alt-right faggot?
Hey commonspic mods here have been banning altkikes and eceleb faggotry for a long time,I don't remember my ips getting banned
What will you accuse this place of next.
Feel exhausting to be honest. But at least we keep winning and they're not going to fuck any more confused kids up or stage false flags.
It use to piss me off that they would attack Red Ice in those threads. They have some good content and I never saw the connection. I kind of do now though. They wanted total control of the youth to gay them up.
In 2015 the Dickster and the Alt-Right had sticky threads on here and FEDs were trying to create fucking uniforms for us to wear to show up at Trump and Spencer rallies. Spencer recently got plebs to hold fucking torches at the Confederate statue thing, like KKK members. It's so obvious.
I also warned you plebs against the "esoteric" meme. KeK and chaos is not in any way esoteric because nature is not hidden from us. Esoteric threads are a straight up a psy-op like "ancient Aliens" and "Esoteric Hitlerism".
I'm not Christian and hate jew worship;. I'm just telling you the truth.
Next, we link Spencer to the CIA.
I don't see where Duke denounces Dick.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Dick or the Alt-kike, but it doesn't look to me like there's any rift between him and Dr. Duke.
Yeah he is.
if i misread duke, i dont think he'll remain an aly for much longer..
Weak D&C
Is this real or is it Jewish shilling?
this thread doesn't make sense to me. let's see if I can sum it up
yeah, claiming he's gay would be a great divide and conquer tactic, and there's no actual proof other than 'you gay cuz you gay'
Is there any nationalist remotely capable of leadership? Duke has been around a while but he has his flaws and a scarred history. Heimbach I don't hear about much, other than some civnat shenanigans when he was younger. Kevin Macdonald runs Occidental Observer and knows about the jews. There's the League of the South guys Micheal Cushman and Hunter Wallace, but they are more informative than leader-like.
That torch rally was the one good thing spencer has done. Other than the fact he used tiki torches instead of real ones that rally was one of the most coordinated and well-dressed marches of the year. Also, what uniforms are you talking about?
This is what Alex Jones use to say before he sold out to the kikes. If you want to believe in faggots and ZOG agents, you might as well become a Communist and get that shill money.
The only time I've ever seen a Spencer thread stickied here was when he got attacked by antifa. This board has always been anit-Dicky/anti-Aut-Kike.
But stop derailing with autistic drama. This is a major victory, the purity-spiraling 1488ers have been proven right yet again.
I'd say mods should ban this thread, but it's more important for it to stay up as evidence that someone's trying to fuck with Spencer without there being real evidence of any wrongdoing. If you have to dig so deep as to post frogtwitter jokes, blatantly lie about David Duke when anyone who can rub two brain cells together can connect the dots to see that his and Spencer's comments are on the same side, and fall back on the Alt Right is pro-gay running joke, you probably don't have any real evidence.
If you do have something substantial to present, do that and leave out the crap.
it's a thread full of "these right-people are all jews and gays and nigger-lovers", it's a full on shillfest
nigger the gatewaypundit broke this.
your argument might hold up if it was some random user making the claim ;) the lawyer contact him/her/whatever. And there is more, much more, coming out soon. It's over, TRS. I told you mfers…NAME THE JEW or I take your fanbase. Didnt I say that?
hail victory!
nice ;) I wonder who had to die before Spencer could assume control over NPI and become the altright leader..?
lolol your death throes amuse me
His entire political career is evidence of wrongdoing, do you not think creating and taking part in the creation of a massive sinkhole keeping whites away from genuine pro-white ideology(like NatSoc) wrongdoing?
Stop with the concerned shilling. We get it.
Try to sound MORE gay, user.
Or maybe it's a thread exposing the Aut-Kike as a fag-infested kosher shillfest?
Jews just call everyone that is pro white gay now. Fucking kikes are obsessed with faggoty because in reality they are the gay beta feminist fags. They are projecting because Judaism is a feminine religion and culture.
Wintrich is a kike and alt lite.
That's all you really need to know.
Dailystormer white sharia kikes think Holla Forums supports TRSodomites and dickyspencer making us into some kinda faggot lovers
See this disingenuous yid's post.
I don't give a fuck about spencer either way, but this is 100% pure divide and conquer bullshit and you need to be called out on it
Holla Forums has actual things that matter to worry about, rather than "who is the most right rightwinger" purity-test bullshit. this is all about trying to stir up infighting with the goal of crippling the movement. it would be an effective tactic if it were to find ground, so user needs to be aware of who's behind the post
Who are they trying to divide us from? A Zionist faggot who says the Holohoax happened?
If true, thank you CIA. That site is excellent.
AltRight is a Jewish PSYOP designed to harness, filter, co-opt and distort the National Socialist movement as presented on Holla Forums and elsewhere. It is an Israeli and American Deep State join project which is soon coming to an end.
Does David Duke or anyone from WN 1.0 even fucking matter anymore? From what I can tell WE WUZ posting has done more for white nationalism than all of these faggot E-celebs combined.
Modern white nationalism only has one leader and his name is David Davidson.
Is this Jim the owner of Holla Forums?
He's shitting on cucks like milo, cernovich and mcinnes who call themselves the newright after Spencer called them degenerates for their #twinksfortrump.
But Spencer is attacking faggots in that pic.
William Regnery passed it onto him before he died to the subversion could be secured.
>divide and conquer
Why do you think Holla Forums is alt-kike when we wholly oppose modernity and the alt-kike just wants the same sick modern world we have now but without "thug" niggers. Blow your brains out Mike.
You will go into the bog.
"White Nationalism" is a term coined by the CIA.
There is no "white" race. It's typical trick, which is why you always see threads like:
It's meant to divide the Aryan race and to even pit it against itself.
I don't see any evidence in the OP. Screencaps of emails are not evidence.
Of a twitter post. Archives are only as legit as the thing being archived you fucking idiot.
This is either an attempt to deliberately lower the bar for this board or make anyone with a semblance of intelligence to feel out of place here.
this sounds awesome
I've been to it, I have never seen teenagers there. You're really desperate Holla Forums
The Twinks for Trump event he attended?
>An exhilarated Richard Spencer, a leading white nationalist who coined the term “alt-right,” introduced himself to me just as Milo began to speak. “This is the alt-right convention! We were really absent in 2012; we have a big presence here, in a way we never had before.”
>Nearby, Richard Spencer was thoroughly enjoying himself. Spencer — another formerly mainstream conservative who developed into a white nationalist and now runs a think tank called the National Policy Institute — said he had a credential for the convention but wouldn’t say how he’d gotten it, only saying he has “friends in high places.”
CIA needs good CO along with the bad.
how about all the other evidence dickie is a kike including his own words?
wow a degenerate controlled opposition shill eceleb is a degenerate controlled opposition shill who could have seen this coming let's distract from ongoing assassination attempts and threats from commies to cuckservatives and everyone further to the right to talk about ecelebs
yeah last i knew Jim was in charge
very awesome. with the altright out of the way, we can begin phase 1 of our campaign.
"white" refers to European, Aryan refers to Indo and Iranian European. Aryan is more than just white skin. Which is why they prefer to call us "whites" and not Aryan. If all "white" people realize how connected they are to many other people whom they'd otherwise view as separate…we would have great power.
Yeah, KMac sure is BASED.
Holy shit, kike, reported.
it annoys me when alt-righters do this bullshit
no you fucking idiot, all you're doing is virtue signalling due to social pressure. you're just virtue signalling a different thing, but it's the same goddamn fucking pressure, working against your own goal
same as this thread
jesus fucking christ.
debate me or stay defeated trs ^_^
It's a lefty/pol/ shillfest, they always do this with "alt-right" personalities because they know most people on the chans have a tendency to be iconoclastic and do not like "personalities", so leftypol or whatever sneaky shil hub try to defame these "personalities" by finding inconsistencies in their supposedly right wing personality, no matter how small or fabricated.
Even if you may hate them or find them to be hypocritical, these "alt-right" personalities actually help the right wing by propagating Holla Forumstier shit to the masses and obviously, this is bad for the left if normies keep getting redpilled.
They use Holla Forums slang (sometimes to absurd extremes) to try and blend in with the crowd.
So he's a hypocrite.
Doesn't mean you aren't a fucking retard that posts pictures of him (hypocritically) attacking faggots claiming this is proof of him being a faggot.
NatSoc opposes "WN" too. "WN" is just pan-european globalism with whites on top, NS is all native Europeans being elevated to the highest point they are able to achieve.
WN is prone to subversion, NS is not, WN ultimately leads to niggers and kikes getting in again because separatism is not a core tenant of the ideology.
Why would a heterosexual man attend a faggots for Trump event?
nicely said
Who? White females? Jews? Other white males?
Only white females and Jews (and other mudshits) would find it disgusting. White men would understand it perfectly because they partake in what's called Patriarchal Competition. They understand men wanting to kill other men.
Jews will find it disgusting because they think their genocide meme is being usurped. White women won't give a shit because they believe at any point they can cash in their whiteness and femaleness to go get men to die for them. And they're not fucking wrong. MGTOW is a rebellion against the reality that women control them.
The Greeks laughed at the Persians because of how pussywhipped they were.
Second screenshot is a criticism of the ideology being discussed. You lack basic reading comprehension skills.
fucking lol'd
Learn English before posting here retard.
You are shit at trying to fit in, TRSodomite. You do not type the way an user would, and are blindly defending known degenerates and kikes
Reminder that Alex Jones and David Icke stole the consparicy-talk from others, more well read people and schlocked it up, made it way more entertaining but also cooky as in killing off practically every other legit conspiracy theorist or theory, at a time when the government outright killed it's own civilians (Waco, Ruby Ridge) or staged stuff like 9/11.
It's only in recent times that people somehow accept Alex Jones, the shill and the subversive alternative of conspiracy theories. Before that he every subject he touched, made people go persona non grata if they touched upon it aswell.
LUCIAN WINTRICH is a known faggot who is trying to take back the term "Alt-Right" for Milo-tier classical liberalism. And is currently being attacked by Spencer for degeneracy.
RICHARD SPENCER was NOT mentioned in the Third Jimpact.
Rather. Surprisingly. It would be kind of funny if he actually turned out to be the straight one.
don't think so. go on renegade related sites, v/european or cult of moonman on discord. they use the same spencer memes, terms like "alt-kike", trsodomite, etc.
What does that even mean?
Wait, is this better?
You're a kike! You degenerate scum!
That doesn't answer my question. Why would someone who isn't a faggot attend an event like this?
the wheels are in motion, friend.
this plane is crashing with no survivors.
the entire WN movement will be torn asunder.
replacing it: strong, powerful NATSOC.
Nah, usually white is just the short term for the various descendants of the various european people.
I don't think any true white nationalist wants to see all the different cultures and ethnicities go extinct to create a United States of Europe.
I can understand that, and also why he wants to break away, but can't because of "all my money".
Yes it does.
If you're too dumb to know what words mean you shouldn't be posting here.
thanks man needed the link
That is exactly what the alt-kike wants to happen, they want to export America's kiked culture and standards to the rest of the world. It's sick, sad, and subversive. This shit is hurting Euopean movements as well, I've seen them call fucking NordFront LARPers. It's fucking disgusting.
Not hard to believe Spencer's a homo but I wouldn't run with rumors from some jew twink.
Don't forget to archive. I'm going to saturate with this shit.
I always thought white nationalism was nationalism for and by white nations. A Southron wanting an independent White country for his own people and a Frenchman wanting a White France would both be white nationalists despite having nothing in common except their race. I'm sure WNs support white states across all the various white nations but not to the point of a singular white culture or shared country.
ITT trsodomites and fags in full damage control mode
Aryan is a term that has disguinshed white skin for 5000yrs you shitskin bastard.
Americans, Australians, New Zealanders are not European. They are whites.
From "Aryan = Ancient Racial Term":
Here are some examples of how the term and its derivatives have been used amongst a
wide range of Indo-European languages.
Sanskrit-Arya, the exalted, or noble, master, lord, an Aryan, one of the 'exalted' ruling
Arya-man, a companion[Aryan].
Old Persian-Ariya. See above definition!
Iranian- Airya-a racial title used by Darius on his tomb. Has the same general sense as in
the Sanskrit.
Hittite-Ara, member of one's own group, peer, friend.
Lycian[Anatolian language from South- West Anatolia]-Arus, citizens.
Greek- Areion, better, stronger, braver, usually derived from Ares, war, but probably
cognate with Airo, exalt. Ar-istos, best. Heros, a hero, a freeman. Arios or Herios a title
of the Medes and Persians. Aeria or Herie, a Greek name for Egypt. Harma-chariot.
Gothic-Harri, lord or king. Her, a noble man. Her-sir, a chief, a lord.
Norwegian-Herre, lord, master, gentleman.
German-Herr, lord, master, gentleman.
Dutch-heer, lord, master, gentleman.
Cornish and Celtic-Arhu, command.
Old English-Hearra, lord, master. Eorl, Erl-cognate with Jarl, a chief, leader, hero, man of
Modern English- Aryan, as a racial ruling title. Aristo-cracy, a government of the 'best or
strongest' men, the nobility, from the Greek: Aristo-crat, Aristo-cratic.
Old and Modern Irish-aire, freeman. Erin, Eire, Ireland-same sense as Aryavarta-land of
the Aryans.
In the following languages the prefix ar has the connotation of to plough or till in certain
Old English-erien
Closely related to this sense of the term the following langauges extend the use of the
prefix to terms for the earth:
Modern English-earth
Old Irish Proto-Celtic *aryos, of disputed origin (see Old Irish entry for more).
aire m (genitive aireach, plural aireacha)
1. (literary) nobleman, chief, freeman
2. government) minister
Old French
Noun: aire m (oblique plural aires, nominative singular aires, nominative plural aire)
3. appearance; semblance
Indo-European ar- is in the Celtic Old Irish aire “the free man” in Irish law, and aire (gen. sing. airech, nom. pl. airig) glossed by Latin optimas “of the best class.” (The first component ario- of Germanic names may always be identified with hario- “army, troop.” ARYA, an ethnic epithet in the Achaemenid inscriptions and in the Zoroastrian Avestan tradition. Old Persian ariya- occurs in the phrase of Darius.
Greek áristos
From Ancient Greek ἄριστος (áristos, “best, noblest”).
άριστος • (áristos) m, feminine: άριστη (áristi), neuter: άριστο (áristo)
1. excellent, first-rate, thorough
2. (ancient) noble
Aryan is not just Europeans, but also native Iranians, North Indians,, and many more peoples. Imagine what they would all do if they knew how connected they were with the "white" race. Imagine what "whites" would do if they realized how connected they are to many other peoples. Then, it wouldnt just be some "white people" – it would be a good percentage of the world taking part in our fight against the Enternal Merchant.
Do begin to see my plan yet?
That version of WN is perfectly fine and is in fact a rebranding of NatSoc for PR reasons. These PR reasons were taken to logical and then illogical extremes and now you have alt-kikes.
I used to think we needed white nationalism as exactly that: pan-european globalism. But, there's a reason why there's such a thing as alliances in politics. To prevent the mongols from invading the west, they'd ally.
However, the problem with being NatSoc is that very thing. There are what's referred to as 'super-states' such as America, (previously) Soviet Russia, and the EU.
The problem with a united Europe is because of resentment and history. There will be races which are superior to others. Germans (pure ones) will carry more weight than others. They may even carry so much more weight as to make every other European breed irrelevant.
A united Europe that's wise to the Jew problem won't be easily subverted. If all of Europe worked cohesively, funneling assets to real geniuses of our race, there'd be a lot of prosperity and opportunity for lower white classes to die without feeling any sort of resentment. It's only because Jews are the ones right now that are beginning to take the 'throne', that the Europeans waking up, resent them for their lies.
Women unfortunately hate a truth they can't exploit. A man who they can't distract. Jews take advantage of this, which is why women having political power is retarded.
Pagan perspective, Christianity/Semitic religion was the cause of this cucking of Europe. Specifically it started with beady eyed Anglos who are/were the eternal Jewfriend.
Lurk moar, and stop shitting up the board before things get worse. You are openly getting emotional, and your love for these namefaggots is blinding you to their degeneracy
Good enough for me, kike!
Who is us? Backed up by the Jimpact, how so? I'm only asking because the narrative you've put together so far has many holes which someone who doesn't already believe the conclusion will have a difficult time agreeing.
lol Moarpheus I always knew you were a Pajeet
United under one banner all culture would erode and become "European culture" - this is the core problem with this bullshit. You're helping the kikes kill your culture because vehement traditionalism is 'unrealistic' right?
Indians and Arabs and Africans are already more redpilled on Jews than most whites. STFU.
Aryan Cont.
In Greek mythology, Arion or Areion (Ancient Greek: 'Ἀρίων, Ἀρείων, gen.: Ἀρίωνος, Ἀρείωνος) there are two characters.
One is a divinely-bred, extremely swift immortal horse which, according to the Latin poet Sextus Propertius, was endowed with speech. At the root of the word, Are-ion means “to be” and “moving forward.” The earliest literary mention of Arion is in Homer, Iliad, XXIII, 346. Statius also made mention of the horse in his 1st-century Latin epic poem the Thebaid, VI, 301.
Arion's siring by Poseidon in stallion form vary by author: according to the Pseudo-Apollodorus, the horse was foaled by Demeter while she was "in the likeness of a Fury";[2] Pausanias reported that, according to Antimachus, the horse was the foal of Gaia, the Earth, herself. In the Epic Cycle Arion was mounted most notably by Adrastus, king of Argos.
On the subject of Arion, Homer said in the Iliad:[3]
"… there is no man that shall catch thee by a burst of speed, neither pass thee by, nay, not though in pursuit he were driving goodly Arion, the swift horse of Adrastus, that was of heavenly stock …”
Pausanias says:[4]
"Demeter, they say, had by Poseidon a daughter, whose name they are not wont to divulge to the uninitiated, and a horse called Areion. For this reason they say that they were the first Arcadians to call Poseidon Horse."
In support of the lineage they advance, Pausanias reports, the Arcadians cite some verses from the Iliad (23.346 quoted above) and the Thebaid (an early Greek epic of uncertain authorship, of which only fragments remain). Pausanias says that "in the Thebaid it is said that Adrastus fled from Thebes: 'Wearing wretched clothes, and with him dark-maned Areion' ".[5] Latin scholia assert that these verses indicate that Neptune was Arion's sire. But Pausanias goes on to quote Antimachus of Colophon as saying that Arion was a child of the Earth (Gaia):[6]
"Adrastus, son of Talaus, descendant of Cretheus,
The very first of the Danai to drive his famous horses,
Swift Caerus and Areion of Thelpusa,
Whom near the grove of Oncean Apollo
Earth herself sent up a marvel for mortals to see."
According to Pausanias, Heracles, waging war with the Eleans, acquired this horse from Oncus. The son of Zeus would have thus ridden upon Arion when he seized Elis. Thereafter, Heracles gave Arion to Adrastus; this is why Antimachus said of Arion: "Adrastus was the third lord who tamed him."[7]
The Pseudo-Apollodorus (III, 6, 8) recounts that in the defeat of the Argives, the same battle in which Eteocles and Polynices slew each other, Adrastus alone among the Argive leaders survived, saved by his horse Arion that Demeter, in the likeness of a Fury, had conceived by Poseidon. The scholiasts of the Iliad (XXIII, 347) and of Lycophron (153) attribute to him the same origin.
In another Greek myth, Arion was a poet and musician, who was kidnapped by pirates and thrown into the sea. After singing a hymn to Apollo, god of poetry, he was rescued by a dolphin and brought safely to shore carried on its back. Arion, semilegendary Greek poet and musician of Methymna in Lesbos. He is said to have invented the dithyramb (choral poem or chant performed at the festival of Dionysus) that is, he gave it literary form (around 625BC), and is credited by Aristotle as being the origin of Greek drama;. His father’s name, Cycleus, indicates the connection of the son with the cyclic or circular chorus of the dithyramb. None of his works survive, and only one story about his life is known (reported by the historian Herodotus]). After a successful performing tour of Sicily and Magna Graecia, Arion sailed for home. The sight of the treasure he carried roused the cupidity of the sailors, who resolved to kill him and seize his wealth. Arion, as a last favour, begged permission to sing a song. The sailors consented, and the poet, standing on the deck of the ship, sang a dirge accompanied by his lyre. He then threw himself overboard; but he was miraculously borne up in safety by a dolphin, which had been charmed by the music. Thus he proceeded to Corinth, arriving before the ship. There Arion’s friend Periander, tyrant of Corinth, eventually learned the truth by a stratagem. Summoning the sailors, he demanded what had become of the poet. Upon affirming that he had remained behind, they were suddenly confronted by Arion himself. The sailors confessed and were punished, and Arion’s lyre and the dolphin became the constellations Lyra and Delphinus.
Yes, it's called mental illness you fucking faggot.
You can't even read can you?
Please tell me this isn't real.
Here's the narrative so far:
Here's what will happen:
>Who is us
the who isnt as important as the why, and the why is simply twofold in nature: to watch the world burn, to save the Aryan race
I'm so nordic its in my last name. But here im just user, so lets not make it about moi
And spencer just goes and legitimizes the mental illness, you fucking tard.
Same sentiment, downboater.
If you were a lefty, do you know how easy it would be to simply log on to one of these servers and assimilate?
Whenever a popular right wing figure emerges they seem to be attacked by people who hold their own political beliefs. Of course it's not just shilling, it's sometimes people of whom generally hate anyone who has a mass of people behind them so they see it fit to attack them and bring them down to their level, all the while shooting their own political beliefs in the foot and stemming the spread of right wing propaganda if they are successful in destroying an e-celeb.
Propaganda is all that matters if you want the Overton window to finally shift, petty shit won't cut it, but maybe that's what Holla Forumsacks want, their own hugbox to remain as such because god forbid that their own political beliefs become normalized, many channers are contrarian for the sake of it after all.
You may think I'm talking bullshit, but do you remember when Bush was president? 4chan was absolutely left-wing because of petty, childish contrarianism.
That would be more accurate if it was an AnCap flag.
yeah hate those goys
No he didn't you faggot, learn to read.
The old definitions considered it a very serious mental illness. Is English even your first language? If so, you must be a nigger.
What a surprise that the communist cuck had no morals.
yup. deep state involvement is deep.
That Spencer has legitimized, why do you refuse to comment on this
all the TRSemites never left and were just waiting to come back I see.
Sounds pretty nice tbh since that was the natural order of the world for centuries until ZioBurgers defeated Europe in WW2
Yes goyim, the based muslim Iranians and pakis are Aryans just like you! White race doesn't exist!
To be correct, the devil horns thing is for the Texas Long Horns and they do it all the time in Texas
didnt I say the native iranians? why are you so dishonest? is it because you lack character and could greatly benefit from adopting a NATSOC mindset? its not too late for you, friend. but soon it may be.
Literally where did he say this, because it wasn't in the image you posted
I don't even disagree with you about tricky dicky, I just think you're retarded.
fooking satanists co-opting texas culture
Thanks for that infograph, saved. Seen the picture a few times before, didn't know what the ribbon was until now.
Reminder that sage is not a downboat.
Very well. Let the schism commence. Still, I have to ask why specifically NatSoc instead of the forms of nationalism that arose in states before and after. Natsoc worked well for the Germans, but the Romanians, Spanish, Italians, and other had their own movements toward a higher purpose. Lee and Rockwell are closer to me than Hitler, and even though I can see where Hitler was right he wasn't an American.
Fuck your kiked out shithole, I'll admit that fucking triggered me.
She looks weird is she related to the kardashian type people ?
Fixed that for you, alt-kike
np man
it can't be co-opted by kikes and removes all of their power
pretty sure she's a Russian Jew
That image of the bushes was a Texas longhorn hand sign, not church of satan.
Ok you said "exposed", what's the timeline which causes the exposure? How can you back it up?
I'm no fan of e-celeb bullshit as its always the same thing but I do like to know the structure of these things, I was hoping you had some damning evidence.
get on my level you D&C kike
Fuck off with your e-celeb drama bullshit intl goon
You forgot the quotes around soul. Twitter has a 140 character limit.
I'm saging because I'm not bumping this slide thread. Tricky dicky is probably gay, but you've posted no proof and only referenced the third Jimpact which didn't even mention implicit dick and that his old lawyer is a faggot, apparently.
Can you tell me how Europe got so cucked in the first place? It was America and Britain.
There is a European culture, because it's a part of the racial temperament of the white race. There's also branches of that temperament which make them unique selective pressures on different populaces.
It is a sacrifice of 'lowest common denominator' to the racial line.
America has infiltrated Europe heavily to the point of using its language like "racist". Racism is correct, and what happens when people stop believing it's wrong? They're not going to go right back to NatSoc. All white people will have been wronged by the Anglo.
I am biased as an American, though. It's in my interest for a white superstate and not a national state system, being a mix of irish-anglo-swedish.
It would be very difficult for other whites to hold their tongue and suppress their resentment if another state went NatSoc. It's what caused Anglos to hate the Germans so much to begin with.
He wasn't. He was right on the jews but he grew up as an Austrian German in a European German culture and land. Hitler is not a universal ruler or guide.
Which means nothing? Get fucked alt-kike cuck.
Dickie legitimizes trannys, even trannys feel legitimized by it. Fuck right off.
Typical alt-kike cuck, what about all the proof I posted that he's a subversive fuck?
And your kiked out mystery-initiate founding father faggots are? LOL.
Of course it is, Americans should just an hero en-masse. Fuck all of you.
Your not even close to my fucking power level, you Alt-Kike. You don't need to turn Iranians against Jews you fucking moron. Israel did that already.
OP confirmed for a kike.
This non sense is coming from a kike.
OP is a subversive kike.
Gas yourself.
op seems really mad that spencer attacked some altlight faggots
weird wonder what that says about OP
So you actually DO have terrible reading comprehension then.
Bravo, shill.
Semitism is the root of all antisemitism.
All alt-kikes are subversives, the entire movement is a farce.
Wintrich is talking about it on periscope right now
Iranians aren't on the side of "white" people. Nor are whites on their side. We're preparing to go to war – its another the corner. I see a future in which Aryans from every part of the globe are united by common goal. From India to Iran, from Egypt to Russia.
This is coming.
Keep proving that you can't read
if you are going to smear someone do a better job on Photoshop
Fuck off KIKE
What are you claiming is shooped?
It'd be cute if I didn't know there a huge hooked nose behind that monitor
he's a fuckign shithead, we should drop him asap
Stay the fuck away from us and nuke Israel. You want to turn Iranians into something useful then push Zoroastrianism against Islam.
Are these archives photoshopped too?
You guys are paid by the (You), right? I'll stop giving them to you
why are you hostile? I think Zoroastrianism is a key part of doing just that. Remember: I said NATIVE Iranians..not Muslim invaders.
Good job outing yourself 4cuck
For young white nationalists to shit on Duke is akin to cursing their own fathers. While he may be a flawed man in some regards, he was doing good work before most of us were even alive. I learned the true nature of the Jew from David Duke's books and podcasts.
I've never read these kind of threads because e-celeb alt-right bullshit is too boring. But if this is the level of "evidence" that's acceptable here now, that's pretty spoopy.
I could edit that up in like 10 seconds. What's going on here?
One thing I notice here since trs got exposed they have invested a lot in this board and try to derail every thread and get it bumplocked.I won't be surprised if they have some datamining tools to monitor words here just like the ctr/shareblue.
You have to admit old Duke and new Duke aren't the same guy.
I've really been violently turned around in the last few days. Didn't realize the scope of these people's faggotry. I have a decent size following on twitter and want to do a massive anti-fag dump. Anyone have any good sources and infographs I can seed in there?
Keep responding to me kike, you're not getting anymore shekels from me.
Who would be paying me? How does ousting the kikes trying to bog pro-white ideology down in 'based fags, based niggers, based nationalist kikes' benefit the kikes? Kill yourself.
dude i used to do photoshopped tweets against BLM all the time that shit is 2015 get with the times
What's the context in that video? To be honest I haven't been keeping up with Duke for a few years.
Because you're stealing out heritage, shitskin. And we've been fighting to get it back for a long time now. It's part of our needed identity crises. Hence the "ancient aliens" shilling on History channel and assholes like you taking credit for Aryan civilizations who were mixed to death and the culture destroyed.
A mixed "African American" is NOT an American. Americans are WHITE!
There is no reason to bond with "Egyptians". It will just cause more race mixing the way Christian niggers bonding with white Christian women.
Greek shitskins aren't Greek either! NO MORE WHITE GENOCIDE
Thanks user. If you're aware of any studies with solid numbers wrt the relationship between pedophilia and homosexuals that would be excellent.
dont got that but got this. proves homosexuality is a genetic defect
t. Civic Nationalism…
Homos have been part of European society though. The main problem is promotion of their degeneracy as though it is something to be revered. A genetic dead-end who spends his time for the benefit of society is no concern to me, whereas public displays and promotion of degeneracy to children are what I get worked up about.
This is all a false flag. I don't care for Spencer but I care about the truth. None of this is real and it is made, as the left always do.
This is the issue with NatSoc. You automatically start a campaign for world conquest and open yourself up to sending Jews every-which-way into other nations; or traitors with Jew-like behavior. You must think the white nationalists of every other European nation are retarded. Helping an ethnic-other get ahead.
You think there's no super-states which threaten Europe, so you'll fragment up the white racial base through 'vehement traditionalism' which is only 'uncompromising ethnocentrism'. A declaration to the world at large that you're hostile to every one of their nations.
Of course, I could just be being autistic. But, if you deny that the white race exists, then you are not only retarded, but probably a D&C shill that's saying you make an absolutist/autistic line at your ethnicity (German people) and treat racial Europeans the same as you would niggers.
who said anything about bringing them into white countries or race mixing with them? I want Native Iranians, Northern Indians and every other group of Aryan peoples united with Europeans in our Noble cause: ridding this world of kike influence.
Wow. The level of retard that you're on is amazing. Spencer is gay because Milo's newest faggot jew started a rumor, and we know he wouldn't lie! Yeah and look at this picture of him with a female reporter that he posted on twitter a year ago, he's totally cheating on his wife! Did I mention he's gay? And look at the response from his lawyer that isn't even his lawyer, this guy is totally CIA.
who you trying to convince? :)
No, any tolerance of them harms us
Then you've yet to understand hat faggotry is a mental illness that spreads through child molestation and every fag has both been molested and seeks to molest
Tolerance of these freaks, letting these freaks live in the same society as your children is unacceptable.
lmao, that fat mongoloid fuck
Pitiful attempt at reverse-psychology.
Typing TRSodomite tricks, often used by gay politicians.
The marriage of convenience, another trick often used by gay politicians.
But none of you have seen the certificate of marriage anyway, so it's likely as genuine as an e-celebs 23andme results.
Go suck off Merkel because your super-state will be just as fagged out as the EU.
Not you because you're a retard and will believe anything.
what is your twitter or facebook names.
Ecelebs are cancer and you're all faggots for using Twitter.
so spencer fucks Jewish women. it gets even better
I don't use twitter and only have a personal facebook so my co-workers and family don't think I'm crazy.
What's yours? Bet it's at @XxAltRightxXx[BaSeDnIgGeR]
And… filtered.
If you think you'll get a super-state without kikes you have no idea how international jewry works or how jews subvert nations.
hint, "white super-state" is how America started
She's a reporter you fucking retard. If you actually did things you might talk to them too. Of course you'd rather trust the jew in pic related who started these rumors of him being a faggot.
do strong white nationalist leaders often have drinks to kikes?
alright this faggot's gotta go.
Spencer gets money from russia.
No, we need to oust the kikes and create a system based on ethnic unity rather than 'super-states' and internationalism otherwise the kikes will get in. Do you just think of them as a passive entity or something?
Why are you even here? Just for the pepe memes and Trump circlejerking?
its all one big Jewish/Commie psyop involving MOSSAD and our bloved deep state. they all gotta go
Just off yourself, seriously.
OMG /poli/. Richard is not GAY
Why are you so closet? He's trying to lead us. Start designing fashy uniforms for the movement!
What's the point of this first image? What's it supposed to be saying?
what do we do with the Jews?
dont insult niggers or Mike will get upset.
Those are their children. Robert Dinero fucks niggers
Do you know who else attended the fags for Trump event where that picture was taken? Dicky Spencer.
Are you trying to get me to FBIpost because I'm european and not using a VPN tbh
I see where this is going, Chaim. Here, have some free pills
Cultural pluralism [i.e., ethnic diversity],” notes Crawford Young, “is a quintessentially modern phenomenon.”
Politics of Cultural Pluralism and Ethnic Conflict:
Continuing ethnic tensions in the early years of the twenty-first century seem to confirm Mahabun ul Haq’s prediction—that wars between “people" (ethnic, religious, racial or cultural groups) will continue to far out-number wars between nation-states.
>Classic accounts of modernization, particularly those influenced by Marx, predicted that the old basis for divisions, such as tribe and religion, would be swept aside. As hundreds of millions of people poured from rural to urban areas worldwide, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it was expected that new allianceswould be formed, based on social class in particular.
Scholars point out that fear of and hostility toward other ethnic groups are far older and often more entrenched than modern principles of tolerance or equality under the law.“ No matter how we may wish for it otherwise, we did not leave violence against outsiders behind us as our nations became modern and democratic.”4
Indeed, over the past 50 years, the most frequent settings for violent conflict have not been wars between sovereign states, but rather internal strife tied to cultural, tribal, religious, or other ethnic animosities. Between 1989 and 2004, there were 118 military conflicts in the world. Of those, only seven were between nation-states and the remaining 111 occurred within a single state, a large portion of which involved ethnic conflict.6
According to another recent estimate, “nearly two-thirds of all [the world’s] armed conflicts [at that time] included an ethnic component. [In fact], ethnic conflicts [were] four times more likely than interstate wars.”7 Another study claimed that 80 percent of “major conflicts” in the 1990s had an ethnic element.
Any listing of the world’s most brutal wars in the past few decades would include ethnically based internal warfare or massacres in Rwanda, the Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, Lebanon, and Indonesia (East Timor). In 1998, one authoritative study estimated that some 15 million people had died worldwide as a result of ethnic violence since 1945 (including war-related starvation and disease).
In the decade since, at least 5 million additional deaths resulted from ethnic conflict in the Congo alone, with hundreds of thousands more in Sudan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Since the end of the Cold War, the world’s attention has focused increasingly on ethnic clashes.
The Richard Spencer cucks are out in full force today. Richard is fucking pissed right now, not only because he's mad that someone had the balls to call out the NYC Public Theater, but also this as well.
Spencer is a petty little fucktard with a Tulsi Gabbard fetish. He is no better than a Bernie Bro
Pyramid Triangle - Mathematical Architecture, Lepenski Vir, Serbia, 6500 B.C
Writing, the first wheel and architecture which used higher math originated in Europe around 6500 B.C. Vedic Sanskrit is an Indo-European language, unlike Sumerian. The plausible transmission of culture, writing, language and architecture from Europe to Sumer and Iran took place in two separate waves - the Sumerian southward invasion around 4,000 BC and the Iranian (Arya-Aryan) around 1,900 B.C.
The first Sumerian signs actually appeared in Vinca clay tablets around 5500 B.C, in Europe. The Sumerian language was written there and then carried to the Ubaid architectural villages in Sumer, around 5200 B.C. Sumerian appears to be an offshoot of Vinca and thus a proto-IE language. This same proto-IE language was carried northeastwards through the Trypillian civlization in Ukraine, and then finally down into Iran around 2,000 B.C, to create the Vedic Sanskrit language and the word Aryan.
Lepenski Vir (European) (6500-3300 B.C.)
Vinca written alphabet (European) (6000-4300 b.c.)
The Ubaid Period (Sumerian) (5500–4000 B.C.)
The Aryans in Sanskrit, in Iran (Persian) (2500-1300 b.c.)
Tărtăria tablets
The so-called Danube Script is a script that appeared some 2,000 years earlier than any other known writing. It appeared in southeast Europe c.7300 BC. The script first appeared in the central Balkans, but quickly spread to southern Hungary, Transylvania, the Danube valley, Macedonia, and northern Greece.
The Danube script flourished up to about 5,500 BC, when a social upheaval apparently took place. The script is currently undecipherable, but is certainly generating a lot of interest among scholars of ancient languages.
The Tărtăria tablets are three tablets, discovered in Tărtăria, Romania. They bear incised symbols that have been the subject of considerable controversy among archaeologists, some of whom claim that the symbols represent the earliest known form of writing in the world.
All alt-kikes are duginists
lel nah just asking. genocide is a kike meme. trs pushes Zionism under the false pretext of
so am just asking
Old Europe
Before Sumer, Crete or the Maltese civilisation, there was “Old Europe”, or the Vinca culture… a forgotten, rather than lost civilisation that lies at the true origin of most of our ancient civilisations.A civilisation which the world seems intent on disregarding… and we can only wonder why.
"There are lost civilisations, and then there are forgotten civilisations. From the 6th to the 3rd millennium BC, the so-called “Vinca culture” stretched for hundreds of miles along the river Danube, in what is now Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, with traces all around the Balkans, parts of Central Europe and Asia Minor, and even Western Europe."
"But when the Vinca Culture suddenly predated Sumer, this thesis could no longer be maintained (as it would break the archaeological framework, largely put in place by Childe and his peers), and thus, today, the status is that both scripts developed independently. Of course, we should wonder whether this is just another attempt to save reputations and whether in the following decades, the stance will finally be reversed, which would mean that the Vinca Culture is actually at the origin of the Sumerian civilisation… a suggestion we will return to shortly."
"Indeed, as early as the 6th millennium BC, three millennia before Dynastic Egypt, the Vinca culture was already a genuine civilisation. Yes, it was a civilisation: a typical town consisted of houses with complex architectural layouts and several rooms, built of wood that was covered in mud. The houses sat along streets, thus making Vinca the first urban settlement in Europe, but equally being older than the cities of Mesopotamia and Egypt."
"It is but two examples that underline that Old Europe was a civilisation millennia ahead of its neighbours. And Old Europe is a forgotten culture, as Richard Rudgeley has argued: “Old Europe was the precursor of many later cultural developments and […] the ancestral civilisation, rather than being lost beneath the waves through some cataclysmic geological event, was lost beneath the waves of invading tribes from the east.”
Spencer is a known FAG ENABLER, so not liking him is understandable.
However, the current batch of rumors is being used by ALT-LIGHT JEWISH HOMO Lucian Wintrich as bait to try and get people to go after Spencer, and there is no real proof of anything provided.
Hellenism (ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΕΘΝΙΣΜΟΣ) is not simply a Religion and Cosmotheory, it is a certain form of human consciousness and an everyday ethos. It is a strong adversary of the so-called “Monotheism” and this not only due to its being the most well-documented of the ancient polytheistic nature-Religions, but also because it is the cultural product of a civilization much higher -on all levels- than the one which created and spread the worship of a Desert “God” throughout the world. Hellenism perceives Cosmos (ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, i.e. the Universe) as an ever-existing Being, which not only was not created by some “creator” God out of nothing (ΕΚ ΤΟΥ ΜΗΔΕΝΟΣ), but on the contrary allowed the Gods themselves to be created through its procedures. Hellenism understands Cosmos as ΑΠΕΙΡΟΝ (Apeiron, Infinity) in great, wonderful order and therefore in Hellenic language Cosmos means also jewel (ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑ). Gods were born inside the Cosmos and live inside it -they are part of it. This is our REAL dispute with the so-called “Monotheism;” not the number of Gods (One or Many, Mono- or Poly-) but where the God or Gods stand in relation to the Cosmos. For the “Monotheists” the Cosmos was created by an ever -existing Being outside it (so in this macro-historical level it is nothing more than a mortal creation). For the “Monotheists” Cosmos is a creation that has to obey the laws of its “creator”. For us Hellenes, the eternal Cosmos emerges always from inside of itself (ΑΝΑΔΥΕΤΑΙ ΑΦ’ ΕΑΥΤΟΥ) and is the creator of all Gods, which have to obey its own laws. In the Hellenic Cosmotheory, these laws are :
-ΑΝΤΙΠΕΠΟΝΘΟΣ ("Antipeponthόs", untranslatable to English, but roughly meaning “all events influence others" thought without “cause and effect"),
-ΝΟΜΟΣ ("Nόmos", the entirey of the universal physical Laws), and
-ΑΝΑΓΚΗ (“Anάngee” Need and Fate), which all Gods respect and obey.
Due to the eternal nature of Cosmos itself, the Hellenic perception of ΧΡΟΝΟΣ ("Chrόnos", Time) is not linear (as the followers of Yahweh or the modern “rationalists" declare), nor circular (as many judeo-born occult dogmas teach) through the ΟΥΡΟΒΟΡΟΣ symbol ("Ourobόros”, tail-eater snake), but spiral and leading to ΑΠΕΙΡΟΝ. Through this shape of Time, the annual circles, the lunar circles, the human (and all) life, and the art of Prophecy, are fully interpreted. History is never “repeated", just similar to the point that identical events happen but always under different circumstances. And the death of humans (and of all mortal forms of life) happens as the philosopher ΑΛΚΜΑΙΩΝ (Alkmaion) declared, simply "because it is impossible for the end of the circle to touch the beginning". In other words, because it is impossible for the old to become infants again.
For the Hellenic Tradition, or at least its part not yet influenced by the “moral" ideas brought over from eastern civilizations by some famous philosophers as Pythagoras and Plato, no such thing as the “karma" of the eastern theocrats exists, and no “judges" exist in the skies or elsewhere. All dead become automatically holy and then they are born again until through ΑΡΕΤΗ ("Aretee" Virtue) one day their ΨΥΧΗ (Psyche) escapes from the spiral of Time, thus becoming primitive God, ΔΑΙΜΩΝ ("daimon”) a word with a positive meaning for Hellenes, in contrast with Judeo-Christain superstition. ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Hercules) is the ultimate symbol of this struggle of each mortal to make his / her way to Olympus, among the Immortal Ones. Hercules is the ultimate symbol for all Hellenes of the past and the present. No, we do not believe in ΜΕΤΕΜΨΥΧΩΣΙΣ ("Metempsyhosis" Re-incarnation) suffering or prospering in this life to pay for or be rewarded for the bad or good actions of previous lives, but instead simply in ΠΑΛΙΓΓΕΝΕΣΙΑ ("Paligenesίa", Rebirth). This perspective distinguishes us from the theocratic dogmas that terrify their believers with “punishments." We love or hate completely outside the Judeo-Christian or karmic designs and dualisms. No dualism of “Good and Evil" exists in the Immortal Cosmos, nor such things as the miscellaneous “moralities" that all the dualistic dogmas spread among humanity. We become virtuous only because we choose to be such.
I don't support Israel's existence in any regard and oppose Zionism in all forms including the Zionism that alt-kikes push.
They want to do nothing to oppose jewish hegemony
European Civilization Predating Ancient Egyptians and Sumeria
7,000 years ago, Neolithic optical art flourished
An egalitarian Neolithic Eden filled with unique, geometric art flourished some 7,000 years ago in Eastern Europe, according to hundreds of artifacts on display at the Vatican.
Running until the end of October at the Palazzo della Cancelleria in the Vatican, the exhibition, “Cucuteni-Trypillia: A Great Civilization of Old Europe," introduces a mysterious Neolithic people who are now believed to have forged Europe’s first civilization.
The excavated treasures — fired clay statuettes and op art-like pottery dating from 5000 to 3000 B.C. — immediately posed a riddle to archaeologists.
"We do not know the meaning of those painted symbols, and what is the significance of those zoomorphic and anthropomorphic statuettes. Everything seems to be wrapped in mystery.
Before their culture mysteriously faded, the Cucuteni-Trypillians had organized into large settlements. Predating the Sumerians and Egyptian settlements, these were basically proto-cities with buildings often arranged in concentric circles.
They extended over 350,000 square kilometers (135,000 square miles) in what is now Romania, Ukraine and Moldova.
The Neolithic buildings often featured walls and ceilings decorated with drawings painted in black and red. Inside, the houses were filled with pottery and statuettes whose quasi-modern design has become the Cucuteni-Trypillians’s most identifiable trademark.
Their making fun of Spencer on a livestream right now, while OP shills with this thread at the same time? What does that tell you?
Thanks user
At one point Spencer was trying to suck up to the Milo faction, but they had a falling out months ago
A Lost European Culture, Pulled From Obscurity
Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, even before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there lived in the Lower Danube Valley and the Balkan foothills people who were ahead of their time in art, technology and long-distance trade.
For 1500 years starting earlier than 5000 BC they farmed and built sizable towns, a few with as many as 2000 dwellings. They mastered large-scale copper smelting, the new technology of the age. Their graves held an impressive array of exquisite headdresses and necklaces and, in one cemetery, the earliest major assemblage of gold artifacts to be found anywhere in the world.
The striking designs of their pottery speak of the refinement of the culture’s visual language. Until recent discoveries, the most intriguing artifacts were the ubiquitous terracotta “goddess” figurines, originally interpreted as evidence of the spiritual and political power of women in society.
New research, archaeologists and historians say, has broadened understanding of this long overlooked culture, which seemed to have approached the threshold of “civilization” status. Writing had yet to be invented, and so no one knows what the people called themselves. To some scholars, the people and the region are simply Old Europe.
At its peak, around 4500 BC, said David W. Anthony, “Old Europe was among the most sophisticated and technologically advanced places in the world” and was developing “many of the political, technological and ideological signs of civilization.”
At the exhibition preview, Roger S. Bagnall, director of the institute, confessed that until now “a great many archaeologists had not heard of these Old Europe cultures.” Admiring the colorful ceramics, Dr. Bagnall, a specialist in Egyptian archaeology, remarked that at the time “Egyptians were certainly not making pottery like this.”
They have no prove still.
bruh spencer's lawyer contacted him.
TRS defectors ratted him out.
all after TRS gets exposed as pedos.
think about this situation from the perspective of a normal person: no amount of clean-up will remove the stigma this has caused. Even if they dont fully believe it, theres enough to make them question, and thats enough to make them abandon people like Spencer.
This war has already been won.
These are but mere death throes :)
A Forgotten European Civilization
The mainstream academic view holds that writing first appeared during the Sumerian civilization in southern Mesopotamia, around 3300-3200 B.C. in the form of the Cuneiform script. This first writing system did not suddenly appear out of nowhere, but gradually developed from less stylized pictographic systems that used ideographic and mnemonic symbols that contained meaning, but did not have the linguistic flexibility of the natural language writing system that the Sumerians first conceived. These earlier symbolic systems have been labelled as Proto-writing, examples of which have been discovered in a variety of places around the world, some dating back to the 7th Milennium B.C.
One such early example of a proto-writing system is the Vinča script, which is a set of symbols depicted on clay artefacts associated with the Vinča culture, which flourished along the Danube River in the Pannonian Plain, between 6000-4000 B.C.
The first major population boom in Europe was the product of the Vinca & Cucuteni-Tryptillian cultures.
The Vinca & Cucuteni-Tryptillian cultures are the first civilizations to flourish in Europe & to build the cities with 15,000+ inhabitants. Major cities began in modern day Moldova & Ukraine even before Mesopotamian cities ever started.
*Talianki, Ukraine – circa 3700 B.C. – up to 15,000 inhabitants, up to 2,700 houses, and covered an area of 450 hectares (1100 acres). Talianki is the largest and best studied Trypillian settlement in Ukraine.
*Dobrovody, Ukraine – circa 3800 B.C. – up to 10,000 inhabitants, and covered an area of 250 hectares (600 acres).
*Maydanets, Ukraine – circa 3700 B.C. – up to 10,000 inhabitants (probably between 6000 to 9000 inhabitants), up to 1575 houses, and covered an area of 270 hectares (660 acres).
*Nebelivka, Ukraine - covered an area of 300 hectares (740 acres).
Kill yourself
The decline of these civilizations in events which were probably similar to the decline of central American civilizations like the Maya & Olmec. Eventually the two cultures of the Balkans abandoned their settled ways and became nomadic, this is how the swastika, an important symbol of the Vinca writing system, eventually moved all the way into northern India.
The Cucuteni-Tryptillian culture even invented the wheel, of which both Mesopotamians & steppe bandits stole from them and claimed it as their own invention.
So the first cities, first writing and first wheels can all be credited to south-east Europe & not Mesopotamia like once was thought.
Anthony, David W. (2007). The horse, the wheel, and language: how Bronze Age riders from the Eurasian steppes shaped the modern world. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Because the faggot just broke the story you autist.
nicely said, man. im glad you oppose zionism
There is absolutely nothing I hate more than fucking E-celeb Drama.
I swear to god without imageboards modern White nationalism would be completely consumed by infiltrators and infighting just like every single WN movement past WW2.
Race Is A Social Construct? Part 3
Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy.
In popular articles that play down the genetic differences among human populations, it is often stated that about 85% of the total genetic variation is due to individual differences within populations and only 15% to differences between populations or ethnic groups. It has therefore been proposed that the division of Homo sapiens into these groups is not justified by the genetic data. This conclusion, due to R.C. Lewontin in 1972, is unwarranted because the argument ignores the fact that most of the information that distinguishes populations is hidden in the correlation structure of the data and not simply in the variation of the individual factors. The underlying logic, which was discussed in the early years of the last century, is here discussed using a simple genetic example.
Clustering determines race
Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity.
every tiem
white nationalism is trash.
National Socialism is the way.
is this your first year paying attn to politics or whut?
come on
Golden Dawn
Recently, she’s been mugged on the street AND burgled three times, each time by migrants - events that have turned this lifelong Socialist into a Golden Dawn convert.
Posebiac and that Loomer kikess are just as bad as Spencer.
I listened to the podcast exposing fags at TRS and Spencer was never mentioned
Spencer fucking betrayed Trump. That faggot turned his back on him and now openly shills for Tulsi Gabbard whenever he gets the chance. He's nothing more than a liability at this point
Screencap me and wait 2-3yrs until Holla Forums wakes up to it.
I wonder if Spencer will disavow Mike Enoch and TRS? What do you think?
Honestly I think that both White Nationalism and National Socialism aren't going to come back. I don't think that there's ever been a case of an ideology coming back from the dead, not that white identity isn't viable. It's not even that we need to cuck.
Honestly why do we even fucking need an ideology? Why can't we just exist as anons pushing issues that we care about?
During the Eunuch jimpacting, somebody mentioned in one of the threads that they knew a woman who had something on Spencer that would destroy him, but she wasn't sure about what she was going to do with it. I'm guessing this is that.
All the threads are archived on >>>/trs/ if somebody wants to look for the post.
Presobiac called them "Nazis" and worked for Ezra Levant, and Loomer is a fucking a jew. This is much bigger than Trump, and they're all our enemies.
Well, now I've read through the thread. I have no interest in this Spencer guy and the drama around him, but I'll talk about something else I find interesting. Millennials are an interesting generation. They have no conception of truth or integrity being important and I suppose this comes from the extreme socialist indoctrination they have suffered in their schools and the media they have been exposed to. I notice how they think truth is a completely subjective thing, and nonsensical and dubious evidence is acceptable as long as it bolsters their social movement of choice. When you press them about it they become genuinely bewildered because the social signaling value of the consensus is more important. I noticed this coming to light in the threads about that camwhore yesterday too. It was like 3000 posts with no substance except social signaling.
They are the first true socialist generation of the west and they're coming out in force both on the left and right.
Pretty spoopy.
do you think it's just a fad or something? i dont understand what your reasoning is
- George William Foote & Joseph Mazzini Wheeler
Lecky observes that from the death of Marcus Aurelius (AD 180), about which time Christianity assumed an important influence in the Roman world, the decadence of the Empire was rapid and almost uninterrupted. How can this fact be accounted for except on the theory that Christianity helped to destroy the existing civilisation? Metaphorically, if not literally, it made men eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven; and the energy which should have been devoted to repelling barbarism and defending the Empire was wasted on frivolous theological disputes or expended in the pursuit of priestly ambition. Even at the time of Julian, vigorous and systematic efforts might still have saved the Empire from dissolution; but the great “Apostate’s” glorious career came to an untimely end, and the Persian spear which drew his life-blood ensured the triumph of the pale Galilean and the ruin of Rome.
We now approach the most critical period of the history of Christianity, when, through the patronage of Constantine, it obtained the means of forcing itself upon mankind. Christianity took three centuries to convert a twentieth of the inhabitants of the Roman Empire by the arts of persuasion but it converted the other nineteen-twentieths in less than a century by the unscrupulous use of bribery, imprisonment, torture and massacre.
Hobbes summarises this change quaintly but concisely in a few pregnant lines:
"Demolition of the Idolatrous Temples at Alexandria, and the Consequent Conflict between the Pagans and Christians."
- Socrates Scholasticus
In 391, Bishop Theophilus of Alexandria and his army of mad monks burnt down the Great Library of Alexandria. All its books, around 700,000 of them - on history, science, literature and philosophy - were destroyed.
The Library of Alexandria
There were many great collections of books in the ancient world. Most were open to any scholar from anywhere in the world. None of them survived the Christian Dark Age.
The most famous, of course, was the Library at Alexandria. In fact, there were at least three different libraries coexisting in the city.
The main or 'Royal Library' was in the Brucchium (northeast sector of the city), close to the palace grounds and forming part of the Museum, a ‘temple’ dedicated to the nine Muses (in the style of Plato’s Academy, Aristotle’s Lyceum, Zeno’s Stoa and the school of Epicurus). The library was surrounded by courtyards, gardens, and a zoo. The gathering of books and scrolls had begun with Ptolemy I Soter (304 - 284 BC) using the Greek scholar/politico Demetrius as his agent. Works were translated into Greek, most famously the Septuagint – Jewish scripture – supposedly the labour 72 rabbis. (Letter of Aristeas, 9 -10 (180 -145 BC) Ptolemy’s ambition had been to possess all known world literature.
Scholars – perhaps as many as a 100 – were invited to residency at the Museum and to analyse critically observations and deductions made in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and geometry. They were fed and funded initially by the royal family, and later, during the Roman period, by public money. Most of the western world’s discoveries were recorded and debated there for the next 500 years.
Because of Jews, user. They work endlessly – through multi-generations – to destroy the Aryan race and conquer everyone else. Why Natsoc? Because it is 100% impervious to kike infiltration and Jewish tricks. The Jew cannot defeat what Hitler created, he can only bury it under lies. But a time is coming when we will shut their lying Jewish mouths.
The evidence of Plutarch, Gellius and Seneca strongly indicates the Royal Library had suffered considerable fire damage at the time of Julius Caesar’s expedition when Caesar torched the fleet of Cleopatra’s brother and the fire spread to the harbour area.
Plutarch informs us that Mark Anthony, making good the loss, gave Cleopatra the entire contents - some 200,000 rolls - of the rival Pergamon library as a gift.
A 'daughter Library' was located in the nearby temple of Serapis in the south-western quarter (Epiphanius of Cyprus (c. 402 AD) Weights and Measures). The Serapeum – in honour of the new god – had begun with Ptolemy II Philadelphus and was completed by his son.
The Emperor Claudius, in the mid-1st century, set up the Claudian Library to be a centre for the study of history. Hadrian, following a visit to Alexandria in 130, restored the city and founded a new library in the Caesareum. Sophists, such as Dionysius of Miletus and Polemon of Laodikeia, where attracted to the city in what was a second century revival of Alexandrian scholarship. This brief flowering ended with the "rapine and cruelty" which Caracalla visited upon the eastern provinces early in the third century.
We may never know precisely the fate of reputedly 400 - 700,000 priceless scrolls. The civil commotions of the 260s and 270s, when much of the city was damaged, would not have been happy days for the libraries.The cutting off of imperial revenue by 4th century Christian Emperors sent the Museum into terminal decline. Writing early in the 5th century, Orosius, Christian author of History against the Pagans, admitted fellow Christians had plundered temples and emptied book chests. Gibbon was in no doubt:
"The valuable library of Alexandria was pillaged or destroyed; and near twenty years afterwards, the appearance of the empty shelves excited the regret and indignation of every spectator whose mind was not totally darkened by religious prejudice." (Chapter 28).
Gibbon placed the blame squarely at the door of Theophilus. That Bishop Theophilus had led the destruction of pagan temples, most famously the Serapeum, is certain. Socrates Scholasticus reports the following:
Spencer is by far a bigger enemy in all honesty. He has been blackpilling Trump fans left and right and many are turning against him now because of Spencer.
thanks man will take a look in a while
why is this sperg spamming? wheres mawds?
National Socialism = militant version of White Nationalism during times of extreme war and transition. It's essentially turning the country into a military base for the white race.
The Island Model with Stochastic Migration
The island model with stochastically variable migration rate and immigrant gene frequency is investigated. It is supposed that the migration rate and the immigrant gene frequency are independent of each other in each generation, and each of them is independently and identically distributed in every generation. The treatment is confined to a single diallelic locus without mutation. If the diploid population is infinite, selection is absent and the immigrant gene frequency is fixed, then the gene frequency on the island converges to the immigrant frequency, and the logarithm of the absolute value of its deviation from it is asymptotically normally distributed.
The above implies that if you have two genes in some frequency in the immigrant population, that under one way migration that frequency becomes the frequency on the island.
We investigated various cases of the island model with stochastic migration. If the population is infinite, the immigrants have a fixed gene frequency and the alleles are neutral, the gene frequency on the island converges to that of the immigrants.
What this means is that the genes initially on the island, in effect, disappear. But the West is the Island, and we don’t survive in this model. We are being voted off the island by the genes of the immigrants. This never stops. Every cohort of immigrants is voted off the island in genetic terms by the following cohorts.
Honestly i'm amazed about how halfchan talks about E-celebs non-stop but somehow doesn't get into autistic E-drama faggotry. Really getting fucking sick of this E-drama faggotry on here, it reminds me of the end stages of GamerGate.
Oh it's that thread again.
This is a normie language. I don't support alt kike, but please get back to renigger
National Socialism
A communist and a socialist are accusing each other of betraying the working class.
Why Are We Socialists?
Joseph Goebbels, 1932.
We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state.
Socialism is the doctrine of liberation for the working class. It promotes the rise of the fourth class and its incorporation in the political organism of our Fatherland, and is inextricably bound to breaking the present slavery and regaining German freedom. Socialism, therefore, is not merely a matter of the oppressed class, but a matter for everyone, for freeing the German people from slavery is the goal of contemporary policy. Socialism gains its true form only through a total fighting brotherhood with the forward-striving energies of a newly awakened nationalism. Without nationalism it is nothing, a phantom, a mere theory, a castle in the sky, a book. With it it is everything, the future, freedom, the fatherland!
The sin of liberal thinking was to overlook socialism’s nation-building strengths, thereby allowing its energies to go in anti-national directions. The sin of Marxism was to degrade socialism into a question of wages and the stomach, putting it in conflict with the state and its national existence. An understanding of both these facts leads us to a new sense of socialism, which sees its nature as nationalistic, state-building, liberating and constructive.
The bourgeois is about to leave the historical stage. In its place will come the class of productive workers, the working class, that has been up until today oppressed. It is beginning to fulfill its political mission. It is involved in a hard and bitter struggle for political power as it seeks to become part of the national organism. The battle began in the economic realm; it will finish in the political. It is not merely a matter of wages, not only a matter of the number of hours worked in a day — though we may never forget that these are an essential, perhaps even the most significant part of the socialist platform — but it is much more a matter of incorporating a powerful and responsible class in the state, perhaps even to make it the dominant force in the future politics of the fatherland. The bourgeoisie does not want to recognize the strength of the working class. Marxism has forced it into a straitjacket that will ruin it. While the working class gradually disintegrates in the Marxist front, bleeding itself dry, the bourgeoisie and Marxism have agreed on the general lines of capitalism, and see their task now to protect and defend it in various ways, often concealed.
We are socialists because we see the social question as a matter of necessity and justice for the very existence of a state for our people, not a question of cheap pity or insulting sentimentality. The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces. We have no intention of begging for that right. Incorporating him in the state organism is not only a critical matter for him, but for the whole nation. The question is larger than the eight-hour day. It is a matter of forming a new state consciousness that includes every productive citizen. Since the political powers of the day are neither willing nor able to create such a situation, socialism must be fought for. It is a fighting slogan both inwardly and outwardly. It is aimed domestically at the bourgeois parties and Marxism at the same time, because both are sworn enemies of the coming workers’ state. It is directed abroad at all powers that threaten our national existence and thereby the possibility of the coming socialist national state.
Socialism is possible only in a state that is united domestically and free internationally. The bourgeoisie and Marxism are responsible for failing to reach both goals, domestic unity and international freedom. No matter how national and social these two forces present themselves, they are the sworn enemies of a socialist national state.
We must therefore break both groups politically. The lines of German socialism are sharp, and our path is clear.
We are against the political bourgeoisie, and for genuine nationalism!
We are against Marxism, but for true socialism!
We are for the first German national state of a socialist nature!
We are for the National Socialist German Workers Party!
Probably not
He does have an ongoing conflict with Greg Johnson
Spencer is incredibly easy to criticize for a million legitimate reasons, so it's odd that people feel the need to post stuff that is obviously wrong or intended to manipulate.
white nationalism can and has been manipulated to our downfall. The Jew uses the white skin tone to turn Aryan against Aryan, and to even allow the Jew to identify with white nationalism, hence the "how do you do" maymay.
Natsoc…it cant be perverted :)
WWII Justified By Former German Soldiers
"We saved Western Europe from Bolshevism"
Short excerpt [4:53]:
Diversity and Community in the 21st Century
"E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century" [PDF] is the title of Putnam’s five-year study, which makes hash out of the politically correct cliché, “Our diversity is our strength.”
Prof. Putnam was so unhappy with the results: he wanted to prove diversity is a good thing, that he spent years trying to find another explanation for his findings, but he finally had to admit the truth: diversity destroys community trust:
Putnam’s study reveals that immigration and diversity not only reduce social capital between ethnic groups, but also within the groups themselves. Trust, even for members of one’s own race, is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friendships fewer. The problem isn’t ethnic conflict or troubled racial relations, but withdrawal and isolation. Putnam writes: “In colloquial language, people living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle.”
Richard wont disavow TRS after they were expose as gay pedophiles. Great! This will sit very well with his fanbase im sure..
According to conflict theory, distrust between the ethnic groups will rise with diversity, but not within a group. Putnam describes people of all races, sex, socioeconomic statuses, and ages as “hunkering down,” avoiding engagement with their local community—both among different ethnic groups and within their own ethnic group. Even when controlling for income inequality and crime rates, two factors which conflict theory states should be the prime causal factors in declining inter-ethnic group trust, more diversity is still associated with less communal trust.
Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:
-Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
-Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one’s own influence.
- Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
-Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
-Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
-Less likelihood of working on a community project.
-Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
-Fewer close friends and confidants.
-Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
-More time spent watching television and more agreement that “television is my most important form of entertainment”.
Putnam published his data set from this study in 2001.
First TRS and now Dicky. The alt-right will have NO ADVOCATES LEFT LMFAO THEY ARE FINISHED. Holla Forums always wins!
So we need an ideology to fight Jews?
White Privilege: Affirmative Action at Work
Last year, two Princeton sociologists, Thomas Espenshade and Alexandria Walton Radford, published a book-length study of admissions and affirmative action at eight highly selective colleges and universities. Unsurprisingly, they found that the admissions process seemed to favor black and Hispanic applicants, while whites and Asians needed higher grades and SAT scores to get in. But what was striking, as Russell K. Nieli pointed out last week on the conservative Web site Minding the Campus, was which whites were most disadvantaged by the process: the downscale, the rural and the working-class.
This was particularly pronounced among the private colleges in the study. For minority applicants, the lower a family’s socio-economic position, the more likely the student was to be admitted. For whites, though, it was the reverse. An upper-middle-class white applicant was three times more likely to be admitted than a lower-class white with similar qualifications.
This may be a money-saving tactic. In a footnote, Espenshade and Radford suggest that these institutions, conscious of their mandate to be multi-ethnic, may reserve their financial aid dollars “for students who will help them look good on their numbers of minority students,” leaving little room to admit financially strapped whites.
But cultural biases seem to be at work as well. Nieli highlights one of the study’s more remarkable findings: while most extracurricular activities increase your odds of admission to an elite school, holding a leadership role or winning awards in organizations like high school R.O.T.C., 4-H clubs and Future Farmers of America actually works against your chances. Consciously or unconsciously, the gatekeepers of elite education seem to incline against candidates who seem too stereotypically rural or right-wing or “Red America.”
This provides statistical confirmation for what alumni of highly selective universities already know. The most under-represented groups on elite campuses often aren’t racial minorities; they’re working-class whites (and white Christians in particular) from conservative states and regions. Inevitably, the same underrepresentation persists in the elite professional ranks these campuses feed into: in law and philanthropy, finance and academia, the media and the arts.
The Jewish Path to Success: Nepotism
The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.
The FST between the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103 which is half the White-Black difference despite the two being classified as separate species.
The FST between two gorilla species, Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei is 0.04 or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites.
The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08 or about 1/3 the Black-White difference.
The FST between humans and homo erectus is 0.17 which is 3/4 the Black-White distance.
Thus, Whites and Blacks are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans vs. Neanderthals, and humans vs. homo erectus. If one is consistent and objective with taxonomic classification systems even in regards to human populations, Blacks and Whites could (and arguably should) be classified into separate species and at the very least into different subspecies.
The average FST between different dog breeds is 0.154 which is nearly identical to the average FST between human populations at 0.155.
Although wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are a different species (lupus) than coyotes (Canis latrans), “there is less mt-DNA difference between dogs, wolves, and coyotes than there is between the various ethnic groups of human beings.”
Dr. Stanley Coren, professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, argues that “Different breeds [of dog] obviously have different types of instinctive intelligence.”[
Whether measured through genetics or physical traits the major racial divisions of mankind are always separated into distinct clusters or groups with extreme accuracy and these divisions generally always correspond to the standard and conventional major racial divisions of mankind.
a shekel for the good goy
literally nothing is happening
we need a system of government that can't be infiltrated. we need a monetary system which cant be perverted to the benefit of a (((few))). And a spiritual system which cannot fall to the error of Zionism.
NATSOC is all of these things, not just politics.
Aryans are only white.
Whites need to stick together
If you want to fight Jews, do it with your people and stop trying to shill against ours.
Out Of Africa: Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens.
Europids (and to a lesser extent Asiatics) have been shown to possess Neanderthal DNA. In fact, Europeans have more genetic material that is distinctly Neanderthal than distinctly homo sapien. Africoids are thought to have bred with other early hominids, such as homo erectus.
The Out Of Africa theory is on shakier and shakier legs as our understanding of genetics and heredity grows deeper. In fact, Russian scientists recently found that it was impossible for Europeans to have descended from Africans, and instead postulated that two different but similar types of life emerged around the same time: one in Europe, one in Africa.
An assertion that all ethnic groups outside of Africa descended from the same small band is proven wrong. (NOTE: Recent findings of ancient remains in 2017 have confirmed this)
Excerpts from a Harvard study:
The fact that Southern Europeans posses a small portion of African DNA is often used to claim that Europeans descended from Africans, this is rejected and explained in the Harvard study:
This means that the said mixture happened long after the supposed trek out of Africa per the “Out of Africa” theory.
As soon as you move out of the most southern parts of Europe, there is absolutely no traceable African ancestry in native Europids. There is little to no proof that Europeans descended from Africans.
The world's foremost anthropologist, Dr. Christopher Stringer, the same one who originally developed the Out of Africa Origin theory of mankind now says he was wrong. The origin of mankind occurred in the Levant region, and there were migrations into Africa, with modern Africans being hybrids between archaic Homo Sapiens and surviving populace of Homo Heidelbergensis.
We're different sub-species from one another.
(NOTE: Recent findings of ancient remains in 2017 have confirmed this)
Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy
A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown; however, the most likely origin for each of them is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south. Haplogroup B is descended from β-haplogroup (and not from haplogroup A, from which it is very distant, and separated by as much as 123,000 years of “lat- eral” mutational evolution) likely migrated to Africa after 46,000 ybp. The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B), as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein) on several hundred people from various haplogroups.
All Eurasians have Neanderthal ancestry, this is not the case for Africans.
Australian Aboriginals, Papua New Guineans, and other related peoples of Melanesians have both Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry.
Africans lack both Neanderthal and Denisovans ancestry, yet there's some evidence that they have their own type of archaic hominin ancestry.
Maximum likelihood evidence for Neandertal admixture in Eurasian populations from three genomes
Prediction of Continent of Origin using randomly selected SNPs
>The new paper is one of many (you can click on the Clusters label to find more) recent papers that have discovered that no matter what genetic markers you choose: SNPs, STRs, no matter how you choose them: randomly or based on their "informativeness", it is relatively easy to classify DNA into the correct continental origin. Depending on the marker types (e.g., indel vs. microsatellite), and their informativeness (roughly the distribution differences between populations), one may require more or less markers to achieve a high degree of accuracy. But, the conclusion is the same: after a certain number of markers, you always succeed in classifying individuals according to continental origin.
No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
On the subject of the racial disparity in drug arrests, despite similar rates of use:
Marijuana possession accounts for 43% of all drug related arrests.
The vast majority of arrests for marijuana possession are the byproduct of being apprehended for an unrelated, more serious manner.
Nigger they do. You just don't go on halfchan enough to see it happen
"White" is typically used to denote the European genre of the Aryan race. "White" isnt often used to describe some Indians, or Iranians now is it? "White" is an erroneous term, seeing as "white" is a skin tone and not a race. Either your education is lacking you're purposely dishonest.
When you replace the word white with Aryan, you realize how many people around the world you're united with, and soon - those many people will realize theyre united with us.
While this thread crashes and burns, why don't we all laugh at Matt Forney, one of the other sources for this who got banned from for basically being a retard.
Once again the TRSodomite posts from its personal collection of black dicks
Ok now Spencer's band of retards are claiming that Loomer was paid to do the stunt.
No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice
Very few people are going to prison simply for marijuana possession. Blacks have a higher rate of arrest for drug possession because they are more likely to have their person/property searched by the police in general. Harsher prison sentences are likely the result of having prior convictions.
Here are some more unarmed white people that were killed by police. Never heard anything about them.
Joshua Grubb, Deven Guilford, Dylan Noble, Gilbert Collar, Dillon Taylor, Daniel Harris, Jeremy Mardis (6years old)
And here are some BLM stats:
No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows
‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police … Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”
The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds
BLM's central premise that cops are specifically targeting blacks for death is simply not true
If he's such a retard, why is he still a correspondent for BASED Red Ice?Aut-Light/Aut-Kike are all cancer
spencer was always controlled op, possibly a con man looking for an audience, its always like this, it happens on the far left too. Also look out for feds
yeah that's really a form of in-group speak that we use in our OPs. Heil Hitler, bruh!
lel pretty sure one of those grills is a man
Looks like a cheap poorly executed defamement campaign against a significantly useful vector of our memes. I suspect Kikes did this. I mean (((Lucian Wintrich))) do we even need to prove he's Jewish with a name like that?
David Duke is the man who organized the New Orleans protocol, which had white nationalists etc sign and agree not to punch to the right, among other things.
If even Duke is calling you out, you know youre officially left wing and anti-white.
I would agree about National Socialism being the only solution and White Nationalism being le kiked, if modern technology hadn't developed to the point you can identify who is or isn't a kike and/or racially European.
Stereotypes are More Valid than Most Social Psychological Hypotheses
>There are many different ways to test for the accuracy of stereotypes, because there are many different types or aspects of accuracy. However, one type is quite simple — the correspondence of stereotype beliefs with criteria. If I believe 60% of adult women are over 5' 4" tall, and 56% voted for the Democrat in the last Presidential election, and that 35% of all adult women have college degrees, how well do my beliefs correspond to the actual probabilities? One can do this sort of thing for many different types of groups.
>Which raises a question: Why do so many psychologists emphasize stereotype inaccuracy when the evidence so clearly provides evidence of such high accuracy? Why is there this Extraordinary Scientific Delusion?
Franz Boas – Liberal Icon, Scientific Fraud
New Look at Old Data May Discredit Theory on Race
Franz Boas – Liberal Icon, Scientific Fraud
A reassessment of human cranial plasticity: Boas revisited
Great shit you've been posting. You have a pastebin somewhere I can get all this stuff?
thats not stopping kikes from infiltrating our current systems, user
A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.
One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”
A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
Often race-deniers and cultural Marxists will bring up Haldane’s rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring, the genetic distance is not too great. Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”
Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.
The argument regarding Haldane’s rule is also meaningless because different species in the animal kingdom can breed and still produce fertile offspring. The wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus familiaris), the coyote (Canis latrans), and the common jackal (Canis aureus) are separate species yet can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Two species of orangutan (Pongo abellii from Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus from Borneo) can interbreed despite having different chromosomal numbers.
The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and many species of birds, such as the pintail (Anas acuta) and the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), can interbreed as well.
The gibbon and the siamang can also interbreed to produce a hybrid
Some species that aren’t even in the same genus can interbreed.
Black Americans are a hybrid race of around 22% White ancestry
This 22% ancestry is the cause of multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility. Indeed, consistent with Haldane’s rule, unmixed Blacks from Africa and White Americans do not have the same rate of birth problems that hybrid American Blacks have: “In 2005, the mortality rate for black infants was 4.4 times higher than that of white infants… African women who come to the United States and have babies experience the same low rate of infant deaths as white American mothers.”
All they ever do is subvert, and push for people to not go all the way in taking redpills. They do far more harm than good embracing and pushing for degeneracy
This guy seems legitimately handicapped
“Indiscriminate interbreeding between distinct forms, whether ‘species’ or markedly different races, is not generally beneficial. The defect may show in a change in the sex-ratio of the offspring, probably caused by the early abortion of members of one sex, generally the male in the case of mammals.”
LTA4H, or “leukotriene A4 hydrolase” is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack (the #1 cause of death in America) in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites. The 30% of Whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who obtained it through race mixing do not.
The average rate of success for mixed race couples is around half that of same race couples, 0.127 compared to 0.213.
There is evidence that the more similar the two people are, the happier their marriage tends to be.
A study in Iceland showed that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within one's ethnic/racial group would be more beneficial than outside of one's ethnic/racial group.
One study showed that people tend to find their own face when morphed into the opposite sex most attractive, even when he/she doesn't know it's his own face, strongly suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words their own racial/ethnic group.
Hybrid vigor (heterosis) does not seem to apply to humans as we are already very heterozygous, at 0.776 [
Although some argue that race mixing "averages out" traits and since average faces are considered more attractive [
However this is fallacious as it assumes we are designed for perfect symmetry, when in fact the magnitude of asymmetry is the correct measurement and this random component fulctuates, also called "fluctuating asymmetry" - so more honestly a lower level of asymmetry correlates with increased attractiveness, not symmetry.
But does increased heterozygosity cause lower asymmetry? A meta analysis of 118 datasets in 14 studies showed a very weak inverse correlation between the two, showing that increased heterozygosity has no beneficial effect on symmetry or asymmetry
One study on the craniofacial morphology in White-Amerindian mixed race individuals found that over half of the 52 shape variables deviated from the mathematical average completely shattering the above argument.
are there really people who didn't realize spencer was a faggot? his behavior, mannerisms, voice, they all just scream it. you need better gaydar.
The neurotransmitter oxytocin "makes people more co-operative, benevolent, loyal, generous and trusting of others. It is involved in the parent-child bond - new mothers and fathers have raised levels of oxytocin. Production also increases when people hug and when they have sex and, recent research suggests, when they receive psychological warmth." However, oxytocin has been alleged to "foster racism."
The study found that "intergroup bias that fuels prejudice, xenophobia, and intergroup violence… Which maybe modulated by brain oxytocin." This suggests that the instinctual desire to pursue the interests of one's own ethnic group to further ensure the existence of one's people is linked to racial bias, coinciding with the observation that diversity is a weakness, not a strength.
One study found that during the menstrual cycle when women have a higher likeihood of conception, racial bias is increased, especially when the likeihood of sexual intercourse was increased; "increased conception risk was positively associated with several measures of race bias. This association was particularly strong when perceived vulnerability to sexual coercion was high."
He was one of the founders of TRS.
but he isn't
Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens
New evidence emerging recently provides ample evidence for a migration into Africa of early Cro-Magnons, and that modern Sub-Saharan Africans are the result of an admixture event with an undetermined archaic hominid species unique to the region with the gradient reaching it's peak within the Pygmy populations.
This is similar to the fact that modern Europeans, Asians, and American Natives are hybrid Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon, and modern South-East Asians, Melanesians, and Australian Aborigine are Denisova Hominin/Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon hybrids. Denisova Hominin never set foot or originated from Africa.
Furthermore, the earliest Anthropoids are found in regions of India and Southern Asia 15-20 million years before the first Anthropoids in Africa.
Number of Ancestral Human Species: A Molecular Perspective.
Unrelated but: Truth about slavery.
Fuck off Shlomo
Humans evolving 100s times faster than ever
Human Evolutionary Change 100s Times Higher in Past 5,000 Years
"We are more different genetically from people living 5,000 years ago than they were different from Neanderthals," according to John Hawks -University of Wisconsin anthropologist. "Five thousand years is such a small sliver of time - it's 100 to 200 generations ago. That's how long it's been since some of these genes originated, and today they are in 30 or 40 percent of people because they've had such an advantage. It's like 'invasion of the body snatchers.'What's really amazing about humans," Hawks continued, "that is not true with most other species, is that for a long time we were just a little ape species in one corner of Africa, and weren't genetically sampling anything like the potential we have now."
In a finding that countered a common theory that human evolution has slowed to a crawl or even stopped in modern humans, a study examining data from an international genomics project describes the past 40,000 years as a time of supercharged evolutionary change, driven by exponential population growth and cultural shifts. The findings may lead to a very broad rethinking of human evolution, especially in the view that modern culture has essentially relaxed the need for physical genetic changes in humans to improve survival.
I really dont see it. All men wear purple and brag about how other men find them attractive, and have soft looking faces with feminine mannerisms.
Recent Human Evolution
In 2007, a team led by University of Wisconsin-Madison anthropologist John Hawks estimated that positive selection just in the past 5,000 years alone -dating back to the Stone Age - has occurred at a rate roughly 100 times higher than any other period of human evolution. Hawks is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin—Madison and Associate Chair of Anthropology, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Faculty Fellow, and an associate member of both the Department of Zoology and the J. F. Crow Institute for the Study of Evolution. Many of the new genetic adjustments, Hawks observes, are occurring around changes in the human diet brought on by the advent of agriculture, and resistance to epidemic diseases that became major killers after the growth of human civilizations.
The Twists and Turns of History, and of DNA
>A separate explanation for such long-lasting character traits may be emerging from the human genome. Humans have continued to evolve throughout prehistory and perhaps to the present day, according to a new analysis of the genome reported last week by Jonathan Pritchard, a population geneticist at the University of Chicago. So human nature may have evolved as well.
Why would kikes want to divide us from a sodomite who supports Israel and claims the Holohoax happened?
you're a living meme, m8
Tell me where an explicitly white nationalist government existed that openly declared kikes an enemy to their state and had the technology for racial identification we have today, and was infiltrated by kikes. You can't, because you either don't know what technology I'm talking about or you're purposely acting retarded for the sake of disagreeing.
Recent Human Evolution
>Some of the genes are active in the brain and, although their role is not known, may have affected behavior. So perhaps the brain gene changes seen by Dr. Pritchard in East Asians have some connection with the psychological traits described by Dr. Nisbett.
Adventures in Very Recent Evolution
>Many have assumed that humans ceased to evolve in the distant past, perhaps when people first learned to protect themselves against cold, famine and other harsh agents of natural selection. But in the last few years, biologists peering into the human genome sequences now available from around the world have found increasing evidence of natural selection at work in the last few thousand years, leading many to assume that human evolution is still in progress.
Ethnic background influences immune response to TB
Gene Sleuths Find How Some Naturally Resist Cholera
You just cant say the things in pic related, in any context, and expect to be taken seriously ever again. Zogbot, cut and dry.
Insulin Differs between Ethnicities, Study Finds
Ethnic density as a buffer for psychotic experiences: findings from a national survey
Non-Marital Sexual Partners and the Probability of Divorce: Virgins preferred, happiest most successful marriages
Do not marry a Slut
Non-Marital Sexual Partners and the Probability of Divorce
At the end of the "Swinging Sixties" some 43% of white brides were virgins. By the early 80's only 14% of white brides were virgins.
They did a probity analysis based on three models:
1) A simple virginity divorce correlation.
2) A virginity divorce correlation controlled for education, age of marriage , marital and per-marital birth.
3) A virginity divorce correlation controlling for all of the above and for intact/non-intact family background and religion.
The above analysis was calculated for 5 year and 10 year divorce risk respectively:
-5 year divorce risk for virgins. -0.60. In other words, there was a 60% less risk of divorce.
-10 year divorce risk for virgins. -0.402, less than 40% risk of divorce.
The other statistically significant findings were that:
1) Education and age of marriage is negatively correlated with divorce.
2) Education and age of marriage explained about 8-10% of the effect.
3) Coming from a broken home raised the risk of divorce but only for the first five years of marriage. Aat the 10 year mark, it, and age of marriage weren't significant.
The other really surprising finding was that there is no difference in the rate of divorce between Catholics, Protestants and non-religious when controlled for virginity.
You can't divide that which was never united, and TRS is far to the left of Holla Forums
was hitler's germany, under National Socialism, infiltrated by kikes despite their lack the lack of today's technology? nope! because natsoc cannot be infiltrated by kikes, zionists nor any other enemy of our people. it is the perfect political, economic, lifestyle and spiritual system.
Conspiracies Proven To Be True
ABC MK-ULTRA Documentary
Russian Mind Control Techniques
Mirror of wiped .mil article: The Mind has No Firewall
Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves (.GOV)
Roseanne Barr on MKULTRA in Hollywood
Cathy O'Brien, MONARCH Slave
MONARCH Slave's MPPD/DID Artwork
DID/MPPD Artwork From MONARCH Slave
Information on Kim Nobel, One of The Above Artists
Mind Control and the CIA Sex Slaves
CIA Attempts to Create Manchurian Candidate
Breaking the Chain of Organization – “New” “Treatment” for Schizophrenia
SONY Develops Early (Public) VR Simulator
Room 23 “Artbook”/MONARCH
Room 322/MONARCH Programming
Full Gallery of 322 at Hotel Zaza
“Monarch” Bar at… Hotel Zaza
Vicki Polin – Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse (ON OPRAH)
Ex-Elite Insider Discusses Mind-Control and Sex Abuse (Hour and a half)
Law Enforcement Reactions to Satanic Abuse Cults
Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Government Abuse Experiments
Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Satanic Abuse Cults in America
Programmed to Kill – Project MONARCH
Depatterning – “New” “Treatment” For Schizophrenia (12 pages)
1977 Join Hearing on MK-ULTRA
MK-ULTRA Final Report to the 94th Congress of the United States of America
Respected Psychologist Speaks on Hypnosis and MPD Ritual Abuse
Pick one and only one.
Totally ok with the Jews fucking us over every single day. Refuse to believe that Jared Kushner is a massive problem. Refuse to talk about white genocide happening in Europe and South Africa.
Betrayed Donald Trump because Richard Spencer said so. Believe Tulsi Gabbard, aka the female Bernie Sanders, is going to be the next President. Don't realize that Spencer is an attention whore who wants his own cult of personality. Get jealous when someone from the alt-light makes a move against the libtards because they didn't think of it first. Literally are infested with Jews LARPing as white nationalists
Let's say you got your wish. All of Europe went NatSoc. Sweden started discriminating between who is or isn't Swedish for their nation and excluded people who weren't Swedish. Same with Finland, Spain, France, Poland, Germany, etc. etc.
Then you have Europe performing an eternal arms race to be prepared for the 'just in case' others attack them, scenario; unless all of them have nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile every other nuclear power is scheming themselves on how to deal with a Europe that's constantly trying to outdo each other in preparation for what-ifs.
There's the basics: you need a common enemy if you're going to unite people. Jews decided to make the white male the common enemy. What's the common enemy of the white man? Well, the white man is able to cooperate because of their higher IQs in order to perform the 14 words against interference from space. Otherwise, they're just going to kill each other. You eventually get a European superstate to avoid conflict anyway.
He's literally defending Spencer and backing Spencer's attack on the Alt-Lite.
You hopeless retard.
duke was siding with him in making fun of cernovich / pobiosec tier people
The GAY community?
Africans More Closely Related to Chimpanzees Than Other Human Populations
Of all the Africans the Nigerians were the least distant, using Nei’s standard genetic distance method the Nigerian-chimp genetic distance was 1.334 +/- 0.375. Using the Cavalli-Sforza method, the Sokoto Nigerians were again the closest to chimps (0.539) by a large margin.
The same technique is used to determine that our closest living evolutionary relative is the chimp.
Archaic human ancestry in East Asia (picture source):
Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome.
Checked semi-satan dubs. Sounds heavenly to me.
This scenario is easily defeated by first waking up all people to the schemes of the Jew.
You prove the Jew created Islam to be it's weapon, thus destroying native Arab culture.
You prove the Jew was behind slavery in America.
You prove many things which they Jew has done.
The Jew turns the world against the white man with lies, and the white man turns the world against the Jew with truth.
The People must be conditioned before you can even hope to go 1488.
Before you can win a war you must win the hearts of the People.
Duke will disavow or he will fall with the rest.
>Blacks have smaller skulls than Whites [
Prognathism is associated with a sloping forehead, which corresponds to a smaller frontal lobe, which is the part of the brain responsible for abstract and conceptual thinking.
Did you guys ever hear of a book written by George Oscar Ferguson? It had a small sample but for the resources and knowledge at that time the research was pretty good and has been vindicated in light of greater testing methods, genealogical knowledge and research.
It found that the more white ancestry a black person had, the more intelligent he was likely to be.
This aligns a lot with Lynn's formula in Race differences in Intelligence.
I've only seen him speak once, that was his "heil our people" moment, which I thought was the cringiest and least convincing shit I'd ever seen.
Keep meming this it's hilarious.
>African Americans with 50 percent European genes will have an IQ of 90 (80 + {50 by 0.2 = 10} = 90). This is about the mean IQ of African Americans in the Northern states, where the proportion of European ancestry approaches 50 percent. African Americans with 75 percent European genes will have an IQ 15 points higher at 95 (80 + {75 x 0.2 = 15} = 95), which is very close to the IQ of 94 of the interracial children in the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study. Europeans with 100 percent European genes will have an IQ at 100.
>Higher IQ correlates well, often as the best predictor, with job performance (>.90)[
>The evidence is so overwhelming that psychologists do not even attempt to argue that the massive gap does not exist, the only debate on the subject is what the exact cause is.
>Despite both being considered Blacks by society (one-drop rule) lighter skinned Blacks score consistently higher on IQ tests than darker skinned Blacks.
David Jewk
>Modern science has found ways to remove cultural bias from intelligence testing. One example is by using Raven Matrices to measure intelligence.
>The famous Milwaukee Project which spent $14 million in attempt to prove that the IQ gap could be removed with improved environment ended with the principal investigator "convicted and imprisoned for large-scale abuse of federal funding for private gain. Two of his colleagues were also convicted of violations of federal laws in connection with misuse of project funds… However, the project received uncritical acceptance in many college textbooks in psychology and education."
>The ASPM gene of Chromosome 1 has been shown to effect brain morphology and defects lead to smaller brains and low IQ.
>The MCPH1 gene of Chromosome 8 with alleles known as "microcephalin" partly determine brain size and morphology
Is Moracow still cool or should I stop listening to his shit?
Clever. Very clever.
You may sow some small amount of extra infighting, Kike. But I for one have faith in our ability to spot Kikery when it shows its ugly head. Time will tell but I remain confident that you will all meet your end very soon.
Pretending to be a "Nat-zee" won't work for you in real life, ya'know…
Revisited: Diversity 21st Century - E Pluribus Unum
E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century
This has been mentioned in the previous thread without the accompanying pictures, but as it was a vast, five-year study that made hash out of the politically correct cliché, "Diversity is our strength," it is truly quintessential material.
Not to mention the fact that it was undertaken by professor Robert D. Putnam, who actually set out to prove that diversity was a good thing and he even spent years trying to find another explanation for his findings, until he finally had to admit the truth: Diversity destroys community trust:
European hair and eye color - A case of frequency-dependent sexual selection?
An interesting theory proposed by Peter Frost:
So essentially, according to Frost, North European women evolved blonde hair and blue eyes at the end of the ice age to make them stand out from their rivals at a time of fierce competition for scarce males. The pressure of sexual selection was therefore on the female sex; they were the ones who had to compete for mates.
Frost supports this theory with studies which show blonde hair is an indicator for high oestrogen levels in women:
Brain differences between races
>In a combination of 19 studies on Black and White brain sizes, every single one shows Whites with a significantly larger brain size than Blacks. The calculated average White brain is 1398g and 1438cc while the average Black brain is 1275g and 1343cc - 91% and 93% of the average White brain.
>"The supragranular layers in the dog are one-half the thickness of those in the ape, and the thickness of the ape's only three-fourths the thickness in man."
nigger this all just phase 0 of our plan.
we havent reached the first stage yet….
can you feel that? the looming presence of National Socialism hovering above your neck like the guillotine?
Brain differences between races
Why do you spam this ?
Behaviour and Development
>The ability to think ahead and prepare for the future is inversely correlated with impulsiveness.[63]
>There were few if any evolutionary selective pressures for future preparation in Africa while Europeans who did not plan ahead for the cold, hard winter would have starved to death and not have passed on their genes. This process slowly weeded out, through countless generations, the inability to properly plan ahead in White populations. "In tropical environments [such as sub-Saharan Africa] where food is available all year round, hunter-gatherers rarely store food even overnight."
Behaviour and Development
>The largest relative brain sizes among primate species are associated with monogamous mating systems.
>The PER2 gene on Chromosome 2 "is a key component of the mammalian circadian clock machinery… [a] high and significant difference in the geographic distribution of PER2 polymorphisms was observed between Africans and non-Africans."
You Jews will lose in the end. It is inevitable that you will all meet your end on the Day of the Rope. One way or another, you Kikes will pay for what you have done.
Because it's interesting, relevant to the board and serves to BTFO spencer shills
None of them will read it and I doubt any of them gives a shit.
Because he's an alt-kike trying to disrupt a thread that threatens his phony movement
Do you think Holla Forums is alt-kike?
can filter by ID
Typical Jewish method of arguing. You learned it well from Saul Alinsky.
The Holocaust didn't happen. But it will.
According to Murray, the idea that no one culture or tradition can ever be judged objectively superior to another has led to a wilful and quite unjustified "trashing" of Dead White Males.
>Overall, male Europeans and North Americans are shown to be responsible for 97 per cent of scientific accomplishment from 800 BC to 1950.
Answer my question, chaim - do you think Holla Forums is alt-kike?
Also: How would ousting kikes pretending to be pro-white benefit kikes?
Race differences start in the womb r-K Life History Theory
Race differences start in the womb
r-K Life History Theory
Black babies spend the least time in the womb. In America, 51% of Black children have been born by week 39 of pregnancy compared with 33% of White children. In Europe, Black babies of even professional mothers are born earlier than White babies. These Black babies are not born premature. They are born sooner, but biologically they are more mature. The length of pregnancy depends on the genes.
Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth. A basic law of biology shows that longer infancy is related to greater brain growth.
Race differences start in the womb r-K Life History Theory
r-K Life History Theory
Harvard University biologist E.O. Wilson was the first to use the term r-K Life-History Theory.
He used it to explain population change in plants and animals. I have applied it to the human races. A life-history is a genetically-organized group of traits that have evolved together to meet the trials of life - survival, growth, and reproduction. For our purposes, r is a term in Wilson's equation that stands for the natural rate of reproduction (the number of offspring). The symbol K stands for the amount of care parents give to insure that their offspring survive. Plants and animals have different life history strategies. Some are more r and others are relatively more K.
The r and K strategists differ in the number of eggs they produce.
The r-strategists are like machine-gunners. They fire so many shots that at least one of them will hit the target. The r strategists produce many eggs and sperm, and mate and give birth often. The K-strategists, on the other hand, are like snipers. They put time and effort into a few carefully placed shots. K-strategists give their offspring a lot of care. They work together in getting food and shelter, help their kin, and have complex social systems. That is why the K-strategists need a more complex nervous system and bigger brain, but produce fewer eggs and sperm.
This basic law of evolution links reproductive strategy to intelligence and brain development. The less complex an animal's brain, the greater its reproductive output.
The bigger an animal's brain, the longer it takes to reach sexual maturity and the fewer offspring it produces (see second picture from top). Oysters, for example, have a nervous system so simple that they lack a true brain. To offset this they produce 500 million eggs a year. In contrast, chimpanzees have large brains but give birth to one baby about every four years.
The r-type life history involves higher levels of reproduction, while the K-type strategy requires
greater parental care and use of mental attributes. Since larger brains need more time to be built, all the stages of development are also slowed down. The gestation period for some smaller-brained primates (like lemurs and monkeys) is 18 weeks. But for bigger-brained primates (like chimpanzees and gorillas) it is 33 weeks. Some monkeys have their first pregnancy at the age of nine months. Gorillas, which have bigger brains and greater intelligence, have their first pregnancy at ten years.
Monkeys are born with a brain very nearly 100% its adult size, while chimpanzees and gorillas are born with about 60% of adult brain size. Human babies are born with a brain that is less than 30% of its adult size. For the first few months of life, monkeys are better than apes in most tests of sensory-motor behavior. And infant apes are superior to infant humans on these tasks. The r-K relationship is true for different species and also applies to humans.
Chart 10 shows where various animals fall on the r-K scale.
Different species are, of course, only relatively r or K. Rabbits are K-strategists compared to fish. But they are r-strategists compared to primates (monkeys, apes, and humans, who are the best K-strategists among mammals). Humans may be the most K species of all. And some humans are better K-strategists than others.
But BASED Dicky, who you're defending, said it did happen?
Race differences start in the womb r-K Life History Theory
Chart 11 lists traits typical of r and K reproductive strategies. Every species and every race has a certain life history that we can describe in terms of r-K. The position of each species (or race) on the r-K scale shows the strategy that gave its ancestors the best chance to survive in their habitat.
>Blacks are 7x more likely than non-Blacks to commit murder, 8x more likely to commit robbery, 3x as likely to use a gun and 2x as likely to use a knife in violent crimes.
"By 2000, roughly one in 10 black men will be in prison… because many states bar felons from voting, at least one in seven black men will have lost the right to vote."
Somehow the general consensus is that White racism in America is a bigger problem than Black racism, yet the crime statistics certainly do not support this assertion.
>Although Black-majority countries rarely have accurate crime rate data, INTERPOL crime rates for Black populations are estimated at 3.5x the White rate for murder, rape, and serious assault.
There's nothing jewish about outing trash that offer kosher alternative to the truth. We knew from day one that the alt right wasn't our friend and that people like TRS and Implicit Dick would try to subvert.
There is phrase for a problem we all know exists:
Contaminated Mindware
Today the insult du jour is "racist" or "ignorant". Bad people just don't have the proper information (teach men not to rape!), education makes people more moral… This is what people actually believe, and most importantly this is what educators actually believe.
Why Intelligent People Do Foolish Things
The cornerstone of western thought was the syllogism; the concept of mutually exclusive truths. Holding two things true simultaneously that cannot logically be so is normal human thinking. Weeding out untruth logically is abnormal, and requires conscious effort.
This addresses the issue of people not being educated to THINK.
Social progress, democracy, materialist discourse, neurological/psychological uniformity and human rights are not based on facts or science at all. They are all based on faith, and people believe that they aren't.
I do not debate Jews. You are evil. As pure evil as anything on this planet.
Very few White people will fall for your ruse. It is beyond obvious at this point that you are sent here to cause infighting and chaos. Those few that you do fool will not save you because they lack fortitude and reasoning abilities. And while I appreciate your tactical goals here, I do not think anything you do will prevent your complete destruction.
You have no argument and no future.
Even the BASED jews like Dicky Spencer's mentor?
Kill yourself.
Emulating your anti-family father figure now?
All jews ? But Mike Enoch and his wife are based, remember ? This must be antifachan again !
tldr i got nothin
One day, we will drive all of you and your Shabbos Goyim into the streets and hang you. Every single one of you.
Yes. You can laugh at me now while we do not yet control anything but you will not be laughing for long. You will all burn.
We should just revert back to using the un amended vanilla constitution TBH
No you will, with all of the alt kike trash and their crossdressing wives.
You mean folks like Spencer and Mike Enuch? Good.
There are no good Jews
You Fancy Yourself
Experiment 1 showed that people tend to find their own face, when morphed into the opposite sex, most attractive, even when he/she doesn't know it's their own face, suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words; their own racial/ethnic group.
bump for thread exposing alt right and spencer plus good redpills
Empathy for one's own race neurally distinct from empathy from mankind
This is very important when it comes to looking at so called "multicultural societies" in which there is no such strong connection among the people. Instead the end result is an individualised and fractionised society.
The study itself:
Neural basis of extraordinary empathy and altruistic motivation
While we cannot deal with vermin like these Kikes just yet, we can filter them. Jews have absolutely ZERO value and debating them is pointless because Jews are nature's great liars.
Another very important study about how we perceive other people's action if they are from the own/known group or not:
Empathy constrained: Prejudice predicts reduced mental simulation of actions during observation of outgroups
The human brain recognizes race
From the paper:
im gunna check your numbers but jesus christ… kys
Filter me as much as you want alt kike faggot you're still going to the bog.
Kill yourself anytime
Race Bias Tracks Conception Risk Across the Menstrual Cycle
Race Bias Tracks Conception Risk Across the Menstrual Cycle
ABSTRACT-Although a considerable body of research explores alterations in women's mating-relevant preferences across the menstrual cycle, investigators have yet to examine the potential for the menstrual cycle to influence intergroup attitudes. We examined the effects of changes in conception risk across the menstrual cycle on intergroup bias and found that increased conception risk was positively associated with several measures of race bias. This association was particularly strong when perceived vulnerability to sexual coercion was high. Our findings highlight the potential for hypotheses informed by an evolutionary perspective to generate new knowledge about current social problems-an avenue that may lead to new predictions in the study of intergroup relations.
Racist Hormones? Or just immutable human nature?
Racist Hormones? Or just immutable human nature?
The neurotransmitter Oxytocin "makes people more co-operative, benevolent, loyal, generous and trusting of others. It is involved in the parent-child bond - new mothers and fathers have raised levels of oxytocin. Production also increases when people hug and when they have sex and, recent research suggests, when they receive psychological warmth." However, oxytocin has been alleged to "foster racism."
Human ethnocentrism-the tendency to view one's group as centrally important and superior to other groups-creates intergroup bias that fuels prejudice, xenophobia, and intergroup violence. Grounded in the idea that ethnocentrism also facilitates within-group trust, cooperation, and coordination, we conjecture that ethnocentrism may be modulated by brain oxytocin, a peptide shown to promote cooperation among in-group members.
Results show that oxytocin creates intergroup bias because oxytocin motivates in-group favoritism and, to a lesser extent, out-group derogation. These findings call into question the view of oxytocin as an indiscriminate "love drug" or "cuddle chemical" and suggest that oxytocin has a role in the emergence of intergroup conflict and violence.
Social Success
>"It will be seen that when we classify mankind by colour the only one of the primary races, given by this classification, which has not made a creative contribution to any one of our twenty-one civilizations is the Black race."
>Although Blacks have never obtained a Nobel prize in the arts or sciences, there have been a few Blacks who have obtained the Nobel Peace prize. However, it seems that Affirmative Action also plays a role in this; Obama obtained his award for 'noble intentions', or in other words, not actually having done anything. "In awarding President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian committee is honouring his intentions more than his achievements."
>Nelson Mandela also won a Nobel Peace prize despite being considered a terrorist [
Social Success
>Rhodesia under the rule of Whites was the leading African exporter of grain, yet Zimbabwe (Rhodesia was renamed when Blacks took over) cannot feed even half of its population.
>There is not one example in all of recorded history of Blacks retaining any acceptable standard of Western civilization after a transition from White to Black rule.
Social Success
>Due to the meager historical accomplishments of Blacks, an entire month has been set aside in the United State to discuss Black history; comically, it is the shortest month of the year (February). Although nearly all American schoolchildren learn about Martin Luther King Jr, very few are aware of his Marxist/Communist affiliations or the prostitutes he bought with SCLC money.
And 2.7x as likely to be impoverished.
>Blacks are also over 1/3 of all Taxpayer-Subsidized housing despite paying the least taxes per capita.
Ethnic density as a buffer for psychotic experiences: findings from a national survey
Diversity may be fatal, says new government health study
He cucked out when Enoch was outed as a kike, also part kike himself
The "Other-Race Effect:" Why Faces of Other Races Look Alike
The "Other-Race Effect:" Why Faces of Other Races Look Alike
"They all look alike"
This study is the first to identify a possible neurophysiological basis of the other race effect.
Different article, same study:
However, the amplitude of that increased brain activity [
The study:
Obvious d&c kike shill afraid of white identity movements gaining power and recognition and trying to cause confusion and infighting. Kikes would love if the 14/88 crowd was sitting on the sidelines and totally irrelevant again like we were just a few years ago, thus the obvious jewwy slander and attempts at division. Sage goes in the email field.
Child's Play? 3-Year-Olds Prefer to be with Their Own Kind (race)
>Even in multicultural settings, preschool children may gravitate toward playing with kids of their own ethnicity, a new study finds.
>Even very young children are influenced by the culture around them, the scientists wrote, and studies in the 1980s and 90s found that, when given the choice, children of the same ethnicity preferred to play with one another rather than with kids from different ethnic groups. Unless a child has the rare genetic disorder Williams syndrome [
Racist Babies? Nine-Month-Olds Show Bias When Looking At Faces
Racist Babies? Nine-Month-Olds Show Bias When Looking At Faces:
>New research indicates that by the time they are 9 months old, babies are better able to recognize faces [
>"These results suggest that biases in face recognition [
So the study suggests that such racial biases are genetically determined, inherited by race and therefore essentially fixed, yet in the last paragraph in the above article you see that an aim for the researchers is not to understand, but to change (subvert) human nature. The doublethink is outrageous.
The reason we're relevant is because of ourselves not because of eceleb homos.
Specifically the family unit, heterosexuality, and racial separatism. End your life alt-kike
Pick one and only one
Look at the racial demographic map of NYC.
You can see the clear division by race.
The trend exists all over the US:
With varying extreme or less extreme examples. Again, can you really deny that people (immigrants or otherwise) generally, when they have a CHOICE, choose to live amongst members of their own race? This is what the maps display, if race wasn't a factor then surely we wouldn't see such clear-cut, colour-coded and defined lines?
The US government are even spending big money to combat this:
Fox News, but still:
The most astonishing thing is if you look at the voting demographic maps. The people who tend to be most "racist" generally are at the forefront of diversity. Meanwhile, the ones who aren't (i.e. progressive white liberal types) tend to live in exclusively white middle class neighborhoods far away from diversity. You even see this in the most outspoken white liberal anti-racist demagogues like Michael Moore, Tim Wise, and basically every single rabid anti-racist white liberal politician. They live in an area (upper middle class or outright mansions) that is almost exclusively white with diversity being non-existent.
Oven yourself anti-white.
A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia
Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April 1919.
This is the original unexpurgated version issued in accordance with a decision of the War Cabinet (in Britain) made January 1919. Contains condemnatory report by Oudendyke about Bolshevism being of an internationalist, Jewish tendency.
This Cmd. Paper was priced 9d. but soon was suppressed and an edited version priced 6d. omitting the Oudendyke remarks appeared in its place.
Some excerpts:
- Sir M. Findlay in a report to Mr. Balfour quoting the Dutch ambassador M. van Niftrik (This diplomat was a prophet!)
- Page 12
- Page 34.
- Page 39.
Haldane's Rule
A trick employed by race-deniers is to bring up Haldane's rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring the genetic distance is not too great.
Although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females:
The argument regarding Haldane's rule is also meaningless because different species in the animal kingdom can breed and still produce fertile offspring:
The wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus familiaris), the coyote (Canis latrans), and the common jackal (Canis aureus) are separate species yet can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Two species of orangutan (Pongo abellii from Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus from Borneo) can interbreed despite having different chromosomal numbers.
The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and many species of birds, such as the pintail (Anas acuta) and the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), can interbreed as well.
The gibbon and the siamang can also interbreed to produce a hybrid
Some species that aren't even in the same genus can interbreed.
I said yesterday I would give you all a strategy for destroying the AltRight and replacing it with Natsoc. This is just the beginning. All anyone need to do is spread the information on social media, to the normies – discredit the entire AltRight with the truth. This will result in the formation of a vaccum; normy faggets will abandon their leaders and, for at time, exist leaderless and confused. Do you know what will fill that vacuum, user? I do. One year is all it will take to:
and do you know what this will result in, user? I do.
Gotta go. Love you Holla Forums.
What did heeb mean by this?
Race Is A Social Construct?
The Immune System: How Important Is Race?
The reason that mixed-heritage patients are so hard to match can be found in the immune system. Different races have developed certain proteins, or markers, that are part of the body's natural defenses. These markers help the immune system determine which cells are foreign and should be rejected.
Are cells racist?
A match between two people who share more genetically in common significantly reduces the risk of the donor and recipient cells attacking each other. (READ: cells from people of two different races will attack and fight each other as though they are a virus)
The more people of different backgrounds who produce offspring = the more types that are harder to match.
Multiracial patients have uncommon profiles and since there can be many possible racial and ethnic combinations in multiracial societies, finding a match can still be extremely difficult.
As an example, a White mother of mixed-race child would have more genetically in common with a random White person on the street than with her own child.
If such a dramatic and fundamental alienation from your own parents if not horrific enough, With a mixed-race child diagnosed with leukaemia, every member of the child's own family becomes an incompatible donor for a bone-marrow transplant, and finding a compatible donor is unlikely:
Bone Marrow Transplants: When Race Is an Issue
Race matters when a patient needs a stem cell or marrow transplant
you sound like you're on coke tbh
That's the purpose of the Aut-Right.
Race Is A Social Construct?
The Race for Ancestral Genetics in Clinical Trials
Sickle-Cell Disease
Sickle cell anaemia is a condition found almost exclusively in blacks, about 1 in 4 west Africans carry the gene for it, almost no whites do. Any whites who carry the gene most likely have a black ancestor.
As a result of population growth in African-Caribbean regions of overseas France and immigration from North and sub-Saharan Africa to mainland France, sickle cell disease has become a major health problem in France. SCD has become the most common genetic disease in this country.
Racism is Innate
Racism is Innate: The Human Brain Makes Unconscious Decisions Based on Ethnicity
>"A few decades ago, it was unthinkable that looking at the brain to understand representations of social groups such as black versus white was even possible, let alone that such explorations could yield useful knowledge," the authors wrote, according to the Daily Mail. "Evidence from neuroscience has been vital in clarifying the nature of how intergroup cognition unfolds."
Change natural human nature? - Why not change unnatural multiculturalism?
QUICK - how can we alter human nature?!
Reduce immigration? Don't forcefully implement "diversity?"
The study itself:
Googled this tweet. Doesn't seem anti-white to me with context. Typical tricks, Shlomo.
Dickie supports racemixing. Fuck you.
Racism in Monkeys: The Evolution of Prejudice
>Mahajan and her team also devised a method for figuring out whether the monkeys harbor negative feelings towards outsiders. They created a monkey-friendly version of the Implicit Association Test (IAT). For humans, the IAT is a computer-based task that measures unconscious biases by determining how quickly we associate different words (e.g. "good" and "bad") with specific groups (e.g. faces of either African-Americans or European-Americans). If a person is quicker to associate "bad" with African-American faces compared to European-American faces, this suggests that he or she harbors an implicit bias against African-Americans.
Racism in Monkeys: The Evolution of Prejudice
>Given that most of the difficult conflicts we face in the world today originate from clashes between social groups, it makes sense to devote time to understanding how to reduce our biases. But our evolutionary past suggests that in order to be effective, we may need to adopt a new approach. Often we focus more on political, historical, and cultural factors rather than the underlying patterns of thinking that fuel all conflicts. By taking into account the extent to which prejudice is deeply rooted in our brains, we have a better chance of coming up with long-term solutions that work with, rather than against, our natural tendencies.
The study itself:
LOL that pic
Wow another D&C Kike thread
How many D&C kike threads does 8ch have on it?
I just can't believe any man gets tricked into thinking sucking a guy's dick is "male bonding." Just too ridiculous to believe.
How is that a typical trick ?
Forget about ethnostates goy it's for the weak !
Lewontin's Fallacy
There is an argument that there is more variation within races than between them, therefore race does not exist. This is known as Lewontin's fallacy and is fallacious because it "ignores the fact that most of the information that distinguishes populations is hidden in the correlation structure of the data and not simply in the variation of the individual factors"
Lewontin's Fallacy
An argument is that there is more variation within races than between them, therefore race does not exist. This is known as Lewontin's fallacy and it is fallacious because it:
Another false argument is that human populations have not been separated long enough to be considered different races, yet one study listed 11 other mammal species with major phylogroups that diverged around the same time the human races did:
It is a statistical fallacy which works by ignoring correlations or combined effects. Genes vary much more within than between human populations only if we look at one gene at a time. The pattern reverses if we aggregate variation at several gene loci. The more we aggregate, the more the genetic variation will exist between populations and not within them.
This point was first made by Cavalli-Sforza back in 1966 and later by Mitton (1977, 1978), Edwards (2003), and Sesardic (2010).
Steve Hsu, who has recently been involved at the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), also explains this here:
Technical comment:
Further technical comment:
Probably the same kind of autistis who read books about how to be men that are written by a sodomite.
If they manage to fool any actual White nationalists into petty infighting, then that is a shame, but of no real consequence.
Jews are DOOMED because of their own actions.
Nothing they do, no amount of infighting they create among pro-White organizations will save them.
The only problem is that if they fool a significant number of Whites into petty infighting, then many more of us will die in the maelstrom of death that envelopes our nations. Doubtless, Jews will relish that thought because they are petty and cruel animals. But Israel WILL burn.
Jews can pass themselves off as one of us on an anonymous image board. That much is true. But some day very soon, the battle against them will break out in real life and they will not be able to say "Sig Heil" or "I'm a Nazi like you" and get away with anything less than a bullet to the brain.
The Kikes I filtered may be laughing at us from their leather office chairs paid for with our money. But I suspect that in the back of their heads there is a growing fear. A fear of us that is getting stronger than their hatred of us. They fear us because they can see the writing on the wall and they know, deep down, that if they cannot stop the growing openness of Pro-White activism, they will lose everything they stole.
Make that a reality. Get active now. Get active against the Jews in person
Obviously, I am not saying go do something stupid. No. Do something productive. Get fit, train, link up with other people and convert them to the cause of our survival. Plan.
Do NOT allow these vermin to blackpill you. Do NOT allow them to make you fight your brother. Do NOT become depressed or feel helpless.
That is what these Kikes WANT
Simply filter them and be free from Kikery.
Everything Jack Donovan writes makes me think his uncle molested him while he watched Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
Never let talkers tell you what to do, let them only explain what you're doing. Spencer is a talker, not a doer. There is no reason to respect him as a representative of even a local ✡cucks, let alone command any kind of movement.
Remember, anons, Hitler at least served in the military during WWI. What did this faggot ever do? Run his mouth with semen dribbling from his lips? He's the bitch, if he can't sell what's going on, he's useless. The leaders are those who fight, not these narcissistic, glorified camwhores.
>implying alt-kikes are pro-white in any regard
That is anti-white as fuck, it's literally
Tell that to this faggot
Believing Matt Forney hahahahahahahahaha. You are a faggot.
That's nowhere close to the truth, you lying Jew. Spencer's post is a promotion of racial nationalism over ethnic nationalism, and it's in response to a video Varg made in which he promoted racial/ethnic nationalism over preoccupation with the nation-state. I don't agree with Spencer's point here 100%, but claims that it's anti-white are disingenuous, and what you said is a complete lie.
You are literally all kikes, aren't you? First TRS faggots shill their gay podcasts here, attack us daily, call us "edgecucks" (courtesy of Ghoul), virgins, neckbeards and LARPers, but when we decide to push back, we're the infighting ones? Kill yourself, you faggots started all this and you just reap what you sow.
Second this please. Would like to link this to some of my friends who shouldn't be linked to Holla Forums at this time.
Wut? Spencer has named the Jew
Nothing here. Shame, I really dislike the guy.
Young boy sex is leftish Jewish projection.
Thanks, user, I will.
Look, faggot, Spencer only exists for producing propaganda. He's not a leader, he doesn't know shit about fighting or OPSEC. His only use to us is to sell our deeds to the public, and if he's compromised by faggotry then we can and should choose another representative. Getting rid of a blabbing cunt will not adversely affect us. It won't make me forget I hate gommies. Will it make you forget? No. We have enough talkers out there already, it will cost us nothing to get rid of a talker who thinks that he can command us. The only anons who think he is beyond reproach are the same ones who think that the left can be beaten by discussion and that our representative needs to command us - we know this will not work. He's a propagandist in a world of millions of them, nothing more. He's no leader.
Spencer isn't even a generic propagandist, he's controlled opposition. He's a guy a majority of people in the WN movement didn't even know and all of a sudden he's having primetime interviews on CNN and ABC and national TV networks broadcast his conferences. This guy achieved more national fame in one year than WLP in 30 years by doing … fucking nothing. If you don't believe he's a plant then I don't know what to tell you.
Here you are again
The faggot claimed to have multiple sources, and he's the White House correspondent for Gateway Pundit. I doubt he'd give all that up to defame one of his barely closeted brothers of the sphincter.
Why do you faggots pretend Semitic pedophilia is partisan? Are you so new that you don't know about the Franklin Case?
Why can't you be the least bit pragmatic and realize that we're better off having some kind of collaborative relationship with other pro-white groups, and even right-wing groups that aren't explicitly pro-white but also oppose Marxist kikes and shitlibs? We don't have to agree 100% or promote ideas of theirs that we don't agree with, but when the political establishment and all institutions in the West are controlled by kikes and traitors, it's good to have allies that also stand opposed to them. Do you understand the concept of divide and conquer? ZOG hates when its enemies are friends. The more we alienate the others, and the more the others alienate us, the faster Shlomo's hands rub together.
Kill yourself this second you delusional retard.
For the millionth time - we didn't attack TRS. TRS attacked us. Repeatedly attacked Holla Forums and sent their cohort of shills to shill their bullshit here, then denied it, then doubled down on the shilling until they got doxed. You're quite literally the proverbial kike who shrieks as he strikes us.
Controlled opposition is just another form of propaganda - a demoralizing kind. Anyway, what I said still stands: if you won't follow this guy into battle, then he's not a leader. Anyone can talk about doing things.
Alt-kike cuck doesn't think race and ethnicity are the same thing, stay delusional chaim.
They're not pro white, they're kosher versions of us.
Do you understand the concept of mike enoch is a jew with a diversity officer as a wife ?
Not if they're kosher. The Spencer, AmRens, TRSs, etc. are all our enemies.
Jews arguing with jews to DNC.
Seems like you're backed into a corner and doubling down on your bullshit. I shouldn't have to say this, but race and ethnicity are literally not the same thing. Ethnically, a Germanic isn't an Anglo, who isn't a Nordic, but all of those men are part of the same race.
Not going to defend aut-cucks, but it isn't the same thing. Ethnicity has ton of linguistic and cultural social clutter while race is strictly biological/genetic. A Russian and a French are the same race but not the same ethnicity.
Race is like Italian. Ethnicity is like Calabrese. Like Germanic race, and Austrian ethnicity. That kind of thing. Ethnicity has more to do with culture, and variations of the same race.
The only jews around here are the alt kikes.
It is a huge mistake to believe that the strength of a movement can be increased by uniting with another similar movement. Growth by merger means an immediate increase in numbers which appears to outside observers that the organization has increased in power and resources. In truth, the organization has simply absorbed germs which will be a source of inner weakness and this will cause suffering later on. No matter what anyone says about the similarity of two movements, such closeness never really exists. If they were truly so similar, there would be only one movement and not two. It doesn’t matter where the differences are. Even if the difference is in the inconsistent abilities of the leadership alone, then we have found the difference.
The natural law of all development never accepts the joining of two unequal beings. True joining only occurs when the stronger gains victory over the weaker. When this natural selection happens, the strength and energy of the victor is increased by the struggle itself.
Uniting two similar political party structures may produce momentary advantages, but in the long run, any success gained in this way will cause inner weaknesses to appear later. The greatness of a movement is only guaranteed by the unhampered development of its inner strength, the protection of that strength, and the constant increase of that strength until it achieves final victory over all rivals. More than that, we may say that a movement’s strength and its right to exist increases only when it recognizes that adherence to the principle that struggle is necessary for growth and that it will only reach the peak of its strength when complete victory is finally achieved. The movement can never attempt to accomplish this victory through instant or short term gains, but only through perseverance and absolute intolerance of any opposition. Only in this way will the movement enjoy a long stretch of growth.
Movements which have expanded from the union of similar organizations, where each made compromises to achieve the joining, are like plants grown in a hot-house. They shoot up quickly, but they lack internal strength and are not substantial enough to stand the test of time or to resist violent storms. The greatness of any powerful organization, which embodies an idea in this world, depends on the absolutely religious fanaticism with which it establishes itself when compared to others. It must be fanatically convinced that it is right and just, and it must be absolutely intolerant of any idea or organization that is counter to its own teaching. If an idea is right and it takes up the sword of battle with this mind-set, it is invincible and any persecution only strengthens it.
And culture isn't directly linked to race? Get fucking real, if culture and race aren't directly influential of one another then why do niggers act the way they do? Why does a Russian do better in the winter than a Brit? Why is a German great at working with tools?
Is it all because of muh environment? If so good job outing yourselves as bluepilled idiots that think niggers would be just as good as us if they 'wuz raised right
Get fucking real.
It doesn't mean you let them water down your ideology or you stop calling a Jew a Jew, but when the civil war kicks off and the bullets are flying, it should be the right united against the judeo-bolsheviks, and not the cuckservatives vs. the alt-right vs. the national socialists while the left united against all right-wing whites. The latter was the Jew's goal in starting this thread, after all.
first section meant for
Indeed. Doesn't take a genius to notice the obvious.
Yes. Indeed. I wish he was a better speaker though.
Is anyone asking you to stop hating degenerates?
Actually no. That is not true. In fact, we don't even have enough TALKERS, let alone doers. And every time someone ever does anything, Kikes like OP shill against them. That's the point. The moment you or I do ANYTHING, Kikes like OP say "THEY"RE JEWS!!!!!!"
But since you bring up talkers and how Spender or David Duke are shills for "only" talking, what *should* they do instead?
Blow up a bridge? Honestly, please enlighten me. I am all ears. What do you think they should do instead of talking?
Finally, I never said he is our leader. No one is our leader. But we cannot afford to attack other pro-Whites. Also, I fucking hate Kikes like OP. I fantasize about the approaching war against them.
I wasnt defending TRS. I was just explaining the actual difference. They dont agree with what I said, no doubt.
Cultural is mostly genetic and difference European ethnicities have diverged genetically enough to produce different cultures.
btw niggers aren't human
TRS and aut-kikes love the idea that race and ethnicity are separate entities. I guess you weren't around for the Red Ice reactionary jew thread.
Also, since you are faulting Spender for only talking, do you have a problem with William Pierce because he "only" talked? William Pierce never killed a Jew but his "mere" talking has done more good than a person like Bob Matthews or Timothy McVeigh.
Stop trying to reason with a Kike. You'll get further by trying to convince a scorpion to not sting you by debating with it. Just filter and be done with these obvious Jews.
Like Race has to do with blood. Ethnicity has to do with a sub-set of the race, and localized cultures that fit into the overall race. You cant have a nigger be an ethnic Austrian. Austrians are still their own entity, and part of the Germanic peoples/race. They even speak a partially different language, than Northern Germanic people.
Spencer should be ousted like kike enuch was and we should build a movement where we do no compromise and dedicate ourselves to helping people in need like the NatSocs did back in the days. We should convice the average jackoff that his greatest possession is his family and his neighbours and that he should form a group with them and we should help them be as redpilled as they can be.
William Pierce never cucked on anything unlike Spencer.
It is connected to race, it's impossible for a nigger to be French culturally, but it is possible for a white Frenchman to immigrate to say, England and raise his children to be culturally English.
Brits settled as far north as northern Canada and Alaska and as far south as the Falklands, I'd say they are doing pretty damn good in winter.
This isn't about right vs left, faggot. When the shit hits the fan, it's going to be White gentiles vs the jews (as a collective) and their shabbos goy servants - that will include just as many (if not more) "rightist" cuckservatives and neocons as "leftists", commies, etc.
So race is blood (and obviously has cultural ties that originate from that race and are associated with it) and then ethnicity is about blood too, but by definition it can have its culture as part of its identity. So when that ethnicity has a specific tradition, which is associated with their local area, and their sort of distinct "ethnicity" - different from the rest of the race, thats where the line is drawn.
saged for obvious weak bait, shilling.
We have hundreds of thousands of talkers, where do you think you are?
Demoralization of the kind you're intimating, whether true or not, only works if you're desperately seeking the approval of others. Instead of fighting for the approval of others, how about you just go do what you need to do and let the bitches prattle on about it? You'll still be satisfied and it's good OPSEC besides. In the end I'm only interested in the totality of the fight against gommunists, and what's happen thus far is a good start, but leaves a lot to be desired. If you like X-eceleb, fine, IDGAF but if X-eceleb isn't writing or producing videocasts about something you did then your love of Senpai is a waste of fucking time.
And moreover
You can't possibly be this retarded.
When did all the reddit get here?
As much as I think Spencer is an effeminate twat. I would never take the anything people like this say seriously.
Anything to discredit the alt-kike is good.
Pierce did things he could have been put away for a long time if he was ever associated with, I believe he said in Washington. He did some things, he just never got caught for them. He was tied up with The Order and Bob Mathews etc, he was of the opinion that we couldnt win in the streets at the time. Timing is everything, just because he died before the time was right, doesnt mean he was for doing nothing. Associating Pierce with Spencer is a disgusting comparison, Pierce would obviously be of the opinion that anyone who supports cooperation with zionist jews - is a jewish puppet and the enemy of whites.
Any revolutionary movement executes people for collaboration with the enemy.
I mean I don't have a dog in this fight I'm just saying.
Hes been pushing nazbol tier garbage lately, which advocates the loss of sovereignty for all white countries - anti-nationalism. It also advocates we form up with Asia and the middle east etc into one big country. Its just communism, and of course, thats Jewish.
You've got some nerve calling me a duginist considering Dugin is explicitly anti-white and pro-nigger.
We already ARE a tribe.
Not true, Pierce did do things, nevertheless I'm not faulting people for talking, I'm telling you that being able to write a blog or post jewtube videos (something any faggot and every fraud can easily do) does not a leader make; people are making the classic mistake of taking a used car salesman's word on the soundness of a vehicle instead of consulting a mechanic. Spencer has not proven himself anywhere on the battlefield, so why let him define "good strategy"? Talkers have their place, but running a campaign to physically destroy shitlibs is not it.
It wouldn't make sense for that Gateway Pundit faggot to lie, he could end up sued and lose everything. Plus, he's only confirming what we've all suspected for years.
I have to say, I mostly agree with you. We should not compromise and we should not water down our numbers through mergers with ideologically different members. That will ultimately lead to the degeneration of our movement's ideas and goals. However, I see a thread like this that uses obvious mistruths with an obvious goal in mind, and I see Jewish subversives slandering people whose goals aren't too different than our own, and I can only gather that their intent is to rend and scatter their opposition, and create a climate of animosity that ultimately leads to their opposition wasting their time and resources fighting amongst one another. Lies like those that the OP is founded on inspire a great deal of suspicion in me. I appreciate your post greatly. I can tell your concern over our mission is authentic and that you're not one of the Jew shills in here trying to spread discord. Some other posts here moved goalposts on me and framed me as defending what TRS has done, and I don't stand by any of the dishonest jewwy garbage they have pulled on us. Still, I have listened to Spencer's speeches, and I know he is pro-white, even though he's the kind of pro-white who thinks it's best not to name the Jew and alienate people that have been indoctrinated to feel revulsion when the JQ is brought up. I see people like that serving as a stepping stone to groups like ours, as most people are redpilled incrementally over time, and not all at once as soon as they listen to a few WLP broadcasts. In my opinion, the ideal is a loose alliance of pro-white groups that oppose the forces of our dispossession and genocide, but are free to oppose one another on the details, lest we fight amongst ourselves at the expense of fighting the kikes who seek to destroy us.,
Listen to Pierce's old broadcasts and read - or listen to Alex LInder's audiobook of - '"Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds''. Other than being lumped together in the category of "White Supremacists" by the jew media, the two of them have almost nothing in common.
Kill yourself.
Alt-kikes are duginist kikes, look into 5th political theory
Alt-kikes including TRS promote this now.
The Kike Trio keeps trying to bait me but these faggots don't seem to realize they've been filtered. Are Jews really so stupid? Why don't they just switch their IPs? I know JIDF does that. Did I already filter all JIDF's IPs?
Not many who go out in public and reach out to normies.
A doer. And proud of it. Even if my contribution is small, it is one more pair of hands working for the preservation of my race and the final destruction of our racial enemy.
If you have come this far down the rabbit hole and still don't recognize the power of Jews controlling the zeitgeist, I don't know how much longer it will take you to understand. There are millions of people who hate what the Jews have done and are doing that are afraid to take action because Jews have so effectively spread rumours that everyone is a shill and every organization is a CO.
It's very clever in fact. Jews accusing everyone of being a Jew. Even Hitler is accused of being a Jew and even the Third Reich is accused of being a Jewish plot to create Israel. Many people who hate the Jews actually believe this. It's a brilliant tactic.
We need to eliminate the source of (((communism))) in order to end it for good. That means defeating the Jews. Which do you think will more effectively defeat an enemy?
1. A relatively united force?
2. Several hundred small groups who hate each other and think every other group is a CO?
I hate Richard Spencer. I hate his tone of voice. I hate how he tries to reason with degenerates. I hate how he "umms" and "Ahhs" like Obama. I hate how he is full of himself. I even hate his stupid looking face.
But I hate Jews more
And until some new Hitler comes alone, Spencer and the other "talkers" you deride are the best we have.
But again, I ask you, what *should* Spencer, Duke, and Taylor be doing instead of reaching out to normies and organizing White nationalists into groups?
Seriously. What should they be doing? I have disseminated hundreds and hundreds of leaflets and posters and organized others to do the same. Yet even though I LOATH Spender, I think what he is doing is good because he is risking his life to show that you can talk about White interests and live. Duke, and Taylor, and the Golden One. All deserve credit for their contributions to the war.
Do you have pics on that? It'd be greatest new proof coming out of this thread so far.
Hi Lothar.
Stopper reading there, wanna know how I know you're a PRfag who comes from a site that censors the -fag suffix?
There were very few pictures from the event released, and none where Spencer was visible, but multiple outlets reported on him being there, and he never denied it.
Do you remember WLP shilling for muh based Israel, muh based trannies and muh PR? Neither do I, because that was Dicky Spencer.
How the fuck am I duginist you subhuman retarded kike, Dugin isn't a white nationalist, explicitly hates white people and want them to interbreed with gooks under the guise of "eurasianism". Nothing I said was even remotely duginist.
Not going to defend TRS et. al, but if you believe Matt Forney about fucking anything you are a retard.
And how would you have him do that? Blow up a federal building?
What should he be doing instead of reaching out to the normies? What? If you know what actions would defeat the Jewish stranglehold over my country, for god sake, SPIT IT OUT!
Well he's a jew, it would be him speaking in his natural tongue. I'll watch and see how this plays out.
That's why we're fun.
Daily reminder that /islamicstate/ was run by the jew Joshua Ryne Goldberg, who wrote for TRS.
You will need to do better than that. If Spencer thinks he will redpill normies by pointing out that Israel is a racially conscious state for Jews, then that is his decision. He has never shilled for Israel. Post all the idiotic Tweets you like. He points out the Jewish domination of the MSM.
Not promoting peaceful resistance to the point he gets knocked out by some antifa cuckold would be a good start. Spencer is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION for heaven's sake. The leftists are going out and killling/assaulting everyone right of Lenin, niggers are burning down our cities, and this faggot Spencer is sitting there and talking about peaceful resistance. He's a plant designated to make us clawless and timid.
It's normalfags you TRS faggot. And there's a thick line between pointing out the kike double standards when it comes to nationalism and saying you want to have a beer with Netanyahu.
Speak for yourself, I've helped organize my share of operations from behind the scenes. If you think that this is being held together by the will of ecelebs alone, then you are sadly mistaken.
Good. Keep it up then. But I asked "where", not "what". You are right now on a board full of thousands of people performing operations to change the course of events all over the internet and it's spilling out into meatspace. People like Spencer don't guide this, they read the same shit we do, repackage it and, as you said, spread it to a wider audience.
Lone wolves, operating under the direct guidance of no one, attacking the enemy over and over. That's how OPSEC works. The moment you start taking orders from someone you met over the internet or someone who has a celeb reputation is the moment you're completely compromised and ineffective. I get the people have egos and they want the credit and fame for their actions, but your ego always brings you down. Always. Forget about an in person "brotherhood". We talk here, we don't know each other; shit happens, we laugh about it, but we don't admit we were a part of it even if it's about us. That's good OPSEC.
Instead of letting DIDF and TRSEF derail this, why don't we do some digging into Spencer's alleged partners mentioned in the tweets?
Everyone already knows that Richard Spencer is a homosexual. It's not as if he can hide it with his effeminate voice and mannerisms.
But what people don't know about is Richard Spencer's and William Regnery II's connection to the C.I.A.
William Regnery II is also the chairman of I'll have to update the chart with that information.
Hello and goodbye to your new IP. Filtered Kike.
You will burn.
Good. I am glad you are doing good for our race. Keep up the good work.
I never once said anything is held together by anyone. I said Richard reaches out to White people and that is a good thing. We need more of it and less shilling against each other on social media.
Good argument against the Kike trio (or more likely just one Kike with different IPs)
Spencer spreads our stuff to a wider audience. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Like Timothy McVeigh?
Also, if we all Tim McVeigh ourselves, what happens when our competing factions start to win? We will IRA ourselves with pointless infighting and the Jews will walk away to destroy another day.
In fact, can you name a single revolution (and what we need is a COMPLETE revolution) that succeeded because of lone wolves and not organizations?
I just dug and it turns out the convo is fake.
Also there's a thread on halfchan Holla Forums about it thread #130328362
Honestly, I think halfchan might be starter than fullchan Holla Forums when it comes to this kind of stuff. They're way more skeptical i.e. intelligent about not being easily Jew'd by tricks.
But this is the big story right now, and it'll be a lot easier to find documentation of his faggotry then of him being CIA.
What good does it do? Spencer is an unlikable faggot, he isn't converting anyone, except maybe confused autistis into sodomites.
First of all the fact you did not recognize a quote from Mein Kamph shows that you need to lurk moar
Spencer has been a known fag enabler for quite a long time, and TRS itself is a lolcow. Shrieking fake every time an user points out that dicky is a kike enabling faggot in his own words only solidifies the resolve of Holla Forums
The end goals of TRS and Holla Forums are completely different. When dicky went down to Alabama he said "America doesn't have a jew problem, America doesn't have a black problem." Then he spent the rest of the speech bashing Whites and for some reason football without once mentioning that the game was better when it was Whites playing and the coaches right now are all kikes. TRS would not even deport kikes, or niggers in their end goal scenario, and would be more likely to shoot anons than a nigger
The climate of animosity has already been here since TRS was caught several times raiding Holla Forums to spread tolerance of fags and kikes. The TRS global mod Lothar is a known goon, and was b& on Holla Forums for shilling nationalist kikes, then went back to TRS and posted his ban and asked for a call for action from TRS. Not long after that TRS tried unsuccessfully to blame every other group for their own actions, first they blamed Ironmarch, then Stormfront, and eventually Holla Forums. This is all archived, and was not that long ago. TRS is not any sort of ally to Holla Forums as they refused the ollive branch when Holla Forums extended the offer of working together before all of these raids from TRS. The >>>/trs/ board owner even offered the board to TRS so they could have a space here and work together. They are not interested in working together with other groups, they simply want to subvert other groups and force them to accept their big tent of faggotry
Spencer not only doesn't name the jew, he openly talks about allying with the jew. He denies the existence of the Holodomor, yet says adamantly that the holocaust happened. In a race war scenario TRS would stand shoulder to shoulder with the kikes that seek to destroy us
No evidence in that thread that the messages are fake.
Says the faggot who thinks the Aut-Kike is legit.
To the degenerate Jew who keeps responding but has been filtered.
Just so you know, the guy you're replying to filters anyone who disagrees with him.
For the sake of comparison:
Dr. Pierce published media to redpill the masses about the crimes of the illegitimate state of Israel /// Dicky Spencer recognizes Israel as the "rightful homeland of jews" and wants to have a beer with Netanyahu
Dr. Pierce never compromised and never watered down the movement by letting in degenerates /// Dicky Spencer wants to let in kikes, faggots, trannies and civcucks because MUH OUTREACH
Dr. Pierce wrote the Turner Diaries /// Dicky Spencer acts like a hippie and advocates peaceful resistance
Dude, it's some pictures of a phone conversation. I don't even know the context of it, but is that the kind of society you want, where that is some kind of proof? That shit could be faked in a minute. What about the next time when someone fakes some screencap of you talking to your pedo compatriots?
I get you hate these alt-right faggots, but have some standards.
McVeigh thought too big and got caught for it. No one notices if a thousand gommies/niggers/kikes are eliminated in apparently random crimes even if the death toll is higher than OKC. We each do our part. If you want to ask me how we can carry out this war without some traditional Civil War era army-vs-army led by whomever (which probably will never happen), this is how. Everyone knows about a fucking communist, a fag, etc. Go after the ones you know. You don't have to travel to Berkeley or some other communist haven to do your part. Don't argue with them, don't have grievances with them especially public grievances (even pretend to agree with and weakly support them if you have to) - then cut off contact with them, wait as long as necessary to be removed from suspicion, and then strike.
The Alternative Right and Jews
The original concept of the Alternative Right emerged from paleo-conservatism. Paul Gottfried, one of the Jewish founders of paleo-conservatism, declared the end of paleo-conservatism and called for an 'Alternative Right' in a 2008 speech for the H. L. Mencken Club.
The Alt-Right's Jewish Godfather
How Paul Gottfried—willing or reluctant—became the mentor of Richard Spencer and a philosophical lodestone for white nationalists
Some Observations from the Man who Created Alt-Right
Meet the Jewish Intellectual who Coined the Term 'Alternative Right'
The Jewish Alternative - The Voice of Dissident Jewry
I'm a Jew, and I'm a Member of the Alt-Right.
Is the 'Alt-Right' Reaching Out to Jews — and Why?
Jews Should Be Fighting the Far Left, Not the 'Alt-Right'
The 'Alt-Right' Hates the Jews. But It Also Loves Them — and Israel.
Tila Tequila's Nazi-Saluting Friend is Jewish — and Devoted to the 'Alt-Right'
Anti-Immigrant and White Supremacist, Maybe. But is the Alt-Right Anti-Semitic?
It confirms what we already knew, and the faggot who tweeted them out would have a lot to lose by faking them (he's the Gateway Pundit's White House correspondent). There was also an user during the first jimpacting who claimed to know a woman who had dirt on Dicky Spencer that would destroy him, and she was unsure what she was going to do with it.
If they were just random screenshots that came out of nowhere, I'd agree with you, but there's a strong probability that they're legit.
Are there any sources on Regnery's CIA connections other than E. Howard Hunt's book? I haven't found anything.
The entire alt-right was the brainchild of Kushner's Chabad Lubavitch cabal which infiltrated and misdirected the movement into accepting queers and jews and cheering on neoconservative kosher politics beginning with the Trump hoax.
The Overton window shifted all the way to Tel Aviv.
The exact opposite direction of where we wanted.
Nationalism has been tarnished, Trumpcucks and all who were part of this jewish pysop need gassing from every sector, for the good of us all.
See the updated, more detailed chart here:
I doubt the alt right is kushner's doing but the kiking and fagging that occured was definitely him.
Henry Regnery was a co-founder and board member of the American Security Council.
That's more than enough proof. ASC = CIA
It doesn't confirm shit. Something I could fake in a minute isn't proof of anything by any standard. If you think that's an acceptable way of going about things you're as insane as a commie.
To prevent this sort of cultish mob justice is why we whites developed law. What about the next time, when you're on the receiving end of the lynch mob. Is it ok to use easily counterfeited screenshots as evidence of your guilt too then?
It's nigger behavior. Get your shit together.
Referring to trs/alt-kikes friendo
Anything that damages the alt-kike and potentially exposes them for the AIDSbog they are is fine by me.
The alt-right was the brainchild of Spencers kike mentor Paul Gottfried. You are simply trying to derail the thread into being about Trump
Imagine being this much of a sodomite
Then you are a true socialist cultist in mind and heart and you are the enemy of whites and all that is good. This is exactly how marxists think, and I rue how they've managed to indoctrinate you millenials to think like this.
As far as I'm concerned you should hang with your beloved/hated Spencer faggot.
The primary source for this is by "The Nazi Hydra in America" Glen Yeadon. Wiki says the ASC was founded by John M. Fisher.
I also found this on some blog:
"Among the American Security Council's original incorporators and file collectors were several right-wing activists who had actively opposed U.S. participation in World War II. These included Sears Roebuck Chairman General Robert E. Wood and publishing magnate William Regnery, both of the America First Committee; Harry Jung of the anti-Semitic American Vigilant Intelligence Federation; and John Trevor of the pro-Nazi American Coalition of Patriotic Societies. These former advocates of a non-interventionist U.S. foreign policy now found a mission in the American Security Council's efforts to expose American leftists and deprive them of their livelihoods."
(Roads to Dominion, Sara Diamond, pgs. 46-47)
It's interesting information but far from "more than enough" to be considered proof.
man every time i see this i think "if we had tried hard we might have gotten a f-."
Once again, there's no reason to think the exchange is fake other than not wanting to believe it, and the faggot who tweeted them out would have too much to lose by lying about it.
Let's say he releases 100% proof that it's all true and Spencer is a faggot, then what? Will you all just cuck for faggotry and embrace him the same way you did Kike Eunuch's B'nai B'rith wife?
Moarpheus I thought you were a shill and a goon but I checked your cuckchan post history and you are a solid guy. Keep up the good work don't listen to the muh purity spiral retards
This is what I'm waiting for.
As I said, I don't care about your alt-kike faggots. They are of no consequence to me in any sense. What I'm on about is that your method sucks. You're acting like a communist degenerate. There seems to be enough bullshit going on with this guy that you can refute him on what's possible to confirm without going the marxist SJW guilt by gossip route.
Pic related is a message I just got from you. It's 100% proof of you being a faggot. So perhaps you shouldn't talk too loud about fags, now that your own homosexuality has been indisputably verified.
So let me get this straight, pun intended. This sodomite jew lucian is saying his source is someone girl richard slept with?
of course they will, alt-kikes will be the new Reagan zombies.
On periscope he said he had multiple (I think 4) sources.
Just answer alt-kike cuck: what will you do when spencer is fully outed as a poof?
What? Do you even read what I write?
Hmm, well my popcorn is ready. When is the faggot jew going to back up his claims with some substance is there a time or just a waiting game?
You denied being alt-kike which is bullshit because only an alt-kike would defend their phony anti-white movement in any regard
Dicky Spencer, gay?
Oh no my world is imploding, whatever will I do?
So everyone who questions your methods are secret shills for alt-kikes? Do you not understand how incredibly cultish your degenerate mind is?
Please point out where I "defended their movement."
I'm not fucking defending their movement. I'm pointing out that commie indoctrinated millenial zogbots like you are just as dangerous to the white race as them.
Of course I do, I don't question anything that damages alt-kikes and that's a good thing because they have made enemies of us.
I'm barely a millennial and I do this anti-intellectual bullshit intentionally because it riles up alt-kikes and skeptics.
nigger do you even twitter? a person can retweet , favorite, or do both. one person can favorite and retweet so the count would be 1 - 1 with one person showing up.
Well, fine. At least you're honest about it. All I'm saying is that if this type of mindset is allowed to prevail in our society then we're basically gommunist utopia in a generation. That's how it worked in soviet. That nice old lady down the road had heard you said you hated glorious leader, so that was obviously enough to convict. Gulag for you.
It's incredibly subversive and it's how the marxists do things. Guilt by gossip and rumor. You're helping them. You might win the small conflict you've got going on with this tiny shill brigade. A tiny cog in a huge machinery that you're helping on the whole by adopting their degenerate ways.
But I'll back off seeing how you seem to be aware of what you're doing.
No they haven't?
Look I went through this whole thread. Hell, I go through every thread that purports to show proof of Dickie Spencer as a sodomite. I go through every thread that calls out the known "big names" like duke or Anglin. I never see any real proof or evidence. All I get are screencaps of other people talking about them or out of context quotes. With leftypol now about half this website, I wonder if this is just to seperate us from other white communities. Because I know all the others are working together. But we're still trying to isolate ourselves. Or someone from oitside is trying to isolate us
lol fail
Aside from the white sharia I would say he makes a point. Homosexuals do leak over from the many degenerate boards on here. I see them talk about traps and trannys in spoilers from time to time.
Spencer does not act in a consistently pro-White manner. None of the below is rumor or screenshot, it is all confirmed truth.
Additionally, he has poor judgement about optics. He avoids association with Heimbach because he's a "loose cannon" but has close association with "one punch man" midget Damigo who actually served time for criminal assault. WTF?
Can't forget he openly shills for a shitskin Democrat
lmao when it's confirmed he's simply trying to groom some dudes holes.
"becum who u iz wyteboi WE WUZ GRECO-HOMOS!!"
Well you tried. This will only work on the ignorant. Everything you said is a half-truth intending to deceive.
I think there's a reason why MSM prefers to talk about Spencer. Chaimbach is articulate and a great debator, maybe a little bit geeky but no in even remotely as awkward as Spencer. I'm sure normalfag would like him better if they got the chance to hear him speak for 5 minutes. Even though I have to admit that Spencer is pretty good at giving vague statements that could be interpreted in several ways. He's like a sleazy lawyer in that regard.
There's a lot there to DQ him without going into rumors of faggotry on a personal level, that is very true.
But at the same time, it's obvious he has absolutely no problem bringing faggots into his inner circle and maintaining close relationships with them, just look at the Donovan and Greg Johnson connections.
It's a rule in WN/NatSoc circles, it's called TipTop's Law:
LOL found the kike.
Everything I said in that post is verifiable. EVERYTHING. Donovan, Tia, the mud motherfucker editor, Damigo's prison record.
He's not into bears.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Heimbach's stable of young men is largely Christian and anti-gay.
None of those are half truths, and you did not bring an argument to the table. That shit might fly on cuckchan, but here only those with facts and solid arguments are listened to
Alt-Kike vs straight up Zio-Kikes. Fuck them both, I don't care.
Found this gem on twatter.
bahahahaha this top comment
LARP Vikernes
Mike enoch's new gf ?
Good job, OP. You found something they don't want Holla Forums to know. Dubs too. Have a smug to help smoke out the other shills in this thread.
Stay mad jew boy
My question is, assuming all of this is true, why the fuck can't fags just keep it in their pants? Why does every place they infest turn into fucking recruitment grounds? Why can't they tell that people wouldn't hate them if they just acted normally around people? Why is it so difficult for them to just separate their personal and professional/political lives?
I get that straight people also fuck around, but it's more of 1/10 of us and seemingly 100% of the fags.
All of those questions can be answered in one sentence.
Fags ain't right in the head.
He really can't stop looking like a colossal faggot.
The good thing about all these faggots labeling themselves "alt-right" and "republican" is that it makes it all the easier to find them and oven 'em.
Normalcy can't come from sexual deviants. The only answer to the sodomite question is the bog.
that makes me want to vomit knowing there are people out there like that
Spencer is a con man or controlled op, there was an article written a long ways back about how he used to have an asian girlfriend.
You know those craving for gook pussy still exist in him..
except you and several people on Holla Forums are liars. They pull no punches when it comes to kikes and faggots and I keep my peace because you've effectively infected to the board with your idiocy. But, of course, when confronted with this fact, you simply scream and screech "trsodomite" "alt-kike" "reddit-spacing" or any other amount of forced memery.
now see, this right here. This is how you do it. Legit grievances, with things that actually happened. Thank you.
I love to see when TRS faggots pop up to defend Dicky Spencer religiously
I dont think spencer is gay, this is all eceleb drama bullshit. I always viewed the alt right as having no leaders like anonymous.
I think if you wanted to destroy Spencers white power cred just send some hot asian chick to suck his duck
They're all trannies
> I have
Your personal opinions do not matter. Aut-kike has a hierarchy and namefag communities are testament of that
Remember Dicky Spencer's PHALANX?
No, i see anyone who is a self appointed leader as either a con man looking to make money or a fed. Or controlled opposition. I do not consider any online faggot my leader.
To me this is a decentralized group of like minded people posting online
spencer pls go.
the ramblings of matt "shitskins make me horny" forney does nothing to change the fact that caps can easily be faked and the email has no header. not trying to defend dicky but what you're presenting isn't all that credible. that being said if it turns out you're right i'd honestly be surprised he stopped at diddling kekistani twinks rather than engaging in full blown caligula-tier orgies along with gavin & milo.
Is anyone in the alt-right married with kids? All I see are childless, wifeless, late-30s social retards, several of which are most likely gay.
I'm a little younger than Spencer have 4 white kids. The guy's a millionaire and, barring a medical condition, has zero excuses for not reproducing.
That's because they're not Aryan
Nigger, Holla Forums isn't alt right. Alt kike has established and enriched personalities like Milo, Kike Eunuch, Spencer and then some no matter how you dice it.
TRS for example is directly funded by Dicky Spencer, Run by Kike Eunuch and used by faggots like SeventhSon for example. Your observations cannot change the opinions of majority or who set the narrative. Public and media sees Dicky Spencer as a leader. Your opinions are meaningless.
Besides why the fuck would you care if you were a Holla Forums regular you should be denounce anything aut-kike related, TRS, Spencer and others.
Can I get a quick rundown on NazBols? It confuses me, from what I gather it's just national socialism with a russian twist?
The promotion of celebacy among young white men? He never names the jew, and never promotes worthwhile behavior, such as breeding.
spencer has a daughter. i know he doesn't mention her but gavin mcinnes said he's met her. frankly if i were spencer i wouldn't want anybody to know about my kids because this movement is full of crazy people with no scruples
I'm glad to hear that and hope it's true.
Sounds like Spencer's daughter is his weak point.
Mike Enoch is a fatty pig fatty.
…. meanwhile on Holla Forums, as right wing people become increasingly organized, huge rooms full of kikes get paid shekels to compose increasingly hysterical shill-threads attacking them….
Like Nadav Salomon the "Reactionary Jew" who told Lana from Red Ice that he'd vote for Richard Spencer for president?
The jews aren't afraid of "right wing" people who support the existence of Kikestan and re-enforce the Holocaust myth.
You know why none of this matters to me? I'm a White Nationalist, and that's an ideology, not a movement. I don't have a leader, I don't look for leaders, and I don't need a leader. None of these people you're all talking about matter to me, and nothing they do impacts my ideology. Talking heads come and go. If some pretend to be White Nationalists, or even White Nationalist leaders, it has zero impact on what White Nationalism is. No one can destroy White Nationalism. It's an ideal based in our instinctive drive to preserve and survive. Why you people spend so much time focusing on these irrelevant people is beyond me. I've hear of them from two sources–the mainstream media and you. From day one I've deemed the Alt-Right as nothing more than a media bogeyman and I've deemed self-proclaimed Alt-Right peoples as nothing more than disenfranchised Leftists who carry with them loads of tag-along Cultural Marxist ideals. They don't matter. They're not worth having in depth discussions and arguments about, especially amongst each other, as it does nothing but waste your time.
Whether you hate or like Spencer and the TRS crew, this shilling is just bad.
Who gives a shit? You promote it if you want it promoted. You can't force other people to promote things for you. All the time you spend whining about some irrelevant guy on this website could be spent editing propaganda videos, or writing this shit where it counts, e.g., on a website that's not an echo chamber like Holla Forums, where your rhetoric is new and different to readers. But no, you want to sit here and bitch about this guy who's doing what you could be doing if you weren't bitching about him. You sound like a nigger.
the St. George's ribbon is currently used as a symbol of standing up to fascists / fascists in Ukraine / Victoria ((( Nuland ))) and pushy USA acting in Russia's sphere.
Since so many died in WW2, which they call "the Great Patriotic War" the ribbon has a huge emotional connection - imagine "Greatest Generation" times 5 or 10.
300% shilling
It matters enough for you to do everything you can to defend your kiked Eceleb. If it did not matter to you then you would not be in this thread
They are turning those that could potentially become redpilled into holocaust believing zogbots, and they keep raiding Holla Forums every single time there is a dox thread
You outed yourself rather quick. Repeatedly saying it doesn't matter to you and that none of this matters is absolutely retarded
Once again admitting to not being an user
Once again you constantly admit to not being an user
You could not be more obvious with your shilling if you tried
Did you come directly from the sodomite faceberg group. You do not talk like an user at all, and constantly repeat the same line defending traitors saying it doesn't matter. Also if you took the time to check the catalog there are multiple dox threads up right now, Holla Forums is doing work and will continue to do work even while making fun of a traitorous sodomite. A thread making fun of dicky will not stop Holla Forums and content being created. How about you go make some content yourself user instead of spending time complaining that anons are making fun of a kike loving sodomite
Anons don't have Bush and CIA connections like dicky does. Anything anons dew will likely not hit the front page of the MSM the same way dicky does when he puts no effort and is an absolutely terrible speaker. Anons work from the shadows, and have accomplished quite a lot. Yet you are a newfag so you don't know anything other than your urge to try and shut down any conversation that paints your Eceleb in a bad light by claiming none of this matters and that Holla Forums needs to shut up and just let TRS continue to try and subvert Holla Forums
Maybe you'll understand if I put it like this. Everything you think the "Alt-Light" is doing to you, you did to us. You hijacked our memes and momentum, and used them to push a kosher, pro-sodomy message. The main difference is that you brought it all on yourselves with your "big tent" anti-purity ideology, while we rejected you faggots from the start.
Are you trying to say that faggotry is part of implicit white identity, faggot?
Seriously though. What's the context behind spencer with Bush? I knew he's old money, but wtf
None of this is wrong.
You don't want niggers in your bathhouse, am I right?
I don't think the jew kike has anything on spencer tbh
Choose one
Woops I meant jew fag
Of course they don't, that is until they have actual evidence, it's the same fake news "sources say" scheme.
In the periscope video (before those caps were released) he was talking about how he thought Spencer was trying to get information out of him so he could silence his sources. The convo and his responses fit that narrative.
What? Someone with connections and media coverage like spencer should be discussed, to ignore him would be to ignore a man who has much more considerable influence on how young white men see us, and how the general public views us. His opinions matter more than ours.
Do you think this bitch titted, high pitched, 7/10 man got to where he is because of his charisma? Every time I see this fuck speak he screams "AVERAGE" unlike men such as GLR or WLP. Dick is a topic worthy of discussion, whatever your opinion of him is.
Haha holy shit this delusion. By this logic we shouldn't say anything negative about anyone who promotes harmful views to young white men because his views somewhat align with ours.
Are you stupid? Normal people don't respond to this stuff, they shut down like they're programmed. If anything by being more edgy and fringe than Spencer we appeal more to young white men.
Oh god, not this again. Is every forum of like minded people an echo chamber? If you stick around you'll find a plurality of views here. Not to mention the fact that we take as many opportunities as we can to branch out, but moderators are not so welcoming to outside views as they are here.
You can't divide what was never united. TRS brought all of this on themselves when they shilled faggotry and nationalist kikes on Holla Forums, then tried to ddong h8chan when anons refused to bend the knee. All TRS does is start drama with other groups, and try to force those groups to become a part of the TRS controlled opposition and follow dicky
Like I said previously I do think dickie is an effeminate twat but common sense is telling me this sodomite jew doesn't have a leg to stand on. The only thing is watching how it unfolds tbh.
Listen, the majority of people are not against dicky here. But we are rightfully suspicious of a nobody rising to popularity so quickly, with ties to the CIA and a lot of media coverage
I'm not saying he is %100 shill, and he has said some good shit, but he is sketchy.
Wait, are we seriously siding with this alt-cuck, (((Laura Loomer))) scam supporting kike lover? It looks like Lucian B. Wintrich is the one trying to slander Dicky Spencer for attacking (((Laura Loomer))) and (((Ezra Levant)))'s shekel begging scheme.
Has any solid proof been presented yet?
Are you illiterate? My post says "I don't think the jew has anything" now piss off.
Jesus H. Christ, can you not see the fucking end game here? This isn't about the mouth-breathing sycophantic current fans of TRS. Anyone with half a brain left that kosher tire-fire months ago. This is about dividing the anons who were introduced to the red-pill through TRS and have since moved on because they possess some intellect but are exploitable due to still being relatively new to the nature of the jew and their shameless tricks.
Someone post that cap of the kike who spells out how he shills for Zionism on chans. The yid literally outlines how ops like this are effective because they breed dissent between white people.
Look at this shit. Look how fucking pathetic it is.
You clearly aren't from here ya faggot.
Here are more from this convo
So many shills in this thread, jesus.
You're all acting like niggers. Anyone who says Spencer is anti-white is either stupid or a shill. He hasn't made the right moves in the past, but he's far from anti-white. Just like pointed out, context is important because he's verbose and can't seem to say anything without coming across as a self important faggot, which he is.
Secondly, people saying that TRS is pro jew are obviously shills. You haven't read or listened to their stuff, or are cherry picking examples from a large website. It'd be the equivalent of some redditor posting le based negro in a maga hat here, getting a screencap of it and saying Holla Forums isn't racist.
I know TRS is here, and I know there are a lot of good folks over there. Start demanding that the inner circle crack down on fags. The Fashy faggots deal is inexcusable. Demand that Greg Johnson be disassociated with. Forget the purity spiral and damn 1488er comments. You can not claim to be traditionalist if you are do not actively suppress fag behavior and kick out those who are known degenerates
I looked at the 504um during the third Jimpact, and there was a thread about a tranny asian who was a member of your forum who "worshipped white cock" who was b&, and then unb& because the mod wanted to talk to him. This is inexcusable.
Holla Forums, remember that there are shills here. And while we need to push TRS further to the right, to not go after them as we would leftists. Guide them and they'll end up here. The TRS/Spencer threads are some of the most active, because they are shilled the hardest. These are the easiest d&c targets.
We aren't siding with anybody. The Aut-Kike and Aut-Light are two sides of the same shekel.
Obviously. Only a shill could think a platform run by a kike who's married to B'nai B'rith BioQueen is pro-jew.
How about demanding that the "inner circle" cracks down on kike wives and mischling "thought leaders"? Hmm?
Those anons should still be lurking as it has not been 2 years yet. Also if they came to Holla Forums and sided with anons then why would they be D&C by a thread making fun of implicit dicky, about one of the reasons they would have left in the first place. Your explanation makes no sense and is basic damage control, also we have ID's and your previous posts make it clear you were actually talking about TRS, and not other anons when you said other factions
The whole reason the big fight between TRS and Holla Forums even happened was because TRS was promoting kikes. They themselves are almost all kikes. This thread would have died hours ago if TRShills would have just left it alone instead of fighting to defend their egos
This is the equivalent of saying everyone on Holla Forums is a shitskin because I'm kampfy is a mulatto. Many good people left after Enoch was outed, and I stopped listening as well. But they did not have a pro jewish message, stop twisting my words kike.
This. Take the ethnicity pill already lads.
Iranian and Paki bloodlines have been heavily mixed with subhuman blood since centuries ago, and most have completely forgotten their roots and worship a semitic god. So, they're not Aryan by the literal definition. You're correct.
You fucking what m8? See
I am not your enemy here. My points stand. I've been exposing TRS as the kike op that they are from the get go. I just recognize the potential fracture point they represent when it comes to literal kike shills exploiting the divide.
Can you provide a single shred of irrefutable evidence that this is true?
? That's exactly my point, we have an enormous thread full of accusations based on the claims of some alt-light retard desperately trying to attack Spencer after he helped publicize his (((friends'))) scam. "We" is meant to refer to those making the accusations, not you.
I've been here for the better part of a year, and I don't see how not being able to properly link a thread indicates otherwise. How often does the average poster link threads?
Com'on Holla Forums you've seen this before. This thread is so Jewish your wallets got smaller.
Spencer is playing the Jews. That's why why he goes along with the narrative while promoting nationalism.
They can't call him a holohoax exposer or a homophobe or even a racist.
He's never said anything anti/gay/semitic/POC.
I thought kamphy was a turk, odd how his race seems to constantly change. Also after the dox it is known that everyone in the TRS leadership is either a shitskin, kike, or faggot. Your comparison is shit
Yes they did, the sources have been posted all over this thread. The last post even had some of the pro kike things dicky has said himself
I was referring to and I still don't understand your logic on claiming that anons themselves would be different factions, and are somehow going to be divided over laughing at spencer
I think that Spencer isn't thinking constructively. He's trying to hold together a wide range of different social pressure groups and only getting the worst out of each one as they meld. In regards to the 'Third Jimpack' podcast, that is all very damning because he is in the center of it but not necessarily a part of the wrongdoing. Because of that, he has to spend his time defending rather than making actual productive statements or infrastructure, which the more normie arena is sorely lacking.
People want to have a voice and group, but if you keep all these holdovers and degenerates, well… Frankly, the guy needs to get his shit together, disavow the foundation of this bullshit, it's clearly ZOG-built and run. After that, if he really is fairly clean, he can set up a real voice for whites. People really do want that, despite the chronic problems with the current WN establishment, it's growing. We're fortunately pretty insulated from that garbage but a fair few people get turned away by the jew-infested pool parties and predatory exploitation.
I have no reason or evidence that Spencer is in on any of the worst aspects of this clusterfuck, but the fact he is not distancing himself from the blighted roots of the 'movement' he's put himself in front of really makes me question his motives and ability.
When I all caps + redtext post, it's to get the attention of newfags and lurkers user. You are acting as if the majority of eyes who see these threads are those of seasoned Holla Forumsacks. That's the exact opposite of reality. Most who view these threads are impressionable and naive.
6eb845 set off my trolldar due to all caps, failure to notice irony. Dicky Spencer is a JIDF advocate due to charges of
When is that mp4 from? Has Kike Eunuch not seen TGSNT? William Luther Pierce's radio broadcasts make TRS' Daily Shoah and most other podcasts sound like lolbergtarians' ramblings.
If you actually read my posts ITT, you'd know you are utterly incorrect about me "trolling". As far as Tricky Dicky is concerned, I have made no claim as to his intentions. I frankly do not care about Richard Spencer personally. I care about white anons being well informed as to what is occurring on a day to day basis to potentially confuse, subvert, and divide them.
I didn't hear that one before, thanks for that, added to my folder.
Not surprisingly, when the "NOT GAY" rainbow letters are removed, the image is not gay.
Well below high, but has stabilized by now.
In a nutshell, that's what the anti-Spencer, anti-Alt Right memes all are. It's more old Holla Forums than Holla Forums.
By now these threads don't do much damage though. It's like being taught europhobic lies in school. It might convince some people, but if you've withstood the claptrap by graduate school you're probably good to go. Spencer, Enoch et al continue to hold great events despite the occasional anti-Alt Right background noise.
Sure man, but who would not at least admire that? He has a White wife so he's made his choice. As always, Spencer did nothing wrong, NPI has great content.
Wot's with the anti-Novorossiya shills? These pictures just prove he hangs out with ppl on the right side of geopolitics.
True, though it also serves to let anons think they're trolling by reposting months-old disinfo memes when too bored to go after leftist targets.
3be45c attacks fellow White identity advocates, in a mirror image of mass media disinfo on the Alt Right. 3be45c & friends are the real JIDF.
I was talking about the context and the wording, and you still have not explained further how making fun of spencer would somehow D&C Holla Forums. Nor have you explained how Holla Forums is somehow different factions. Besides it seems far more likely that the kikes would want anons to join TRS and sacrifice ideals, than have anons point out controlled opposition.
You also should have known that using the cruise control for cool would bring the wrong sort of attention
The mp4 comes from an old episode of TDS, I don't remember the exact episode
Funny you should say that, that is exactly what TRS is
Damn it user you owe me a new pair of sides
You are cancer.
Holla Forums isn't aut-kike or TRS's weaponized autism. It's that simple. There isn't nothing to divide
I don't take CRUISE CONTROL seriously for obvious reasons; I only skim through All caps posts
TRS is full of shit like Dicky Spencer and regular "Mods are compromised shills", endchan shills and Meguca goers.
user I simply want to know more about your viewpoints into the matter as you are taking a side I do not know much about. Is it really that hard to answer such simple questions about something you believe, and have said
Really activated my almonds.
Tell me more please
I don't even understand how they could have started an explicitly antisemitic podcast without having an even partially redpilled understanding of WW2. It's very possible they chose that name just to be edgelords.
It activates mine to know that you don't get older memes
They admit on their own site that it was all just to be edgy, then they attracted some people that believe in it, so then they started to talk more about those subjects. The name for TDS itself came when they asked Holla Forums what the name for their podcast should be
This is exactly what they want user. You and I to be fighting. Fucking look at my posts ITT. I just looked at yours. Why the fuck are you and I at odds right now?
Wew lad. TRS shills more than CTR/Shareblue. Perhaps TRS is getting the shill bux now?
I've been around *chons since 2003-4 and witnessed few things people using block capitals are either 1) Trolling 2) Genuinely foaming by the mouth 3) Shitposting. Most of the time seasoned anons outright ignore those posts while newfags laugh them.
As for D&C I answered it already
Holla Forums isn't part of TRS, Dicky Spencer's Phalanx or Aut-Right in general.
Same goes for you. Why are we fighting right now? Who gains from it?
Because you don't know old memes and are refusing to engage in an actual conversation. I have asked several times for you to simply expand your reasoning for your thoughts and you have changed the subject and called me cancer as a response
Fighting? I'm just pointing out that Holla Forums isn't alt-right or TRS's wing. TRS has shilled and still shills here.
Blatantly pushing Dicky and his associates to name one.
TRS is a subversive namefag cult, who constantly try to create false conseus and change Holla Forums's natsoc ideology to Civic nationalist or 'white' nationalism.
I'm here to laugh at Dicky and his subversive sycophants.
You've asked several times for me to reiterate on concepts I already outlined and then cried about it when I refused to indulge you.
You smell like kike
So you don't understand my point at the slightest. 1)Dicky Slicky isn't natsoc or looked kindly by Holla Forums
2)Holla Forums isn't aut-kike
This thread is about a rumour started by a Jew with no evidence to support it at all.
Holy shit this Lucian character is a fucking dildobrain
what a joke that he's supposed to be a journalist
Yes you gave the basic outline, however I simply want to know more about your reasoning to better understand and get my viewpoints challenged. That is something you are not willing to do, and why we are having this current discussion where you would rather get emotional than actually hold a solid viewpoint. Also this user is right. Holla Forums is not alt right, and you have moved from saying that this whole thread is D&C, to saying that you are against TRS, to now saying anons that don't like the TRS cult are kikes. This is why you will not give an actual response as to your viewpoints, because your beliefs are constantly changing as your mask starts to slip
Nigger you are wasting your time on a newfag. (He's most likely drunk, but that's clearly not a kike.)
Wait what? When did he say this? He's clearly stated he is anti-TRS, so now by claiming this you discredit yourself.
I didn't think kike, either TRS or a newfag. Either way those are some nice digits, and this thread is mostly shitposting at this point
Right here he seems to flip flop a bit, and anons argument about those that moved to Holla Forums from TRS is likely them speaking from personal experience. Which is why I wanted to know more about why user thought that threads shitposting about TRS was somehow dividing anons, or how they see anons in different factions
Very suspicious that cucks and kikes who say faggotry is a good thing are trying to paint spencer as a faggot, really interesting, almost as if theyve realized thats what will damage him more than calling him an ebil nazi. Also thats julia ioffe in the photo, you disinfo kikes will get the rope eventually, enjoy preaching all that you waste youre breath on while you still can.
How are you, by dissecting this user's (retarded) posting, in any tangible way contributing to the well being of the future of white people?
How are you contributing to the white races by posting on this image board at all? Shouldn't you be making 6.022*10^23 babies right now?
Not an argument.
normalfags saying shit like that makes me feel good, damn good.
and it's damn hilarious just how retarded they are.
Why are you apologetic towards some random user and butt in a conversation. I have to doubt you even more due to the fact you use exact same rhetoric and somehow through magic you assumed that the other user was drunkposting (Which doesn't really happen)
Stop samefagging. It's embarassing
Why are you using known COINTELPRO kike tactics? Why do you insist on your authority yet prove nothing? Why are you shitting up this thread if according to you it's bullshit? Why even bother?
Well, now you just outed yourself. Fucking TRScucks never learn.
No. It's a jumbled collection of random bullshit and reeks of d&c. For fuck's sake, it even has that "drinking with enemies" selfie with Julia Ioffe, some journalist, but claiming it's his girlfriend. There is no evidence for any of the claims about the homo shit, unlike the mountains of evidence that slippery dick supports the kikes and social liberalism.
Same rhetoric right after you conveniently claimed that previous user (Who isn't you, yessir!) is drunk.
Your sockpuppeting is painfully transparent, just saying
Yes Chaim, I must be samefagging. No way could I be informed of your jew bullshit.
Neither is .
Really gets your noggin joggin.
Kill yourself commie-apologist TRSodomite.
He's fucking right retard. I would rather be a fucking Stalinist than an Conservative. He's not a communist, he is just expressing the fact that Conservatism, specifically the American neo-con kind is NOT right-wing, smart or right about anything.
Yes goy, Commun- er I mean Russian nationalism is the last implicit stand of h'white identity!
Hail Putin!
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
lol there's nothing more crippling than a pedophile priest like Tricky Dick.
E. Michael Jones has warned before of the dangers of rabid anti-communism and how it can be coopted. He even says that the modern neocon, corporate Jewry of the American right-wing was born out of the rabid anti-communist movement of previous generations. Every right-nigger that can't express anything other than "gummunism is bad durr hurr" is straight up a product of generations of corporate kikery.
Stop trying to "liberate" us, Holla Forums
Yeah "nigger" is a pretty left-wing expression.
Yeah. Used by (((them))) erroneously.
The American Security Council is an overt front organization for the C.I.A. and the D.o.D. The connection isn't hidden.
Just how kiked up is Lauren?
I know she used to work for (((The Rebel))), but after they forced her on a trip to Israel, she called it a brainwashing attempt, quit the job, and has done speeches on how traditionalism is good for women and done work with Generation Identatire.
Who gives a shit about this clown?
He's just another plant like the flat-earhters.
Don't give him attention.
Holla Forums created this btw
Richard Spencer is a multi-millionaire. He doesn't need any money. So that leaves one possibility.
So they name 17 year old Andy from Chicago as a sexual abuse victim, huh?
My my my, not a very smart move on their behalf is it?
Where's the implication of anything relating to me, mr jew?
Next for what?
How long do you kikes think you can flog this dead horse for?
Why do you jews think you have the divine right to run everything we do?
It is rather comical how many jews post on Holla Forums maintaining the illusion that there is anything remotely approaching resistance going on, when all it is is kikes like (((you))) flooding these boards with insignificant shit cheering on jews and calling every kike, queer and coon in this movement "BASED"
Richard Spencer is very defensive about accusations that he's gay, in the same way that Donald Trump is very defensive about accusations that he launders money for Russian-Jewish oligarchs.
You speak riddles. Resistance to who? Resistance to Trump or resistance to imkampfy?
There is no resistance to jewry in any single thread on Holla Forums, just gaslighting kikes taunting and goading each and every pol/ack for supporting and cheering on ZOG into power
I don't like that goofy goob, but this seems more like smear than evidence to me.
You TRSodomites are really trying to derail this thread and make it about Trump, and all it is doing is showing how desperate you are
TRS/DailyStormer and all the Kushnerbot kikes managing Holla Forums were the one's promoting the most jewish president in US history.
Not one single red-pilled user would or could have ever fallen for the Trump jewish hoax.
The very definition of red-pilled means you would see through this shit, yet every thread here is being gaslit by your teams of sneering goading kikes, still pushing for the ZOG emperor and championing every neocon kike in world politics.
Got through the thread finally. A lot of this is taken out of context. The extremely frail line you're walking with this "evidence" - which seems more like smear, quotes and pictures out of context (not refering to the actual faggots that have been ousted, but Spencer) and an incredibly strong wish for this to be the truth - is starting to seem like a schizophrenic circlejerk. Jesus Christ, if you want to take down this goofy nerd, then get some real filth on him, don't just make it up or run on rumour and take things out of context. You're better than this.
White Nationalist Richard Spencer Gets His Money From Louisiana Cotton Fields—and the US Government
Richard Spencer, who has benefited from $2 million in farm subsidies.
He is in a position to know. Spencer, along with his mother and sister, are absentee landlords of 5,200 acres of cotton and corn fields in an impoverished, largely African American region of Louisiana, according to records examined by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The farms, controlled by multiple family-owned businesses, are worth millions: A 1,600-acre parcel sold for $4.3 million in 2012.
The Spencer family’s farms are also subsidized by the federal government. From 2008 through 2015, the Spencers received $2 million in US farm subsidy payments, according to federal data.
How is this bad or good?
Looks like you are back again, and you still use (this) when no other user types is such a way. The info in OP is pretty shit, however the sheer amount of TRShills that came flooding into Holla Forums was what the thread was really about. You faggots are still raiding Holla Forums, and have to be dealt with again at this rate
So you kikes are back to the exact same tactic again
Context is posted many times over in this thread, there is quite a lot of dirt on implicit dicky
Sodomite detected
Oh shit. Matt forney is calling out fags? Fuckin' BASED
dont cut yourself on those edges kid
Never disputed that TRS have autistic raids here
Already said I don't like the guy, and these are among many reasons why. But this doesn't prove that he's a fag though
I've barely posted in any of these borderline schizophrenic threads. You all act like women and 13 year old boys with a petty grudge.
You're only proving how fucking incompetent you are.
Gee. The JIDF outdone themselves this time with the D&C efforts. Every single moron in here seems to be swallowing this Jewish load with absolute glee.
The first image is the only one that was meant to be in context, the rest is just to post some of my massive TRS folder. Dicky may or may not be a fag himself, however he is a fag enabler which is bad enough
There is that word again.
Did you honestly think shaming tactics would work on a mongolian basket weaving forum
CHeck out the sticky threads it's filled with (((you're))) JIDF hasbara taunting the goy for electing the ZOG Emperor.
The alt-right and everyone associated with it in any way is either a retarded shabbos goy and openly cheers on neocon zionist jews and queers into government or an odious kike.
Feels good to be right.
I know this is sarcasm, but, we need a label.
Alt right is spoiled, we need a new label that can get us new goys, but that isn't destroyed like alt kike.
Richard Spencer is a member of the American 1% oligarch class, and he receives huge agricultural subsidies from the U.S. Government.
Lurk moar, Holla Forums does not need a label. That just gives kikes a body that they can attack and try to subvert
You 8ch faggots are so easy to game. There is degeneracy everywhere. Even in people who mean well. That means you dumbasses can be turned against any attempt to create a successful right wing movement. All it takes is finding the imperfections or the verbals slip ups of the leaders that will set you faggots off.
Pretty funny TBQH. We deserve to fail for this.
She does seem to be moving in our direction. I'm wary of women trying to insert themselves into political movements and as a rule don't put much faith in them but if she ends up dragging her old audience further right then I'm glad we have her.
Hmm. Well I would be a liar if I said I hadn't thought about doing that. I would also be a liar if I said that my reasoning why I will not randomly kill people (like in the book Hunter by WLP) is because of strategic reasoning alone. I would be very worried about getting caught.
However, fear of getting caught aside, killing a few communists here and there would not change anything. The System can survive the deaths of hundreds of thousands of it's drones. A far better idea would be attacking the electric infrastructure for major economic cities like New York or San Francisco. Kill one communist and nothing changes. Take out the right electric substation, and you get an economic collapse.
But here is my biggest problem with your advice; You are almost certainly not living by your own creed. You want me to risk my life to carry out a bunch of petty attacks while you won't do a single thing! No. Do it yourself.
You know, William Pierce, who no one here has the balls to call a shill never carried out what you want. Is he a shill too because, like Richard Spencer, he was just a "talker" who never killed a single communist? I think not.
Finally, the kind of random violence you describe has actually been tried before. Bob Matthews did it. I personally cringe whenever I think of Bob Matthews. He was naïve and had terrible OPSEC. He went after the most idiotically wrong targets and as a whole, led one of the dumbest and shortest lived terrorist operations in the entire history of the earth. Even the Weather Underground struck with more efficiency and greater effect than Bob Matthews. And they were a gaggle of degenerates!
How do you explain the non-stop shilling for neocon kikes, the stickied threads all cheering on neocon kikes and still maintaining the lie that Trump isn't a complete psyop conducted against the goy?
the list is too long to bother carrying on, but there's enough for starters
What is Holla Forums if not a neo-Conservative kosher cheerleading club?
Stop arguing with an obvious Jew. The Jew you're arguing with will NEVER use logic or reasoning. He is here ONLY to drag you down. Just filter and be done with it.
Low energy shilling, are you even trying at this point
They all moved to Voat ages ago
What does Holla Forums do any differently than reddit's alt-right?
It has exactly the same percentage of hasbara jews controlling the discourse and moderating the board to keep it strcitly kosher, it bans any genuinely red-pilled anons that points out the total globalist jew Administration that the alt-right famously memed into presidency, it doesn;t allow criticism of jewish infiltration and total domination of the movement etc etc
those are cucks, the one on reddit is the only BASED one
Here's an updated chart for the C.I.A./Regnery intelligence complex (of which Richard Spencer is an important component).
William Regnery II is the publisher of There's some kind of bug in the software that is making it cut off the word "publisher" in the William Regnery II box.
To summarize this organization chart: William Regnery II is the C.I.A. handler of all the leading figures in the American white nationalist movement.
Anyone want to explain what happened to the TRS Thread?
Enoch will be exposed as a tranny/fag within the next 2 years.
Cap this post.
Well, his Jewish wife is a fag-hag who hangs out with trannies and drag queens.
Why not just release it now?
Why wait 2 years when White Nationalists might be fielding candidates and many White Nationalists will have no knowledge of Enoch and he'll be able to work his way deep into the movement. Releasing such information at a critical time could spoil actual power grab attempts, it'd be better not to allow the infection to spread.
Spencer's a millionaire? How did he achieve that as a second rate journalist?
No you weren't you fucking retard
Holla Forums never agreed with these movements and mods initially banned all threads about Milo and Spencer
get your mongrels out of here
Richard Spencer, in his (?) years of life did literally nothing wrong and anyone saying otherwise can go suck a dick.
Low effort, m8.
Good. They were all cancer.
Trust fund baby.
Spencer's cult on Twitter is just beyond delusional. They will literally ignore all the proof and evidence that Spencer is controlled opposition and yet still have time to think the "alt-lite" are the real cucks here. Specially this faggot here
Grids Greg looks like he may be getting in trouble