Dr. Michael Scheuer: The Shooting In Alexandria, Virginia Was Plotted
New Scheuer video. Must watch.
Dr. Michael Scheuer: The Shooting In Alexandria, Virginia Was Plotted
New Scheuer video. Must watch.
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Fuck, this is a real happening. Scheuer knows his shit and if he's calling this out there's a very good chance he's right.
It was so obviously coordinated. The guy doing the shooting might not have been in on it but that's why they call them pawns.
Scheur is the real deal. He's a little bit a cuckservative on the racial and economic questions, but man he's got his head screwed on straight when it comes to Israeli subversion. The fact that an operation-running CIA manager says it was a hit essentially confirms my theory about it being an MKULTRA zombie. We're in for a real shitshow I think in these next months. Possibly the first Marxist attempt at a city takeover like the commies did in Berlin.
Daily reminder that Thomas Chittum and David Hines are mandatory reading.
I'm glad someone is saying it. The fact that the left is willing to concede the idea of mental health, something the right has been saying about these mass shootings, reeks of placating the right so they can force their bullshit.
Hopefully the marines and people in the alphabet agencies are agreeing.
There are enough mentally ill or snapped people out there that would do such shootings given your fucked up society in general. You do not to orchestrate very much for these things to happen naturally. Didnt look into this very much but in this case the CIA friends have skewed perception.
And the american left is a bunch of effiminate pussies that wouldnt win a war if it were against toddlers.
Based CIA man
He had more than a list of names too unless the guy can read nametags 100 yards away.
If the guy was an assassin for the spooks, they really need a refund on their money. Nobody was assassinated.
How long did he sit across the street looking at GOP rep pics and memorizing faces? This was absolutely planned and executed.
That's just sad.
There's always the possibility the failure was on purpose to increase security and get the actually assassin a bodyguard position.
Yep. Get the real hitmen standing next to the GOP leadership because of this.
For real. If this is the best the CIA can do, that's quite comforting. They must be completely incompetent these days, I guess they hired too many women and niggers!
Why do you think that?
No fucking shit it was premeditated.
B-but this guy with a slavic name said he's a TRAITOR! :^)
Don't forget, they're trying to bury this event and the further attempts and threats at violence from the left including possible anthrax letters sent to "right wing" media and politicians even here. Why do you think there's been such a strong push to keep that retarded series of threads on one single camwhore that likely coalburned at E3, or yet another thread about how controlled opposition eceleb is a controlled opposition eceleb?
Well, he wasn't a professional. They do it the same at they entrap terrorists. Find an unstable person on social media, get them to talk in private chat, gradually introduce the idea of violence, and suggest ways of doing it.
It's not like they're going to send someone from the SAD with their (((deep state))) ID on a lanyard around their neck.
Hell, the whole story of trying to force special elections in itself is part of the cover. The top layer is the bullshit the left is spewing ("he's just crazy"). The next layer is he's merely radicalized by the media (there is still some truth to this which makes it effective), then there is the idea that he planned this shit to force special elections (some truth to this too), and then finally, this was an outright hit put out on certain congresspeople deemed too much trouble.
Hell, you see some of that on this board.
Honestly this in my opinion may prove this nigger is just more controlled opposition.
I think SEIU needs to be investigated further
Been out of the loop since it happened. Did Scalise pull through?
He's stable as far as I recall, but he'll be out of commission for a while
Neat this has a sticky, didn't know he was that important.
What. How the fuck does that even work? If the CIA is training or supporting reds and fanatics to kill Americans the public needs to know.
I wish to directly refute Mr. Shoenfeld’s claim that I “cast aspersions on American Jews.” I do not cast aspersions; I forthrightly damn, and pray that God damns, any American–Jew, Catholic, Evangelical, Irish, German, Hindu, or otherwise–who flogs the insane idea that American and Israeli interests are one and the same. The nation-state of Israel is an intolerable burden to the treasury and security of the United States, and Washington’s current relationship with Israel–sanctioned by the AIPAC-funded political leaders of both parties–is one of several factors that are leading to full-scale American participation in other peoples’ religious wars.
– Dr. Michael Scheuer, former CIA chief, head of the Osama bin Laden unit, in The Anti-Americanism of the Israel-Firsters
Of course it wae a dnc / (((deep state))) kike hit. Or could be clinton wet work goon squad. Also went to same hospital as seth rich. :^)
When does Scheuer talk about killing pedophiles? I'll wait
But CIA is of commies
I thought it was very convenient he was a bernie fan, not a clinton fan, and also his facebook profile literally had a pic that said democratic socialist.
I think the deep state are more scared of the rise of the possible far left bernie wing that would replace the neoliberal clinton wing than of trump.
Trump is scary to the elites in a cultural way, he represents the "hicks" of middle america that the yuppies of the elite thought they could safely ignore and mock during the obama years and he disturbs their bureaucratic nightmare system they have set up. But he isnt going to fuck with capitalism.
The neolibs are in a corner, i think the 2020 democratic primaiares will be the most important one for the democrats and it will be a blood bath and fight for the very soul of the party between neolibs and socialists
Or he is just a realist and doesn't bring it up because he knows we aren't shipping 30 million people to Africa.
Why is this guy being shilled so hard here recently? I never heard of this dude up until a few weeks ago, and this is the half dozenth thread devoted to him, comprised of a bunch of anons sucking his dick and acting like he's some infallible prophet. It strikes me as astroturfing.
No, this is the best the CIA can do when it comes to further polarising politics. Political violence will be deemed more and more "normal" and "necessary". Expect some lefties fully to snap if Repub control of the Congress and Senate hold in 18.
Fucking newfag.
How long have you been here? A few weeks?
He didn't.
Answer my question kike.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but he was never the CIA chief. He was the "chief" ''of an Osama bin Laden unit, not the CIA itself.
I was on half/pol/ a few months before the Zimmerman trial, been here since first exodus, and I have never heard of this guy until a few weeks ago. All I know is that there is no such thing as an ex alphabet agent, and many point out he is CIA.
Oh, Jew!
You just never noticed then. He's been regularly mentioned for almost a decade on fagchan, 4chon (rip), and here. Step up your game, bubba.
Filtered, kike.
CIA chief would make him a chief in the CIA, not "Chief of the CIA."
An Army General isn't the General of the Army.
I'm pretty sure its because a few anons posted a link to his blog, which then gets more anons reading it, and then posting more.
You're really not earning your paycheck, shill. They might have to let you go if you keep this up!
They've always been pretty incompetent
checking those dubs replying to dubs
You are like a little baby. Until you've been on image boards for at least a decade, you will be a newfag.
It's already over.
Now is the time to start writing a new U.S. Constitution. One without all the fucking compromise that has allowed this one to be destroyed.
Also, better gun up kids,
Shit Storm Inbound
The good news is that death always precedes rebirth.
Was (3:23) a jew reference?
This. The CIA itself is not leftist or leftist sympathizes, they're just trying to divide people and maybe inflame the 'right' with anger. Anyone have that screenshot of a post detailing how intelligence agencies were interested in this place awhile back? Are they using anons as an unwilling asset? Are we going to be cannon fodder?
Bullshit. They were pretty well penetrated during the cold war. After years of clinton/bush/king nigger they are almost completely over run by globalists and one-world government types.
CIA niggers are commies, dummy. Communist infiltration of the CIA is rife and has been happening for decades.
based interview
When I saw the dude's facebook I was like, "Wow, how convenient." Bernie bros dislike Trump but they fucking HATE Clinton for screwing over their candidate. I agree with you. I think they are more scared of the divided left than anything right wing for sure. Also, didn't Bernie announce only a day or so before that he wanted to change the Democrats or challenge them with a new progressive party? Again, how convenient for the shooter to be Bernie obsessed.
I would use stuff with the utmost efficiancy, i would condense anything and anyone in a concentrated endless juicy stream that directly flows in my cattle.
They are just another part of something completely sick and fucked up going on.
There is no fucking "Democratic Party" at this point. Just useful idiots.
The media is just barely pretending at this point.
The cognitive dissonance is reaching a fever pitch, so expect more and more violence as these people nut completely out.
He isn't implying that it was a CIA op or anything, just that the guy that did it deliberately planned on shooting up the baseball game, not just randomly show up and decide to start shooting like the le mental illness maymay
If the guy was an actual professional, then he would have been able to kill at least one person.
I don't give a shit about tricky dick Spencer. And look, exactly as I said earlier it's shit like this that makes me suspicious.
Globalists maybe, but I don't think they're full on ideological communists. The rights gonna get baited into continuing the Yinon plan. Maybe communism is the ultimate secret goal, but the Bushes weren't commies.
Na, the globalists realize that in some more or less indirect way their shit will rain down them in a more a less graspable future that is why they push the right because the riled up leftists arent really sustainable given the circumstance so they would want the right because they do not ask much questions and rightfully hate the lalaleftists.
I love this picture.
Pretty much every jew that's really running America behind the scenes there and they all look nervous as fuck about trump being elected.
I knew then he was an excellent pick and he hasn't let me down yet.
What someone should do is compIle a list of these greasy fucks names, like that shooter had.
I still don't fucking get how these retards couldn't even scare up a different picture, let alone another actress.
This is actually what has been going on. All these "patriot movements" and survivalists have been pinpointing stuff at alphabet agencies instead of the radical left since 1996. It is well known that "Students for a Democratic Society" and The Weather Underground recieved guerrilla training by soviet proxies. Those boomer fucks are now salivating at the possibility of passing on their knowledge of irregular warfare on the millenials. Lets remember those involved in the Days of Rage had mostly hid and went underground during the 1980s only to suddenly appear in Academia. Stuff like that antifa agitator actually being a West Coast professor should be no surprise. These people have tried to bury their pasts while inserting themselves in high places trying to pass their torch
Gets me thinking.. The guy was 66.. If he went to college it was in the 70's. I wonder if he went to a college where mkultra was prevalent.
To be fair, does it even matter? How many people do you know who still wouldn't believe it, even if you showed them this?
If you are so suspicious then why dont you look into the guy and what he has said and then form an enlightened opinion? The redpill isnt about having suspicions its about acting on those suspicions and learn as fucking much about them as possible to find the truth.
I just discovered something interesting.
(((Noah Nathan))) was on the scene filming the shooting incident (or possibly documenting the event). He just happened to be walking his dog at the exact right time and location.
Now watch this video, note these strange cohencidences:
1. Noah Nathan does not turn and run away from the shooting like most normal people would in such a scenario. He sits their filming behind a mesh fence with no protection for a full 6 minutes. He pretends he doesn't know where the shooter is when loud audible gunshot noises would easily give away the shooters location.
2. At 1:50 - a Police Officer asks him to call 911. Noah Nathan says ignores the request and says "I assume people have called 9/11 already". Who would do that in an emergency? No normal person would decline an Officer's request to call 911. Did he not want to call the Police because he would have to stop his mission of 'recording the event' using his mobile phone?
look everyone, its the CIA
You should read the article he wrote on it. He explicitly blames commies like Bernie Sanders.
Enough. The notion that everyone can be redpilled, or that because we cant redpill everyone all is lost, are both equally retarded. The vast majority of people are followers. And by followers I mean that they are incapable of forming their own opinion regardless of how informed they are. We saw a very big example of this with the election. Trump won because he, and those who worked their asses off to 'persuade the masses', managed to present the image of a stronger leader which attracted a larger, more 'dedicated' following.
I believe there is a simple explanation for this, if every human were born with the ability to be a leader than civilization probably wouldnt have happened or if it did it wouldnt be as advanced as it is today, because everyone would be butting heads because 'their idea was better and everyone should be following them'. There could be another reason for it but as of right now I think that is the best explanation as to why.
And as far as
Interact with plebs. Write up a script for how your interactions will go. If stick with the same script and interact with a whole bunch of random people and record the conversations you will start to notice that there are only x amount of responses that most people tend to have. Thats where npc theory comes in. They behave exactly like npc's, they have a set script with a finite amount of responses or conversations which could be had with them. And that is because they are followers. They find leaders who they think are the strongest, many of these idiots deem talmudvision figures as their leaders, and they adopt the mindsets of those leaders forgoing any truly independent thought.
Which is why it is important to speak the message of the red pill as often as possible. The more it is heard the more traction it will take, especially if you cant present yourself as a strong leader to the pleb you are trying to redpill.
The CIA was created by Wall Street to serve global finance.
IAC Hawk 982 It is a clone of the remington 870 that shits on the 870 as far as quality goes. It takes all remington 870 after market parts and it costs $200 shipped. Look into that shit, the only bad reviews it gets are "cuz its norinco" Hands down the best gun purchase I've ever made.
He's absolutely correct that it was coordinated. The practice field wasn't the same one the game was going to be at. The practice wasn't advertised. Somehow a fat fuck from Illinois, living out of his van, finds this specific field halfway across the country, and shows up at exactly the right time to gun down 25 Republican members of Congress. What a series of coincidences.
I suppose the silver lining here is that some of those Good Goy Congressmen realize now that they are disposable and try to save their miserable lives by biting the hand that feeds them.
yeah, someone give me a tl;dr. I don't care if it's stickied, this is just poor a poor quality OP.
Seconded, i have 2 of them and they are fucking great shotguns
Actually the barrels are different, but you can get adapters/spacers to use regular 870 barrels
The 982 has a heavier/thicker barrel and the front mounting ring is further forward
also this sling and mounting swivels work perfectly with them
user is right: non-intervention.com
In that entry he also warns of a forthcoming false flag "retaliation," complete w/ fabricated e-trail (see 2nd image).
No such thing, fucking dropped.
fuck off kike shill
That's right, say the words; faggot.
More likely he didn't want his name to show up in any report associated with the case in the future (assuming he is what you think he is)
Yeah no shit it was a setup. Thanks former CIA bro.
???????????? Profit?
Exactly. NOW we will see those cocksuckers put up some Hollywood level fiction.
I'll take an argument anytime
How topical
this is how you sound
also, still has a heartbeat I noticed.
Controlled opposition.
The fuck are you on?
Bill cooper was a much better speaker, and probably writer, than Michael Scheuer.
How shitty must controlled opposition be to actually name the very thing causing the problem.
He calls out "Israelis" from a civic nationalist standpoint, not kikes.
He's said good stuff and I'm glad for the positive work he's done. I'm no real expert on the guy and have just begun to look into him until somewhat recently, but the fact that he has been initiated into the CIA is troublesome.
Seeing the blatant non-argument ad-hom bullshit in response to the anons making honest inquiries into the guy is another thing.
hear hear investigate the goon squads at SEIU
Controlled opposition is supposed to distract the goyim from the truth that our problems come from Israel. Look at the alt-kike refusing to blame Israel, or even ISIS not attacking Israel until a few minor attacks this week. If this guy is controlled opposition then his handlers are doing a really fucking shit job. Unless the kikes are the scapegoat for the lizardmen :^)
I thought the shooter planning the attack was already obvious from the eyewitness accounts of his behavior a long time before the shooting, like how he would spend entire afternoons overlooking the sporting compound in a nearby YMCA.
The new version will be subverted just like the old one. Don't be dumb.
The CIA is ran by commies you fucking retard. Their last director was an admitted commie
/x/ here. Coffin cutie? The fabric looks familiar.
You strike me as a jew and the oven await ya lampshade.
why ny catholics look like jews?
The problem with MKULTRA techniques is that you can program someone into shooting, but you can't program them into shooting well. For that you'd need the ARTICHOKE developed methods, and a boatload of training that would be hard to do surreptitiously. That's why a guy like Sirhan Sirhan is taught to get in close or use a knife. Much easier, more likely to succeed.
I doubt this guy was actually sent to kill his targets, otherwise he would've gotten in closer and used different weapons. He was either supposed to send a message or his handlers were operating under time constraints and that was their best shot.
Anyway it's also worth mentioning that the Rockefellers funded and supported MKULTRA while ARTICHOKE was 100% military from the get-go. If you've got an MKULTRA'd assassin, you know who sent him.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this was planned, not just some "crazy" bernie bro. Also nice quads.
Conspiratards BTFO
I took that to mean he was implying he didn't want better days ahead
Prove it
The phony civil war is being set up as planned, and the CIA is playing both sides of the coin you stupid fucking faggots. Get a brain or stay stupid, that's your choice… but I'm just going to go ahead and suggest that siding with freemasons is certainly not going to save your soul. Enjoy reincarnating here another cycle, and if you're really unlucky, you may end up an acolyte of the cult of the new age of aquarius deception believing reptilians and nordic aliens are real and not just deep state black budget human chimeras.
Or I'm wrong and there truly won't be a third world war and the good guys will win, epic stuff!!! Alex Jones isn't an admitted Rosicrucian, Scheuer isn't admitted ex-CIA (that doesn't exist, you double digit IQ mongs), David Icke isn't of the Hickes peerage and can certainly not be a limited hangout. No, no, no… forget the jews, forget the jesuits, forget the british crown, forget maritime admiralty law and canon law, just keep believing that the deep state psychopaths who created the alien psyop would never use such a fanfiction to trick mankind a la project bluebeam into signing up for the new world order. Reality is a hologram. Nothing is real. Aliens control jews. Enjoy your stupid civil war and the FEMA camps that'll follow LOL
big if true…
He was also a OWS demonstrator.
To briefly summarize for newfags: Occupy Wall Street was an attempt by Soros and co. to radicalize the left wing for agitation and political gain while deflecting all blame for the financial crisis from themselves. It was also controlled opposition to kill any genuine uprising against (((bankers))). However, the golem soon turn on its masters and started to get dangerously close exposing (((those responsible))), so they shut it down. It was also the training ground for "community organizers" to perfect techniques of coordinated mass protests via social media that was later unleashed with BlackLivesMatter.
don't forget the 1% goy
Kill yourself.
OWS got subverted by a bunch of fucking bitches, and that is the general state of your political anthem.
Look it up. I'm listening to the audiobook now and heard that line……….and immediately remembered that exact news story. Pulled it from the website.
The world is turning into that goddamn world.
Devils advocate, gunshots can be difficult to locate because they echo. The tendency for gunshots to echo is one of the reasons multiple shooters are often mistakenly reported initially.
Almost certainly, I can't play devils advocate here. Guy is a spook for sure.
I remember in the video he asks someone else if they called the police. Guess he wanted some sort of recognition for the video.
Spook or horse's ass, getting hard to tell the difference these days.
The compromise came from the Amendments of the late 1800s you fucking kikes
I think Holla Forums should write a new Constitution. Here are the key points I think it needs:
1. No niggers. No jews.
2. Only land owning men vote.
3. Every land owning man must own at least one ATGM.
Now go back to your masters and tell them you've failed, CIANigger.
No usury. Every man has a right to work for the sole benefit of his posterity.
He hit the first couple people he shot at, and then he got immediate return fire either from plainsclothes police or a CCW civilian, it's not clear which.
Then he shifted from shooting the congressmen to shooting at the people shooting at him.
That's quite kikey no offense.
What about "only white families (that is, white heterosexual parents of each gender with at least one children) can have one, and only one vote" ?
The future is inescapable.
Kike detected.
Renters vote for gibs.
this is a cover story
like the whole thing they kept repeating in thenews reports:
"he asked if they were dems or republicans"
this was to plant the idea that scalise was targetted because he was republican in order to distract from the truth that
he was targetted for investigating child trafficking rings
Most likely (((they))) will now have someone compromised put in scalise's place.
Checked. Otherwise we would not have to wait for Pinochet's birthday ghost to spook Castro to death.
Not the same guy but I've been on imageboards since 2008 but I did not lurk /new/ or Holla Forums regularly until late 2012.
I like Mike but he's wrong about a looming Civil War. A great example would be Baltimore, a major American city, that saw massive riots that penetrated all the way to the White part of Downtown, where people were attacked outside the Baseball field. Where dozens of police officers were wounded, where dozens of buildings were burned down, and hundreds more looted and vandalized.
And what was the response from the good citizens of Baltimore? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No vigilante groups, no marching on City Hall to have the mayor thrown out for aiding and abetting the mob. Nothing… and after a few days everything calmed down and went back to normal.
I imagine this frustrates the Soros as much as anyone else hoping for things to pop off. The vast majority of people are simply too comfortable or sedated to be bothered with any sort of revolution or civil war.
And not "either" gender, but "each" gender. lel. I second that motion.
(someone correct)
you don't even know what an anthem is do you?
All fat unhealthy suit wearing degenerates look alike
We have very large barges, oil tankers and even cruise ships. It wouldn't actually be that hard to ship the niggers home. The spics are double their numbers and they are both more dangerous because they can think and their home is closer. For some reason everyone goes to how we should deal with niggers first.
About time he gets a sticky.
This guy, while former spook, knows his shit better than anyone else I can think of
I just don't trust this CIAnigger because once CIA ALWAYS CIA.
I shouldn't have responded without reading. I am still wary of this man because like I said earlier once CIA…..
Well I know from life experience that the company at one point was filled to the brim with Hardcore Capitalist Nationalist's. Now I know here being strictly NS we despise the idea of capitalism and nationalism being married. I'm simply stating that sometimes things don't always have some grand conspiracy behind them. Sometimes reality is what is presented.
First person who red-pilled me on the jews was someone who worked for the company
This pretty much. The CIA was created to infiltrate and influence the military.
Not after the Church hearings. That is when the bolsheviks effectively took over the agency by running off anyone that wasn't a marxist. Those old "dinosaurs" hate the directors like Deutch, Tenet, Tennant, etc.,.
Somebody webm this.
the first two covert CIA missions in Guatemala and in Iran was to protect the Dulles brothers and Eisenhower's wife business interests.
the United fruit company which basically was the government in guatemala selling banana's and controlling land and radio broadcasts (Owned by one of the brothers and the CIA director at the time was the other brother).
And in Iran for the British oil companies who the british royal family had owned the oil fields in Iran. CIA was created with the purpose of using covert actions to protect business assets of those involved
Reminder that Holla Forums and 99% of everyone posting on it are controlled opposition, that history and news have forever been fabricated to direct 'the masses' opinions and strengthen Masonic-Judeo-Whateverism and that the internet is a form of thought control. This guy might as well be your ideological origin, minus the nationalism.
Well, yeah, best to be skeptical of all sources. All anons here should read up on intelligence analysis. We need to be able to cut through any counterintelligence. Unfortunately we are at a severe disadvantage only being able to rely on open source intelligence, but that makes it even more necessary for us to learn analysis methods.
Wrong the Iran Contra happening is what effectively killed the last stance of Nationalists in the CIA.
That is how the last strain of nationalists were wiped from the CIA.
Look at this place lately it is filled with disinfo and cuckchan tier faggotry. There is no more discussion. THere is no more building of NS ideals. This place has effectively been coopted.
You sound like a libfag when you try to push impossible narratives "oh no it'd be easy don't worry."
Just like assimilating them would be easy, right libfag?
what's the problem? coinkidinks happen…
No groups rose up out of anger against the city government because Baltimore's population is around 60% black, and the rest are primarily upper-middle class liberals who live in all of the three-four white neighborhoods with a mix of impoverished whites who can't afford to move. What marching that did happen involved the white liberals teaming up with the professional black agitators in speaking out against "police brutality" and also against the governor for calling in the National Guard to uphold a strict curfew for a week. The violence and brutality of the riot was completely overlooked by most Baltimore residents because it reinforced black stereotypes that these people each and every day try to ignore or explain away as being a product of racism. It's honestly a wonder more events like that don't happen here because the young blacks here get a big kick out of terrorizing (especially) the dumb white liberals… But I suppose I can thank the tremendous heroin problem and the intra-gang warfare that comes with it as being a pacifier/distraction for the niggers.
Lemmie fill you in on something… All of the places where the niggers chimped out were in black areas. Don't be fooled by the suburbanites who were attacked by the stadium. They don't live here and only come in just long enough to get their American cultural fix, and get the hell out as fast as they can. After 4-5PM the downtown area becomes completely black, and during the summer it's one of the most dangerous places to be in despite it looking relatively nice for tourists. There are really only three or four neighborhoods here that you could consider to be solidly white.
Polite sage for going off-topic.
What a coincidence! I just watched this a few minutes ago. Good interview.
So now that the whip is in the hospital, have they replaced him with a substitute? Whoever it is will tell us why they shot the guy in the first place.
This hodgkinson mutt is starting to smell like a child rapist. Girls don't pour gasoline on themselves and set themselves on fire. Crazy violent thugs pour gasoline on corpses to destroy evidence.
Yeah, that's why they committed so many coup d'états in communist states around the world, right? Think before posting, retard.
Because most of them are
Just like the marxist globalist jew current pope. They have their hands on nearly all levers of power on the macro and micro level. Never should anybody underestimate crypto kike subversion.
Like Lenin said you filthy mongrel,"the best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves." You already know that however. All communism originates from the jew, all war made against it is theatre to sell munitions and mass murder White people, while furthering jewish and/or masonic interests. Exactly the same as ISIS and most modern "terrorism" Choke on a foreskin and KYS
Here is a video for you, mazel tav jew boy.
Talking shit about Israel is not is not the same as saying, "International Jewry is the world's foremost problem".
Get the fuck out you Looney. Your concern trolling posts are not welcome or helpful.
It wasn't subverted at all, it was itself a subversion.
Fug I was told all nazis had blue eyes and that brown eyed people were gassed.
They told us the same thing in school.
Let me guess, they also told you Hitler had brown eyes himself? And that he was jewish? Because that's what they told me, plus what you guys said, which somehow doesn't conflict with each other in their minds.
Then you were told 2 lies.
yep, exactly that. It got me interested in reading about it from a very early age. They dig their own grave with their lies.
In high school I was taught Hitler was around 5 feet 2 and had all his furniture "scaled down" and photos retouched to make him look taller, that he was on meth and that he ate a little bit of his soldier's shit to make him stronger so he had a disgusting bad breath.
I'm glad I found you Holla Forums
What did he mean by this?
Spirtans. Reaction to them.
I'm operating off my pre–1981 Quebec natural person user. Some of us know.
What the fuck is this shit?
Hope you niggers are getting ready
Make no mistake Dr. Michael Scheuer is 100% redpilled on the JQ.
He knows Israel did 9/11 and liberal Jews are the ones opening the floodgates to the West. He can see the destruction it has caused but is getting frustrated by the normies who cannot.
I think we all know that mass deportation isn't feasible. Better to find a final solution which allows the problem to be dealt with in situ than attempt to relocate it.
Fuck off you stupid cuck. No one said it would be easy. We just said it's possible. Most will flee North or South anyways. We'll probably kill 5% or less of them before they flee, especially if we offer free rides .
Is there a certain amount of time that must pass before a former CIA official can run for federal office? We elected one down here in Texas 3 years ago.
There probably should be, but I doubt such a law exists.
This board definitely needs to go back to more ideology building and intellectual discussion instead of sperging over coal burners or false happenings.
And people say best Korea brainwashes its citizenry.
Norks are told more truth than any American.
kissinger doesn't look very happy with the seating arrangement.
plz, never leave
It's interesting that the media likes to present certain things as a non-issue so people then do not think that it is an issue and look at you weird for bringing it up. Aside from a few 'exposes' or whatever, human trafficking is essentially non-existent to the average American. I live in a port city but all I see is a billboard warning people.
I think it's kind of like the 'sexual revolution'. A large scale societal shift that hides horrible crimes but is always portrayed as good or righteous. Open borders will only bring misery to everyone but people enjoy sniffing their own farts too much to say it, like how the spillover crime and drugs from Mexico is vehemently ignored by the left. They hate admitting that there are other angles to their jihad on civilization. Not saying those things are the reasons, they obviously just want to get rid of whites, but our (((elite))) benefits in even more ways.
You realize all you did was post your opinions, right? Got any proof?
No. They would have done good training with someone worth more if that were their angle. If they did this, it would be called a "lost" op, since an asset firing a loud gun in a place anywhere for a hit is automatically considered lost.
Always be armed. That's even in the Havamal.
You can't really "redpill" genetic trash, either. You can only train someone up to the potential that they are born with.
Finally anons are catching on that what I was saying for so long I got tired of saying it. (((GENDURR)))
Automatic Terpsichore Gun Machine?
What the hell is an ATGM?
Antitank guided missile. I should have ixquicked first.
That's fucking retarded. Scheuer is controlled ops to control the "conspiracy" narrative. CIA runs both sides of the op. This Filipino image board and its owner (((Jim))) is one such example.
This is the moron's excuse for inaction. Your rightful place is on the front lines, dying for your race. Get fit and get ready to fight. Your people require your blood and it will be your duty to bleed it.
He's urging the people he worked with to watch the dual-citizenship jews and kill them when they start packing.
Thank you
You obviously didn't even try listening to the video. Around 2:20, he says, "but the time is coming, and the president has a chance to maybe fix it with the law, and if not, we will fix it with rifles." He's asked to be more specific. At 3:20, he says "And I think there's an awful lot of people out there who know exactly who needs to be not around anymore if the time comes." Shortly after that he's asked to say who he's talking about specifically. At 4 minutes the very first person he names individually is Podesta. He knows.
To all the talk about when the CIA went bad, the roots of the CIA are the OSS, founded during WWII for Nazi hunting and subversive activities, and responsible for the murder of George Patton. They have been kiked since the beginning. CIA connections are a huge red flag for anyone. Everything about Scheuer seems legit to me though, if he is a psyop he's the best there ever was. It's hard to see how he could possibly be a shill because he literally says nothing wrong and everything right, including being willing to name israel and the jews.
Just one? user, I want a micro missile swarm. Who are you to stop me?
Your country will be full of whites who don't want to do yardwork and an enormous mexican underclass.
Muh ayy lmao's
This is a really good point and needs more digging.
There is a kike who wrote about his propaganda activities during World War 2 in the OSS and how the OSS was full of Jews. Eisenhower himself is referred to as a "Swedish Jew", so I assume he is a crypto Jew.
His name was "Daniel Lerner" and the book is named Sykewar
There is a digital copy somwhere (hard to find).
Apparently the OSS was full of Jews from various walks of life including Hollywood film makers, script writers, lawyers et al. The whole thing was an absolute joke.
Anons need to realise the CIA is not about "actual intelligence" its about creating "narratives" that suit the political agendas of ZOG.
Is it me or is this summer much worse than usual in terms of mentally ill, double digit IQ hard-ons who belong on fucking lithium? Assholes who have no idea who Dr. Scheuer is and how long he's been naming the Jew and how many jobs he's lost over it, yet they still think they are fit to say a fucking word critical of Dr. Scheuer..
I have invented a propane powered riding mower that lets you grill steaks medium rare as you cut grass
bump for vid
Trump needs to move on these criminals.
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but why?