Planetside 2 Thread: Tuesday Meatgrinder Edition

Faction: Terran Republic

Outfit: Spicy Spokes Serf Slayers (WWEW)
First, post on the PS2 thread with your character name along with a screenshot in-game on the loadout screen with a meme. Second, search our outfit by it's tag, WWEW in the outfit browser, the application must have your name with a meme, ID and post number from the thread.

The Tranu Ocean is salty everyday.
Some of you New Cheeseburgers™ are okay, don't go to the Crown tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:


sup ragequitside, hows flyin


repostan my template

that's just the game with heavy lag

play with some background downloads and prepare for the experience

Archive of the last thread.

Checking applications of normalfags, "I liked the music you guys play and you generally seem like a fun bunch!"

I've been making the helmet from Starship Troopers since I think it fits the TR quite well. Though mostly for giggles. But, I need some help to make it just different enough as to not get sued, and or denied.

The head is the standard male head from the game.

What would you add, remove, or change to make it look better?

I think there should be some more detail on it.
Scratches, a microphone or operator glasses, something like that

Noted. Thank you.


Seconding the Operator Goggles.


How do we initiate normalfags without them shitting up the board, if we should even do that in the first place?

Also another suggestion of mine would be to make the TR logo more prominent and noticable

Also noted. Thanks!

I'll check the thread in the morning for more replies. Keep them coming.

We don't. Normalfags are a cancer, they may look like us, or even act like us at times, but they will never be one of us.

If you guys have any names of people who've been banned for cheating, please feel free to share.

Especially if they're community mlg types: nivx, JHFO, x0niq, visigodo, etc.

Need a reference link of some sort for whatever character/alt they had that was banned - even if they were subsequently unbanned.

We don't. It's an outfit for anons, which means we only accept anons.

Vet them via pubbie squads.




have a doodle fam



oh boy here we go

Oh yes, most excellent.



user please

Oh my fuck

this pleases the brass


The Brass is most impressed

sauce on the image? google image searching reveals nothing

Did you try iqdb, saucenao despite it almost never working, and tineye?

yup, still can't find the artist.

Yes… YES!!!

Friendly reminder to not respond to the namefag

What if everybody namefags as the namefag and then nobody is the namefag?

The problem there is the resulting mass of confused dick-sucking…

We already did that last thread

*pounces on you*
*looks at your crotch*
what's this? :3

i wish i knew myself…


If /tg/ doesn't want you, what makes you think we want you?

I'd like more numbers as well, but normalfags eventually ruin fun stuff for us.

Oh well, I guess we'll just do cuckold and dickmuncher squads forever.

nice and white are the same person

I realized that 2 seconds ago

Sorry man, it's just the way it is. Like when that one Twitch fag wanted to make us "better".


Still, I say give normalfags a chance with a Pubbie Squad, at the very least it will help endear them to the Terran cause.

Pure suffering.

Alright so what would be easier, driving in a dick-shaped formation in galaxies towards the Crown to literally fuck it/the immigrants on it, or in swatsika formation as Harassers, so it can be viewable on the mini-map.

Or vice versa.

I'm a fan of the dick.

Dick would probably be easier to pull of for either.
Swatsikas require straight, perpendicular lines, and a line in general is near impossible to keep in this game with any group of vehicles.

I don't know what I expected.

what did you expect, user?

If it's a cut/cropped image then reverse image searching is always a pain
especially for thai etchings


Holy fuck ban Whiteeagle already it's killing these threads for me

Use the filter. He'll leave eventually.

really makes u think

It's not the same user, just because I close my eyes doesn't mean he'll disappear. And I don't think he'll leave because anyone new to the thread will encounter this massive faggot no matter what

You could argue that rule 8 would help in banning him, but I don't think the mods give enough of a shit to do anything.


he was pretty fucking mad

Well he's certainly shitting up the thread but that can be fixed if he stopped namefaging but he won't

So how the fuck do you join you gooks anyway? I applied a couple times and got rejected. I wanna blast some purps.

First, post on the PS2 thread with your character name along with a screenshot in-game on the loadout screen with a meme. Second, search our outfit by it's tag, WWEW in the outfit browser, the application must have your name with a meme, ID and post number from the thread.

Or read the OP

Too bad the mods will never look at namefagging as well as avatarfagging and most trip usage the same way everyone else does.

That skelly hand has been bugging me

Whoops. My bad.

We don't.

Says it the best: We're an outfit started by anons for anons.

Think you could make a plague doctor mask, like pic related? Maybe a little more styled to fit into the feel of the game?

This is fucking beautiful.

brass is impressed/10

does anybody have the webm of when some of our nerds remade the bane scenes from the batman movie? tfw they started making it right as i quit to sleep

Nice, but behind every masked TR soldier lies undead skellingtons.

Here you go fam.

It's split across two webms that are almost at the file size limit.


Other one

Sound like total cancer

If you still have the original and not the youtube upload or webms, i can probably make a better and 3 part version

I never would've expected to find giantess type lewds in here. That's fucking great.

Is it normal to feel this way?

I'm getting ready to put the game down for good

Playing at peak hours is the best time to avoid aircancer.

the lower the server pop, the worse the aircancer gets, because they know there's jack shit a 1-12 pop hex can do to stop them. Early morning is pimetime aircancer hours.

So I spent the 1000 certs on the amp and holy shit this thing is great. All the benefits of the repeater and more with significantly longer range. Its practically a pocket lynx, pairs really well with a shotgun.


Globemaster's not on during the day. That's reason enough for me. Talk about no fun allowed.

Take a break or play some EDF, removing Tranu in that game is satisfying and fun.

Just play during the weekends man.

Weekend are even worse. All the no fun allowed everyones are on.

If you're using drifter jets, how do you maximize your speed when there's no jump pads around? I've tried doing a sort of Quake-style strafe jump with them by holding W and making tight ~90 degree turns to each side, alternating as I go. Sometimes it seems like I get a pretty noticeable speed boost. Has anyone ever explored this in depth? Should I use a smaller or larger turning radius when I do it?

Don't use it too often and don't know if there are changes, here, let the PS2 statwhores' most hated player/developer explain.

crouch and dont hold sprint

Hold Space + A and move your mouse left to drift right and the opposite to drift left

Oh wait going faster, holding crouch while you slide on the ground makes you faster

I love drifters.

notice any familiar names?

Thin grey line = friend with 1 cheater; Thick grey line = friend with 2 cheaters; Blue dotted-dashed line = friend with 3+ cheaters.

Green star = Previously banned for cheating; Yellow star = personal suspicion of cheating; Blue star = personally witnessed cheating.

Red dotted = S or higher on their weapons; Orange dotted = A or higher

(according to ps2.fisu data, and not everyone on the map has been checked yet, or added, for that matter. I've barely even dug into this, but it looks like the ~50-100 people in the inner circle of cheaters and friends. Also FWIW an S-Class rating should be 1 in 500, but so far almost every person I've checked has it.



we need to go deeper

Friendly reminder to also report the namefag. It really does help user.

So does this mean there really is a huge amount of aimbotters in Ps2?


I've had them panic flare before I even fire. It's both funny and opens them completely up after the 5s wears off.

There's 5 people in the map who've been banned by daybreak in the past for cheating, 1 person I caught lagswitching earlier today, and when I dug into it - whaddya know, he's friends with those bunch of people previously banned for cheating. Who would have thunk it?

All of them have a number of alts, each alt has slightly different friends lists, but they keep feeding back into each other. The same people over and over again, the same outfits over and over again: peetree, visigodo, x0niq, tyr; [AC], [IACI], [DA], [TIW], [Cl0p] - speaking of which there's actually 3 brony outfits that seem to share members.

As I understand it, these people get a pass because the cheating is hard to prove, and they're very active on twitch streams and help advertise the game/bring in players/spend money.

I honestly don't even care whether they do get banned or not, it was enough for me to know these people had to resort to crutches, in spite of being some of the better players in the game.

I did that once because i wanted to see the result and in that situation in specific shooting would just result in the rocket crashing into a tree, the guy ended up flipping his shit and speeding into another tree

No, it actually means there's only maybe a few hundred out of the 30k-50k regular players. You'll have run into them before, but for the most part everyone you're fighting day-to-day is legit.

I've gotten most of my air kills this way, the rocket hits them and then they panic boost into the ground

It doesn't really work on Libs, but decent Lib crews are almost impossible to bring down

I love lockon rockets。 Wish I could get them faster on my TR character since I miss them from my NC one. ;-;

You just need more rockets.

lockon buff when

Who is this everyone you speak off?

This is a free board, faggot. Stop trying to force your bullshit views on everyone.

You're okay with avatar, name, and trip fagging?

Special instances where they are used correctly are fine in my book, although they are a rare occurrence.

Well, some of those guys are obviously not cheaters from personal experience, I've even dominated one of of them.


there are people that even with blatant cheating go years unbanned (like embed related, caught that player shamelessly using a lagswitch to instantly kill me with the orion, underboss, commissioner and betelgeuse a few weeks ago) simply because every single time you ban someone for lagswitching or something like netlimiter it's more or less based on heuristics and while that might work very well it's sooner or later going to screw a legitimate player over, and they're too lazy to do it manually every now and then or have someone dedicated to checking on people all day

There's this guy, "IIIIIIIIIIIIII" (a bunch of Is and Ls in the name) with multiple alts who is a recurring cheater and has been banned multiple times but what's peculiar about him is that despite every single cheat websites i've been to not having anything for planetside 2 besides extremely simple external things like as i said before lagswitch/netlimiter and ahk scripts this guy has during that time ran around with speedhacks, played as a heavy apparently equipped with a jetpack, deal way more dps than any gun ever could and just shot an orion on full auto while tens of people in a room died to headshots without missing a shot. My point is there's possibly a private cheat going around and it's not too implausible that he doesn't keep that for himself, I don't have it but i also remember on the ps2 forums some guy actually put up a chart about how some MLG players just so happen to play much better when they're not streaming or when their gameplay footage from the moment isn't posted later

learn to deal with newfags trying to fit in user

It doesn't bother me. Why would it?
You're getting triggered over something so insignificant.

It's a cancer that promotes more cancer, go check out the
actually I'll just link it
See the image about the degradation of a fanbase.

I don't deny that; this is just a relationship map and I expect there are friends within the group who actually don't cheat.

The point of it was more to build up a picture of how the cheaters in this game have their own little clique of connected friends, and that any particular person within this group is more suspect for cheating by association with known cheaters than some random pub in the game would be.

Traseros in particular seems to burn through alts like crazy, constantly getting them banned and then starting new ones. I've got 12 alts for him so far, but there's probably more.

pretty much this

but fuck the namefag in this thread for other reasons

sad blueglass is sad

Wow, what a drama queen.
Quit making a mountain out of the anthill.

traseros alts don't get banned, he just likes to start on new characters specifically to trigger nerds like you. it doesn't take any certs to cert out medic or heavy, and with even more wrelfare shit coming later this month (free attachments) you can expect to see even more of the me too crowd doing it too

I'm fine with artfags, devs, and other special cases using a trip, but more often than not it is a problem. If it isn't cancer, look at /sft/. Look at the 4am threads.

user what? Explain how attentionwhoring and tripfagging aren't cancer.
Also tripfagging does literally destroy the whole point of an anonymous image board.

It's annoying, like a stain on shirt that won't come off but you wish it wasn't there on the first place. More than anything, namefagging is unnecessary to begin with

Pity I can't fap to this.
I'm laughing too hard

A lot of things are unnecessary, fam.
Like your post.

The right to anonimity does also imply the right to not make use of that right. If someone is namefagging and it bothers you, ignore him. Hide his ID.

But no, instead you come crying like some pussy, asking for global action (like SJW's).

user it's misuse of tools. Also last time I checked, shitposting was a bannable offense- to the discretion of the mods to preserve the integrity of the board that contains the views of it's original purpose- which is to be a platform of anonymous nature for those who are interested in anime that want to talk about video games.

Last time I tried to ignore things they never go away and self-censorship is fucking stupid.

Nigger what. You sound like some high horse preach fag, some righteous internet warrior of right and wrong when there's nothing anonymous about namefagging on anonymous imageboard. I don't know why you're tolerating this but mind as well everyone namefag or have some account system if you don't care about anonymity on an anonymous imageboard. Sorry I can't be tolerant and open minded person as you. I'll send your reddit gold when you drop your username


Thank you.

You won't get sued for making a homage to a movie prop from a movie made nearly two decades old.

Yeah, but it's still a current IP (owned by Disney I think) that might make whatever content reviewers Daybreak has leery.

I haven't played a large-scale FPS game in forever, the last time I did the game was pretty awful. It was called Heroes & Generals and it was only ever good when everyone involved in a battle had really good players. Got top of the team this battle from both Captures and Tank Destruction, was fucking awesome.
It was really competitive until it wasn't. The soviets in this particular game were kicking our shit in until we started playing defensively, then it came down between Americans and Germans, until we finally pushed them out of the last point and won.
Downloading now, hopefully this is another game that's terrific and fun with great teammates, looking forward to sub-machine-gunning my way to victory again.

I would fucking hate it when botters came on and immediately fucked everyone elses fun in that game, it almost always ruins the fun of the game for everyone involved. The three way battles were fucking awesome if everyone on your team was a halfway decent player.

When I want ESFs dead, I use a Striker or pull a Skyguard.
When I want to piss them off, I use a Grounder and don't fire just to blare high-pitched whining in their ears.
Let off a rocket every once in a while just to remind them not to fuck with you.

Hey H&G has had some decent updates…
Plenty of broken shit, but decent updates.

It can be, but the Sub Machine-guns aren't as great here, plus you'll have to grind or buy them.

You're default Pistol as a Terran is the Repeater, which with it's rapid three shot burst is a pretty decent panic fire weapon, there is also the AMP (TR Specific) and the Emissary (Common Pool), side arms that are basically "pocket SMGs."

As defaults go, the Trac 5 carbine plays more like the Grease Gun, the Carv LMG like a PPSH, and you are going to love the T1 Cycler Assault Rifle.

feels lonely

The servers really crash hard in player count during off-peak hours when merica sleeps go to the europe servers. When europe sleeps switch back to east coast.

Aus and west coast players are fucked, sorry.

I'll join in abit


Are those things worth anything? I don't think I've ever been killed by one.

they're only worth it as a distraction or a watch dog

They can buy you a few precious seconds on a defense, but you can get a few kills if you have a nice blind corner.

I think they also work well in large groups, but I've only seen more than one set down once.

I have more spitfire kills than AV or AI turrets and they're good in numbers (2 or more) protecting your sundi or prowler against C4 fairies. One is enough for protecting your deployed prowler because the spitfire beeps when an enemy is near by so you can hop off and shoot, go to your second gun and shoot, or undeploy and run away once you hear that beep. In my personal experience it takes 8 shots to kill someone but I dont know the stats.

please add

will does

Oh fuck those do fuck up mines.
Kinda getting the urge to go infilshitter now
After I get enough surplus certs for getting an smg though

They also fuck up Spitfires, so if you ever stack them, be sure to keep them far enough that a single EMP doesn't get them all.

i killed four maxes with an emp grenade once, because they were standing on tank mines

they were friendly maxes in the middle of a max crash and we lost the base because of it

emp grenades are great

Yeah you should watch out for that stuff. I'll be more concious of putting down mines inside buildings without thinking if an enemy MAX will come along now. Would not be fun getting FF kills because VS infilshitters throw in those EMP grenades.

I usually limit to one tank mine per doorway, since shitpushing VS small squads tend to lead with a single MAX, maybe the third on the stairs if it's a generator building.

What is this, who is responsible for this

The can't learn japanese part or the banner?
That's been there for a few weeks I think.

the link to the catalog has always been there user

Any word on if those VS fags who had seemingly limitless HP and damage output either logged out yet or got swamped?

Wut? You must be on some heavy drugs there, m8.

Your definition of shitposting is incredibly broad and useless.
I consider what you're doing shitposting. Should you be banned?

Integrity is such an empty word these days…
This is a platform that enables and encourages anonimity. That doesn't mean you HAVE to make use of it all the time. Free speech implies the right to speak as you want too - which includes using any fucking image or string of characters you want.

Reatards like you just tempt me to avatarfag just to piss you off.

Why do you put every sentence on its own line? Because you're a fucking foreigner, go back to reddit.

Are you honestly implying that everything you don't like/approve of HAS to go away, and if it doesn't, it's somehow a major issue that everyone has to fix?

Why am I tolerating it?
Because it's pointless to even get upset about it? Because it hurts no one? Because it triggers faggots like you and I find it amusing?
But the thing I laugh at the most is your inability to find an actual flaw in my argument, so you resort to "m-muh redditfag!"

Work on your sentence structure. I can see it's wrong and I'm not even an native english speaker (balkans, the lands of kebab removal).


I made the initial draft, then some random designfag improved it and cucked me out of muh board legacy

forgot the pic

I've updated the model. After finding some reference for the goggles I gave it a shot on adding them. Personally I'd like to remake them from scratch. But, these work fine for showing what it would look like with the helmet.

I had to push them in under the helmet because it didn't work with the goggle straps on the outside.

The materials are just pre-sets and nothing is final. I'll look into getting some finer details once the model itself is finalised.

I enlarged the emblem. How does it look now?

I wouldn't rule it out just yet. I do like plague doctor masks myself.

very nice, i still hope you'll add some scratches into the texture and the emblem is perfect size imo

Can you also add a part about sniping? Say something like "to account for bullet-drop over long distances, use the mildots. place a personal waypoint on your target's area to determine distance." Also, make sure engies are informed about the anti-material rifle which can two-shot MAXes for those massive zergs.

the point of that was to show that there's other things you can do as an infilshiter but I'll see about adding something like that in

I'll do something for other classes when I get enough I want to say for them but that's something I didn't know the engineers had, so I'll keep that for when I does make one

the archer is a novelty weapon being effective EXCLUSIVELY against MAXes and literally nothing else, which is extremely retarded considering its an AT rifle.

The model for the helmet looks great and thanks for considering the plague doctor mask.

I don't like is the bowl on top and the goggles look small to me like bloody sea side snorkel goggles




Daily reminder:

I appreciate the feedback.
Can you explain what's wrong with the bowl shape for me? Keep in mind that the picture is what I'm trying to emulate.

I am heavily considering remaking the goggles as my previous post stated. So they will most likely be changed to something better.

it'd say that it needs to be flattened out because it looks abit tall while looking at it from the front

I like so far, but could you give the face and neck a little covering, like a faceplate that gets put on before the helmet and gorget?

I've successfully used a Mana Turret as a shield against Vanu scum.

I like the helmet, but I think the goggles should be a little bigger (especially more width)

Now all we need is Prowler Chan.

Fuck webms take forever to encode. That is, if you don't want them looking like absolute garbage.

Do you have the rest of the lewds?

I don't think Prowler-chan's lewds exist. Or if they do, I'm unaware of it.

Well, one of them ended up being under the file size limit pre-conversion.
Enjoy, lads.

If VP10 or X266 doesn't come with GPU offload I swear I'll fucking stab the codec engineers with a teddy bear till they die

Well no, I can't draw for shit.

I mean the Max lewd, and "the ass is impressed" lewd.



Also here

What program/settings did you use?
I use XMedia Recode because it's easy.

Tell me you bullied them back and valk-chan was okay.

In risk of getting hatred I can't deal with this week cause of shit going on as ppl keep telling me I'm shilling my shit

they crashed into each other

Settings I used was 500bit for the video and 64bit for the sound

Show us more.

fucking chavs.

I didn't make them, its just what happens in the webm, it wasn't clear at first so I watched again and saw that they had done so

Man, so tired, didn't notice the tranu scythes crashing into each other with no survivors, good job Valk-chan squad!



Good job Valk-chan and her crew of Jenkemm, Cocktagon and AceMclanding.

Poor Valk-chan!

This is extremely useful, thanks user. Expect some spicy webms soon.

Thank you. More will come soon, my friend.

Should I change the webm to make it more obvious? I showed this to some friends and they all were asking me what exactly happened in the video.

I keep getting friend requests from pubbies whenever I battlebard. I don't know why but it's probably my name I wish Monster Musume didn't become so popular with normalfags. Does anyone else get a lot of friend requests from pubbies while battlebarding?

PlanetSide 2 time lapse of each planet's territories.

Yeah normally I don't give a fuck if ppl call me crap etc but these last 2 months have put me in an extremely bad mindframe and the "Shill" comments I just couldn't deal with ATM

Tis a sad day when the normans fuck with things.

Did you use VP8 or VP9?

I do pretty frequently and my name is only relevant for one or two of them so it's more the barding bit

C4 Fairies



… does anyone have an overly motherly Ant-san?
Praising Aspis-chan for shooting down a Scythe?

they're clearly not trying hard enough, especially not the right class for it. Heavy Assault seems more appropriate.

maxiumum destruction for a MAXimum foe.

If a Heavy tries that I just Charge them. At that range getting all headshots with MAX weapons, especially high RPM TR ones, kills them quick.

Well i'm implying the MAX isn't aware of the heavy's presence. I would never attempt to get in one's face if it knew I was there.

If you have time to do all that, the MAX clearly isn't doing it's job.


they deserve it.

You'd think they'd spot you because they'd care about their MUH KD.


i know it's shit

do a slow mo up close shot of it instead of fading to black

Okay guys. Let me in.
Name: BenisOfBorg

Bonus donut steel in full HD.

Will do. Encoding will take a while, though.
Here's the mp4 in the meantime.

How long did it take to encode?
Takes me fucking forever.

If only valk-chan had some more firepower. Then it could be viable in combat, instead of just being used for airdrops/squad spawns.

Sometimes I think we have too many engineers.
Then I remember how many times we throw vehicles at enemies.

Crap, about to go to bed and I'm not online, hope some of the officers are up and you better have a meme, ID and Post No. on your application, otherwise, going to bully your request if its still there later today.

Too many engineers > too many heavy assaults/infilshitters.

How many engineers have completely mastered the repair gun? I know I have and I've only been playing for five days. I mastered it in two.

I mastered my Medigun and went for the ANT, but I have quite a few points in the repait gun

Better than me, I'm trying to make mine a little more durable and utilitarian first before I run off and try other things.

By mastered you mean fully upgraded?
I haven't yet, I'm on the second to last upgrade, third to last on the medigun.

Yes, fully upgraded.

lets go over this real quick with your outfit leader.
NC of like BR 5 the last time I encountered him who I was never able to kill whenever we meet and when I do manage to get the drop on him I either die or we kill eachother

Orion statshitter of course, met several times.

the same, mysterious accuracy, several times I have been killed by him I have heard all of his orion shots hit me in unison [THE WORLD] style

apparently the best of the best, statshitters like the eternally assravaged xychromosome brag about being able to pop him.
shows the usual signs of lagging around and absurd accuracy

The really funny part is during a biolab fight on easamir every single person above plus a few others on that image except for kana, being an NC showed their face.

You can report me if you think I'm shitposting, yes that's how it works.
Post quality is an opinion of itself. Mods were appointed because they know the intent of what the board should be like, they'll decide if the post quality is in line with the board subject.
No. This isn't an encouragement, the site is made to post anonymously. The whole point of posting here is to not have a name. I'm not sure if you understand why the anonymous aspect of these boards is such a big deal.
Free speech also has nothing to do why we post as user intentionally and why we ridicule and attack those that put on a name.
And yes, tripcodes, names, sage all are tools on the site. If you don't understand how they're used properly you should go fuck off and lurk for a month.


I'm more pissed about the fact that I didn't think of that.

I like it when normalfags start quoting Pequod at me. I find it pretty fun.

this game looks like a shitty as fuck iron sight shooter knock off of battlefield 3. You faggots need some taste desperately.

You make do with what you've got. In that case I had tank mines, which actually proved to be far more effective than pulling a vehicle, or a heavy assault, or max. Works well for deployed sundies too, you can airdrop from a Valkyrie and rain tank mines from the sky, which will explode on impact.

Sticky grenades go really well with tank mines too, to serve as the trigger if you don't have the time to aim and shoot.

Ah, I'll take note of that. Thanks user.

All of a sudden I'm not angry about the fact that I dumped a hundred certs into getting stickies.
>tfw you managed to nail a goddamned NC MAX with a sticky while he was bouncing between a Bio Lab and an adjacent area
>it exploded on his return trip while he was in midair
>the only fucking response I got was "nice throw"
>I have no idea if I managed to knock him out of the air and send him falling to his death

Maxed that shit as soon as possible, keeping the armor living is invaluable. It don't pay much, but taking objectives does.

Also, fuck you game. Screenshot related

That's some bullshit there.


Default medkit rezzes are shit. Take some fuckin' pride in your work.
If it's your first day, I wouldn't worry about it too much, but if it's week, month, year, whatever, then they ought to be fucking ashamed.

well you could alwayd get up on a lower ledge and try the secondary laser


someone asked for /ss/?

Daily reminder: do not reply to degeneracy.

Says the user who replied to sundie-chan~

I miss Koltyr!

go back to /4am/

I didn't know hating something considered triggering. I guess everyone on 8ch is triggered 24/7. You do know where you are right? But you're just some apathetic fag enabling nigger

But the thing I laugh at the most is your inability to find an actual flaw in my argument, so you resort to "m-muh triggered!"

I'll try my best to go put every sentence on its own line

It's also cheap as fuck to upgrade, right? I think it was only around 200-300 certs to get it up to 5.

Another update based on the feedback.

I scrapped the old goggles as they didn't fit well. Then I did a new set from scratch based on better reference. They are wider this time and sit closer on the face.
Let me know what you think!

Additionally I redid the chinstraps because they had a lot of wasted polys previously.
I have around 125 faces left in the allotted budget set by Daybreak. So I can add a new part, or make a part to more detailed if anyone has a good idea.

I also slightly flattened the top part of the dome to better reflect the actual prop.

Nice work. The goggles look a lot better. How long will it take to make it in-game once you submit the final model?

it shows and it's much better for it

you need to bevel the back of that ridge though if you want it to be more accurate

good job

Looks pretty dope. I have no suggestions what you could add.
You don't happen to have any tips for getting started with 3D, do you? I want to make my own helmets but blender is kicking my ass.

blender is shit I've found, pirate maya or 3d studio max


or just get the educational versions, I didn't find much different

Is it possible to hit aircraft with the vulcan or am I just retarded? How do I git gud as a gunner with something other than the gatekeeper?

Vulcan is shit vs aircraft, its been nerfed because prowlers kept downing liberators after they buffed the vulcan to be not shit at non cqc ranges. They introduced the memekeeper so that all factions had a long range av weapon.

the vulcan is close to mid range weapon, if air is close enough to the ground, sure you can hit them but it isn't likely you're going to bring them down with it

Vulcan has a fuck massive spread, and I am guessing either its spread shots are missing or Daybreak has hidden stats in place to prevent you from hitting aircraft with it at range

Its the same thing with Max bursters, if aircraft are more than 200m away I swear they slow your shots down to about quarter speed so you can't hit far away aircraft

You need to lead by a lot because it's inaccurate as fuck, and the little I've tried seems to be that it has to be ones that could be damaged by infantry fire in order to actually do damage.

Gun damage drops off the further away something is, so it might be true.

I just know if the aircraft is within 200m my shots hit it near instantly, past 200m it takes about 1-2 seconds to hit it

If so that's fucking sleazy out of Daybreak guys

There's also the fact that there's different damage values for each weapon, your vulcan may do 20 damage per hit to infantry and tanks but it could do 0.1 to aircraft due to damage factors.

Should have used those good goy points :^)

Its just that the tracers become invisible to you, the speed is constant but it becomes hard to aim. You don't notice that you aren't leading enough because the COF gets wider and those outliers hit accidentally. until a certain point where the projectile gravity is too high.

I think the most hilarious buff is the Kestrel

The thing was already a lib/galaxy killer, now its even more so

It keeps getting better every time, looking forward to the final product.


Are revival grenades worth it?

Thank you!
I actually don't know. There's a section for player submitted stuff on the Daybreak forums where the senior art director hangs out and provides tips for creators. They also require you to post your contributions there for evaluations prior to actual submission apparently.

If you're still a student then you can get a one year license for basically any program from Autodesk for free. On the condition of non-commercial educational use. That's where I started.

As for how you get better, or even find out how to begin. I would look for sites that provide learning material. Youtube has decent beginner tutorials for interfaces and building your first stuff. Lynda is all right. Plurasight/DigitalTutors is great.

Don't be afraid to reach out to more experienced people. I was incredibly lucky in my case. I looked up one of the players that had gotten items accepted for TF2. Contacted him and asked for help. Incredibly enough he accepted me and began to mentor me.

Start out small. It can be tempting to start out with a massive project, like a tank. But it won't go anywhere productive in 90% of cases. Grab a simple object close to you and try to recreate it in your program of choice. A cup, a plate, a lighter, a bottle. Easy to break down things. This will help you get a better feel for the tools in your toolbox, hone your abilities to identify challenges, and find solutions.

Practices, practice, and more practise. That's all I can say. I can tell you from personal experience that it sucks to sit there and make crap that look god awful, all the while getting frustrated at ones inability to make a simple thing. But, there's just no cheat to git gud. Sooner or later you will find yourself getting better.

Depending on what kind of 3D you want to do. Then there are a lot of different ways to do it. For example I'm trying to get into character modelling and soft surface. So I've been toying with Zbrush and a tablet for about a year now. If you want to do weapons, vehicles, or general hard surface modelling. Then look up 3DSMax, or Maya.

Those are my tips and experiences. Use them as you see fit.

Thanks! I was looking into some detailing on the back. Just can't decide on what would fit.

Thank you, kinds lads. I appreciate it!

I heard people praise them to hell and back.

They're most useful when you're in a farm or have a shitload of dead people on a point.

Wew lads.

Yes. They can get your squad up if reaching them is too dangerous and chucking it in a biolab farm will get you lots of certs. Situational though.

…I hope that doesn't count for decals, since I already submitted the WWEW decal.

Good for you, but that has never worked out for me. I had to teach myself everything I know.
Thanks either way. I've modeled a crate and a cup in blender so far, but I keep getting stuck on smaller problems. I guess turning my concepts into 3D is gonna take a while.

Please don't tell me the TR inf I killed with my max wasn't one of you guys

He cried and bitched like a mule

Please stop this myth. Revival grenades have one very specific use, bio lab farms or 96+ pop fights. They are a waste > 90% of the time you play. They're worth the 200 certs to get them, but they are not amazing.

a good strategy that we used once before was for someone to scream IM GOING TO POP A RES NADE ON POINT.
At which point we all ran in and scattered ourselves while killing the best we could.

When we revived we were pre-scattered around the room and caused a bunch of chaos, earning us the point we had been fighting over.

I'm not entirely sure but, I think it's only for 3D related things.

What kind of problems do you usually get stuck on?

Whew he's not

CassandraRiles is his name though, bitched like a mule I pulled a max to deal with his cloaking ass

That's a relief then.

I wasn't sure how to scale things properly and how to connect vertices, but I figured it out. It's usually really minor snags, but I get lots of them, like cutting a hole in the handle of the cup.

I guess I'll play monster hunter while I wait for more people to play and i'm slightly burned out so playing a different game is nice once in a while

Some of the lads are also playing EDF, fucking comfy game. removing Tranu is satisfying in that game along with singing about deployments!

Well, I was gunning for Antifunpatrol's Harasser with a Vulcan on it, some no-fun airchav certed liberator did a fucking nose dive hunt on our asses, got about 40% damage BRRRRTZ the thing before the crazy little shit shot us with a lucky Dalton.

Oh yeah that came out

.. tell me there's a happy ending and this isn't some brutal rape thing.

Also, what's EDF?

I had it at the penultimate level almost immediately. I only got the last level like a week ago. There's better things to spend 500 certs on.

I think the yarhar'd version is out already.

Using your problem as an example here's how I would approach it in Maya.

Firstly I select the two faces that needs the hole between them. Then I delete them. Select the two rims of the hole on both sides. Using the world, instead of the object, I extrude in the XY axis to pull directly inwards. To create the polygons inside the hole I use a tool called "Append to Polygon". I proceed to click from edge to direct opposite edge. Thus making the face. Repeat till done.

I don't know how Blender functions but I found it helpful to go through every tool one by one learning what they do. Then experiment on how I can apply it. I hope it helped.

Why do you faggots never post the server you're on.

That's essentially how I did it, except I extruded the sides and scaled them inwards, then deleted them.
I'm starting to get a better grasp on how to get desired shapes, so that's a start. Thanks for the advice.

memerald, stupid.

Emerald nigger.

What the fuck? I grinded out 5 auraxium medals for a fucking banner then?

Isn't in the OP, but 2 seconds of searching through the thread you can find the recruitment webm which specifies the server.

He's legit retarded or too lazy to even bother.

Fug, haven't checked the OP for awhile, gonna have to fix that on the next thread.

Oh my fellow Terrans please tell me.
How do I master Prowler-Chan

they cant be bought for good goy points


You have to be assertive yet gentle with Prowler-Chan. She's a big girl but still a lady.
Why did my id change holy shit

max deployment, armor piercing, headshot vanu infis in the next hex.
remove low flying galaxies.

no wonder plebbit hates you guys, if you let niggers that cant even read in your outfit

Where do you think you are?

redditside is that way >>>/redditside/

What is this DRAP you speak of.

its like youre trying to fail the "am i a nigger?" test

Sadly, I do not have AP turret yet. Should upgrade deployment, or save up to AP.

Are you autistic?

I think you should go out and get a watermelon and some chicken to cool off, you nigger.

Go join Vanu.

AP first. You will get fucking rekt by fagriders until then.

Forgive my awful Japanese, I'm still learning

yeah, they could probably stand to be a bit wider, shortened and rounded a bit on the bottoms, and maybe closing up the bridge of the nose/brow.



Working anti-cheat when?

Add me please
What server is everyone playing on?
And how do I change servers if I'm not on the right one?
Guess I'm not posting that webm then.


What server everyone plays on really should be in the OP, goddamnit.

I wish this was shown in a splashscreen during loading so all the infiltrator players might take the hint and start being useful.

If you just started a character, you're not going to waste much time switching servers.

It was on the OP before but apparently it's not on this one

You know, if they'd expand the API a little bit and show accuracy and HSR for certain range brackets, it'd be that much easier to see who's running around with an aimbot or recoil hacks.

Hey lads. Just sending an app in now, hope to rekk some Tranu.

Well if we have the rangefinder already as an implant than it wouldn't be hard to make that into a stat.


The fuck? Where's my webm?

grue ate it

Someone add me, just keep in mind I'll be next to useless doing anything but painfully slow healing.

Hotwheels stop eating my fucking files.

Maybe it was the white whale.

Use the T1B Cycler

Medics are better at killing people than heavy assaults are, heavy salts are just more survivable.


Let's try a different webm.


Is it better to invest in a sidearm before investing in a main weapon?
The amount of times my current sidearm (default, no attachments) has failed to kill someone even when getting the drop on them is starting to get on my nerves.
I was thinking the T4 amp, for the dakka, and because it would make infilshitting a lot easier.

No point in getting anything but the commy really

Absolute cancer. WWEW + AceOfSpades are the best TR outfits. SUIT is pretty okay. You guys just act like fags here.

Treat the Repeater like a tap-fire SMG and aim for headshots with, it becomes better than even the T1B Cycler at CQC.

I'd suggest you try investing in something like a shotgun or a G2A launcher unless all you play is infilshit, in which case go with the Armstice since it's a great sub-machinegun.

I mainly play engineer.
I like shotguns, so which would you suggest?

Could someone post all the TR at the crown memes?
I need them for webms and I didn't save them from the previous threads because I'm stupid.

Well you do now get a default one, the FA1 Barrage.
Try that first and see how it feels.

Uppercut is a good all-rounder but i heard the Blackjack with slug rounds performs akin to a high powered pump-action battle rifle, although it can also perform just as good with the standard 00+buckshot rounds for anything that isn't beyond close-medium range.

We won Amerish via Hives, so fuck you AOD and Jizzthoth.


Redo your application, might have rejected yours along with some normalfags.

So could you farm exp if everyone in an outfit sat around an ammo box of an engi and just shot shit, or are there countermeasures for that

You could do that.

Making a new thread.

You can, support-playing isn't rewarded enough in this game.


what should I save up for?
I make probably 250 certs a month and everything costs 1000