Will capitalism ever die in our lifetime?

Will capitalism ever die in our lifetime?

No lmao

MAYBE, you get an anti-capitalist fascist country.

not unless civilisation does, which to be fair is looking increasingly likely

Pick one my man.

O shit it's david byrne

Just like when fascists allied with the industrial magnates? :^)

What if you die during the revolution tho?

People are definitely disillusioned by it at this point, Holla Forums is full of a bunch of fatalist pussies. We'll have UBI within our lifetimes.


So more liberalism.

some countries are better suited for reformism than others.

Nope. Because:

- Socialism/Communism in one country doesn't work. We need a global revolution that will probably never happen
- For Communism to work, technology needs to be very advanced with the machines doing almost all the work
- People need to acquire class consciousness. The spectacle is controlled by porkies and they have become extremely proficient at brainwashing people to the point where even if shit hits the absolute bottom there will still gonna be hordes of zombie classcucks defending the system

And so on, and so on.

Even if you do all that reformist stuff, it still might get rolled back a few decades later, we've all seen that already.

I didn't say that.

UBI would be just a band-aid trying to hold a huge crack.

will I die during my lifetime?

Well how old are we?

We won't see communism. We could possibly see the beginning of socialist states and the crumbling of capitalism.

The world can change very quickly.

UBI will prolong capitalism

and how exactly will it solve climate change etc

then why are you here?

you're delusional if you think revolution soon is at all likely, that doesnt mean you don't want it to happen, you should be realistic


It won't get rolled back. I don't think people quite understand the effect automation will have. Capitalism is going to invent itself out of existence, and the only thing a UBI will do is make people's lives slightly less shitty while it happens.

After that we'll be in unexplored economic territory and it's anyone's guess how things will develop.

This argument was never about climate change, it was about providing a social reform to ensure people's survival under automation.

This is absolutely correct.
When you have extreme abundance of goods and services, with no laborers, what is the point of money?
In my opinion, assuming that we don't fuck it up, Communism will be an inevitability, it will be the only way that a society could function in the scenario, short of insane levels of UBI, which would be equivalent to giving someone a blood transfusion as they are bleeding from every limb.

holy shit cool. i know this sounds fucked up but i want to live in this world

What Is UBI?

Universal Basic Income



Just wait until 2070 or so.

except if we don't tackle resource/climate issues unemployment won't be a problem when society reverts to preindustrial hamlets

yeah i shouldve used a different image, the president S█████ verse can't be all bad

so why are we here? to keep the idea alive?

I guess, what else is there? At least when the ship is sinking I want to be able to tell myself I did my best


Maybe, but it won't happen within our life times.

Anarchism is more likely than communism tbh

If something resembling it does survive and is remotely socialist it's gonna be USSR-tier grim


Somewhere, in a better world…