Tonight my wife was reading through her bible, and suddenly asked me "Who is Molech?". I know there's a few of you here who are experts on the subject, so I thought I would turn to you for a proper explanation
What is Moloch
Other urls found in this thread:
The jews.
Is you wife anti semitic?
Cause she will be after this.
The Jews used to worship him and others through child sacrifice and other fucked up rituals.
They were the largest inspiration for the pagan religions that inspired satanism as a Christian concept. They still worship them, that's why there's thousands of societies dedicated to the study of paganism and the occult.
I don't exactly know how to answer this question. I did send her a link to this thread, so she'll probably see everything that gets posted here, and may answer for herself.
moloch is a faggot
No offense but you should probably get to know your wife better if you can't tell whether or not she's anti semitic.
BREAKING: Moloch not so tough after getting bullycided by Kek
I said I didn't know how to answer the question, I didn't say I didn't know what the answer was. She's not anti-semetic, but she does recognize that the Jews are responsible for many problems that plague us today. Short answer, of course. Still hoping she'll chime in herself.
Why would you do such a thing?
Moloch was one of the dieties worshipped in Canaan before the Israelite conquest. The Jews continued to worship the Canaanite gods (Baal, Moloch, Ashera etc.) in violation of the will of God. It involved shoving children into wooden effigies and setting them on fire. This is why the Jews kept getting curb-stomped by God every few generations.
Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the of thy God: I am the LORD.
Also see Songs of Solomon 1:5-6 for more mind fuck. Note the "I am black" part of it.
Better not be a shill tbh.
Tbh the Jews probably were the first to realize the concept of one single god and just used it to mask their shit, they probably never even listened to anything they wrote back then.
If she doesn't hate Jews then she isn't anti Semitic.
You know that bull that is often drawn getting its shit kicked in by kek? That's Moloch. He is basically satan in a very roundabout way. The jews offered human sacrifices to him back in ancient times and there's more and more evidence mounting up that it's still being practiced today. Most of the jewish blood libels stem from the time where they worshiped him.
Well, she's following the post, but can't reply cause phone.
Basically. She says she can't be antisemetic cause she doesn't really hate anyone. "I judge people on an individual basis, not as a whole".
Not a shill.
get off your ass and take an interest in your wife since you're lucky enough to have a woman whom still retains her soul.
Funny, her copy of the bible (an archaeological bible) says dark, instead of black.
I thought the same thing until one day my Jewish friend (We're still friends.) revealed his family was part of the freemasons and other organizations, years later I made more connections than he could I'm still friends with him but that doesn't mean I can't hate his religion.
By connections I mean I realized even smaller jews like him are connected in general, and that his relatives are part of the guys ruling the world, albeit on lower levels.
Then tell her to walk through a black neighborhood at night.
See 1 samuel 17:51 then 2 samuel 21:19. If confused see Mark 1:2 then Malachi 3:1. If still confused and starting to think WTF then see Titus 1:2, 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21. After that read songs of solomon and all those verses again in the king james version and it begins to not contradict.
If still confused then ignore my *autistic screeching*
Moloch is a Semitic bull god that jews worshiped
my sacrificing there kid by setting them into a bronze bull statue that had a fire inside.
they played loud music to drown out the sounds of the kids
and burn sage to mask the smell of flesh burning.
She's writing this down on her hand. I'm assuming she's going to go read the passages.
Technically pretty much all religeons are still polytheistic including the Jews, which I bet head Rabbis still know about. You're right though that anything the Jews have written that is in the public view isn't listened to by Jews.
Also it was an Egyptian Pharaoh who started the one cult monotheism though most polytheists have had a head deity but care about others who have similar ones from the same pantheon.
The Sun god of Canaan, remember the Jews write badly about everything not their own like they did with Hitler. Since they make sure what they write down is kept longer by others their history becomes fact and what they accuse of others they do themselves.
The chief of the Jews now ever since 2500 ya or so has been Yahweh or Yad the tenth letter in their alphabet. His symbol is the hand and he ensures his people, the Jews victory if they sacrifice non-jews to him, see blood libel.
Really if you look outside of Jewish evidence Moloch or Baal did nothing wrong. Jewish lies abound Jewish books.
Moloch for Italians:
Wait which pharoh started monotheism?
Moloch is a god of power, wealth, prosperity and commerce, he's the renamed babylonian moneylender/ merchant god Sin, whom the Romans called Saturn, whom the Christians called Satan. He promises hedonism, degeneracy, occult power and material wealth to those that worship him, all he asks is that he be fed with human babies via his blazing furnace. Abortion as is commonly performed in the US is a sacrifice to moloch. Like this:
You get knocked up, now you have to give up partying, and drinking and drugging, and whoring, settle down with your new husband, and accept a new life. But you can regain your hedonism, your drug parties and your drinking poison, all it takes is a human sacrifice! Just let the doc inject a caustic solution into your womb and your baby will burn alive in the furnace of it's mother's womb! This is the seed of magick that powers the liberal degeneracy with it's festivals of flesh(Pride parades, slutwalks), and it's rituals of mental flagellation(self-hatred, privilege checking), it's mortification of the flesh (Trannies and bdsm freaks) and it's denial of the family unit. Moloch is the Temptations of Slannesh, with the blood-thirst of Khorne.
Vid extremely related.
OP, I'll try not to drag it out too long:
Moloch/Ba'al is another Saturn/Satan equivalent.
The so called Jews of today, along with Saracens are faithful to Saturn. The old Testament is filled with the Chosen* turning from Tetragrammaton to Saturn, and again.
All Muslims pray towards the box (Meteorite inside)
Black Cube in Mecca = Kaaba
Jewish ritual prayer involves putting black cubes on the head and arm
Jewish Mysiticism = Kabballah
Another Allah ring a bell?
Mohammedans circle the cube repeatedly, mimicking the patterns on the North pole of Saturn (Saturn's Hexagon/Cube).
all in all moloch is the taurus constellation
neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.
Run like hell from this board if you can't handle those quotes. Thats just a peak under the bottomless abyss that takes much time to understand. Even Jews rejected this place and troll it. Imagine that, considering they are going to Hell by their own words if they are apostate.
Not something women should worry their pretty little heads about.
pic related
The bull god of cuckoldry and husband to minerva, the owl goddess of feminism. Their unholy marriage is the cornerstone of the Jew World Order.
Still mad that the Kikes stole Athena.
Athena is a good girl she din du nuffin.
Akhenaten 1300BC, he proclaimed that Egypt should abandon its polytheistic ways and "praise the sun" known as Aten which is where his name derives. It did some damage to the Egyptians religion but after his death everything went pretty much back to the way it was before.
I never implied that, he's a semite mixed with like 30 or less nordic. He's still a kike though, but he's a fun guy.
The kikes steal everything and make sure to destroy the history it came from, if not stopped everything we see as White will become kike. A future they won would see Classical music become the Jew's invention which makes you wonder if their own music came from some culture they had destroyed before, further all who stand against them get written into their book as being evil, murdering children, gassing the innocent etc.
What do you mean?
mfw my star sign is taurus
Moloch is their god of wisdom. Obviously only for ivorytowerfaggots. People conflate their ridiculous dress-up faggotry with satanism, but this seems more like a ruse to discredit their victims of molestation
watch Conspiracy of Silence, then listen to The Last Podcast On The Left 118-120 where they really go through a lot of the grimey details
From the bedroom "I totally get the thing about abortion though"
then you would have been sacrificed when saturn passed thru the horns of taurus
i read too much of the Semitic Demon Worship shit online.
Though apparently my real zodiac sign would be Aries, due to:
"The following table provides the dates at which the Sun is located within the boundaries of a specific zodiac constellation as defined in 1930 by the International Astronomical Union, i.e. the periods of the real zodiac signs."
Pls don't tell me Aries is more degen than Taurus haha
Astroanon here.
I studied this shit since childhood. I'd like to aware you that (((tropical))) astrology is not precise and uses outdated methods used by tumblrinas.
Using sidereal astrology or even better 13sign by NASA is more precise and realistic.
For 13sign theres a free calculator for it on masteringthezodiac site
I'm trying to crack the software to be free.
By tropical im a piscesfag, but sidereal makes me aqua. Rebelious,edgy,contrarian, technology driven etc.
The descriptions of signs are good so you can use both tropical and sidereal, but your chart is probably off a lot.
Ama if needed
Step 1: Take babby
Step 2: Take brass statue of Moloch with its arms held out
Step 3: Start a fire around statue
Step 4: Wait until the statue is growing red from the heat
Step 5: Take babby and put it in the statues outstretched arms allowing babby to be cooked to death
Step 6: ???
Step 7: Good crops and material wealth
Moloch in a nutshell
Why do you think the rotation of the earth has any effect on a human's personality?
It doesn't. I always take astro with grain of salt as there are too many factors involved in it. But I have taken a keen interest in it ever since I saw Jews hiding it's knowledge, praising Saturn ( especially in Freemasonry ) and knowing the fact that whole fucking Wallstreet is using astrologers for Mercury.
I'm a type of person that if something works, it just works. I'll figure out the ways it works later on.
Kepler theorized planets work in harmony and disharmony just like musical notes do.
Some newage pseudoscience gurus say it is because of quantum mechanics.
In the end I can only talk from my own experience and that when I started using sidereal/13sign from astronomy that it start ed clicking in 70% of time.
I dwelled in occult as well, and for astrology I can only say that NOTHING IS CERTAIN, but based on positions, they only indicated harmony/disharmony in %.
For example if Saturn( signifying order, authority) is in bad aspects with Uranus( the rebel, the odd, the eccentric) chances are more likely there will be an uproar.
Kek this is the fake st fucking story I've seen on an imageboard. You don't have a wife and she never asked you that. Decent thread starter though
By (((tropical))) I am Taurus, but by 13sign I'm Aries.
What would be some basic implications for that, if any? e.g. you say aqua = rebellious, edgy etc.
Thanks in advance astroanon!
Well it's obvious, we can co-opt this god from the Jews!
We just have to promise him all of their children will be burnt after we gas the adults!
Moloch, we wish to make a deal! We offer you the kike's children in exchange for your voiding your oath with the kike!
Will you accept the terms of our deal?
All the dead Jew spawn you could ever desire, all you have to do is help us subjugate them!
How fucking autistic are you? I've literally posted quotes from her several times, since for whatever fucking reason she can't do it herself from her phone, responding to people that have posted here. She's currently writing out all the passages from in order to better be able to understand them when she reads them. Nice try though, faggot.
Ya know, I'm good. If I'm going to go around burning jews, it's not going to be because a co-opted god wills me to do it. Besides, afterwards he would want us to burn our own children, and then we'd be no better than they are.
Athena is the virgin goddess. Her being married doesnt really make sense. However the youngest Roman Emperor called Elagabalus, thus named after the Phoenecian mountain god and the black metorite stone he worshipped from Emesa, forced his new religion on the Roman people and performed a ritual marraige between himself and Athena. I dont know if these things are somehow related.
I'll have to tl;dr it in order to make less confusion.
What you refer as to being born is just your Sun sign, the position of it. Jung based on astrology and alchemy has theorized that just like in Universe ( Person ) there not only is Ego(Sun) but other parts of it such as Mars(Animus/Libido etc).
Taurus is ruled by Venus. If you know the stories of Venus and Aphrodite you'd know she is sensual, materialistic etc.
Aries is ruled by Mars. Ares is Greek god version of it. He is short tempered, agressive, warrior like.
This just signifies your ego as part of your personality.
You could have Sun in Aries, but Mars in Pisces. And you'd be a lot more melancholic than let's say Sun Taurus and Mars in Aries.
Mars is important if you are a man since it signifies your animus, your drive and your libido.
Having Sun in Aries is a lot beneficial and it's considered exalted. Ego of the character is restless, is ideological, sometimes fanatical and wants to be on the front lines of whatever is happening.
By the book, Aries sun is much more agressive and can resort to violence if needed.
Taurus on the other hand, is feminine in nature. He is slow, needs a lot of security, fears the unknown and takes it's time. Like the bull you need quite some time to charge them and anger them, but when they start some shit, it's hard to stop it.
This is all by the archetypes and you should look at aspects and signs and houses to get the picture.
Astrology is beneficial when you use it for self reflection, pondering over your actions and personality and comparing descriptions to your character.
I went to the website, and I think it told me that I was Aries, but I don't have any idea how to read that thing.
Got any books links or calculators? Further reading?
Here's the linkedin page of Athen Chimenti this person pushing sidereal (it's reality just pushed over on its side) astrology (which isn't mind control at all) Have a look at his skills and previous work. I think you can safely put ((())) around all of it.
I use this to figure out the signs and houses. This is so for most precise one imo. ( You can tinker with options and use Sidereal Fagan/Bradley )
I use to watch over transits and their meanings.
Know that aspects of planets ( Mars Opp Moon) during transits and in natal are pretty much the same in tropical and sidereal. The reason for this is, planets are always in same "distance", the only dispute is over the constallations. So reading Mars square Moon meaning in tropical sites is same as to sidereals.
As for resources, I never read a book, except moms old astro books in our native language.
I've browsed on caffeastrology, lindagoodmans forum ( for example I would google Saturn conj Sun natal lindagoodman forum) and figure out individually.
You should know archetypes of planets and their greek counterparts to associate easily.
Ironically tumblrinas sometimes have really good posts they copy pastad from their book collections.
To make it easier on to do list for interpretation of charts.
-Make chart on masteringthezodiac
-Make chart on or astrotheme or both.
- If using astrotheme you can click on a planet and look at aspects ( Sun conj saturn etc)
- Google individually like this " Sun in Aries" " Sun in Aries sidereal", when done reading
- Mars in Taurus sidereal, Mars in Taurus, Mars in Taurus men, Mars in Taurus women
- Repeat with all planets ( pluto,uranus and neptune are generational btw, so they affect you as a whole)
-Then you start googling Sun in 10th house, Sun in 10th house sidereal, natal etc
-Repeat for other planets
- Then you check out aspects, so you google that
- Then you look at chart ruler ( If your ascendant is Gemini, your chart ruler is Mercury)
- Google moar
If more questions ask away, it's hard to dump everything I read in last 10 years in few lines.
These descriptions are pure meme. It's easy to take everything out of context and blow it out of proportions.
Tell me namefag are you jewish like these sidereal shiteaters?
Don't dig goy, trust us. Praise Satu… I mean YHWH.
Checked. Got a good link to an archetypes list, google is throwing up bullshit filled with poo-in-the-loos and bullshit psychics.
Thanks! This is the chart I got, I can't make sense of it though haha.
Unfortunately no. Wish I was, I probably wouldn't have ever joined the chinese basketweaving forum and would fuck models on a yacht.
I hear the protestant church portfolio outperformed everything else lately.
Will God grant us riches if we follow the royalty of the commonwealth?
I'm sure that would make you whole and happy, well done. You should probably follow the talmud and kabbalah then, I've heard you can have it all as long as you promise to suck satans cock in hell forever and reject God.
I remember this guy's site. He is pretty much cut to the chase with descriptions but they are short. Still good imo without guru and poo in loo memes.
Google how to read astrological chart I can't be arsed.
Do note that you risk having lots of financial losses, but also might inherit quite a sum, whether from a marital partner or family.
Skimming, chart seems inclined towards working in media or teaching instiutitions, anywhere where there is transmission of info.
That being said watch out for drug abuse as you can seriously fuck it up.
Sun conj Merc => Can get combative and stand his ground during arguments, fast mind.
Mars in 1st house, pisces. An oxymoron, but still good.
Do note you'll be switching careers few times, often out of nowhere ( Uranus, that light blue thingy is ruler of Aquarius, the eternal carpet puller and edgy rebel, whole 4-Holla Forums is a mix of of archetypes of Scorpions and Aquarius. )
It would. If you were a degenerate jew, degenerate jew things would probably make you feel fulfillment.
Which God ? YHVH?
Moloch was a pagan God that people would sacrifice their children to. They'd build big bronze statues with a place for a fire underneath, then they'd light the fire until the statue system glowing and they'd place their babies on the statue's embracing hands, burning the babies alive. Abortionists are essentially modern day moloch worshippers.
Here's mine.
Thanks I really appreciate it!
is true, family.
is plausible, I am an avid learner and enjoy intelligent conversation and teaching others what I know.
Tried most, but not my thing, don't drink more than a nip of whiskey a week. Though I acknowledge things may change.
Would agree, though have learned to hold my tongue and refrain from arguments as much as possible. Arguing with unintelligent and uneducated is painful.
Probable/already happening as self employed in a number of industries.
tl;dr strong ego, strong willpower, detail oriented mind, great memory, likes archetype of virgo women, modest clothing, neat, shy and almost serving.
Negatives: Has inclination towards oveindulgance towards escapism.
Cant say more since unknown birthtime
Got any insight into ? I'm getting some of it, but it's confusing.
Do you have non-Jewish evidence of Moloch being a deity that'd have children be sacrificed to him? Did you know that the Jews have said that a man in the 1940's killed a bunch of them through gassings even children usually using the exhaust from vehicles but also with other chemicals, also this same people said the Romans killed more of them than actually could have existed on the planet in that time, further these people also claimed they were put under terrible slavery by Egyptians and then are run off their land somehow, also the land these people inhabit was inhabited by a people who were wiped out entirely so the other side of the argument that Canaan was the purest of evil in the world seems only coming from one side.
Thanks! Can I have a contact email for when I learn my birth time, I can give you the complete set?
This shit makes no goddamn sense to me. What the fuck does what star I'm born under have to do with my fucking personality, or even more bizarrely my physical appearance? Some of the old shit our ancestors believed makes a lot of sense in retrospect (memories and skills being inherited from an ancestor = epigenetics) but this shit is just dumb.
This is true. If anyone ever looked at Lesser Keys of Solomon, often used in occult circles, you'll notice he has used hexagram to 'bind' demons to do his bidding.
John Dee used similar things to summon angels and archangels ( if those truly were angels ) and was instructed in Enochian.
moloch is saturn. Its all saturn worship its all satanism. Saturn used to be a sun. Then it fell from the heavens just like bible says but tbh allot of major religions have the same storys and myths which tells a story of it self and forms a puzzle. If you really want to know everything here is a lie just look up david icke if your interested.
They're also wiping out the "native" population of this Canaan land again in realtime but 60 years is to long to remember and also Palestinians are evil who kill babies. Jews don't have a history of sacrificing other peoples' babies no it was the Canaanite who sacrificed his own babies, kind of like white guilt.
Solomon did not worship the same god that his fellow Hebrews did.
I rarely read other's charts, I used astrology for self reflection. I think you'd do better on forums or on reddit ( yes reddit ).
Sorry m8.
10th house saggitarius is what i was trying to deduce. You see Sagitarrius is sign ruled by Jupiter ( Zeus ). The sign of expanson, knowledge, religious fanaticism and overindulgence. He is an opposite to Saturn ( the constricter).
I mentioned this because Saturn is in 12th.
Saturn was regarded as turbocunt ever since the beggining. If something can go wrong, when Saturn is there, it will. His lesson is all about discipline and suffering.
You have chiron in 5th house of children. I mentioned this potential because Chiron is god who is wounded but cant die. In opposition to saturn in 12th. You could easily slip up with childrens misdoing (or them being taken away) and fall into depression, abuse the shit out of yourself in drugs ( or being part of some religious sect) and get yourself into suffering.
Sun conjunct mercury. Read about it. Read about mercury in aries and sun in aries. Easy to conclude.
Wherever uranus is, you can expect disruptions. He signifies lightning out of blue skies. With that allegory in mind your career most likely will be unstable.
I've read on his forums, but the theory that we are controlled by ayylmaos is a bit loony for me.
Lucifer is morning star in the bible and so is Venus.
I remember Benjamin Franklins quote where he mentioned how will we impress "people on Venus and Mars", or something like that.
Jewish child eating volcano demon.
The Israelites sacrificed their babies to Moloch too. One of the Mosaic laws specifically addressed this. God got pissed as shit at them over and over because they kept doing this type of shit and let them be enslaved, killed, and eventually abandoned them through Jesus. Read your Bibles instead of following memes.
Different seasons mean different temperatures, different tides, different circadian rhythms, even different choices. It's just a way to collate everything together and sort patterns out. It's like furfaggots and their animal shit, the types that choose said animals tend to have stereotypes. Foxes are twinks with a playful, gregarious, social personality that translates into sex as a social activity or being passed around like a collection plate at a church. Dragons are creepy, weird fatties with vore fetishes and poor hygiene. Dogs are loyal followers requiring strong leadership and a sense of external discipline. Basically it's a self fufilling kind of prophecy of association based on observed patterns.
Here's something interesting that came up googling his name
I read that at the end of Freemasonry meme they wrote down they consider Lucifer as their true God.
I pride myself on my discipline and I do suppose that I live by the motto "suffer now, or suffer later" to avoid hedonism etc.
None yet, though they will certainly be my pride and joy when I have them. I will keep this in mind and hopefully will be able to forgive their misdoings.
Just read it. Nail on head. haha
unstable as in ever changing or unstable as in tumultuous bursts of destructive force?
Here's an autist talking about sodomy and and masonic symbolism in hollywood movies, and he specifically mentions John Dee.
Forgot to embed
The morning star is Jesus according to Revelation 22:16. Lucifer is called the morning star in many English translations but in the KJV he is called the son of the morning. The reference is Isaiah 14:12.
More waffles:
Moloch is the real satan. Satan/satanism is used by the kikes as a red herring to distract from who they really worship. Satan is "the angel of the underworld, he judges those who deserve to be judged and punishes them, he is inherently neither good nor evil".. where as moloch is the god of war and currency, he promises fortune in return for human sacrifice and suffering.
reading up on this now and it certainly resonates.
I'll be honest I used to be sceptical r.e. star signs/horoscopes.
Not just confirmation biases because I just accidentally read about jupiter in 10th house and dismissed it as being nothing like me, before i realised I do not have jupiter in 10th house. So I'm not just trying to fit any narrative to my personality/circumstance and readily dismissed jupiter's 10th house narrative as conflicting with actuality. Although it's not completely conflicting the gregariousness part rarely arises in me, although much to my chagrin I often find myself well liked by people I do not particularly enjoy myself.
Jupiter is in my 8th house which I am yet to read upon.
I have a question: Why would Taurus people be sacrificed? I ask because I get a very strange feeling recently whenever I see pictures of Saturn. Sometimes, they sort of scare me. Not only that but today, on the night of the half-moon, I procrastinated on my morning jog. When I was getting ready to go, my mother woke up suddenly, claiming that she heard someone outside, screaming. I can't shake the feeling something was meant to happen.
Their music is most definitely their own invention, or whoever they stole the cult of Moloch from. By design, it is deceitful and lost like themselves.
They use a scale called the Moloch/Adonai malakh (= moloch) scale in their music.
It is a modified Mixolydian mode. It starts just like the Major scale, brightly pushing the music up with a semitone between the third and the fourth.
It continues like the Mixolydian mode, with a semitone between the sixth and the seventh, not pushing the music in any direction, not resolving strongly into the tonic, keeping the music "floaty."
But here comes the deception, instead of repeating, if you go any higher in the Moloch scale, the third is flattened, so you also lose the point of reference you had in the third-into-fourth resolution, hauntingly keeping the music floaty and lost as you try to go higher and higher to find a resolution. But the only way to get a half assed resolution is to actually go back down to the beginning, or even lower, shifting the floaty, lost music into the darkness.
Their music is really fitting to them.
Damn, that is creepy haha.
Jupiter is amplifier ( along the pluto).
Unless you have saggitarian influences or lots of aspects from Jupiter, it wont affect much. Jupiter usually brings luck, good bants, drinks, women and social popularity.
Your personal planets are
Sun(ego), Moon ( mom, and the type of wife you want), Mars ( your libido, male part of your personality, animus, how you assert yourself, in female chart the type of guy she wants to bang), Venus( type of fem you want to bang, feminine part of your personality, your tastes, socialness, potential for acquiring shekels and social status), Mercury( your mind, how you communicate, your thinking process ).
Jupiter ( previously described, also what you are gonna be like as husband )
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto signify subconscious processes , especially in collective.
Pluto was between Cancer ( strong patriotism) and Leo ( authoritarian, dictatorship) when Fascism and National Socialism was rising.
After when it went into virgo did the cucking begin, and by the time it hit libra ( opposite of aries) it turned into boomers memeing about muh equality and muh sex.
When it hit Scorpio it was when modern shilling and assasinations began, autistic sexualmemes, hypersexualization in media,materialism, decadency and hidden societies.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto/Hades. God of Underworld who signifies hidden wealth, decay, degeneracy, assassinations, hidden rulers, atomic bombs etc.
Pluto in itself seeks to destroy itself to ashes, to be reborn as a phoenix later on.
Uranus is best summed up as Prometheus. The madman who flips out, and rebels out of nowhere.
Neptune is Poseidon. God of dreams, delusions, drug addiction, music , movies and abstract math. It's noted people under strong aspects of Neptune usually can't pinpoint for shit, and are constantly confused. When Neptune crossed into new sign, and squared Pluto (sex) the meme of transgenderism and gender spectrum ( disolution, typical of its archetype) started showing up.
Read up on the chinese zodiac. Its wierd as shit but it predicted the events of the past two years perfectly. The zodiac goes on a 60 year cycle that has 4 larger cycles amounting to 240 years. 2016 was a fire monkey, which has the properties of "all rebellions which receive enough attention will prevail in opposing the old order. 2017 is a fire cock (rooster) year, which is "a year in which the changes of the fire monkey (the year before) are put to use" 2016 was the last fire monkey of the 4 'meta' cycles. The last one before that was 1776.
It sounds batshit insane, but there are no coincidences in this wierd fucking world.
Did you do this?
I thought I was Taurus, but I actually have Sun in Aries.
Pls aware me what sign was during 1930-1945, never studied chink zodiac.
I've put some autism into figuring out from whence comes the jew. The furthest back I've been able to get so far is Akkadia. Akkadia was one of the oldest of the proto afro asiatic nations that we know about, if not the oldest, it is said to be the oldest that we know but I've also seen that disputed. Either way there is no publically available evidence before that era ~18,000BC however, studies of linguistics dictate that the source of afro asiatic languages is in africa. The out of africa theory is true, but only for kikes and sand niggers. The earliest traces of moloch worship are in africa. In afro asiatic there were no vowels so everything was spelled in consonants, molochs name back then was mlk.
there are two separate chinese calendars. If you google a year and click the wikipedia page it lists all random calendar meanings for the year on the right. It has both chinese calendars listed one above the other, the one listed on the bottom is the correct calendar for 'memetic qualities of a year'. From there google what the symbol means "water monkey" "metal dragon" etc. There are some pages that are managed by monks, some of which pose as tourist information sites, some of them just give a general description of the animal or the element and not the animal + element, you want the description of both together.
I'd spoon feed ya on this but its pretty easy to find stuff that is very wordy. Give it some autism when you have the time, its fucking strangely accurate, well past the possibility of confirmation bias.
As pluto moves through the signs it amplifies the nature of that sign?
Fucking boomers, I have one as a sort of mentor of mine and he is an alright guy with good connections but man he basically memes me with news articles all day haha!
Pluto is in Capricorn now it seems (just checked jewgle).
I'm going to go down the rabbit hole with this over the next few months. You've intrigued me!
Moon and Venus being in Sagittarius and Taurus respectively in my chart would suggest a distinction between the type of woman I wish to marry, and the type of woman I enjoy short term relationships with?
my bants i think is what attracts women, and people in general to me, and this often comes out after I've had a few drinks. Interesting.
any other planets that are particularly worth watching as they move through the signs?
Pretty sure I came across something that said I was liable to become thoroughly interested in astrology and religion.. Which you also mentioned when you said religious fanaticism in response to stress associated with my children due to chiron in 5th house.
Yeah, Pluto is really interesting planet, but not malefic per se. Just… extreme. The more you resist, the harder it snaps.
Pluto in Capricorn. I forgot tbh. But it seems pluto is hovering between Saggitarius and Capricorn. Capricorn will introduce more bureacracy and spying. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, governments etc, but add a flavor of sneaky Pluto and you'll notice all those mass surveilances.
Moon/Venus are essentially madonna/whore complex and Mars/Jupiter to women are Alpha Fux/Beta Bux complexes.
Moon in Saggitarius shows your childish and feminine nature to explore, travel and learn ( saggitarius) and probably like those types of women. Who are free spirited travelers, or scholastic, religious. I never understood the Saggitarius sign fully.
Venus in Taurus is natural residence for venus. Venus also rules Libra. Venus in Taurus is more fleshy and probably indicates you want women with dem tiddies and ass ( most men do though) who can also cook you nice meal.
As for planets, monitor and compare slow moving planets.
Saturn, Uranus , Pluto and Neptune.
Uranus is fastest among generational planets, takes 84 years to cycle. Neptune and Pluto the longest.
Jupiter and Saturn are almost yearly.
I don't understand the "I am black" solomon verse?
The yids owe back a lot of innocent blood.
Your earlier mentioning of wall street interested me also. We hear traders speak of cycles and trends and one wonders how this could be affected by pluto etc.
I've also come across many attributing jewish holidays (((which I've read follow the moonphases being a maternal religion))) to stock market crashes/happenings.
Interestingly I just read that venus in my 3rd house has some relation to siblings. It said I would be charismatic (I can be) and my first sibling if any would be also (that is true). It said my sibling would also be in art/public relations… well my sister (venus/feminine) is an interior designer, BUT I have always suggested she study public relations.
Do you refer to the madonna-whore complex in psychoanalytic that refers to the inability to maintain sexual arousal in a committed relationship?
If so that would suggest I would be inclined to a committed relationship with a sagittarius type for the sake of having a family and security. However my carnal desires might lead me astray to satiating myself with a few whores on the side?
Okay, I will learn the archetypes of the planets, and the star signs as well as corresponding greek gods, and then monitor their movements. That should give me a very basic understanding of what you are explaining here?
Thank you for this, user. I looked up all the passages, noticed the seeming contradictions, got confused, made it to the end and got as best glimmer of an epiphany as I was able this sleep deprived.. Saved for later and going to keep trying
unrelated to OP and fam here & polite sage
Get her a King James.
I know, I know, people think it's not a big deal, it's all the same Bible, "but thee and thou are so hard to read".
Just get a King James.
The NIV, the other most popular version, changes many key verses in very disturbing ways and outright drops a bunch of verses altogether. The other versions are even more wacky. A lot of confusion in modern Bible readers comes from having these retarded versions. Just get a King James. "Thee" and "thou" are not difficult. People are just lazy and dumb.
Note - There's a version called the "New King James". Fuck that version. You want a simple "King James version".
Some of the "excluded" verses were never there to begin with. There did not exist in the majority of the synthesized transcripts. KJV-onlyists lose these debates all the time.
moloch is a devil, plain and simple
it isnt satan though, thats a different devil
I just did it and I don't understand what I'm looking at here.
Oh goodness, I didn't include the image. I clicked the wrong button.
But yes, I don't understand how to interpret this.
(Same person replying for the third time)
My mother said I was born late in the night, although I don't know the time (I can ask her later). Would it make a significant difference?
I thought Sumeria was the oldest civilization.
Match the symbols to the internal and external zones.
Use this:
For example, the Red male symbol is mars. Mars in your chart is in the 3rd house as well as in Gemini. Simply make a list of what planets are where and in what constellations and then use the guide to add it all up.
The jews are the remnants of the babylonian moneylender merchant class.
Sumeria and akkad existed at the same time, they were located very close to each other and were amicable trading partners. As far as who came first I have not seen anything definitive, but one thing is for sure, akkad and sumeria were founded by different people who did not have language in common. Sumerian belongs to its own linguistic family entirely and Akkadian is at the top of the 'known' afro-asiatic families.
Very interesting shit to autist into.
It's not just about hate you know.
According to jews, if you don't cup their balls at every opportunity, you are antisemitic.
If you in anyway disagree with jewish supremacy, you are antisemitic.
In fact, just by not being jewish, and breathing in air, you are being antisemitic.
Knowing your birth time would help. Astroanon suggested that another user find theirs out to better refine their chart.
Where were you born? Greenwich UK is the default on this site I think. Set the location as where you were born, also don't forget to set the Degrees, Minutes, Seconds for the location you were born in. This will make your chart more accurate as far as I understand.
As per this chart, the sun is in Aries, the Ram.
To be honest I cannot provide you much insight here. Astroanon suggested some great resources which helped me. I would suggest going to (
Above is another good site. Sun in first house would give you the traits of Leo, first house is supposedly influences your outward projection and personality, how others see you. Which means maybe you are gregarious and enjoy being central to events and attention. Aries being on the cusp of your 1st house would suggest (I think) that you may project the traits of the Ram, and maybe even the Bull, Taurus, as it also features prominently in your 1st house.
Astroanon referred to Saturn as turbocunt, and you have Saturn in your 10th house which is career, with Capricorn being on the cusp of this house, though Saturn being located in Aquarius. You might want to search something like "Saturn in 10th house", "Saturn in Aquarius", "Capricorn in 10th house" etc.
I'm just posting in this thread because I don't want mods to remove its bumplock and let it 404. I missed my opportunity today to ask my mother to show me my birth certificate. I'll have to ask tomorrow.
Earth doesn't rotate, you fucking bluepill faggot. Still falling for NASA lies, smh.
Hello Obama
You can't run from the truth forever O.
Alright, according to my mother, I was born at 10AM. I should be able to get access to some "red book" she has that includes details for a more specific time but for the time being, I'm going with a birth-time of 10AM exactly. According to this, I'm only barely a Gemini. I went with a birth-time of 10:15AM just to see what changes and the only change I could really recognise (apart from changes to the lines in the middle that I don't know how to interpret), Mercury goes from being near the start of the 5th house to near the end of the 4th house.
I should be able to post something final, later today.
already looked into what planets meant in each astrological sign; after living my life calling myself a capricorn and giving the benefit of the doubt to all this stuff due to not really feeling like a capricorn it turns out im Sagittarius as fuck. makes so much more sense
the only thing that spooks me is that everyone elses plants are all over the place while mine are only in the beginning or end houses. i have to go to bed but if anyone can fill me in on the houses bit it would be much appreciated.
will also ask my mother tomorrow morning what time my birth was. really cool thread guys learned a lot
The reason the KJV is written like that is the answer to attention span drop. Read it dramatically, and inflect emphasis on the itallics. It snaps people listening from falling asleep.
So you were surprised by your results as well. I never imagined I'd be Cancer. Initially, I thought I was a Taurus and then, without the information of my time and place of birth, it seemed like I was Aries. I wasn't expecting this at all.
Tell me, where do I read more about what the symbols mean?
Nah, you're Aries fam.
the sun (the circle with a dot in the middle) is smack bang in the middle of Aries (Aries symbol is right at the top to the left of the arrow and looks almost like a capital T).
i mostly just applied what this guy said about >personal planets
and google "venus in capricorn
i guess having a bunch of planets in the first house just means im really transparent
thanks for the link
Molech (MLK) was a volcano Semites the their children into in order to stop eruptions. It may be the same volcano as El Shaddai, another volcano, or the names of multiple volcanoes they threw children into. The neighboring tribes/religions also mentioned this practice.