Touhou Netplay #Ten Desires

Our usual OP is having problems, so I will take over.

Phantasmagoria of Flower View:
DL: Netplay

Hisoutensoku + Scarlet Weather Rhapsody:
DL: 12.3 Hisoutensoku v1.10a eng patch v1.1a + 10.5 Hisouten v1.06a eng patch v1.1a + Sokuroll v1.3.rar

Urban Legend in Limbo (Jap v1.11, don't update it if you want to play online):

Meddlesome Magician 2:
Please refer to for info on how to play each character in Battle Royale.

Touhou Hack and Slash:
DL: Hack & Slash.7z

Touhou Diablo: Treasure Hunter G:
DL: - THG.7z

Touhou Boushuen - Age of Ethanols (2.18 jap):
DL:蟒酒宴+ 2.18.7z
We also have an optional english version, if you can't read moonrunes and want to learn what the menus say or if you want to play
SP: English version 1.01a.7z
Note that we only use the 2.18 japanese version for online play and this version is widely different in faction balance, it also lacks the Library faction.
Keyboard config translation:

UT2k4 Unreal Touhou Mod + Killing Floor:
Not exactly a fangame, but someone's been working on a mod for UT2k4 that pretty much lets you play as 2hu models, we also have it bundled with the OG Killing Floor mod.
Warning, it's almost 3 gigabytes big but it's a no-bullshit version with the registry key and everything you need to play, just unzip and run.
Also, we now have a patch-style upload with the Killing Floor mod + the latest touhou models, for those who already have UT2k4 and don't want to download 3+ gigs of shit, again.

We have an IRC channel on, #2hu8ch which is mainly for tech support purposes and occasionally chatter for games that lack an in-game chat system like Soku or Meddlesome Magician. It's also largely dead because we mostly only use the thread for communication.

General discussion of Touhou gameplay is allowed and encouraged, though the main focus is for organizing netplaying matches.


Other urls found in this thread:!mtgCCZQC!xsYjcqXZNkKLa7sMKz4gzcRv-lnmu3In123NmCMl_9E!X9YDEaoS!ok3Fw5YTOf725NYeReIQGuisuQbORpyRNNa3M1u4xUc!htV0VThB!qV7W2-eqIffthLOzqIDInEd53m4F9W-BDW9Atwqpx28!6Y9DzCjT!skMvH-HFiihyMOBavsON4RO97pQjs-xiq97upP1MI3M!6sVSGJKJ!DJMYQx4h7SW8nA8ECgejlC5pAPM9CqBcvwkX67fRD4s幻想人形演舞-ユメノカケラ!K4xmDSwI!FzED9FtSWWw6sZ3shQ1izP9QyZfEvRphSsOawTd4354

Morning. Hope we can continue that H&S normal campaign soon.

I would be willing to continue. Someone just needs to host.

I didn't notice at first but it looks like Touhou Wiki finally got HTTPS. Nice.

Vote on which Touhou incarnation you think works best for Unreal 2K4!

Go full sky arena, seriously.

So… H&S normal when?

Try connecting to

It's working. No botnets too.

Sky Arena looks best. Even though I think Sky Drift and Gensou Rondo might "look more accurate" considering how unreal 2k4 had everyone wearing geometric space armor that shaved the polygon count by being giant polygons.

Also, was Unreal-2 "not tournament" any good?

Very well. Sky Arena it'll be.

A shame I still haven't figured out how to remove Utsuho's cannon and replacing it with another arm that doesn't fuck up the model

I've yet to play it but from what I've seen, it looks like a disappointing followup to the original Unreal/Unreal Gold

Welp, seems like I got intense lag and when I tried to reconnect it took forever. Maybe I'll try to connect again.

It still takes ages.

Getting ready to hunt Okuu. Also a pic of Rumia.

SkyDrift is a close second. I don't like the chimp arms Gensou Rondo brings, but Sky Arena just has complete humanoid proportions.

Suddenly out of nowhere surrounded by wolves.

Fucking hell, I can't connect to the H&S server.
could be on my side though

What is IP?

Apparently we have two people that can't connect. Should we rehost? If we do, we have a lot of backtracking to do.

Don't we already have all scrolls unlocked?

Forgot to add, I kinda want to try a rehost.

We do. We're on the floor just below Satori looking for the stairs.


I hope you don't beat her without me…

Where is everyone? Can you not connect?

We have 3 players and we're missing 2 from before. Come on let's kill Satori together.

Satori is a killed

I like Gensou Rondo the most. I personally don't like the faces of sky arena as much as the others but they seem more darker and textured which would help them work more in unreal I guess?

jerry can i borrow an apple?

Using Doom, how difficult would it be to get some Touhou sprites, make them into playable characters, make an invasion map with fairies as enemies, and then host that as online co-op?

I don't understand this reference.

Well fuck me then. Is it gonna be hard mode already when I'm still at lvl.10?


Also, good evening.

it would be as simple as learning decorate for weapons and enemy behaviour, using any iteration of doom builder and slade 3 for maps and textures and just making sure it runs on zandronum to play online. is not there like 4 or 5 touhou doom mods already? tho i heard they are shit.

A challenger approaches!

Welp, sure can't wait to continue that H&S i'm not sure if normal or hard anymore run now. I might as well level myself up and beat Satori in sp before we host again since i'm fucking level 10.

I'll host again on Friday. It will be either Normal or Hard. You can join a difficulty even if you haven't unlocked it. This allows you to powerlevel, which will get you caught up quickly, but enemies are invisible. You get xp just from being on the same floor as where an enemy is killed, so it's easy to get levels. We will try to get to Lunatic.

On Friday? Isn't that a couple days from now?

If you didn't realise, I was wondering what happened by asking that question…

Correct. I won't be able to host until Friday. That gives you time to reach Hard.

More than enough time, that's for sure.
also, is this vts or riz?

If you had stayed for just a few minutes longer in IRC, I would have responded. You can't stay there for such a short time and expect a response.

…Welp, I guess I can hope someone else hosts something soon.

Something is very wrong with these hitboxes.

This is a pain. I want to get hitboxes over with already.


guess we can do some more KF then


I can try hosting some Hack & Slash later today. I've got some stuff I've got to do first though

Can't seem to connect


The last challenger will hopefully be posted tonight.

Unfortunately though, the update won't include Momiji because while she works fine, when she grabs a shield then her skin gets exposed and you see more than pantsu

I will however include DMEverywhere and TDMEverywhere. They act the same as the Deathmatch game mode but you'll be able to duke it out on maps that would normally only be played on gamemodes like CTF and Assault.

This is better.

The final challenger of this set approaches!

Her hair will clip a lot, nothin I can do to fix it

Some of those hit boxes seem to have gotten the Height and length mixed up.

Also, I don't think those hit boxes can rotate very well.

The update will be released tomorrow.

Name of the map I'm on is DM-HalcyonCandy, a deathmatch map set in the land of candy (And it plays "Sugar Sugar")

The weapon you see Yuuka using is part of the Doom 3 weapon pack


Forgot to mention that not counting the alt costumes and incarnations, the total of amount of characters to choose from will be 18

That was a problem, but it has since been fixed.

Mornin', Fairies.

As promised, I will compile the update and release it today.

Here it is!


Adds 6 new characters to the roster, bringing the total amount of characters to 19 (I forgot to count Aya)

Suika Ibuki
Suwako Moriya
Flandre Scarlet
Fujiwara no Mokou
Yuuka Kazami
Yukari Yakumo

Adds DMEverywhere and TDMEverywhere, you can play Deathmatch on any map, even those that would normally only work with gamemodes like CTF

Downloading, thanks m8

Thanks. I wonder when are we gonna play some UT2004 now.

Ready to play some vidya. mostly UT2004/KF because of the new update

I still haven't figured out how to add more characters to KF, so thats out of commission.

At the very least though we'll have more map options in the base game.

Threadly reminder:

ayy fairies

I can host, but I don't wanna get only one person in the lobby again

pls respond if you're there, I'm gonna host UT2k4/KF again if people are up since apparently that's what people want

I'm here as usual

I'm still here.

I'll be back in a moment, hopefully we'll get some fairies playin

guess it's KF till there's more people in here

KF -

Server died

rip serber

Welp, I wonder what happens now.

Suppose I could make some more characters for the next update.

I've been thinking whether or not I should add a very high poly model into Unreal like MMD Junko as a test to see how bad it will lag…

Junko has 50K polygons

i just wanted to play sum gayms

And I just realized I forgot to include the species upl file in the update so that the sounds would work


I'll fix it right away and include 1 new character to bring the count to an even 20.

huh, ID changed…


A challenger approaches to bump the count to 20!

You might be thinking why she doesn't have the ghost with her, well thats because there is no model of it in Sky Arena and the one thats in the Smash Bros Brawl mod which is Sky Arena Youmu looks like crap

Man this thread has gotten quiet…

Heres the actual update.!X9YDEaoS!ok3Fw5YTOf725NYeReIQGuisuQbORpyRNNa3M1u4xUc

I added the file necessary for the Touhou species to work

Added Youmu Konpaku

If I had 22 characters, I could watch 2 teams of 2hus fight each other in a game of Deathball. (Problem is who goes to what team)


Also, would be cool if there was a Touhoumon netplay or a Touhoumon MMO of generation 1.8.

Are you fairies still up? I'll host something if some people are still here

I'm still here.

I don't have Unreal Tournament.
I'm broke.

What now?

Thats fine, you can already get it from the OP (It lacks the recently released update though)

Get to downloading so we can play some KF together or something

That's a rare Touhou.

Yeah, she doesn't get much love these days.

Whens the next ut/kf game?

Fuck if i know. Been wondering that myself.

I'll host in a couple minutes

Hosting UT KF:

Hosting some regular UT now

For some reason my jeep decided to eject me while I was riding the wall, and then it just camped on the wall. That's some hardcore traction it's got going on

Also, host down

Mornin, Fairies.

Hope to play some games.

Wondering if we should test out some new weapon mutators that aren't Doom 3, Quake 4, UT1999, or UT3…

Maybe we should, actually.
Also I'm ready to play some gayms.
but can't host as always

I should probably explain what they are instead of leaving it in the dark.

This set you see here is called "Stupid Weapons"

You still have UT2004 weapons but they work differently!

Assault rifle primary fire is still piss but when you alt fire, it shoots out a rocket that turns into bio.

The Flak Cannon works like it would but upon primary fire, the shells explode. Alt fire is pic related 5, it goes off like fireworks.

Minigun becomes an energy cannon and shoots energy. Alt fire shoots out crystal shards (I think?). Pic related 2

Rocket Launcher still works like it does but the projectiles are different. Instead of exploding on impact, they bounce! Pic related 1

The barrel bomber is probably the most notable weapon of the pack as it lets you places barrels and upon shooting them, they will explode.

The shock rifle still retains its primary fire but the alt fire changes. Rather than shooting balls, you shoot a red beam that can push your victim away from you (Would work better on maps that can make you fall to your death)

Probably not my go to weapon mod of choice as the next set I'll post…

So far seems… interesting.
i might try it

Now this set of weapons on the other hand might be more fun to play with.

Once again you still retain the default weapons with a lot of changes made, the first notable being that ammo and health regenerate (You can thankfully turn off health and shield regeneration and not start out with crazy amounts of stats)

Pic related 1 is the flamethrower. It burns shit like it would. Holding on to alt fire will build power and once released would shoot out an incendiary grenade that explodes and whoever touches the fire gets burnt for few seconds

Pic related 2 is the same rocket launcher but the firing rate is faster (And you can shoot more than 3 rockets. You can carry two of them)

Pic related 3 is the same grenade launcher that acts like the TF2 stickybomb launcher but it also adds the red line that will automatically trigger its explosion should someone unfortunate enough cross through it (Works better in small areas than large ones)

Pic related 4 is the same mine layer spider thing but its bigger and upon shooting turns invisible. When someone comes close to it, it reveals itself and chases him/her

Pic related 5 is the same bio rifle but upon building power via alt fire, it can break up into smaller bits! Fire rate is faster if you stick with primary fire (You can carry 2 of them)

Other weapons that don't have pics related are also

Assault Rifle: Fire rate via primary is increased and the weapon isn't too piss to use. With grenades, the fire rate also increases so you can shoot as many as you want (You can change the firing mode from Bouncy to Explode on Impact, sadly the only weapon that can change fire mode. You can carry two of them)

Flak Cannon: Works like it normally would, but fire rate is faster (You can carry 2 of them)

Sniper rifle: Fire rate is faster and the bullet explodes. You can still use the scope

Shield Gun: Works like it normally would, but upon alt firing, you get a bubble protecting you (Downside is that you only have 15 rather than 100 for protection so expect it to vanish quick)

AVRiL: Works like it normally would, but explosion range is better

Lightning Gun: Works like it normally would, but you can charge primary fire power and unleash it. You can still use the scope

Shock rifle: Fire rate is faster and the balls go bouncing around (You can carry two of them)

Minigun: Works like it normally would but upon alt firing, the bullets explode (You can carry two of them)

Link gun: Works like it normally would but you get 3 beams and 3 balls instead of 1.

TL:DR - Weapons on steroids.

It also has the Quake 3 hitsounds for when you hit someone and I love it!

Actually, I think I'd play this.

Thats what I thought.

The name of that mod is is "Excessive Overkill" which can be grabbed here

I find it funny theres a mod of that for that Star Trek game.

I would also suggest in our future game that since the mutator is already in the base game and does not need a download, "Game Speed" should be changed to make it slightly faster (Of course theres still that Quake 3 speed mutator but last time we tried it, it wasn't good because it disabled double jumping and outside of the Quake remake maps, the maps are designed around double jumping even though it can be turned back on). I would recommend setting it to 1.50 (Max you can go to is 3.50 but don't do that, it'll be impossible to use adrenaline or double jumping)

Unrelated to the weapon mods but theres a Rootator (Har har har, get it?) which spawns the Kangaroos in whatever map you play! So if you feel that the game doesn't get enough Aussie love, there ya go!

Settings you can change are

So… Is someone gonna host something soon?

I'd do it if I could but I've had no luck because of my setup.

Also, it seems that Sky Drift seems to occasionally get updates (Too bad one of them is not removing the stupid DRM) cause I don't remember seeing pics related when I tried it some time ago.

They will likely not get ported to Unreal unless their MMD model was so awful

lewds when

Granted Friday and the weekend is coming up but this threads very quiet…wonder where the others went

Hey, I'm always here

Man, I sure hope someone hosts literally anything now.

I hope ut2004's gonna be hosted with that EO wep mod this time

Back, router was acting up again.

what host m9s

If by "what host" you mean "host what" then it should probably be ut2004 with that EO wep mod

What he said.

As usual, you'll have to add one of the u files to UT2004.ini so it can work (I think)

For EO, its ExcessiveV302

s-sorry for taking so long
UT2k4 -

Can't connect

Same here.

try it now

No dice still.

Have a feeling the u file might need to be removed from the ini file

nvm ignore this


Uh, when I tried to join, the game started to try downloading the wep mod. Did I put it in the wrong place? Where do I put it?

I'm always lurking, just can't play at this time.

oh god it's downloading a fucking 5mb file so slowly help

nvm i did it

Thses weapons are so OP, especially flak

I like it

Ragdoll physics

Some maps like Junkyard can be broken and allow you to clip out, some maps like Hyperbutt fool you into thinking you can land on that moving ship on top but it was an illusion, some maps that have lowgrav can really send you places, and some maps are so perfect that no matter how many times you fly around with the flak, you cannot go through invis walls.

Download Link!htV0VThB!qV7W2-eqIffthLOzqIDInEd53m4F9W-BDW9Atwqpx28

Current Version: English Translation 1.02 - A Change log will be provided with the download. Also please note, the patcher assumes you haven't changed from Gensou Ningyou Enbu's default install directory. If you moved the install directory, or installed it elsewhere, you will need to manually change the directory within the installer.
A link to the official sub forum for the game on the Touhou Puppet Play forums
A link to the translated manual.
A link to the community-driven wiki for the game, which works to document as much about the game it can.
And a link explaining how you can support the developers and purchase the game.
A direct link to the #tpdp chat on the Rizon IRC server. If you have an IRC client already, just connect to and join the channel #tpdp
A link to the Discord server for the game's community, which is considerably more active.

One last thing to mention: Touhou Puppet Dance Performance will not work outside of Japanese Locale. You will need to either have your machine in native Japanese Locale, or download a tool called Locale Emulator and run it in emulated Japanese locale that way. Trying to run the game outside of Japanese Locale or Locale Emulator will cause the game to either crash instantly or display incorrect characters for text and numbers.

That should be all the stuff relevant to the first post of this thread! If there are any questions you have about the game, do not hesitate to post them here, or hop by the community chat. There'll likely be someone there who can answer your inquiry, or even be around for a battle if you desire one. I would credit the people who all have helped work on the translation, but there's been so many over the past year that I can't remember much outside the core community.

Link to thread

What time should the HnS game start tomorrow? Would 20 UTC work for everyone?

Works for me. That's pretty much when everybody's mostly on, too.

Let's try this after HnS.

Think you can only do netplay mode if you beat the game

I kinda want to ask…
where the fuck do i get this game

Also good morning I guess.

Morning, fairies.

I have converted the last set of Sky Arena models for Milkshape. Of the remaining characters, 2 of them I think might be difficult to work on. (I'll hopefully get them to work.)

Also UT2k4 surprisingly has a lot of maps themed around Ja-, Gensyoko (Theres no actual Touhou made map, but lets just pretend these maps take place in Gensyoko)

I'll be posting more about what I find later. The first of which is CTF-SacredOrient. It come with relaxing music, you can go to many tatami rooms to get an item, and you can easily fall off the map because there are no fences to protect you from doing a side dodge. I did spot a few glitches like in one tatami room, fog came in and the room disappeared, leaving the map outside visible but other than that, decent map. (Course I didn't actually play on CTF mode, I'm making use of DMEverywhere)

HnS in 2 hours.

Hosting HnS

Forgot to say this is Hard mode.

Rehosting on Normal because a certain Marisa didn't bother to beat Satori.

We beat the beast queen. Rehosting on Hard.

to support the developers or you can just pirate it off mega through the moriya shrine site

However you you download the full english patch

If your game is pirated, the english patch will insult your waifu and will say that she's irrelevant and only like by secondaries.

To run the game, you need a Locale emulator.

Is the latest patch fully translated yet or is this just the partial translation?!6Y9DzCjT!skMvH-HFiihyMOBavsON4RO97pQjs-xiq97upP1MI3M

Full game with it.

That Satori fight was a disaster. We need a better strategy.

I can't stop thinking about the Touhou Chu Chu Rocket-like game now, thanks a lot whoever talked about it in HnS

Just got Hack n Slash.

How do I connect to a server when you guys set it up?

Help, I'm stuck.

Also, for some reason my shameimaru folder isn't working and the game isn't taking screenshots.

Game is up. Can anyone connect?

Yuugi is a silly Oni.

Check the OP for info on how to set up netplay. IP and port are here -

we're running lunatic right now though, so if you're new you're gonna get rekt

Wrong turns… More off screen.

That was 6 hours of HnS. It was fun. I'll probably host again next Friday. Should we make it a weekly thing?

Next week we should try beating Lunatic. We had a hard time this session, so we need to get more levels. We also need to make sure our Reimus have their third spell.

They are big.

I'll try that Satori fan game soon.

Also to make sure I don't forget, the neat idea of 2hu fangames that will probably never ever happen

Would it look like this?

Something like that, sure. (The crosshair would not be displayed though when you're aiming cause I think that would make it casual)

Not sure which approach would work

Something like this then?

can't embed for some reason

Ah, that puts both a time limit and health together! (Maybe its because I played a later Time Crisis title but I remember the health was like 100% then depending on how you got hit like tiny bugs, machine guns, or kicks, you would take damage)

Might work.

I like how that Reisen model is in Unreal 2K4 (Not for long, I plan on replacing it)

Something on my mind though

Would there would really be a need for Reimu or Marisa to use a gun or bullets when they can use spellcards? Probably would feel out of place for them to use a firearm in Gensyoko

Enemies would definitely be the fairies and ghosts you see in the danmaku games

That's good. With embedding, everyone that allows cross-site connections in their browser is vulnerable to tracking. The proper way to share a video on YouTube is to download it and put it on a safe site.


Meant to say that, yes.

All right so I tried out the Satori puzzle game and while it does not really bear any resemblance to Chu Chu Rocket, its decent.

Normally you guide Lilly to the present by making use of the red arrows, Satori picks them up and whenever Lily touches one, she tilts her head then moves in that specific direction. She can also bump into walls but if she does certain amount of times (Usually 2 or 3) then she dies and you have to start over. You give her cake to replenish health

There are also traps that Lily needs to avoid such as a certain type of block that falls once someone steps on it and also avoid plummeting to her doom

I like how cute they made Lily and Satori in this (Utsuho and Rin are also in the game but I would assume that I don't meet them till later levels where I have to guide them alongside Lily) and the music

I dislike the isometric view (Movement controls fucked with me but I sort of got the hang of it)

So if you want to fulfill your puzzle solving craze, then its for you!


Sorry, I'll explain again

The main point of the game is to guide Lily to the present by using arrow signs to change her movement direction.

Some maps might require her to bump into walls which hurts her (But can be fixed by giving her cake)

As you advance, you will also have to guide Rin and Utsuho to the present, not just Lily.

Are you talking about Koishi?


And now I feel like a huge dumbass because I could've sworn I saw that name in MM2

Well fairies, this is what happens when you stay up too late and not go to bed

Actually this is what happens when you're a secondary who doesn't actually play the games. Please post a DL link to the koishi game, I can't find one that's up anywhere.

Good mornin'
or afternoon according to Poland timezone

So far Touhou PDP seems pretty fun actually.

Can't wait to play sum games

This isn't even secondary or tertiary tier sir


Heres another Gensyoko themed CTF map: CTF-LS_Japan2

Doesn't have music playing like SacredOrient, eating sushi gives you adrenaline (Would've worked better as health but whatever), and you can go through walls at the teams base.

10/10 map design

Theres a link on 4shared but I'll spare you the trouble of making an account to reduce waiting time.

Oh god, you can go OB in the map and you won't die! Good look getting back in if LowGrav and EO aren't used

so can we play vidya games already

Who is host?

When a host pops up here, then you will.

Also, your attitude needs to cut it out

Is there going to be more Hack and Slash today, or was that only a Friday thing?

I believe so but then again, I left so I have no idea if extra mode has been tackled yet or not.

I was hoping to make it a weekly thing. If we play everyday, we'll get burned out too quickly.

We haven't beaten Lunatic yet.


I haven't found any extra game modes for Unreal 2k4 and just like with Megaupload, old files of vehicle mods have disappeared into the fog so not much on that front.

Still have to figure out how to make maps and create game modes. As I explained in the past about how Greed sort of acted like "Grab the Coin" mode from Smash Bros but it wasn't as fun (Because it was limited to one map and you score by dumping the coins into the middle ring rather than hoarding them), I want to remake it so that you win by the amount of money you have and when you died you lost half your money and people could run around your corpse collecting the cash

So, what should I host today?

I'm up for MM2 or UT2004, like usual.

How about some AoE?

Well its been a while since we last played MM2 and there is currently nothing new at the Unreal front since the End of July update so lets shoot for MM2.

Guess it's MM2 with AoE+ afterwards.

MM2 -

Sure you should keep bonuses?

Whateves, that "Taking you down with me" plan at the final stage worked

t-thanks MM2

AoE+ -

Thanks, point system.

Where is everyone?

get back here fgt, we have three people in the lobby

That was too easy.

I guess that's what I get for holing up and not raiding anyone.

Well, unless people want to do more games, think I'll get back to TPDP.

Its not impossible to do but its gonna end up costing more time

Adjustments had to be made, a lot of time had to be sunk, but…

A challenger approaches!

There will be a no wings version just like with Nitori and no back pack

I've also made revisions to my player model making guide that I've yet to post, will do that soon

Where you able to do that galaxy cape thing she has? What is that suppose to be anyway?

Yes I was able to do the cape. The difficult part was mirroring the model so it looked like she had 2 arms (Apparently mirroring with vertexes broke it but mirroring with mesh groups did not)

I like how whenever one of the teams score in deathball, they celebrate and huddle, even if they're getting dominated by the opponent

Every spin off game always try to find ways to stick Utsuho in it, so its a good inclusion. She is almosts as used as Suika's theme. Suika not required.

Also this game had been out for ever a year. I thought it was a new ps4 release for this year, there is even an english patch. When did this happen, and where can I get it?

'Ey, thanks for that webm, now I can look and see if I can make any use out of it!

I already found me a model I want

Oh golly, I wonder what other things are going to be locked behind a paywall

They are apparently remastering it for the PS-quadruple, from what random people in comments are spewing.

The models look pretty nice,

Potential spoiler, but it follows the Touhou Incident flow chart.

This looks fun.
The models

I just wish I could find a list of characters that are in the game because I want to see if I can do anyone that doesn't have a model done for Sky Arena, Sky Drift, etc.

You can probably check a list of boss fights, or the games soundtrack, it will probably tell you all the characters.

The people who did that game also did this game as well, so that could be worth looking into.

You quoted the wrong post.

Well the download for that Scarlett game I got it from is MEGA and because of that and the 1GB size, its gonna be a while before I even get a chance to look into that due to abysmal dl speed (And thats using JDownloader)

Also, that Youmu game probably would've worked better if it was more like the Xbox Ninja Gaiden games.

Damn, I don't even know how I pulled that off.

I keep getting "invalde file name" I probably have to switch to Nippon language again.

If you don't already have the game, you can try with the english patched in!6sVSGJKJ!DJMYQx4h7SW8nA8ECgejlC5pAPM9CqBcvwkX67fRD4s

Taken from that shrine site.

Thats just adorable.

Does it come with that soundtrack? Because that version of Septette for a Dead Princess in the .webm was great.

No idea

Like I said, dl speed for me is abysmal

Thanks for the link, I might use it if somethings not right. I Think its working now though.

Decisions decisions. Maido, or Loli Vampire?

If post ends in even number: You become maid
If post ends in odd number: You become vampire

Maido it is then.

I remember when Koukishin came out, I did a live translation with a friend over a live stream. He was playing and I was reading. It made my brain explode. Now that there's an English patch, that's not necessary anymore.

Did a bit of that Youmu game.

Its neat but like I said above, I wish it took the Ninja Gaiden approach more (Just change the camera and make it more crazy)

Anyways I cheated myself by looking up who I'd fight in the game and so far the only characters I can do my business with are

Momiji (Maybe she won't look like ass)

I just hope that Scarlett game has more (And by more, I don't mean just amount, but characters who have yet to be done)


On a side note, how come so many jap developers just can't full screen. It works find unless you want to alt tab or anything. Actually I think it might be the translator patch doing that, or more specifically on the site, "not our fault". I remember Dark Souls had that problem for the PC ports, as well as some Tales of games.

3d art confuses me sometimes.

Something about these models seems off…

Especially Youmu

Not sure I want to see what Yuyuko really looks like.

I'll be doing some more model digging tomorrow.

Actually wait, heres these goodies from Sky Fight

Doubt they'll go into Unreal (At least the items, until I know how to make mutators)

So far I've see a Patchoulin a Luna, and a Meiling, randomly wanted to talk to Patchy, she asks if I wanted to save.

Why is life so unfair.

Game is pretty fun so far though. You are also part Jedi, with the ability to attack shots.

Mornin fairies.

I'll be attempting to look into more characters from the 3D games posted here.

So far, I've got Momiji and am eventually going to see what Yuyuko looks like.

Well, heres Yuyuko (I had to move her hat down)!

She surprisingly doesn't look bad. Guess Youmus the only one who got the short end of the stick

you killed her again mang

You sure you want to play as this Yuyuko?

You're too soft, Youmu.

I've been ignoring this mod because it doesn't take more than 2 players but I may as well post it

This is a mod for Unreal 2k4 called Skyward which plays like a collectathon (Can't go to doors without collecting certain amounts of gear) and allows you to have a co op partner.

Its nothing to really write home about but hey, if you want to go on an adventure with your 2hu partner, you can do that.

The other mod is Unreal Demolition. At the very least custom player models are allowed and theres a decent selection of maps to choose from.

Game modes in Demolition are


Here is the revised guide to making player models for Unreal Tournament 2004.

It should be much easier to read now.



I guess a 2hu won't die if they are already dead.

Welp, I'm up for anything.

The final boss in that Scarlett game was quite some bullshit but at the very least, I caught me some 2hus that aren't seen in the Youmu game or the other games I played, so thats awesome

I'm playing Touhou Puppet Performance Full English translation.

I wish there was a translation for the Shard of Dreams expansion.

If you need something translated, post it.

There's no way I'm clicking that. It's owned by Google.

An unexpected challenger approaches!!!

Which game?

Adventures of Scarlet Curiosity

Its where this model came from

How about this more direct link?幻想人形演舞-ユメノカケラ

I was talking about single screens, not a whole game. Mediafire is pretty bad also.

His model is probably the best one in the game. I didn't notice how low polygony they all look up close, although, they look like they probably did that on, so its probably a good thing for Unreal.

It's so bizarre that computers are canon in Gensokyo.


Here we go.

Mornin, fairies.

I still got many characters to do for Unreal. Once they're done, the count will go from 20 to 32 (If my counting is correct)

Heres hoping I find more 3D Touhou games that have characters who aren't in any other titles.

And now, a challenger approaches!

Save for Koakuma, thats pretty much the SDM crew done

And here comes another challenger!

A third challenger approaches!!!

Small question, did we host at all yesterday?

in case a host pops up i'm up for any games

The fourth challenger appears! I'm on quite a roll!

Nope, last game played was 2 days ago.

Hope a host pops up today then.


AoE+ -

Did this game happen?

Not for too long, because i got absolutely fucking wrecked

then i got wrecked in soku whichwasn'tfun

Hope I'll at least get to play some MM2.

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, dude who is ripping models, but I found this:

A fairy sneaking game? 面白い。


Ahh, more 3D games for me to inspect! Thanks much, I'll look into it (Seems to be a good that Koakuma is in since I have yet to find a rip of it, and judging by footage off Youtube, I'm not sure I'd want the fairies if they're their MMD counterparts)

Well…this is sadly a disappointing find.

Ninja Ripper didn't work on it well but luckily 3DS Max has a Unity importer tool.

I could not find any models of the remaining fairy trio besides Sunny…and Sunny to be honest doesn't look that good compared to her Remilia game counterpart.

At least theres delicious brown fairy maidos, I guess…

At least I can thank you for having me inspect another 3D Touhou game. As usual, if there are any others I missed, please feel free to post and I'll examine it.

I currently have a 3D fighting game that has Rumia but the fuckers thought making her and the rest of the characters unlockable were a good idea which wouldn't be so bad if the game was smooth sailing which it is not for me, I hate the keyboard controls and "Beat arcade mode without continues" is bullshit

To be honest I didn't think the models looked all that good when I found it, but it was worth a shot.

Did you ever see this game? I like the accurate human proportions.

Well ripping them directly really puts a light on how they truly work in games that like to put in filters or whatever to make it look "Artistic"

Also for a game about the three fairies, only being able to play as one seems disappointing

Yes, I played some of that and ranted on how shit it looked on PS4 (Dev tries his hardest to claim the PS4 version is the upgrade while the PC version is the downgrade but its embarrassing. I like how Cirno being playable is one of the selling points and one of the screenshot comparisons shows problems like the lighting looking worse and clipping issues)

Thats where the Killing Floor character looks come from (Save for Clownpiece)

Oh dang, those where the 200k tringle models? I guess it makes sense.

It has a floppy disk drive too.

Those did come out pretty well though.

Suppose I can post some new stuff on the Unreal front besides new characters.

The first shot you see with the coin looking items are part of a mutator called "Hell of relics" which act like power ups. Thers many you can get but you can only have one until you die

For instance, you could get a relic that would increase your defense, you could get a relic that would already make you pint sized (Infancy they call it), etc.

The 2nd shot is a game mode called "Slave Master"

You each race to get the targeted amount of points to win a match, so what you do in this mode is you frag someone and they become your bitch or you get fragged by someone and you become their bitch.

While you are a slave, you become a ghost and you can't deal or receive damage, whatever item you pick up goes to your master, and the only thing you can do is tag people for your master to see.

You break free by doing favors like tagging other slave owners or fulfill your master's favors (Give him/her a lot of shit)


Other game modes I grabbed that don't have a screenshot and are unlikely to be played

Hot Potato (Avoid holding on to the hot potato, pass it to someone else before it explodes. You are stuck in 3rd person and you still have your weapons which I think shouldn't be there)
Bombing Run 4 teams (Only 3 maps to choose from)
Bombing Spree (Its Bombing Run but you get more balls and they can explode)

Well actually all of the models are under 13K polygons. I doubt Unreal Engine 2 would be able to handle a single character with 200K polygons.

Something I forgot to mention: Maps and mods that are originally designed for Unreal Tournament 2003 will work with UT2k4 (Usually) because they both run on the same package (2k4 is pretty much a wholly refined UT2k3)

For example, the map in pic related "DM-HyruleCastle" was made for Unreal 2003 but it will work fine in the 2004 game.

Mornin, fairies.

Still got some characters to work on, so it'll be another while before the next update is released.

Here's a few more 3D games.

- Uniting Barrage Action
- Suwako no Danmaku
- EoSD 3D
- DynaMarisa 3D
- Hashiresen 3D
- Genso Rondo
- 東方紅翔我

Some of them might have good models.

I sure hope you guys are ready for some UT/KF/MM2 matches today

A new challenger approaches!!!

Already did those two. Genso Rondo models didn't look that good

I sure am.

Hosting UT KF!

I can host, but I don't wanna end up with an empty server again, so pls reply if you're there

disregard that I suck cocks

Hosting UT now. Same IP

Host down

Sorry I left KF in the middle of a wave and didn't post in this thread, ISP changed (IDs probably gonna be different again)

Anyways, I'm still working on getting more characters out the door.

Tried out "DM-2019-XS-2006" which is pretty much a Blade Runner themed map. You can go to many rooms, you can drive futuristic cars (You're very limited to what you can do with them), and if you get hurt, go to a vending machine to drink some soda to replenish 30 hp.

Unfortunately, the map does not have weapon pickups so you're pretty much stuck with a shield gun and an assault rifle.

I've also decided to compile a no bullshit version of Unreal Demolition so that we can play it sometime!K4xmDSwI!FzED9FtSWWw6sZ3shQ1izP9QyZfEvRphSsOawTd4354

Although really one of these days, we ought to tackle the original Unreal adventure because I still have yet to finish the game and I'd like to do it with you fairies.

I want to get into touhou. Where do I start

Reference the OP post or

Tried some more model inspecting

Unfortunately, the only thing 3D seems to be the maps because the characters themselves are sprites.

Will maybe look later but the models look like they came from MMD (Especially Reimu)

Didn't really look that good to me judging from the footage on Youtube.

I did find Touhou Hachikasen which is basically Geometry Wars but 2hu. I noticed there were characters never before seen in 3D games like Iku and Kanako which got me my hopes up but…the result of loading them into 3DS Max greatly disappointed me to find out they are not T-Posed models but instead, a prop!

And they're not just props, but they have many things missing like their faces (Remilia and Suika have none) and no legs (Iku has none)

Perhaps with some refinement and actually making them T-Posed, I would've happily considered adding them but as it stands, they won't get in Unreal.

Mornin', Fairies.

As usual, I've still got more characters to work on. They might at best be released as part of the August update.

Not just one, but two challengers are approaching!!!

I'm up for some MM2 if any hosts pop up.

And now three challengers are approaching!!!

The facial expressions will be changed in the update

The upcoming challengers will be overhauls of their models.

I'll be back.

Just in case, I'm still up for it

I'm back and I'm ready to play!


Checked. I'm still up for games for a bit too.

It's about time to start thinking about the next OP post. Our usual OP is still gone and it's worrisome. What changes should there be?

I can't think of any other changes besides adding the latest UT2k4 update here

Oh yeah, remove Diablo Treasure Hunter G. Unlike Hack and Slash, it hasn't been touched in a while and I don't see any of us ever returning to it

In place of where the patch currently is in the OP?


The final challengers approach with new looks!!!

Yeah. While the latest patch does not include the Killing Floor game, I don't really see us playing much of it because I still haven't figured out how to add more characters and on top of it, the real fun is in the base game where theres more characters to choose from.

Sakuya's old mesh keeps randomly popping up, what does she want from meeeee?!!

I also love how the site I get my maps from has a download limit even though UT2k4's activity is so quiet these days I'd be surprised if anyone even plays those maps (And its not like I'm directly downloading from them, its the still active MEGA links as one of their mirrors)

Anyways, all thats left for me to do is to fine tune the models so that they look and move as good as possible without too many problems before I release the biggest update that adds a lot of characters. It may or may not be released in August, it depends on how many need to be fixed.

any of you guys actually play this shit online?

it's pretty damn fun

She doesn't want to leave….

I would host, but I can't figure out why people can't join my games, and I mean ever. Even if I turn off my firewall.

When someone hosts. Its Great. People play matches randomly.

Nope. Nobody plays Soku anymore.

Have you forwarded your ports? Are you able to host other games?

I have yet to play that.

You should find people to play it with, it's always a massive spammy ridiculous laugh.

cant connect no soku for me

I mean any game ever. Unless it had some other third part client like steam but even then it was pretty bad chance.

B-but I'm terrible at fightans (No, I don't count MM2)

I did play for a while and mained Alice. I got sick of it and I just don't like it.

Can you log into your router? Have you forwarded your ports? Stop using Steam.

You're not the only one.

Maybe you already started, but I can't connect from here either.

Annnnd we've officially reached 300 posts.

Speaking of fightans and ideas that will never ever happen, I want a Touhou fightan game like Power Stone, at least then I won't feel bad at fightans (Plus the idea is ripe, collect special items and let your Touhou unleash fury)

Or really, a sequel to MM3 works (Preferably 3D so I can rip it open)


Which version? I'm a trying....

Its no good...

It's always going to be 1.10a with Sokuroll 1.3. Language patch doesn't matter.

It's up to you to make game.


It's all good, maybe another time.

I don't use sokuroll anyways.

The game is mad fun online though.

I'll also add that after the big update is released, unless I find anymore characters in the 3D games I have yet to inspect, the rest of the remaining cast might be to be ported from MMD which I'm hesitant on doing despite UE2 having the ability to use shaders

I don't really have much of a choice when it comes to characters like Iku or Yuugi, it'll only be a matter of who looks better and fits in Unreal

But I don't know how to map or code in Unreal Engine, I can't go far without knowing those two (And no I'm not touching UE4, I'd rather be challenged to work on an older engine)

Of course there is the Diablo Treasure Hunter games that has most of the cast but as someone said before: They look N64/Wii tier awful



And of course I could stop being a lazy git and learn to model Touhous myself but…well, lets just say modelling bodies is something I'm not skilled at

Damn it!

I do have access to my router. Which ones do I forward?

Trying.. It will probably be a lag fest.

Didn't work.

wrong video.

Surely it can't be difficult to learn?
I would never imply such a thing.

Think of the power and creative potential that you would have if you did such a thing.

Port 10800 is the most common. Point it at your computer's internal IP. Use UDP.

i got rekt again


Someone try to see if they can connect?

Lobby's still up, so if anyone wants to practice soku I'm here.

Gonna try to make it a daily thing for awhile since literally nobody wants to do more-than-4-man Age of Beer and UT2k4, might aswell getalittlebetter at it

m-maybe one day I'll beat that guy

it'll never happen



Well fuck, that did it.

Didn't work. Try connecting

Just realized that Milkshape can not only do player models for Unreal 2k4, I could if I found some in-depth and useful tutorials, also do models for Quake III, Unreal Tournament 1999, and goldsource games such as the original Half-Life (Even though I don't really plan on touching any of them)

Thanks for the matches.
That was my first time against a human player!
not counting the lag storm matches that went at 5 frames a second.

Hosting one more if anyone else is interested.
Maybe I should switch from the keyboard.

keep practicing and someday you might even be able to do combos!

Does anyone still want to play Soku? I would like to test if I am able to host in it.

Host and I'll try connecting


Never mind, disregard that

Code is apparently 16 characters and by hitting cancel instead of OK, I thought it took my random jumble of letters

Not working

I just changed something, try again. If it doesn't work than I will try at some other time.

Still not working

We've been playing for over 3 hours user. Good games. Broken Moon was playing, I had to win that last match.

Good games, m8. At the beginning you had a lot of problems trying to pressure me, but you eventually got it. You'll get better eventually.

So you where turtling lazoring on purpose. It was the master sparks invincibility frames that always got me. I wasn't sure if you where trolling or if you where legit at first, but 3 hours later. Not that I should have let it been a problem in the first place. Those lasers chip hurt, even when blocked, and you stand a good chance of still getting hit by them when Grazing for how long they last.

This is a god damn lie.

Thanks user, I hope to play more rounds soon. Now that I finally got it working.

Your Ayaya was just too fast.

Assuming the 16 characters are alphanumeric(a-zA-Z0-9), that's 4.7672401706824E+28(47,672,401,706,824,000,000,000,000,000) permutations.

That's our resident bully.

Mornin fairies.

I'm gonna attempt that Touhou fighting game again to see if I can get one more character added for Unreal.

Technically I have another character on me from Sky Arena but I've been struggling on making her work because her giant parasol is what makes her stick out than a hat so…yeah, I'll think of something that doesn't call for removing it

You'd think by now since Sky Drift has been out for a while that someone would be posting their keys or crack the game to bypass the code restriction

Well I somehow managed to kick ass without continuing, then again Marisa is OP I didn't even need to use special moves

Quite unusual that yukari Reimu is a playable character/boss in the game, but thats not who I was lookin for.

Reimu is terrible jesus christ

And the worst part with that game is I can't use my controller

Never mind, turns out I can use a controller

I'm up for some UT/MM2/KF.

Here comes a challenger!

Theres going to be a lot of fine tuning for me to do

We're on page 13, something needs to be done about that.

Models are getting worse m9, you may want to consider some quality control.

Don't we usually wait till page 15 until we're allowed to make another thread?

Very well.

This will be the final challenger of the update.

There are no more characters to add from Sky Arena and at this point, I've inspected most of the 3D fangames.

Once the update is released, the character count will be up to 35 which isn't as many as MM2 which has 45 but theres still a decent amount of choices.

Also anymore future Touhous to be added will have to be from MMD which I haven't planned on doing.

New thread:
