The usual OP has gone missing.
Posting progress on my engine instead.
/agdg/ - substitute OP edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Since the last video I also made the player rotate in air based on his velocity, and now I'm working on moving platforms. Buggy but the basics work.
i don't think there is a usual OP
the thread is just made by whoever
in fact i was gonna make one if no one else did in a minute
Man that looks comfy as fuck
Is this the thread you go to to discuss ant problems? I decided to nuke everything and start over.
I do usually end up having to make it but I haven't even been in the threads for a week or two.
Between pokemon, work, and being a lazy shit I just haven't been feeling it.
How do you guys feel about games/gamedevs that use music from other sources? Like Jigoku Kisetsukan, RosenKreuzStilette, Seiklus, Braid, Hotline Miami, etc.
I'm doing some budgeting, and it looks like custom music is going to be completely out of the option. One musician I talked to wants fucking $500 for a single 1-5min loop. Getting art alone is going to be a hell of a bruise on my wallet.
So my only option would be either A: finding a volunteer willing to do it 4free, and I sincerely doubt any volunteer musician would be able to replicate the sound I want, or B: start stockpiling music from other sources and hope people don't recognize the songs.
I think its fine. Don't copy your sounds from other places, someone will eventually notice and that could be disaster for you if you end up selling the game somewhere.
Reposting my progress from the last thread
There is tons of royalty-free music. I'm sure you can find something that suits your game without using copyrighted stuff.
i got bored and looked up /agdg/ on jewgle
i found this
Hello Again, MoM user here; I have not posted in awhile due to the fact I had a hospital visit this week and been recovering from it. But here's the Alchemist Shop area of my Game; they is multiple of these shops in the game owned by the Alchemist Family, each selling of variety of goods to help the player on their journey!
The items featured in these set of Images are The Life potion, Mana Potion, Alchemy Potion, Summon Potion (Which I will go into detail in the future!), Flame Furnace Upgrade, Fire Tome Upgrade, Agility Upgrade, Intelligence Upgrade, Strength Upgrade and the Brimstone ring, which allows you to walk along lave (they are a few other equipable items in the game too which you earn via quests or buying within the shops in game!)
More images in the next post!
And here's the other half of images!
I am ware I can upload them 5 at a time, but having one post have 5 and the other with 3 would really trigger my autism
You could make a lot more progress if you used GLOOME I think.
Excuse the faggot, it's the best video I could find.
Its running on my own game engine, not the doom engine, the goal of the project for me is to learn more about programming game engines.
Gloomes pretty much dead from what I recall; I was using it myself until the dev said he stopped working it because, if I remember correctly, "more people didn't use it".
if ur intending to sell your game this is not a good idea
even if the odds of someone noticing and doing something about it are very slim
i mean even someone does recognize the music they would more than likely just assume you have to rights to it
I mean seriously who would check something like that
with that said if you are caught you could get sued
Read the licenses, and use what works for your project for free. Most of the music there is pretty poor, but with some digging, you should be able to find something useable.
Reposting because why not
Solved my problem with separate UV sets and materials, or so it seems, now onto texturing.
I don't plan on selling.
Maybe donationware. At most. Maybe. Maybe. But my priority is getting the game polished, refined, and fun, not making money off of it.
Interesting stuff here. I doubt I'll find what I'm looking for, but thank you.
Probably my last update on the train render.
The same grade of person who can deduce what song was sampled to make Daft Punk's High Life.
Sure, they probably won't play your game, but if you ever intend to sell it, don't take the risk.
Far better you learn to make music, pony up cash or use royalty free instead and avoid the legal ass-destruction that you could bring upon yourself.
in that case it doesn't really matter as long as you don't go for mainstream music
Can someone recommend me a basic engine that would be good for making something like Quake with similar aesthetics? I don't like confining a game to just being a mod.
Literally put any sound through paulstretch, or chop some royalty free samples up in audacity.
Braid and Hotline Miami didn't use music without getting permission from the artists. It might not have been made specifically for them, but they picked existing stuff that worked for them and got it licensed.
If your game is free, ask them for permission. If you want to charge, offer them a percentage of profits. With a maximum if you want to be extra jew-y. But never just use shit and hope no one notices.
And since you already know Braid did it in a different way, you could have just researched how Blowhard did it
Honestly this
You should always ask
if they don't respond which is likely you can still do it you know at least you asked
also if you make it clear its a small free project they are not likely to say no
Doesn't look like much yet but I'm making a tablet game wherein you are a quest giver and you craft quests for people.
It'll be kind of like an inverse Xcom overworld without the direct action, instead you craft quests the right level/difficulty/interest for your heroes.
Got the foundations all done, just need to expand everything now. Also I have a time system so I need to connect that instead of having the quests complete instantly.
That's actually a pretty cool idea, user. Could be pretty fun if you nail it.
Yeah, "hope people don't recognize the song" was the wrong phrase to use, sorry.
I'll start sending out e-mails later today and see if folks will let me use their music (and hope their e-mails are still active).
The second picture makes me feel really nostalgic somehow
Animating the enemies. This one is slowed down a little bit
Thats super slowed down actually. Why cant I make GIF's correctly
Adding boob bones, do I add butt bones as well? I can't remember if those use them as well (when it comes to jiggle)
Hey, I wanted to get back into game deving recently. I used Unity a lot back in Highschool, but iv'e heard something changed and now it's shit. Iv'e been looking into possibly using UE4, but Iv'e heard that's also shit. Should I stick with Unity? Or just jump train for UE4?
That little guy is adorable.
I want to cum on its face
Really? By looking at I would have guessed it was running on some engine from the 90's.
What did you program it in and how long did it take to get your current build?
That looks strange, I think he needs to move a bit when he hits the ground. Just flopping down like that looks awkward.
I really fucking hate dynamic typing. It's a crime against humanity.
goddamn javascript
I'm at the point in my game where to progress I have to do a gigantic project which is more like 10 miniprojects and on the surface it will change absolutely nothing.
UE4 is hardly shit. It gets tons of supports and so many updates it gets annoying.
Meanwhile Unity gets updated and fixed so infrequently you wonder where all their money from the mountains of indie games and shovelware royalties goes
I assume those shitty games don't make enough to qualify for a royalty fee.
Unity only takes royalties if you break a certain sale point. Probably one of the many reasons why it's so popular with san fran fags and full of shovelware. I have a really bad impression of the engine as a whole.
quick and easy questions;
is godot good for 2D?
can i sell my game wouth royalty costs, or are they going to jew me like unity?
I'm planning a decent sized 2D game that will probably use tiles, think a more in depth harvest moon with a VERY big map, am i going to have to split up areas?
thank you for answering my questions
only time will tell how this ends
The pickup sound in that game brought something to mind: do any of you guys have any good references to Japanese-game-esque menu sound effects and UI "bleeps"? Nip games tend to have really nice synth tones (e.g. sonic adventure 1's menu sounds).
This is really coming a along and it looks great.
Thanks for teaching me about reflection mapping by the way, it'c coming handy for ACP stuff
Reminds me a lot of spyro and PS1 games
Why isn't it possible? He could use cryptocoins
yes, no
depends on how well you optmize
he's 16
he's not going to make a fucking gambling/multiplayer 3D FPS crossover
That's not fair. None of the jokers here are ever going to ever make the idiotic games they're working on either, why else would they isolate themselves into an uncritical circlejerk? Let him enjoy his fun.
is this going to require me to use C++, or can i just use the godot scripting
what stops someone who knows what they're doing from finishing a game? i see this shit a lot when i look at tutorials for engines and whatnot: guys who obviously have the time and knowledge to do it but don't have a game to show for it. do you guys run out of ideas or something?
I have no way to know.
What are the specs that you want to make your game run decently at?How big will be the map?How many characters will be in the map?How many sprites?How many resource-consumming functions will be used?
Truth is, even if I knew all these answers, I still wouldn't be able to tell you.
Just try to do it, if you can't make it worse you either optmize it better or split it up.
Make it so that the arms are up in front of his head all the time until his torso hits the ground and the momentum transfers and the arms smack the ground.
Hotline Miami 2 got actual artists to contribute to the game though IIRC.
Can't stick with a project.
I enjoy designing and programming them but not making the actual content, filling the game out.
Once I'm done the design I just lose interest
I wish I had the time.
I get all summer to work on my game, which gets me somewhat far but I need more time, then I have to go back to university and waste my fucking time on trivial bullshit that doesn't apply to the real world so I can get a piece of fucking paper.
I'm a perfectionist and spend a whole lot of time on minor details. I'm very likely to spend a whole lot of time making sure that absolutely everything in each system is perfect, beyond what's reasonable, get eventually bogged down and eventually burn out, even if it was something relatively inconsequential. I become depressed if I can't get something to work perfectly in a certain amount of time. I'm learning to overcome it.
I also suffer from what this guy said:
I'm looking to make a mobile app that looks like Crossy Road(Graphics), would unity be an acceptable engine?
I'd have to re-encode it, no way I'd get a 200 MB file on 8ch
Dropbox, Youtube, whatever
nice digits.
I found it mildly funny, but it also gave me cancer.
Finishing a game is actually a very different skill from the ability to make one.
Fuck man, university is when you have the most time. Once you have a full time job you'd be thankful whenever you have an evening where you don't just fall asleep within an hour of starting coding.
This. Just put a minimum viable turd on the market and learn from your mistakes, so you can make a better smelling turd next time. It's not as if people here buy games anyway. Use this place for real feedback, but get your money from the market. The problem is unlike the hipster devs, you have standards. Learn to ignore everything except things that contribute to shipping your product. Having actual shipping experience will help you improve very quickly.
Name them so I can judge them. I remember that god cube thing, that was promising.
People say that but I doubt thats the case for me since I'm doing a math minor. My schedule was literally "Wake up, do school stuff, go to sleep" and if there was a test I'd have to do an all nighter for it because there literally wasn't enough hours in the day otherwise. I have shit like: Assembly with a retarded teacher who gives us 600-1000 line long assignments every week, statistics where every problem is a 30 minute number grind, etc.
Minecraft, some user released a game here less than a week ago. Although I forgot the name. probably doesn't help the moral of this place. This IS Holla Forums though, so pretty much everything is shit to everyone.
There was also russian roulette with your dog, which was also released less than a week ago
I did release this
why are fandoms so awful?
To the user who recommended me "The C++ Programming Language", thank you. I'm about 1000 pages in and it's very good.
You should make throwing segfaults a weapon in your game.
Nice meme, my dude.
I can vaguely hear sound but I'm not sure what it is
It can probably still get greenlit.
pic unrelated?
You do know news sites write bullshit about whatever is popular, just because more people will read it. That doesn't mean a "fandom" involved in any way.
Where can I back the kickstarter?
Risk of Rain, Katawa Shoujo, and I think I remember the VA-11 Hall-A guy posting on 4chan a few years ago.
It may not be a game, but at least he's testing shit out pretty damn hard. I'd be kind of proud of him.
Also I think that's music from Sonic 06.
std::vector::erase occasionally increases the size() of my vector by almost twice as much
I did vector.erase(vector.begin() + pos, vector.begin() + size), because size use to be end and I guess i forgot to add pos + as well. I still have no fucking clue why it was working 19/20 times
Hypnorain by someone here just a few days or weeks ago.
How not to handle criticism of your game.
Just go and work on your game anyway you bitch. I've been debugging for 2 days straight, haven't gotten anywhere and I'm still doing it. You're your own biggest enemy.
So he went full yandredev?
I regret clicking on his patreon. I feel sick.
Holy shit, this guy has issues.
He's just a based Slav.
I have to build a template tree from the bottom up and the leafs are fucking everything up. I have to decide between readable code or fast messy code.
In your opinion, what is the best approach to level design?
1. Planning on paper than applying in the map editor
2. Just going nuts in the map editor and see what happens
3. Other
Readable, your future self thanks you
Planning beforehand seems like it would be the most conductive to actually fun design. If you're totally lost as to what to do, just read some articles on level design or pay attention to a game similar to your project and see how its levels play out.
That's how I was feeling but I spent the last 5-6 hours jumping through all sorts of hoops trying to get the entire thing in one nice recursive function, but everything I did ended up hitting a dead end eventually. It's all because my nodes store pointers to other nodes, and the leafs just store data so the difference between pointers and regular variables basically fucked the whole thing up. It's also a template which further complicated things.
That's actually some good advice.
Nice dubs.
Keep trying.
Nice dubs.
Have any of you used AngelScript? I've implemented it, and it works well enough with one engine/module and many contexts, but when I try to run scripts in parallel I hit race conditions. The documentation is rather sparse on what's necessary for thread safe parallel execution aside from the obvious (synchronization on globals, etc), but the random access violations I get would indicate that there's some state that's shared between contexts.
Might be worth noting that this is C++, and I'm using a thread pool that accepts a lambda with no arguments as the work, so I iterate entity handles and assign the relevant ones to a std::queue (with a mutex).
What's a decent way of generating weighted pseudo-random numbers in C++? For example if I generate a random number between 0 and 1, I'd want there to be a very high chance of it landing between 0.4 and 0.6.
Something like pic related, the closer to the centre the higher the probability of it being picked.
std::discrete_distribution maybe?
rand() + rand()
If you want diceroll-like probablitity you need normal-distribution AKA gaussian. Discrete distribution as mentioned is if you want to pick from a set of numbers with a weight per choice.
Sorry for the slow replies, the heat knocked me out yesterday!
It was no problem, I am always happy to pass on any modeling knowledge to other modelers!
I am happy it makes you feel that way. If it helps, I did try and emulate the feel of this place by using the potion shop from Ocarina of Time as a reference, hence why its so red looking in there!
D-Don't Sexualize the Alchemists!
You told me the purple one was made specificall for sexualisation.
Also, for you anons; they is genuine free jap stock sound effects which can be found here!
Oh no, you can sexualize her. She has big boobies.
Don't listen to that degenerate. Do him a favor and sexualize ALL of his characters.
those are so fucking cool
i am proud of you.
The horror music makes it a lot more belivable
Oh, thank you!
I posted those NPCS before.
Heres some more of the other NPCs I posted before. I have also shown off monsters and player characters here before too!
God damn, some of those menu sound effects are fucking tasty.
You may recognise some of those sound effects from various old animus and games like Tenchu, too; and they are all free to use, too (and actually made by nip nips)
hey, guise, check it out
I made it a goal a few weeks ago to make progress every day, no matter how tiny. Doing good so far - fixed some bugs today.
You should make it ragdoll tbqh
your mp4's never load for me, which is really upsetting because the thumbnails make your work seems really rad. Are you making your engine? Or are you using something like Unreal/Unity? I ask because I am thinking about making a 3D platformer using UE4 since I already and familiar with C++.
Furthermore, what do you use for 3D modeling? I have blender, but I've no idea how to use the damn thing. I've never been good at art, so I am hoping to get by with a low poly rough draft for now until I git gud
oh shit its worse than the reddit formatting people do. I didn't realize that I pressed the 'Enter' key plz no bully
How's this?
it works, thanks
I'm tempted to make a primitive horror game or physics puzzler just to fuck around with this library
The mp4's are encoded in newer x265 (as opposed to x264) so that might be the problem, try updating your codecs? If you still can't view the videos, I also post them on my twitter account @kircode.
I'm making my own engine from scratch in Haxe using a lightweight layer Lime for stuff like asset management. I had to learn lots of 3d and maths concepts, as well as OpenGL and GLSL for this, but in the end I think it's worth it.
This is an unpopular opinion, but I do not recommend using a universal engine like Unity or Unreal. If you're familiar with C++ and feeling adventurous like me, check out thebennybox on youtube, he explains all 3d concepts very well and has a detailed series of tutorials writing a game engine from scratch in Java and later C++. In about a week or two you'll have a Wolfenstein clone made with OpenGL.
I use Blender for modeling, after some practice I think modeling in 3d is easier than drawing in 2d. There are tons of youtubers (eg. PigArt) that make tutorials and timelapses of modeling in blender, that might help you get started.
Hope this helped.
im not the guy you replied to
but thanks a lot for this
i probably will end up writing my own 3D engine at some point if it's not to much of a pain in the ass
Damn, you give me motivation to continue learning coding. Thanks, all of you, for actually doing shit.
Keep up the good work!
thanks a lot for the tip, I will definitely check out those youtubers you mentioned. Thankfully, I don't expect to have to learn too much math, since I already know linear algebra and vector calc. also
that makes me feel a lot better. Honestly, modeling is my most major concern for the project since I have absolutely no experience there. Same with sound design, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
The most difficult part is to overcome the desire to be lazy and shitpost on a certain mongolian throatsinging board for a whole day instead of working. You must do everything in your power to learn something new and practice using that new thing everyday. If you can do this, you will be able to just like make game
Don't get intimidated by stuff you don't have experience in, tons of people do modeling/drawing/composing/anything every day, so there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to.
Also, if you learn the hotkeys, modeling is just plain fun, like a sandbox game without boundaries.
Truer words have never been spoken
Its written in C and uses openGL for graphics and openAL for sound. I started the project in December 2015. The game uses a BSP tree for rendering, line of sight tests, and collision detection. It has basic path-finding and enemy AI, and the player can shoot the enemies, however I haven't programmed in enemies shooting back at the player. Its taken me so long because I had school for most of the development time, so I couldn't put as much work into it as I would have liked to. It also has its own level editor which took up a few months of development time and is a pretty hard to use and limited application, but it just barley works for making levels.
This is probably the most inefficient way of making a game because instead of actually designing gameplay or enemies or levels I spent months writing the engine. But at this point i've learned enough to make a much nicer engine for my next game.
Entirely rehauled the jet system. Now it flows a lot smoother, mid-air mobility is a lot easier, flight can be toggled on/off at a button switch, and dodging ties into it as well.
Probably gonna make level design a pain, but I don't care. It's fun.
I'm applying.
fucking india
Please don't fall into this trap, unless you really like making engines more than you do actual games.
there is no market for indie developers, you are shit, you are worse than shit, get a real job or finish your goddamn game so you can treat other people like shit
I really am having more fun making engines more than making games so far. I've been doing this for a year. This isn't my first game (or engine)
My idea is that eventually I will have such a good game engine, that I can make whatever cool game features I want. Its never going to happen, is it?
You're not alone. I'm also making my own engine, but I don't regret it at all.
I actually made one before the one I'm working on now that was also 3d, although making that engine was literally the way I learned how to code in C++ (took me about 2-3 years to make). It was full of dumb shit like me re-inventing the STL libraries just because, and very dangerous use of pointers. I wasn't even close to completing a game though. I started off by designing the level editor and the best you could do is click on blocks, move them around and rotate them, which was a fuckton of 3d math.
Now I put that engine on the shelf and have started over. I took a few things from the engine, like my window manager library and math library which I also had to heavily modify, and I've been working on it all summer and I'm just fucking amazed at how far I've come. Doing it this way has put me leagues ahead any other programmer at my University.
Jesus Christ. Where do you find all of these?
I know what you mean, when I started work on my engine I didn't even know how to use linked lists. My map editor lets you make blocks and resize them , but i'm not too experienced in math so I cant do rotations yet.
I'm going into college for the first time in about a month. I think i'll be in a similar situation as far as programming experience goes.
If you do 3d rotations use quaternions. You'll thank me later.
I gave up on trying to understand how they work ages ago. Luckily you don't need to in order to use them.
my engine uses Euler angles a lot and It has not been good
I dont know enough math to do it in another way, but I will have to learn how when I start on my next engine
A lot of his characters are furshit, so no thanks.
Man, something looks really ugly about this art-style. I have no idea what it is.
My game engine takes care of the formulas, and I understand it's making a spiral in 4 dimensions. Although, I was talking to a math teacher about the ones I implemented and apparently there is so much more behind them that none of us are even seeing. Like 3d graphics use of them has been so ridiculously simplified that he didn't know what I was talking about and started going on what they actually where.
I probably spent weeks looking up quaternions when I converted over. They're super nice. If you want euler behavior you just make your shit in eulers and throw then convert it to a quaternion, which I only use for my player camera.
Any freelance website.
While we're on the subject of freelance websites, anyone know a good site to buy custom particles (ideally for UE4)?
I need an explosion and a missile trail/ribbon
Here's how it works:
Internally you represent every rotation using a quaternion. For the UI of your editor, you expose them as Euler angles (use a convert function). Your coding API should allow for both, while always ending in a quaternion.
Quaternions have a couple of important properties. They're efficient, allow for spherical linear interpolation (slerp) and don't suffer from gimbal lock. Their drawback is that they aren't user friendly. You're not doing a rotation around the x axis by 36 degrees by supplying the quaternion directly. You also don't edit them by hand (generally). You hide all of that behind functions.
They are so abstract that Epic doesn't expose them in Blueprints. They use a special rotator class instead, which hides all of that and gives you Euler angles instead. (Which I find a bit annoying, but I do most of my stuff in C++ anyway).
I forgot to mention it needs to be custom work not a marketplace asset, as it's part of a package I am trying to sell and that requires custom assets
They also work better than eulers because eulers was designed for 2d. When you go around the axis in eulers you are making a spiral in 3d (where up/down is how many times you've lapped the circle)
Quaternions is the same thing, but it rotates in 3d with a spiral in 4d.
If it's any consolation, I think the market is lacking a good 2.5D commercial FPS engine right now. With the lowpoly trend right now I expect 2.5D FPS games to make a small comeback too.
If it's any consolation, I think the market is lacking a good 2.5D commercial FPS engine right now. With the lowpoly trend right now I expect 2.5D FPS games to make a small comeback too.>>10114352
Rate me, m8s
I've been thinking about a good magic system.
So far I got:
I'm thinking in an actual RPG, where different roles would get you different stories. Also, you couldn't be omnipotent ever, like in Skyrim. If you choose to be a spear-wielding warrior, you can't train yourself into a high-ranking sorcerer, only the basic magic you could learn, and vice versa
So you don't have a game or anything implemented. 0/10.
Finish something then get feedback. Premature asspats accomplish nothing.
Such is life when you only started coding
Eh, I guess I come back later with the idea
System sounds fine. Now get enough skill to implement it nicely.
Thanks for feedback, I appreciate it.
What you have to keep in mind is whether your systems complement each other or not. You could have the best spell system in the world but it won't be as good if the rest of the game systems don't work well alongside it.
So I've been planning on watching this AI game dev stream for the 2016 nuclai conference, but I missed day one (annoyingly large timezone difference); does anyone have a link to the saved day 1 stream (it's unlisted)?
I looked everywhere for an unofficial record of the stream, but no such luck.
I have a link to the day 2 of the recorded stream:
Also, day 3 is starting in a few hours if anyone is interested:
They'll add em to the archive once the event is over, but I'm quite interested in the listed day 1 speakers
If you're a member of AIGameDev they'll probably put them on the site at some point. I've not watched them either. Too busy working on my game.
its far too limited for anyone else to use it, but hopefully my next one will be a lot nicer
my level editor doesn't even let you make slopes.
but what about demonsteele?
Is Unity a good engine to learn in, or not?
I'm popping my cherry.
Unity a shit
If you're popping you're cherry probably try gamemaker
If you're determined to go 3D I recommend Unreal 4, but it takes time and dedication to learn
Any specific reason it's shit?
Off the top of my head:
+Ridiculously lax license
+Easy to use
-Shit optimization
-Encourages bad practices
-Irregular updates
I know theres more to hate on it for and one user made a gigantic 2-3 post long Pro's and Cons of unity, but the reason I dislike it is just look at the average unity indie game (yandre simulator). It just creates shitty devs.
I can't really hold the engine responsible for a lot of shit. I remember my friend would whine about how there were indie accounts on Steam that kept buying what were essentially pre-alpha games from the asset store and reselling them as finished products. Yes, Unity creates the environment for shit like that to happen, but the US Constitution creates an environment for SJWs to have their opinions.
However, irregular updates and terrible optimization are definite reasons to dodge it. I'll write down what I learned with Unity into a notebook and start fooling around with Unreal 4 then.
Unity's not terribly optimized; It's good enough for indie development. I'll stick with it a better engine that uses C# comes along.
In one of the older screenshots, basically a dev said Unity is basically mobile devs and babby's first game, and any indie targeting the hardcore market with a decent product are now on UE4.
what the fuck is this
It would be a bible app, user, don't you see? You even highlighted it for us.
I'll take care of the bible part of you create a native cross-platform app
pretty fucking easy to develop actually. A pity they want so much esoteric experience or I'd go and apply for it
Sadly, I have to refuse because of religious reasons.
I consider iphones a heresy.
Just run any Bible questions through me. You can always count on good ol' 8/v/ for spiritual guidance.
It's not the job, it's what the wording in that post says about the commissioner, looks like working for that person would probably make you go insane, like that guy who was working for an indian in the previous thread.
That's an extremely profitable form of heresy though.
s-should I bid
I know just the man for the job
He's overqualified.
So is the /agdg/ board run by Mark's group of friends now? Or was it always? Or is it completely separate still?
I ask because it's on the blotter and Mark has famously refused to link any board that he doesn't "own" in some way on the blotter in times past. Anyone know?
No wav. What a shame. Makes it worthless to me other than studying the sounds themselves.
How can you start off as a mage to kill enemies when your already dying by casting magic?
Shit seems like its starting off as a hard as fuck class in the beginning making grinding hard as fuck. Can these mages use some swords or shields? or blunt weapons? Or are they the type of mages to only wear bed covers and no protection at all?
Also are there diffrent classes of mages? Some small stuff mage stuff class, medium magic mage and EXPLOSION size class mages?
this one's just scary
Yes. PHP is scary.
save me from this nothing i've become
Blog post, but dev feels.
Just now, 2 years later:
>tell him it's an exact replica
I don't understand why faggots waste their time on such low level shit
More control
You can use pointers and C shit in C#, but most people choose not to because you lose the advantages of a high level language
Yeah, bro, but SO MANY DEVS DO THIS AND THEN DON'T MAKE A GAME!!! I know so many people who get caught into this low level trap and then burn out after they are a few years into a custom engine without any game.
Doesn't mean it's not impossible or required for certain situations.
bad example
he finished a game
Try Defold I just started using it last month and am enjoying it
I intend to somehow discourage grinding in the game, because it usually makes the game a lot easier boss-wise with monoton, boring killing, and basically, in my opinion takes away the fun
Mages can wear armor, only not fuckin metal plates, but lighter versions, chainmales, leather, etc
And you can specialize in different magic, like bestial magic, forms of elemental magic, or you could take up on already questing heroes as a healing mage,
And yes, very different skill-sets for mages, from the occasional healer in the village, the wizards of kings, with whom I envision battles, where the earth spits lava to the people, or tornados ruining everything
The hard thing will be to balance mages enough, to worth playing as much as warriors, or archers
is this a joke?
+ means it's a pro, calm down there RMS
MIT license is the most lax license you can think of
Isn't it free until you sell enough copies?
just wanted to implement actual 3d movement with momentum and all that good stuff
i tried using godot too
give up
Using Godot for 3D isn't a good idea yet, they're still working on that part of the engine.
its not open source
I was referring to lax in the commercial sense. Considering "Easy to Use" pretty much the defining feature of unity, I don't think the people who use it would benifit much from it being open source.
So go and just do it then. Use Godot anyway if you're so inclined.
i even watch all the stupid gamesfromscratch autism fest
Pick one.
There's a reason everyone uses Unity and there's pretty much literally no relevant Godot games.
I don't use unity :^)
I know. They are saying it is the most lax license. They are listing that as a pro. What are you confused about?
It's not Free-Software lax.
I want to start making some barebone action game to get one foot into gamedev. Simple shit, moving around, one attack, one block, one shooting, one aim and one jump action. I've already finished modeling and rigging a conceptual main character and 1 or 2 enemiesin Blender.
Should I use Unity? I heard that it's dogshit but easy to use, but I really want something that has potential but requires effort to get used to because I want to stick to one engine for a long time and not just jumping from engine to engine as I mature.
Also, is shader coding (is this the right term?) difficult to pick up? I want to stylize the graphic but I'm not sure if it'd be good for a beginner to pick it up right away as I have near zero coding experience.
Don't give up, those digits are Kek's message to you to keep on coding
It's pretty damn lax for a working, practical game engine. Like I said, calm down RMS.
I am not I actually am
I was just saying what I thought he was getting at.
Yeah. Maybe I'll achieve some sort of community like that again when my game when it comes out.
Das rite, that OP was me, I'm the founder of the IRC channel. I posted two or three of the threads before this one, but there really isn't a defined organization when it comes to creating new /agdg/ threads here. Some of the most frequent aggy posters are on #8/agdg/ as well, and I sort of coordinate things, in the sense that I ask if anyone's going to make a thread. If not, I'm the one who makes it. That is, if the old thread reached bump limit and there isn't a new thread up.
I have no idea, I do know that around 6 or more months ago, the aggy daggy board got a different owner. He made no statement about his affiliation, and given that the board is more dead than ever, I don't really think it matters. We aren't that important to Mark. Granted, he did approach us to offer a space in the Holla Forums birthday stream I think it was called that to advertise our games, but he hasn't really shown any interest in us apart from that instance.
just use openGL for 3d
Oh jeeze, maybe I should have spoilered that.
Why does she get fat when she crawls up to the dong?
I want to fucking die, /agdg/.
Coming up with character designs is tiring me out. You ever get so frustrated that you just fall asleep on the floor?
Just put some belts and skulls on it and bam next.
Tell us about your problems, user.
Make a video game out of it.
Do you know what kind of character you want to make?
I have way too many story ideas going through my head, so maybe I should flesh that out first.
Give her Adepta Sororitas armor
I really liked the Nazi's in hogans heroes, so I was thinking of making a Nazi character based off them that, like them, was more of a main character than villain. Although I get the feeling I'll get lumped with Holla Forums for doing this.
Actually, I did an iteration of her with tattoos and biker clothes on. She looked very edgy.
Definitely easy to use, and get a game going w/limited knowledge due to the thorough tutorials from the basic to intermediate level (you'll be floundering for resources on the advanced stuff, but look at the original source for it, e.g. directX docs for more advanced portions of hlsl programming, etc).
You should know by now, especially if you're considering this engine… the reason you hear it's "dogshit".
1) due to the low entry barrier, it's easy to produce shovelware, and especially so considering one can purchase an asset to do all of the heavy lifting for them (i.e. it's a cobbled together mess made by a plebian)
2) the user isn't versed enough in programming, and hops right into making a game; despite this being quite the undertaking. Leading to the dev not having the know how to work around the "holes" that were left by Unity. These "holes" being a proverbial black hole for sucking away those precious ms (16.6ms budget for 60fps); which can be worked around w/at least a flicker of intermediate programming knowledge.
So… if you want to produce a game that runs well, looks good, and isn't a cobbled together mess; for the love of carmack learn how to code properly before diving in.
Also, avoid purchasing assets, and only do so if you could definitely code it on your own (i.e. you want to be able to fully understand what they coded, etc).
Despite those reasons… imo it's a good engine if used with the right intentions plus the know how, but it has a reputation it rightly earned.
It's quite easy to pick up w/prior coding experience (CG and HLSL are based on C), and also make sure to learn the entire pipeline so you understand how your shaders actually function; which can equate to more efficient shaders + being able to use them to their fullest extent.
the only word that keeps popping into my head is "pretentious"
I had that issue at first for certain aspects of my game.
Best solution is to just write down everything, and I mean all of it.
Then you can sort through it and find that lump of gold amongst the shit.
For character designs I've heard anons first create a backstory/basic persona, and then based on this it's easy to imagine what they would look like due to this.
Like in a book, we all imagine the characters appearance due to their mannerisms, persona, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be that detailed, but the basics can help you form that mental image.
Released 0.0.3
She looks like Erin.
I want to fuck her.
Draw some porn.
I'm too busy making an animated cutscene.
But why?
R8 muh healer.
Her name is Spalone
mirin that Akagi clone
i wonder what they smell like haha
rhymes with bologna.
She looks pretty strong.
Looks like Binding of Isaac porn to be honest
Never been into these threads. Surprised somebody is actually making a game thought it was all ideafags and graphicsfags
artfags aren't known for not being complete retards
Because I don't want someone stealing a high quality direct screen grab. Call me paranoid, but I have trust issues with people enough that I know in real life.
Mecha time! Partly influenced by my playing Wolfenstein TNO early this year.
Former art major. Can confirm.
What happens if someone steals your mecha? Do you have to pay them a fee?
But you would keep the original, so it's just pirating.
are you calling us nodevs?
Wake up musicfags
Start by trying to draw clear, concise lines first.
Also obligatory Loomis plug:
Also if your having trouble with designing characters I highly recommend reading The Skillful Huntsman.
Thanks for the link. I also fucking love your characters.
Thank you. I'm still fighting through amateur hour, so I appreciate it.>>10123595
This is some quantum bullshit
I get different behaviors when clicking play from inside the pawn
It doesn't work when I don't click from inside the pawn. So I go inside the pawn to see why. It performs differently.
haha good luck pal
I'll have you know that my programming skills are absolutely mediocre.
So, I had a dream the other day, not of a game, but of someone on Holla Forums posting about an idea for a game. I figure I should give back, as it were, but I don't want to start my own thread and I figure this could be a good practice project for anyone who wants to try.
So the idea was that the character and all the enemies would have the same abilities, like, moveset wise. It would probably be a good idea to give the player all their moves from the start, just to be fair. I also assume the AI would have a varying level of skill throughout the game or in boss situations. I don't know if this cropped up later or I made this part up later, but sharing models between all of them would also probably work. You should probably color code them of course.
The dream didn't last long enough for Holla Forums to go full idea guy on it and then never finish the project, and I don't want to contribute to that sort of mess so I'll leave the rest of it up to you. Unless you want my really awful uneducated opinion on what could work for some reason.
Is this the shitpost thread? a few hours ago I had a dream where I stole kojima's pants from an exibition and put the spanish coat of arms in its place and no one noticed or just rolled on with it. then I was trying to shower with them without taking them off or wetting them because I was fat and didn't want to go into the trouble that was getting inside them again and just when the concert was about to start (I had backstage passes) someone noticed the perm market that said "Kojima's pants" in the pants then a turf war started between the japanese imperial guard who wanted their pants and the spanish royal guard who was proud that their coat of arms was given such honor but were also mad because i stole the coat of arms too.
somewhere in between I may or may not have awakened and may or may not have asked my sister to sit in my face too, I know I asked her to pass me the dog and when I was finally awake there was dog in the bed but I didn't went to sleep with the dog
I had a dream last night where I taught someone what the class keyword in C++ was for.
I didn't even get to explain the difference between class and struct.
Dude nobody wants to steal that piece of shit. I can find art that's 80 billion times better than that in 10 seconds by going to
You're posting photos because you're a pretentious faggot who wants to appear hip and cool.
Enginefags pls read
I find all of the mainstream engines I try too involved and built-up. Like yes I could easily learn any of the tools to save me work but by the time I learn the seventeen of them necessary to actually just like make game, would the time investment even be worthwhile? Sometimes it seems like being super powerful or high-level or giving lots of extra options few people would ever want just gets in the way.
Now I want to make a 3D game with lots and lots of menus and options, lots of enemies and NPCs, and text menus to navigate for talking to people and interacting with things, like basically every 3D game has always had.
I don't care if the graphics like like the 90s because I want the game to run on basically any hardware, and I'm a shitty novice nothing artist anyways.
What I want is to be able to make a shitty-looking 3D game, if possible model and animate things right in the engine software (though not necessary really), and fill in gameplay as I go. In fact, I was thinking about starting off by making a giant-ass bestiary and using a little filler polygon of a buckyball or something while I fill in all of the stats and set movespeed and so on.
I also fucking hate the idea of building a game on an engine and paying some royalties only to find out my gamemaking was indebted to some retarded SJW bigot who specifically hates my racial and gender demographics because some idiot professor told them to and they have a retarded circlejerk.
I have STRONGLY considered making my own engine and even read some guides and books, but the timesink would be massive and I know more than one of you already is full-on enginefagging.
So finally, and thanks for your patience reading all of this…do any of you have engines somewhere near ready to be used? Anything you're willing to release, that works for Windows and I can just get as some sort of portable-install package with precompiled binaries?
I'm afraid to trust anyone and sometimes I just want to make games and never release them to the world at all, but I realize how much talent is going into /agdg/ in an unorganized manner. I have this pipe dream of getting engine devs working together and sharing code, making a DRM-free Steam alternative where people can download or distributed download after paying and we don't even bother giving a fuck if they pirate and install to it instead…where user engines can profit share from user games…a meeting of ideafags, enginefags, and featurefags…but I know it would be a mistake to try to get some "official" thing going right away and expect everyone to jump on board and work well together.
So for now, I'm asking…any enginefags want a qt gamedev? I can find flaws through practical testing and give feedback and actually get explanations from you about how it works. Anything C/C++ based? Pls give, pls let me use, it will make me maybe actually make a game and have fun doing it, it'll help you have a reason to keep devving your engine, and it'll free both small devs who don't want to be "indie" and non-shill-addicted gamers from the centralization.
tl;dr pls give hipster C/C++ engine for me to 3d dev with
Your calves are too thick, and the knee area is too thin in comparison. The shading on the elbow pit suggests wrong anatomy. Shoulder to hip ratio seems too masculine and I feel like the arms are not attached correctly. Breasts, and possibly spines, do certainly not work like in the rightmost drawing.
Keep going, there's already areas of anatomy you're plenty strong at.
I don't have guts to make video games anymore.
It's a case of whether or not you got what it takes and want it enough. Everyday I doubt whether or not I'll finish making my game, because I refuse to let anyone help me. But this is the one thing I want to do in my life, so I'm still fighting even if it's an uphill battle.
I think I had a stroke reading some of the parts of your post, but if I understand this correctly, you want to use an engine, but you don't want to use an engine, correct?
I say grab a few libraries and program it yourself. The only way to guarantee you don't have to pay your tributes to anyone is to grab a free as in freedom engine, and most of them are pretty barebones compared to the big enterprise engines, and by that I mean "you better learn how to program because you will get no IDE".
Haven't personally used it too much, but it's a 3D engine and it has some sort of basic IDE. Maybe you will like it.
Absolutely no IDE. This is a library for programming only, although it's quite easy to use.
I think it's also for programming only, but you may manage to find plugins for your favourite Java IDE to make it feel like an IDE.
Blender has a crappy game engine. It is also a 3D editor. Actually, it may be good for starters, as it is the closest you can get to an IDE.
Godot has an IDE, Godot can do 3D, but you don't want to use Godot for 3D.
There are many map editors for these. Sadly, it seems the engine doesn't like holding non-FPS.
It's shit, but Minetest uses it. Code only.
Still, I wouldn't start with a 3D game. They are complicated, way more than a 2D game, and tools for 3D games are way rarer than tools for 2D games.
You don't understand it correctly, and I don't object to paying royalties, at all, in any way. I used standard English and given that you struggled to read and came up with a bizarre conclusion not contained in what I wrote, perhaps it's your reading skill that's lacking?
I looked into OGRE3D but it's seemingly incomplete and unmaintained from what I was told.
Well, then go fuck yourself, I guess.
That sentence wasn't convoluted.
It didn't say that royalties are bad.
You didn't read at all, you skimmed, came to a wrong conclusion, and then posted about how hard it was to read.
I genuinely thought you were just being a sardonic piece of shit and not that you struggle with reading.
So go fuck yourself, and learn to read
Well, the advice is there. Take it or leave it, but judging by your passive aggressive attitude I guess it will be more like leaving it. Wait for another answer, maybe someone will attempt to take their time to formally analyse your incoherent ramblings and provide a more suitable answer for your feefees.
The advice has nothing to do with the request.
Motherfucker I even said "enginefags pls read", which has never meant anything other than "people who are making engines rather than games" in these threads.
You are that guy on stackoverflow who answers a question no one asked in place of a perfectly clear question you insist is "vague" and then get mad when no one sucks your dick for it.
The problem is you. You do not get English or you have time to argue but none to read.
You don't even know what "passive-aggressive" means. What I am saying is that you are wrong. It is directly aggressive.
Let's wait for someone else to read your post and see if they manage to respond accordingly. Maybe it's you who thinks too highly of your English writing skills.
Or you could tell me what is wrong with my post English-wise to establish that you're not just semi-literate.
While grammar and syntax are correct, you are not making up your mind on what to ask for. You start by asking enginedevs to answer to you, then comment on how you want to make a 3D game, then ask for engines, then ramble about how wonderful would it be if someone invented free software again.
Just what the fuck are you asking?
Greatly disappointed.
Nice to see progress here! Have been working on this side-scrolling action game. Latest feature I added was two handed weapons with this different attacking system.
By holding attack button while having axe, you'll activate this charging bar above you.
When the bar above hits green stars you'll make bonus damage but if you fail to release attack button there you'll go back to default damage, as the red X's indicates there.
It is still work in progress and buggy from different areas, since I am lousy coder and bad at pixel art. I am using Game Maker on this project and asesprite for graphics.
user I'm telling you you've just gotta read more books n shiet.
You too?
Guys let me use very very small sentences here.
Me want make game.
Me not like use big shiny engine.
Big shiny engine maybe made by SJWs who bitch about me use their engine and not advance "cause".
Me want use user made engine.
Anons in /agdg/ threads talk lot about make engine.
Some anons not even make game anymore because make engine.
Anons like talk about engines they make in thread.
Me dev.
Dev want engine user make.
Dev want make user game on other user engine.
Dev want know any user made engine dev can use?
Dev offer pay royalties.
Dev offer work together, help engine dev test engine while me making game.
Sarcastic yes but please tell me you understand now.
How the hell did you get the gif so blurry?
You ought to have a visible loading bar somehow, it's easier to judge your timing if you can compare your current time with the max time. I also don't think that the failed time should add another symbol, it should just turn the other 5 symbols into cross marks.
Go home phil fish
get off your high horse, nigger
Bretty good, m8
Would listen while playing/10
Some kind of fast-paced dark noir game with it would go well
I used Gyazo to capture the gif, and I can see that it is total ass to image quality. It seems it also skipped few frames from the end.
The loader you proposed looks good, I will try that. I also should center the bar better.
I specifically wrote out exactly why I was asking so you won't go
And all I get is
It's like it's impossible to say anything but the exactly expected without fags not reading, getting mad that they didn't or couldn't read, responding to something that was specifically not addressed to them to begin with, and then acting hurt because they're so insulted.
I mean I went out of my way to make sure people who were not building engines didn't have to read it at all, and still this bullshit.
Is everything in this game kemono furry bait?
Who is the target audience here?
I know you want to crush the pretentious faggot's pretentiousness, but you should probably do it with character designs that aren't retarded.
Especially that first one, it's fucking terrible.
I am forever actually making games but having no graphics for them.
Ogre 3D is far from unmaintained; 2.1 is considered "stable" (but you do need to get it from the mercurial repo) and incorporates support for DX11 and OpenGL 3, with possible support for Vulkan in the future (they don't consider it a priority at the moment, but have said that the architecture changes from 1.8 make it possible).
NAh m8, it would be a good design against small-height enemies with plenty of teeth and claws, if the feet of the guy would be protected
He's be a good soldier for an MRA group
Sounds pretty generic and the guitar starting at 32 sounds shrill and annoying. In fact, whatever you are using to make this adds this shrill quality to it.
Go use Unreal.
Your post wast annoying to read BTW. I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to work with you by choice.
This is one of the most useful critiques I've ever received. Thank you, user. Back to work.
If you didn't get the muh-soggy-knees one I guess you wouldn't get that one.
GG use to say muh-soggy-knees to make fun of feminists calling everything Misogyny. MRA as in men's rights activists
What exactly would an enginedev gain from working with an obnoxious faggot like you anyways? Shut the fuck up and use one of the many FOSS engines like and suggested instead of being a picky little bitch who can't take bants and insists on being babysat by his own personal engine developer.
I've met faggots like you outside of AGDG and none of them had any interesting mechanical ideas. The few that actually managed to lure in an enginedev quickly drove him away by treating him like complete shit, contrary to their almost worshipful attitudes towards competent coders unlike themselves.
What eastern european or second-world shithole do you or your ancestors hail from? You write almost exactly like the denser examples I've encountered on the internet.
Thanks, m8
Oh, well that's good news. Last I checked, the official site didn't have any info on it newer than a few years before. That itself was a few years ago, though.
Do you know of any game user-made 3D game engines? I see posts here and there but never names or repos.
And, you see? You are that faggot I was trying to avoid.
And so are you, and a furfag to boot.
No, anons were just bitching because they don't know how to read, and they and you are #triggered because I fed their bullshit back to them instead of sucking their dicks like I was in some kind of safe space. Can't take it? Don't dish it out.
Fuck you faggot, you don't know one thing about me or my project, you just know that I didn't apologize for being insulted and I asked a thing that's unfamiliar to you.
You might not believe it but not everyone from the first world is a dumb faggot who's never read a book and can't read anything at all beyond a third-grade level. Are you just trying to embody the dumb trucker stereotype or something, as if it's a virtue? If you don't have the attention span to read a paragraph about something that required a paragraph to explain, go circlejerk in a fucking Skype call and leave the text-based internet alone.
Did you just come from Reddit?
Four different anons have commented on how unreadable your post was. Maybe it's time to start reconsidering your writing skills.
No I just came from Holla Forums, go back to /monster/ newfag.
Maybe it's time to read a book, nigger, and stop browsing Holla Forums until you turn 18.
I think after painting, she'll be quite pretty.
all this bullshit aside
dont fight guis ;_; save you energy for code
do any of the engiefags have engines finished enough to use?
I dont want to sell games i make in the first place but it would be nice to use a Holla Forums engine
I'd make you guis eros~~
Jesus christ, m8 those calm those tits
terrible physics, good enough body 4/10
What do you think fighting with people who are where trying to help you will accomplish? Wanting to work with other user's to get something going is admirable, but you don't seem to understand most home-brewed game engines are 100% tailored to a butchered version of what the maker wanted. So when you go listing off a bunch of features and things you want it makes "Enginefags" seem like it refers to people who know about professionally made game engines. And god damn dude, when people can't understand your essay the first thing you do is start bitching about how they can't read and start a shitstorm. And you wonder why user's are saying "No ones going to want to work with you."
Nipples too pointy, and they sway too much. Breasts sway more as a whole, not just the tip.
I listen to Willie Nelson and wear a Sahlin's Custom Castrating cap when I'm not reading /agdg/-related papers and library documentation, make of that what you will.
How hard did you fap to this?
Reminds me of the female pyro model but with less ass
Speaking of Ogre, I finally managed to get multithreaded entity updating working. Each cube is an entity that has its position set by an AngelScript context. Each script can also (in theory) store variables across ticks because each entity has its own script context. Logic ticks happen at 20Hz, graphics at 60. It's not perfect (scripts can only access their own entity, all script code runs before any other system fires off, etc), but it works.
Nice work, keep up!
im using everything thats wrong.
Richman 2
Thank god you don't have the ability or intelligence to make your own fucking game or you'd be an even worse version of phil fish.
Implemented some optimization settings.
I don't have a very powerful rig (I work on a craptop) so spamming particles and trails and etc always lags for me. But I like putting in a bunch of effects for people that aren't playing on toasters.
Hooray for customization!
DemonSteele's sprite artist went to prison, so, uh. Project's in a bit of a touchy situation at the moment.
I get it user, you're triggered someone didn't apologize when you insulted them, it's okay, you can always find a safe space.
I didn't interact with that fag, I just saw him sucking dicks and called it what it was.
oh, it's you. Shouldn't you be amassing skill and talent so you can drive them off by being an insufferable autist?
I get it user, you're triggered someone didn't apologize when you insulted them, it's okay, you can always find a safe space.
I get it user, you're triggered someone didn't apologize when you insulted them, it's okay, you can always find a safe space.
Two questions: would it be possible to implement raycasting-like rendering in OpenGL, and would hardware rendering save up phone battery over software rendering?
Not that user but I am working with him, maybe I need to expand a little more on the breast weight maps.
There seems to be plenty of material on ray tracing with OpenGL compute shaders. There was also a PoC of ray tracing using SM2.0b, but it was more technically impressive than visually.
I'm sorry user, but I'm afraid you're going to have to look a lot at real jiggling boobs for research. Maybe some slowmotion footage as well. Truly a terrible task.
The effect the other user applied may be a little overdone and that's all, but I reckon I need to expand the influence in the jiggle bones from the mesh.
… hwat
Anyone got agvg motivation pics? I want to make a folder. If I remember correctly there arre a few with Waluigi
Did someone say PORTALS?
amateur game video game. duh.
Amateur gay video games
Allied Goys, Very Good.
I have no experience in programming whatsoever but I have all these fucking concepts and so much time on my hands. I've always wanted to learn a language too.
What I'm planning basically resembles the Layton and Wario games but with RPG elements. What engine would you guys recommend? Should I learn a language before I even bother tackling something like this? please be nice i know absolutely nothing
Don't learn a language, learn programming. And do it properly.
If a game is a sculpture, programming is the act of carving it out of the stone. In that metaphor, the language is like the brand of chisel.
An important choice, no question. But the band doesn't matter, if you can't use it properly in the first place.
that's a stupid metaphor
Make a better one. Not that that should be difficult. It's late and unbearably hot where I live right now. Fuck summer.
Alright, so imagine you have a trap door. Programming is opening the door, and engines let you descend into the darkness below. If you pick unity, there's a man below that touches you
Thanks user. Where would you suggest I start based on my specific need?
I recommend starting to learn with C. Though I'm sure some people will bitch that's it's too hard to start with and that you need some "easier" language to start learning with.
But there sooome truth to what says in that you need to learn to program properly. That's the main thing. However some languages don't can keep a lot from you and not give you the flexibility for you to learn properly. Also some are typically taught alongside particularly burdening dogmas. It's not as simple as them being "a brand of chisel"
It's really not that hard at all and if you come to like programming you'll find it hard to go without the flexibility languages like C give you. Also helps that it's a standard.
Look up Handmade Hero and find the Intro to C tutorials. That alone will get you going pretty well.
Wow, talk about stupid metaphors.
The point of mine was that you can write the same mechanics using different languages, the same way you can create the same sculpture using different chisels. It's the tool you use with which you make your game.
Pic related is a screencap of a post I once made in the Unity forums. This question sure gets asked a lot.
I also just noticed that Unity has a new forum design and it broke the formatting. Form over function at its best.
So what have been working on lately?
Just finished pic related.
Quaternions are a fucking pain in the ass in Unity, learning how to reset rotations literally took me 3 days of screwing around until I got it right. Even still I wish I could "ease" into it better. If anyone has any resources, I'd love to see them
Yeah, and some really bad advice. I mean, he has a point, but he actually didn't help the user making the question at all.
How many resources on pseudoprogramming do you have out there? The Art of Computing, the densest and most complicated compsci book ever written? Even books meant to teach "how to actually program", like SICP, use a language to exemplify their teachings, because computer science isn't that much about masturbating over abstract concepts like other sciences.
First, don't bother with an engine right now. You will have to learn the very basics of programming first, namely what are variables, arrays, flow control and loops. I recommend any Python source, since it is the "simplest" language around; it lets you focus on actually programming and designing algorithms, and not microoptimizing your program, fighting the syntax (except for the whitespace, fuck that whitespace) or having to worry about memory fuckery and undefined behaviour.
After you have learned the basics (I would stop before objects. You will need them, but later on), try to make a FizzBuzzWoof. After that, pick either C, C++, C# or Java and start making a real, but simple project.
There, you know how to program. Now come back here and ask us for some decent engine.
But that's not what that guy said. Learning to program doesn't really involve wrangling with manual memory management, pointers and other low level things. "Actual programming", as in algorithm design, is actually fairly high level. Sure, in practice you will have to fight the limitations of a computer, but that's not what "don't learn a language, learn programming is".
If you want to recommend C, why stop there? Why not recommend assembly, the way computers TRULY work?
your metaphor only applies if you have severe autism, though
jMonkeyEngine had a great little presentation on 3D math primers, but it apparently broke during their move to github.
Thanks bro! Good reading material, I'll have to check it out.
Thank you so much guys, you've been a great help.
I hate these types of tutorials. The Gentoo installation guide was exactly like this
Jesus Christ.
I shouldn't be making posts in the middle of the night anymore. Not when I still have enough strength to help an user out, but not enough to make it clear what exactly I mean.
When I say that I think that you shouldn't learn a programming language, but learn how to program, what I mean is that learning a specific language shouldn't be your primary goal. You should still learn one. How else are you supposed to actually practice your programming after all?
It's not that I disagree with what you say, but you're strawmanning a bit hard here and there.
Learning how to think about problems in an abstract and logical fashion, is one thing (and one he has do get the hang of regardless of which language he wants to use later). He doesn't have to go as far as becoming a computer scientist. That's quite a big leap.
There's also a huge difference between programming in assembly vs programming in C.
I also recommend C for starters, but for different reasons. No OOP, a simple syntax many other languages use too and almost no boilerplate. I explicitly tell newbies to stay away from all the low level stuff. If you are an absolute newbie, you want to learn the basics (how the computer "goes through" your program, variables, functions, controlling its flow with conditional logic, etc.) first. C is great for that. Java is often mentioned as a good language for starters. Compared to C, Java is extremely verbose and forces you into OOP.
Teaching a newbie OOP will take substantially longer than getting him to write his first C programs. The alternative is to tell him to ignore all the OOP related code, act as though it wasn't there and leave the questions unanswered. I just don't like that.
Maybe you were one of those purists who recommends starting with pseudocode or lambda calculus. I don't know, I am from Holla Forums and I have seen a lot of people saying really retarded shit around there.
While I agree OOP is not that good for beginners due to all that boilerplate, multiparadigm languages are quite good since you can forget about the complex bits until you are ready. This is where Python comes in play.
In C, you have to learn a bit about basic operation of your compiler, importing libraries, structuring your program around main… whereas in Python you just start coding. There are no semicolons, there are no braces, and fuck, there aren't explicit definitions of types (as much as I love strong static typing, it's something beginners shouldn't worry about). It's as close to pseudocode as it can get.
Usually, people recommend C because it teaches about how does memory work, more or less, but if you want to skip that stuff then Python is your language, since it will teach you the same but made even simpler. It's the closest you can get to pseudocode while still keeping the code executable by a computer.
Starting 3 new projects a day
kill me
Planning in UE4. Got it working but not quite how I'd like it so I feel like shit.
i found Lua to be great as a beginners langauge, however the lack of a switch/case statement triggers my autism SO FUCKING HARD
I'm currently preping to get back into C#, and after looking at it in comparison to C++ and C, it seems to be a sort of 'middle of the road' between the two. you can focus on lower level things like hyperthreading and whatnot while also having a C style syntaxand strong static typing, but feels and looks a bit cleaner than C++ to me.
remember the most important rule of freelancing, kids
I'm starting a new one RIGHT NOW
dont bully pajhit
he a dindu nuffin
he just couldn't find a toilet is all
it's true, half the problem is americans seeking out pajeet
tell me more, i love a story
what do you suppose this guy's damage is? he's already got 10 pajeets applying within 14 minutes
Pajeets are the wetbacks of the internet. I did this for marketers as a university assistant and still got paid more to do this since I'd spend two hours between coding and testing.
I hope he gets what he's paying for.
Why would anyone even freelance for such little pay? It's not like it's something fun to do either. Not worth the effort at all.
it takes a very special kind of person to bother applying for a $10 job, while trying to undercut everyone else applying for the $10 job, which becomes an $8 job after upwork takes their cut
besides that, upwork now limits that amount of applications you can send out, so if you used all of your month's 'credits' on these jobs, and got every one, you'd be looking at about $200 for the whole month
It wasn't freelancing, it was a waged job. I was hired as a web goblin to build and maintain webpages and that expanded into emails. I took the job because it was a way to start paying back student loans while I was still a student.
I was actually dumb enough to choose an art degree in my freshman year. Now I'm doing forensics.
I meant the one in the ad rather than yours. Yours is more legit.
Ah, sorry for the confusion. Honestly, I saw how freelancing sites were saturated with insulting offers like that and promptly gave up on freelancing. Maybe after getting more experience in forensics than just getting a few students expelled, I can look into freelance forensics or something equally absurd.
anyone here want to break into the gaming media niche
this isn't even half of it
I worked with someone like this once
he was the hugest dick I've ever known
Amateur general videodeveloper gaming
I bring shame to my family.