In all seriousness. How soon until a Pokemon Go player gets killed or arrested for taking this picture seriously?

Other urls found in this thread:

change the hands to white and maybe they wont notice

What the fuck?


You faggots and your furryshit child game have taken half the board with your shit.

it spells "blood" you stupid cracker.

I bet Mareros are going to love this :^)

I thought it was pokemon goy.
But it was really pokemon nog ?

You mean spreading this on Twitter? Couldn't you get in trouble?

Huh, so it does. Do negroids actually go around breaking their hands to spell words?

Can people normally move their ring finger without moving their pinky? Spelling blood looks like a fucking hassle

Considering we've already had one retard put his/her phone in a microwave to hatch eggs, anything is possible.

Aw, look at this little nigger chimp out.
It's cute. Nigga you are cute.

Is this some gang shit or something?

Wait what?

No it's GTA San Andreas larping

Someone made an image saying "stick your phone in a microwave to simulate walking and hatch eggs!" and someone did it without realizing how impossibly stupid that is.

Also I just realized both of my images have tumors. I apologize, I just grabbed them off of google images without thinking.

No, it spells "bbod"

Yeah, you just have shitty hands.

Did it became this easy to troll normalfags?


Its a good thing Pokemon Go exists.

Its shows on how impossible level our humanity is stupid. Put a millennial into jungle, he will die of starvation and cold because he won't even be able to cook and skin an animal.

Human became domesticated as fuck.

It always has been. I mean media's been doing it for ages.

user, it's worse than that, put a millennial anywhere without their mom's credit card and they'll die of starvation

As observed with the rule 34, there is a human for everything, no matter how smart or stupid it is.
If you tell a billion of people to put their phones on the microwave, someone in that mass will do it.

Well, most likely a thousand or so.

This also affects human taste. Release a very shitty game to millions, and even if its completely unplayable and shitty - at least some few retards will like it.

We can use Pokemon go to Purge Millennials

Why isthis game is even popular on the scale that it is? The game at this point is basically a trophy simulator with very little in-game interactions with others.
Is it because of its meme status?

I take it you were born in the 70s?

I can tilt them back and forth more or less independently. I can't curl my pinky without my ring followiny

Of course, if you release a game about fucking sexualized talking pencils, not many copies will be sold.


Unsurprising trips

Is this shit down in canada for anyone else?


Hi Satan
nice dubs-trips you have there.

I bet you'll end up striking gold for that undiscovered pencil fetish niche.

Yes they do.
Thus why everyone on the BLM movement should be purged, as they have incredibly retarded ideas that will just make shit much, much worse for black people in general.

They're probably engineered by the big corporations to stop people from the whole occupy wallstreet thing that was on the right track.

i recommend using this gesture towards pokemon go players

Of course they're supporting a US-based homegrown terrorist organization.

Probably, but in this case would work better as a commision scheme, rather than a game.


That's some Grade-A edge right there.


Calm down, Ash.

Darwin is lying content inside his grave.

What if you get the pokemon go, find a spot with a pokemon, and in there place a printed picture of a porn of that pokemon?
As far i know, the whole gen 1 have porn of it.

Pokemon has always been big to begin with and now that it's hit mobile it's increase tenfold. Normalfag memes are multiplying and the news articles keep Pokemon Go alive in conversations among people. Anywhere you go there is going to be a mention about Pokemon Go now and soon once they start getting content out on it, it's going to last for years. This will also set up numerous of similar games to come in to compete and soon all you'll see is mindless zombies running into traffic, breaking into peoples houses even more so.

Satan confirmed a nigger

Why can't totally not terrorists run those people over instead?

The best case scenario is Denno coil world.
The worse is

It'll be a fad because they'll fuck up content but you're right about imitators.

They never invented writing, so what do you expect them to do?

As long as there's a digimon game similar to S3/Tamers' "digital fields" I'll be happy.

No, user. This is just another mob fad, like beanie babies or tamagatchi. It'll be over inside a month.

You're forgetting the cardinal rule of normalfags: they are mindless crowd-followers with no critical thinking, loyalty or dedication to anything.
This is roughly 80% of humanity we're talking about.

Becuase they are paid not to.

The only thing that they have to do is introduce the ability for people to battle each other and introducing more Pokemon it'll last more then a month.

I bet it'll come around soon and give a strong competition with both Pokemon and Digimon fans sperging at eachother.

Get on my level.

Reported for gore.

I'm going back to fucking flip phones.
Nintendo is doing us all a favor - they're killing off all the retards.

three famous cali meme gangs and a great way to speed along natural selection


You stupid shit did not listen to the doctor when he told you to keep your finger in your natural position after you broke it, didn't you?

I can do that, easy. Double-jointedness in the hands isn't anything special.
But can you wiggle your pinky-toes without moving the rest of your toes?

You're probably on the money on the first one, but I'm 90% sure everyone can bend their thumb like that.

Also game is quite fun. Now when I go for a walk I take my phone to catch some pokemon.
And retards who never should left their houses in first place are glorious, keep these threads up.

Why these people keep their phones near the face at all times, it vibrates when you encounter poke, you can just walk with it in hand or pocket.

This thread is going in weird direction.

no shit

Dude what the fuck is wrong with your hands?

Satan confirmed to be banished from heaven for being a nigger.

Maybe every freak can, but not humans.

Not a bad deal to be honest family


It's actually a genetic thing, like rolling your tongue.
And even those who can bend their thumb backwards can only go so far. It is pretty rare for someone to bend it at 90° like 3550b1 user

/r/ anyone draw a pic of someone with a fucked up thumb and attach this post to it



The thumb sure but the first pic with the index finger is the result of someone keeping their finger straight after breaking it and not fucking leaving it in a relaxed state when immobilizing it.

Natural selection at it's finest.

What the fuck is up with video game e-celebs and white knighting Islam? Fuck they worst than progressive liberal angry atheist e-celebs and feminists blindly defending Muslims. gigan goomba bitch about SJW censoring cheesecakes yet praise muslims for doing the same thing cause it's progressive when they do it.


There's a nigger living in your monitor.

Pokemon GO is the gift that keeps on giving.

Oh shit nigger what are you doing?

Shut up Inhuman scum!

I can do that and I've never broken any part of my body.


That third image.

I can picture the aging hippie douche bag that probably laughs at Bill Maher and has a COEXIST sign on the bumper of his Honda Prius that put that sign together.

I hope he gets gang raped in an ally by a pack of feral niggers looking for a Pikachu.

It is not the movement you make with your hands it is the relaxed state of his finger in the first place.

Shit the radius of finding Pokemon is 50m. And if you see it you can catch it what the fuck is wrong with them?

Because they are dumb. Instead I still have to show my power level to anyone and yet I'm buttrapeing all the gym around me

Fucked up thumb mustard race

I hope he gets robbed by a minority youth gang. Unlike Hillary and Obama tranny of a wife. condoleezza rice Is actually fuckable

Oh my fucking god what…..

Yhay for us I guess

Actual normal thumb masterace

Go back to >>>/reddit/ normalfag

You absolute madman, don't post that shit, think of the poor Holla Forumsacks.

I don't like Pokemon Go either, but if anything, I'd enjoy seeing gang members being tolled MUCH, MUCH more. It would really annoy them to see their gang signs get watered down by being flashed everywhere and their frustration would be such better salt for me than Pokemon Go idiots suffering.

I've never once thought about sex with Condoleezza Rice before, but I guess if it were her or Michelle… She'd be the less terrible choice, at least. It's like choosing between being shot or stabbed though, neither is appealing at all. But at least one doesn't have man shoulders.



Fucking normalfags

Two can play that game.


Savage and nigger do the same. Are you a nigger user?

What the fuck do you mean by ripping them off?

Pleb detected

Well if we are gonna show our dysfunctions instead of talking pokemon.
Grab poorly made gif of mine.

I hope the rest of your body doesn't look so grossly deformed.


Off by 1 for Quints



Also faggots are weirdos




Nigger I almost never use clippers but I can get at least passable cuts with my teeth.
Stop being a savage

Helps with stress, though sometimes I cause infections when bits of nail get stuck between nail and skin, but it just feels so good, and it helps me calm my shit.

Get out of here, Frodo.


I can't tell what's going on with this thread anymore. Maybe living pokemons decided to derail it, by showing their pawns.


What I don't get is why they made the combat so infinitely shit. Why not just copy the battle system from the previous pokemon games? It's not mind-blowing in any way but at least it has a miniscule amount of depth to it, unlike the retarded tapping bullshit. I know you guys will say it's to appeal to normalfags but I reckon that they would play it anyway, just like the ol' gameboy games.

Jerking off deals with stress

Also jeuss fuck your toes are even fucked up to..

Also you look 30+ years old

wow, you are a fucking casual



All these niggers on Holla Forums. No wonder is such a circus. Holla Forums is white christian board you hear me ?!


Check and rise

/r/ rei-chan

And for straight males too, don't forget that.

Nice, and I won't ask you how you took that photo.

I'm just 21.

ive kept the phone in balance with the nose and set a timer
it took me 3 try before having a good one


Is your sight impaired user?

This is how pokemon go threads should be.

I dont need eyes to tell me that they're a bunch of fucking niggers

If you get killed because of Pokemon Go then you probably would've been killed anyway because you're dumb.



I'm about to make this shit Dank

Holy shit user that is the best webum I have seen in a long time I'm fucking crying

You seem to be a person who is easy to surprise.

I dont care if its edgy, this shit killed me. Tears in my eyes


At this rate, my aswell start posting feet and thumbs. It's a LOL and PGO, so nothing of value is lost.

Those two things don't go together, user. Quit trying to drag board-war nonsense into it

Cut your nails.


I am just testing what my weirdly named webms actually contain.

Epic picture bro. I'll be sure to put this up on reddit for the lulz!

stop posting limbs for the love of god

You fucking faggots, that's not his phone
You got decived by a facebook fag
yeah, sure

Holy shit cut your toenails.


Trim your claws faggot



Ya'll forgot to scrub your exif data. Now I know what phones you used to take those pictures.


I chuckled.

Where is your god now?



freaks on my Holla Forums

freaks everywhere

My only regret is that you have bonetis.

Jesus christ my sides

We still believe in gullible idiots. A lot of them are in this thread.

Eh. What's the worst that can happen? You join me and we bend each other fibers?


Prepare to get drone'd nigga

Oh shit, it's happening.

Tactical Strike on the bonetis monster.

So what's your favourite flavour of Pizza?

The hacker known as 4chan strikes again!

They must be living close to niggers for that to happen.
Never live close to niggers.

Remember 70% of people are leftist and 20% are moderate. And all moderates were considered leftists (per their political views) yesterday.

Not a surprise at all.




No, you tard, the word is 'topping,' not flavour. I'm not even Amerifat.

Just thinking of wearing socks with those horrid toenails is giving me PTSD

You're both wrong. 'Topping' is individual ingredients, and 'flavour' of pizza is retarded. It's 'kind' of pizza, just like 'kind' of fruit. You don't someone what their favourite flavour of fruit is, do you?

My favorite flavour of fruit is Tomacco.

This, unless you're literally mixing a flavoring into the sauce and dough, you aren't 'flavoring' the pizza, because flavoring implies something that is tasted all throughout.

Let's keep going.

You'd use toppings for plural. Not every pizza combo is named for it to be a 'kind' of pizza.

Purple is best flavour.

Thats some insane mental gymnastics, to damage control over people that would behead him and his legion of cuck followers, while shifting the blame to another group to dissipate the heat.
Getting tired of this shit, not even Pokémon Go is free from this type of bullshit.

That ain't my house, keep going.

I can see my home from here.

I wish I could see the comments section, but I'm not fucking clicking that.

I wasn't the only one who played with pencils at school, pretending that they are knights fighting some evil force or something. And also pretending that the girl one has a romance with others

I was discovering girls at the time

Hey is that my neighbor bills house

Now I want to post pics I used to make my gif, but also feel like it simply won't be the same.

As far as I can tell only these three had their exif metadata intact, and I could only get the one geotag from the reader I was using.

Someone please screencap this entire thread on "how to derail a shit thread"?

Do it yourself, faggot.


I'm busy at work.


This is mostly right, but I have rarely heard fellow born americans call different varieties of pizzas "flavors." It's retarded, indeed, but as far as talking like an authentic american goes, it isn't unprecedented.

Are some kind of normalfag?

If your eyes are blue or gray - you can stay
If your eyes are black or brown - get outta town

I wanna be autistic, but Pokemon Go won't let me, so fuck it.

ITT: nobody on Holla Forums washes their fucking feet

Are you 10 ?

I decided to look at the comments after>>10100387.
Shit is cash, people are shitting over Islam and muslins at any given chance.

My niggers

I guess. Not completely though.
Sorry for the shit quality.

Swatting these niggers. Next few hours you two better not be there.


I haven't met a single person in my life who can do that, sorry.


We can't all be welfare-sucking family-parasite NEETs, user.


You got a chubby fucboi hand.

I want that on my penis

It's a term you nigger. Just know inc

I know i'm one.
That's like calling a hobo a hobo. It's just stating the truth.

what reader are you using?
now I'm fiddling around but can't see the other 2 anons location

What is happening in this thread?

Am I the only one who suddenly can't use quick reply or image hover for some reason?

I use good ol' jeffrey's image metadata view, but its an old one and newfangled phones might put their geolocation tags in a different place.

r8 my digital defects you dirty dans

Someone else please continue this.


I don't think I've ever checked this many digits outside of a dubs thread


consider it done
I had the full image but it was too large for a single upload so I uploaded it here

Can we get an archive of the thread too

This quality is impossible.

Did you get stung by a bee or something?
Is this fine?

heres a hands

I've always wondered about double jointed mutants if they can't take as much stress on their joints. Will your shit just keep bending?

I can only do that with my right hand. left one jitters abit


I'll admit: that is pretty clever. If only I could spell out "fuck you" in fingers.


Wow I expected the comments to suck his dick. Thank fuck its not just communist circlejerkers.

I'm experiencing this too, someone fucked up.

Also this.

So I am not the only one.

It feels good.

Thank fuck, now I can just get angry instead of worrying

fucking A




Gotta jew fast!


Am I too late

nice doorstopper

*A percentage of all proceeds will go to the IDF to help combat the threat of Palestinian Terror™

It's a little rusty but it does the job

Galaxy Note 5
I cannot wait for one of these show your room thread.

It's great. You can draw stuff on your screen

Is my hand okay?

Get out.

Its clearly a bathroom rug


Except hobos actually survive, unlike you, tubby.


I'm glad I've lived long enough to witness this.

i was poor and got it for $100 on ebay
the battery life and dead man's switch are the only good things about blackberry phones imo

I'd rather go out by stroke, than out of the boredom of fucking your mom.


I can't even ironically call this a sick burn, kill yourself you chunky monkey


which side is the front and which the back?


Both have holes ;-)

Both have holes ;-)

its liberal leftie way and all those cuckos in medias must be lefties otherwise they wont get anywhere so they just swallow all the propaganda like good guys they are



**user, could you educate me on how this exif data helps you to locate someone? I ve posted some pictures here before and the thought that someone can find my location through that is scary.

How do I stop it? **

Those sound like ork WAAAGH names

Learn 2 remove exif
Hint : there is a good CMD program for that.

Is it wrong if I recognize what that's from?

also since it's "post body deformities and have your EXIF data scanned and your location backtraced" time, may as well join in

EXIF data sometimes has geotagging coordinates. Depends on what you take the picture with. All you have to do to remove it is right click on the picture, go to properties and then details, and then remove personal data.


See embed

You have much to learn, young grasshopper. But first you need to learn how to spoiler

What the fuck is going on here?

If it's anything like me, broken fingers that were never reset properly and healed in the wrong position.

This isn't pre-2007 cuckchan, nobody really gives a shit about doing that anymore. Especially here, unless you go on /baph/ or something and deliberately try to stir up some shit.

I dun fucked on that one , I m an oldfag :


We still did it in 2007 and well after.
Not for shits and giggles, but we would if there was a reason.

Nigga, you thumb has a belly.

I hope they get hit by a car.

It's a cushion, for when playing with a controller.

Forgot about that, ~2010s are a blind spot for me.

All I'm seeing from these is that it's a bad idea to release anything in the US because of all the niggers taking advantage of retarded whites, our literally retarded population that thinks they can trespass everywhere, walk into traffic and the ghetto because a game told them to and the fact that we probably have the biggest population of manchildren that are taking this team bullshit to such and extreme that these suburbanite kids think they're in a real gang.

But seriously this shit is fucking stupid and probably the best form of population control and accidental red pilling.

Because he's mundane.


I don't know why they even do that, the phone is supposed to vibrate when you encounter something anyhow.

What is going on in that picture?

shit thats making me laugh so hard



My book collection.

Get on my level faggots.

Stfu weebfag

Those other books were just standard bullshit but
very few authors make me so fucking angry


Ill be honest I got bored half way through and gave up on that one.

Are you from r/athiest faggot

No I just got those two books because a lot of people seemed to like them and I wanted something not fiction.

Tolkien is good though

Fucking exactly, someone recommended me Elephant Vanishes because I'm "a pretentious dude who loves nips" and I put the fucking boook down after reading for fifteen minutes because every fucking story is some cancerous zero conflict slice of life bullshit with retarded "twists" to "keep the reader on their toes." I wasn't even that fucking bad in high school, Jesus fucking Christ.

Except that isn't an imgur file name. I have to call you out on this one user.

Imgur file names are usually somewhere around 7 or 8 characters with randomly mixed letters and numbers.

Well fuck, its still bait though

I replied to him knowing he was baiting me or a faggot but Murakami is an author that flies smooth under the radar because nobody reads in general and the people that do love his shit are complete cunts. Also

What kind of twists?

It's been awhile but from the parts I did read and the rest that I skimmed, basically each story would start out like an odd slice of life and eventually degenerate into lolsorandumb absurdity. What's cool about Murakami is that if you know general shit about Japan, the stuff he talks about makes more sense and adds a bit of depth.

Here's a summary on the first short story in Elephant Vanishes: "In “The Wind-Up Bird and Tuesday’s Women,” reality convolutes into fantasy. The narrator quit his longtime job in a law firm, partly because he did not find the job challenging enough and partly because the job did not allow him to be who he wanted to be. After being unemployed for three months, however, he becomes bored with the domestic duties he has to perform at home. A woman’s harassing telephone call on a Tuesday ushers him into a world where the distinction between reality and fantasy is blurred. In his search for the family cat, he passes through an alley that looks like “some abandoned canal.” At the end of the alley, he meets a high school girl whose smile is as seductive as the woman’s voice on the telephone. When the narrator closes his eyes, he is thrown into an Orphean trance in which history and fantasy are made possible to converge with reality."

I don't even need to tell you what kind of fucking horseshit that is. The most absurd, pointless horseshit that even in summary sounds autistic. Here's another summary by enotes, along with the "reader's interpretation:" "“The Little Green Monster” is another fantasy story. The narrator is a lonely housewife. After her husband leaves for work, she cannot think of anything to do but stare at and talk to an oak tree in the garden. One day, she sees a small green monster crawling out of the ground near the base of the tree. The monster is very cordial and friendly. In fact, he has come to the narrator to propose marriage. After discovering that the monster can read her mind, however, she uses her telepathic power to torture and eventually slay him.
“The Little Green Monster” portrays a very complex situation: Even though the narrator’s relationship with her fantasy world is more intimate than her relationship with reality, accepting the monster’s proposal would finalize her situation of loneliness and make it permanent. It is therefore not hard to understand why she fights the monster so resolutely and vehemently."

fucking cancer

So basically "2deep4u" random crap? The Japs are at their best when their random crap is just that, random crap.

Pretty much. He basically looks at something anno/miyazaki/tarkovsky would do, and thinks "KEK ABSURDITY IS THE KEY TO THE UNIVERSE" and ends up making some pointless asinine bullshit while calling himself an artist. An absolute cunt, and I hardly even have "refined" taste when it comes to literature.

I'm the kind of guy who likes Chuck Palahniuk's work, so even I can appreciate some absurdity in a story as long as it's kept honest.

Reading my mind isn't funny like that, user. Haunted is GOAT

The only Murakami that maters is
Teruaki Murakami

user pls, Haunted is great, but Choke really is GOAT

Of all of the shit said in this video, this part is particularly retarded.

Wha's wrong with Murakami? His books are fine to me. Maybe you are just autistic.

Hello fellow kids

user that shit is as heretical as the "realistic body types" that have been plaguing the industry, please stop this mindless shitposting
it seems as if he's got some decent ecchi series under his belt though, which is a plus I suppose.

After reading Fight Club, Haunted, and Survivor, I've come to realize that I simply got my fill of his stuff and really don't give a shit about his stuff outside of those books, not even fight club 2
His litreactor essays are outstanding, though, and should be read by people who don't even write.

I know you came into this thread seeing my autism hoping to trigger it again but that will not fucking happen >(1)

Funny, out of those books you read, I only read Fight Club, I then read Choke, Rant, Invisible Monsters and Lullaby, and that's how I got my fill

Can you give me the source to the manga in your picture

Well where is it from user? Fuck don't keep me in suspense.

source on that?

I have the remix version of invisible monsters but only bothered reading like two chapters. Being good at "far-fetched" plots are a double edged sword for him. He's amazing at making great and relatable stories out of them but at the same time who in the fuck wants to read a book about choking on shit at restaurants for cash? Maybe it's just a personal thing, who knows, still an very underrated author when you take Fight Club out of the picture.

Not at all.

its a solo pic sorry user

I thought Choke was great because I found it to be rather comfy, after reading the insanity that was Rant, I thought a somewhat more down to earth story was due, apart from the piss poor premise of Choke, It is a pretty comfy story about the protagonist's daily life with things just going wrong along the way and just shooting the shit with his friends, it's a pretty chill story but with Chuck's trademark weirdness , plus it has one part in which a kid watches a fat hairy man in a Tarzan suit have a monkey stuff peanuts up his ass.

Is this a birth of a new thumb meme ? Will this thread be mention on Know Your Meme?

I don't this meme has the dankness it takes to be featured on KYM

somehow unsuprised.

I thought it was Absolutely Disgusting

Im not sure im ready for this kind of happening

hey retard spoiler alert niggers dont play that gay shit

t. nigger?

posting in thumb thread so if this threadbecomes meme-famous i will be memelicious 2

We should make a KYM page before cuckchan takes credit for our meme

Origina Holla Forums Holla Forums board

I already posted the archive to reddit is not an acceptable archive for saving images, they are not expanded in the thread so clicking on them in the archive attempt to serve you the image url as javascript is blocked and will result in a 404 error.
Quality thread by the way.

This archive will save images

Lurk More.


Yes but only on my left foot

The fingers on one of my hands are always slightly off, I can never straighten them out completely like my other hand. Does this mean I've fapped too much?

Shit's been easy for years. This is exactly the same as cuck/b/ convincing people that putting their new iphones in the microwave would charge them, or that they were waterproof. Same outcome, different method.
These are people who are so technologically illiterate they believe all of the unsourced shit they see on the internet.
Basically the same:
Kind of idiots who are only interested in this shit because it's popular