Pokemon GO was a mistake.
Pokemon GO was a mistake
Creating an entirely new thread was a mistake.
Dogs were a mistake.
We played god, and now we're paying for it.
We should have never created those creatures
lizards > Dogs > Cats > Parrots
If you are a catfag, kill yourself. Dogs are at least useful.
Getting a Nokia was a mistake as well, I agree, but that I beside the point.
There are no actual Pokemon Go threads.
Parrots are more intelligent and affectionate than all of the above. Kill yourself, fagalag.
I saw the biggest most monstrous and menacing spider I've ever seen the other night at work. I left it alive even though I'm pretty sure it was incredibly poisonous, maybe it had some kind of mental power over me. I wish I had a pet spider. Crows are spiteful mean bastards, they belong at the bottom of ANY pet list.
Spiders > Lizards > Dogs > Cats > Parrots > Crows
But unlike parrots dogs are actually useful.
Frak off birdbrain.
You mean venomous.
And while we're on venomous animals, some snakes are absolutely cute.
Then go to to your local Pet Depot and buy a fucking tarantula.
They make cool and affectionate pets, but they really can be destructive when they're upset, though not as bad as ravens. Never leave them out of their cage when they're home alone.
I used to be afraid of snakes but I saw the picture of the andaconda wearing a snake sweater and it really changed my opinion.
OP was a mistake.
The older Symbian Nokia phones were fantastic, if it wasn't for their retardedly gimped hardware. The fact that an 808 PureView could even process the photos it takes on hardware slightly more powerful than a New 3DS is astounding.
For an example of retarded hardware decisions, consider than an N97 ran a 360p display with a 400Mhz ARM7 processor and 128MB of RAM. It was also expected to multitask applications a la S60 v3 devices like the N95 but with fancier graphics and a shittier UI to boot.
Then, Elop made the fantastic mistake of killing Symbian and Maemo to ship Nokia jobs out of Finland.
RIP Espoo, never forget 11 February 2011
Bigger dogs are useful, and cats are only good for pest control. The larger parrots are actually pretty good break-in deterrent, and they can alert owners to when anything's wrong in or around the house. Dogs and parrots are equally affectionate, but cats offer no substantial emotional benefit.
They also don't smell anywhere near as bad. In any case, unlike with cats, having dogs and birds in one house is actually manageable.
Lel. I'm so sorry you and your tuna sandwich were molested by a flock of seagulls when you were a toddler.
This is your future.
hey op's mom post milf tits or gtfo plz
Yeah bro, If I need burglar deterrents I will get a parrot. That ought to show em. He could swear at the burglars or something.
Parrots actually stink a ton for their small size.
And don't get me started on seaguls. They are the niggers of the sea.
They can't even catch fish properly, but prey on smaller birds or just steal their food when a smaller bird catches something.
Parrots can be tolerable, but seaguls are absolute shit.
Only someone who has never had a cat that really loved him would say that
Their cages stink, and that's only if their owners are neglectful. They never smell anywhere near as bad as cats and litter boxes. Only dogs really win out in the hygiene area, if they're potty trained. But they still need to be bathed routinely; birds bathe themselves when you give them a basin.Can't help you with seagulls, never owned one. rip in piece, sandvich.
Only someone who has owned damn near a hundred would know that they're just attention whores that would sell you to satan for a bag of weed and a bite of tuna. Report to your utility closet, and treat yourself to a gallon of bleach, you blue-haired, transgen-siberian tumblr whale.
Lizard are p. cool tbh fam
Lizards are cool and that alone is enough. They also don't shit all over the place and remove bugs.
Is basin washing enough though ? Don't you need to clean them yourself with soap or sth for a full clean ?
I doubt anyone keeps seagulls. They suck. I live in a coastal city and they shit everywhere. Like vultures, but more and noiser, numerous and ever bolder.
Like I'm the problem, not these teenagers who are walking into traffic and stinking the place up with BO and axe deodorant? I hate old people and I hate young people, and I hate the police, and I hate black people too. I wish I lived in an empty city.
You sound terribly bitter, sorry for whatever happened to you
No, you never need to wash them yourself, and the only time you introduce soap to a bird is if you're a rescuer, attempting to clean them of unrefined oil. They only rinse themselves to clean their skin of oils and powder they produce naturally; they don't get very dirty, because they don't make the effort to become filthy as the the latter two pets do, and they preen constantly. Their tail feathers may get stained sometimes (if they're in a cage more often than they should be), but they molt those feathers quickly.
We don't need any thread about it, especially not this one.
Fuck you
Personal space station with hydroponic food supply, artificial gravity, robot helpers to do chores for you, and a fast connection to the intergalactic internet.
worst of all
Great future there brah.
I rest my case. You have to go back.
Oh, look, a high level shitposter.
How many years of training did it take you to perfect your technique?
I'm so very sorry you got your feelings hurt, chief. Go get an ice cream cone to soothe your pain.
As a fellow cat disliker, I would like to know your experience.
Everybody knows toucans are best dogs anyway