There have been a multitude of earthquakes at yellowstone today. Also, as I was typing this…
September 23, 2017 my friends.
Other urls found in this thread:
OP you could had done better.
So, this is a real issue. Things have really been heating up volcanically this year and I'm genuinely concerned at this point. There has been zero media attention given to this, culdera's are heating up, volcanoes are reactivating, magma chambers are filling and I suspect the big one is coming within six months.
From what I can find, these earthquake swarms are normal.
Sage for me being a dumbass, i will embrace my shame and lurk once more. It was supposed to be a reply.
Dw about it, just report your thread so mods can delete it.
I can only wonder why terrorists haven't capitalized Yellowstone Park. Now that would be a strike of apocalyptic proportions.
Remember Remember the month of September
Should be 8/pol's mantra for happenings that never seem to happen.
NASA has been flying their SOFIA airplane over that region. They flew a giant pattern over Yellowstone three nights ago.
God promised to set the world on fire and bomb it with gravel when people fucked up again didn't He? Saying the location it might start or happen it makes sense.
This is the 4th year we've expected a happening in September and we've become exceedingly efficient at it.
My birthday is on the 23rd.
Fuck me
Yes, and can you imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims???
It'd be a global catastrophe that would fuck over their precious pisslamic world as well. It's important to keep an eye on it most certainly but it's more than just an American interest, it's a truly global one. No one wants it blow because it'd fuck over everybody.
are you a gnostic?
where does it say that in the Bible that non-gnostic Christians use?
It says it in Matthew, and Revelation.
well i dont remember anything about setting the world on fire and bombing it with gravel in Revelations, except maybe the parts AFTER the devil descends to the Earth, but I do remember that before that happens the sun will be as black as a sackcloth of hair
i guess eclipse+yellowstone eruption+Indonesian eruption could do it
as for Matthew, I haven't started going through the book yet
Hey so is mine.
Yellowstone is a cocktease, nothing will happen.
Prove me wrong you volcanic cunt.
Multiple earthquakes in a known earthquake swarm hotspot?
Has there been any rain in the rainforest today?
It is odd that the line he makes with the ruler is the exact path of the eclipse.
I do love me a good Yellowstone thread.
nothing burger
It is very odd since anyone pointing it out must believe the moon's shadow can travel back in time and cause earthquakes.
It's all over.
Not everything is in plain sight. Most of the War we are in is hidden to our perception and the changes carry over into the physical world. For example, December 2012 was the absolute low point of the Kali Yuga and since then there has been a major shift in "awakeness", even if there are a lot of healing pains. September 2016 there was an important victory as well.
and rome will be swallowed by a lake of fire
never to rise again
Autumn Equinox is on September 22nd
i guess we all just have collective ptsd from having to go back to school or something
dem digits
Could you make a volcano erupt by external means?
You realize you kikes tried to telegraph your holy dates before and it didn't work, right?
I'm in the mountains in the blast radius. Let her rip boys.
Most volcanos erupt because they are relieved of the pressure holding back all of the molten rock and gases. Sometimes the molten rock and gases cut through the upper layers and erupt, and sometimes landslides slowly displace the mass holding it all in. With Yellowstone, it's a natural hot spot, with no interaction between tectonic plates (which produces friction, division, or subduction). It's just a big stem of lava that pushes up into the upper layers. If enough landmass was displaced, it could blow, and the ground has been rising for sometime. Most notable example is a lake out there where a ship sank at some point, but over time the land began to rise enough so that the ship is no longer submerged. As far as 'artificially' creating an earthquake, I know geologists that have published research about how drilling, fracking, and even the use of high frequency EM waves to map out the subsurface can cause earthquakes. All this is buried in a folder somewhere, but if you do a search on this, you can find more info. Another geologist claimed that when they used low frequency to find natural gas reserves out in the Midwest, they caused an earthquake. Probably would be enough though to blow Yellowstone. You'd have to find a batshit bunch that could drill deep enough and throw enough explosives down the hole to get Yellowstone to blow. Even then, it probably wouldn't be enough and hopefully it doesn't happen because it would fuck over a lot of people. It would be catastrophic, but I don't think it could be induced, unless we were already at the tipping point and some genius found a way to possibly 'vent' the explosions. I dunno, maybe before it goes, they could just blow a small region and hope that whatever comes out doesn't displace anymore mass and whatever rains down is heavy enough to hold back to entire volume of lava from coming out. That might not even be realistic, but if we can mitigate the damage, we should at least try.
Further perspective on this, and why it could begin with the eclypse. The moon and the sun would be in alignment and so the gravity would be multiplied. If it is pushing up now, the added help would probably cause erruption.
America will cease to exist in my lifetime, burgers will soon be refugees.
user, you don't understand. Which direction does the wind blow? It's the end of western civilisation and ten thousand years of darkness.
Nah, we just go back to tribalism and fight each other for food and territory like the good old days, until things get better again.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures, I doubt people will think rationally when you have to fight for your life to put food on the table, we're talking about a post apocalyptic earth here, a hundred times worse than a mount Tambora eruption and it's "year without a summer", civilization will cease to exist, millions if not billions would certainly die.
All earthquakes are directly linked to the sun.
Look at the first webm a captured from the SDO Satellite at 193 Angstroms, the yellow one. That sunspot right in the middle was facing Earth during the time these earthquakes were recorded. The second webm is from a magnetic imager also aboard the SDO that give us a very clear view of the sunspots in question.
Also note the dark regions at 193 Angstroms, the yellow one again. Those are coronal holes. They interact with our planet in various ways, affecting our magnetic field while also bombarding us with particles. Those ionic particles slamming into our atmosphere cause the auroras, and contribute to Earth's geomagnetic instability, i.e. Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions.
Now let's look into the near future.
Left of the center sunspots in webm #3 you can clearly see another giant sunspot, approximately the size of Earth, slowly creeping towards the Earth facing side of the sun. A minor flare event has been detected in this solar region, but taking a look at the magnetic polarities in webm #4 reveals that this sunspot isn't as active as the sunspots near the center of the sun that recently hit us. However, a sunspot of that size could still pose some threat if left unchecked. Keep a look out for happenings tomorrow, although we might only get inclement weather.
If California were to get hit by a massive earthquake would that trigger volcanoes?
I don't know what this is supposed to imply.
May Kek bless, help, and protect his people
Now here is something you anons might find very interesting. Over the past couple of years our sun has been cooling. Approximately every 11 years our sun goes through a cycle of high and low sunspot activity which directly corresponds with the temperature of the sun and Earth.
Take a look at the first chart I uploaded, ISES Solar Cycle Sunspot Number Progression. Following the current trend of sunspot activity, we are headed towards a period of solar minimum. This can and does mean many things for us here on Earth. Primarily, drastic temperature drops which means lower crop yields that could lead to mass starvation. Imagine if Europe, in its current state, suddenly didn't have enough food.
Although I can't predict the future, this event that I speak of has already happened many times before. In fact it happens on average every 400 years. The most recent grand solar minimum, the Maunder Minimum, was marked by a mysterious event in the 17th century known as the "Little Ice Age". And it looks like we are due for another grand solar minimum very soon.
However, things aren't quite right with the coming grand minimum. The number of recorded sunspots over the past century were much higher than any other in the past few millennia. This means that we may very well see another grand solar minimum that could match the Maunder Minimum, or even surpass it in intensity.
Something big is coming Holla Forums. The sun is going to sleep and humanity is too distracted to notice. Maybe this is exactly what the powers that be want.
Geofag here. In relative vicinity of Yellowstone.
Earthquakes are common in Yellowstone. So common that they really mean nothing. Magma could be refilling the caldera, the plume could be shifting, or it could simply be changing geometry. Nothing about what is happening is a sign of a precursor on it's own.
If it's going to erupt, you'll see these earthquake swarms, yes. But more than that you'll see ground shifts, new geysers popping up (and not just the normal migration of the mud pots, etc), and days of swelling. As the ground shifts from the swelling of the magma chamber, you'll see the overburden begin to express itself by lakes spilling out as the topography changes, rivers changing course, waterfalls cease to flow normally. Extreme radical changes WEEKS before any impending eruption.
It's the middle of the tourist season here. Fucking chinks from China out the ass everywhere you go. Mom and pop and their booger eaters that are out of school now. There is no fucking way they would be able to hide something like that.
If there was, I'm fucking out of this place. Like down to somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere gone. Like mad. But there's nothing to make me even blink right now.
that wierd timeline shit that somehow correlates to extreme world events abruptly ends in 2018
Yes… it's part of the same system.
NASA's SOPIA satelite suddenly aimed at Yellowstone on the 12th….
user is correct. Yellowstone has shitloads of earthquakes. Until Yellowstone Lake goes batshit and the lakebed rises by a meter I wouldn't give it a second thought.That's when you would fucking need to get out of the western hemisphere to improve your chances of survival. The last cataclysmic big one in Yellowstone caused liquefaction from here to Tennessee.
Montana is highly geologically active, but we aren't stupid enough to park urban centers on top of fault lines like retarded sodomite Mexicans so it make the news.
Fuck off you mongoloids. When Yellowstone goes, it will cover the majority of the USA in ash and destroy a good part of it, but for non-Murrikans things really are not that dire. Depending on winds, the ash may drift towards Asia or Europe, in either case it will result in a few days/weeks of noticeable weather changes, followed by months of much more subtle temperature changes but nothing on an apocalyptic scale like people think. Europe's agriculture will take a hit but not that big, on top of a lot of food already being imported from countries that won't be affected much at all.
The price of food will go up worldwide and the economy will take a bad hit due to the USA's condition, but it's not the end of the world, at all.
Yeah, they fucking are. You seem to underestimate the situation that crops failing all over the entire northern hemisphere would precipitate. Tambora was absolutely minuscule in comparison to Yellowstone and it fucked up all of North America and western Europe; Yellowstone is going to shut down global agriculture for at least one season and likely more. You're going to get a little taste of what what post-apocalyptic lifestyle is all about.
Well user don't let me stop you from being a paranoid scaremongering faggot.
I heard a rumor that the winter before last they were using explosives to relieve pressure in magma veins to try and delay the erruption.
Sounds like something a jew would do. Save money on explosives. Your gif related.
Keep in mind the times of Jacob's troubles (which one could reckon we're in) also remember that there will be a falling away, as well as tribulations. This doesn't = Jerry Springer vibes, but rather what the user you're responding to is talking about. The rapture is a relatively new doctrine for Christians to hold onto and sold to the part time pewsitters as a get out of jail free card. The big issue is that we are not appointed to God's wrath, that does not mean that the true Christian will not be beheaded, killed off and/or go through catastrophes. Remember, the seals being broken and men's hearts failing them for what is coming on the earth, don't fall for the ayy deception and/or the jewish/muslim christ. (it's the anti-thesis). Also understand that these are the results of seals being broken and NOT God's wrath. This is why so many people will be decieved as the anti-christ will solve all the horrors inflicted on the earth. However, the genetic change in what makes you human when you take the mark (transhumanism is a strong contenter) will no longer be yours and you will be unrecognisable when the true wrath of the Lord comes down and all wickedness is destroyed by fire. However, if you are a true believer, at this stage, you would have most likely been put to death as the remnant are only those who remain and realise their mistake once they have killed the church. Having faith, a belief… It's something you must cling to so strongly that you are willing to die for it. It's a lifestyle. Do not let the dead church and man made doctrines dictate prophecies which are untrue. Seek it out for yourself and use the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Push for a personal relationship with Him, the Truth and LIVING word. Not what you see being sold online or by motivational, get rich quick preachers. They are an abomination to the Word. If you're into researching, or don't have a bible, theword(dot)net is a good place to begin. Godspeed brother.
Also, good job on spotting the farce of the luciferian gnostics which infiltrated the supposed "church". No. This, this thread, 2 or more gathered to discuss… That's church man. Keep the fire.
Implying Sand Niggers still wouldn't try.
all because id welcome it at this point
What's disturbing is that should this happen, multitudes will die due to the inability to grow anything. Not only because of the cold, but if yellowstone were to pop, the ash itself would kill off all flora and fauna.
Because it's
my formatting fuck up is nothing compared to shemitah faggotry
I wish we had a geology board.
I wanna post about rocks and shit.
He's not scaremongering. Yellowstone going off would set off events that would fuck everyone across the entire world.
When Mt. Tambora went off in 1815, the ash cloud lowered global temps enough that 1816 was known as "The Year without a Summer". AKA "The Poverty Year". AKA "Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death". There was WORLD wide famine and hunger. From Europe to China.
Tambora was a REGULAR volcano that released 12 cu km of ash into the atmosphere. Yellowstone is so fucking big geologists didn't even know it was a volcano because they didn't realize that the entirely of Yellowstone National Park IS the volcano. All of it. The whole fucking thing is the caldera. About ~34 -45 miles across. The last eruption threw >1000cu km of ash into the air.
You niggers think you're just gonna get a price rise on a couple cans of fucking beefaroni and maybe have some server interruptions on your stupid XBOX games? Bitch please. If Yellowstone goes the entire North American breadbasket gets buried in a few feet of ash. Which feeds a lot of you dumbasses whether you know it or not.
You're going to have a worldwide chimpening to end all chimpenings. The niggers/shitskins/chinks/and everyone else will be coming for the gibs. All the gibs. Your food. Your water. And guess who has the most? That's right faggots, YOU.
Yeah, sure, you'll finally get the eradication of Israel most likely —– but it's not like you're gonna be poppin' bottles of Dom to celebrate. You'll also probably not be around to see it, as you'll either be dead and roasted over a spit to feed a feral back of savage niggers, along with everyone else you know. Or hunting rats with a stick. Or cooking up your faithful pooch to get by for the week. With poor bastards closer to the eruption can't even find potable water due to ash debris turning the water into low-grade battery acid. Or even closer, and you can't even breathe the air without your lungs filling up with concrete.
This myth that Yellowstone popping would be "just a minor inconvenience" is as big a lie as "diversity is our greatest strength". You clowns would be up to your eyeballs in hungry niggers and others trying to kill you.
It would take AT LEAST a nuke to displace the Yellowstone caldera and force an eruption. The USSR had plans, if they ever had nuclear war with the USA, to drop a few megatons on the site.
And that's likely what it would take. The idea that a shitskin with a suicide belt could pop it off on their own (or even with a Uhaul truck filled with ANFO) is laughable. It's like thinking you thinking that flicking your stomach when you got a bad case of gas will help you alleviate the pressure.
Earthquakes caused by fracking are due to idiots unknowingly injecting wastewater (usually a brine with some other additives) into giant subsurface fault lines a few miles down. These are third party contractors who don't have access to seismic imagining to see where the hell they are drilling. And Landowners who don't know any better either. If a dude comes to you and says they will pay you $85 grand to drill a 5" hole into your property to pump water a few miles down into the ground, chances are likely you'll say yes.
If anything this planet and world in general could use all year winter-chan party after Yellowstone-sama blows up.
Better start lifting then, because the chaos that would ensue from such an event is beyond fathomable for the average American, or any other person in this world for that matter.
Had no idea there was a thing such as "a minor inconvenience". Are people/Bill Nye vibes really shilling that shit? Just assumed it was always described as an apocalyptic event worse than San Fran taking a dive in into the sea?
It would likely last longer than that.
I'm fairly certain it would be so significant that you'd likely see DNA markers in future generations to come die to our species "bottlenecking".
Without giving TOO much away, my 'boss' works for the federal gov. (no, not one of "those" agencies) in the area of natural resources. The subject of Yellowstone came up and this clown, who's been working less than a day's ride from Yellowstone for over 30 years actually said that [paraphrase] "oh it would just be a problem for Wyoming and a bit of Idaho". I honestly looked at him and asked him does he have any idea what he's talking about. Because we'd all be fucked. Then talking about the ensuring worldwide chimpening he just said he straight up didn't believe anything like that would happen. Like then his eyes glazed over and then started talking about golf and shit for the next 30 minutes.
The sheer stupidity and naivety of normies truly fucking astonishes me sometimes.
It's a sad fact of reality these days. Cognitive dissonance, its power alone is so under-estimated that it's truly infuriating to witness. Completely get you and it's fully understandable. Work in a bit of a partnership with jewgle and the amount of shit people harvest for "marketing" purposes is a huge crock of shit. The world is nearing and it's extremely heartbreaking to see loved ones and peers and, the general public falling for blatant lies, or just, as you said, a glazed over look when you try to warn them of it. It's something that is so unnatural to my life experience that it's like people have been infected by a mind virus to stop thinking critically/objectively about things. It's really sad and demoralising but when I read posts such as yourselves, I sincerely feel good because I know not all people are completely gone and it takes one back to the good old days when most people were sane, civil and normal. "normies" are zombies, this is the new normal but society won't tell you that.
Isn't it a supervolcano? The whole world will be covered in ash. The entire earths sky would be black for years.
The thing is that I didn't even bring up any real redpill shit. Just normal shit that well established science agrees on. This was shit in his wheelhouse. In an area he's been working in his entire life. I mean, it wasn't like I was trying to drop the JQ on him or anything.
It really is a fucking mind virus. A complete and utter brainwashing. And when I think back to the days of when I was a normalfag, and the way I thought, and the crazy amount of stuff that had to happen for me to get redpilled…………then FINALLY redpilled to the JQ. It's mind blowing. There's like literally "tiers" of brainwashing out there. Each level requiring a certain amount of force to breakthrough, before it plateaus again at the next level — requiring a lot more force to break through the next one.
It's a supervolcano yes, but the whole world wouldn't be covered in ash. North America would be utterly fucked, but due to the predominant wind currents probably you'll get a nasty rain in Poland that dirties up your car.
The real danger is the disruption to the climate and subsequently the human resource distribution network.
Are you fucking retarded? This isn't an extinction level event sure but do ypu realize how much food the US exports, and how much of history's upheavals were caused by crop failures?
Piss tiny southeaat asian supervolcanoes can disrupt northern crop seasons, what makes you think this wont
Apologies for samefagging and without trying to derail but are you the geofag (sorry, I am bad at reading numbers and keeping track- slightly dyslexic) buy what is your take on Dane Wigington and his site? Is it AJ tier doomporn or is his research legit? I tend to think his work is sound and hope that some of his work is legitimate, even though it isn't accepted as canon. Also interested in Stan Deyo's (unsure about his testimonies) work about the sun and earthquake predictions as well as that autistic guy that keeps accurately predicting these events. Can't remember his name though.
Again, not to derail, but I honestly think we're witnessing a multitude of deceptions at work. Whether it is sick irony or not, the perestroika deception seems to have memed itself into its place over the last 50 years. So many other projects, including the whole global warming debate has sunk to a bunch of celebs bullshitting the normies. Even "intelligent" people and the eggheads are either shilling hard with a huge paycheck or simply fucked in their heads. Just keep your compass correct. Honestly believe the attack is coming from all levels, be it the wifi and cellphone frequencies, to the food we eat, to the media consumed, to the politics, to the very lifestyle they lead. Best you can do is speak less, listen and make informed arguments. Beat them at their own game. It's not going to make you popular, but then again, the truth is never popular.
You can't eat gold, and if people are starving they're not going to sell their food to you for gold. Fuck buying gold. Buy canned food, store water, and acquire antibiotics if you can. That will be the real wealth if Yellowstone erupts.
The best place to be will be in the middle of nowhere in the country. The cities will become death zones.
His "straight line" is on what type of map projection?
The solar eclipse in september
Not familiar with those names. I'd have to take a close look and get back to you.
FWIW, a lot of the more "out there" stuff on the conspiracy world really doesn't do it for me. To be honest, I am starting to think it gets to be similar to the 'gangstalking' phenomenon that borders on mental illness.
I think a lot of these things are due to people being 'redpilled' regarding govt lies and misdirection, but somewhere along the way their mind goes haywire and starts seeing things where none exists. They lack the ability to reign themselves in and critically think carefully. Subsequently they lose their sanity. The stereotypical example is the Flat Earthers —- I actually listened to some of their shit just to see WTF they were talking about. Starts off fine. But then like 3 sentences in it's like they took a MAJOR detour to crazy town. Like a good example of their shit is "I believe the govt lies to us on a daily basis……………and their primary mode of doing so is having our pet dogs and cats inform on us what we're thinking. I mean, what else explains the gov funded and operated Humane Society? I don't see horses and cows there for adoption, so why are dogs and cats recieving special govt attention? Why are they the socially accepted animals we have in our home? We see it in movies and TV everyday — dogs and cats everywhere in the background! BECAUSE THE GOVT WANTS US TO HAVE THEM….MAAAAAAAN!".
Reminds me of the Jared Lee Loughner 'manifesto' about words and math and stuff. Fucking crazy town shit.
Anyway, I have my own pet theories about the brainwashing paradigm in Western Civ. Looks like a food pyramid diagram, with each "layer" containing different control mechanisms and containment features designed to prevent you from breaking through to the next level.
One containment level is the Alex Jones sphere of disinfo designed to keep you away from the JQ and firmly trapped in the "kosher" levels of "woke". But a discussion for another time…..
Mein Neger.jpg
Are you aware the Earth orbits the sun?
this guy is retard "straight line" the earth is curved u fool not as straight as u once thought
even admits he doesn't know shit
pretending to do science is not science
Op your a fgt
Are you aware the Sun rotates every ~25 days?
Thats a name I haven't heard in a while.
We’re still right on track for global cooling.
Hard to believe considering last winter was no different from spring over here
True, definitely agree with you on all your points. Dane Wigington basically researches the geoengineering taking place. He has a list of all government patents (both good and bad) which is why I tend to think he is a legitimate source. (geoengineeringwatch(dot)org) i think. Regardless, definitely believe the whole flat earth shit is a psyop. As said before, I can definitely speak and say that somebody is pushing big cash into technical SEO based on the SERP's and this entire bullshit theory came about directly after some guy named Ray or Rick De Lano questioned the Copernican principle and made a movie called "The Principle" which simply questioned the scientific method and had people like Michu Kaku and other eggheads admitting that their theories were build on other theories about the cosmos, etc, etc. Mindblowing stuff and doesn't posit much but really makes one think. Ironically the whole flat earth story had a shit-ton of cash injected into it at the same time this "looney" movie hit the screens. Worth a watch and can see why it would upset the apple cart. Flat earthers can be debunked in 30 seconds. A northern and southern hemisphere. Look up at the constellations. They seem to always resort to namecalling and/or using the word "perspective" as an argument. Sadly, they are much like Holla Forums who resort to personal attacked or flawed and straw-man counter-arguments as a means of debate. Yes, definitely a discussion for another time but lovely to have conversed with you user, it's a refreshing breath of fresh air instead of shills and shitposting.
How long has it been? 2-3 years since we discovered that ancient frost entity?
How many motherfucking times has
Been a meme now? I can think of at least two other happenings that never happened that were supposed to be September.
Breast-feeding is a natural and beautiful thing and if you're a man it's perfectly normal to get right up in there and get a good look at what's going on.
September Happening
Thank you very much for clearing that up user.
You should check out Ben Davidson's book, Weatherman's Guide to the Sun. But if you aren't into reading, I highly recommend checking out his websites: &
Those are by far the best and most accurate sources of data and prediction on Earth's geomagnetic activity. Everything they do is 100% legitimate and based completely on scientific research data. Unfortunately I know nothing about Dane Wigington and Stan Deyo, so you are on your own there.
Thanks user, will do. Big fan on reading. Will definitely check it out. Thanks for your input. God Bless.
How long are we going to ignore OPs 'condition'?
p.s. It's amazing to see how the new data is explaining events. Even in trees and plants, the fact that they can support life from other species according to their choosing, or that they can sense when another is in danger. The whole solar guide is most definitely a pre-cursor of many more fascinating things to come. Appreciate all your info and I thank you humbly. The data shown from the book you mentioned (despite not having read it but looking into the cover) is simply no longer deniable and it makes one dig deeper. Do yourself a favour and watch "the principle". It's not as related but it's most definitely an eye opener and it (In the bigger picture) all ties into a greater picture. If you have some time to kill, please listen to this when you're on the road, etc It's very interesting. The Hosts Are EXTREMELY unprofessional. I believe the guest comes on at around 11 minutes but listen to what he says…. don't agree with everything but his scientific objections make complete and utter sense and it blew my mind. It really make one understand that we are beyond insignificant in the terms of our existence.
Direct MP3, skip the intro and BS talk.
Just listen to the guest and his observations. I think this interview explains more than the very film. Stick out the cringe and whatnot.
That map is bullshit. It fails to take into account geological features and wind currents. That ash is goinf WEST, not east.
Were you even around for the last shemitah?
No, that will be survival, not wealth. Wealth will come later, from knowledge.
Secure 1 years worth of food and water, guns and ammo, while doing this you can also stock up on knowledge.
Remember the seed vault wikileaks exposed? There are bullshit stories now being pushed by (((msm))) saying it recently flooded.
Fuck you, that guy is a fucking asshole and never even got past an advanced physics seminar. He's just another financial middle man that aggregates science publications. No, worse than that, he's the middle man to the middle man that excels in science aggregation. Do the research yourself.
t. Physics fag that followed solar weather and metrology religiously for years.
Please let this happen soon.
Make one, I'd participate
T.amateur rockfag
I would burn with a smile on my face knowing everyone in california met the same fate.
Check out Taupo. Biggest for 70k and 5k years.
It's that big fucking hole in the middle of the north island.
The ash layers are visible throughout the entire country and there are many including pumice etc over thousands of years.
Some that are 400km+ away are 10-20cm deep often… quite humbling when you know what you are looking at.
maybe in the mormonized final book he was calm but the majority of his plot, including the part where he cleanses saidin, is him just barely holding onto sanity.
Europe knew a 10 year long winter, often called the little ice age in 1915, the only reason they survived was because of potatoes, dying life stock and ability to stockpile some food. Plenty still died. There is no proof what caused it, some scientist say a underwater super vulcano went off. Stockpile food lad! I have enough for a decade and a location to hide when shits goes south.
1815 lowered global temps by 1 degree. The problem was that they did not have a summer and thus nothing to grew and most civilizations back then were dependent on wheat and eggs from chickens. Learn to have a greenhouse lads.
Yeah uh, no.
Predominant wind directions at nearly all levels of the atmosphere trend from relatively East to West.
That's especially interesting. Especially given the fact that the mineralogical constituency of oceanic crust is extremely not well suited to explosive forms of volcanic eruption. Magma/Lava from originating from oceanic sources usually flows like honey — resulting in low volatility volcanoes such as Mauna Loa, while magma/lava from Continental sources are more like toothpaste —- more likely to store and build up pressure like Mt. St. Helens.
msn. com/en-us/news/us/the-strange-reason-this-part-of-arkansas-gets-so-many-earthquakes/ar-BBCOx3G
I don't see this as an event that would completely wipe out America, sure the areas right by the eruption would be fucked, but I contend we could remove that amount of ash in a timely enough fashion as to restore normal production in most areas within one growing season.
Uh. Negative.
These are "average" ash deposits. You could no more remove the ash than we could remove all the snow from everyplace in winter. You'll have to wait for nature to scrub that shit via the usual methods.
And, unlike snow, Ash will fill your lungs with cement, the silica shards will produce micro-lacerations in your lungs — causing you to drown in your own fluids. And it's not just humans — animals will be dropping dead from this too. Goodbye cattle, goats, sheep, and other livestock.
It also is incredibly dense — weighing 8x the amount of snow per measuring unit. You'll have structural collapse of many buildings nationwide. It doesn't melt like snow, and only becomes even more dense when wet. And will clog pipes and other water control and containment features.
As if this isn't bad enough, volcanic ash when mixed with water forms weak carbonic acid. Given the sheer mass of ash falling on the landscape, and the mixing with clouds in the atmosphere producing acid rain — any water supply not self-contained like an aquifer or in barrels will become non-potable. Drinking it will cause death in large enough doses. And you can kiss a large portion of freshwater flora/fauna goodbye. Plants not dead from the lack of sunlight the ash cloud would bring, or smothered from it's being caked in layers of ash, or eaten by desperate dying and starving animals, would also have the acid rain to deal with.
Like I said, YS popping off isn't some bullshit "oh we can just eat some old granola bars and sugar smacks for a while and everything will be fine in a few months". No, I really can't tell you what an absolute fuckening of a happening that would be. The only thing worse would be another meteor hitting the Earth like the dinos. A fucking zombie apocalypse would literally be preferable to the YS scenario.
Although, that's likely to occur everywhere else on the planet due to the sudden removal of the USA as a superpower instantly. So yeah, it's a pretty big fucking deal. Probably not the end of human life on the planet — but probably a complete and total reforming of the political dynamic across the entire globe. And likely not one for the betterment of the white race. We're simply too fucking weak right now to deal with the consequences.
Non-American detected.
So say Yellowstone embraces Islam and goes full aloha snackbar
How fucked would I immediately be by it if I live in north central texas?
I just have important life goals for later this year and don't want to be cucked by the world having a wet fart.
I used to live by Round Rock.
You wouldn't be affected by pyroclastic flows like the utterly fucked people in the immediate YS area, but the other affects would still apply.
If you got drinking water from a well drilled into the Edwards aquifer, then you should be alright, as far as water is concerned. But if you're on drinking water from an open air source like Lake Travis (like Austin faggots), it would likely become nonpotable. normal methods of water filtration will not work as the danger will not be from viruses/bacteria, but from chemical contamination.
You would want a respirator at least, with some good goggles/faceshield. The dust from the ash will be in the air (it's not just going to just fall on the ground and stay there) from the wind and will have the same effects as elsewhere. It gets in your lungs and cuts up the alveoli/lung tissue and will mix with your mucus/fluids and become a cement like substance.
Then comes the food. Likely, as with pretty much every event — the grocery stores will be stripped bare in a matter of hours. Better have enough food to tide you over until the sun comes back out and you can grow something.
Then there's the human element. Roving packs of starving people (not to mention Niggers and spics) running amok like the fucking orc hordes from Mordor descending upon Gondor/Rohan. Better be ready. The cities will be an utter hellscape.
Smaller/lower density areas like perhaps Odessa might be alright, if you can get a jump on what needs to be done immediately when YS blows. Central Texas may have 24-48 hours before the first ash begins to fall. Be prepared for mass migrations of people moving away from high density urban areas where resources are too scarce.
Every swinging dick has an "imma go innawoods" fantasy for SHTF, which means if you're already innawoods, you won't be alone for long and you'll have the same damn problems – as the rats from the city flee the sinking ships and start looking to climb into the lifeboats.
My granddad has a fortified farm way out in east texas. I was gonna go there.
If we have crops growing when the ash falls will it be unsafe to eat?
Wash em off thoroughly with clean water, dry them, inspect for residual ash, and you'll be fine.
It is time for USA to be destroyed.
Have you considered, that, perhaps the force of a volcanic explosion would for a moment be stronger than the fucking wind?
well keep crying. Yall know Yellowstone most likely wont blow for hundreds, maybe even several thousand years from now, right?
-Man before being killed by volcanic activity
Build it, there will users that will contriute content.
Look into this. These guys have been able to create an earthquake prediction app based on the sunspots facing Earth.
Henry Heasler here with the National Park Service. We just took this picture of a real-time happening
we've got a swarm people
8 earthquakes in the last 30 minutes……
it's going to blow
What infuriates me the most is that whenever I try to make them think critically I get the same fucking answer all the time "Yeah, yeah, user, we know that you're the smartest person on the world" while they keep with the brain shut down.
You should buy good one, its not expensive and its better to have important knowledge on electronic devices as well as on paper.
Revelations, in short, ends like this:
Im sorry if i wrote something wrong and please correct me then. Best read it by yourself
Before I reverse Google image search this picture, is it a screencap from the Yellowstone scene of Roland Emmerich's 2012?
Okay, it's a CGI screencap from around 16:15 in this documentary (yeah, it's a Spanish dub; I could only find the Spanish-language title from the screencap; I also looked for "The Earth: Natural Devestation" but didn't find anything.)
2 Peter 3:3-5
The moon's shadow marks the spot where the alignment of the sun, moon, and earth is most direct. We obviously know the pull of the moon affects our tides, so why couldn't it affect other geological activity as well? (Especially when the gravitational pull of both the sun and moon is in near perfect alignment)
meme it
watch the Jim Carry movie "24"
fuck I mean 23
the Autism equinox is september 23
Perfect. Full circle.
reminds me of that one time
things are beginning to HAPPEN
a real life extinction level event will HAPPEN any day now
Fiat justitia ruat cælum
The air will cool from the lack of sunlight, water vapor will condense, and then it will rain.
Have you ever poured water onto a campfire, and the ash is cement the next morning?
Imagine it turns into abrasive cement. It sprays into the sky. Eats away at your lungs. Turns the water into acid. This happens to half the country, all at once. And guess what? There's nowhere to move the ash to, because it's covered literally everything to the point that roofing outright collapses from the weight.
Before you know it, mid-evac your car's engine fails completely because the intake has caked over or the ash fucked up the injection system beyond repair, and now you're stuck in an alien hellscape where there is zero potable water and maybe a bit of canned food left. Stay on the surface and your lungs will abrade away, and you'll either die of starvation or dehydration. Get into a bunker soon enough and you'll be lucky if the air circulation doesn't get fucked to hell and back, but good luck getting back out a few months later when you're effectively under 3 feet of dried cement and there's no emergency services around to find you.
Within that pink radius you wouldn't last a week despite any amount of preparation unless you get out before the ash hits, and that's being generous.
As soon as you leave the regurgitations behind and really try prove that statement, you will encounter various very enlightening surprises.
Fucking hell I thought you retarded faggots finally gave up.
Arguing against flat earthers isn't even necessary anymore, they're so fundamentally dishonest that they out themselves with the first few statements.
Maybe go outside and look around for once, and if you're pathetic enough to be doing this with an ulterior motive you really should consider offing yourself.
well if your in the area might consider moving other than that it is beyond human control or at least I still believe that.
So either move or fuck it, you are going to die anyway 120 years from now none of us unless just born today have any chance of survival that long unless we develop life extension tech that can constantly renew you on a cellular level. Not that that would ever be given to plebs. LOL
Maybe he's a flat earther
One thing that has always confused me about farming is how do you have an actual constant supply of food?
Like say you grow corn and it takes 90 days or whatever to grow, what do you eat in the interim? You're not going to butcher a chicken every week, because I seriously doubt you have a sustainable amount to do that
Cause they want to conquer the world, not destroying the world and bring the ice age into reality. They're not good at surviving in extreme cold permanent winter.
Well a that would be hoarding surplus or cultivating on an exact time line it takes to go from grow to your mouth and adjusting to have constant supply until the next crop. Worthless corn is kinda sub par and environment susceptible.Now chickens turn over pretty quick if you have resources to feed enough of them this is where cannabis/hemp can come in to feed them and other livestock as well as yourself lol.
Once you have initial crop say an acre then you have enough to feed livestock and your family.That is hording on usual cycles however cannabis can be grown year round with clones in enclosed environments like a barn or two with some bio diesel generated lamps for light so you never run out and it pays for itself.Grow your own lifestyle no jew bank rats trying to suck off your pension and ultimately screw you out of everything you worked 20-30 years for gone in a blink cuz a jew got greedy and left you with nothing then laughed. Grow your own stability.
The sky will be thick and hard to breath so it is a good idea to farm underground.
i reckon a snackbar scarf and a respirator should be suffiecient
What is the coriolis effect you nigger?
What are the seasons you nigger?
Why are the poles night for 6 months of the year and day for the other 6 you nigger?
What are timezones you nigger?
Where is the edge of the world you nigger?
You will have to buy many masks for yourself. It can destroy the mask quickly.
The raven slept in a rock-rift
On a cold winters night
There are many things that can hurt him
Many things that can hurt him
Before a beautiful day came
He pulls his frozen nose
From underneath a big rock
Underneath a big rock
Everything is frozen outside
You can't get anything at the beach
I'm so hungry
I'm so hungry
If I go to a house
Fat at home (a nickname for The dog) forbids me
To pluck from the garbage
To pluck from the garbage
The earth is covered in ice
There is nowhere to set the table
Full-fledged birds can fly far.
Full-fledged birds can fly far.
But even though I look everywhere
There's just one color
What can a raven eat
What can a raven eat?
Dead, lying on its side is
A fat mutton near a fence,
Who once was fast.
Once was fast.
'Caw, caw! Ravens, come here!
Caw, caw! cos' ready for us is,
a feast on cold ice.
a feast on cold ice.
4.5… near full moon. It will blow during the eclipse, if it will blow in our lifetime.
g-guys, The eclipse is going over the guide stones too…..RIGHT OVER THE GUIDE STONES.
This is getting spoopy
That's one of the reasons of the Czar Bomba. Otherwise instead of MIRVs using a single warhead of >50 MT would be a fucking waste since 70+% of its energy is wasted to space.
Can you name a ten things BETTER than that?
I can name at least two:
1) Volk winning WW2!
2) No israel
The whole coast and Mexico being wiped out in one go, the coastal cities are vile dens.
Couldn't we just lance yellowstone like a pimple?
something is happening
yeah and the ket word is "something"
fucking moron
Tfw in fucking 300-1000 meter ash zone
Anyone recommend me a good respirator? There's a cold war bunker not too far from my house so im not totally fucked. Maybe.
Nah mate you're fucked even if you go into a bunker, the ash will get into the ventilation and you'll suffocate. If that doesn't happen then you're going to be stuck down there and probably die due to ash blocking the exits.
I sure do love living on the east coast.
Yeah but the breadbasket is fucked and supply lines from Middle America would be buried. They would both starve to death shortly after anything went (as would most of the country and major parts of the world). Only so many ships can import so much food- and Cali's growing climate would be completely fucked (volcanic winter in the middle of summer).
Anyone without a year's worth of food and the necessary means and strength to defend it will be eaten by the zombie urban horde.
Glad this continually bumped. As of yesterday there were 878 earthquakes. But according to the smart scientist dude- nothing to be alarmed about.
The monster that lives in there is getting hungry is all xD
As I've said before in this thread, earthquakes in and of themselves mean nothing. If the magma plume was shrinking and shutting down there'd be earthquakes too as the rock solidified and restructured itself.
When you need to worry is when you start seeing lakes spill out of their banks, rivers and streams being diverted out of their normal pathways, and hot springs starting to pop up and shut down across the park. These events indicate topographical changes that point to an enlarging magma chamber. And THAT is when you should start worrying.
Is the world still gonna end on 21/12/2012?
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