Fuck you Civ VI, fuck you

Fuck you Civ VI, fuck you.

What people will take away from the quote: communism leads to dictatorship.

Other than that I'm actually enjoying the game and it is an improvement over CivV.

Other urls found in this thread:


user have you ever considered the possibility that dictatorships might actually be useful for erasing capitalism and class?

I apologize for the shitty phone quality but it is a pirated game and alt+ab freezes it.

I know that and you know that But your average person who buys this game won't know that.

…which is entirely correct.

Now, if only this game could also draw the connections between the Christian Church and Communism

"kill everyone in the revolutionary HOLOCAUST" - karl marks

Don't let the nazibols and stalinists tell you that a dictator is communist. The dictatorship of the proletariat is simply a class ruling over the bourgeoisie, it is worker democracy. Actual democracy.

Dictatorship of the proletariat just refers to a society where proles are the ruling class numbnuts, so it's just democracy.

Which shows that the term holocaust was made up by the Jews long before it actually "happened"

You can learn a lot if you actually pay attention

Has Satan-Nazi-chan finally returned to us? :3

you mean like this?

Hell yeah it leads to a dictatorship


every civ game has a such a trashy, abstract perspective of historical development. Its like they don't even try

Civ 4 did a pretty good job; gotta love state property workshop spam.
Someone could probably make a mod to make it follow Marxist historical progression of history though.

I don't see the point in humouring mentally ill people. The best thing to do is to try and get them help.



I got “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” when I researched it.
Were there any good propaganda-tier leftist mods for civ 5?

You people have completely missed my point. Yes, people who are familiar with communism know what it means, but your average 16-25 year old WHO DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT COMMUNISM will read dictatorship and think dictatorship, not worker-owned/controlled.

Reading comprehension: F for everyone in this thread.


There are people in this very thread, and certainly on this board, who argue for the traditional form of dictatorship, and entertain the idea that that is what Marx and others had in mind.

Don't let THEM tell you what the phrase means.

really makes me think.

Not reappropriating capitalist products as a communist would, not at all


get cucked