==We have all been waiting eagerly for this one fellow POLsters.
TRS 8channer division, let's discuss the new episode!==

Today's topics:

I rate this a 14/88 shitpost.

This is now a TRS LARPing thread.

Hey, did you guys hear about White Sharia on the latest War Room? What a great meme!

Oh man this episode is based already. I'm so happy to hear Mike again. Sven, not so much.

Yeah we need to start creating white sharia ==halal memes==

Also fuck you imkikey

Oh my god, I simply cannot stop sucking kikes off. Do you guys have any tips on removing semen stains from beards without actually taking a shower?
how did I do?

Fuck off antifachan faggot. Real 8POLer is against antifa and pro WN.

Pretending to be retarded is actually being retarded.

How many people listen to your podcast?

Who's retarded now?

Top sodomy

Mein Gott. Go back to fucking cuck chan you piece of shit

Last night I sucked a muslims cock while my former gf let a somali fuck her in the arse right in front of me. Can I be a member of TRS now? Pleeasee? I swallowed.

Check out this DANK countersignal meme I just made.

Not everybody here hates y'all

it sucks when you fail at manufacturing a false consensus huh.


No fags allowed

Thanks. For those of us here who aren't antifa and still support TRS.

I donated this week to hear that sick [insert x tired meme] drop from Sven. I might as well say that Ghoul isn't gay and it's okay to have lesbian parents, trannie lover, a mulatto half-brother and Jewish wife, and homosexuality isn't bad, because Millennial Woes and Greg Johnson are keystones of this movement. If you disagree, you're just a purity spiraling IM, CF, Antifachan shill who probably likes Matt Forney! Even Hitler allowed open homosexuals into his ranks so you dumbass 88er goys don't have any room to complain. ;)

Wew lad, are you fucking serious? I feel like fucking Nostradamus now
See the post I made here in the previous thread:

Well, that pretty much cinches it. We now TRS shilling for the following subversive ideologies:

You're a retard. Take your faggotry back to cuck chan.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
a thread died for this

I think we ought to study the history of the Ba'ath party tbh, since some of their philosophy was pretty interesting, and Assad is a Neo-Ba'athist, but you're right, TRS is just doing it because they're unoriginal AF.

>he doesn't understand shitposting
Oh look, another IronLARP antifa shill trying to spread false memes on pol.

Vote trump and celebrate the victory that sees jews occupy every key position of the US government

Marvel as the fashy goys cheers for the CIA agitation being fomented on the streets between braindead jew controlled antifa against braindead neocon zionist stooges.

Be amazed at how only the truly most fashy goys still support the most jewish President in US history serving only jewish interests and continuing the fake war on terror and backing the nations arming and training ISIS

Start scratching your head when the most based fashy goys insist you have to vote for zionist neocon jews in every election otherwise you must support the other jew controlled puppet

Wonder why nothing has changed except there will be less white people to blacks in your nations at the end of the Presidential term, whereupon the same cycle of
And thus the eternal cycle of jewish democracy continues unabated as the West sinks further into the death spiral, all caused and created by positioning ourselves with either of the two jew controlled democratic parties.

Rinse and Repeat till the last white man is sent to his death fighting for isreal in another of their endless warz against the only resistance left in the world to international jewry

I actually have no problem with the ba'athists and arab socialists. They're basically arab natsocs. But that's not the point. The point is that that's their own thing. Sharia is not white. Ba'athism is not white. Talmudism is not white. These things are subversive not because of the content, but because they are priming right-wingers into accepting the culture of foreign shitskins.

Well said.

What the actual fuck?

Mike Enoch: She wrote this and read it herself. I was really proud of it.

Mike Enoch's Wife:
Twas a TRS Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.
The cucks were all prepped for the ovens with care,
just waiting for morning to pop em in there.
A nation of teachers were tucked in their beds,
while visions of vibrancy danced in their heads.
I with my reason and my mom with her cats,
had just settled in for our usual spats.
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I rose to the bait to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a fash,
resolved with an iron will to go full fash.
The moon shone so bright on the newfallen snow,
like the glare of the media on objects below.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but 8 Episcopal priests, and all of them queer!
I'm a seasoned old troller so lively and quick,
I knew in a flash I could rally my hicks.
More rapid than eagles my edgelords they came,
to drive out interlopers and call them by name:
Out Communists, out socialists, out left-libertarians!
Out betas, out allies, SJW-contrarians!
Out beaners and dindus and Muslim jihadists,
spare us your Syrian refugee problems.
Just fash away, fash away, fash away all!

Like the dry heaves we feel with SJWs nearby,
when faced with well-reasoned arguments they cry:
Ad hominem attacks have no attacks on us trolls,
we obey the TOS because that's how we rolls.
And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof,
the prancing and preening of each little poof.

As I drew in my head and was turning around,
like a Standard Pool Party they came with a bound.
On the left came a standard bearer on foot,
and his foot were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
As though he had been to the ovens and back,
and he looked like a merchant, just opening his pack.

His eyes, how euphoric, his fedora, how merry,
his cheeks were all pockmarked, his nose like a cherry.
His virginal mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his neck unruly as slow.
The stem of a pipe he held in his teeth,
a signal that he really was cool underneath.
He had a round face and a littel round belly,
that shook as he raged like a bowl full of jelly.
There by the chimney he sat with a scotch,
certain it would raise his status a notch.
He was chubby and plumb, a right surly old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.
The dull look in his eye and the crap in his head,
made me see just how easily this guy could be led.
Then laying a finger inside of his nose and digging for gold,
up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his Prius, 'I'll dox you!' he begs,
yet away he still fled with his tail tween his legs.
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
"i'll see you online bitches where we'll fight the good fight!".
So what have we learned at the end of this Yule?
To be right is right, its a simple enough rule.
To all of our goys, who hold TRS tight,
a White Christmas to all, and to all, a White night.

Soooo, just like Christianity?

Shoo shoo LARPagan.

Cry moar Jew worshiper.

Why do you hate Hitler?

And while we're at it:

Mine are better.

That first quote is proving my point.

Cry harder, LARPagans.

And how about the other 2?

this is d&c

You're not very good at this. Christianity is a foreign Semitic faith.

If you're going to cry about Islam creeping in, you've really got no grounds to hold up Christendom as worthwhile, especially given its modern state.
You know it.
Just deal with it.

You can't remove the shitposting from ironic shitposting

Go worship a dead tree instead of a Living God. Bagans are ten times as cucked as Christians.

It really doesn't matter, tbh famalamadingdong.

Whether Hitler was or was not Christian means absolutely nothing - he also thought 1/8th was acceptable as the cut-off for the Nuremberg laws, and I don't agree there, one of many such instances.
Hitler did nothing wrong, but he wasn't always right either.

Christianity IS, without debate, " the culture of foreign shitskins", and if Hitler disagreed well, I don't honestly care.

You would worship a living tree, but all the Christians cut it down because they wanted you to worship their dead Jew instead.
And its physically impossible for anyone to be more cucked than modern Christians.

Sure is TRS in here. Anyone catch the last episode of the Godcast?

Kill yourselves you fucking kike fellating cunts.

I'll take "What was the appearance of Christ to Constantine" for 400 shekels, LARPagan.

TRS is atheistic lolbergs. You can't even ad hominem right.

Fucking antifachan.

"What was the degradation of the Roman Empire", Christcuck.
You answer in the form of a question you fucking idiot.

You wish.




Then for the sake of argument, let's say that Hitler WAS Christian –
So what I'm suggesting is, if Hitler was 100% confirmed a Christian (there won't ever be a consensus on this, but still), then are Christians kike puppets? Was Hitler a kike puppet? Did Hitler do nothing wrong?

Also would the other faggot stop bumping this shit thread?

… And how did that work out for Hitler?

Oh, Jews turned all the other Christian nations against him - and some atheist Jew-wrought ones - and destroyed him and raped his country for 70+ years.
Hmmm, well, so much for that Christian solidarity!

And it sure seemed to do a good job of destroying Rome. And Germany, for that matter.

In so much as his Christianity, if he were Christian, which as you noted there is no concesnsus there.
He DID nothing wrong, but he wasn't always right. See: 1/8th.
Point being: Whether Hitler was Christian or liked the faith, I really don't care. I don't worship Hitler, I just think he was probably a good guy and a good leader and not a Christian, certainly not a modern Christian, whom he clearly decried as Jew-serving fools..






Fuck off to reddit


I never met him. Did you?

Kill yourself kike. Anyone who studies Hitler knows he was a great man.

Is Kike Eunuch still running TRS?



So you didn't, and you basically believe the writings of other men as to tell you who is good or bad.
You're probably Christian, eh? ;^)

Of course. What other fat JYC lolberg kike is going to spend his time doing that shit for shekels?

Checked for you think being better than atheists is meaningful.
Top Cuck.



Oy vey indeed Schlomo.

You might find Christianity disagreeable, but at least get your facts straight. It's an hardcore anti-Jewish religion, which you would have known had you read the Bible. That many so-called Christians of today don't read it is a great shame, but doesn't change the facts.

Holy shit, fuck off you obvious TRSodomite.

Also: If your population is mostly Christian, its probably a good idea to incorporate that into your propaganda, isn't it?
Yeah, it probably is.

No, its not. It derives from the exact same source material, and Jesus outright says he's not here to erase that shit, merely to offer new shit.

And the facts are thusly: It was a foreign belief system, introduced to Europe by foreigners, usually interpreted as having traveled through Greece with those foreigners - who were fleeing their own lands due to being associated with the (perceived) traitor Jesus - thus elevating their position in this new land.
It caught on with the lowest castes of Roman society - the dominant pagan society that ruled basically all the Med - and gradually subverted its way to the upper echelons. And its arrival contributed, without question, to the degradation and demise of the Roman Empire. When the Empire fell, well, the Western Empire at least, Christianity inherited much of the remnant power of that great state - which it subsequently used to further subvert Europe, whereupon it turned them upon each other, and then, upon the mudslimes.

Never once did Christians attempt to purge the Jew - kick them out, sure, but never eliminate them… Unlike the Europeans who would not willingly convert.
Anti-Jewish my ass Moishe.

It's far easier to rally two different religions against each other than have one fight within itself, cough cough.

The war was fucked up thanks to a multitude of factors and it might have been worse were he X religion (where X is not the most popular one.) If Hitler was Pagan and lost the war, would that be a result of his Paganness? No.

So let's say Christian-Hitler won and either shipped the kikes off to Madagascar, gassed them, etc, take your pick – would he at that point be a puppet of the Jew? Was he a puppet of the Jew prior to that? Can one be a servant of the Jew in a world where the Jew is either extinct or stuck on an island forever?

And do you know why I am asking?

Seems like its never been that hard to get Christians to kill their own tbh famalamadongding.

Could have been, yes. Would have depended on the circumstances of the scenario, but this is all make-believe on your behalf, so its irrelevant.

But he didn't.
To answer that, one must ask, "Was he a Christian?", and if the answer to that was "Yes", then the answer would be "Yes - in so far as his Christianity".
Yes, you're still espousing the servile culture thereof.

I don't really care tbh famalamadongalonga.
Here's the rub: It doesn't matter.

Whether Hitler was Christian or not, I don't care, because it doesn't matter.
What DOES matter, is what Christianity is, has always been, and will always be - a foreign faith, derived from the same source as Talmudic Judaism, brought to European lands by foreigners, likely Semites, which caught on with the dregs of European pagan society because of its universalist tendencies, and subsequently degraded European culture gradually, over centuries, until we find ourselves where we are today.

The whole origin of this was someone pouting over the implication - which I agree with, mind you - that TRS is shilling shitskin cultural concepts in their low-energy memes, and my response to such pouting was "Just like Christianity?", which is an entirely legitimate commentary.
If you don't like people injecting Middle Eastern cultural concepts into the European paradigm, well, guess what? Christianity is Middle Eastern cultural concepts injected into the European paradigm.

The Three Paths of Abraham, in order of appearance: The Path of the Slavery (Jew), The Path of the Traitor (Christendom), The Path of the Beast (Islam)
I have no love for those who walk the path of the foreign desert dweller, who chose such in favor of the Old Path of the Woods we once walked, and which Christendom incorporated parts of to augment its subversive capacity and maintained only for so long as it was required.

The Jew Fears The Viking - Not The Crusader.

*The Path of the Slaver

I specifically wrote "So let's say" and "Christian-Hitler". to avoid that response. It is as you say a make believe scenario, so riddle me.
Even so, this serves the extinct Jew how?
So then would you say that you have a preference for a shitskinned Hindu than a white Christian? Is it about race or religion for you?
I previously understood that from the Pagan point of view, white Christians are brainwashed sheep, not infiltrators, foreign bodies, like the niggers that have been coming in from Africa. Can you clarify as what you perceive them? Would you say that white Christians would hang on the day of the rope?

Modern Paganism doesn't even have a complete holy book. It's literally a shell of ancient paganism. Also how cucked do you have to be to hate Christians while simultaneously using the Christian written Eddas. By the way there's Christian theological influence in some of the stories in both of the Eddas too so it's literally a christianized and incomplete version of paganism at the very best. Sad!

I mean, it's a TRSodomite thread to begin with, so it's not like anything got "ruined" per se, but goddamn.

what a horrible falseflagging thread filled with faggotry



christianity isn't a thing. it's a million different things. you can be a christian and an anti-semite, but 99% of those calling themselves christians are "one in christ"-cucks. and there is much more support for their cuckyness in the bible than there is for the "doos voolt"-brand of christianity, which is just as larpy as any variety of paganism. both groups are trying to resurrect dead religions, but at least the pagans are trying to rediscover something genuinely european that was taken from us, and i can appreciate that. christianity is middle-eastern garbage that i have no interest in.

It's that thread again. Op acts as the 'kike stuff dot biz' fag and you all fall for this bait. Fuck this gay shit. Maybe we should talk about yapoo shemale house instead ?

It's Polocks!

To be fair, a lot of the TRS shilling that has been talked about used to be wyattman, one of TRS' lackeys who used to frequent the chans to shill the website.

The same old superficiality. Modern Jews ≠ old Hebrews/Israelites. That's the VERY POINT of the New Testament.

Ignorant, ahistorical bullshit. There was no unified "Europe" at any point, nor an unified european religion. Even within e.g. the Germanic regions there were huge differences in believe systems.

Completely wrong. In the Roman Empire as well the Germanic kingdoms later on it were precisely the elites who first converted.

You just keep asserting that, but what is your evidence?

It's the other way around - until European leaders like Cromwell fell to heresy, Christianity did a damn fine job for over 1500 year in keeping the Jews and usury at bay.

More ahistorical back-projecting. It wasn't Christian vs. Non-Christian, but Germanics against Germanics. Power first, beliefs second.

If the Ancient Aryan hypothesis is true, the Bible is at least implicitly an Aryan document.

Complete bullshit. You don't like Christianity - fine by me, but don't ressort to such obvious lies.

Wrong, elites converted first, especially in the Germanic regions. It were precisely the lower castes who needed missionary convincing, for better or worse.

Obviously wrong. Vikings ceased to exist a long, long time ago, while at least some Crusader mentality exists to this very day.

Not even a shell. There IS no authentic contemporary paganism. None at all. Only larping and historical fantasy.

so whats it gonna take to derail this thread?


Mike Enoch is a jew.

They deleted the sound cloud any way to get a hold of it?