Game has extremely powerful item

Or even worse

I just want to have fun for fucks sake, don't show me these cool toys then take them away from me.


Shut up retard, it's for the sake of balance. Do you really want an extremely powerful item you can use with no penalty and in abundance?




Feels good man

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia got so many things right.
Alternatively you can pause the game before each attack to equip the item and then unequiping it after the attack

There's a million other reason that game was shit, but god damn.


The first time I played skyrim I never used a single potion other than hp or mana until alduin.




user you arent a very bright person






Nobody did though.



Casual detected

Or even worse

I just want to have fun for fucks sake, don't show me these cool toys then take them away from me.


Yeah! How dare that guy not think you can only play a video game once! It's like he believes in replaying video games. Who does that? You just pay the 60 dollars, play it once or not at all, and never touch it again like a normal person. Varying your playthroughs never made any sense at all, even if replaying a game were possible! You'd have to do the same thing over and over to have any sort of fun because thats how it's intended.

The nerve of these people! At least we're the only sane ones here.

BTW: Whats your high score on Candy Crush and can you like my post so I can get a free powerup?

Oh shit I remember sniping the combine thanks to suit zoom. Too bad the game made run and gun too viable to try anything else.

Fucking MGSV

Why did Kojima hate us



==WHY DO THEY ALWAYS DO THIS?== if I want an action game let me pay an action game, if I want a stealth game let me play a stealth game. nuDeus ex, dishonored, and the late far cry entries are guilty of this. Except far cry is less punishing with making you use stealth.

Darkchips were pulled off in some of the BN games, but they were "lmao perma -1 hp" on most cases.

What game?

this fucking game, it still pisses me off that I can't throw cards at fuckers with gambit, I understand shit like teleportation with nightcrawler, but shit like a clawless wolverine, cyclops with no heat vision, and gambit being decked for using their power is just not fun. AT least half of them double jump

Cyclops doesn't have heat vision, they're impact beams.

But point taken, fuck that shit.

The only time they were pulled off was in 5, with Chaos Unisons.

Is this Carlos? This is Carlos, isn't it?


Sounds like Eye Divine Cybermancy It give's you one powerful spell a game to use after a specific point in game



Have you tried pressing the "A" button?


This ain't cool man.

fucking magus


Holla Forums 8 my image

>cutscenes still depict the main character somehow having a 'struggle'
>loljk we final 4th phase nao
>finally kill boss

i just wanted my fucking anti-climax, is that so hard to want in muh vidya



Why do developers do this?


I invite you to play warship gunner 2 and tell us that again with a straight face.

they might as well put casual in the title

Why would I ever use them? Fucking retards copying roguelike mechanics without knowing how they work

now who is this trying to pander to?

might as well put casual in the title then.

Fucking plebs

I know your pain.


Why would you ever do that?

That's why New Game+ should always be a thing. You get to conservate all ypur shit but with endgame dificulty. I'd love to redo KH2 with the ultima weapon with strong heartless.


What's even worse is when you aren't allowed to use the cool shit in NG+.

first time i've seen someone mentions that wonderful game here. hell, wave guns were one of the most fun things you could use.

you never used it for pvp in latria did you?


fuck you path of neo



Worse than no power-ups at all if you ask me. Power-ups should be higher capabilities than the minimal baseline to proceed at all. If you're not going UP from that power, it's not even a power-up in the first place. So for example, classic Mario games did power-ups right. Mario Galaxy did them completely wrong.


Starting out endgame powerful, with all the tedious stuff done already is THE WHOLE POINT. Oh that makes me mad. More mad than not even having it at all, because then they teased you with it. There was some DS tactical RPG with multiple endings and a NG+ mode that rolled over practically nothing and ARGH. What would have been the problem with having an easy time going for other paths? I beat the game fair and square at normal difficulty the first time, after all.

They toted that the robobot was some uber god tier weapon, but it was mostly a less impressive version of Rick, Nago, Chuchu, Pitch, Kine, or Coo.

Hypernova was fucking baller.

Fucking tales of symphonia did that shit and I've blacklisted that game series ever since.


The only thing stronger than the power of friendship is the power of hatred.
