No you can't make this up.
This is just a normal cultural misunderstanding. No charges, case dropped and give him a home with a welfare check.
Facts don't matter when someone accuses a white person of being racist. Either it's the white person's fault or it's not the brown person's fault. No other choice.
I bet the conductor will have to apologize the poor refugee for her racist behaviour.
Sounds like something our upstanding gentlemen of African descent would do. The left keeps treating them like children and lets them get away with it never disciplining them so of course they'll keep behaving like this and Sweden is the worst of all.
The Holocaust wasn't a lie and you weren't deceived by the Jews, goyim. Go back to sleep or else I'm going to call you a "fucking racist misogynist anti-Semitic Nazi piece of shit."
Only Jews are allowed to be morally outraged for their ethnic interests, goyim.
Things are getting out of control.
I mean, really more than usual.
Wasn't there another stabbing on a train?
Maybe it was in Germany or something, like 1-3 years ago I think.
How anyone could actually believe that the camel-jockeys are our equals is beyond me.
There was an axe attack on a German train last year.
There's been two in Germany in the last 6 months.
Although one involved an axe on a train, not a knife.
https: //
this one?
Hey guys, check this out what I read.
So what does that tell us? The white people need to die so the violent non-white people can take over without going to a war. It's scary, eh?
inb4 declared a swedish hero
I've missed this one.
I think it was >>10091862
with an axe.
Anyway, just respect their culture of attacking people different from them you shitlords!
mmm those digits
Absolutely shit tier
It sounds like the muds have moved on from abusing european sheeple naiveté about (((equality))) and gotten to the point where they actually believe it.
There is no equality anywhere in Creation. The only equality is that no matter who or what you are, at some point, you will die.
Equality is a death cult
I hope to find myself in a situation like this. I may not be a large man or trained in combat. But mark my words, I would not sit idle, I would attempt to kill that man.
I've done it before.
Is….is this satire? I can't tell anymore, but I'm laughing anyways,
Lmao the muds knew this this racism, Islamophobia was a hoax
but when they start drinking the cool aid the media puts down
you get Extreme Tolerance Muslim squads lmao
the fucktards don't see westerners as human
except the victim, and the conductor.
fucking bomb mecca already
We don't believe that, but camel jockeys do, it is part of islam that all races are equal under allah.
This is why islam is aligned with commuunism and pushed by the nwo, they both have "equality" as a central tenet.
But of course in both cases this is doublethink, because some are always going to make sure they are more equal than others.
You're wrong user.
Islam says mudslimes are greater than atheists, as well as jews and niggers but who cares.
Anywhere in the world today, if you see a Swedish person, snicker. If they give you a funny look, tell them why.
What? Islam killed communists by the boatloads, the only ones with higher body counts are the Germans and fellow Communists.
The commies liked to infiltrate "Muslim" societies but they have been beaten back for 40 years, which is far longer than we Westerners could ever say.
This man deserves a medal
I think sweden ought to build a monument around this scenario too. Do I smell a holiday for shitskins to honor this day as well?
The sky's the limit for these cucks.
Liberals spoil shitskins and make excuses for them all the time, then wonder why they act like entitled bratty children.
Omfg lost
My thoughts exactly while reading the OP. Things are slowly but surely heating up it seems.