First of all, if you use the term Zelda-like then you are a shit eating casual. There were several games which had been released before the first TLOZ came out, most notably, Hydlide from 1984. Now Hydlide is a story of it's own, hailed on it's motherland as a classic but despised in the west. When it came out in 84 it was a ground breaking game, its open world nature and rather non linear gameplay were something unique for its time. The only thing Hydlide did wrong was that it got released in the west after Zelda, a real dick move from the devs part. Of course that when a much superior Hydlide clone with good marketing behind got a release before Hydlide itself on the west, the original was going to be seen as shit. Don't even get me started on cucks like AVGN and othets shitting on it, fucking ridiculous.
There are so many superior Zelda games that aren't Zelda out there, Terranigma is better than ALttP in every way, yet it remains forgotten and relegated as a mere "Zelda clone". Fuck Nintendo man.
Zelda is shit
I didn't forgot to mention Ys, they are not like Zelda aside from the camera view and setting.
I'm playing through Kingsley atm, ask away if you want.
butthurted sonyfaggot
What? Lol
Then why did you compare Terranigma to Zelda? It's nothing like a Zelda game. It's more of an Ys with combat mechanics.
SotC is the best Zelda game
Because its on the SNES
I fucking hate summer.
make it stop
I never ever heard that term before.
So was Ys V and Mask of the Sun.
But Terranigma is a Nintendo exclusive. Ys is not.
Yeah, but Link's Awakening though
You need better substance for your argument if you want to have a proper discussion here user.
Why would you want those to be as populist though? Just spike the price and like have a bunch of dumpy sequels.
Which one, Okami?
Now that I think about it, none of the games you mentioned are much like Zelda(except for Kingsley's Adventure. I haven't played that, so I can't say for sure.) The only thing they have in common is that you can walk around a semi-open world and interact with NPCs and the combat is in real time.
Tell me about it. My AC is apparently too small for my house, so even when it's working it's still hot. I thought about getting a bigger one, but those cost like $7000.
Naw nigga. That combat gets old really quick.
Hydlide is fucking trash, Zedla 1 is way better than it.
Okami is the only game you really need to put on this list
You've probably said COD-shit before.
well fucking surprise, metal of honor existed before that and according to your logic popular well known games only define a genre to FILTHY CASUALS LIKE YOU
Hydlide came out in 84 when most of the games out there were utterly simplistic.
Zelda came out in 1987.
Suck my dick nigger.
eat my cock bitch, your argument is shit.
2/10 bait made me reply
Lmao how is it any more tedious than Majora's Mask inpossibly gimmicky time based gameplay?
still, hydlide isn't worth playing, imo
I can confirm. Terranigma is way better than any Zelda game on any console ever made
You don't know the meaning of the term "tedious", do you?
I agree, but it gets a lot of undeserved hate from uninformed people and idiots like AVGN who enjoy spewing memes about "hurr dis game is so bad xd".
If i wanted to emulate a Ys game, which one should i start with?
Play Ys Origins on PC.
Shadow of the Chernobyl???
While more of an action RPG, and possibly laying the groundwork for games like Kingdom Hearts, I would say maybe adding the game Final Fantasy Adventure and it's several sequels like Secret of Mana, SD3, and Legend of Mana on the list.
Also, the weakness in your argument is that more people know about Zelda than Hydlide. So of course people are going to think Zelda if they see a fantasy game that's kinda open and you find weapons and beat dungeons in a semi-linear to full-linear fashion.
I like Okami, but that's a fucking lie and you know it.
Hydlide is a complete and utter disaster. Even the angry cuck ripped it apart
Super Hydlide for the genesis was supposedly better than the original.
Fuck you
Pleb list
Why didn't you put Beyond Good and Evil on that list, that game is amazing and a classic.
This thread is made solely for shitposting.
It looks pretty good
ill probably give it a pirate
Hydlide wasn't a disaster. It was successful in japan and spawned two squeals. It just couldn't stand the test of time due to outdated gameplay mechanics. For what it tried to do it was innovative for its time.
Pleb list
If your going to claim that there are better Zelda like games than Zelda, why didn't you put Beyond Good and Evil or Crystalis on that list, those games can easily be claimed as instant classics and are far superior than shitty Hydlide?
Op, if you really like something I seriously wouldn't risk continuously talking about it. Kikes and normalfaggots ruin everything they touch. Think before you act.
Has anyone played TES Adventures Redguard? They said it's one of the better zelda like games out there, even though the graphics didn't age well. It's sort of like Ocarina of Time meets Prince of Persia. I've only played it for a few minutes so I really can't judge it. It's on GoG.
(you) ; - >
I could never get into zelda at all
try TP, the only zelda that non-nintoddlers can get into because its legitimately a fun game and you'll fap to midna at least a dozen times during the game
The 2D ones are pretty good.
I feel you so deeply man.
the fuck is that?
there should be some documentaries about Adventure, Hydlide,Zelda and Ys. someone who would play the aged first 2 and analyze them with the better one that came later in an unmemed fashion.
Probably i should do it…
I'd watch it
Well user if you're not gonna use good arguments why even bother?
Except you know give you the best bonus bonus in NG+
Sure showed us user
Fuck off scener.
You don't understand Nintendo cultists OP.
Literally every game that isn't from Nintendo is shit. Hell the average Nintendo cultist only has a Nintendo console.
that was the only zelda game i thoroughly enjoyed, the rest were okay but in the grand scheme of things i'd put them below average
He seriously believes you need to root for a single franchise like a team. And compares stuff which came out over a 20 years spawn.
Who gives a fuck kid, just play them all. And remember you are a failure to society the same, that you play one game or another.
That's because your're a fat teen who owns more games on Steam, than any kid of the pre-emulators age could ever afford.
What you need to do is 1. savor every single game as if you had nothing else to play for a month, and 2. transition MtF like the fag you are.
you are the very first person ive ever seen use this term.
groundbreaking yes, good not so much, it plays like complete ass. zelda got popular on the fc because it played smoother with alot easier controls and better puzzles because of it.
only complete faggots that use shit phrases use this. I bet you say "souls-like" too faggot.
But which one is the Zelda of the Souls series?
hydlide is shit though
real life