how the fuck can white Americans only speak 1 language. Retarded beyond anything IMO
Americans only speak 1 language
Not everybody is a jew buying things cheap from one country and selling them for double the price in another country.
Enjoy speaking that tongue the Danes taught you, cucky.
What does this have to do with anything? kike shills sliding as usual.
Lingua franca bitch.
Because Americans spend their time reporting slides threads like these
Also any Norwegian could learn Danish or Swedish in like two weeks, are you trolling or a retard? Plus you're languages are easy as fuck, they're like cavemen babble.
more like the hansa mate
Fucking blizzard niggers.
What does it matter? The entire planet is going to end up speaking exclusively English or Esperanto by 2100 depending how WW3 goes.
Yeah right, nigger
Because the entire world is our bitch and speaks our language already. Because we could clear the map with a fraction of our power. Because our dollar has ruled over your life and the lives of every other non American for over a century. That's why. Stay butthurt.
Anyone I'd ever want to talk to speaks English, that's the lingua franca, deal with it faggot.
You're just mad you wasted your time learning irrelevant languages.
Nigger you barely speak different languages. Half the shit is the same between all of those you listed. They're more dialectical offshoots with regional slang than hard languages
People only speak "American" in the inner cities.
You mean Norwegian ice farmers won't know how to speak with me? Oh no, what a terrible loss!
American English is closer to old English than the English spoken in England. You'd know that if you weren't a fucking peon lol. Go ahead Abdual, look it up
gay thread gay frog poster
No I mean all whites in North America got their language from the British or French there is no American.
lol wtf its school curriculum in norwegian elementary
fucking retard
You are currently in a thread where people think you can speak American
Just wait until your rulers just speak hebrew and that you have to speak spanish after your country is renamed Brazil 2.0
Bretty sure language learning is a female trait. My T levels are to high I guess.
Because the US isn't a bunch of tiny nations bunched together with different languages. You can speak English all throughout North America, 2 nations that are the 2nd and 4th largest nations on earth that combined are 4 times larger than Europe. Hell, if you learn Spanish, French and Poortuguese (all of which are latin based and pretty easy to learn) you can speak the totality of all the languages in the Americas.
That being said even most Brits only speak English, when you speak the lingua franca it's not that pressing to learn other languages.
Not Politics
why would i speak any language other than the best language there is?
Its probably going to end up sort of like Switzerland where everything south of the mason dixon line will be considered the "Spanish part of the country" the great lakes will be the Arabic part, ect.
Don't be that guy, we're all targeted by the Jews. If we don't fight back together every country has the same fate… Maybe some countries will hold out an additional 20 years before becoming Brazil 2.0…
Oh, and Brazil speaks Portuguese, not Spanish.
Want to know how I know you aren't white?
that's not really true, that's only in regards to rhoticity/non-rhoticity which is a regional feature existing/not existing in both countries. OE is such a different language that it isn't really possible, but variants of Scottish or Northern English dialects tend to bare more similarity to ME than most common Southern dialects (especially RP, and London accents)
You were the one who said "our language" it was never ours to begin with, no one felt the need to dissociate from England to that degree.
Sorry we dont learn the languages of invaders
You're an idiot and this guy is correct.
t. American with a BA in Linguistics
Primarily because English is a widely spoken language that is extremely flexible but at the same time leaves its native speakers a bit perplexed when dealing with more heavily structured and regimented languages.
its true. grew up on three languages, all native speaker level by now lol.
Spain should have annexed Portugal and made them speak Spanish, They really failed at everything.
Brit here.
Fuck the Spaniard, Portugal is bros.
Speak english or GTFO.
Americans only speak one language because we only NEED to speak one language. Leafs and Tacos speak two, but that's because they're faggots.
What's it like having to learn the langauge of your betters? The only reason you speak English is because you've been culturally conquered by America.
Sage for yuropoor whining.
Because Americans have never needed to speak another language. You guys over in Europistan have had to learn each others languages as a necessity. But here, people in Texas, Washington, New York, and Florida all speak English and have always spoken English until those brown folk started coming in now some people are starting to learn Spanish to ask Pablo to fix their house for cheap. The only reason to learn languages other than English is for those who show promise in their academic studies and have plans to work or study somewhere else. Either that or you're wealthy enough to travel.
because we have no need to learn anything but English, the language of nations that won WW1 and WW2 without being conquered and cucked.
remember, you're on an english language message board.
Funny joke Sven. Tell us in Norwegian!
Also, I'm so fucking tired of people knowing a couple basic fragments of a language out of a tourist guide book and saying "hurr durr I speak some X, Y, and Z too!" Fuck off, you don't speak those languages.
Norway land area only covers about 300K km2. Continental US land area covers 7,6 million km2. If Norway were part of the US, it wouldn't even be one of our top five in terms of size. Shit, Texas by itself is as big as Norway and Sweden combined!
Norway has, what, 5 million people (including muds)? The USA is 60+ times as big.
You travel overland to Sweden or Finland, and I leave my heartland plains traveling the same speed for the same time and I'm … still in the great plains.
The Skagerrak is only about 70 miles across, a short boat ride. Compare that to the boat ride from California to Hawaii.
There's a reason burgers don't speak languages other than English, and it's because before the Mexican invasion at least we don't fucking have to.
Believe me they tried, but they made one the longest lasting treaties in history with Great Britain to protect them. Spain was pretty cool, but they just never recovered from the gold hyper-inflation after sacking Peru.
4cuck tier thread
Burgers, so proud of
Only speak Bonglish and the only German words they know are sieg and heil
The good thing is that unlike invaded parts in other nations, actual Americans have resisted tooth and nail to learn Spanish. Even White people in brown as fuck areas of California and Arizona refuse to speak anything more than a few basic phrases to speak to workers.
As a Bong I only speak one language because my ancestors but in the hard work of ensuring that everyone speaks my native tongue. Your ancestors were less successful in this regard so you by default have to speak at least two languages.
This is a bragging thread right?
Not much cool about Spain except for the muzzie hate.
When they took over chunks of south america they didn't really build stable economies or anything. They just set out to sack maximum quantities of gold and enslaved the population en masse.
What gets the job done, gets the job done. There is a universal language. War. We speak it very well.
Sage for shit D&C thread. I am Nordic and Germanic.
Because shakespeare doesn't actually work when it's spoken in other languages.
Of course. When will you start speaking that universal language for your own interests instead of the jew's interests? When was the last time it happened?
When will you? Everyone seems so intent on waiting for someone else to light the powder keg. Part of war is preparation. I am doing my part. How about you?
Francisco Franco took a stand against the Commies and without him they would've probably been able to enter into Western Europe. That being said Franco was only the reserve, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (fucker had too many names) was a badass, and in my opinion the best fascist after Hitler… he actually understood the Jewish menace and targeted Jewish businesses and trades. Too bad they were able to kill him before he had proper power.
I'm a WASP and I can say with confidence that continentals and Catholics should never have been allowed in.
How many actual White people speak Spanish?
Those are the only German words worth knowing.
This means nothing. Japanese hardly ever speak anything but their own language. Most Mexicans and Central Americans only speak Spanish. If you're American, you can drive from Nome, Alaska, all the way to Miami, Florida, and only need to speak English the entire way. We have a gigantic country and there's no need to learn any other language for most people here.
Multilingualism is a great skill to have, I speak three languages and it's been great for me. But I've traveled a lot, and I've had practical reasons for needing to learn other languages. A lot of people in the US don't have any practical reason to do so. It's not because we're dumb. Dumb is inviting Muslims into your country and then getting mad at people who want to stop the caliphate.
Australia size is almost same as USA without the top state and yet there are less than 3 millions are bilingual. You didn't put the effort in this thread.
hey ok
Don't forget to sage this user.
Did you type that by banging your dick on the keyboard? I've read the post 5 times and I still don't understand it.
Why hasn't this shitty thread been bumplocked or deleted yet?
Oh great a D&C thread on the front page
yup confirmed Divide and conquer get fucked
Burger here. I have family and close family friends that came before the revolutionary war (Irish slaves, fuck the queen and fuck you too britcucks), during the 19th century (basically Prussia) and during the early 20th century (Eastern Europe). I heard it every holiday, every gathering, that when European immigrants came to America, they integrated and learned to speak the language. Maybe they spoke the European languages inside the household and during certain gatherings, but a large majority of families learned English and sticked with English. It was enforced by the parents (father for the most part), and while many regions and cities had ethnic divisions, they weren't trying to wrestle with ten different languages. Most kids (boomers, mainly) didn't grow up in households where their parents (those born around the 1910s-1920s, mostly in America, the (((greatest))) generation, etc.) spoke European languages. So that in a sense was lost and boomers were the first primary generation to basically lose it. I have no problem with communities speaking a language other than English, in America, as long as it is in the household or in their communities, but in the larger sphere of public life, these values of integration have been lost. Non-western immigrants continue to roam around and continue speaking Spanish or Hindi (or whatever the fuck) in the most inappropriate places and are even pretty defiant about it. Even the jews are like this with yiddish (of course). That wasn't always the case, and we can go back to the immigration act of 1971, go back to WWII, go back to Frankfurt school, go back to wherever you want to find the root cause for all this and begin to understand the larger agenda. I think we all know what I'm talking about, I'm preaching to the choir here, but I'm just saying.
The worst part about this is that integration and secularism was a pretty big part of American life for descendants of European immigrants. So we still have small remnants of European divisions in certain regions, but those people have largely forgotten their heritage and have no interest in trying to reconnect with that because concepts like 'melting pots' and civic nationalism were somewhat sustainable during that century. Despite all the fucked up shit that happened during the 20th century, Americans that descended from European immigrants were able to bring America to its apex. Now when I said the 'worst part about integration and secularism', I mean the script got flipped, and I don't need to lecture anyone here about what I'm talking about. Despite our heritage, many non-whites are trying to deny our existence and history while trying to persevere their own. Combine that with the fact that white normies are willfully ignorant and self hating, they don't take it seriously. Then add in the plummeting standards in education. Most American children don't even have access to multiple language classes until they're teenagers, and it's usually Spanish, French, or German (if you're lucky). Even my college language department sucked, we barely had anything. Simply put, our own diversity eroded away and was forgotten, and now it is being forced upon us to trying to tangle with this web of unlimited and mostly artificial 'diversities'. We don't even discuss it anymore and, sadly, many don't even know where their people came from. The media and public exposure to white heritage is null, and if anything, is fictionalized hollyjew shit. And now with the daily happenings, the demographic shifts, and the eventual descent into civil war, it's near impossible to even sit down and try to comprehend how we got to this point. Trying to reconnect with our past almost seems unattainable, and even if we had the money to fuck off to Europe for a year and put our language learning abilities to test, they're aren't going to be any fucking Europeans left at the rate you're going.
I don't want to start a shitstorm, and I know Europeans have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to America and like to take the piss out on us when they can, but you're heading down the same path we are if you don't fix your shit. You see how bad it is in America for us at this point, and you, for some reason, followed us right into the fire.
ebin b8
Best post of the thread tbh
America is a retarded back woods shithole that stumbled into empire and will soon stumble out every world leader in the past 200 years has known this.
It has been said that a “special Providence watches over children, drunkards, and the United States.”
-Otto von Bismark
Quid ratio est linguam dicentem numquam utar?
We are top nation. You learn OUR language, weakling foreigner.
We're not exposed to much other languages except for Japanese if you're a weeb, and then that language is a journey to learn.
Other European languages are much more similar to ours, so it's much easier to learn. When I listen to German or Spanish, for example, I can make out the sentence structure well and can slightly make out meaning as well. I figure if I'm in Europe, or really needed to learn another European language, I could pick it up quite fast.
But America speaks English, so there's really not a need to learn anything else. We're like the Japanese who don't really learn other languages either because everyone there speaks their tongue and there's not a whole lot of, well, "legal" immigration like you poor fucks.
Latinam dico, negre cinide
Nice d/c thread kike
The only other language I would consider learning is Spanish. And that's only cause I might consider moving to L.A. one of these days.
Your language is as useful as a bag of salt water in the desert.
Because no languages presented to us are deemed equal. Spanish is associated with fruitpickers and borderhoppers, French as irrelevant and so on. Anyone worth talking to in the US speaks english, nobody wants to talk to Juanita at the laundromat or Jose in the field. If you're european it's probably different, we don't want to be european though, gross no-gun society.
for what purpose?
wew we cuckchan nao
Australia speak English but many different languages are minor in Australia so that implied it is not needed to speak different language.
It's easier to conquer the world and thus speak the world's language than to learn your faggoty language.
Everyone speaks English. I speak Spanish and German. I'm English btw.
Also most european men would rather marry off their daughters to their precious multi-lingual rapethugees than an American. Apparently hordes of 3rd worlders learning just enough norwegian to pick up their daughters makes them feel proud, but Americans not wasting time with LARPlanguages pisses them off.
Americans being mad because most of them
can´t even speak one language properly:
the thread
Meanwhile the average EU citizen speaks 2-3 and is even generous enough to learn English so the Americans don´t feel left out.
Don´t forget fluent Arabic in the EU
get back to 4cuck for Euro D&C
Because we are enablers, filthy enablers.
I do speak multiple languages myself, but let me answer you. You are from a place the size of just one of our states. You are surrounded by countries that all speak a different language. In order to communicate you have to speak those languages, and you have opportunity to speak those languages. Americans on the other hand can travel the length of a continent and never encounter someone who doesn't speak English. Thus necessity isn't there, and opportunity isn't there. Nothing to do with intelligence with the exception of your inability to look at a map and draw an obvious conclusion.
Somebody posted a screencap of what cuck/pol/ looks like these days. This thread is identical to the shit posted all over their board. Don't reply to garbage threads like this.
Oh look, it's bullshit.
As an American Saxon I take pride in my language but know some spanish from proximity to spics in SoCal, French from high school, and German because my grandma was from Pennsylvania. Though on a survey I would only say I speak one language because I only speak one conversationally, like everybody else here would say.
Have fun living in The People's Republic of Norway, though I realize me being in commiefornia isn't much better. Atleast I don't start DnC threads to make myself feel special.