I don't find it that hard to believe that there is a secret society of elite Jews, manipulating world events from behind the scenes. What I find a bit harder to swallow though, is that all 14 million of them are in on it.
I somehow doubt that Isaac Goldstein from down the street is having meetings with Soros via Skype every Saturday evening.
I don't completely understand the whole "Jew" thing
Other urls found in this thread:
You're right.
You/they are just our little side bitches.
Now leave &
Never come back.
literally lurk more you cunt
Nice strawman. Literally no one believes in what you wrote. Read some Kevin Macdonald.
Talmud, Moloch, mutilated as kids, black cube in the head, thousands of years of controlled mating exacerbating cruelness, schizophrenia and greedyness. Pervasive to certain key areas of societal control - media, banking, politics - even on small leves.
Lurke more, it's not hard.
All Jews are Democrats. The only condition which Jews joined the Republicans are when they were openly Zionist.
Jews are ethnically different and have never assimilated to any society they partake in. Never genetically. Never culturally. Never religiously.
Let me repeat:
Jews are ethnically different and have never assimilated to any society they partake in. Never genetically. Never culturally. Never religiously.
Never genetically. Never culturally. Never religiously.
One more time:
Never culturally. Never genetically. Never religiously.
Never genetically.
Never culturally.
Never religiously.
Say it with me:
Jews have never assimilated.
Never genetically.
Never culturally.
Never religiously.
a quality thread just died for this jewpost
we are closing in on 6 gorillion threads holohoaxeded due to jewposts :'(
Who said anything about a "secret society"? Conspiracy isn't necessary to explain what we're seeing, aligned ethnic interests and innate behavioral tendencies explain convergent action.
Soloman mortgaged all their souls to an unnamed Old God (often thought to be an Owl Deity honored in the coming few days in Californian wilderness).
This unnamed deity has acquired tastes. See one of the stickies for details.
This unnamed deity has many partners - more in the material than not. This entity will eventually try to collect on it's debts.
The ultimate goal of Soloman's crew is to not pay that debt. they are historically lawyers, bankers, and professional loophole artists
use your imagination to figure out how to null and void a contract with an Old God
you kill everyone
no one alive = no living souls to collect
It's not like they have holy books, a cult like culture, and a hierarchy to keep it all in good order (rabbis and elders). Don't matter if they are atheists. They are still jews first and most importantly.
You want to understand? Here.
Then shut the fuck up and keep listening or fuck off you absolute retard. We don't care what you think, you're clearly just a self absorbed, overblown idiot; yeah no shit a random jew isn't doing it.
Don't answer him, he's one of those retarded lemming subhumans who makes overblown statements about shit he doesn't understand to have people correct him and act like he didn't know instead of outright asking questions.
No, they're not. It's just that Jewish groups tend towards this sort of behavior, based on their cultural/racial norms.
There are lots of multiple groups of elite jews, they often fight against each other. Not every jew is an elite jew; your jewish high school calculus teacher is probably not shoving marxist propaganda down your throat, and he probably doesn't care about any of it other than "I'm Jewish, so I'm supposed to eat apples with honey on this day and eat crackers on this other day. :3 :3 :3 Yay apples and crackers."
The issue isn't "literally every jew," even if Holla Forums memes it. The issue is "jews who act in this particular sociopathic fashion, which happens to be most/almost all jews."
You're an idiot, so having it spelled out for you is of value.
It has occurred to me that this might be just some fag from leftypol. But then again, I remember when I myself was making the journey of understanding. And I never pass up an opportunity to post William Pierce and help others.
Anyway, it never hurts.
Jewish elites do conspire. But by and large, its just jews jewing. Its just how they act.
And it's disgusting.
Kikes don't have a "secret society" in the sense you believe. There is no overarching planning that is handed down through the ranks, as one might imagine in a mafia or army. The kikes are taught, from birth, all their own filthy and immoral """"""""""religious"""""""""" bullshit. Their books all boil down to hedonism and self-worship. They are all taught to take advantage of everyone, and none of them have a single scrap of morality.
They collectively steal, lie, cheat, and murder. They've been kicked out of 109 countries in the past. Surely they're not the problem right!?
They should all be killed for their crimes against our people, and they should all suffer for what they've done to our children.
Go lurk in the Dutch Banker thread, Shill-kun.
Pic goddamn related.
the issue becomes literally every jew though because as you remove the ones that are the problem the jews in support of those ones come to resent you for it and cause problems, and when those jews in turn are removed, the ones yet behind them do the same. in this way there are no good jews. same way with the blacks, and the asians, and the cucks. if you remove one you'll eventually have to remove them all, so it just makes more sense to plan for total removal in the beginning.
I was looking up that book another user was searching called Legions of Satan or Regions of Saturn. I was watching this jewtube video when 1:16 popped up and I went looking for Public Law 102-14-102d.
broken links :^)
Public Law 102-14-102d
What are the Seven Noahide Laws?
OP, look at everything that happened or that's happening in the world. The founding of Feminism in all its waves, the groups bringing in rapefugees, corrupt media from journalists to the owners of the companies, the people buying politicians, etc.
All jews.
This is wise.
ladies and genteel men, r/the_donald
Look up Sayanim. There is litterally a global network of mossad safe houses.
Isaac down the block may not have a direct line to soros, cause he doesnt even need to know whats up as long as a few agents can crash in his guest room when needed.
moar then, lurk it
Then don't come here/ thread
20 million. There's 20 million kikes in the world but they act like they're an endangered species. And again, not all of them are in on it but Jews are very soulless and hiveminded and you can see that from the way they vote in America. No one votes so soullessly and hiveminded as Jews do.
It's hard to explain overall, just watch documentaries like "Defamation" (created by a Jew) to see how Jews brainwash their own children into hivemind soulless nation wrecking hateful creatures. Then here's the biggest most important redpill
When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America
A clearinghouse for information featuring over 10,000 citations from about 4,000 scholarly and mainstream bibliographic sources
The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State
The Jewish Conquest of the Americas
Understanding Jewish Influence I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism
Understanding Jewish Influence II: Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism
Understanding Jewish Influence III: Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
Jews, Blacks, and Race
The Israel Lobby: A Case Study in Jewish Influence
Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
The Neoconservative Mind - They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons
But here's a quote that would make it clearer to you on the existence and nature of the Jewish elite
Here is most of what I have.
Literally no-one believes that. Go read the culture of critique.
God I love listening to WLP.
Embedded Youtube vids always seem to end up getting censored and I didn't know links were automatically broken. I'm still gonna break them.
Your insults will not derail this thread kike. The world is getting wise to your tricks.
On a practical level, yes; we eventually need to remove them all, for much this reason.
On a moral level, no; not 100% of these people are sociopaths. "Kill all" is done for practicality. This was the point I was making to OP.
sounds fake as shit
nice quads and damage control ya faggot
It's also important to realize that the distinction between diaspora and israeli jew is complete and utter bullshit. This is something you'll see pushed on places like cuckchan (ex: hey man it's those leftist diaspora jews who are the problem! We jews in israel are based nationalists!)
I used to go to school and work in NYC for a time. And I've gotten to know my fair share of jews. I can't tell you how many of these regularly do work for israel, or go to multiple long trips to israel per year. Hell, I even knew a couple people my age that just up and decided to leave for israel and join/work for the IDF.
Now, I've always been redpilled on race, and I've known the connections between jews and bolshevim, cultural marxism, etc etc etc for the longest time. But it was something else actually seeing this shit myself. Think about it. You're born in America. Ostensibly taught to love your country and salute your flag and all that stuff. And then you… leave to serve in a foreign military? Wait, how is that not fucking ILLEGAL? And then they can freely come BACK INTO THE USA no problem , back and forth acting as courier for whatever intelligence schemes they're pulling? It's what pushed me over the edge and made me realize that it wasn't just "le bad jews at the top". It was _every_single_jew_, from top to bottom. They're all either directly or indirectly complicity in all of this.
Am I describing Jewish culture or SJWs?
Schlomo Goldberg isn't a part of a conspiracy to destroy us, but his parasitic culture kills the host. It spreads like a cancer and a healthy society can not survive it.
The man was amazing. Someday there will be statues for him.
The point is, there's a massive amount you need to go through. Either read through everything on theoccidentalobserver.net or MURK LOAR
Can I get a source for that Benjamin Franklin Quote?
Hitler assimilated them in the ovens
I laughed so hard at this because it's true. I dare anyone to look up all the Jewish stereotypes and tell me they don't resemble monogoloids far more than whites. The Jews even have sloped heads. I'm guessing the lost tribes all headed to the far east thousands of years ago ahahaahahahaha
This. It's even at the universities in fact the most. Everybody knows nearly all Jews vote democrat and on campus they have these loud ultra cuck SJW views but the moment you bring up Israel, they become worse than any KKK member. That is Jews, my friends. Their disgusting dual nature. Most certainly there might be a few good ones out there from the bottom of their hearts but if they are they would have given up Judaism in full, be offended if anyone would even bring up his Jewishness while screaming fuck Israel from the top of his lungs, actively shill against all desert cultists, and married a gentile girl so his children can never ever be Jews then properly assimilate.
Some do that, but some are smarter than to overtly support israel so heavy-handedly. So many of the leftist jews I knew would recognize and admit that what the israelis do is wrong. But it was all lipservice. They'd say "yeah, those israelis are evil and discriminatory" and then they'd go right ahead and go on another half a dozen trips to israel. It's completely disingenuous.
Which is why I always roll my eyes when I hear people make arguments like "w-well if jews control the world, then why do jews vote democrat even though GOP is pro-israel and democrats are anti-israel???" Because it's nothing but lipservice. They'll pretend to be anti-israel and then support them in every single way anyway. But they get to claim that they're anti-israel to make it seem like they're totally not working with them
6 million goy. Masons brag about six million members, the committee of 300 is based on angelic hierachy from sumerian myths, and the sanhedrin boasts 70 learned elders. 144000 is another mentioned in tribulations though its not likely to be what most people think it is. All those hierarchies of demons and angels in the abrahamic muthos are extrapolated into the real world by those who want to (((make the below like the above)))
Watch Ronald Bernard's interviews.
8500 at most run the world and they all worship Satan.
My father was a jew from soviet union. Only his mom was jewish, my grandfather was a ww2 orphan. I was born in soviet ukraine, not a single kike on my mother's side of ukie-russians with a dash of estonian, even baptized at the age of 4.
My father was a rabbid zionist. He hated communism with just as much zeal. He was also really into historical documentaries. Particularly ww2 one's and any about hitler. Watched many growing up and developed an interest in history in general. A combination of that and browsing imageboards since i was a teen in the 00s I made it here to Holla Forums, and spending your formitive years in Holla Forums a decade ago makes you pretty receptive of Holla Forums and the redpill if you're curious enough.
The day after my father was buried, his mothers side of the family quickly made it obvious that they wanted a slice of my father's inheretance, and told them off and cut ties.
Eventually I embraced National Socialism. Oh and my mom told me months after he died that my great grandfather was actually a german officer who got with a local ukrainian girl, my great great grandmother.
So basically where im going with this is kill all kikes.
Fuck off faggot.
Is anyone stupid or insane enough to believe this? Did they not read Hillary's leaked e-mails? How congress votes on the regular? It's called ZOG for a reason.
I don't doubt it, even if you might be shitposting. It's pretty much confirmed the elite are crazy moonbat occultists then again it's an old thing. Much of American architecture in the capital is full of Masonic influence and numerology from the days of Washington.
People hate this pariah state that just regularly back-stabs and fucks over the US and European nations for their own benefit and gets away with it like no other. The Jews like to think of themselves as great but they are mere parasites. If they were so great, they would have be able to stand on their own but they haven't. Not in their entire real existence. The saddest thing might be all their archeological diggings in Israel end up in vain. Quickly you find out, it had never been the land of the Jews. Jews were always a minority among other nations which lived there and they lived as bandits attacking the trade caravans of the Babylonians and the Assyrians. This should explain to you why those nations were after them all the time and it should also explain to you why they different from other nations did not have a civilization of their own. No temples, no statues, no stadiums, no theaters as if they never lived there. When the Arabs conquered it was already Christian since the Romans drove the Jews out some 600 years before the Arab conquest. If the Myth of the Kingdom of David was true, it even didn't last for more than 70 years after which the Hebrews live in scattered communities till the Assyrians captured them and disposed 10 out of their 12 claimed tribes/bandits until the Romans came and expelled those two tribes out of the land. In modern times we've even managed to find through modern archeological evidence that Egyptians really did not enslave Jews and have them build the pyramids and if there was no Jewish slavery and exodus in Egypt then the entire story of Moses and desert wandering and the whole of Jewish existence is bullshit as well which makes the entire Israel story itself bullshit since they all never happened. It's sad. Really sad. Their entire existence is based on lies and schizophrenic desert fairy tales they've been invested in for millennia but it's nothing. If there were good Jews, they would grow up from their desert fairy tales and wouldn't call or consider themselves Jews or want anything to do with it whatsoever.
Normalfags do, even though it's clearly bullshit. Which is exactly my point when I say it's just lipservice they pull to make it seem like jews totally don't rule us
(op) um no lurk moar all your answers and then some will be answered.SO really just an attempt at an echo chamber FUCK OFF SHITSKIN!!
That last pic is clearly a pepe.
Tell me about the black cube. Why does the merchant wear it?
yea that is definitely Pepe like some pink floyd version I am scrambled .
Most of halfchan have seemed to flocked to this board judging from all these childish nonconstructive posts. Fuck this place.
Its where they keep freshly sliced foreskins in case they get hungry and need a snack
You know the mods actually ban cancer if you report it, right? Theres like 1 guy at a time, he cant be in every thread, reading every post.
Ok we all know masons where pretty bad ass before the jews/jesuits shitted it up with arcane knowledge so masons infiltrated by rats lets start our own order and take everything from them and expelled all the jew bullshit as far as I know that isn't even a requirement to claim a specific god just saying you believe in a high power Kek for instance.
We could literally start our own masonry type cult in fact we already have.
Masonry is dying because they were over run by rat jews that need to be exterminated.Who is to say without and absolutely forbidding a jew we cannot resurrect it absent the semitic rat?
I still don't think all masonic outfits are jew control tbh yet it is clear thear numbers are dwindling and need fresh blood although any sane white (good standing) person at this point seriously hates fucking jews and wants them gone to the desert shit hole whites provided for them or erased forever.
Order of Kek determined to purge those parasitic rats sounds good.
Moses,David,Abraham,Solomon, Isis-Ra-El, none of it ever existed. Like you say they are a social construct, a make believe "chosen people" who in reality are just inbred arabs with some other DNA thrown in, DNA they acquired in their wanderings. They are merely a group of usurious parasites that bastardize and twist anything they touch. They stole the gods of the Sumerians, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, etc. and claim them as their own, since they have no soul/divine spark, they are unable to create.
All they have is stolen from their betters, all except sucking baby dick and their beloved Talmud, that is theirs alone.
If you ask me, kek has been tained by Sargons kekistan bullshit, and tbh Im not that sad to see it go, because serious people see it as pretty childish and larpey. What would Pierce think about it? Or Rockwell? Or Bob Mathews?
I think I know.
You sound pretty communist to be honest
It is the Black cube of Saturn occult worship
It's not that all 14,600,000 billion are in on it, it's that the elites happen to be Jews and they're terraforming the earth into a jew swamp.
Now fuck off. Reported.
I hear thank never listen to that cucked faggot more than a few min couldn't stand it however his taint can't define a new order although this shit will take some work and won't be because of what college you go to more along the lines of absolute as far as we know truth no fairy tales.
Masonry goes far beyond average knowledge they use the brotherhood to to exactly what jews do only employing their own which shitskin liberals call racism if whites do it yet when they do it its ok.
Seems to me we are missing out on a very lucrative process to exclude shitskins for posterity and general knowledge of ground and pound business.
Literal excuse to tell shitskins to fuck off and only hire whites to then train and perpetuate the process.
Go back to cuckchan
Maybe not directly newfag, but the real question you should ask yourself is where do the Jews get their info from?
Certainly not from the Media meant for the "Goyim".
No it's called being a nationalist you stupid faggot.
If you will be in my nation you will assimilate. You will follow our culture and our religion and mix into our people until your family is scarcely connected to your origins.
To move to another nation is to accept it's superiority.
Jews have never done this. Think of how many whites from various European countries claim to be Americans. Or how at one time they all claimed to be Romans.
When you enter a foreign nation you assimilate. It's fucking respectful. God I hate people like you.
He doesn't have to be. He's still a benefactor of Jewish nepotism, still hates goyim if he actually follows his religion, and is still a neurotic and shrill nuisance.
Look up the South Ramapo incident for a good example of what I'm on about. A bunch of perfectly normal average every day Isaac Goldsteins infiltrated the leadership of a public school district, shitcanned a bunch of school programs, embezzled the money saved to pay for their own kids' tuition at a private Jewish school, and attacked everyone who had a problem with this as an anti-Semite. These kikes weren't billionaires or marxists or conspirators or anything like that at all; they were just perfectly ordinary Jews doing something that seemed perfectly acceptable to their Jewish morality.
The reason for it is simple, see the infamous experiment in pic related
Jews practice tribal morality. Jews base their actions on "is it good for the Jews?" Search "good for the Jews" and you will see countless of instances of Jews talking about this openly. It is a common phrase for them. Most races/ethnic groups practice this form of insect morality.
Whites believe in universal morality and altruism. They are individualists. They have a soul. This is because of their Christian history. This puts then at a disadvantage when facing tribalists who can exploit the universal and pathologically altruist inclinations of whites.
Are you one of those faggots that have been coming here too study Holla Forums? Don't tell me you're writing some shitty book for some normal fags? Why don't you lurk for 2 years, then if you still have too ask that question, just fuck off.
No one cared who he was until he put on the black cube
Who cares what you "think".
Nor does anyone else that's done any research.
No one's suggesting that.
Again, no one's suggesting that's the case.
It's much simpler than that; jews practice in-group preferencing.
Want to work at a company that's run by jews? Well you're not getting the job, goy. That's going to another kike.
Doing business with a kike? Expect to be ripped off unless you're also a jew. Shit, even if you are a jew, unless you're going to the same synagogue or somehow offer up a goyim to fleece instead, expect to be ripped off.
See how simple it is in practice? All the average kike on the street has to do is continue to favor their own kind and do whatever is within their own power to disenfranchise, exploit and steal from everyone else.
There's absolutely no mystery as to how it happens.
Are you fucking retarted? Of course they aren't. Jews have social classes just like other people do. They have a group of low IQ bottom feeders, as well as an elite group that runs everything. That's how it was in the ancient times with the pharisees, and that's how it is now. The low and middle jews aren't planning shit, but they sure as fuck are greedy, neurotic assholes.
Basically, not all jews are planning all this shit, but all jews are still kikes.
I once believed that Cartman was wrong. Now I see that he is the only right one.
"Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill details how the Roman Flavians subverted the Jews by creating an alliance with their ruling class to teach them pacifism. The two families gradually merged. This family is what is manipulating everything.
The average Jew is not directly connected to that family, but there is a reason why they are still subversive: they are always foreigners. What the average Jew does is merely weaken their host culture so that they do not expel them. They must subvert all nationalism and strength. They must do anything to prevent expulsion. Just look at how the kikes post cartoon porn and cp here to gradually get pollacks addicted to it and unable to be effective in life. Kikes succumb to their own poison as well; just look at the NYT writer that posted the photo of the tab with tentacle porn.
check it out, it's an index of traitors.
Consider this:
It only takes one guy with access to the keys to the city gate to pass them on to a third party.
That looks similar to you, like a pod person from outer space, but really is not.
Not sure if retarded or a shill.
What you said.
Nobody is asking you to believe anything. I don't want to believe Holla Forums. Unfortunately, the human brain is a fantastic pattern recognition machine. Too much information leads to jews being parasitic actors, even when you're not looking for it.
Here's an example: my girlfriend watched Lolita yesterday and talks to me about it. I know the gist of the novel/movie, but I read up on wikipedia as we talk to be able to follow her.
Russian-American from the aristocracy as the author… Makes sense. Russians make great introspective writers.
Scrolling down to publishing woes. The author couldn't get the book published in 1950s America. So he goes to France, and signs with a publisher he deems acceptable. Except that publisher misrepresented themselves, they were producing smut.
The publisher in question is called Maurice Girodias. Let's look him up.
"Son of Jack Kahane". What's that? "Changed his name to hide his Jewish origins". Of course.
Then you find a conspicuous hole between 1939 and 1945, no military service mentioned, nothing.
Finally, the most savory part in this life story reading like so-called "antisemitic" propaganda: "Olympia press was entitled to 1/3 of the revenue of Lolita, but Maurice Girodias lost these rights by refusing to pay the author for his work in France".
Let's sum it up.
I wasn't looking for something to fit into my prejudices. I just looked up a movie my girlfriend was talking about, and followed a couple links. That's it.
This shit is EVERYWHERE. You peel just a layer or two of any business venture, and there's a shady jew doing something despicable.
There is no great conspiracy uniting the Jewish world together. They are, very simply, on an individual level, genetically and culturally inclined to look out after themselves in an extremely destructive and pathologic way. They are eternal outsiders looking in and trying to steal from those who produce. In certain areas they have shared interests; promoting a mixed society ensures jewish people are harder to detect and less likely to be purged by an united population of natives, therefore from Soros the nation wrecked to the NYC twentysomething paper-pushing urbanite writing for Jezebel, they are inclined to pursue the same goals.
That is the whole truth behind the "Jew" thing.
It's the mark of satan (saturn) the beast. Read revelation he will bear the mark on his forehead or right hand. 6 faces on the cube. The square is 4x90 degress which is 360 or 6x60. The cube can be viewed as 3d or as a hexagon 2d representing their interdimensional qualities. This gives 6 sides, 6 points and 6 angles.
TL:DR jews are synagogue of satan, and if you pick at the scab for long enough their horrific ways will be revealed to you. Then you have a choice.
It's a biological drive. Jews are basically inbred goat herders from the mountains of Iraq that became a race of ruthless, cowardly profiteers in ancient Mesopotamia. Pic related is pretty accurate for what the Jews are like. Anything a Jew does is to further the cause of Jewry.
implying it's ever not both
This board is dead.
Fucking liberal snark.
You come here with NO knowledge or understanding and make possibly the shittest strawman I've seen in years and expect us to spoonfeed you?
With that attitude you deserve nothing.
Be respectful and humble, open your mind and don't be such a cunt, and you might just learn some things here that will open your eyes and change your life.
Now fuck off and don't post again until you've lurked 2 years faggot.