Children Dying In Comas Unless Family Gets Residency

The children go into these comalike states when their families are notified that they will be deported. The only known cure is for their families to receive residency permits allowing them to stay in Sweden. It's not a sudden, magical reawakening when family members read the approved residency permit in the nonresponsive child's presence. Somehow, the information gets through. While there are no long-term follow-up studies, Aviv says, over a period of days, weeks, sometimes a few months, the child begins to eat, move, react and come back to the world. Goats & Soda talked with Aviv about the story.

NPR Says it Goy:

Yes this is real

Other urls found in this thread:ökande_med_apatiska_barn


The entire country of Sweden appears to have uppgiven.

Reminds me of when Mr Krabs was in a money-induced coma.

Seriously, Sweden. Imagine what the history books will say.


This is on the level of genetically passed post-Shoah stress disorder that went by many moons ago. The spawn of Jews suing companies for second generation Holocausting.

What the fuck.

Fucking lazy piece of shit subhumans.


God fucking damn it. This is madness, but after all that's happened it's not surprising to see such an obvious trap and know that people will fall for it. I feel like I'm going to be in coma too if I keep seeing this BULLSHIT so frequently.

Some OC.

Are they really expecting people to buy this bullshit?
ARE they buying this bullshit?

They already want to accept the bullshit, so yes, yes they will.

My sides are dying in a coma.

step 1: fake an illness to push mass migration and to get msm to write articles on it

This shit could only work in Sweden.

seems legit to me.

Bet if you put a plastic bag over their head they would wake up in a flash.

or slowly started driving a knife into their gut

What upsets me more is that publically funded media is writing about this BS

Only in Sweden.

We had this thread months ago. You people new or something?

Like the rest of Sweeden?

Set theie beds on fire. They'll quit faking. If not, yay!

no, just too busy leading a productive life to spend every second browsing this board
tho tbh i think Holla Forums is getting raided. theres a number of Holla Forums related but utterly vapid threads up right now (including this one), all posted today

It's news to me, cokcsucker.
Since it's been a few months, there should be some followup.
Is it still going on? What's the current state of this?

Jesus christ, I didn't know that Sweden was braking new cuck levels.

They have been buying it since 2005.ökande_med_apatiska_barn


So from what I can gather this is something that only happens to Slavic refugees. What's up with that?

they're all gypsies, bosniak-albanian mongrels and caucasian shitskins

Step 1: Bring a cattle prod with low to medium intensity (like they need mercy)
Step 2: Pray to Shockmaster, Zeus and Thor
Step 3: Unleash the Shock of Love.

HE'S ALIVE! Now fuck off, Sweden's full.

Laughed so hard I fell into coma.

We are way past the line of absurd parody.

Pence, please.

An entire country got played by kids, using one of the oldest tricks in the book. Not one person tried to startle them? You could probably snap them out of it by talking about icecream loudly within ear shot. They're reaching levels of cucked never thought possible.

Not by kids, by Swedish media. They morphed sulking into a dangerous condition.

No, because once the photo shoot was done, they got up and were normal, gibsmedat skitkids.

So, some kids went into comas, the government took pity on them and stopped their deportation. One came out of the coma. Thus, permanent residency is the cure for comas.

Is some voodoo science user. Here's another one I heard. If you take your strong sheep and have them go unto each other near peeled branches, the offspring will be spotted. And you can let the weak sheep go unto each other elsewhere and produce plain white sheep. In this way you can get revenge on your kinsman who you believe jewed you.

deportation-induced coma, and if someone says they're lying, he's a racist
this is moslem level of medical science, inflicted on swedish-level of virtue signaling
this won't end well

How many Muslims are flat earthers?

This is an ancient trick. In ancient times, wise women and wives threw these home and nation wrecking cunts into lakes and rivers to prove they're liars. Literally formed the basis of trials by water and why it was used so extensively to test lies.

It's seismology, not siesmology. ffs

How many Muslims are pederasts?

Hows them dainty fingers Snow White?

Some vigorous hickory massage therapy is all they need.


I don't know who's dumber. The Swedes or the person who wrote the article for NPR. Astonishing.

Yeah, stop feeding the fuckers long enough and they'll wake up.

Yeah I think there was a thread about this already a while back.

The basic backstory is that these are nothing but Gypsie scum trying to turn another scam. And I'm sure the impotent beta cucks and retarded 5-inch clitorised feminazis that run the show over there will capitulate. As per Captain Sweden's example.

The solution without it being labeled abuse by authorities? Play a sharp loud noise which will cause reflex.

Hahahaha this is beyond absurdity. They keep getting more cuckier each day


I don't get how their aren't Palestinian style terrorists attacks against the Jews everyday in Sweden

Why is it on NPR? Are Swedes that cucked to listen and read (((NPR))) ?

It's just NPR being their usual insufferable, progressive, gullible selves. This is supposed to be a hard hitting report from an in the know foreign correspondent on the evil Swedes mistreating child refugees. This thing is so ridiculous I'm having a hard time believing even the most hardcore Public Radio listener could believe a word of it.

The doctors who are trying to call this something other then what it is are idiots.
Hi, neurologyfag here.

What they are experiencing is "Learned helplessness". It's something we do to our Wistar rats all the time for various tests.
"dependency/fear" states are extremely common, and happen in torture and stress all the fucking time
Essentially these people find out they're going to be deported, which likely means they will die, or are much more likely to die, and there's nothing they can do about it so they just go into deep apathy.
The brain accepts death and just gives up, basically "waiting for it". The longer this sense of dread persists the more withdrawn they are; as neurotransmitters shut down in what we think is the brain's attempt to minimize "pain" or prolonged torture. Jury is still out on that one. We're actually studying how certain fungus and other parasites shut down that fear circuit entirely, it's both fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
One thing you should know is that psychological pain lights up EXACTLY the same avoidance pathways as physical pain.
I know this sounds like libshit bullshit but the right words or imagery "hurts" someone in the same way that hitting does, if you target the right thing contrary to someone's core beliefs - especially if it's something that makes up their identity. This is why femtards lose their shit when you refute the wage gap or a movie like "the red pill" comes out or a statistic proves that white men of certain descent have on average larger dicks then black guys (that's a fun one!)
Anyway - they're just giving up on life because they think they're gonna die for sure. I bet if they thought/knew they could get away from their deportation by doing this it actually wouldn't work - these people let you put feeding tubes in them without anesthesia.

What we really should be focusing on is using this knowledge to impart those feelings in the people destroying our society. "Trump shock syndrome" was a weak version of this, but the media keeps giving people hope. We need to find something that we can prove is truly hopless and send them into the helplessness spiral so we can control them.

That's a good one. You should publish a book with tricks like that. I bet it would be a best-seller.

Next level taqiyya.

I think you meant to say when the Scandinavian First World gibs train shuts down they realize they'll have to return to their shithole country and work to survive, much like their current hosts.

This is a joke, right?

It would be better if he didn't look so fit, if he were sick and decrepit it would generate rejection immediately.

Dude it's a shitpost. Cmon now. I didn't draw the thing….


Is jeb a Cluwne?

The sad news is they are enabling the child abuse in order to avoid the deportation.

The replies up until yours, and some of the ones after it, I think they're the exact same posts made when this thread was originally created months ago.


I wish more people were into the idea of literally putting libtards in a coma due to a deep sense of helplessness.

really fires those neurons, huh? i guess allah works in mysterious ways.

I've been looking for that video for fucking weeks. Thank you. Isn't it part of a longer one?