Update on scalise


I'm no medifag, how does a shot to the hip cause this much trouble?

What does it mean if he expires? where does the narrative go?

I can't help but think that the people who control the means of information-distribution will decide this is a gun control issue, can we get out ahead of that somehow?

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The bullet travelled across his pelvis. It could have blown his dick off for all we know. Or torn up his bladder.

He gets tax reform passed in his memory.

.223 bullets tend to tumble after they penetrate 4-5 inches of flesh. If the shooter was using hollow points, they also expand after that, which causes an extreme amount of internal tearing.

The hip houses the hipbone, which is a large wide bone that acts as a ricochet for bullets in some angles. To make matters worse, if the bullet tumbled inwards, it probably caused intestine damage, which means he now has shit all over wound channels in difficult spots to clean to not infect.

As bad as it is, critical does not mean at risk. If he is stabilized, even in critical condition, it means he has a good chance of making through.

He's at medstar that's the fucking trouble. During surgery one of those docs or assistants did something to amplify the condition, there is no other way and anyone believing this is all the cause of the bullet is blind. War were declared yesterday.

guess my movie-related gunshot experience doesnt apply here

sage for self-reply

Is this hospital the same place Seth Rich was sent?

Why doesn't Trump send him to the Long Island Jewish Medical Centre that his parents were cared for till their end.
Unless Scalise isn't jewish enough to qualify for admittance there…

If the iliac or femoral arteries get punctured, it's game over. It's actually very serious.

Poor Yang

If only I didn't need to have this conversation with so many people who ask, "Why shoot them in the chest? You'll kill people that way! Just shoot em in the legs to take them down."

Good point OP. Could be a false flag gone wrong and Trump's speech was done while he was hypnotized. Maybe we can spin this that Steve is just an old guy.

There is no real safe place on a body to get shot at, this is a hollywood myth.

Its safer to get shot in the cerebrum (upper brain) than into a blood vessel, and blood vessels are all over the body. Hip area contains several major veins and arteries.

Gunfire lasted 3 minutes, it took medics 5 minutes to get there. If Scalise was cut off from help, he could easily have bled to a class 3 or 4 hvs before someone could stick a saline drip in his arm.

This means blood clots, mass sepsis and necrosis, which requires surgery. And at any point in time, some doctor or nurse could slip up and make a tiny mistake that makes it worse.

Dont get shot.


The Magician did not return


This is what I'm saying, ANY doc or nurse, and at the same seiu shady medstar operation that Seth rich died this is too coincidental. He got pizza delivered to his room and then today is in a more serious condition ffs, the man was investigating pedo/pizza gate stuff

The narrative should have been leftist terrorism ages ago. All Trump had to do was say it. This was a perfect opportunity for someone in the mainstream to put a light on this. Generally it's only been getting fringe exposure as universities & the lying press crank out more & more of it under the radar.

And for fuck sake, if anyone sees a knuckle-dragging retard calling these commies "fascists" correct the motherfucker. I swear that's deliberate JIDF disinformation to take focus off marxism/communism dogma pouring out of academia like a broken dam.

Given how immensely cucked the response to this has been, even if he dies I doubt anything will happen. In an uncucked world, if he died, Antifa members would be getting publicly executed daily, but we don't live in that world.

Also, the narrative pushback by ours will be on the basis that a deranged leftoid boomer bernout killed a senator, and then we go in with how every racial or political attack with deaths and arrests, national headline tier, have been Lefty bernie faggots

Most people never really recover from severe pelvic injuries and most people just end up dying from the complications a few months later. He'll probably be dead within 4 months if he even recovers at all.

Waiting with popcorn for the threads when he dies saying "they failed to kill him so they assassinated him!" in a few months

Not necessarily true. I've seen a fair share of fem arteries burst, and it is fucking serious, but it can be stabilized by applying pressure to the groin, or wherever the rupture is. I'm just saying it's not a guaranteed game over.

Plus, he was stabilized fairly early on and went to surgery no problem, a I recall. It was only hours later that his condition apparently worsened. I'm no expert when it comes to GWS, but I imagine that either means blood poisoning from bullet fragments or organ damage. Do we know where exactly he was shot? Where in the hip? Left or right? I'm assuming the complication is organ damage, most likely to the large or small intestine. I suppose the bladder could be hit as well? And I'm not sure what happens to a hip when it gets hit by a rifle round. Are we talking tons of bone fragments and such?

This mystery may never be solved.

"But those arteries are so small. You're not likely to hit them. Shooting an attacker in the legs is still the best option."
I wish I was making that response up.

Fucked up his liver , kidneys , stomach, intestines , rectum, genitals

There's that one liveleak vid from IIRC india or some other brown country where one Loo shoots the other in the leg/foot, and he ends up sitting down and slumps over after a minute dead from exsanguination.

exsanguinate my balls faggot

A shot to the artery possibly, probably shattered hip; may have gone into shock a few times. All that, and take into consideration you get shot at crotch level; depending on the angle you might be never having sex again, or pissing/shitting into a bag. Medicine is fun.

If bone was shattered, it could lead to lots of medical problems. Not to mention the possibility of blood clots, etc. Getting shot ain't like it is in the movies where, if it doesn't hit your head, you can just wrap a cloth around it and you're fine in the next scene.

Because moving patients in serious condition like that is generally a bad idea.

I recall someone postin up an x-ray that got leaked.
Right side of the hip, looked like parts of the hip and upper leg bones had shattered.
I doubt they were real though.


The response to it has been anemic. Pretty much just silence from everyone. The GOP barely spoke a word. Republicans have done… what?

There's no protests. Nobody is calling their congressman in anger to take action.

Nobody is suing the NYT or CNN

They just tried to assassinate 20 GOP senators and the response has been fucking CRICKETS

user that posted those was using it as an example to what doctors are probably looking at. There's no way they'd release anything related to Scalise to the public.

We're having a vigil down at my church (yeah yeah 'christcuck' blah blah blah) for him. I live in his district and he has served us with distinction. We hope he pulls through.

If he survived long enough to receive medical help it wasn't an artery shot, you die 30 seconds after an artery shot, 60 seconds at most, and it took a lot longer for him to get medical attention. Artery damage can probably be ruled out.

Jewish doctor to make sure he dies. Like Patton.

medfag here. its also likely they may have had to remove sections of perforated bowel/colon.

If I was forced to shit through a bag for the rest of my life, I would cleanse the earth of all leftists and nonwhites

Please get well soon, scalise. May Kek grant you the will to restrain yourself from shedding blood all over the earth.


Shit man, mein sides can only handle so much.

I'm in love with your imagination


Because if they don't do something to clamp down on these faggots, they and their families will die, no matter how hard they capitulate. If that is not enough to light a fire under them then they deserve what they get.

Update: Scalise listed as still critical, but improved, as authorities track shooter's path to Virginia


The only ones who's lives are being genuinely threatened are the GOP.

You can make empty threats all day about how the dems got 'er coming, but the facts remain:
The only ones launching investigations are the democrats. The only ones assassinating people and getting away with it are the democrats. The only ones starting media campaigns are the democrats. The only ones threatening everyone around them and having nothing happen are the democrats. The only ones illegally unmasking millions of americans and getting away with it are the democrats. The only ones leaking confidential info and getting away with it are the democrats.

Shitpost all you want. The fact is the democrats are getting away with literal murder, liberals are organizing across the country for a fucking civil war and a whole lot more while republicans dick around with their thumbs up their collective assholes.

There are NO republican launched investigations
There are NO republican launched inquiries
There are NO republican launched media campaigns
There are NO republican launched lawsuits

Neither the GOP congressmen nor the conservative public are doing fuck all to fight the democrat insiders and liberal puppets.

20+ Republican senators could have been murdered yesterday and the chirping crickets only shows there is no actual resistance.

We need the right to actually fucking organize. Meet up. Figure out plans of action. Get together, talk to each other. Can a dozen people hire a lawyer and get a lawsuit going? Can conservatives organize like-minded groups together so there's a base of dependability and solidarity before shit hits the fan?

People like you, and people like me need to get outside and actually do something OURSELVES.

Because shitposting on the internet and watching it unfold like a fucking TV drama isn't getting our side anywhere.

Actually it would be interesting to see the number of bullet and gun sales that happened today and continue through the weekend I know I topped off the tank with a few more roundsyou know just for jollies

also he was fairly far from the faggot shooting when he was hit. Chances are the cuck had no knowledge of ammunition and its very possible that he had garbage tier ammo and scalise was supposedly on 2nd base, running away from the shooter, and the shooter was at one of the dug outs. Also supposedly the shooter didnt engage scalise until taking down one of the police, so scalise had a bit of time to get some distance in between him and the shooter. distance from second base to a dugout is approximately 120 feet. At that distance, if the cuck had picked a varmint load, for instance, the bullet would have been traveling at the lower limits of velocity for a kill shot. Meaning that it guaranteed hit his hip bone and bounced around.

Shit and piss getting into the space outside of organs, but inside the cavity which houses the organs, is a huge problem. Even sterile water getting into that area will result in an infection, because the body has no great way to deal with that and it provides space for the various bacteria and fungi which normally live in the body to grow unchecked. Shit/piss getting in there is a guaranteed medical emergency.

In addition to that, internal damage to the area of the pelvis is a huge problem even if no organ damage occurs. Inside your pelvis, from your belt line down to your asshole, there is a 'cage' of muscle formed. There is muscle which goes from the front of your belt line to the back of your belt line, and also muscle that goes down between your legs from your ass and ultimately connects to the front of your belt line. The main function of these muscles is to 1) subdivide the internal spaces and 2) retain organs within their spaces and keep them from falling down into a pile on top of your nuts. Those getting torn up by a bullet = a lengthy and shitty recovery. And thats if there's no organ or nerve damage, which in addition to the obvious cock, bladder and shittube theres also your sacrum which is the bottom of your spine and serves as basically a switchboard for all nerves from your waist down.

t. corpsman.

tldr; for an older man it would be extremely lucky for him to survive, for him to survive and be able to return to work would take an act of Kek.

The left needs to organize, they need someone to tell them what to do and they need someone to teach them how to do it. The right is comprised of people who are already very familiar with firearms and tactics. The left is comprised of limp wristed faggots who have zero ability in any form of combat.

Yea mobs. A mob of ants could fuck you up.

The fact of the matter right now is most people on the right arent going to respond right now. Trump is still in office and they are going to wait to see his response. And, Trump is trying to avoid what is inevitable for as long as possible because a full blown civil war is going to be real fucking tough on the economy. And there is another variable… Lets say everyone grabbed their guns right now and went hunting leftists. It would result in chaos, not because the leftists could put up a fight, but because commerce would grind to a halt for the first couple days with plebs remaining in their homes waiting to see what exactly is going on, at which point they either deem it safe enough to go to work or continue to shelter in their homes.

Such large scale violence would result in several very immediate problems. 1) the niggers would go ape shit and see the opportunity to chimp 2) the spics would see it as an opportunity to launch their reconquista, every area with a high level of spics would see immediate random and ruthless violence, and california, arizona, new mexico and texas and probably colorado, would see a much more militarized mobilization of spics with the high possibility of brigades worth of narcospics crossing the border. Then on top of that we have all the muslims and mossad terrorists.

The next civil war is going to set off a cascade of ultraviolence. So, it isnt unreasonable that Trump would be trying to stave off this occuring until after more of the commie infiltrators are ousted from important positions.

As for the right not organizing. The militia movement is stronger than it was in the 90's , which was a time when the active and training militias in America had as much manpower as the entire US Military. Fuck theres a very large group of lads in god damned california that are so well organized that they are running saber drills such drills build pride, attention to detail and unit cohesion And then you have the very large number of combat veterans who are Holla Forumstier.

The vast majority of whom never served in a combat trained role, let alone saw combat. currently there is something like 7 million military aged veterans in the country. And there seems to be zero data on how many combat veterans but a decent enough estimate is 10% or 700k. And thats only a guess as to the amount of infantrymen. Doesnt factor in guys that were ambushed while conducting logistics operations. Even just patrolling through a town full of sand niggers but never coming under fire will put a couple of very rare hairs on your ass. When this shit goes kinetic something beautiful is going to happen. Believe me or dont but, Any man who has seen combat can spot any other veteran on a crowded street regardless of what he is wearing and instantly know if he saw combat, and have a conversation with him without making a gesture or sound which amounts to "I see where you are and fully understand the tactical situation". Once everything goes crazy you will all see the kikes biggest mistake blow up in their faces, having such a high population of highly trained combat veterans in the one country that is instrumental to their plans. Most of the right has atleast rudimentary fire arms experience, with a great many of them being pretty damned good shots. Firearms training is the hardest part of training a soldier, any infantryman could have 10 plebs with gun experience trained on basic tactics within a day. From a combatant perspective the only tactics that truly matter are fields of fire, bounding, flanking, effective cover, talking fire, and suppression. And any white man can learn the shit in a couple of hours at most. Anything more advanced than that is really a waste of resources to train for because above basic infantry tactics anything less than operator tier training doesnt make a whole lot of a difference. You could argue landnav is important, which it is, but that can also be learned on the fly look at the map, figure out which direction you have to walk, 100 steps = ~100 meters, arrive at waypoint, check your map reacquire direction to walk, count some more So any given combat veteran can quickly make an effective squad out of 10 random chuckfucks that know how to shoot.

And another reason being disorganized at the beginning will most likely be a good thing is, being organized before it happens allows the kikes to infiltrate more easily and subvert/set up for destruction large amounts of fighters. And the layout of this country and the fact that there will be no front lines in the beginning of the coming civil war means that combat is going to be everywhere so an asymetric approach is going to fair better. So for the time being shit posting psyops on the internet is the best course of action.


Do more than a vigil, have a fucking pow-wow with them about what this actually means. Red pill them that this is a bigger even than they realize. This dude was investigating corruption and child trafficking/torture by satanists.


He was investigating corruption and child trafficking/torture by satanists. The people who are suspected of being guilty, who are almost exclusively democrats, of such use cheese pizza as a symbol of their horrific crimes against children. Immediately after Scalise was shot democrats delivered cheese pizza pies to Scalise's office.

Tell them that.


Rep.Steve Scalise posted a video a few days ago, see Youtube about human and pedo trafficking. Was this an attempted assassination to silence him and scare others. Did Sen. Flake from Arizona tell the shooter that those practicing on the field were Republicans? Are Sen. Flake and Vice President Pence good friends? Are there links with Sen. Flake and anything with Pizzagate/Pedogate? (voat.co/v/pizzagate) Dig deep into this one.

Do you have a source for that?

And how many of those are spics/niggers? I haven't seen any numbers but it wouldn't surprise me if our military were 60% white.

You have no idea what you're talking about and it's painfully obvious.

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