How does this make you feel?
Yfw Chris-Chan will give birth to a child in our lifetimes
And once again, these people show that children are nothing more than a fashion accessory to them.
Nevermind what's good for the child, the ability for mutilated madmen to play pretend is more important.
Why must all the spergs turn into commies?
Survival tactic remember that during the Stalin's Gommunism you could get a paper from the Party that'd give you the authorization to fuck any woman you wanted.
So is this just sensationalist or what
How could this have happened anyway. He was a christian, you know?
That shit conquered europe and smashed pagans left and right and shieeet.
Musta been "not real christianity" even though christianity is anti jewish and all that, if we discount ALL the major denominations, that is.
Who are all fine with having jerusalem occupied by the kikes.
But they still are very very anti jew and the jews hate them ;^).
That's what me and my 3 friends on the internet say who all follow a secret denomination that is actually the real one that was formerly spread across the entire European continent and conquered it all until it got subverted and we were turned into the last lorekeepers of Christ.
Deus Gevalt!
Is he not dead yet?
Good to see they have their priorities in order.
Alive and well, my friend.
If you want (you)s user, you should just ask. No need to put so much effort into your bait.
What bait? I stated nothing but facts.
No major denominations are combating the jews, despite claiming Christianity is anti jew.
And none of the minor denominations "conquered Europe", but apparently the Christian anons here and over at /christian/ all follow the real Christianity anyway.
It boggles the mind.
At least be creative or original.
I must have struck a nerve.
lmao he's back to wearing those sonichu 'medallions'?
How could this have happened anyway? He was a right-wing, you know? Our greatest ally.
Musta been "not real right-wing" even though right-wing is anti jewish and all that, if we discount ALL the major public figures, that is.
Who are all fine with having jerusalem occupied by the kikes.
But they still are very very anti globalism and the globalists hate them ;^).
Deus Gevalt!
D&Q can be this easy, with Share Blueâ„¢
I must have struck a nerve and I forgot how quoting works. I'm new on the job, please give me some time.
Pretty disgusting how much research money goes into finding new ways to cut dicks off mentally ill retards when it could go to curing real diseases.
What "real diseases" are even left to tackle? In the first world, there is a variety of cancers which are either genetic, environmental, or end of life shit. How many have been "cured" so far? None of them. Treatments sure, but no cures. "Cure for cancer" is a shitty meme. There is also various varieties of end of life organ failure. Heart, liver, etc. There is shit people do to themselves by eating too much, like diabetes. And the flu.
Such an immense amount of money is spent trying to make 80 year olds live until they're 90, and I can't figure out what the point is. At this point medical research trying to increase lifespans is trying to increase the amount of time people live as decrepit old people. Nobody is young for longer, only old for longer.
The entire medical industry is incredibly jewish and of marginal utility. Trauma surgeons are important… the rest I'm very skeptical of.
I REALLY must have struck a nerve.
Also, lol
This thread again, Christ
Fuck man, worst timeline.
If Cthulu pops out of the ocean tomorrow, that would be an improvement
You're doing a poor job fitting in.
You can be sure that I will be using this again.
The day a "trans woman" can get pregnant and give birth is the day the world ends.
wtf I love Stalinism now
if this is true how is NatSoc better?
I thought it was Stalin that removed the degenerate law.
I wouldn't go so far as to say WELL, but he is alive. And grossly overweight, has a shit diet, and keeps doing mind bendingly stupid shit that is horrid for his health.
And once Barb's dead he's fucking FUCKED.
finally the jews can make their slaves truly equal, without exception.
We're going to kill them all.
Wonder how low the pay must be, to drive you to grasp at straws like that.
curious, is anal on the menu or vaginal sex? or is it blow jobs only? I'm at a crossroads in understanding this
That's a bit of exaggeration. But the future is beginning to look very much like a dystopian cyberpunk one.
Transhumanism is being backed by the elites and is being pushed hard. This will lead to the break down in families, relationships and leave young people without a solid base to grow. Allowing even more goyim to be moulded into degenerate mindless consumers that never threaten the power of authority.
There is no D&C if it targets jew worshipers.
Why must they actively defy the laws of nature in such disgusting ways?
How the fuck would that even work? I can't imagine how the umbilical cord would work, let alone the fact that it would be 100% c section births.
Alzhemier's and other forms of dementia
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Should I continue? The question you posed is so absent-minded that it is insulting.
I think he says he's a "lesbian".
None of these impact the wider population. Disease research has been in diminishing returns for decades.
Problem solved
Diseases never impact the wider population until there's an epidemic. A vaccine for ebola was just developed 6 months ago. New strains of flu evolve every year. Now there are lots problems and jewishness within the medical industry, but disease research is still important.
There used to be many infectious diseases that caused harm to large portions of the population. One of my great-great grandfathers was crippled by polio for instance; that was quite common. In the first world, these sort of problems are now damn near nonexistent.
And first world nations pouring money into ebola research is just a form of welfare for niggers.
literally who
Lurk at least 10 more years.