Oliver Stone was recently on the Stephen Cuckbert show, where he discussed his latest interview with Putin. Giving an objective non-partisan viewpoint didn't go so well with Cuckbert. After being pressed about "muh russia" enough, Stone replies that "Israel had more influence on US elections than Russia." Of course that bit didn't make it on air, wonder (((why)))



Other urls found in this thread:


Look at the network that it was on. Of course the kikes will cut it.

For all the bullshit about foreign intervention in the elections, the leaks confirmed Hillary had the backing of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and China. Fucking CHINA.

But oh, Trump 'muh Russians'. It's ridiculous. This isn't even adding it's confirmed the DNC illegally cheated Bernie from the elections.

Just looking through Stone's biography and apparently he thinks that Hitler was misunderstood while at the same time being a huge Obama supporter.

Man confuses me.

Oliver Stone IS a jew.

Self hating?

I take it's not featured in attatched video? no way am I sitting through 7+ mins of kikebert

This, I don't really trust this guy that much I've seen him before speak out against Israel he kind of feels like controlled opposition.

Still useful as a famous, and respected public figure criticizing the jews, and going easy on Hitler. Definitely the kind of thing you want to show normies to ease them into the truth.


No, just your typical dishonest kike playing both sides when it suits him.

That's exactly what this kike wants you to think. That he's somehow useful to you.

Well he is greatly misunderstood if you've ever seen a US school textbook or movie on Hitler. Almost cartoonish really.

He's not the first Hollyjew to say something like this. Remember Kubrick said that "Hitler was right about almost everything".

I strongly suspect he won't be the last either. I guess when you're on the inside you're bond to get sick of it like the countless celebrities who have come forward on how literally Jewed Hollywood is like Gary Oldman. It's so bad even some Jews get sick of it.

His mentally ill son was on Renegay, and he somewhat clarified that statement as being about "muh Nazi mind control" and other related bullshit.

Kubrick was legitimate opposition and exposed the Rothschilds. Please don't compare Stone to Kubrick. There's a big difference between saying Hitler was right and Israel has a little too much influence in the US.

Even his naming the Jew isn't going to work on most anyway, because he's seen publicly as a sort of conspiracy loon and secondly most probably just see him as another fucking white male on top of it. Definitely controlled, and him laying it on too thick with Putin is a red flag of trying to rub that stink on him.

Well I'm saying how Stone says that Hitler was misunderstood and how he defends him but whatever.

swivel war

Semi off-topic, but anyone know where I can watch the first 3 parts of the Putin Interviews?

You're not wrong. I was just making it clear that Stone is a slimy kike.

It isn't "whatever" newfag. It's very fucking relevant. They killed Kubrick for crossing the line as a self-hating jew. Stone isn't even close to Kubrick level of exposing the Tribe.

They just fucking censored and cut him. What more do you want? Sooner or later he could be too. It's like that turncoat Jew said, 'Judaism is a mafia. You're born in but you can never get out.'

Until he drops an Eyes Wide Shut tier redpill he's just paying lip service to the goyim and playing both sides like the kikes always do.


Yes Oliver Stone is half-Jewish but he's very honest and truthful about Russia.

Colbert is your typical shabboys goy sucking kike cock. Don't worry, there will be a special place in hell for Colbert the dirty rat.

This is a lefty/pol/ shill thread

There is no such thing as a good jew. Back in the days when this place had some integrity and solid ideological background posting about "based" niggers/mudshits/kikes/gooks/etc would get you bannd

This. If a kike is being useful, use him. But never trust a kike, no matter what they say. The only kike I would ever consider trusting would be one that released the entire red pill to the entire public and then immediately killed himself.

not working, chaim

This is the whole point of user modus operandi.

Notice actual kike-shills will come in here attacking Stone saying he is a kike.

If his message is useful, spread it. Simple goys.

fun fact: Oliver Store's son has worked for RT

This can't be stressed enough.

Yes good goy we also need to include based nationalist jews in our ranks. They are bro tier and help legitimise us!!!!

nice b8 m8



daily reminder that trump grandchildren are jews.

Wasn't that what you were telling us when coercing others to champion neocon jews in every election?
You are literally calling others jews for criticising the notion of trusting jews.
Never trust a jew, even one's that appear good like bro Nate, who is plainly one of the better of the jews of the rare few on Earth, yet still I wouldn't trust him, or dare tell anyone else to and so far his content is quality.

Whereas Oliver Stone is a famous Hollyjew movie producer that only muddies the waters i.e. JFK assassination and makes conspiratorial red-herrings for the goy to chase.

He is a successful Hollyjew movie kike, the least trustworthy type of kike there is.

Precisely, look what happened to Holla Forums and all other nationalist boards after that charade, jews openly cheering on and promoting jews and not one post moderated against them, to the point we have today with every thread filled with kikes calling any user "a jew" for criticising their open shilling for based jews and the ZOG Emperor Trumpstein.

Anything and everything that can hurt the kikes must be used.

Cuckbert is a fucking fool.
He's quickly becoming worthy of parody himself, which is ironic because he got his fame by being a parody of a right wing newscaster.

lel you jewish rats are so transparent its pathetic. We're using what Oliver Stone said. Go kvetch about it somewhere else, preferably an oven.

Like you told us we're exploiting Donald Trump when gaslighting the board to back the jewish trojan horse?

Fuck off anytime, cuck

Hahahahaha, you are fucking terrible at this, jew

David Cole is a jew as well, but that didn't stop him from going and btfo'ing the Holocaust official story.

A cuck is someone that votes for jews and cheers on ZOG, which is every Trumpstein moron. The very definition of your alt-right "cuck", remember?

Every greentext word you wrote had no resemblance or relation to anything I myself had wrote.

Weird how you only ever champion kikes on Holla Forums, then circle the wagons on any user pointing out this strange promotion of every jewish fraud in the world.

there is a difference between using a jew and letting a jew become another weight to tie the movement down

Nah, I summed up exactly what you're saying. You're the one completely lying about what other people are saying, as expecting of a jew such as yourself.

Yes. But there is no difference according to (((69b2c7))) and (((f110fb))).

I've heard this before.

It's an important clip there are many fence normalfags watching the "Putin Interviews" scratching their heads about the lie the media told them especially on "Russia buzzing an American Destroyer" here the media completely forgot to mention it was because the Destroyer was sailing towards Russia itself in a provocative measure, the US wanting to cause a conflict and possibly Ok with sacrificing the men on the Destroyer for this purpose, similar to the botched USS Liberty in trying to force the US to attack Egypt during the Six Day War.

There are parallels which just keep coming up, as the USS Liberty was just another in a long list of American ships being ordered to play games and be sacrificed.

No you literally said the exact opposite of what I said you fucking irritating kike.
The chain of communication is ITT here to speak for itself.

Stone is Disinfo
I even cited brother Nathanael as one of the few rare jews that does our [Our not (((your))) cause] good.

Then you did you usual jew thing, championing every fraudulent kike, and Oliver Stone has a record as long as your Sobibor camp tattooed arm of distributing pure CIA misinformation/DisInfo which is also your key speciality on here.

That's what they said about that faggot Milo, and then a cult of personality developed around him.

Hahaha, try again you foreskin-eating yid. Oliver Stone said something useful and then you started kvetching like the heeb rat you are, falsely claiming that anyone here is trusting or championing him which exactly no one us.

So keep lying, kike. It always works out so well for you :^)

Reported for false equivalence

I wrote this
You replied with this

Ignoring your Tel Aviv teammate who posted in between

You are promoting a known fraud and DisInfo agent Oliver Stone, he has form for this, just as you were promoting Gert Wilders and every other freemason and fraud and calling them /ourguy/.

you replied with this

was your Tel Aviv buddies response earlier.

You're promoting (((Brother Nethanael))) and the (((based jew))) meme, kike. Stone simply said something Holla Forums can exploit so Holla Forums will exploit it. I know that upsets you immensely, yid, but nobody cares lol

I demonstrated the difference between a proven DisInfo lying jew Hollywood fraud Oliver Stone and Brother Nathanael.
You are here now criticising Nathanael in preference for your proven CIA DisInfo agent Stone.
Indeed, the massive campaign showing Oliver Stone talking about isreal is already widespread across the world…

You evidently do care though, hence your determination to promote every foul neocon kike in world politics and Hollywood now it seems.


The difference is none. They're both heebs so they're getting the rope. But whenever they say something that Holla Forums can exploit, Holla Forums will exploit it. You're horrified that we're taking whatever we can get and fighting for every millimeter of ground, because those are the tactics you used to subvert the goyim, and now the goyim are using those same tactics against you. They're winning tactics. That's why you're upset.

I'm not doing that but keep lying lol

There is another difference too, and that's Oliver Stone is a great deal more exploitable to us because normalfags recognize his name and because he doesn't look like a schizophrenic homeless person.

What is the end goal of stone blaming Israel for election interference? Are you claiming that Israel had no role in our elections? If Stone is disinfo then what do Jews gain from ousting themselves?

There is no difference.
One, Brother Nathanael, tells the truth about the jew, as far as we can tell.
The other Oliver Stone is a notorious CIA DIsInfo agent with a litany of deceitful documentaries for the record to show his dishonesty.

So there is a huge chasm of difference between the two, one appears to be jew approved while the other isn't because he tells the whole truth about the jewish plague.

Stone is pure CIA DisInfo and has even made Hollywood movies and documentaries demonstrating this fact

Yeah, actually that is true. The kikes are all ovenable so I don't make much of a distinction but you're right. Now 69b2c7 is going to get even more butthurt

That's nice. Still going to exploit his Israel quote. U mad?

Good to know but that doesn't answer my question. How does Oliver Stone's statement benefit the Jews?

Use the statement for all you're worth.
That wasn't my objection.
Just don't try to feed the hasbara lies that Oliver Stone is a based jew on ourside, because he's a notorious lying CIA DisInfo kike, with the evidence all on film and record.

This one issue can be a great opener for blue-pilled normies, however I consider anyone who votes for jews a blue-pilled traitor and unworthy of saving.

You are going to do nothing whatsoever to expose the jews and their lies here or anywhere, that's your role on this board and not once have you promoted anything that isn't entirely jew controlled DisInfo

Then you will turn him into the next Milo while he sets you up to get back stabbed.

lel stay mad


Too bad this guy was a jew. I guess that means we can't use this quote to convince people that Israel is tampering with our elections. We will just have to wait until a white guy says it before we can cite evidence of Israeli interference.

Many kikes know whats coming.

Exactly user.
And there are no good Jews. Remember that.

You just perfectly supported his narrative you sorry queef.

This is a literal Jew.

How exactly do you think Oliver Stone is going to stab Holla Forums in the back? I'd love to hear this "theory" of yours.

I wonder, will the concern trolls in this thread get upset at this classic webm for featuring the words of a jew?

He will keep saying things like this and gain supporters. He will then lead them astray and try to convince them to become more moderate. The Jews are trying to take control of the opposition and defang us. Essentially what happened with TRS. Either that or he will pull a milo and try to bring as many of us down with him as possible. Reporters and the media will frame him as our leader if they can get away with it.

There are no Jews speaking in that 'classic' newfag.

Checked for probably a lot like Milo did.
Never trust a Jew - especially when, at present, you have nothing but the words of Jews to say he did anything worth mentioning.
Funny how the Jewish press is trusted on Holla Forums when it pushes a narrative the spergy memefags agree with, eh?

Whatchu know bout that kosher sandwich there good goy?

Judas. They will always sell out their own in the end. You can't be forgiven of your transgressions if you're dead. Yada yada yada.

No, fool, playing both sides of the board.


Supporters? What are they going to do, like all his videos on youtube and donate to his patreon?

Get a grip dude.

Is there any video of the supposed part where he says jews had more influence in the election than Russia?

Evidently they cut it from the broadcast.

I believe the issue is what Stone pulling a Milo would do. Stone is a bit more influential than a fagele blogger.

Do you think Oliver fucking Stone is an eceleb?

Yeah I know, you are.

Worse as he reaches even more people than just jewtube videos.

No, he is a meat celeb.

You would think they would be busier with the shooting and the other shit going on with the boat they parked off the east coast but damn if they don't run when they hear a kike sounding the shofar.

The kikes ITT don't want the goyim to start thinking too much about israel's political influence so they're doing ridiculous mental gymnastics in an attempt to SHUT IT DOWN.

The kike above has spent 2 years promoting every jewish neocon in world politics, apparently he really cares about the well being of goys in their struggle against the JWO.

Hence why he's pushing and promoting a CIA DisInfo Hollywood jew.

Cheers and all that, but please fuck off and die.

There's some serious SHUT IT DOWN in this thread

I smell some Jews scared as fuck ITT. Smells like… Victory.

I should patent a shofar app that alerts kikes in the area when one of the tribe is beset upon. I could probably make a few shekels before the kikes steal the idea.

unrelated to thread, but I fucking HATE evangelical christcucks with their fucking israel flags which are satanic symbols and they don't even realize while they attempt to blow their shofars obnoxiously.

Its sad that Stone was a libtard for the longest period of time. I think he still is to an extent.

So was his son, although his son converted to Islam for a while, then renounced it, and then converted to Buddhism


How's the schizophrenia treating you, my hebrew friend?

What the hell is it with Jews and Buddhism? Like the local Buddhist temple here, it's all Jews. Seriously.

What is your theory for the motivation behind Oliver Stone's statement? I suspect that he may be scheming due to his history of kikery. Don't give him a platform because he will definitely fuck over white people.

I couldn't care less. When somebody says something useful to the Aryan cause then you exploit it regardless of context or motive.

The real self hating Jews are the ones who are against Israel and Zionism. They realized that the elite Jews like the Rothschild's completely hijacked their religion and only use Judaism to gain more power while fucking over the poorer Jews.

The real self-hating jews are dead from suicide

Just a reminder about Stone, he is a self described Communist who originally supported Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. He also hates America and has a literal man crush on Chavez and Castro

Indeed, but the intention of those championing him is to make Holla Forumsacks look like gullible cunts

Pic related. It is self preservation.

The real self-hating Jews are Catholic.

Technically its the Hasidic and secular Jews.

They realized that the elite Jews like the Rothschild's completely hijacked their religion and only use Judaism to gain more power while fucking over the poorer Jews.

Implying that judaism was ever different.

Except nobody here is championing him, you lying kike.


I dont doubt that theres some usefulness (to a degree) in Stone and the work he does

But at the same time, never trust a jew ever, regardless of who he is, what views he expresses, etc. Consider Stone's interview here, yes it was massively chopped down from the reports of how winding and encompassing the actual talk with kikebert was, but in general look at the character he's building himself as. Basically an easy "Russiaboo" or "Putin Puppet" for the left to attack and dismiss, they'll look at his work and immediately discredit it on those grounds, and use it as an excuse to dismiss anyone who cites it for any purpose.

So basically, while it may LOOK like hes handing the right some ammo against the left's putin narrative, what he's really doing is setting them up to be easily knocked right back down by the left. The rounds he handed them are all blanks basically, the left won't be swayed by anything he's done, and they'll easily be able to rip it apart and draw fence sitters to their side against anyone who quotes or cites his work.

The work itself could actually be good, and have some valid points, but overall they'll just dismiss it, and anyone who cites any of it, and pick out a few examples to discredit all of the above.

I mean look at comey's testimony for an example of this in real time recently. He flat out stated he told Trump he was not under investigation, multiple times, and thus by extension Trump firing him could not be an obstruction of justice since there was no investigation INTO Trump to begin with. But, all liberals took from it was "Trump demanded loyalty, and asked if something could go away, and then fired Comey for refusing! THEREFORE HES GUILTY OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!"

See how it works? What is said may appear to be on your side, but leftists will time and time again only take what they want to see from it. So while it may look like something is going to help our side, from these fucks it ALWAYS is a poison pill designed to give our side false hope and ideas to cling to, but that are easily manipulated and used by the left to fuck things up even more.

I'd watch the series just to see whats in it, but I wouldn't take anything said in it and try to use it directly from that source, I'd dig around further and find other sources, because the truth is anything from a source like Stone is going to be poisoned on purpose. Because again, never trust a jew.


Technically the Three Oaths that are in the Talmud contradict Zionism completely.

well… now i don't know what to believe…

it should be pointed out that oliver stone was in war as a solider on combat duty. He volunteered for duty in vietnam and was twice wounded in action. That should be respected. jew or no jew

In April 1967, Stone enlisted in the United States Army and requested combat duty in Vietnam. From September 16, 1967 to April 1968, he served in Vietnam with 2nd Platoon, B Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Infantry Division and was twice wounded in action. [11] He was then transferred to the First Cavalry Division participating in long range patrols before being transferred again to drive for a motorized infantry unit of the division until November 1968.[12] For his service, his military awards include the Bronze Star with "V" Device for heroism, the Purple Heart with Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster to denote two awards, the Air Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal and the Combat Infantryman Badge.

Did they tell you that we are basic bitch republicans during your shill training?

i wonder how jewish he is, since his mother was french. was his father 100%?

if he meets nazi racial purity cutoffs than i dont care. that is as long as he meets those and doesnt engage in kike behavior. im not too familiar with stone, so i dont know whether thats the case.

What was Kim Dotcom's story on Seth Rich that he was going to reveal on Hanity before he got silenced? Did he ever release anything?

no. did they tell you we are patriots during your shill training?

He was not ZOGbot mercenary. he volunteered for combat duty in infantry. By that you know he is patriot

his father is (probably) 100 %. also, his father was stockbroker. i would say 100% jewish

Where exactly does he mention this?

I love bringing up israeli influence when people I know talk about Russia.


huge obama supporter? I don't know if you're talking about '08 but Obama's episode on Untold History of US was pretty critical of him. can't be bothered to watch it again but def not a cheerleading job.

2001 was secret freemason propaganda and eyes wide shut was more limited hangout/psyop than expose.
how do you feel when you finish watching a kubrick film? is that feeling helpful to you? do you feel empowered or belittled?

forgot to say
eyes wide shut was produced by warner bros. says how much of an expose it truly was.

John Kerry was in Vietnam too and was also wounded.
Or it's just a way to manufacture resume for a future career. Nice hero photo of Stone there.
They could've also used the war as a spook training ground. Stone is a spook, how else can you get get that much time with Putin (and all the other stuff that Stone has done).

It's also worth noting that Stone's JFK movie was produced by Arnon Milchan, who a few years ago proudly confessed he was an Israeli agent since the late 60s or so.

Stone is obviously involved in psyops, practically all of his work is in topics that would normally only get mainstream publication with agency approval.

During his tour on the guided missile frigate USS Gridley, Kerry requested duty in South Vietnam, listing as his first preference a position as the commander of a Fast Patrol Craft (PCF), also known as a "Swift boat."[22] These 50-foot (15 m) boats have aluminum hulls and have little or no armor, but are heavily armed and rely on speed. "I didn't really want to get involved in the war", Kerry said in a book of Vietnam reminiscences published in 1986. "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."[23] However, his second choice of billet was on a river patrol boat, or "PBR", which at the time was serving a more dangerous duty on the rivers of Vietnam.

you do understand there is a difference between being in the jungle on patrol and boat on river ?


On February 18, 1966, Kerry enlisted in the Naval Reserve.

Kerry did not volunteered. While we are at it you should also notice this from wiki on oliver stone

In an interview with The Times newspaper on July 25, 2010, Stone claimed that America does not know "the full story" on Iran and complained about Jewish "domination" in parts of the U.S. media and foreign policy, notably his view that Adolf Hitler was misunderstood due to Jewish control of the media.

re: anglerjew - no good jews

thank you for the png.

all points are shared but to the last two paragraphs: providing destruction, and providing salvation, is still providing. to do what they can't, for them, for more of them, is misery. parasitic shunts exist for all forms of provision. like the anglerjew said, advance interests in every way possible (i.e. female fashion).

All kikes spread mind-poison, and when you promote them for saying a sentence or two that was useful, you are necessarily promoting all their poison as well. Am ignorant person unprepared in dealing with kike tricks will fall for the tricks. The kikes like Stone deliberately put bait like this out so that you trust them, and then they can spring their trap. The vast majority of people can not reliably dodge all their tricks, so these people should NEVER be promoted.

Why would you ever promote a kike when there are others to promote that said the exact same thing? Every action you take is to the exclusion of another. When you promote a kike, you are hurting legitimate opposition by trivializing them and aggrandizing the kike.

Kikes rely on trust and appearing non-threatening. Anything that builds those two traits only aids them and increases their destructive potential.

Fed spotted. Probably affiliated with the company.

The Putin Interviews completely shit on any notion of him being some prime evil boogeyman and only serves to further reveal how American politicians manipulate the general public for their own gain. No wonder his character is being assassinated now. Is any of Stone's other stuff worth watching?


Also, fuck's sake I can barely stand Colbert, I don't want to sit through 7 mins of his horseshit and his brainless libshit audience cackling at every bit of sense Stone tries to impart to them, when does the jew naming happen?

It doesn't.
-t. watched it twice to be sure.