you idiot should read this. perhaps it might get you to stop being a bunch of Nazi Assholes who will die in a bunker.
Other urls found in this thread:
You will never understand the fact that we do not fear death, but only dishonor. Whether or not this is a fight we can win, we will fight, and we will die, and we will be glad to do it. Because only in Vallhalla will we be with our waifus.
Here are 2 undeniable facts:
Tell me honestly who you think is going to win.
The guys with the guns. I wonder who those people are.
Are they attempting to meme the Fuhrer to return?
Cucklefuck tier pasta.
Your redneck killers' favorite weekend activity is crossdressing on the weekends. We've been hearing about these guys armed to the teeth for fucking decades now and they have never and will never do shit.
Anyone have that article where it shows Hitler's "skull" was proven fake? So much Jewing in WWII history as it is. Everybody who took history in school knows how bullshit the narrative is.
Of course the right-wingers honorable battle cry is "that's nigger shit" as he sits in his stool watching his race get genocided.
Any cucks that don't carry a gun at all times around nonwhites deserve to die.
Are you done?
Nope, I could call you a kike all night.
Probably not the ones reduced to quivering teary messes because words.
Probably not the ones who manage to get their asses kicked en masse despite travelling in packs and carrying rudimentary weapons.
Probably not overweight womyn and their underweight numale counterparts.
You're too uptight, stop listening to your rebbe, you need to lighten up and realize that the mandate of the great architect has been bestowed upon Holla Forums. The black lodges are imploding in on themselves. Will you drown in the coming deluge, or will you seek out the true light?
Right-tards trying to talk about shit they don't understand. If you cared about "words" even a fraction as much as left-wingers do, "white people" wouldn't have the negative connotation is has now. Stop trying to embolden yourself from other peoples show of emotion. Leftists have literally smashed and beaten more right-wingers in the last year than rightists have beaten leftists in the last decade. Your little power rangers cosplay meets ain't shit faggot.
Every overweight womyn and their underweight numale counterpart has shut down a right-wing speaker at least twice in their life. How does that make you feel?
Here's a fact. Communist revolution racial or class based has never been successful in a liberal democracy. They've been only successful in decaying monarchies or aristocracies. Only fascists have ever been able to overthrow liberal democracy.
Any proof of this claim? Why are you kikes so concerned with muh emotions? It's a sign you're weak - same with that victim complex. you learn from your jewish masters well
OP is a nigger faggot kike, jew lover.
There is a reason why everybody fears and wants to stifle "white supremacists" and why everybody laughs at similar claims of the lesser races.
White supremacy is real.
The kike has a point. In a sense, the right always follows the rules because the right care deeply about civilisation. The left only wants to destroy it. It's time the right take up The Rules for Radicals the leftists have used for decades. All gloves should be off. If they complain? We just show them the documents of over 50 years of their terrorism.
The best part about this is the whole Anarchist and Communist dynamic. The communists have backstabbed the anarchists EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME. And yet they still cuck for them and fall for it. Anarchkids are complete fools more than the average leftycunt.
I'm sure you realize that only by being civil, the RWDS allow you to continue living, right? I'm sure you are aware what happens when right-wingers get sufficiently pissed off? Last time it happened, they're still making movies about it. The time before it, a whole country was founded. A country you may or may not post from right now.
No one is talking about Holla Forums.
Any proof of this claim?
Go to your local university and try to have a presentation on how Hitler was totally based and cool and see who has you escorted away by security for your own safety.
A sign for insecure losers with small dick problems. The people that shut down and humiliate right-wing activists every single week aren't "weak".
Let me put this into terms you can understand. Leftists believe in "black genocide" and they will (rightly) do anything and and everything to stop it. Now let's flip it around and imagine how ridiculous it would be for a leftist to tell you to "suck it up" when you believe in white genocide. Do you understand where all the "emotion" (its actually passion) comes from?
take a look at this fag
So you say they are overweight wastes of space and they are somehow stronger while having no personal responsibility for anything while staying in college? Ok.
Mental retardation? I'll also take "leftist lies meant to rile up people".
The nonexistent RWDS allow me to live because they don't and will never exist.
Niggas talking about right-wing violence like its an astrological phenomenon that only happens once a century when the moon is right and the planets are aligned or some shit. Thanks for proving my point retard.
Even Jews know this deep down. Look at all the kinds of Jews, the truest Jews are the Middle Eastern Jews hell even negroid Jews have better claim to Judaism but they have a gutter IQs with nonexistent accomplishments.
It's a truth that Ashkenazi Jews realise wish to deny, that the only Jew worth a damn in the whole entire world has mostly White European Blood and is only made superior thanks it and nothing to do with Judaism just like nigger mutts such as Obummer. They are only held up through the superiority of White Blood. The only thing Judaism did was make all who take it up insufferable parasites eventually make people want to call for an exterminator. For the hundredth something time in history we hope the next exterminator called in for the job finishes it for good.
that's the joke retard. You are first to go for violence when other solutions are still possible while left-wingers still control some of the power structure. Going full race war right now will prove fruitless, especially since things started swinging right. The right wing is more civilized because it prefers to exhaust all civilized solutions before going for the throat. Proven time and time again in history. Deal with it or keep REEEEing.
lmao this is why you will lose. Universities will become left-wing military bases. They will be like literal think tanks and you will be in a fucking trash dump somewhere.
Is your little take about millennials supposed to prove that they are not strong? Tell me how many times you have chased a left-winger out of a building.
So you don't understand the comparison? What have just proved is that right-wingers actually tolerate white genocide. OP is actually fucking right. You will die in a bunker sitting on a stool yelling about those millennials with feelings and shit.
I totally agree, Moshe. Rememba the six gorillian!
you've lead a very sheltered life, haven't you
ah, so you're ShariaBlue. Ok.
goalposts thoroughly shifted! Remember kids: local physical strength is the only strength that matters, make no attempts at ingraining your ideology from the bottom up (like we've been doing for ages and which is the most basic reason you lost the election, apart from Hillary gutting Bernie).
I'll take "reaching and projecting" for 600$ Alex.
Telling me how killing your enemy actually helps your enemy, Trudeau.
The only thing that is proven is that the right is domesticated cuckold shit. Even Burke said that he was jealous of how the left jacobins terrorized the system. This is an observation that his been made by right-wingers for centuries. It's only our generation that thinks the right is some kind of violent monster.
uhh germany???
In the Anglosphere you retarded shitskin dog. Double the Americas POPULATION (so not even whites) live in our native homeland of Europe, and half of those (so equal to that of America incase your subhuman brain can't comprehend it) are in Central / Eastern Europe who HATE exotic mongrels like you with a passion, but even then America is promptly waking up. You're done either way, and for all those whites abroad who you rile up across the ocean we will exterminate you like flies.
"voting" doesn't count as overthrowing
stop bumping the thread, retards
Then what the hell are you talking about? I agree, the current state of 'right wingers' is fucking dismal.
How about they come to the majority of America, or the majority of Europe(ie rural areas not their animal-infested safe spaces), spout their garbage, and see how long they stay out of a mental hospital or a morgue?
They are when both themselves and the supposed "right wing activists" are both completely dependent slaves to a system that wants them both dead. If you think muh battle of berkeley or literally anything that touches alt-kike Trumpniggers is indicative of the general sentiments "right-wing" individuals hold then your lot is dumber than I thought
Try actually going to any given rural area and see if faggotry is tolerated?
And any supposed "right winger" that believes in "white genocide" (shit term, demographic displacement is more accurate) and isn't willing to rightly do anything to stop it is just a pawn of the system.
Which is why you will always lose.
Do you honestly think that 'all' young people go to college or that anything beyond basic indoctrination is 'learned'?
They already are, the cities will be next and then the system will collapse due to the unsustainable lifestyles of urbanites driving the economy into the shitter. You have one to three months before the bubbles start bursting, good luck with that revolution once the system attempting to stage it no longer exists.
The issue you're noticing is that most genuine "right wing" took the vargpill and dropped out of society in ~2012-2014 to focus on self-sustenance. Without the system you have nothing, and the system will not exist forever. This is the difference between Holla Forums and the fucktards that show up to 'free speech' protests in fucking goalie-gear they painted black with stolen rusto.
You can't kill everyone until you're 100% sure everyone around you is on board with that, retard. Hitler had to consolidate power first before going all REEEE on too many fronts.
And acting like violent monsters will help with that perception you goddamn retard.
ffs thought i had sage on
Daily reminder Hitler rose to power democratically.
Reminder that Weimar Germany was:
Same cannot be said about America, the American experiment has failed and nothing will change that.
Ok, every young person that matters.
HE ACTUALLY THINKS HES MEMES ARE "INGRAINING HIS IDEOLOGY FROM THE BOTTOM". Trump won the election because more brown people slept than white people the day of voting. It doesn't mean jack shit.
Not going after the people who are responsible for it in every way possible is tolerating. You're such a bitch that actually think violence is the wrong way or something. Every second that a leftist immigration law make is allowed to breath is another second that you tolerate white genocide.
Two of the three. And leftists are currently riding on #3, which is in the process of being fixed through economic strife.
so you say these overweight wastes of space and manlets as you've called them matter now? They're going to be the ruling class soon? Right, right.
So it's all niggers fault now, eh? Goalposts shifted yet again.
Daily reminder Antifa exists and pushes more people into the right every day.
Again with your redneck killers "not afraid of the left". You've tolerated decades of it, literal generations, you saw your children be taken by it and you want to talk about how you won't tolerate it in your face.
Then where is this real right-wing you're talking about? How many fake right-wingers will get beaten until the real masculine tough guys come out?
If not crossdressing then cuckoldry.
They never had that to begin with actually. It was an American invention after the war and Weimar had the most insane divorce rates and broken families ever seen.
Another trope that the right has been saying for decades. I swear if this shit was true there would be enough "ex-leftists pushed into the right" to actually do something by now.
Again with this. Reminder, who were the "great revolutionaries" who promptly fucked everything up? Leftists. French revolution? Leftists. Pol Pot? Leftists. Stalin? Leftists. Che? Leftists. Why? Because they are so steeped in ideology they don't know how real-life fucking works. The right knows and does what is necessary for it to work.
When they have complete social approval to do so, compare Weimar/Hitler.
Moving the goalposts again, this time implying this is a fast process. How long Weimar had to go on before something was done about it? And Weimar was fucking extreme.
Not sticking to your own rules there, leftykike. Funny how you 'tards always write off the working class many of who cannot afford university or college at all.
It isn't, with all the spics that get tagged as 'white' in crime stats and the census. I'd estimate we're about 50% right now. That isn't a majority.
USA isn't currently in one and hasn't seen one on the scale of Weimar's collapse since the Depression. It would take an event on that level, plus mass racial culling to make political solutions viable. They simply aren't.
Most rural people simply aren't affected by the political climate, so they do tolerate it. What happens when the system that allows them to tolerate it(by keeping them unaffected) is no longer there?
The tolerance will evaporate quickly
The 'real tough guys' simply aren't interested in minor political skirmishes or activism like 'advocate for free speech and throw pissbottles at drugged up fat skanks'
They 'come out' when they start feeling evolutionary pressure which simply isn't there because the system allows them to be fed, clothed, and sheltered.
Same difference, you've bought into every urbanite meme they spout about rural folks. What's next? Meth addiction and firewater?
At least we agree on this.
well, shit, conveniently forgot about that. Yup.
also true, which is why Trump is such a long-shot. Trying things from the top this time. Maybe it'll work, maybe not.
Meth addiction is another thing that the right tolerates. ZOG literally poisons white people with drugs and the right won't do shit about it.
And so you've shown your true colours, concern shill. Show a problem and blame the other side for not acting.
USA didn't have a rep majority since Bush and Bush was a fucking neocohen kike. Who is to blame, then? The right for not acting when they didn't have the means to do so, or the left for causing the problem in the first place?
I don't understand shilling like this, is there some psychological principal that shilling like this will demoralize us? Especially with us getting closer and closer to the brink I feel like shilling like this will just result in livestreams of synagogues getting M60'd when the cops stop showing up.
There is less than a decade left in that bubble. Only STEM and vocational training will survive the coming higher education holocaust. Toxic Derrida-esq deconstructionism will be purged from academia.
pride goeth before the fall.
But it is true. People become more conservative as they have kids and age. In addition to that white "conservatives" have higher than replacement level fertility while white "liberals" have very low fertility, add to that the fact that ~80% of kids take their parents political views and we SHOULD be trending conservative. The issue we have is mass immigration of 3rd worlders with retard level IQ's who drop 8+ spawn each and vote for the dem/statist/marxist garbage policy/candidate every. single. time.
Yup, they think these little shill threads are demoralizing, when the reality is they are a chance for Holla Forums to confront their way of thinking with legit lefties - and looking at this thread, this confrontation is very, very one-sided with Holla Forums as the victor.
I doubt it will work, Trump's just another ZOG mouthpiece that has no real interest in incentivizing white births which would be the only think that would make political solutions viable.
Meth isn't as much of a problem as opiates but I overall agree with this.
How about kikes like Reagan, FDR, Lincoln and LBJ for selling our country to Israel and corporate interests one of whom wants you dead and the other that wants you drugged out, docile, and in front of a television?
If you can breath and have guns you have the means to.
Then do it faggot, I'd love to oppose whatever kind of sick technocratic dystopia you commies cook up.
Do you get paid or do you just come here to say you "battle nazis online" on your blue checkmark twitter account? Or are you just leftypol shitposting late at night when the mods are asleep?
Hard to tell right now. He started by fixing some problems that are fixable in the short term, that's promising. Watching him, but not holding my breath just yet.
So kikes and lefties, as usual?
Nothing short of incentivizing white births will cause me to feel anything other than absolute disdain for him.
Neocohens too.
The system that wants you dead and your family BLACKED will not save you, top fucking kek.
I'm not going to do shit because this isn't about individuals. This is about groups and movements.
'd love to oppose whatever kind of sick technocratic dystopia you commies cook up.
It is that simple. That's what anarchy is. There are anarchist communes that actually resist pressures of the state.
God cursed white people when he made the right-wing be the ideology meant to advocate for us. You can't blame me for wanting better of the thing that I am stuck with.
More right-wing Trudeu-ism, yawn.
Also wanted to add to this. I think it was Ms. Coulter who pointed out that the democrats didn't "win the argument" they merely imported voters. All this talk about trump criticizing the press being some sort of "threat to our DEMOCRACY" is such a joke. What kind of democracy is it when the ruling class goes against the wishes of the people i.e. the nation and imports foreigners who not only drive down wages but vote overwhelmingly for larger government interference in our lives? Does that sound like democracy to you? A government importing people who vote overwhelmingly against one political party?
I know, but you go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. As long as reps push for some of our goals, they can wield power. What comes next, time will tell.
I can blame you for not having patience and being a realist though - this will not come during your lifetime, this will not come in the next 10, 20 lifetimes most probably, but as long as work is being done, it will come. Wish it was sooner, but kikes won't just suddenly roll over and die, they will actively work to dismantle everything.
So what you're proposing is to splinter even farther and have no real means to achieve anything instead of using the system to our advantage and then dismantle it once it becomes obsolete. Good luck.
Top zozzle, coming from the LARP'ing wannabe tribal leader millennial. If you're recruiting from universities then you'll be fighting entropy as you attempt to get off the couch before anyone lifts a finger to till the fields. Good luck convincing skinny anti-gun marxist faggots like yourself to ever even touch a machine designed to hurt people.
Again with this "soon" bullshit. The right has been saying this for decade and you will continue to say this shit when your children are old enough to go to school, drink, get married, have children or get drafted. You will keep saying "soon" like your parents and their parents said "soon".
Unless you are actually embedded in the system you wont ever take advantage of it. And there is no right-wing politician that shares even half of your views, there hasn't been one for at least 20 years and there won't be one in the next 50.
Then why do you think anyone else should do anything either, you are a tool of the system and so are the groups you claim to represent.
I was an anarchist for a long time, think about what happens when anarchy is achieved without first having secured a very serious deterrent(which usurps the point of anarchy to begin with)
You would have to first eliminate nuclear weapons and then eliminate statism worldwide - the only viable anarchy involves 95% of the population dying and the rest reverting back to a primitive state and surprise, that's tribalism and whites and kikes have historically dominated this field.
Good for them, hippie communes were better than what these alt-kike idiots are doing now. Best option is still to secure land and build your own communities with proper natural hierarchy like a good 80% of rural America and Europe still is
If you have any goals other than 'secure the existence of our people and a future for white children' you're doing it wrong. Republicans never do things that advance this goal, you are just like boomers - wanting to uphold the system because it allows you to engage base comforts. You will die in a less-white America unless this mindset changes.
shit like this makes me lose faith in this board, you're turning into Reagan zombie-tier repiblikikes
Le teenage edgelord. Which is why;
Comes as no fucking surprise whatsoever.
Lots of retards in this thread who have their head fuck one way or another by Shlomo. None of you bitches have lived or are well read. Your opinions have been formed by basic bitch info. So you really shouldn't be posting. As much as you fuckers fancy yourselves know it alls, you really don't know shit.
So I ask you, what real means of doing this RIGHT NOW do you have? How will you influence public opinion into going full race war? How will you win said race war without being droned the fuck back to the stone age? You seem convinced this is as easy as it sounds, truly an Antifa approach to the problem.
Trump is in the process of deporting illegals and making sure they don't come right the fuck back. That supports the goal of having USA as a white-majority country which will further consolidate white power, so your argument is invalid. No, Trump will not go full race-war (i wish), but it's a step in the right direction.
Oh but I do. It's just that I see the network of interconnecting pieces and what Trump is doing supports that goal in the slightest amount possible. Could he do more? Of course he fucking could. Does he? Of course he fucking doesn't. Does that mean we just roll over and wait for another nigger to be president just so he can fuck over everything we're working towards even more? You don't win by allowing your enemy to make movements wherever they wish. Trump put a stop to most of that and this is why the right can now act in a better capacity than before. It's not perfect, but nothing ever is. Change is a process, not a goal.
More "leftists are weak XD" memes. I have historical precedent to show how much more violent, strong and passionate leftists are compared to right-wingers.
For example
Anarchists literally fucking destroyed Golden Dawn so hard they had to disband only to come back years later and then get fucking destroyed again by the same anarchists.
Anarchists in Greece do things like this now.
Can you tell me how it is that the "cuckolds" and "numales" of the left-wing are so goddamn efficient and strong that they can fucking savage right-wing organizations to literal death and help refugees and browns on the side? This is the actual power of the left, these are the actual death squads and political warriors, they have the real days of the rope.
God cursed white people when he made the right-wing the thing that is supposed to save us.
sure thing chaim
Surprised you aren't bringing up the most prominent Marxist activist of our decade :^)
and in doing so, they're fucking over their own nations, countries and countrymen, and once they're done, they'll instill an even worse system. Why? Because that's how it always goes, impatient little fucks change the course of history through revolution and they always end up worse than they actually were. The right would not be immune because once ideologues start calling the shots, reality goes out the fucking window. It HAS to go bottom-up to prevent from it happening.
Yeah but the science says I'm right, weakling. Socialists are more likely to be weaklings, like you.
We don't want to kill anybody, just protect ourselves from the Jews and their hordes of mud soldiers.
I hate these people
Of course.
Is that why Europe was a pure Christian land for about a millennia and made his only son in the appearance of a white man? Have you forgotten literally the hundreds of other right-wing movements?
not even close.
The eternal institution.
The left is just jewish money guiding dummies. It isn't an actual thing you know?
Jews are ugly
ITT: a kike thinks 'tolerance' was only a meme and not what white people were actually doing. Tolerance means putting up with your shit. That is not surrender. The moment white people believe they are surrendering and not tolerating, you will have to genocide every last one of them. Then, you will either be a kike controlling a hoard of browns or you will be brown with no future but slavery.
Dying is fine, so long as the death is honorable. Kikes can't understand this, which is why they lose.
Hitler's revolution was non-Judaic "left-wing".
Only his government was "right-wing".
If NSDAP Germany happened again, today, with the Anglo-sphere as filled up with cucks and shitskins as it is now, Hitler would have won.
Here's what past history tells us: every civilization enters through stages. As society becomes peaceful, morals turn lax. Cuckoldry, interracial relationships, pedophilia, bestiality, orgies? Nothing new. The apex of sexual promiscuity always precedes societal collapse.
White people may very well die. If it happens, it won't result in a mongrel utopia. Either Islam will rule over the West with an iron fist and women will go back to being cattle, or Asians will take over.
Either way, your victory scenario will result in the same fate for you as for the white nationalists you despise: dead, or a second-class citizen.
Hundreds of millions of dollars of funding from Soros and co, and every Western government at their side. Heck, in France antifa organisations are directly funded by taxes through various organisations.
"Leftists" are incredibly inefficient in terms of violence for their dollar cost. Private military forces do much more damage. Even unhinged Muslims are so much more efficient at terror. Of course, the goal of (((anarchists))) isn't violence per se, but the illusion of grassroots protest and the dismantlement of fraternity and cooperation in native populations through poisoning the well.
To reiterate: where are your strong leftists in Hungary, which "coincidentally" is one of the few European countries not letting Soros ruin their shit? Where are your "anarchists" in China, Vietnam or North Korea, actual authoritarian regimes?
Leftism is the accepted political ideology, and leftists only come out in packs, in countries where they know it's safe to do so. Just look at the Americans arrested at that Trump march looking at jail time complaining their life is in shambles. They're so used to take it for granted their actions are state-sanctioned that they are in literal disbelief the second they face any sort of punishment.
Westerner (((anarchists))) hide behind a trillion dollar corporate justice system just as they pelt minimum wage cops with rocks.
I just bring up that this same science proves that whites are superior in almost every single possible way.
now im not one of these "WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS PLACE !!1! " guys, but what the fuck ?
since when does stupid bait like this
1. not get deleted ?
2. get replied to by non-sageing newfags ?
When the mods are asleep, it's summer, and most of us are fucking bored anyway. besides it helps to throw shit at whatever lefty shows up for the summerfags, but it seems a good deal of (((people))) have been seriously agitated for the past couple of days
Except that right wing ideologies ruled humanity for several millenia; leftism has ruled for barely a century, and it failed everywhere it's been tried.
If you put it into perspective, leftism existed for something like 0.00001% of humanity's existence.
It's like saying scientology is better than christianity because it currently has momentum and christianity isn't fighting back.
And the left tries harder just shows it's not the natural path of humanity.
If leftism was compatible with humanity there wouldn't need to be "revolutions" to apply it - it would naturally happen.
The characteristic of leftism is that it needs to be FORCED onto a society; it needs constant brainwashment on their people to barely stay alive.
Right wing regimes are natural, people naturally follow leaders, naturally deside homogeneity, security, and love strength.
Left wingers barely even believe any of their ideologies, most either parrot what other leftists say, most lefties are not even going to debate the validity of their ideology because they know leftism is a tantrum, that's why they just shut down criticism, and that's why leftists exposed to right wing debate / evidence become right wingers, but not the other way around.
Well it's partly logically correct statement. It is the exact same (((science))) that tells them polar ice is melting, it just has nothing to do with objective, empirically tested science.
LMAO you left fucktards couldn't take my Colombia with your shitty soviet guerrillas, to the point the 60-year old FARC was BTFO by zionist "right"-wing death squads in 8 years. Pic related.
Next example, the Cuban "revolution" when your filthy kin were aided by Americans since you lied to them. Castro actually spoke to American politicians, calling himself a "poor opressed warrior of freedom" and Batista "muh evil dictator". Don't forget Mexico also helped him since leftards cannot do shit themselves.
Third example, Venezuela. Same shit as Cuba but replace Castro with Chavez. He disguised himself as a liberal, waiting his time while he started going up in the military ranks. He had to tell everyone he was not a leftist until he had the power assured.
So no, piece of shit, an open leftist revolution cannot do anything remotely good unless they are either supported by a foreign government or disguise their ideals as "liberal and democratic"
That image won't be accurate, the "memorial space billboard" would make earth look like a grain of sand.
Finally some originals!
We'll stop as soon as niggers arent considered fully developed humans. The evidence is all there, liberals just arent ready to accept that their pets arent people.
Nazism worked for 1930s germany
We need Ultra Apartheid Party, which will send nigger home (who cares where) deport the illegals, and make America great again.
It's National Socialism, and yes, we will.
the left really dont know how to meme wisely.
I seriously hope this is bait.
The irony is there is no way for (((them))) to actually stop #WhiteNationalism, its not like the black kind which they can turn off and on. The Jew could potentially limit the effects of #WhiteNationalism by slowing down the process of #WhiteGenocide but Jews are impotent by nature and so can't.
Stop bumping shit kike threads you niggers.