Good or Bad Holla Forums?
Trading and Item Selling
i think trading is fine as long as it doesn't become the entire focus of the game (tf2)
paying real shekels for items is bullshit
This is pointless.
Make a good fucking game instead of worrying about cosmetics.
total cancer
Why is there no good Spiral Knights porn?
The knights are adorable, yet all the porn is either poorly drawn, futa or furshit.
Ultimately depends, does the game have reasonable trading.
Is the market being rigged
Are in game items inconsequential enough that it renders getting to the point of trading redundant?
It's not as simple as
if(trading) = true
Print "BAD"
You're full of shit, trading is basically unnecessary to tf2, unless you are a jewlord like geel who uses it as a substitute for a real job by manipulating the economy and botting low craft numbers to sell to retards for real money (Not gabebucks)
Because Sega game.
No, it should've never been a thing in the first place
so you're really trying to tell me that the quality of TF2 hasn't taken an enormous nosedive after they really started focusing on cosmetics? because tf2 wasn't always referred to as a hat simulator, you know, it used to actually be a pretty good game
Not really
They never patch gameplay so it's virtually been the same aside from the stray bug patches and big balance patchesChoose your words carefully buddy you might make yourself sound stupid
if you cant fap to cartoonish porn then maybe you dont deserve any
There's a difference between "cartoonish" and an outright lack of skill on the part of the artist.
do you have any idea how far they've fucked their game just recently?
You mean with the changes to how fire works in team fortress 2, all mediguns accelerating the medic to the speed of the heal target?
Dropped Mediguns uber degrading over time to prevent people from just picking up a fully charged medigun and uber chaining?
Giving the scout Airblast Jr. on his worst primary weapon alternative? I play the game regularily, I'm well aware of Meat your Match. Which was a large patch that yes, had signifcant balance changes to the game. I wasn't denying the stray large balance change patches.
holy shit why is there so much gay furry porn about a game where you only ever play as black mage?
The three best armors in the game are all furry crap.
its all tagged gremlin. arent those enemies or is there also a gremlin armor?
Furries, user.
They're a fucking plague on the internet.
I'm like 99% sure. It was either the best overall stat gear, or the best costume item Besides the Super Metal Sonic costume which for some reason, was a costume set with stats if I remember right
thats very amusing
No moreso than they usually do with big balance patches?
Everybody wonders what the fuck Valve's smoking with how out of left field almost all changes are, people who haven't actually played the game in years but pretend they're experts on the current state of affairs say the game is ruined all over again, life goes on regardless. Same as every other balance patch
They added shitloads of new weapons continuously for a long period of time. How can you say they never "patch gameplay"?
Since when? The last class update?
Do you NOT consider adding a new weapon with new stats/rules to be a change to the gameplay?
The game was ruined before they finished class updates.
As a scout, when I had to start worrying about splendid screen and direct-hit and mini-sentries, the game just turned into an instant-death around every corner.
Reminder that CSGO has fucking perishable cosmetics that can cost hundreds of dollars in a 20$ game and Valve has done absolutely nothing to stop the real money trading for skins.
Damn, that game had so much potential…
If they had the option for elevator pass back at launch, I would have paid.
But I wasn't blowing ANY money on that crystal energy crap.
Progression was all about saving money for better gear.
If I just bought a load of crystal energy, I could have just traded it for money and just gone straight to the best gear. the game would have been over.
Also this game has my all-time favorite iteration of bomberman in pvp.
I think deathmatch is way better than elimination for bomberman, despite elimination being classic.
Trading is definitely always better than having skin market like in LoL where you cannot exchange anything with other people. People hated hats in TF2 but forget how great they were compared to current models of selling skins, even through Valve really got overboard with promotional stuff. You actually could get everything without paying anything.
This is why I hate Hearthstone. Instead of trading with people for one card you want you need to make useless dust for 25% value. If this isn't jewery I don't know what is.
About D3 and on the side note PoE, it is fine because you can easily get items for your builds instead on relying on rng. Needing to work around things you find is fun but it usually ends up as doing build which is least gear reliant.
I hate how they ended D3 AH far too soon, it was shit but leagues would fix it.
They eliminated the cost for the elevator way too late and the updates have been pretty pathetic lately. It was fun and the music plus the visual design were top notch. But the devs had no fucking clue what to do with the game and now its an empty husk of what it could have been.
I had a lot of fun trading in Diablo 2. This was a LONG time ago mind you, and I know things changed for the worse after I quit, but it was a good system.
I really don't want to see what WoW would have been like without any sort of trade.
I didn't ask for this feel
Spiral Knights had a pretty good trading system. It was a typical MMO trading system but it worked well enough that once I became over-leveled and bored with the game I decided to become a merchant and OP Party Member For-Hire.
It was a bretty fun MMO while it lasted, would've been even more fun with a story/endgame. Too bad it went to shit.
What does this have to do with trading and item selling, user?
Nothing. He's just a summerfag who tries to derail threads he doesn't like.
What's wrong with Sprial Knights?
Last time I played it was better than ever after they dropped that retarded fucking energy system. People can actually play the game for more than 3 hours without having to wait for their energy to recharge or burning up 85% of their daily income on energy jews.
Trading and item selling lets you be the jew you always wanted to be.
Alas, I was never good at it.
It's an MMO, that's what's wrong.
Steam Trading was a mistake.
Letting you trade items between games and trade items FOR games started all the shit that rapidly evolved into the current Steam Guard crap and 1000 dollar knives.
I don't mind item trading, it can add an extra layer of depth to the game and keeps the game alive for much longer. That is, until the following occurs
1 - Pay to Win
If you can pay for better (mechanically) weapons and items then trading is fucked
2 - Pay to Progress
i.e when the game throws a brick wall at you and says that you can't continue unless you pay, this can be but not always related to Pay to Win with item level boundaries
3 - The developers leave the market to grow naturally
Unfortunately this is where TF2 is going down badly. Items should have their value based on supply and demand, however, with Valve altering how many of the hats work in the game, this is artificially inflating the prices of many hats and makes people afraid of trading because "What if my hat goes all-class?"
4 - There is actual gameplay
Games that just become virtual stock markets no longer become fun and very few people become invested in the economy since the entry barrier is so high
5 - Opportunity to progress
Essentially the ability to make and lose money in the economy rather than having rigid pricing systems that prevent players from progressing without outside influences
I'll forgive a game the existence of 3rd party pay sites, like what Diablo 2 had. I'd much rather have free trading with the potential for abuse than tightly controlled shit like D3.
I support any system that lowers the price of games towards zero because it's financed by idiots lured by vanity items as long as it doesn't interfere with the core gameplay (aka pay2win).
It also binds those people to the game, so the servers stay alive longer. I wish more good games would capitalize on this. It should be possible to find a good balance between ripping these people off and not compromising gaming quality. Even better, we need a system that purges those furries and redditors for acting like scum while always luring them back like beaten husband, reinvesting time and money over and over again.
It's like patreon for cuckolds. Everybody wins.
I don't understand this whole thing with Geel, all I know is that he runs
Everything is instanced so it's only as much of an MMO as PoE or Vindictus. It's more like an open lobby with a matchmaking system for content.
Found the trade cuck
Another roll
Trading was fine, the moment that money gets involved is when you've gone too far. It's one thing for players to trade items they don't want for ones they do with other players.
But the whole Steam item economy where you've got people playing CS:GO and TF2 solely to try and make money to buy more Steam games is just fucking awful and it needs to go. It's the reason why Ruskies have taken over CS:GO and TF2 and I'm really tired of listening to Ruskies while on American servers.
All trading is fine as long as real money has no bearing on the system. Runescape did this well pre-GE.
pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry pls no furry
You're full of shit. You still need to trade to get weapons. Also Valve has done things in the past to force trading. Don't you remember the hat sets that gave bonus stats, but only if you had the hat that went with. Shit like spy cloaking faster
Let's see what we get
Well I'll play this game.
People don't understand that cosmetics in games is simply what jewelery has been for years.
It's a thing that rich people buy specifically for its look and prestige, and smart merchants, or traders in this case can exploit that vanity for their profit.
Trading is awesome. It feels like some sort of futuristic cyberbazaar.
How bad's the economy gone down the shitter? I remember a year or some months ago there was one cocksucker who bought out all the CE on the market and marked it up by double or so and the developers still staunchly refuse to set a flat rate for CE that isn't buying it from them because "w-we don't want to interfere with the economy"