Pokemon Go was a mistake
Pokemon Go was a mistake
It could have been worse.
Fucking check the catalog, we have 12 of these fucking things. Kill yourself, I don't care.
Niggers were a mistake.
We already have ten threads about this "game", fuck off already.
Its not even a good game either.
People are just retarded and niggers took advantage.
Not having a Pokemon GO containment cycle thread was a mistake. This Austin keeps shitting up the board.
Was this scripted by some 60 year old faglord between sessions of ramming dragon dildos up his urethra or something?
Thanks OP, now I have ear-herpes from your shit.
Fucking nerds.
Surprise, sur-fucking-prise. I can't believe this has to be said by a post on Holla Forums but Pokemon Go isn't to blame for this shit; people being dumb people are.
How's the weather in tel aviv?
Holla Forums please go
out of tens of millions, these few cases are insignificant.
people have killed themselves with fucking tinker toys. Where is the salt against those?
How is that Holla Forums? Are facts Holla Forums too?
Anyone have the video of the Christcuck saying pokemon go is demonic?
you're an idiot.
because it's pants shitting levels of retarded conspiracy theory based on nonsense and more stretching than a 2 dollar prostitute.
Do you believe everything the media tells you?
why do you believe that everything in the world is connected and everyone is in on it?
have you considered, maybe, just MAYBE that things aren't all one giant intertwined run by jews out to get you?
I never mentioned jews, i don't go to Holla Forums either. I just like informing myself with alternative outlets.
Sums up Holla Forumscucks in a nutshell.
the fucking kike is too busy plaiyng edf
how is it a conspiracy theory when it is well known facts? It's not even something you have to dig to find, its all out in the open. Stop being a faggot for 20 seconds and think objectively instead of losing your mind over the Holla Forums boogieman.
What? Why so aggressive?
you should consider that not only mainstream media has an agenda to push.
in terms of media.
just because something is small doesn't mean they are right.
just because something is big doesn't mean they are wrong all the time.
judgement is the key, not blind acceptance. learn it.
But user, without the Holla Forums boogyman they have no argument.
No fucking way.
it's the same logic as
just because you find tenuous, ill-defined and probably insignificant connections doesn't mean the entire thing is one giant conspiracy with no other purpose than to monitor you jacking off.
Lots of assumptions, but okay whatever.
Think about it this way:
The game uses location data that is tied to your phone.
This data is unique to your phone.
The game is free-to-play, meaning that it has two methods of financial support: in-game transactions and advertising.
Advertisers love location data because they can use it to shill things in your geographic area, and thus rake in more ad money.
If advertisers can get to your location data, of course the CIA/NSA/FBI can too.
TL;DR location data on free-to-play means advertisers can get it, which means CIA gets it.
TL TL;DR turn off fucking location services for everything except maybe weather if you're that worried about CIA and other data mining.
Because the Jewish boogyman that the Holla Forumscucks make on a daily basis is totally an argument.
For a board about "Free thinking" you're not very good at that last part, are you?
explain to me how this is any different that what iphone runs all the time, google maps, yelp etc.
you're making an issue out of pokemon go because you don't like the game, and trying to say that's it's intended purpose is monitoring you, when it does literally NOTHING NEW
What, nobody mentioned that but you.
on top of that, you're citing nonsense about "company links" when it probably means nothing and was written by some tin foil hatter.
You know you can't just copy the other side's argument and assume it will work, right?
But it is always the jews.
Name one thing the jews didn't do against western society.
and there it is
you're a low rent idiot. no fucking shit this company is amassing user data and selling it, it's a mint.
think about this: geodata service needs pictures. place faggot pokemon next to object, get picture.
Stop quoting me like that.
DoesN't it only release like tomorrow?
it would have to send data back to the company for that to work, and videos/pictures aren't doing so.
facebook has that market cornered anyway, go bitch about that.
was it too close to home?
Home to what?
Hey, wait a second. I think I see you in another thread.
you're fucking delusional.
How about a source that isn't Wikipedia.
Just explaining how Pokemon Go can be considered a data mining operation.
Of course, everything else that mines data except actual honeypots only does so to sell that data, with CIA access just being another form of that.
How does it feel to never actually notice anything?
so what you're arguing is that this is no different from anything else run on a smartphone.
fucking millennials
and it gets camera and upload acess, who are you to say it isn't sending pictures? there's nothing, legal or technology, stopping it.
Name one thing the jews didn't do against western society.
What's the difference besides CIA shills actually get payed to shill
It's called a conspiracy theory and it's making up patterns because you can't think in any other way.
not everything is connected.
then fucking deny it access when it asks for it, or don't play it. problem solved.
the people using smartphones already have 100 other applications doing the same thing. hell you sign away privacy when you enter someone else's business. welcome to the 21st fucking century.
>>>Holla Forums is that way. back to your hugbox.
I think you should leave.
This is even funnier than the other one
Was getting a Pokemon caught part of your plan?
so let me get this straight
this isn't fucking Holla Forums you fucking cancer.
that's not an argument, and neither is conspiracy shit. your attempt to gloss over my posts so you can ignore them is just weakness. faggot.
Wew lad, >>>Holla Forums needs the traffic. You should go back there.
I never said anything about jews that would be you, click on my ID to see my posts and prove it yourself, i'm telling you to keave because you are being dense and rude.
it's a conspiracy theory because it's based on nonsense, ill defined links and stretching for straws. think.
my post was "not everything is one giant interconnected machine run by jews"
you chose to ignore every part of it except for one word. fuck off.
No nigger, the entire thing isn't a conspiracy theory, the company making the entire game is a fucking intelligence agency front for crying out loud.
go take your meds.
it's amazing how you alternate rapidly between denying things exist and excusing them for existing.
and I doubt the app works if you deny it permisions.
Retards, I swear.
I meant in general but, you know, that extended part with "On a daily basis".
and yet I just did and it pretty much sums up the tards that post that ebin happy merchant meme on every thread,
I could ask
"Name one thing the whites didn't do against western society?"
The question is worded fucking terribly to give the impression of no answer being available, so let me try and rephrase that
"Name one thing the Jews did to aid Western Society"
I could go back and talk about how the Jewish race were a corner stone of Mathematics and Written Language but we're talking more Contemporary,
So lets go with an Easy example, Albert Einstein (A name like that screams Christianity) who massively furthered the fields of Physics. Without the Works of Einstein we probably wouldn't have been able to create satellites which is a huge portion of Global communications. The push for Nuclear weapons also pushed Global media massively which essentially created Anime and Japanese Video games by the US occupying Japan post-WW2
"Look Mom, I posted it again!"
My last question for the thread is, Why the fuck does it even matter? Lets be fair here, I doubt the CIA and shit would really care for the activities of some random neckbeard as he goes out and catches a fucking Caterpie. Not only that but you have the option not to play if you're not interested in the game. Ultimately this thread seems more like circlejerking than actually dicussing the game.
that hasn't happened at all. Go read the fucking thread.
I posted that not everything is connected and he responded, "I didn't mention Jews"
get over yourself.
what's amazing is how you can convince yourself of something that hasn't happened in an attempt to think you're right all the time.
fucking mental gymnastics.
but what do I expect from tin hatters.
Are you the same one that posts that same thing on every /n/ thread?
take your fucking meds.
Is really pathetic how the dead meme is still pushed like this
Get out, jew.
You should seriously consider leaving this place, you don't belong here.
triggered autists like that are easy to spot.
Another way to find them is how they grow accustomed to posting that one picture they love so much every day in every board for every situation, autism does that.
you're fucking retards.
niggers are a mistake
Go and read Future Crimes and you may gain an insight.
Not picking our own cotton was a mistake.
wait honest question, I know stupid people are spied on, but how are they being tricked on spying on each other.
Every single one of these threads gets Holla Forums derailed before it leaves the fucking cradle.
Holla Forums is an okay board, and their crossboarding is helpful at times, but this is too much.
If you want to talk politics, take it to fucking Holla Forums.
At least was somewhat vidya related.
Anons 959c1e, 24acfe, and 336b33, take this shit to >>>Holla Forums where it belongs, whether or not Pokemon Go was actually put together by the CIA is irrelevant to its effect on vidya and those who play vidya.
I shouldn't be laughing at this post, but somehow it makes sense
No john, you are the retards
This is just rich. Yeah sure, don't arrest the fucking fag who spammed nigger shit, but ban the Christian who did absolutely nothing at all. HOW FUCKING DARE somebody who isn't in line with the hive mind express his opinions or dump images. Even as I type this they're still shitting up that thread, doing exactly the same thing I did, but you do nothing because nobody is triggered by them. If you actually cared at all about the quality of the board you would just delete the entire fucking thread and be done with it. I was going to ignore it because that shit doesn't belong on Holla Forums, until I saw that apparently the mods didn't care, and that I didn't have to sit back and let the fucking theists be the only ones able to get a word in edgewise. How is this any different from halfchan at this point?
Clearly you're not very happy to be here and clearly most people are not very fond of you being here.
Perhaps you should go to reddi and everyone can be happy?
what if people don't live on the USA
sure thing uncle Holla Forums
You can't call that life.
I apologize for my off topics but i'm not Holla Forums.
Woah, amazing counterpoint there! How can facts stand up to browbeating?
>implying the CIA is competent enough to mine only American data
Funny picture but you're right, no way.
Registeel isn't even in PokemonGo and all the models in PokemonGo aren't sprites like that one is. Should of been obvious.
it'd be sure to crash their servers with our 3rd world information
Ita because niggers
They'll just buy a bigger server.
Gotta use the entire budget after all.
I was just pointing out writing "REAL ethnicity" sounds really suspicious and conspiratory, and you didn't even mention whether the "source" has any facts to back up these "facts".
take off the tinfoil hat Holla Forums, if you're gonna hate on god's chosen people you better do it right or you're gonna keep look -ing like a loon.
for them, yeah sure, a big server
one thats masked
You can ask the portuguese, those guys were at the top of the slave trade and it really was a jewish business.
Is it just me or the anti/pol/ people are more annoying and loud than Holla Forums themselves?
That's like comparing shit and flies, it's a matter of personal opinion on which is more annoying.
You can dodge the shit if you see it first, but the flies will always be around it to get on your eyes and nose.
It's about 50/50 after Holla Forums eats the bait.
Which means that either we need to remove the bait, which would require 24/7 mods, or teach Holla Forums crossboarders to just filter the bait, which is probably impossible right now since it's the summer of an election year and Holla Forums is drowning in newfags.
Shit sucks, but such is life in the zone.
We shouldn't teach Holla Forums not to take the bait, we should teach anti-Holla Forums to not bait. :^)
speaking of the zone, I wanted to play pokemon go in a forest nearby but there was no signal.
what's the point if I can't enjoy nature and catch pokemon at the same time.
the thread never stood a chance.
oh but the person you happen to disagree with is the reason the thread sucks! that's it! not the fucking cancer from Holla Forums that shits up every single FUCKING thread.
Holla Forums just can't ignore the bait, the guys starting shit KNOW it's bait but they're too confrontational to just ignore it.
oh and anti-pol is just eternally triggered
But you derailed the thread amigo
It sounds pretty relevant, to me.
People who who point out facts and have opinions are Holla Forums now? Please just stop posting and leave. You're just making a fool of yourself.
the first image portrays that they are the same thing, each box parallels the one next to it with simply different wording. The "improved" version misses this point in an attempt to add on more categories and minimize the message.
Only if they're hatefacts
niggers being niggers is pokemon go's fault
ummm no.
Can you disprove them? :^)
to disprove something, there first needs to be proof to attack.
Is this kike retarded ?
Of coursh.
Professor Oak refused our trainers in favor of yours. We had to find out what he told you.
so what proof is there of all these claims other than grasping at straws for completely irrelevant "connections" between unrelated companies and government institutions.
this is chem trail level retarded.
He doesn't have to. All he needs to do is make Holla Forums look bad and make Holla Forums look like the good guy. By even a single post that even remotely might be Holla Forums related they will make a big show of it and complain about how Holla Forums always has to bring their, "cancerous shit," everywhere, thus baiting everyone to reply and calling them retarded derailing the thread. They're fucking cancer to all boards they go in.
It's time to face the facts, best board.
fucking niggers every time rofl
kikes make money off of this somehow i swear
yeah, okay. keep thinking that.
stop wearing those bait clothes you faggotini
the air is thick with hooks!
I remember back in spring when the only regular Holla Forums derails were in the usual rugga-tier threads.
All the Holla Forumslocks who couldn't hold themselves back from bait would post in those all day, leaving the rest of the board relatively free from Holla Forums derailment, since the only Holla Forums crossboarders there could actually hold their fucking spaghetti.
Also, they at least paid the courtesy of saging when posting in Holla Forums mode outside of the designated Holla Forumsposting thread.
TL;DR fuck summer.
It's not a conspiracy theory. Companies want money and it is a well known fact that they sell user's data to anyone interested. It isn't illegal, it's easy and it's safe. Why wouldn't big companies do this? Getting the most profit possible is the goal. Any software that is free you should be heavily suspicious of. I think you're just overly sensitive over things that you associate with as "bad".
Somebody get this hothead outta here!
Too be nitpicky for a second. That is a theory of conspiracy though that's not necessarily a bad thing to state unless you're crazy sheltered. Pretty undebatable that shady shit happens.
oh wait I forgot
Anybody have an idea what kind of data they collects and how ? From what I see the data usage is very low. Maybe they are just collecting localisation or something like this.
Windows 10 takes pictures of your monitor every now and again. Even such small amount of information is something seeked out by companies, but since I'm not a techie or even have a smart-phone I can't really say what kind of information they may or may not be gaining.
the content was funny but the speaker was a cunt
cherry picked the most out there response, nice job.
the data usage is low, but not so low to rule out a few megs of compressed video stills whenever you're looking at a pokemans.
boomers are in their 60s, user. genXers are the 40 year old Holla Forumsirgins you are probably thinking of
No it wasn't. I was a glorious gift by Lord Kek to provide us with unlimited laughs, you heretic.
Not sure which is dropping their spaghetti more hilariously. People that play Pokémon Go and get themselves injured. Or summerfags who refuse to laugh at casuals stupidity and think they are fitting in Holla Forums
Nature is weeding out the stupid and cancer and newfags can't even see that.
archive or gtfo
Burden of Proof's on you, dumbass.
it is a tornado of shit, hilarious but now there is also shit everywhere.
read the fucking thread
Yeah, it's TOTALLY impossible for an intelligence agency to collect information from people when given the opportunity. That's precisely why the NSA isn't collecting information. Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning were just conspiracy theory kooks.
fuck you
nobody is saying it's impossible, what is being said is that it's fucking RETARDED to think that this fucking mobile game was developed by the CSI and NSA only to spy on people.
what's this accusation based on you might ask?
a company that funded a group of companies that included a different company that later funded a third company that later made pokemon go, worked with the CIA at one point to scour documents looking for corrupt card players!
How did you even get "Jews" from "CIA"? You might be the delusional conspiracy theorist here.
I did, some autist with 30 posts can't stop typing
oh excuse me, they didn't work with the CIA, the company funded a group of 90 companies and the CIA director said it was helpful rooting out corrupt card players.
CIA Jews.
of fuck off, I said it wasn't a conspiracy and everything isn't one overarching machine.
stop focusing on one god damn word. stop pretending like there isn't 1000 posts on this site blaming Jews for this kind of thing, stop pretending that that excuse isn't spilled on Holla Forums constantly. fucktard.
Jewish Jews.
Please stop
how about stop posting this conspiracy shit all the time every day and getting buttblasted when anyone calls you a retard for it.
>We literally watched netflix and had some dude weed lmao and made out a bit
There's nothing retarded about an intelligence agency collecting information from the services and tools that people constantly use. They do this constantly, even with anonymous services like cock.li.
that's not what the discussion was about.
people insist the game was DEVELOPED BY and DIRECTLY AND INTENTIONALLY FEEDS DATA to those agencies based on retarded fucking irrelevant funding links.
Consider it.
The thing is while it may be funny now you, me, and everyone else here knows with this being a success they're gonna push this shit more and more.
Now let's forget the issues of data collecting for a moment and let's touch on how slipshod this game is with virtually non-existant content, with this being successful we are GOING to get more games like this in the future.
Now to the average shitposter on here it won't bother them because they don't play, but to people who actually want more good games good fucking luck finding them.
Using the dpad to walk to completely arbitrary areas and pushing buttons is different from physically doing and swiping, how?
Not out problem. We aren't the ones that have to clean up the shit.
Pokemon GO is a fraction of the content, effort, and "depth" of the already shallow piss puddle that a regular Pokemon game is.
it's the social aspect that people enjoy, and the novelty.
It's not to expect that rip-off's will necessarily to well, and it's unlikely that development of more classic style games is going to stop because of this.
if you're worried about game development stopping because of mobile games success, or are simply afraid of change.
perhaps it will make you feel better to know nintendo is releasing an old-fashioned miniature NES
we dont have to clean it up but we are going along for the ride. it seems like a massive success and will only encourage people to make more phoneshit in lieu of decent vidyas.
it stops being funny to me when i realize "nintendo is making phone games". i suppose if nintendo no longer means anything to you or never did in the first place it wont be as heavy, but the nightmares dont stop there because they are trendsetters.
that is 999% jew. not 99.9%
AKA not the game itself it's just a chatroom.
Anyone got that image of the progression of game audiences from people who actually want to play the fucking game to it becoming a chat room and pissing the original players off till they leave.
Are you insane?
I just want to go out and catch Pokemon…
I just want to go out and catch Pokerus…
Getting real tired of Holla Forumstards coming around.
Kill yourself Holla Forums.
Feeling the Burn™, I see.
Nigga you gay.
It's okay, I guess, but the guy is totally forgetting about the real danger to folks with nothing to hide: blindness to context and incompetence.
Suppose, for a moment, that you're GMing a game for some guys you met on /tg/.
It's in a modern setting and one of them is playing a character whose skills are in making things explode without using military grade explosives.
Because of this, you now need to know a thing or two about things that go boom but don't require access to an arms dealer.
So you look it up, and suddenly you're on an NSA watch list and some SWAT goons kick down your door and shoot your dog because you didn't play fucking DnD like every other gaming group in your area.
And that's just with the contextual blindness of data mining.
Incompetence is even easier: you could be calling a friend, and call him "da bomb" because it's the 80s again, or perhaps you even start baneposting and get to the part with crashing the plane.
The guy listening in is fucking tired, he's been sifting through the most tedious conversations trying to find a single scrap of useful data so he doesn't have to lie to his wife when he answers yes to her question of "done defending our country today," and he pulls the alarm because this is the closest thing he's had in the five years he's been sitting at that fucking desk.
Suddenly, your door's gone and there's five guys pushing and shoving to beat the shit out of you over verbal shitposting.
This is the sort of thing privacy exists to prevent, so make sure to shit on "it's okay if you have nothing to hide" fags with everything you have.
Pure chatrooms always end up becoming the most cancerous of places.
Just look at any Holla Forums board.
If there is a better way, we haven't found it yet.
Mark, why aren't you and your hotpocketers doing your fucking jobs and banning derailing shitposters from Holla Forums?
Nope, no shilling here.
Come on son, the movie is 4 years old.
Sounds to me like Pokemon Go is just doing its part to weed out a few retards.
I live in Canada, where the game isn't even supposed to be out yet, but on the second day after release the local police station had to issue a PSA telling people not to play Pokemon while driving, politely reminding them that it's a $280 ticket if they get caught.
ITT: One incredibly ass ravaged goon bleeds profusely out his anus for over five hours.
where are the video games
Somewhere else.
Fuck off /leftypo/.
It only works on cities and/or mostly populated areas, because reasons.
This community is so small and niche I seriously doubt a random person stumbled onto this site, this thread, and independently proclaims jews are behind a video game robbery.
Yeah m8 people love to just give their money away for free
Now is not the time to use that.
how would you catch it?
I'd cut out the weed. Also break it off immediately if you're bisexual. If you're not white and live in the west ignore both and keep doing what you're doing.
Nice derail, cockgobbler.
You are one useful idiot.
You guys must be really assblasted that someone took his time and actually did his research and spreads it now.
'sup central intelligence agency, you should try that on places where more people are american and thus fall for this term you made up in the 60s
Full autism on this bread
I woke up to find this, my asian friend texted me asking if I wanted to go…
I then laughed in his face and called him a fucking nerd, bullying him profusely
Well, it's been a good ride m80s.
He's trolling, mates (or near enough - making shitpost-tier replies to every post and thinking it'll change the minds of some minority). Don't bloody bother replying lads.
But I'll take the bait:
That's Holla Forums, not Holla Forums. Have you been to both boards? A lot of Holla Forumslacks are in favor of spying, but no Holla Forumsies are. Applications of a video game to information gathering may not be Holla Forums, but I don't see what's Holla Forums about this.
In general, but this thread (once you filter 959c1e) is something of an anamoly.
or they could just let us have the board since were most of the userbase