You are not Dobson

You are not Anthony burch

You are not movie Bob

You are not Paul feig

You are not Mcintosh

But are you Jake Rapp?

They make Chris Chan, JustinRPG, Nick Bate and Pamperchu feel proud of themselves

This reads like fucking parody, holy shit

video games?

The level of self-awareness lacking in this maletoddler is on an entirely different plane of existence.

To any newly initiated reading this I'd recommend rewatching ForeverPandering's "Sins of a Complacent Artist" written around the Big Ben saga.

jake showed up on lolcow to brag about his cool poly lifestyle

the female /cow/boys left him rectally ravaged and he disappeared

You mean /cow/ or am I missing something?
I'd love to see that.

He actually showed up to post on /cow/? Got a link?

Does he own a mirror?


Nobody cares. Nice hat.

Oh yeah, that's not something that can be misinterpreted. How is Dobson so fucking dense that in trying to support gays, he made the one thing there that has a distinctly negative connotation into the gay symbol?


He should have made the ghost gay.

I'm not Jim Sterling either, which is nice.


Who knew slactivist tripe (like shoving rainbows into your avatar) on social media was still a byproduct of complete morons desperate for moral validation they've been conditioned to seek from progressive ideologues?

That would have been a mistake too; the ghosts are the bad guys. He should have just made the background a rainbow.

Or, you know, actually gotten a life instead of throwing his views at random strangers on the internet. That's not how you make a change.

You should try being Null.

Wonder what pigfeed's been up to lately anyhow.

All of the day bro

Well Holla Forums?

Ah yes, words of wisdom from the anime-hating, D&D-hating, comic-hating Dobson. Truly, he is a paragon of acceptance.



Bazinga, amirite? xxDDD

"Nerd culture" is a bullshit term for attention whores wanting to look geeky. It's always been the separate fandoms, such as the otaku, trekkies, star gate (I can't for the life of me remember how they called themselves), bronies, etc. that had some sort of an inner culture; they didn't form some sort of an overarching federation for all things non-normalfag. Hell, many times, part of the culture of some fandoms was hating other fandoms. It was always about being part of a dedicated niche surrounding something you liked; letting in normalfags defeats the entire fucking purpose of it. Gatekeeping is not just beneficial, but absolutely necessary for a healthy fandom.

Said the guy who only likes Korra cause of lesbians

Maybe Dobson thinks LGBT is islamophobic? He a atheist that hates Christains yet support Islam and defend Muslims to death.


seriously, the only movie that "got it right" was fucking Galaxy Quest; the people who have taken apart EVERY LITTLE PIECE of their fandom and argued/studied it time and time again.

I see you hate partixular persons.

I don't get it

oh for a second i thought he was mad at us

I don't know how Dobson thinks he has the right to can anyone a whining man children. I mean, at least these people are just making tweets, they don't have a huge art gallery of decades of strawman comics.

same way i can do it. by not giving a fuck about myself and just seeking to put people im unhappy with down. when youre arguing on the internet you dont exist, only the perceived flaws of the enemy are there to be picked through like sifting through a dirty litterbox.

nice reference

This kind of shit is old as dirt.